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gloucs win the T20 Blast

Last of the 3 T20s in the oz white-ball tour tonight
Poo-obsessed diaspora out (that means YFO)
toothpick arms out
Why's today match few hours early?
there will be three (3) cleanings
me cleaning yer clock
yer mum cleaning my cock
I mean you can't post about playing anime dragon video games as a 34 year old and expect to not get shit for it
um yes i can sweetie x
argicole and ginger, feeling super
reminder zachy larps as shitjeet and is a nonce
Hows life in starmergrad
gentle reminder that new season of reflections just dropped...if you're looking for kinos to watch x
toss delayed? fucks sake, bedtime then
me? going to stop bullying zachy desu
worried by the latest pics that show it's having an impact on him and scared he'll become the eugenia cooney of /cric/
yeah, that looks like a wash.

and wtf, why the hell are they playing FIVE odis, who's even gonna watch all that?
true. ol noodle arms likes to pretend he's a resilient freethinker, but in reality he's fragile and suggestible. he needs our support
In the
got called strong as shit at bouldering today
Felt good
>t20 rained off
B A S E D and comfy
dragon quest is a good game
there's even Bouldering in dragon quest xi
>V6 mentioned
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If deano is allowed to play poossissons pood I'm allowed to play dragon quest
*poossassin's pood
imagine being 34 and still playing some nonce anime game and making poo jokes. no wonder hiba dumped him for somebody a bit more mature
wrong at least twice there, nice work flabby neek
It might not for you, but it is for me
It might be for you, its not for me
I expand my lifespan with 20 mm max hangs
My mind, with boring Turkish films about gender identity and political friction
Fuck all on at the cinema next week lads
Maybe Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is worth it
>yeh let's schedule a memehit decider in manchesteristan in mid-september
>what could possibly go wrong
This is why a*glo shitters no are longer in charge of cricket
waiting for certain well-bellied man to remind us all the poorida pooject is the only good film ever in the universe
lilya-4-eva mogs the Florida project
Progressing at 20 mm max hang IRL is akin to imbibing a seed of life in dragon quest
My Brighton homie PewDiePie was completely correct when he compared bouldering to a video game
business idea: cricket grounds with retractable roofs
can you stop having the same convos with the same posts every thread please
getting on my nerves now
this is your FINAL warning
thrilled the t20 is rained off
it's like Morrissey every day is like Sunday in reverse
It lush
Loving it
based god
>We are building a religion
>We are building it bigger
>We are widening the corridors
>And adding more lanes

>We are building a religion
>A limited edition
>We are now accepting callers
>For these pendant key chains
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>''''match'''' abondoned
fuck now i have to wait 100 minutes for sportsball
fuck mancurians
>delayed by rain
I guess this is alright, shit happens, but it's clearly not a regular occurrence in the british isles right?
keep your bouldering non-event shite in /cg/ you tiresome bore
Still got a lingering pesky neck injury
Wasn't even from bouldering was from lifting weights like a deano
I don't feel it when I climb but I feel it when I look to the left
fuck you, that's why
I don't get injured feels wrong
Should be ok tomorrow
This is a sports general
You fat neek
can't believe I'm going to get chucked into some spacious modern helicopter with twenty four other blokes and get sent to East Poland in two more weeks
Hopefully the food will be good on the way over at least
met someone at a work drinks event in the week who said he loved the big lebowski. was trying to be nice so just nodded along but should have told him what utter reddit shite it is really desu
alri zagbyla x
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>work drinks
What sort of retard schedules a โ€œcricketโ€ game in Manchester in mid-September?
unironically the only socialisation I do
it's alright but if it's one of your favourite films then you definitely have questionable IQ
>the poojet is replying to his own posts about his poo fetish
mentally-ill freak. Spacky looks mentally healthy next to him.
in fairness works drinks are different to a works drink event.
Reminder it's pronounced SHEDule
Not SKEDule
And if you say the latter you are common as muck
ok neek number 2
you fat toff
*Rubs your spider infested belly button*
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>in fairness
This is what >>144446678 and >>144447394 where on about desu, you seem to think everyone is โ€œfat neekโ€ and โ€œfat neek 2โ€.
ummm...u wat moite x
tabla x
foy fella wadr eyequeem x
says you
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>This is what >>144446678 # and >>144447394 # where on about desu, you seem to think everyone is โ€œfat neekโ€ and โ€œfat neek 2โ€.
think zachy going bouldering regularly has fixed his mental health desu
doesn't seem that bad unless he starts thinking about his bouldering ex
not like bard who needs to take 3 weeks off here and there to cope
pretty convinced she has retired from Bouldering just not seen her
she never loved it as much as me bless her
Zachy: think zachy going bouldering regularly has fixed his mental health desu
doesn't seem that bad unless he starts thinking about his bouldering ex
not like bard who needs to take 3 weeks off here and there to cope

Zachy: pretty convinced she has retired from Bouldering just not seen her
she never loved it as much as me bless her

Zachy: I am profoundly gay (and balding)
t. zachy, forgetting that he's still an alcoholic who spends 16 hours a day off-topic posting on /cric/
>specifically picks times to avoid the ex and admits to /cric/ of being terrified of meeting her
>just haven't seen her about much h-haha
Corr the fat neek clique were triggered by that post weren't they
Honestly think she might have retired from bouldering
Maybe does it like once a month
To be honest, I never knew her, but kind of wanted to know everything about her
ol noodle arms genuinely looks like an aids patient. time at theatron catching up with him, perhaps?
leave him alone
okay nvm forgot dota 2 ti grand finals were on don't mind t20i being delayed
if you can't make a girl cum she will leave you and will be disgusted by you presence, hence >>144450629
you are so disgustingly obese, and can't do ten pull ups (I can do twenty btw) that you genuinely think anyone normal size is anorexic
The adipose tissue has fucked your brain like cancer
these convos are so repetitive from both sides it's surely just one schizo talking to himself right?
>an irishman is a songwriting genius


Every fucking time
and this type of post is always featured too...
I am based
*warms up with your limit at the font borough*
flukes v5 twice (at the reddit sofa gym as well) and starts thinking he's actually decent lol
it's like pavement except good
but doctor, i am pagliacci :'(
>Beta Band
how fitting
Vastly better than average
And I am about to become
So much better than average
Zachy is leng
yeah he deleted that retard comment
turk, all you post is shit rap . not a genre I like
Tarquin is going to send you to war against Russia
ol toothpick arms crash dieting so he's considered too weak to be enlisted. not sure this strategy will work
take your meds you fat Anglo neek
I am growing stronger and stronger
could only go in one direction tbf, toothpicky
take your meds
fat Anglo
Watching baseball
Nowhere near as interesting as cricket
Could be a hot winter I reckon
>watching pooball
>A sport
You need immediate help
Uncanny umberto
There's about three variables in baseball, maybe four
In cricket, you've got seventeen or eighteen at a minimum
There's really no comparison
It's for you, but it might not be for me
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0610 time for a strategic nap
Amazing game
they tried to kill trump again lads
It's not for me
But it might be for you
My bouldering career is about to enter a new phase
I am unstoppable
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NATO forgot to send long range missiles to Ukraine and it just got memory holed
looks like the boring bowen persona is back
picked 3 dull topics that he's going to cycle through and post about for hours
V6 overhang about to fall
meant soul silver iykwim haha
It's already fallen
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The danish kaneria googly of books
I basically never compliment strangers irl anymore
my worst nightmare is complimenting a covert narcissist like zachy so later it goes to his head
starts to think he's actually something more than a pathetic nobody with toothpick arms
2 lines or less please m8
for me? it's adam voges
>4am on a Monday morning
being a micksperg persona explains the repetitiveness
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America is so close to having a cricket league
i can feel a business idea coming on
just dropped a /cric/ business ideaa in the dunny lads
Bumdering later
Imagine posting that at 4am
you now remember the bardering later gimmick
bardering later
wonder if the protagonist of cric has cracked v17 yet
probably, he's much more talented than ol toothpick arms aids patient
v 1.7 maybe
imagine if I cared about bouldering. would probably be kicking V6 in the arse right now - but think I'd struggle to go beyond that
t. chin up lad
chin up mate, could be worse
haha x
chin up lad
Nepal play canada and man in a series starting from today. Don't have high hopes. 2/4 win would be more than enough.
Mount Isa? I barely know her!
Alice Springs, but for what?
see first reply ITT
"Norseman", but I mostly see wogs!

*Everybody Out (No Cricket On)
Broken Hill? It worked for me!
Darby, but we say it wrong!
Darwin? He's stuck in Australia, more like DarLOSE!
Bundaberg, but no behinds to see for miles!
Canberra? I CANT BEARA all these immigrants any more
Sydney? What a fucking shithole.
>sebshit spamming out of boredom hours
even worse than zachy
Shepparton? Would someone shepherd a ton of these immigrants back to their home countries?
how many nukes would be required to fix this continent
"Gulf of carpentaria" sounds woggy
tfw no plaid Uniqlo blouse and chunky oxblood solovair brogues wearing gf
More than you have, which is really saying something
Bardering an outdoor v3 tomorrow (v7 old world indoor)
Just got back from iron maiden
did ya run to the hillsยฟ
no but Steven May?
Didn't play that one
tailgating with friends and family must be the best sports related activity you can do. americans got that so right
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the USA's proud native son Saiteja Mukkamalla
Watching The Boys (2019) while picking up my salary from the taxpayer
was much stronger in the gym today than I was expecting
>Canada 29/1 in 10 overs.
lmao Ryan Reynolds is going to buy the welsh team
zachy 'redditor' bowen going to somehow become even more reddit soon
Reynolds should just purchase Wales and make himself king
reckon you should fuck off and not joke about that, leaf
as a KP 'nutter if I see Ryan Reynolds on the street I'll batter him bloody if he goes through with it
hula hoops scum
>w-we're a big strong dragon
>get owned (literally) by a leaf
turns out welsh does crack
wales will be canadian colony were we can escape the third world infection
how about just stop importing and start deporting all the jeets and zhaos?
when does test cricket come back? i miss watching it with you guys
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I never post shit rap
no but Steven May
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stop saying that
problem with /cric/ is most posters are now genuinely mentally ill (sometimes because of alcohol). zachy, micksperg, sebbo, all proper nutjobs in need of help. few other borderline cases
'Everyone's the same person on a VPN'sperg at the top of that list
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this broke him
Just watched the long goodbye

you are completely barking mad
so true
>>144482129 (You)
>>144482167 (You)
>>144482273 (You)
>>144482510 (You)
>>144482616 (You)

didn't ask
don't care
don't ick
queem QUEEM hahaaaAaaaaAaAAAA x
fat neek
no luck catching them v6s then?
Zachy still cowering in fear of outdoor rock formations
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apparently ol toothpick arms doesn't bother with the actual grips, just puts those 2 twiglets hanging off his shoulders through the drilled holes in the wall
Just did 2mm max hangs
cric is a Nov 21st waiting room fella x
Miss the IPL so much just want it back as an 8 month season
never met a zoomer who was into cricket
how many zoomers do you meet
Zachy would talk to a lot of young boys before he got trespassed by his local primary school
zoomers are like 28
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We will come back stronger.
zachy still wanks over the time when some up-front zoomer chads complimented him. sad thing is, it only ever happened in his mind
the youngest ones are still 13 or so
still a bit past zachy's use by date though
Fucked my shoulder. If it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have no luck at all
>fucked my shoulder
wow you must be really flexible LOL
Easy for z to flex his arms when they're basically noodles
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accidentally tripped and fell up to the top of a v5 today
not sure why zachy can't do it
Bouldering Later
Bouldering Now
Soldering my shoulder later
Bordeaux next week
Bordeaux then French milf mumdering then meds then bed
ol bingo wings sitting at his laptop thinking about me all night again
guy needs to move
to a bedsit?
Current status: Malding and seething in a York bedsit at 7am on a Tuesday
isn't a bedsit
Good morning
I'm looking forward to the penultimate round of fixtures in the County Championship, starting today
Are you looking forward to the penultimate round of fixtures in the County Championship, starting today?
More of a trail running sort of guy desu
Indoor climbing?
Not for me - I like to feel the fresh air in my lungs, the wind through my hair, the earth beneath my feet
doesn't make you any better at climbing
how utterly pointless
i don't zachy anything less than a v16 year old iykwim haha
Fed up of waking up bleary-eyed and feeling like I'm going to choke on my own mucus and phlegm each morning
The pillows have gone into the freezer
The mattress on the floor will be vacuumed
The dust mites will be eradicated
Climbing is for monkeys and prey amimals
golf is for absolute faggots and fucking boring and not exercise
meant for
>The dust mites will be eradicated
bit genocidal mate
We need a final solution for dust mites
Depending on how the toil situation plays out, I've been thinking I might take up golf
Could play 2-3 weekdays per week, sacking off toil at 3pm and doing a humble 9 or 18 holes on my lonesome
Could listen to an audiobook as I went round, allowing me to work both my intellectual and golfing muscles
so glad that's not me
so glad that's me
You'd probably be less of a virgin if you played golf
Girls find it very attractive, being able to hit a ball a long way shows strength, assertiveness, dominance
Climbing a wall indoors shows you're a little bitch who panders to redditors and is afraid of the outside world
Tiger Woods? Shagging supermodels left right and centre
Will Bosi? Literal who redditor who probably has a fat wife
less of one than you tbf
and you keep posting that but its just wrong and you sound thick
climbing indoors is till climbing and it still makes you better at climbing
Consider this:

>whiny nasally virgin voice
"and you keep posting that but its just wrong and you sound thick
climbing indoors is till climbing and it still makes you better at climbing"
fuck golf
Golfer archetype: billionaire, handsome, intelligent, mansion dweller

Boulderer archetype: impoverished, anorexic, gay, bedsit renter
pretty good logic desu, zachy on the ropes with this one
So true. Would also add "basedboi redditor" to the indoor climber archetype
why are they called servants when they can all freely walk out of ''''toil''''' at 3pm? it's not school ffs
Flexitime is a massive perk of the job desu (one of the only perks remaining)
Could work 07:00-15:00 with a half hour break for lunch to do my contracted hours, if I so wanted
Or could do 08:30-15:00, play a round of golf, and then do some email admin at 20:00-21:30 to make up the hours
>climbing indoors makes you better at climbing
no shit
are you fucking retarded
its clear at this point that zachy 'coward' bowen will never boulder outside (despite claiming he'd do it after v5)
Noticed yesterday that Amazon are mandating their toilees back to the office full time, deciding that wfh is so bad that they won't even allow hybrid work any more (despite their profits rising by over 200 percent during the pandemic)

Wonder if that signals a wider trend in the market and other companies will start to follow suit, subjecting their toilees to the 2015 style drudgery of office toil and commuting

I may be the last lil work from home nigga surviving this time next year
wrong as always
going to do some work
the fact that zachy can't do a v5 is just funny, good harmless fun
but the fact that he can't break 100 (for 9 holes) is a special kind of sad, actually feel bad for the guy
hope he eventually finds something he's good at
can do v5s here actually so v8 in Dunedin and your new world cope gyms
so true
changing from a bouldering general to a golf general would unironically save /cric/
Might post my golf swing on /cric/ to get some useful feedback
he fluked v5 twice in the reddit sofa gym
hasn't managed it since
notice he's been extremely quiet on v6 chat lately because he's started to realise his (actual) current level is still v4
golf is one of the most luck-dependant sports desu
this is my opinion also (i have never played golf)
done it dozens of times including away from reddit sofa
One day cup final this Sunday lads
Glammy vs Somerset
I bet it rains all day
money saving and commute aside, it was kind of better when everyone was in office every day desu. good banter with the lads. the solution is that they need to make offices available in the metaverse so it replicates this without needing to leave home
you laptop thumbing neeks aren't nearly as important as you think
Actually hardly use my thumbs when I'm on the laptop
Only to press spacebar really, and that's just my left thumb
I use only my index fingers to type
>money saving and commute aside
Unfortunately those are pretty major factors desu. Would probably choose to work from the office twice per week if it were in walking distance, but not otherwise

>it was kind of better when everyone was in office every day
Maybe from a social/camaraderie perspective, but not from a productivity perspective. Used to be piss me off a lot trying to do high quality work while HR bints and sales phonepigs yapped incessantly around me all day

>the solution is that they need to make offices available in the metaverse
Not convinced this would work desu. Can amply-bosomed Venezuelan receptionists be replicated in such fine detail in the metaverse? I'm not sure
my ''commute'' is a leisurely twice or thrice weekly, twenty minute stroll along a river to my desk where I sit and binge drink coffee
yes yes, of course bard is more productive now that he spends 70% of his working day (taking the piss out of the humble taxpayer) on /cric/
who would make up your dream /cric/ golfing foursome?
for me, i'd take zachy, bard and sebbo. because those are the only /cric/ personalities i know
sebshit would poo all over the course
Sounds pretty comfy

More like 90% desu (for example I'm in a one-on-one meeting on camera right now but the other guy is wittering on non-stop and boring the life out of me so I'm typing out this message instead)

Simply amn't given any real work to do and amn't inclined to ask for any

It's a management failure, really
>In a huge win for te reo Mฤori, one of the highest-grossing animated films of all time, Shrek, is being adapted into te reo and will make its world premiere at the 2025 Mฤoriland Film Festival.
theres already that Maori pixar film with The Rock voicing the fat bloke
wonder if the rock will voice maori shrek
Day 1 of the penultimate round of county matches:

ECB streams and BBC radio and live text in usual places.

>Division One

Hampshire v Worcestershire

Kent v Nottinghamshire

Lancashire v Somerset

Surrey v Durham

Warwickshire v Essex

>Division Two

Derbyshire v Middlesex

Glamorgan v Yorkshire

Gloucestershire v Sussex

Northamptonshire v Leicestershire
Somersets win over Surrey narrows the gap at the top to 8 points. Lancs should be rolled over by Somerset, who if Notts win against an appalling Kent are all but confirmed relegated; Durham might prove a a tougher nut for Surrey.

In the second division Sussex are all but divisional champions and confirmed promoted. The second spot is still to play for however between Yorks and Middx with Leicester being too off the pace now to be really considered, they have won only one game in the championship this season. Derbyshire will โ€˜winโ€™ the wooden spoon without a win in their last two and Glamorgan winning or drawing either one of theirs.
PORTER breakthrough in the third over
Porter with a second, getting good swing out there. wanks already on the ropes.
bit of in-swing for little Chef and he GONE
he just typed it all out again (f o r f r e e)
guess whatยฟ my rainwater tank is collecting. W a t.e.r
everything got tested and passed with FLYING COLOURSยก!!
share with all!
>govbergs in charge of accountability
meanwhile I have to have weekly meetings where I go in detail about everything I'm working on what value it's delivering. civil service really is life on easy mode
You've got a laptop thumbing non-job just like the rest of us fella, pretty easy to bluff your way through one meeting per week and inflate the importance of and time required for the fake work you're doing
The only respectable toilsmen are doctors (sometimes), engineers, and freelancers (excluding tradies, who are far too working class to be worthy of a modicum of respect)
Shoulder pain isn't funny
>laptop thumbing
You keep saying that. Are British laptops different? Or do British people get taught to operate them differently? I really don't understand where the thumbing thing comes from
any job where you're involved in health / looking after people / treating diseases and engineers. that's it
lmao @ trying to sneak self-centred freetoilers / proofreaders in
just one of those things that sounds good even though it's completely inaccurate. what would an alternative be? laptop fingerer? doesn't work aesthetically does it
a rare zachy meme term that caught on
>caught on
not really its just another one of his buzzwords terms that he alone uses.
You're sneaking in "any job where you're involved in health" to try to cover NHS admin monkeys, even though we all know that they're about 95% useless red tape dossers who make the whole service considerably more expensive and considerably less efficient

As a freelancetoiler, you get paid on a piecemeal basis for discrete work projects, forcing you to be as productive as possible without compromising on quality (as compared to a salaryman who can just do it slowly and then pretend that there was some unforeseen delay and likely won't face any consequences)

Agreed, has a nice ring to it
Quite possibly the only worthwhile zachy contribution since 2014
It's very easy to spot a zachy post due to those buzzwords, also just the general mental retardation levels of the post's content
don't really get why zach became the villain just because he started doing some bouldering. seems a quite uninteresting hobby really
t. zachy, already fully aware that this isn't the reason he "became the villain"
he constantly blogs about it (boring everyone in /cric/ because he keeps repeating the same 3 points and only improves in skill every 6 months or so). needs to keep that shite in the dedicated general in /cg/
it's also the crossfit for gen z so non-redditors hate it
Is it at Lords?
Current forecast is for rain all day in London on Sunday, but I guess there's still a fair margin of error and things might change
surely somerset are winning the championship
>became the villain
like this is some new phenomenon
go away:
>it's also the crossfit for gen z so non-redditors hate it
dire take
ol bingo wings still got 5 hours on his 9-5 shift at the bad laptop before he drags his humongous arse to the good one for the daily 5-9 shift
Going to bed. I suggest you all do the same.
Might have a little taxpayer-funded siesta over lunch as I didn't sleep well last night, good idea
might become a civil servant leech as well
get someone else to pay my wages and do nothing all day. can't see the downside
you'd have to work with people like spaccy and tard
You'd probably have to go to the office 3 times per week now, and face the drudgery of having nothing but pointless meetings to do but actually having to show up to the office to waste that time
I got lucky sneaking in with the wfh contract
Still a comfy enough gig, 99% of jobs are bullshit/exploitative desu so nothing wrong with gaming the system
Shoulder pain is NOT funny
arse pain sounds slightly funnier
Forgot to add that another respectable job category is social science academic
When I get my postdoc I'll be putting my blood, sweat, and tears into changing this God-forsaken world for the better
that dream's about as finished as test cricket
should have gone LSE when you had the chance
There's been a positive development
Talks are ongoing
Research proposals are being reviewed
It COULD still happen
Lunchtime countryside bike ride toil looms
forced fun
Decided to do mountain bike toil instead of country lane toil, and feel completely invigorated

Felt the fresh air in my lungs, the wind in my hair, the earth beneath my wheels - the adrenaline coursing through my veins as the prospect of imminent death loomed while I navigated the rocky descents with my thin tyres and failing brakes

Indoor climbers will never know this excitement, and that saddens me
Lancashire are effectively relegated now


Wish it had been Notts instead
Bouldering looms
lancashire in a dire state of affairs
shambolic performance from them
My poor shoulder it's not fair
>Ollie Pope - who has been rested for the final two rounds of County Championship fixtures by England - is set to play in the BMW PGA Celebrity Pro-Am at Wentworth while Surrey host Durham at the Kia Oval

Jesus, this is bad even by ECB's standards. They genuinely don't give a fuck about the county game
the fucking cunts treat us like pricks
that's our word, but you can say it with a soft 's'
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Please watch our sport
back to /hoc/
Watched Yankees vs Red Sox a couple of days ago and it was very dull. Nowhere near the amount of complexity and depth as cricket. Baseball is what you get if cricket has a car accident and suffers severe brain damage, emerging the other side still alive but essentially just a vegetable.
My feet hurt
based footjob stacy gf
keep going i'm almost there
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I know I should get next to you
you got a look that made me think you're cool
but it's just sexual attraction
not something real so I'd rather keep whacking
somerset and lancashire trying to see who fumbles it first
Love Israel so much
only managed two v5s today :(
in my life*
just uploaded another climbing vid
nothing to do
yeah I'm thinking pleateuchy b is back
>girls will be girls (2024)
hmm, shan't
> sales phonepigs
in the civil service?????
moving to another city tomorrow for uni
wiss miss this shithole
ol bingo wings coming to the end of his good laptop shift
big test tonight
Used to be a private sector consultant chad
I've done it all, me

Cricket scene in the new city?
>ynr that meme of zachy and bard getting cricket in South America to top standard
in reality one spent most of his time in gay clubs and the other was getting weak highs from knock-off ayahuasca
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>blackrock offers money to companies to hire one company over the other
>legal discrimination in the literal sense before literal came to mean figurative
>men are neets more than women
>no fucking kidding
The Gatekeepers (2012)

Jai Jai Shin Bet
nah, couple miles away it's the place where cricket brazil operates, could go there one day but still a bit pricey the bus ticket
there's a rugby scene there though, might give it a shot, not a very muscular fella but i can run a bit
Highlights of day one of the penultimate round of matches:

>Division One

HANTS 373/4.

v NOTTS 393/6.

LANCS 140. & 16/1

SURREY 52/0.
v DURHAM 262.

v ESSEX 189/9.

>Division Two

DERBS 173.
v MIDDX 125/1.

v YORKS 361.

v SUSSEX 149/4.

v LEICS 203.
luff yer.work countyla &
>spamming that at midnight
carpe diem, u smelly fanny ick
Highlight of the day is Bibi the Ball Buster dabbing on terrorists
whats this?
Bibi the ball buster is the best in the business fella x
Sitting on the zacher doing a zach
>sitting on the noncer doing a nonce
what did he mean by this?
le thick and tragically unfunny, dire accent crew
500 views on the new vid
Noticed Zachy used the wrong coloured grip on the dismount not sure you can really count that as a v5
They call you redditcunt
>he doesn't know where the meme came from 4chan
>being this new
Work soon
Glass of whisky soon
gay couple on escape to the country again
brits are the masters of comfy shows
i remember coming home from school thinking about antiques roadshow and as soon as that theme started i'd be so happy
bet the locals will be thrilled
really makes you wonder why they and other minorities are put on shows and movies to the point that you'd think they're not minorities but still cry for gibs
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Yeah? So what? Are you proud you've wasted more time here than me?
it's a meme that's more than 10 years old
i wasn't even actively posting on here at the time i just knew where the origin of memes was at the time
either here or SA
you're just a faggot fucking retard newfag
Literally never a time youโ€™re not posting. get a life you smelly brown cunt.
>everyone who says something against me must be the same person
Yeah? I've been posting here since before reddit existed you faggot. I was making a joke
Bit hostile in here. We should really be happy there is some test cricket on and unite in joy to get behind /cric/'s team (new zealand)
oh yeah? i've posted here since before the world wide web existed. i was making a shitpost
Nice cope but you've already been exposed. Probably best to log off 4chan now
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ynr shitjeet the degenerate nonce
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i know someone else who umpires for free seething over that image
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Where's the fucking matchie
maybe ask zachy or some pewee nonce. threadsplitting is for redditors.
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was going to watch the black caps but then I remembered our golden age is officially over and I don't care anymore
>golden age
>zero (0) world cups
What is he like in his late 40s now?
Sri Lanka firmly in the lead here
how many cricket WCs do england have lol
(none because t20 isn't cricket)
w-what are those stains on his jumper?
blundering later
dog shit
god this week is going slowly
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Visual representation of the Gavaskar-border cricket series
Day 2 of the penultimate round of county matches:

ECB streams and BBC radio and live text in usual places.

>Division One

Hampshire v Worcestershire

Kent v Nottinghamshire

Lancashire v Somerset

Surrey v Durham

Warwickshire v Essex

>Division Two

Derbyshire v Middlesex

Glamorgan v Yorkshire

Gloucestershire v Sussex

Northamptonshire v Leicestershire
inb4 usual bot replies
Essex innings over, Snaters middle-stump flattened. He got his half-ton his morning however and Essex put on 43 runs this morning. Some terrible play by Warks this session: bad bowling decisions and bad fielding.
Seeing as you donโ€™t like cricket perhaps it would be better for you to post some place else?
New Zealand embarrassing themselves a bit here
oye hoye iykwim
Walked past that oye hoye restaurant on queen St the other day
holy shit that actually exists, wonder if it's worth going to Auckland for
In a meeting
Spent the first 15 minutes "putting a gif in the chat to represent how you're feeling today" and now I have to sit through 30 minutes of a presentation raising awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace
Be lucky if we have 5 minutes of actually useful corporate updates by the end
(Women should be banned from the workforce*)
(*Except as receptionists, provided they meet certain criteria)
Now she's droning on about typical neurotypical behaviours (rude, superficial, uncaring) are worse than typical neurodiverse behaviours (empathetic, genuine, caring)

Now she's moved on to talking about how anybody who suspects they're neurodiverse should make sure they list themselves as disabled and apply for extra dispensations

No wonder this country is going to the dogs when we're allowing these work-shy spackers to take the piss like this
Autistic people should be kept in cages and given difficult technical challenges to complete, under the beady eyes of neurotypical middle management
You sound a bit neurodiverse (retarded)
Good start from the Pears today but I suspect the game is already gone
Still, we're safe from relegation, so no real need to carry on with our winning streak now desu
and Cook SPLATTERS Rhodes wickets, last Rhodes innings for Warks at Edgbaston and heโ€™s gone for a duck.

Wanks 1/2
How come K. Mendis is being made to bat with himself seems a bit uncricketing
Virdi taking wickets left right and centre this morning
Wonder whether we'll sign him permanently
Surrey don't seem very interested in him
he pre-posted one past midnight
I'm neurodiverse (psychopathic)
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few bees out
>donโ€™t watch for a minute
>Warwickshire are now 4/4
how sad
thought bard had dropped the raging incel gimmick
giving off serial killer vibes
>replying to himself again
Why do you post on a cricket general if you donโ€™t like cricket? Sad!
No New Zealand flags ITT so they must be doing shit
Was watching YouTube now I'm going sleep
no India flags ITT so they must be doing shits
no SA flags ITT so they must be getting raped by those with skin coloured shit.
Probably eligible for free gibs from hard-working taxpayers like me ffs

I'm simply telling it like it is
A straight shooter
Not afraid to call a spade a spade
no Ireland flags ITT so they must be carbombing shit
I don't hate women, my own mother was one! I simply object to:

(1) Having to work alongside them and putting up with them pointlessly making everything more inefficient

(2) Their inclusion in cricket, which should have remained a sacrosanct male-only space
*bangs banhammer*
Could have done without the Pears losing 2 wickets before making in to 10 desu
can't say I've ever had any interaction with HR in my life and career
Could be worse, could be Warwickshire, LOL

Consider yourself very lucky, God has not yet seen fit to test you
also when they overcook brussel sprouts and make you eat them! FUCK WOMEN
>constantly complaining about his mum being a maid and not getting a proper job
also bard
>women shouldn't do proper jobs
I quite like sprouts but admittedly I'm not sure whether I'd enjoy overcooked sprouts, nor any daft bint trying to make me eat them

Don't think I've ever said she should get a proper job desu, the old girl should retire
based NEET
i fuck women iykwim haha
For me it's their infatuation with using insults to do with "maturity" and other age related digs but it's basically just anything they don't like or approve of
Lunch at Edgbaston and Warwickshire are 52/6. Even though itโ€™s definitely a bowlers wicket, they have been dire today with the ball and bat and in the field,
mendises 2 society
didn't even have it in me to feel insulted the last time a woman insulted me.

I mean a sincere emotional one, not an HR reprimand.

Her bright fiery gimlet eyes trained directly on you, struggling to keep her voice from snarling, maybe a tremor in her clench fists, PHWOOOAR nothing more invigorating.
Spare the rod and spoil the woman
it's a rare thing knowing you've got the anger of a gorgeous woman, normally the rather blasรฉ creature, well and truly piqued

like seeing some welsh raiders of yore charging across the bailey to sack your Shropshire castle for the umpteenth time, back before they began to expend their surplus energy in playing rugby football
just realised this post didn't make any sense. If one thing is rare and the other thing happens umpteen times, then they're not alike. But c'est l. v.
>south africa
>shit africa
Essex letting Warwickshire get away from them now, theyโ€™ve reached 100!
Mad how if you earn a humble ยฃ68k - as any moron can - then your take-home salary each month (~ยฃ4.1k) is approximately half of that of the Prime Minister on his ยฃ167k salary (~ยฃ8.3k)

No wonder they're all corrupt, accepting free tickets to cricket matches etc
>no pension contributions
Only fools put money into pensions nowadays
You gotta live in the moment
who's the US flag doing a bad imitation of bard's posting style?
>my own mother was one
would need no student loan either to hit 4.1k
need to be a tarquin for that
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based me
/cric/'s been much better since I auto-YFO'd and haven't had to read a sebshit post in over a year
Australia is truly a cultural penal colony
You hear an australian talking outside of australia, you just know they don't belong there

Australian actor? What are you doing on my TV mate, you belong in Australia

They just don't belong anywhere else
She still is one, admittedly

PM is a boomer with no student loan, so makes sense to compare like-for-like
>unironically believing this is why they're corrupt
so true. and if you've never seen snow like almost all of them you're basically not a complete human being. like 75% of a person maybe

One to go
Bouldering at 3pm and looking forward to some upfront zoomers saying I should enter Mr. Universe
(I don't work neek hours that's all it is lol)
do NOT look up the South Africa score
at 68K at 10% pension contribution, you can either invest like ยฃ600 in your pension, or forgo the tax relief and get only ยฃ350 extra back post-tax

bang for your buck innit
i'll bang your mum's buck innit lad
still don't know how my pension works
they just take the money out
anyway it clearly won't be enough. you need to save 1m+ really, probably much more with future inflation
innings loss before tea on day 2
The embarrassment of the West Midlands
>he doesn't realise pensions go up with inflation and compound interest
not sure how you look at reality and think 'hmm wouldn't mind a long future in this thing. might even force this hell upon a few kids eh!'
we don't all live in Australia
meant for
yeah never clicking on chudchute shit aus/pol/ blowie
>The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
>Contains Incitement to Hatred

can't be arsed VPNing up to watch your chud vid
Mad how Afghanistan are elite now
If Australia was in France then I MIGHT consider visiting it
But there's simply no reason to visit a place like that when it's so far away and so expensive. Not interested, sorry!
New Zealand, on the other hand? Yeah, would be a fantastic holiday, sign me up
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not yet
nah don't think so desu
can see the highlights of NZ in lord of the rings and there's honestly places like that in England or Scotland
neither of those backwaters are really worth losing multiple days of your life in transit
oi guv you got a loisens for that vpn
oi guv you got a loisens for that pussy
>shit africa
Doesn't matter talibunny cucks are going to ban cricket

Hinduism would've saved Thorpey from his internl demons
>They'll ban cricket
cricket is test cricket
so cricket is basically banned for all but 3 nations if you think about it
In another meeting and they're droning on about neurodiversity AGAIN for fuck's sake
It doesn't even exist, everybody's brain is different, it's an absurd concept
In serious danger of losing me fucking nut here
Is ghazanfar elite
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was excited for a bit because of this rocky flintoff on the bat rn, thought be might be freddie's son, but apparently his dad's an andrew or something
Everybody has to have something fucking wrong with them nowadays
Natural consequence of identity politics I guess
In reality, straight white men from the lower middle classes are the most oppressed people in human history
bit rich mate. you've had to take multiple breaks off /cric/ because of your menthol elfs
Most women have at least a mild degree of munchausen syndrome
Mental health? Truly absurd concept
If Graham Thorpe had just stopped to consider what an absurd concept it is, he'd still be with us today
what do they mean? like autism?
that definitely exists
t. posted here for years
I think I might have to do a 360-degree U-turn on homeworking desu

Joined the homeworking network to put a bit of pressure on senior management so I could stop them oppressing me

But in a network now and it's just a bunch of women whinging non-stop about how difficult it is being disabled and a carer and a parent and a woman and waaa waaa waa why are you expecting me to do any actual bloody work when things are so difficult

In a just world (i.e., the private sector), these work-shy bints would be cast out on the proverbial slag heap
According to the 2 (two) presentations I've had to sit through on it today, it's mostly autism but also ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, OCD, Tourette's, learning disabilities, """mental health""" conditions, etc
Basically they define it so broadly that any opportunistic retard can self-declare that they're neurodiverse and need disability adjustments, and no one can challenge them
as if you would have done any work
if there were no meetings on you'd just have fucked off for a park run or gone to the cricket, properly disrespecting the humble taxpayer (and your salary provider)
bard seeping out of character here
only the last 2 sound 'broad' desu
makes sense to educate people about the others although 1 presentation should probably be enough
every* youngish woman claims to have ADHD

*ok like 60%, they also like to say they're bi. idk what happened
If management saw fit to give me some work then I would diligently do it, as befits my status as a humble servant of the taxpayer
Not my job to go hunting about for extra work though
Park run is Saturday mornings, and I only do it when I visit mumberg - might go watch the cricket next week though, good idea

Autism diagnoses have gone up massively in the last decade or two, at least in part because they've done away with ADHD and made the diagnosis way less stringent
Means you can pretty much self-diagnose, and the doctors (in thrall to Big Farmer) will happily agree
you know that first dinner scene in American Beauty where lester tries to stress dump about his job he doesn't care about on his family that he doesn't care about? and the lack of caring makes a feedback loop until everyone is angry and yelling. Yeah, cool scene I reckon. anyway, hope a gay nazi blows your head off you boring spastic.
tier 1: full schizo
>everyone is on a vpn

tier 2: genuine autists

tier 3: just a bit weird but would still claim
>everyone else
I resent being put in the same tier as a certain well foreheaded man
NZ posters not very chatty, must be getting heemed by SL
>talibunny cucks
reckon the fact they didn't cuck to the USA makes them not cucks you dumb illiterate retard zoomer
>In serious danger of losing me fucking nut here
based meza looking at pics of cute women spergs
i wonder (((why)))
back in my day we needed a diagnosis to get any gibs which fucked me up for years zoomers have it easy
Telegram screenshota of Talibunny whatsapp messages
South Africa have finished embarrassing themselves
the arabs have built cricket grounds everywhere. seems they care about it's future more than most. doubt we'll see the Bibi CG anytime soon.
Bibi XI when
quite a bit of /cric/ on today and most of the posts are about bard's toil
last test series had a pretty grim turnout too
starting to feel quite bearish about the future of this sport desu
Is it tier 2 squad ?
shut the fuck up bard
God I'm such an ugly fuck
Absolute bloated carcass
A warped contorted freak
hope u got a system in your skyline tho
County games won't get interesting until tomorrow
Will be on best behaviour then, you have my word

Try trail running instead of indoor climbing, it'll do wonders for your physical and mental health
Afghans vs SA looks like it could be interesting desu
My nigga Ngidi (who I called out as an elite talent donkey's years ago) seems to be doing the business
Smart money is on SA win from here
If Graham Thorpe listened to this every morning he'd have never a*glo shitter'd himself
Yes that is correct
Foundering later
>t. spacky
genuinely mentally unwell

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