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> people first start letting fighters with different styles fight. BJJ practitioner rapes people stronger and bigger than him by a factor of 2
> wrestler's proceed to take the throne when fighter get more competent in both striking and grappling
> the biggest STAR of the game, making UFC a world-wide phenomena, CONNOR FOOKING MCGREGOR gets RAPED LIKE A CHILD by a Dagestanian man
> Sean O Malley, THE NEXT CONNOR MCGRGOR, THE UFC SUPERSTAR gets steamrolled by a Georgian wrestler who's smiling as he's kissing the striker's impotent already checked out head
> all this with the UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers

When will retards realize that striking is a retard monkey style that gets you only two things: brain damage and losses against grapplers?
this dood really gonna pretend that merab is somehow intelligent and doesnt retard charge everyone
Irrelevant. The fact that wrestlers can literally tell you what they gonna do and keep doing it to everybody regardless of LE GENIUS SNIPER STRIKER STRATEGY is all you need to know to understand what's up.
holy kek you are mad as fuck for no reason
> using caps = being mad
Grow up.
When did kids start using "lol you're mad xDDD" as an argument? It has 100% precision in detecting underage fucks
lol u mad
haha u totely trolled me dudebro UPVOTE
we accept your concession
the truth is o'malley and mcgregor are simply not championship caliber fighters but they've been heavily marketed and protected by the UFC
Alex Pereira is proof that you're wrong.
mcgregor absolutely was championship caliber in his time but never managed to evolve when they started digging sambo champs out of the caucasus, he fought aldo 9(!) years ago
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>UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers
Just like Sean and Mcgregor at some point he never had to fight any serious grapplers so far.
how do ufc rules favour strikers? until now i thought if anything they favour grapplers? eg. no knees to the head of a grounded opponent no kicks to the head of a grounded opponent no fence/glove grabbing. so how do they favour strikers?
>no knees to the head of a grounded opponent, no kicks to the head of a grounded opponent no fence/glove grabbing
Holy shit imagine being this dumb.

Add to that: if you're LE NOT DOING ANYTHING you get stood up. At the end of the round you get stood up.

Note if strikers are just circling each other and feinting for 25 min that's fine, they don't get lied down.
damn guy relax jeez. yeah i get it. true. i dont know how you could fix people standing at the start i feel like thats fair to everyone. closing the distance is a part of wrestling too. and being stood up is heavily ref dependent and situational and when it happens it is very annoying and makes no sense. agreed. if they could make strikers that only circle and feint strike more they would as well. but noone wants to see you lay on top of the other guy for an entire round even if you are "working" toward something and noone wants to see you looking at the other guy for an entire round either.
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>When did kids start using "lol you're mad xDDD" as an argument? It has 100% precision in detecting underage fucks
How is that a troll? Whenever I see people saying that it's retard 12 yo kids
> i dont know how you could fix people standing at the start
You shouldn't, but you also shouldn't get them back up to their feet. And the only reason lying down on top of people is boring is because soccer kicks aren't allowed. So when somebody gets points for "just lying on top lmao" it's because in reality they'd be soccer kicking a soon to be corpse.
i feel like standing people up often occurs unfairly yes. i think also that its something that some times makes sense i find myself in training often locked with the other guy in a way where the only reasonable move is to stand up because neither party will give. but cue the incompetence of the refs and a logical point becomes silly. sean vs merab last night like. herb was telling them to work while merab was constantly moving i was like is he on crack or watching a different fight?? i was so confused. and also what happened at the start? did he tell tim welch off or what?
The worst is when they use it as a response to posts like >>144465145 that are calm and rational and don't give the slightest hint of anger. When you're sitting there feeling completely calm and at ease and some zoomer comes at you like
then you just feel kinda embarrassed for them.

As far as why, it's an outgrowth of that cancerous zoomer culture where it's unacceptable to genuinely care about anything and everything you do needs to be cloaked in dozens of layers of irony. If you're mad then it means you care and that's the gravest sin for soulless zoomer retards.
>How is that a troll? Whenever I see people saying that it's retard 12 yo kids
u mad is literally a 20 year old meme and was huge on /sp/ in the early days. on /sp/ if someone says you're mad he's most likely old as shit lol.
It started with younger millenials cause I saw that it in my peers and in fact engaged in this as well as a teen
Well I've been seeing it in online videogames but it started only recently. Obviously shit like that goes in cycles but I suspect that fag is underage rather than an oldfag
How does the rules favour strikers? Watch some pride fights then tell me this is true
Watch first UFCs before ANY RULES were in place and see what happens every time a grappler fights a non-grappler
>all this with the UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers
The entire rules book is designed for wrestlers not to be harmed while exposing their head, back, balls and other sensible areas while on the ground...
You cannot knee, kick or stomp on them..without any sort of argument as for why is that a thing. They tried to make it look like headbutting or fish hooking but it is not the same at all.

And this is why striking and basic tackling are king moves on the streets, because IRL you exposing your face and balls to your enemy's hands is guaranteed defeat.
> here's some schizo bullshit I made up based on knowing nothing about fighting
No untrained person will defend a takedown regardless of how many dirty moves they do
there's literally zero defense in wrestling, the entire thing depends on a series of rules protecting you from everything and a soft mat surface to avoid knocking yourself out and cutting you head and face open on the first roll.

The Gracies spent 3 generations denying hard surface actual no rules fights specifically because of that fact.
a based georgian wrestlefucking a loud and obnoxious american will never not be funny
This. Though Suga and Tim seem to have a humble reaction to losing
You wouldn't use SOME takedowns like suplexes on da street but otherwise it's precisely hard surfaces that making standup grappling so dangerous irl
>soft mat
>protecting the guy doing the takedown
>not the guy getting slammed on the ground

yes getting tied up with someone on the street is also very dangerous because the person may have a friend, or have a knife. a wrestler was killed in my area because he took the guy to the ground and was hit over the head with a baseball bat.
you already made this shit thread on /fit/
Cazzie alert
And it's booming on both boards. Keep seething thirdie
We have a couple schizo copers itt, don't feed them
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Actually kind of a wash.

It helps strikers because they have way more options to punish lazy takedowns ie, emergency shooting if you get rocked now doesn't let you escape from knees and kicks or sit in place like Aljo v Yan, now you just get blasted and KO'd.

Also, just flopping or pulling guard like Ryan Hall or doing imanari rolls is just going to get your head kicked around like a soccer ball or stomped on and they don't have to dive into your guard for effective ground and pound.

On the other hand, allowing knees and kicks to the head of grounded opponents mean there's a lot more ways to ground and pound someone and wrestlers can start blasting people to the head so more KOs and makes side control and north south way more dangerous positions, along with a lot of front headlock since you can't just take a knee to stop knees.

Overall, it's really dumb they don't allow it since it'd pretty much just make everything way better.
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>the entire thing depends on a series of rules protecting you from everything and a soft mat surface to avoid knocking yourself out

Or more likely the other guy you're dumping onto concrete. Wrestling ends a lot of fights by slamming the opponent head first into the ground and that's it and unless they can find the one hitter quitter as the guy shoots in, you either get finished by the slam/throw, or get completely nullified and can't get up while the guy pounds on you, even if it's not particularly great, they're still doing damage while they're not able to effectively fight back.
It's totally not a wash for reasons you just mentioned. Yes, ass scooting passive bjjers will get the rope, but wrestler's and top-heavy bjjers will be tremendously more powerful now.
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in like 2008
Nah this is a new wave. Back then it was used much more appropriately
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you might have that backwards, schookums. Hear your jimmies rustlin
>but wrestler's and top-heavy bjjers will be tremendously more powerful now.

It depends, if their opponent sprawls and/or gets a front headlock when they shoot, their head is extremely exposed to knees and it could finish them right there.

But even so, I still think it should be allowed and would just give everyone more tools and result in better and more interesting fights.
Very simple. Nobody would do double leg, everybody would do single leg which is unpunishable.
you can't throw knees in a sprawl lmao you would get taken down instantly this isn't a video game
>you can't throw knees in a sprawl


Takedowns used to win fights, now they matter less and less for the scorecards. 3minutes of laying on top can suddenly go away with two good strikes that don't even rock someone.

I am surprised wrestles arent dominating even more.

the cage itself helps grapplers, its much easier to close the distance when youre in a cage where you can cut someone off, unlike IRL

you want the truthpill? bro its a spectator sport

everyome thinks wrestling is boring and gay, hence why nobody gives a fuck about it outside of ufc where striking makes the money

boxing, BKFC and K1 make money without needing sweaty manhump. the only reason youre relevent is because of strikers
Yeah yeah shut up grapplet
>gets mauled by a midget
Yeah cause in reality you always fight in a football field. Ffs.
why so pressed lmao
> pressed
Tell that to my face
>use my striking to heem you
Heh, nothing personal kid
>spits on your limp body while stepping over you
I don't visit third world shitholes but hey good on you big man
The only thing you'll visit is the hospital after I heem you
Doubt you have the money to get a ticket to America. Would probably have to sell your house. Oh I forgot you don't have a house lol
>having a house in this economy
wew, at least I'm not living with my parents ya virgin
pray to your gods I don't get a raise and visit your shithole of a bum fuck hillblly town and test my striking on your scrawny body boy
No worries I got a gun lmao
There are the heemers and the heemed and it’s clear which group OP belongs to
Everyone in the UFC is a retard
noone else would be so stupid
only low IQ monkeys that fail at everything else would even consider it
The US heavily favors wrestlers with its rules and the cage itself. Try that wrestling shit irl and you'll get ur head knocked off.
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on an alternate Earth, these guys are hosts of porn show/site where all they do is fuck girls in a room.
I can just see it in Rampage's face that he would partake in that.

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