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>Countdown to Sleepless in Singapore GP:

>Previous thread:
>>144445527 (Cross-thread)

>Thread Theme:

https://pastebin.com/Ufpi7Xpx (embed)

>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 Grands Prix without ever scoring a podium:
223 (220 starts)

>Fernando Alonso Grands Prix since last win:

>Races in the Alpine 100 Race Plan

>2024 WDC Standings
VER: 313 (+10)
NOR: 254 (+13)
LEC: 235 (+18)
PIA: 222 (+25)
SAI: 184 (+0)

>2024 WCC Standings
McLaren: 476 (+38)
Red Bull: 456 (+10)
Ferrari: 425 (+18)
Mercedes: 309 (+17)
Aston Martin: 82 (+8)

>2024 WEC Standings
PER: 1076.49 (+70.64)
HAM: 992.30 (+71.25)
RIC: 971.25 (+42.20)

Piastri edges out Leclerc for dramatic Azerbaijan GP win amid late-race chaos
DRIVER OF THE DAY: Piastri gets your vote after peerless Baku win
Leclerc admits he didn't defend hard enough against Piastri's Turn 1 move
Perez and Sainz crash out on penultimate lap in Azerbaijan GP
Sky F1 presenter Rachel Brookes reveals medical emergency during Azerbaijan GP weekend
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>Previous thread:
i dun goofed
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don't bake with a fever lads
>Sky F1 presenter Rachel Brookes reveals medical emergency during Azerbaijan GP weekend
worst thing is you left this in there
MCLAREN IS CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the shitposting section from f1exposure is gone
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>Comparing the difference in rear wing deflection under load for the top three teams in Azerbaijan.
>McLaren has a never-seen-before lift of the upper plane leading edge: it's as if the DRS opens partially at high speed, providing a further advantage.
>The effect is measurable: McL had the highest top speed when the DRS was inactive.
also, some other
Warnings all around for VSC infringement
McLaren fined €5000 for pit lane infringement
Expected from a team ran by a kike
Piastri will be champion before Norris
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>ummm actually Checo drove great today
It doesn't matter if you have the drive of your life for most of the race and still end up in the wall with 0 points.
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>Red Bull: 456 (+10)
>Ferrari: 425 (+18)
Did it pass the flex test? Then it's legal. Flexi wings are nothing new.
Silly McLaren mechanic just forgot to tighten the screw
is this one of those famous american niggers that I'm supposed to know of for some reason?
Mclaren will get fined and disappear in the midfield again before they can win a championship
So when brits cheat, media praises it as some new innovation and give credit to them but in 2019 when ferrari found something in the fuel its cheating
Isn't it only PS3's second season?
what happened to "Verstappen Grands Prix since last win:" green text?
>https://pastebin.com/Ufpi7Xpx (embed)
fun joke you feverish fool
Possible, but he's a bigger pushover than Norris
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this implies that norris will win one, he wont
Lando is panicking right now
>huge crashes in f2 and f1 suddenly when mika arrives
>Previous thread:
we need the correct lap number with an # or else...!
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sainz straight up admitting he knew they would collide if checo didnt move

you cant just drive into other cars because you think they should move
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is this the new cope spam im going to have to filter?
mclaren cheats
It was equally their fault. Embarrassing from both of them.
Goblando will lose the WDC in a WCC winning, dominant, cheating car.
It’s up.
this is the worst fucking meta i've ever seen
shit prizepools too
dota is fucking dead, valve is basically all-in on deadlock
so did red bull in 2021, why is it okay when red bull does it?
mclaren cheats
Who cares if they cheat a little, cheating has always been part of formula
will be handled the same as when red bull/mercedes have their flexi wing saga. a nothingburger
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>im going to have to filter?
what a fucking fag holy shit
neck yourself
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because the british bias lets them get away with cheating
shut up, pussy
FIA is not doing anything about it
Mercedes (engine) is back
red bull cheated and won bigly, mclaren cheats and now its not okay?
New Papaya Rule: Lando defends to help Oscar
the cum addicted swiss anon better not see this
its up
It’s called the “Max Verstappen rule” after what Max did all fucking year in 2021 without being penalised
Sainz should have known Perez would have been too sleepy to react.
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>britoids trying to not bring up 2021 in a discussion challenge. level: IMPOSSIBLE
Sainz should have just backed off and let Checo past instead of trying to hold onto a position that he was going to lose anyway.
no one cares about this dumb boomer brainlet
all he does is state what happened in the race
he has no insight
Yeah i think that oscar is the future goat. goes to red bull in 2026 and in 2030 starts winning wdcs
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predictions for the fat fuck ratings?
So what are the odds both Piastri and Norris get DSQ?
*Wins a race and gets rewarded with a single stern handjob*
2. bearman
3. colapinto
FIA allowed them to do this in Monza, why would they DSQ them now?
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>Who cares if they cheat a little
Well at least you are admitting they cheat. I have no issue with cheating and encourage it. However, I do not like a team being allowed to cheat. Once caught you are supposed to apologize and work on another loophole, not be blatantly allowed to continue.
Nothing will happen today. They are not investigating it
edd has a sweet tooth for bearman
Sainz drifted to the left, Checo was going straight.
McLaren should get rid of Norris and bring in Albon. Both Verstappen and Norris got bodied by the ladyboy today.
Why didn't Checo just turn left?
Crazy eyes
It's their duty to cheat, but it's also duty to punish cheats if they get caught
Why are so many blaming Carlos for this, too?
you like this season overall?
why did leshit lose today¿?
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so here it wasnt checos fault because he was in front
now it isnt checos fault because he was behind
Sainz deliberately took Perez out.
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what could go wrong
Spain always gets blamed, haven't you been paying attention?
ok, but checo was behind, so that doesnt matter that much
piastri is driving the same car norris does but when he does well it's pure skill, when norris does well it's because the rocketship is unbeatable and expected to win
>haven't you been paying attention?
No, why would I?
Checo is holding his trajectory in both cases.
He shouldn't have to move out of the way because the other drivers are fucking retarded.
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ok, tell me when does sainz change his trajectory
He was on the side, so yeah he shouldn't moved so he didn't crash, but that's still Sainz fault.
These divas are too cocky with how safe modern F1 cars are and muh right to space. If they were driving motorbikes, Checo wouldn't have done "muh right to space"
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Are you blind? Do you not see him moving away from the wall on a straight?
>He shouldn't have to move out of the way because the other drivers are fucking retarded.
You are correct, but if moving over will avoid a crash you would be smart to do so. How many times has someone drifted into your lane on the highway and you moved over to avoid contact? It just makes sense. Defensive driving is an important skill Perez appears to not have.
Thoughts on PS3?
Genuinely surprised Perez didn’t care enough to avoid the crash.

It was a Verstappen-style “move out my way or we’ll crash” move from Sainz and Perez clearly decided he wasn’t going to move in response

I mean, it probably hurt Red Bull and Perez more than Ferrari and Sainz? Perez might not have a drive and its killed any constructor’s hopes
i wish racing with cars like this still existed
>red bull cheats
>mclaren cheats
You guys think you have enough aero knowledge to design a dominant car in the 1960s?
Yeah. This case was pretty bad, I don't fault him at all for Monaco though since Hulkenberg was coming up on his left when Magnussen rammed him so he didn't really have any place to go and would've thought that Magnussen isn't retarded as he is.
ok, so you dont know the meaning of the words you are using, is ok, it doesnt matter
but just so that you know, by the deffition you gave me, perez is to blame
who are you quoting?
Yes. But replace Red Bull with Ferrari.
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this poster is yuri vips
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>*ruins Hamiltons race*
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>le vpn chingchong is having another melty
He umm... he... uhh...
it was one of those adrenaline fueled heat of the moment things, he thought he was getting the better of somebody but then out of nowhere someone gets the better of him, then he sees a chance but it's a desperate attempt and in the midst of his vexation he loses track of his opponent and boom.
It's a straight.
At 0:06 Sainz is about 1ft from the wall.
At 0:09 Sainz is about 5 feet from the wall.
Still don't understand how a stuck shifter made him crash
does anyone have that clip of him kwabbing poois into the turn?
peak poo CGI
That's the least of that clips issues.
but you didnt say that, you said "change trajectory", you just dont know what that means
no, sainz didnt change trajectory, his steering wheel wasnt move
some guy died doing this
Why are all the F1 newcomers mega twinks
Where are the manly dudes in F1?
zoomers are effeminate
Did Albon break up with He?
Why would someone in their right mind choose Red Bull as their F1 team to support?
Current society tells men that they are not allowed to be "real" men anymore. Young men are getting taught about "muh toxic masculinity" from a very early age, leading to a lot more men embracing their feminine side, to say it nicely.
remember everyone laughing at norizz earlier this year for choosing mclel instead of redbull? he knew all along they're going to have a faster car
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t-levels have been dropping for years
also with f1 cars getting pigfat, drivers need to be twinks or lanklets
How do you explain this?
post your idea of a manly dude, homo
Apparently Red Bull has wanted Albon back for a while now, if Max really goes to Merc maybe they'll go after him
What's a racing line?
Stop being a thirdie and accept it
only rich people get into f1, rich people live good lives so they're not hard
when did sainz change his trajectory
It is partly because of the weight limits, you have to be a short stocky dude to not be a pencil twink F1 driver (Yuki has the right built but is a twink anyway)
Next you're claiming there is a right corner coming up
Piastri has 2 real wins, NorIF has still one
more mercedes cheat engine customers + the engine becoming less dominant comparatively.
>McLaren rear wing
uhhhhh nothing to see here... move on...
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>decent car, decent drivers, dominant engine
>mediocre car, rookies and one armed bandits, engine no longer dominant
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Before the crash. perez has no obligation to give more space to sainz when they are side by side
He already shat the bed there once
enough to dominate the entire decade
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Peak wife material
I propose.that in case Piastri gets a WDC, we upgrade his nickname to PS2, as it will confirm that he does, in fact, have games
Norris is fucking dead. Before this race Cuxton was already mentioning that McLaren's management was starting to question whether or not Norris should still be their lead driver instead of Piastri and now this is the final nail in the papaya coffin. They made Norris defend for Piastri and they even started coaching him mid-race about watching out for wheelspin like he was an invalid. Any talk about a championship challenge is going to look silly now. It's so over.
he asked you to post a male, not a women
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it's incredible how you can just tell when the CGI was done by indians
>opens the DRS flap at speed in your way
what do you do?
Might get to q3
Sainz knew exactly what he was doing imo. He was sticking close to the normal racing line by drifting across to force Perez to move out the way to retain his advantage. Perez just didn’t move in response which is the reason for the crash.
Sainz-Poorez crash is a classic case of idiots on highway or any busier, larger street. I guess everyone here had a case, you driving along and then some dope is obviously switching lanes (without signaling), trying to enter your lane. Sure, he's a retard who doesn't check his mirrors, but if you don't brake and move ever so slightly to the side, you're an imbecile. Perez had like 5m to the left and he'd have the inside line all the way through. Easily could have avoided and Sains probably would get some measly penalty
yes i'm blinded by the sun.
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He was sleepy, it was late in the race
Based Checo. He made a statement if he ever needs to defend against kwablando the weakmind knows that Checo won't budge
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RB tried to get rid of him despite how far he got the team. So he put them in their current situation as a demonstration of his power. He'll let them win again if he feels like they deserve it next year.
Watch 90's F1 if you wanna all drivers look like 45.
Built for sex
>most people are obese
>1 in 36 children are autistic
>sperm counts down 60%
>50% of adults have diabetes / prediabetes
Being a twink who can function without meds is as good as it gets these days.
top three drivers in today's race?
1. ps3
I hate tw*nks as much as anyone but they're performing better than the guys with at least average testosterone levels right now. Though that might just be because they're fucking old at this point
don’t let any of this distract you from CocaCola getting 4 (four) points in a Williams and the ManBear getting a point in a Haas
Magbussy should straight up retire, and I imagine Private is crying in some corner of the Indycar paddock as he gets ready for another round of begging for a job
the twink era is fully here
For me it's
i can feel it in my bones, abu dabi 24 is going to ruffle some feathers
the data said ps3, leclerc, lando
Albon drove a very nice race.
I'd say Norris drove well also but I don't think I am allowed to compliment him on this general.
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>when its your food but mom insists you share it
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I forgot Alonso.
But so did the TV screens, I saw him pit and then never saw him again.
lando had a disasterous race
>b-but he passed slower cars
this is just like all the times perez kwabbed in quali and then had an "epic" comeback drive thru the field of midfield cars letting him pass
He is treated like women. You just have to lie to them that they are important in societies
I think 4th (6th) was an overachievement if anything.
The fact he beat Verstappen was stupid.
1. LEC
2. PER
3. PIA
>new papaya rules says oscar is going to cuck for you
>the very next race you become oscar's cuck
but then how did he get 12% of the dotd votes?
That's because Norris is expected to win races at this point of his career, given his talent and experience, and Piastri's been doing his job instead.
Anyone who's been frequenting this shithole.
i wanna see what sorta trouble this sly fox gets himself into with his nuui rocketship
ps3 made one error and chuck just happened to do the exact same thing. it was funny seeing his frustration at it in the cool down
This is a great analogy. The key is Sainz is smart enough to know how to get away with it by driving as though Perez isn’t there - the stewards aren’t going to punish Sainz for gaining an advantage by subtly moving over along his normal racing line.

Perez has perhaps made a point (eg >>144451324) but it really doesn’t seem like a smart time to him to do that given his career trajectory. You need to pick your battles.
Who was the faggot announcing the F2 race? He burst into treats about muh safety and lied about a car being upside down on the track.
don't give a fuck as long as le neekeri keeps getting exposed, simple as
Piastri is clearly better than Norris but it’s dumb if McLaren don’t do everything they can to win the WDC with the only driver who has a shot at it

I doubt it was a difficult discussion either, Oscar’s not a retard. If he points were the other way around then McLaren would do the exact same thing. There’s also likely a promise to not favour Norris and treat them equally going forward.
>leclerc loses the lead and can't get it back
>this somehow warrants the top 1 driver spot
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Why do people forget that this is only Piastri's 2nd season
oscar needs to fix his quali problem, without that he would be better than norris without a doubt
That crash was so unnecessary. They should DSQ both drivers.
PS3 made it to Q3 in all races unlike his teammate.
And Hamilton too.
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The crash wasn't Sainz fault, I agree.

But he shouldn't have tried to attack Leclerc right after passing Perez, that was both greedy and dumb, it left him vulnerable to Perez. What was he thinking

We could have got p2 and p3 and a lot of constructor points, but what we did is letting mclaren get more constructor points, and gifter 2 free positions to Nor and Ver
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Didn't even have the audacity to do it halfway through the race
He was faster than PS3 for most of the race until his tires gave out at the end. Learn how F1 works, retard.
Active aero is killing the sport
how are they head to head? it must be like a 11-6 aound that, not good for piastri
yeah, and more with leclerc going that slowly
>Bottas is 22nd in WDC out of 20

>until his tires gave out at the end
And whose fault is that? Probably his own, seeing how he crashed in FP and didn't manage to have any practice time on the hard tyres because of that. He literally said himself that he would have probably managed better if he knew how the hards were gonna behave.
Wow is he ok?
>Pooves vs Poocastle
>Semen slurping draw or boring 2-1 every single year
Why is it always like this?
It’s kind of impressive how bad Sauber and this year. They are totally doing a Hass for 2026, aren’t they?
mclaren cheats
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Who the fucked looked at this and said "Yep, that looks great, let's put it in the movie." How does the driver even end up next to the car in the air like that?
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nice meltdown you queer
mclaren cheats
It's worse than that for Piastri.
It's 13/4 in Norris's favour.
Is 59 points enough?
Based beyond belief
no more papaya please
if he was faster "for most of the race" then why wasn't he able to overtake him for 30 laps?
they should accuse ferrari of cheating for that
bufff thats grim
if he improves here, then piastri would be considered by all the better driver, until then there will be people saying that noris has the upper hand
for example, the pass of piastri today to charles is something that norris cant do, and we saw it in austria
Like I told you, learn how f1 works.
>no argument
okay, so you're full of shit. got it.
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hard to say, norizz should be able to take a lot of points out of amx every race but somehow he never does. either he's compromised or ferrari and mercedes disappear and amx is right behind him anyway
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Has Perez blown it?
Was this his final final chance to redeem himself?
Is my boy Danny Ric about to step into the Red Bull seat after Mexico?
So, McLaren is slower with cheating?
Singapore next.
If the last two Singapore GPs are anything to speak of I would be surprised if Verstappen beats the RBs there.
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If anything, today has shown that the time of young talents is now. Put my boy Son of Law into that seat.
> There must be no relative movement between the constituent parts of the DRS Bodywork.
Uh oh mcsissies.
so? hamilton won the wdc with mclaren in his 2nd year
But max is not near podium anymore. He is 4-6.
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I would be fuming if I was Webber. Not calling a spade a spade.
Lando's just not good enough. Has rubbish starts and keeps cracking under pressure.
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he should be, but just look at zandvoort. ferrari and merc performance is all over the place
Villeneuve won the title in his second year with an equally dominant car against arguably the greatest of all time.
And Villeneuve embraces his baldness.
one hell of a statement if amx won
Maybe this is a 400 IQ play by Horner.
>Perez keeps crashing for silly reasons
>Everyone just expects him to throw away points by crashing
>Perez crashes into Norris in the last race and is just written off as Perez's usual idiocy instead of any sort of foul play
Don't worry Amxbros
Leclerc is winning Singapore and Las Vegas
Piastri is winning COTA and Qatar
Amx will be on podium in Mexico and Brazil
And then he just needs a P4-P5 finish at Abu Dhabi, the rest a P6 is enough
No worries max had experimental setup
Where was Retardo this race even? I know Tsunoda got Stroll'd
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He had a good start today desu.
No chance.
The Red Bull is not anywhere close enough to win races anymore.
Maybe after the three week break they can do something but not before that.
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If it gets close he just crashes with norris
13th, I think 15th/16th was where the RB was today.
People say Aston Martin cannot upgrade a car but the RB has become shit since they added stuff in Spain.
I would also like to add that the RB was almost considered podiumworthy by the "experts" in F1 after the pre-season tests.
The team principles also questioned why Red Bull owns two teams back then again but now that RB are shit again no one is saying anything.
yes, before those upgrades they ere faster than the aston, and since then they were in some tracks the second to last team
>pozfags arguing over which non-max driver is less shit
all we need is one real meme race and sauber can do the funniest thing ever
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Why did Hamilton struggle against two replacement rookies?
>that insane powergap between p4 and p5
>Haas in 7th
I know Sauber have given up until Audi swoops in, but what the fuck are Williams and Alpine doing?
Ocon and Gasly WILL crash in any one of the remaining races
They corrupted the idea of attraction. They are shooting themselves in the head though. You can't chase someone if they aren't making themselves attractive. You don't get to be desired unless someone is doing the desiring.
>AMX will be WDC in the third fastest car
>Goblando will be P3 in the WDC in the fastest car
Everyone not in Top 4 teams already for some time has no mathematical chance to win WDC. Somehow NARB and Poorez still have a statistical chance
why dedbull didnt pit Max at 34 lap?
and the visa is shit at the moment, haas can be p6
again, if the hards can do all the race, why are we forcing the drivers to change them?
a driver should be able to decide if he wants to do all the race with only 1 set of tires
Patrick Head and Ross Brawn and Postlethwaite in 1976
what a dream team that would have been 20 years later
PS3 demolished it.
Are the FIA still doing that thing where they tell Pirelli to make the tyres underperform on purpose to keep things closer?
>those 'we're going to get a safety car' strats
>climbs from 17th to 4th when he has no real pressure
>Bottles easy wins
Is it literally just a mentality issue?
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>Points after Round 17 of the F1 calender 2023 vs 2024

>Red Bull
657 - 456
326 - 309
298 - 425
>Aston Martin
230 - 82
219 - 476
90 - 13
23 - 16
16 - 0
12 - 29
5 - 34
Yeah, sems like best case for Red Bull is to minimize the damage. Lando only gaining 3 points again wouldn't be too bad
Why the fuck couldn't Perez crash BEFORE Norris overtook Max
Is the papaya wing actually illegal? Should it get deported? What if we just call it an undocumented rear wing?
Blessed by Chad Warden himself
Baku was always a track where its easy for a better car to get forward fast. While simultaneously having an okayish chance for a safety car.
Two cars took their engine penalty here for this very reason.

Consider that Norris got stuck for 20 laps behind a Williams and still scored P4.
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It's not illegal because it's not a Red Bull or Ferrari wing.
Similar to the Mercedes meme rims, where the FIA had the audacity to actually tell, that it's legal on the Mercedes but everyone else comes up with it may get banned
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>wake up
>liquid won
>mclaren wcc leader

its over
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such a stupid fucking crash, jesus. give them a fucking video game radar since they cant race without one.
Also Norris should have taken his engine penalty.
Even if he doesn't need a new engine yet, it was a free chance to do it.
Why does Sauber exist?
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In this House, We Believe:
Black Tyres Matter
Women’s Motorsport is For Simps
No Rear Wing is Illegal
Science is Newey
Gimi is Gimi
Booba is Everything
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Remember to thank /ourrat/ Estebania for kwabbing goblando in q1 thus stopping mclel fucking off into the horizon today
The crash benefited Max. Lecuck still got closer in the WDC but not that much anymore. It made no difference against the goblin and Peeasstri is complete and utter shit and disfavored by his cheating team anyway
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>Senor Marko, they are all around me!
WEC results where ?
My face when Piastri will be ahead of Norris in the standings anyway when the series turn up at abudabi and the goblin has to support him
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Remember to get new material.
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It looks good to me.
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10.2.3 No adjustment may be made to any suspension system while the car is in motion.
I have it but I honestly just cant be fucked using it or finding it so I just resort to this one. Did you miss me Hans?
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So whats the follow-up, whos falt was it, pinche or car loss?
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It was already ruled as a racing incident.
Retardo is a million times worse than Poorez
FIAMG is real
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i expected him to make the back of the frontrunners but he passed max and hamilton because he started in the pit lane. still he missed 13 points
Would Newey the Airbender use this?
Bros I can taste food anymore I think I'm getting new monster antibodies
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add salt
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Yeah it's fucking over for me, races for this feel is Imola 1994
>max hasn't won DOTD once this season
wypipo dont seezun they food
Another victim of the vax
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>Teams crying about McLaren's straight line speed trick
F1 is healing.

All this time, all F1 needed to be kino again was McLaren back in front.
Truly the protagonist team.
i pooped
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>I think I'm getting new monster antibodies
have you tried offsetting the with redbull antibodies?
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was that the chink ferrari film?
>Wins 7 races with the 4th best car
>Zero DOTD
>Goblando wins 2 races with the best (and an illegal) car
>Seven DOTD
Anglo bias is unreal
>Wearing a cross necklace
>Whoring herself out
Who's the girl that follows ritardo around in the interviews she's really pretty
It's a T
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and FIA allows it for the show to make the championship more competitive

yeah looks like it form the top cam
still retarded of Saar to bin it and gift mcLel WCC
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Jesus was a friend of whores
Just typical lazy Hispanics.
most religious people just pick and choose which rules to follow
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best drivers in the world
Amx is actually pretty good at Singapore even if he's been unlucky there.
If RB works at all like Perez setup today showed it could, a good result may be on the table
>4th best car
not even the seventh fastest car, bro
How did Alonso add rubber to the tyre?
what the fuck lol
it's AI but... why?
Why did he pull left? He had plenty of straight left
Spanishers must really like the Windsor.
Singapoop has always been an issue for rb though has it not? At least in recent years
I think he was just going straight.
The road kinks to the right, so relatively, it looks like he's drifting left
isnt that where perez got hailed king of the streets the first time in 2022?
newey is already doing his magic
alonso world champion 25 and 26
you, you have to take into account less fuel at the end of the race, still very impresive, and since he had a quiet race, he always had the williams outside drs, he could manage tires
No awareness, he was saying on the radio 'What happened?'
Spanish is I believe the third most spoken language on the internet, behind English and Chinese
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>lando and ps3 have the same number of wins
lando might kill himself
heres to more ps3 wins
>P2 and P4 in the WDC with the best car
both are frauds and should do it together
Perez won 2022 and Max would've put it on pole by a clear margin if he didn't have to abort the lap because of fuel
lekek is an even bigger fraud
Yeah, but Im convinced I remember the team saying they could just never get the car or their strats right for it despite perez winning in 22. Think was it last year too or whatever year we got >where he goin?
They asked toto about rb shitting the bed and even he attested to it being an odd duck track even for merc in their dominance (but it's toto so grain of salt)
Colapinto and Bearman are the only ones that haven't been exposed as frauds yet
It doesn't look like he is pulling left, but even if he did, why shouldn't he? That's how you defend, you cover the middle of the track. Perez was behind and crashed into him. He truly is a driver on the level of Stroll.
no one even mentioned him, no need for whataboutism
piastri has +1 sprint win (sprint wins count in this case)
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>Has as many wins as Lando and Oscar
>Gaining the quickest on Max since the break
>All without the fastest car
He would've clinched the WDC by now in that McLel.
You gotta have latino audience, I recall some beaner car youtuber was sayaing hes getting millions of views for his spanish channel and ~100k for the same vids on the english chan
Amazing technology.
Dont get me wrong, I'd prefer to see rb take it this time but it'll either be ferrari or piastri. Max wont have the grip and or control for it judging by recent events, perez will either do well or dog shit, nowins doesnt have the mental fortitude or skill for it. Ferrari are best poised for it but who knows, could be an absolute meme race
>Piastri ignored race engineer on '50/50' overtake that won Azerbaijan GP

orgasmic lap of monza (spanish ver.)
>third in wdc in the overall third best car
second best after max
Piastri? Has that dawg in him.
Lil Lando? Does NOT have that dawg in him.
they're both complete and utter shit, bro
You can be shit and still have that dawg in you.
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>Leclerc will be a Ferrari WDC in your lifetime
Papaya rules are wild
where he goin
lmao from this angle it absolutely looks like poorez fault
piastri is in the process of redeeming himself but yet still undeserving of praise
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>pozfags are still perpetuating the overhyped medshitter trope
it just never ends, does it
>lando might kill himself
I'm starting to suspect you're the pozfag
name the medshitter in question
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how's life in canada
>one day there'll be BEA VER in 1-2 or 2-3
Typical racing incident. Sainz is veering left slightly, but he's doing so to prepare for the next corner. Checo is keeping his trajectory, yet he's got time and space to react to Sainz but doesn't. Both could've prevented it and neither did.
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This is sad
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piastri is as much of a med as i am anglo
Why not since Spain, or Miami, or Bahrain?

there seems to be a lot of these 'most points since X' being posted everywhere lately, especially on the main f1 accounts to make sure that normies only remember the recent races and hype up whoever perfirmed well recently
worst poster on /f1/
there's Stroll lack of spatial awareness, and there's this, where Perez is presumably watching Sainz's tyre getting closer and closer right next to his head, and he's like
>nah, it'll be fine.
If we're going to play this game, top points scorers in last 4 GPs are
>LEC&PIA - 73
>NOR - 65
>VER - 48
>HAM - 41
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Look how close sainz is to the wall a the start and how far is when they touch
>but why checo didn't pull to the left?
Go look what Turn 3 looks like, pulling to the left means losing that position because how tight turn 3 is, so either you crash in turn 3 or let him pass
i should have slept through this one
Sainz is still ahead
Perez could have veered to the left and it would have been his corner
PS3 won F3 and F2 back to back
Norris has never won a single championship in any series ever
>Top scorers since 2001
>Hamilton - 4805.5
>Verstappen - 2899.5
>Alonso - 2325
>Bottas - 1797
>Perez - 1629
>Ricciardo - 1329
>Leclerc - 1309
>Sainz -1166.5
>Norris - 887
>Russell - 612
>Hulkenberg - 552
>Ocon - 427
>Gasly - 402
>Piastri - 319
>Stroll - 292
>Albon - 240
>Magnussen - 192
>Tsunoda - 83
>Zhou -12
>Bearman - 7
>Calapinto- 4
>Sargeant - 1
based sarge
Don't know about you lads, but this for me is best scenario:
>McLaren WCC, RB 2nd and Ferrari 3rd but Amx WDC, Leclerc 2nd, Oscar 3rd
This way Goblin is exposed, Ferrari gets more aero for next year and wins both in 2025, while Amx gets his 4th
Alternatively, if Amx can't win the WDC, please make it so Leclerc does, or even Oscar. Anyone but the goblin

FIA wants RB domination to end, so all other teams (Mclaren, Mercedes, Ferrari) are blatantly cheating. Front and back wings bending and flexing and twisting
I think it's safe to assume now that he will narrowly win it because the brief period where mercedes was good is over so verstappen can cruise on P5s with no worries while mclels and ferraris take points off each other
>Hamilton wins 2025
Sounds like a shit scenario to me.
McLaren wins again. Everyone else loses
>implying Hamilton would even get close to LeClerc
ye of little faith
They were okay with Merc dominating for 8 years though
While Hamilton is at Ferrari I cannot support them.
Leclerc must endure another two years of unhappiness before Hamilton retires out of frustration, then I will support them again.
Try to top Hulk's last laps
>touches the wall and thinks he has a puncture
>presses pit lane mode for a stop but gets told he doesn't have one
>loses position to Colapinto in the process
>gets to VSC crash area
>thinks it stays, gets green again and loses the places to Hamilton and Bearman
so the mclel low drag rear wing is a cheat?
Sainz wasnt even looking in the mirrors "saying what happend there?"
>rbr above ferrari
x doubt
It's insane we were not far from Perez winning and Max finishing P7 on merit.
Nice, now let's see Poorez's points.
Hamilton will get outqualified on the regular by Leclerc + Leclerc knows the car in the race much better than him. It would take unironically some shady shit to happen in order for Leclerc to not be ahead of Hamilton by the end of the next season, especially if it competitive with other teams
Probably not because Bearman doing well might cuck Magnussen out of the rest of the year.
I don't care.
The team will do something.
Liberty will do something.
I won't be associated with it.
It's all the more reason to support them, weakmind Lewis having to manage regretti will be hilarious
In your mind they are supposed to look in the mirrors most of the time right?
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/biz/ idea: Formula 1 but everyone is driving under influence

>lando might kill himself
I thought I was watching F1, didn't realize this was Indy NXT
More like everyone caught up
Transsexual Mclaren fans on Reddit have told me it's totally legal
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This is gonna go down to the final race between lando and max.

59 points is a large gap, but it reminds me of the 2022 MotoGP championship. When Fabio was leading the championship for a long time, but got clipped by pecco in the end.

It's very difficult to hold on to a championship when you can't even sniff podiums
Max race is with George and Carlos

Lec, Nor, and PS3 are 10 seconds up the road
That's the problem, both of their trajectories cross and neither is changing his trajectory to avoid the crash. Just two dumb retards being equally at fault for a crash that was very much avoidable.
59 points isn't a large gap in 2024. there are 26+34+26+34+26+34+26 points still available
Webm of the season that is
Realistically lando will have only win one race
Yeah. I think max has to pray the Austin upgrades work, otherwise it might be curtains for him
>Onboard footage showed Hamilton driving in a peculiar way, turning in sharply - and not driving how he usually would.

>The 39-year-old conceded the balance of his Mercedes was “one of the worst” he’s ever had in F1.

>“It was the worst balance I’ve probably ever had so,” he added. “One of the worst balances. Basically I had so much front end but no rears I had to turn… it’s not the way you drive. I had to yank the steering to break the traction from the front, slide the front through every corner. It’s the weirdest way I had to drive.
In the first stint Leclerc opened a gap of almost 5 seconds of Piastri, wtf happened that they were close again after he pitted?

Ferrari were too proudy of Leclerc tyre magician capabilities?
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The driver that has the other car directly in sight and fails to adapt to its trajectory is clearly more at fault here. Not to run into the car in front of you on a straight is basically the minimum requirement for a racing driver. The way Perez is allowed to suck is liberty media literally thumbing their nose at you, dear viewer.

Verification not required
probably, they beat piastri in both netherlands and monza, they didn't think he'd get past again
Pitted later, fast PS3 inlap, and slow Leclerc outlap and tyre warm up
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they already are
(spot the kwab)
Why is he coping about being beaten by a twink?
He's a number 2 driver.
What a shitshow Indy is, imagine in F1 losing a WDC because the seatbelt fails
That's what makes indy so much fun
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YWNB filthy Flav fucking brown models
I still think it was a huge Ferrari fuck up, they should have answered to Perez undercut on Piastri.

Piastri had to stay a lap out to wait for Norris to slow down Perez, but Leclerc was 5 seconds ahead, more than enough to not being at risk of coming out behind Norris and extending their advantage to Piastri.

I'm just sad because i want chick tl be the closest to Verstappen, the goblin is a fucking fraud
Oh boy, now I know what to expect from red bull manchildren who’ve been given their marching orders.

Seriously, why the fuck do red bull/max fags all say the exact same shit? I’ve always assumed it’s due to them being terminally online
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Trust me guys, COTA is gonna be Alpine's race.
>Seriously, why the fuck do team/driver fags all say the exact same shit?
Story of social media era F1
you can't expect ferrari to luck into good strategy 3 races in a row. they outperformed in zandvoort and monza, it's only natural they pay now
It's not.
Lol, that sourpuss smile. He really is unlikeable.
Sometimes different cars work better with different compounds.
They all look like they drink onions
car looked like total ass when theyd show it desu
Fair enough
Yeah, Hamilton is literally complete and utter shit
What are the odds Max reads these threads?
Somebody is eventually going to be a lap down and unlapped by the safety car and win the race.
I need to look the onboard
zero, but lando is 100% here
>[well known phrase]+[well known phrase]+[well known phrase]
Botlike dork. Fans discussing this shit is on par with discussing the WWE. This entire "sport" is a hoax and losers like you swallow it.
>lando is 100% here
Kek read the samesome time ago, what did he do?
He repeats the insult names he gets here in interviews.
0%, you need to hack iracing and put them on his dash or get into his personal discord and link them there if you want him to read them
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I've saw more than enough, it's time to give PS3 the #1 seat
did they penalize AMX yet for the VSC infraction or whatever
>first to snitch on a 'friend' for a really dumb reason
>He really is unlikeable
You don't say!
What about points since Bahrain?
they're both complete and utter shit, bro
Yes, no simracing for 12 hours.
got a warning, also gasly and two others
he called lewis kwabmilton?
thought they would want to take more points away from him to make the WDC fight even closer
titokkers only remember the last race
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well done to steak in baku
>canadian reading comprehension
you are mentally ill
Suspension was set to default
Lando is a snitch bitch poopy pants baby and his teeth are yellow
well, at least they fixed that
Lando seems like the type to have a file of green texts he stole off Reddit
He has the classic dark smoker's canines. Probably to stay thin and twinklike.
Or is it twinkish? I'm not that good with gay slang.
But people said that Latifi looks like Senna?
Colapinto = Latifi confirmed??
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>carbaby exposed
>Senna's soul foresaw Lulu getting a honorary huezilian citizenship and decided to put a stop to that noncery and reincarnate.
he has those billie eilish thousand cock stare eyes
He said the cause was parts that weren't manufactured correctly
perez crashed on purpose to lessen max's exposure
thats a true friend
good teammate
>putting a stop to noncery
Senna wasn't a nonce.
i'm sure you believe that, abdul
i guess you're going to need a drive to survive episode about him to learn huh zoom zoom
Reminder he needs 2 times less points to overtake norizz than norizz needs points to overtake amx.
If I were a gambling degenerate I'd bet on him finishing above in the wdc.
Which episode?
I'd love to see onboards
Norizz is such shit banter I'm sorry but how far has this general fallen. Relying on zoomer bants now baka
man it must suck being british holy shit
but can he turn left? that's the most important question
Bit mean.
>This is formula 1 in [current year]!
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Forget Piastri, Cola Pinto is my new twink.
>basing [current year] on a Christian symbol in [current year]
Apparently Sauber had the fastest pit stops of the race
Already more points with Williams
too early lol
PS3 500
chuck didn't defend because they thought tyres would struggle to go to the end if not properly taken care of and preferred to go gentle at the start of the stint and overtake mclel back on track, they didn't factor in mclel drs never properly closes and that Pirelli is always pessimist with its tyre deg predictions.
He's not wrong though

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