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Most fraudulent "athlete" ever?
the car is the a athlete
How is it his fault? His engineers suddenly started sucking
biggest carbabby ever
and he bitches on the radio so much

pretty much the white lewis hamilton
thats not lemickey
>leads the championship in your way
Formula 1 is a fraudulent sport.

It can't be perceived as you do other sports. The actual designers/engineers should be the household names and collecting the trophy, comparing drivers who contribute maybe 10-50% to the overall success of a championship is ridiculous.
Norris is still not gaining points to him. He has the faster car
I just want Max to win the WDC and Red Bull to finish as low as possible in the WCC
The car has more understeer now they obviously building the car around Perez because Max prefer pointy/oversteer
he will win the WDC in the 3rd placed WCC car.
>leader of the league cup is trash

this "sport" is a fucking meme KEK
imagine if manchester all of sudden was shit in the middle of a season
how this even happens!?
Poorez was fighting for the win though.
The car had potential this race.
Norris only gained 3 points with the race winning car. piastri will get ahead of him in the standings
they're both complete and utter shit, bro
Sure paki

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