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/heem/ and kisses edition
drug test merab
Omalley was literally raped here.
He got kissed multiple times without consent.
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oh its true
its damn true
Me and your nan be like
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Georgians stronk
Imagine if the clock didn't save him...
Patient Counterstriker Lanklet Sniper Shitter Bros… The "Well, at least he’s a striker"-fans are starting to turn on us
It didn't. He stood up before the round ended. His entire little performance there was due to the fact that he couldn't submit O'Malley and was trying to be cute about giving up. He is incapable of doing anything but being a blanket.
*claps* Let's work heem
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Wtf is his problem?
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>I can't believe Herb is saying that shit to me
>held half of the division's championship hostage
mountainniggas are the real caucasian, all the other whyt bois are fake caucasian
Herb was channeling his inner sassy black woman
>instead it just spawn superhuman 7'4 mutants with cutaneous respiration and regenerative tissues
merab was channeling his inner sport ruining decision merchant
cockasian isn't a thing
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>fuck all of you fake niggas that doubted merab literally fell for ufckike tricks and rooted for artificially manufactured champion.
>if how they treated yan did not clue you in that suga was propped up by dana then maybe you will see truth after last night.
>indomitable human spirit won against millions of dollars, pr, confirmed cheating and many more. dare now and call merab a boring fighter who in reality showed how boring suga was.
>keep seething umar is next in the machine's terminate list and he will fall more easily. merGOD killed dana's son now he will kill khabib's son. corruption will be uprooted.
goofy ahh heemer
hey at least diego lopes had a fun fight
UFC is garbage “sport” it do rigged for big money, bad man
nice english pablo
I'm always saying this
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>retarded inbred epo wrestlefucking faggot
>alternative is retarded cuckold bitchmade clown
>contender inbred ultraroided wrestlefucking faggot project
it's pretty weird watching the sport when you don't root for anyone and you know for a fact that they won't heem each other
>Welcome to the Sugar Sh-ACK
o'malley will never be champ again
umm, you're chinese
>indomitable human spirit
is that how you translate epo in georgian?
cucklley couldn't even face the media?
What do you even say? "Yeah we all saw that shit, it was gay as fuck, no I don't want a rematch, fuck this gay sport, I wish I was Canelo"?
I don't understand how the scoring in MMA works.
49-46 48-47 48-47 is pretty close, but i felt the whole fight was a one sided beatdown except the last minute of round 5. I've seen people give Sean round 3 as well, but the few good shots he landed there didn't seem like it should've been enough to win it in my eyes.
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Any coomwebms or something? Big Norm fought, then there's Carazzo or whatever her name is with Shevchenko? No asses or whatever?
I knew Merab had a strong chance of winning so I didn’t bother watching. I’m not gonna pretend that I enjoy watching him fight but I won’t waste time and energy being negative about something I’m not forced to watch. I would prefer a champion that regularly gets finishes but he won fair and square.

I don’t see many people at Bantamweight who could beat him besides Umar. O’Malley could make some adjustments in a rematch but I wouldn’t pick him to win. A rematch with Jose Aldo could be interesting but I’d imagine that Merab has only gotten better since then. I don’t see Figueriedo having the skills to prevent Merab from getting takedowns and winning rounds.

Merab and Umar will be the heads of Bantamweight for the forseeable future, for better or worse.
there is nothing to understand, they tried to rig it for their project but they couldn't because that clown is so fucking shit he couldn't do the bare minimum against a guy whose only skill is epo
Let's be real, the meta of MMA has now been solved - pressure with takedowns, smoothering, low effort 'strikes' - no ground and pound. win a boring decision

UFC is over

the sport peaked in 2015/ and its only downhill from here.
Is the heem consensus pretending that UFC Noche wasn't absolute dogshit and boring
Meh, a few years ago people were saying the meta was solved and it was circling the cage and spamming calf kicks with some feints interspersed. It changes every few years
Imagine if schaub started kicking merdab's belly from round 1
muh xbox 1 graphics
It is one type of dominant style, but only a few years ago the MW was being run by a kickboxer just because he knew how to defend takedowns. It’s not the only way to be successful
>2 UFC champs
>3 gold medals at Paris 2024, judo, wrestling and weightlifting
>best armwrestler in the world is Georgian
Are we the masterrace when it comes to combat and strength?
imagine if schaub ocuckley wasn't fucking terrified the entire fight and actually threw punches
My nigga Ribovics won so it wasn't completely shit for me
you are basically brazzas but with jesus instead, not surprising you can heem pretty well
adesanya never had to defend a serious fully committed takedown in his career before dupussy
unless you're referring to silva, read back my initial sentence and stop at career
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brandon schaub
We wound up watching the Perfect Couple instead, what have the little hats done to your Nicole she looks like a scarecrow now
well soon we'll have belal, makachev, umar, pantoja and ankalev as champions.....all with that style
if merab is on epo, what kinda drugs are the brazzas giving umar? this question dictates the outcome of their fight.
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>ufc sucks now
>A free shot at Merab while his backs turned.
>Can't even wobble him.
Just how pillowfisted is O'Cuckley?
the ones that made a completely mediocre fighter like Belal get in the shape of his life and get cardio and strength he never had at 36
Merdab Devilishwilly
It was the end of the fifth round, there was no gas left to throw hard shots
You should see her in The Northman... ICK. Eyes Wide Shut era Nicole was something else.
shavkat could beat him.
was getting worked by a part time rugby player and a 8/10 lightweight. he’s shown weaknesses.
was just involved with one of the most controversial judging decisions. that wouldn’t happen if he was levels above the rest of his division.
was knocked down by some random bantamweight a few months ago.
was hobbling on one leg because he didn’t know how to defend leg kicks from blachowicz.

these wrestlers aren’t the end of the world. they will come and go.
No it wasn't retard it was either the first or second round.
that was the end of the 2nd round b
Drooling retard
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You have a good and patient attitude b
and yet somehow they keep winning
almost as if allah is on their side brazza
The octagon girl outfits were a cute touch
Ever since I started fastforwarding the wrestlefucking my enjoyment of MMA has increased
>viking larp
>starring björk
*smacks lips like Dana* yeah, that's just not what we watch here EWS Nicole is hands down the patrician choice
Yup I really liked them
sure they’re winning right now but the brazza wrestling style has been in mma now for 6-8 years. coaches and fighters like CKB / volk have started to notice holes to exploit. these holes are only going to get bigger and bigger.
if you couldn't enjoy merab vs cucklley i'm afraid you're a low iq plebeian, perhaps mma is not the sport for you
moraes, aldo, yan, cejudo, o'malley might be the greatest consecutive win streak in mma history
more covered is better than less covered, brazza u know dis
Just observed Grasso and Shevchenko have a 7 hour long lesbian sex marathon
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Cosplay thot ring girls when
merab is one of the most tested athletes in the ufc by drug comissions never once failing the test look it up
It's definitely up there
And Stalin was 180cm tall
always have been
>people eventually lose or get found out at some point
crazy shit, almost as if this is real life not your fantasy ufc 2010 adhoc character's campaign
is bantamweight the least skilled division? it just might be....
brazzas aren't people
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Don't get cocky like the bong did or you'll end up regretting it (hubris)
that’s my point.
Unironically true.
>beyond flushed
>ancient, at altitude and still couldn't do anything but hug him
>flushed by the jab
>ancient and flushed
>astroturfed cuck
Jiri is the most tested
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>shills trivializing yet another georgian W
Stay classy kartvelophobes
who is the whore dressed as poison ivy? GAT DAYUM
unironically good advice
I only get cocky to compensate the slander tho
moraes is the only one of those that was legitimately washed. other than that you're just coping.
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>While Herb could've exhibited a bit more of a perfunctory performance, he is still the GOAT. O'Malley's stand up was nominally piddling, which allowed Merab to perforate Sean's Swiss cheese offense.
Any pic or webms from the messican ring gurls???
sure, Henry being 37 had nothing to do with his performance
This hangover is heeming me again
BFC exclusive I'm afraid
I understand b and you're not as bad or spammy as the bong but there were shades of it in your post
best cardio ever?
FACT: Finland has zero fighters in the UFC.
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here;s your champ bro
>tfw too rich and successful to export cage fighters
We must learn from Dagestan and Dagenham how to do it better fersure
if i were georgian i'd be embarrassed to have merab as a champion
FACT: Finland won ZERO medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
You must surely know the pain having Jon "Faggot" Jones as a champ.
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And finnishpypo are the elves
Jon jones is not a champion
>it's true
i thought all nordicks were sporting machines what the fuck
sean won on damage
Not what Dana would have you believe.
sean wouldn't have even won under ONE scoring that's how bad he did
Hurry up with the falafel Mustafa or there is no tip for you
I'd pork her with my BWC if you know what I mean.
O'Mally was never good
>purple zoom guy didn't get bullshit victory UFC is rigged
I'll give you my falafel and a tip if you catch my drift
You didn't just say pork her surely...
No one cares about the gay summer olympics anyway least of all me winter is where it's at
How? Just because Merab bled more? Is a fluke cut scored as more damage than a hard kick for example? Genuinely asking.
Only time i feel O'malley did real damage was at the end of round 5, where he really hurt Merab to the body. Other than that i think Merab did more damage overall, in all the other rounds
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>karjala beanie
>sipping koff
Tom Aspinall will be the undisputed UFC heavyweight champion in 62 days

(smiff vs reyes is on there by mistake btw they're on the december ppv)
Good to see they're giving Reyes a peach like Smiff to go to war with.
why didn't sean just heem merab when he was distracted in r1
Alexa Grasso's asshole. I need to sniff it.
got a new fetish
Hanki duuni vitun hippi
bet the people sat behind them were so pissed
Is there any hope that Fiorot or Natalia Silva beat the shit out of Shevchenko?
I actually liked the modestly and decoratively dressed rings girls. It was a welcome change that, unfortunately, will not ever be repeated.

Cuckmalley? Finished
Max? Next
just saw Marab do the business. Suga got 5-0ed like a little bitch. You love to see it.
I'll add to it that Sean did absolutely fuck all. Didn't even try. Barely threw any punches. He truly got destroyed. How do you recover from that shit mentally?
Bitch o'Malley KWAB
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That's me in the corner
That's me in the cuck-chair
Losing by decision
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't thrown enough
O'Malley is part Meggsican so nearly every Meggsican lost
nice buzzwords faggot
As a cazzie I feel if you let your opponent dominate you like merab(no matter how gay wrestling can get). You are not a good mma fight. In order to be consistent I cannot rate sean high after this performance.
top kekkerino
Horrendous room ambience in the beginning of the FightFairy recap
Let's see
Oh look a sport we're good at
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is she gonna be ok
all this for how much? not even 100k?
eh she'll be fine
where is this from
somebody put his pants the wrong way again
oh my god
Lidl bit arousing webm brazza u kno dis
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Irene Aldana at ufc306
Now that the dust has settled, is he really a star? I do feel that Dana and UFC staff is blowing smoke up his ass, but he could still be a star despite that. Just not as big of a star.
I don't see it myself. I'm a casual, but even when i didn't know anything about MMA i heard about Lesnar, Conor and Rousey through osmosis. Sean has been compared to all of those and more. Is Dana just getting misled by social media numbers? I think Pereira is a much bigger star right now
Georgians are as inbred as those arabs, only changing your worship to Christianism. So being an inbred may be meta rn
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Ortega needs to retire, moving up is only going to get him heemed proper
sean won via technical submission
I want to console her and Grasso and Jazmin with my love
what happened with doo? was he just passed up by the next generation?
Holy shit. All that damage and it was a UD? Was it a good fight?
She looks like she has been in a car crash good Lord
whose social media ya goofy
>fights nothing but cans for his first 7 wins in the UFC
>starting to lose his fight against number 9 so he eyepokes him
>rewarded with a fight with number 1, robs him
>given favorable timing against Aljo, rushing him back
>gets an early stoppage
>gets a cherry picked easy title defence against a guy not even in the top 5
>gets dominated the first time he has to face an elite fighter that doesn't have the deck stacked against him
Suga is a fraud
Lmao nice one my nigga
He is a bad fighter
merb at +110 dawlg was free money in hindsight
technically sean submitted by not fighting back, its true
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*claps* come on heem let's work
If the ufc was rigged like you all say it is, Sean would’ve gotten the win by robbery or some outside event adversely affecting Merab. Last night proves ufc is not predetermined.
cucklley landing those body kicks at the end was the icing on the story loss cake, proved that he had it in him to win the entire time but was simply too bitchmade to actually throw, he's not built to be a fighter
For a wemen fight It was pretty fucking good
lopes isn't even good it's fucking over for t-city bros
nah, it was mostly just her fallowing Dumont around while getting lit up
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>gave myself spoilers by checking youtube first thing in the morning again
the fake ones dilemma
The fact that Conor has had several embarrassing losses is proof of this, you don't need to look at anything else
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oh sorry @the_ufc_doctor on insta
they got too cocky, same shit with leon
you gotta appreciate champs that reigned for a long time. they never lost that fear of tough competition and never drank their own koolaid
I don't get why this was a ppv. Fucking mediocre card. Best fight was the Ribovic fight. And I've never heard of him before. Ortega fucking sucks now. What on earth was Dana thinking putting this weak ass ppv up against Canello.
Gave her a second vagina
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This would have heemed current volk
I used to do that too, now first thing in the morning I do on Sunday is heems
preciate it b
I'd like to see Volk vs Diego but probably they'll rematch him against Topuria if he wins against Max
He was hoping the spectacle of the Sphere would carry the card
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>heemed to bolivia and back so he can beat him up some more
holy based
Holy smokes
So.... was I wrong to assure you all that T-City would expose Lopes?.... No, I don't think that's fair.
wtf there isnt any meat in that forehead area.
Bruh the flesh on your forehead is only like a few centimetres thick
ortega became the third person to expose diego in the ufc

Dana has cut Merab.
Sean O'Malley vs Umar Nurmagomedov will be made for the vacant title.
battered from pillar to post, cope
yeah thats what I mean. how is there so much on hers?
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Love these midgets like you wouldn't believe.
By losing badly?
Why is Dillaputty on there twice?
first punch knocked him out and second one woke him up again, crazy.
Sean O'Malley was never good
Alexa Grasso was never good
cejudo's loss is aging nicely
to bad he retired again like a b-
because he won the title twice
A strong breeze knocks out current Volk. Dude is never winning another fight ever again
Diego isn't going past Max, I don't know about Volk he might be completely flushed at this point
lopes going to the ground with ortega in r1 wasn't even a bad decision, was 1-2 gnp shots away from a stoppage at several times, ortega is just extremely durable despite having a shit chin, bit like cannonier
he beats ilia and current volk obviously but loses to max
Lopes has like a 20% chanc of heeming current Volk, but Ilia and Max kick his ass
merab is simply better than alja and chito
not rocket science
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>50-45 crotch sniffs (You)
>he beats ilia
I'm not sure
grandpa brian was having a comfy sparring session for most of the fight. diego is a brainlet. you can see the hamster wheel spinning in his head as he always tries to figure out what to do next.
Inflammation b
I mean that much is obvious, Merab did much btter than Aljo against Yan, Cejudo and O'Malley
How can you tell when ilia and Islam are 20x better than lopes?
I agree he’ll never be champ again but he could easily still beat a mid tier fighter.
hes a bjj fighter who never got a good take down game instead decided to be stand up fighter with poor defense
he hits extremely hard and can match ilia in the boxing + he has better overall striking (he actually uses his kicks) and far superior bjj
winning the trilogy 1-2
why does Dana love mexicans so much?
*clap clap*
i'm not seeing enough posts lets work
Submitting Bryce is more impressive than lying on your back and getting fucked up by evloev
I think he was looking to submit Ortega to prove a point as well. Would have rather seen him stand Ortega up but he's obviously comfortable enough going to the ground.
100/10 my sides are gone
He can still beat guys who don't hit hard or don't have much striking skill. Volk would easily beat Aljo or Evloev, who are probably in a title eliminator fight
he cannot match ilia in the boxing meng, he is going to get clowned on every minute he doesn't land a huge punch. i guess you'll need to see it to believe it though.
Aljo literally leaped chin first into a punch after outstriking Omalley in the first round it was quite obviously a dive
you now reember Paul FElder
>ragdolled by influenza bryce
ilia's submission of bryce only came after he hurt him on the feet
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why does this faggot have a gym with his name on everything and meetings with literal royalty. us he from a rich family or something?
I like Topuria because he looks like me and that inspires me
Now you’re making things up. The only person in that fight who got ragdolled was mitchell. Lopes has only ever subbed total bums
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>comfy sparring session
Love Merab, but was he actually born in Georgia? Did he move away at a young age? Why doesn't he have even a hint of the southern drawl?
rewatch the fight lad
>taking someone down once is le ragdoll
You’re retarded I’m afraid
no he's right you're full of shit, bryce got one takedown at the end of round 1 which he lost on all card and he didn't do shit with that position
Georgia has a 2 UFC champion with less than 4 millions people
Good morning saar! Bloody benchod basterd
Oi ssalamualaikum mate! Right cold out there for the prayer this morning, init?
>another boring gay wrestling fight
it kills mma. when Khabib did it it was something fresh and unique, but now when I see another wrestler from the Caucasus or Dagestan I think again of this boring shit. They used to say about boxing that it's boring because two guys hug and don't deal many punches, now it's similar in ufc, one guy is lying on the other and it's damn boring
>but this is the most effective
so what? people don't want to see it, they prefer striking. Ngannou left the ufc, when Pereira leaves too, Dana will be left with only champions lying on each other for 4 rounds
O’Malley vs sandhagen makes sense
O'Malley vs Merab was a draw if you think about it
Herb Dean warned Merab for inactivity while he dropped Omalley with knees to the thighs
That fight makes every other opponent Sean faced look absolutely daft.

Merab got his takedowns at will. Some weren't even set up he just leapt into them. After the 2nd Chito fight I even asked why he didn't just shoot just to mix it up but bloody hell if he shot he'd have won
Khabib mutilated people with ground and pound then finished him. Merab doesn’t fight anything like him, he’s more of a tiny juiced up Colby, pure pace.
>local culture dance is now considered zesty
sorry you dont have any culture
>worse boxer
>worse wrestler
>barely faster (debatable)
How is max supposed to win this one?
Sorry that you're zesty.
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Face me... on the battlefield of love.
O'Malley is just bantamweight Leon Edwards. Fraudulent setup merchant and a cuckold. Deserved to lose.
im not jon jones THOUGH
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>kendrick lamar
Fighting for territorial rights to rape around a nearby elementary school.
Zesty Culture
This is the end of O'cuckold's astroturfed career
is like my japanese animes
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>congratulations merab, HOWEVER
Jon Jones is pretty zesty though, he's one of the weirdest white acting black guys I know of.
yeah i wouldn't even give him the speed advantage. his only hope is ilia gassing, which is at least possible enough to make it interesting.
Alien head lookin ass nigga
Jon Jones isn't zesty he's literally gay
Swallowed his own tongue to avoid saying Umdaddy's name
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why are muslims so gay?
imagine ruining your aura by raping someone
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Imagine ruining your aura by getting raped
i thought this nigga was boyable
The only boring fight in the UFC Merab has had was vs Jose Aldo
merab really, really, really doesn't want to fight umar for some reason. that, or he hates his guts
his speech after the fight sucking up to dana probably meant he'll try to convince daner to fight figger as his first defence
bongs are bracelets
why are you projecting?
He just won the title after starting his career 7-4 and big brothering the ufc project obviously he has no interest in saying another man's name in that moment
is this true?
Has anyone seen Mexicope
He invested really hard into O'Malley for some reason
he unironically thought he was the second coming of conor lmfao
I’m gonna root for Merab when he fights Umar because Ali Abdelaziz is an unsufferable terrorist.
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You laugh, but no one is getting CTE in this fight, lmao.
'fraid so
He was (Conor was never good)
I feel like sean should be handsome af but somethings off
He still can be. Got dominated by the first actual mixed martial artist he fought. Just has to stop smoking weed and start drinking.
weak era
sphere was sick
but wasted on mexicans
Diego is officially not a fraud. Congratulations
o'malley could've won if he wasn't a scared little bitch and actually tried to do something
So would I.
Figgy has enough power to put Merab out. He's been rocked by some shitters, and Figgy almost heemed Shito Vera. He's the man to save bantamweight.
mixed feelings, it did have a mortal kombat vibe with the aztec temples(soijak me idc it was cool) but wanking Mexicans that hard was cringy and not even MMA related wtf, atleast make it a promo about the fighters
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people don't like wrestle decisionators because it's an artificial game crafted for winning 5 minute rounds. the best moments of mma are moments so intense and brutal that you can hardly believe it's considered a sport. it's like wrestlecels didn't get the memo that this is all a scam to make fighting in a cage legal.
>look to counter
>look to counter
>look to counter
>look to counter
>hurt opponent to the body
>now time to just wait to counter the guy running away holding his stomach
FUCK Sean O'Malley.
daner doesnt give a shit about mexicans. this would have been a cookie cutter ppv at the tmobile arena, but he got cucked and they gave the date to canelo. so he did the sphere shit and branded it mexican independence day ft abu dhabi
It's not artificial. Wrestlers could heem a lot more on the ground if the rules didn't limit them so much.
The only thing artificial is not allowing the wrestler to headbutt and knee grounded opponents to the head.
Your cunt is a bunsh faggot
counter striking is the most cringe style in mma
>it did have a mortal kombat vibe with the aztec temples
i think we all thought that bro, it was dope. It had Pride FC vibes too and god I miss that. Back to the apex soon though, grim.
Would Chito do better against Merab than O’Malley?
Chito knocked out Aspartame Sean two times so I don't think so
It's great when they also have the killer instinct. O'Malley really looked like a timid bitch watching his dreams crumble before his eyes. He was about to cry on the stool before the 5th, but the ONE time he actually could have won, he let Merab run away grimacing. Didn't even take one step towards him.
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He couldn't believe Merab didn't just walk into his punches but actually timed takedowns and moved around the edge
Seeing muh intellect counter strikers quit is my favourite thing in MMA
Excellent riddance
Merab is ugly therefor I do not like him
Merab gets all the bitches
why doesn't daner just start 4oz gloves ultimate kickboxing
Yeah and it's not like O'Malley was letting himself get backed to the cage easily either. He was also positioning and moving well, just literally can't throw a fuckin punch going forward. It was crazy to watch.
he hit the wall
Belel should be cut
Sir I thought we were cool sir...
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damn were they at least fun decisions? I slept through the whole thing
4/5 were. Girl fight was trash.
Only Zellhuber vs Ribovics was good, and Ortega vs Lopes was decent
ruskis already did it
Jesus man stop watching the sport.
controlling for the sake of controlling is artificial. they bring their gameplans with full knowledge of the rules. you aren't allowed to knee your opponent unconscious in wrestling either, it's not like these guys are broken horses, they wrestle like they wrestled before the ufc.
And if the rules were different they would use them too, but the rules nerf them.
merab was kneeing to the head last night and would've blasted omalleys head in with grounded knees if he could, he even landed an illegal knee at one point
Merab would have assfucked O'Malley if he could
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consider this
consider this
heist of the century
consider this
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dime piece of a wife
haven't been here in weeks
didn't even know there was a card yesterday
i think i am finally free
>you will never be eastern caucasian
>you will never have a fun cultural hat

It hurts, bros...
I un/boy/ed him months ago. He's a fake one. JBJ would destroy him.
there are a ton of rules in mma that wouldn't apply to a real fight. strikers aren't happy about not being able to do anything to an opponent on his back other than kick his legs or let him back up. imagine if alex pereira could soccer kick and stomp your head. wrestlers still wrestle for the sake of winning one round at a time, routinely choosing control over damage, entering the fight with a gameplan they already know is cucked to hell by the rules.
cuckold molly needs a GEROGIAN BVLL to fuck his ugly wife
What exactly do you think changes in the fight last night if the rules are different? All I see is Merab kneeing O'Malley to the head instead of the thigh.
Imagine what payton will do to him
Well I've had enough of this dogshit sport, see you all in 3 days
Nigger nigger nigger nigger
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you know the champion's ass when all you see people talk about that's exciting about him winning is "wow, a deserving contender breaking through you gotta love the heart of the fighters in this sport"
Think some of you might like Muay Thai or Kickboxing more, give a shot and leave my sport alone please :D
yes that's probably all that changes. i wouldn't underestimate a wrestler with infinite cardio being allowed to spam knees to your face however.
this >>144447917
the rest of the card sucked, both title fights were boring. Shev as a champion is alright, but having merab as one is going to suck. the guy has such a boring style
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point and laugh everyone
i like grappling, i like belal and islam, i don't like merab
what about that is so hard to understand? he's a boring fuck that can't hold his opponents down and knees their thigh for 5 rounds straight. that's not entertaining.
mma striking is much different from pure striking. grappling is a necessary evil to open the higher dimension of strikes.
poofter "sport"
Only a fake one unboys a fighter.
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thoughts? opinions? feelings? questions? inquires? assessments? assumptions? conclusions? impressions? judgements? viewpoints? theories? theorems? speculations? conjectures? presumptions? takes? suppositions? hypotheses? interpretations? explanations? derivations? positions? suggestions? beliefs? theses? ideas? attitudes?
friendship won
That literally only happened once. The Aldo fight. If you think that's all he did last night you didn't pay very close attention. He dismantled Yan and Cejudo too.
>Merab Duvaliswili's octagon interview: 4 minutes and 59 seconds
I don't got time for this shit b
I wonder how much money he lost
mma striking is more fun to watch since it's more sloppy cause they always have to worry about being taken down. also imagine being butthurt that cuckold lost lol
pakis in the dirt lmfao
>Merab! You're up 4 rounds and there's 30 seconds left! You need to work! Step in with your hands down! Work! Stop moving so Sean can hit you! Work!
Umdaddy will bodykick the shid out of merat
It's time for the ref to stop fights when the wrestle fucking Arab inbreds aren't looking for a finish
Herb was so embarrassing last night.
She's never fighting again for sure. That can't heal to where it won't just rip upon first contact
herb's decisions at the start of the fight were good (warning cucks coach, taking position from omalley for grabbing the glove) but he's been reffing ONE so much recently that he's trying to push the action when he doesn't need to
I saw people here claim the UFC had an anti christian bias when volk lost to islam kek
He had money on Sean
obviously it’s not all he did, but he still did it for extended periods during the fight because of sean’s takedown defense
i would much rather watch him actually work towards a takedown or getting hooks in than that boring shit that doesn’t do damage and only looks good for strike counting
merab never passed guard, never took his back, never attempted a submission, he even failed plenty of takedowns and barely got any ground and pound off when he was in half guard. if you think that was a good grappling performance you’re just a retard i’m sorry
BDStards are literally insane b
merab was jogging that entire rounded because he was up on points. it was shameful and any fan of his is cancer to the sport.
If you're up 4 rounds you've earned the right to hop on the bicycle.
he was hurt bad to the body and trying to hide it
>NOOOOOO if you're up you have to stand there motionless instead of making your opponent take chances to try to win
Getting rid of round scoring would help solve this but merab was up so much he earned the right to make ocuckley take risks
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grim as fuck
The level of cazzie that follows Bo
it's stalling and he'd get a yellow card in pride rules. how can you be such a weak pussy about it? this is entertainment, at the end of the day, and this guy "dominated" without putting a mark on sean's face. it's embarassing.

that was several minutes in though.
Daner was seething kek.
>I hope people looking to become ufc fans tuned out before the comain
Just don't declare winners by decision
Kek merab opened as the favorite and closed as a big underdog. Vegas got what they wanted.
>soccer kick
Lol, lmao even
soccer kicks are a win-more type of move
You'd know if you weren't a casual
It's the gloves with anti-heem technology
What's embarrassing is that Sean let a man hold him down for 20 minutes.
The ref need to be fired unless he asked for Dr and the Dr gave it the ok, then Dr need to lose license
No he was just hungry
Suga Sean O'Malley looked like fucking Anshul Jubli in there. Embarrassing!
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THIS is the guy calling you “insane” for not liking brazzas btw
Because ONE already does this and Dana would rather die than admit other promotions occasionally have good ideas
yea i'm not speaking to sean at all. he did look like shit and ufc needs some more tools allowed in the rules to benefit strikers and wrestlers. knees/soccer kicks to down opponents. it would allow strikers to punish after defending a take down and give someone like merab, although i doubt he risk position, more options.
Remove control time as a criteria and the ufc is fixed
Kill yourself. Gold standard was screaming WORK while merab was ground and pounding ocuckley.
Scotard starting his daily archive meltie, buckle up lads
People getting mad at wrestlers and wanting the rules changed because it’s boring/too easy are the /heem/ equivalent of NFL fans who don’t like the tush push and want it banned
>chandler wins
>someone gets the belt
>denies conor a match
damage trumps everything, that's why sean won r3 and 5.

he said work when they were literally holding eachother for 30+ seconds. after that sean pushed off and merab tried a pass into another 30 second hug session.
Those posts are all factual thoughbeit.
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>Ortega is done
>Sean is done
>Shev is back
>damage trumps everything, that's why sean won r3 and
Except it doesn't which is why ufc judging is a disaster
I seriously hope no one here watches buckegg
>Chandler somehow beats Islam or Arman
Maybe if the fight took place in Peaches and Creamville
Hap and Aceville
there was a time when retards thought chandler was some kind of nightmare for islam
all it takes is one well timed hapsplosion
Some people here unironically enjoy Power Slap. I think we're just fans of things that cause CTE
reddit sean refused to fight
>p-please stop exposing my homosexuality fazza will have me beheaded
>inch towards merab
>he either sprints away or dives at your ankles
>repeat until hug intitiated
>hold dude until he gets up
reddit sean refused to shag his wife
reddit Sean S. refused to unrape his bussy
I watched several rapes happen in that cage yesterday.
honk snew
honk snew
honk snew
Is this the end of "Suga" Sean O'Malley's international stardom?
If Sean wasn't such a hedon, this would make him wholesome. He's clearly just afraid of getting divorce raped.
Merab isn't welcome back in Georgia
never began
Y'all realize all you have to do to beat a wrestler is literally just stand up. If you can't stand up with a man who's almost an entire foot shorter than you then you're really pathetic
you're retarded. there's no argument against legalizing soccer kicks to the head.
You can wear a raccoon on your head
How does the cuck community plan to come back from last night? Can they, even?
he was never a star here.
Just think Yan would be champ right now if he was good and didn't suck
you realize wrestling is literally the act of not letting you get up?
there should be more no contests due to inactivity

its technically possible in the rules, that if neither fighter does enough to win you dont actually have to award them points
ian Machado garry is their last hope
Yan dominated O'Malley
Yan was dominated by Merab
People debated how O'Malley vs Merab would play out
name 3 fights that should've been no contests due to inactivity
lewis vs ngannou, namajunas vs esparza, romero vs adesanya
derrick lewis v francis nganou
rose namajunes v carla esparza
mokaev v alex perez
Real p4p rankings
1. Islam
2. Belal
3. Merab
rest are bums
just saw the fight right now. wtf? they gotta cut that retard. whats wrong with this referee? doesnt even try to hide the fact that hes been paid to rig the fight.
Ngannou vs Lewis
Namajunas vs Esparza 2
Anderson vs Maia

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