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Is /sp/ ready for /sp/ /tv/ kino?
>Spygate failed
>Deflategate failed

>Quick! We need to try and delegitimise the dynasty another way! Let's make a show about Aaron Hernandez!

Desperate and pathetic stuff.
>being a britbong Patriots fan
King George III is rolling in his grave
Let me guess, he was secretly gay and all of his problems stemmed from internalized homophobia?

Versace > OJ >>>>>>>>> Lewinsky
Hernandez being an active serial killer didn't make his performance any less legitimate
Aaron Hernandez was never on a super bowl winning team?
How does that deligitimize any of Brady's rings?
he was not so secretly a violent retard and couldn't not do violent retard shit.
CTE made it worse
Apparently did a lot of K2 in prison which finished him off an hero.
>Versace over OJ
Absolutely not

OJ is fun but is essentially a bunch of actors playing dressup like a David O Russell movie. Versace is real prestige TV in comparison and the guy playing Cunanan gave an incredible performance.
he's innocent
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/tv/ is going to make fun of us again
we deserve it
wasn't he actually secretly gay though?
what did they mean by this?
>openly gay modern NFL player tragically killed in his youth
Why are they trying to hide this brave man’s story?
yeah, hence that anon suggesting that a globohomo documentary will dwell on his poor oppressed adolescence and blame society for his psychotic violent behavior.
Still don't get what's so interesting about this thay theyre making another show, other than him being on an nfl team it's about as basic of a murder as you can find.
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>Still don't get what's so interesting about this
>Closet Gay
>Abusive Father
You have to realize this one doesn't even seem to be pretending to be a serious documentary. Looks like a dramatic tragedy "based on a true story" with plenty of creative license taken by its creator, Stuart Zicherman. It's going to be a generic conflict-filled story about football, coming of age, sex, homosex, violence and tragic flaw leading to the downfall of a hero.
Hollywood just loves video taping simulated gay sex
>closet gay
Still don't know if I believe that. That idea got popular after the Netflix documentary and I think they were trying to play off Tiger King. It's not like Aaron can go on a radio station and proclaim that he really, really likes women.
Maybe he had it but this this was premeditated. It's not like a Chris Benoit or Philip Adams thing where they killed a bunch of people out of nowhere for no apparent reason. It was pre meditated and he had 2 people assisting him. Everything points to it being some kind of baby gangster shit. Possibly paranoia from CTE affected his decisions but he must have been convincing enough to get people to go along with it. I'll admit it might draw the attention of people that don't understand the condition but this wasn't some violent outburst, doesn't even seem like he was trying to protect himself.

You're probably right though, it's just a true crime story people are familiar with.
Reminder that this guy was on Urban Meyer's Florida teams. Why does this supposedly squeaky clean dude attract so many scumbags to his teams?
Talk to me when we get a Pedo State adaptation.
you remember what a trainwreck both on and off the field urban was in his brief NFL tenure, i'm sure
His family said he came out as gay to them. He turned gay after being molested as a kid.
many such cases
I read a stat that something like one third of his players on the championship teams were arrested at UF
it's just crazy, he literally did not give a single shit about you besides if you were good at football. and he won 3 titles out of it lol

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