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I literally thought to myself right before the play "It'd be so fucking funny to watch the shitshow on /sp/ if Gaylen threw a forced interception for no reason right now" and then burst out laughing when it happened. I knew as soon as that ball was thrown it was going to be intercepted.
Could not have ended the game any better. Love seeing the Eagles get wrecked at home.
>for no reason
>with 25 secs left on the clock and defenders around him
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>Italian coaches
Black QB cant throw catchable balls LMAO
Yeah what a retard
if that was Mahomes on that pick they would've thrown a flag for qb roughing.
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nigga fuck you
leaf don't know ball. nothing new
Why the hell would you play prevent defense like that? Falcons don't exactly have any burners that can take the top off a D.
Nigga they had plenty of timeouts and their kicker had made them from 60+ so they really only needed 15 yards. They had easily time to get off three, maybe four plays if they did fast 10 yard throws to the sideline. Real fucking stupid, that was very winnable
Do Eagles have a chance against the Saints at this point?
I’m agreeing with the leaf, Hurts is a retard
Fuck no.
ay nononono jajaajjajjajajajajjaajajajjajajajajajajjajjajajjaajajaj
They recycled this script

ah than you are as confused as a leaf lmao
Why does this nigger always use his timeouts when the other team is in victory formation it’s such a faggot move
You take the hit and make sure that ball is uncatchable not hope for the best
I guess hurts is just fucking retarded then. This is probably why the eagles almost never have any success in the playoffs. A good white veteran QB will know to not force the throw there, the worst thing you can do when you only need 15 yards to give your kicker a chance is to throw an arm punt for no reason.
>he HAD to throw an INT
Sure bud
What a bunch of losers
he didn't have to, obviously. But they were in a tight situation with limited options. and he got hit as he threw. you're ignoring the massive gulf between "HAD to" and "for no reason". MY guess is that you're doing so out of stupidity or emotion.
>take the hit
that's absolutely the opposite of what you do there. His mistake was holding it too long, but the line got BTFO before recievers could get open.
Kellen Moore does it again!
There's no reason for him to make a throw into double coverage that far down the field, especially under pressure. Good QB knows you just throw it away, ESPECIALLY when you only need 15 to give your kicker a chance
You’re saying he was trying to throw it out of bounds and the hit caused him to under throw it by 20 feet or are you saying he tried to force a play and threw an INT instead?
no he was trying to throw into a tight window (because that's all that will be available in that situation), and got hit as he released, altering the path of the ball. Sack would be nearly as disastrous an outcome. That's a situation where you definitely need to force things. Obviously his performance and decision making weren't perfect, but you guys are incredible retards.
>Hurts is dogshit without AJ Brown
Amazing. Who could have seen this coming?
>That's a situation where you definitely need to force things.

They had 2 timeouts and 25 seconds left on the clock, only needed 15 yards to get in field goal range to WIN. You can forgive a force throw if you need a touchdown to win, but you have a kicker who has made it twice from 61. There was no reason to force a throw into double coverage downfield. Eagles should've had a blitz beater hurts could flip it to for a quick gain, timeout, throw a slant to the sideline for 10 yards, then you have time for maybe one more play to get a bit closer.
Probably boomerball mentality seeping in too that you need to get the ball farther down the field than you really do with modern kickers. A kicker not making 55yds yds automatically shouldn't have a roster spot now but I guarantee the mentality was we have to vet it to the 35 or so to have a chance, not we have to get it to midfield to have a chance
In other words he had to throw a INT because there were no other options? IOYC :^)
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>Nick Sirianni failed to score on the Wonderlick test
they had 1 time out. you shouldn't be giving your opinions if you don't know the basics of the situation.

>In other words he had to throw a INT because there were no other options?
lel no. how are you this bad at reading. You do owe me a concession though.
He could have done something on that play that’s not throwing into double coverage or getting sacked but I’ll let you figure it out
nah it's just the classic
>black QB

How does the quarterback not know the exact range he needs to get to in order for his kicker to get a chance? Even a 65 yard field goal attempt is going to be better than throwing into double coverage downfield while getting hit
Sirianni is such a terrible coach, he will be canned mid season. He is holding the team back
Siriclown is the modern day Barry Switzer. Generational fraud carried by the leftovers of his predecessor and now those guys are all either retired or very old.
That makes it even dumber. You know that they're probably going to bring pressure, why the fuck don't they have a blitz beater Jalen can quickly toss it to? Are you telling me it was IMPOSSIBLE to get 15 yards in 25 seconds with one timeout? They NEEDED to throw it downfield into double coverage?

Are you black, by any chance?
agreed. but again, you're pretending like it was a colossal fuck up rather than executing sub-optimally in a situation that's drastically stacked against him.
Their defensive line will have to drastically improve because the saints want to run it
Poor Jason Kelce
Can someone explain what he actually does besides be a glorified cheerleader?
>His job: Get the ball a minimum of 15 yards down the field with 25 seconds on the clock and a timeout left

>What he did: throw a forced pick into double coverage

Literally anything other than what he did would have been better than what he did. A white QB would have thrown the ball away
Yeah good QBs don’t make mistakes like that
*white QBs
Yeah I agree I'm just saying it was probably a side reason overarching philosophy and Sirrianni and Co should have stressed to the retard to actually be conservative, not aggressive. Ball at the OPP 40 should be game over now. You know they weren't actually comfortable just getting 15 more yards even though they should have been
lol they do just about every week my guy

you're trying too hard to fit in
Good QBs don’t throw game ending picks every week
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>losing to the fucking Falcons
>losing to Primetime Kirk Cousins
happens all the time.
post hand
Maybe on planet retard
Maybe since someone decided that
>black QBs
was a good idea

Go look at any game before the civil rights act... no proper white QB threw these kinds of throws
>start at 30 now because starting at the 20 is too much for nu-offense
>need to get to the 50 because every kicker is ?makes everythinf under 60 now
>still can't do it
it's basically string two passes together not some cold, stoic march down the field and they still can't do it kek
Np. Ill throw in my vo2max for you too. Doesn't change your newfaggotry.
Yeah it was literally the easiest shit ever. Slant routes, crossing routes, maybe a run around the edge. Literally the last thing you need to do is play hero ball and throw into double coverage. Hell, if the Eagles had literally just run the ball I think they win this lmao
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>those wrinkles
>white hairs

holy shit, we've got an old man on our hands. Slow down on the posting, you might give yourself a heart attack
Cowboys are the only team with fans gayer than the eagles
>raj confused by light body hair
This took a quick turn
>light body hair

nigga first of all, you swarthy as fuck. South european sicilian swarthoid phenotype 100%

Me? I'm 100% pure yamnya bell beaker phenotype
>doesn't know ball
>tries to fit in with other newfags
>posts a nuttsac
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>a fucking leaf
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Eagles play stupid games
nigga that nutsack is YOUR ARM LMFAOO
cfl is unironically better than the NFL. Fewer black QB's, fewer black players in general, better rules and less teams means much better chance of winning. It's comfy. I only watch Nflel to laugh at blacks
Oh. So not gray i guess.
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consider all of us BTFO down here then
What's this then nigga?

Someone tell this american that people in other countries don't vote in his elections
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>admits he doesn't really watch nfl
We just butt raped Sirianni in the parking lot
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The White Man marches on
Also trade all the other players too besides smith and brown
>Canadian mostly watches Canadian football

Wow what a shocker. I only seriously watch teams with white QBs that I like, basically just the Bills, Bengals and 49ers at this point. Anything else I watch is just for memes to watch teams black QBs I don't like (iggles and cowgays lolvens and fins) shit the bed on repeat
>posts like a confused retard
>explains why
>this mad over some light racism

reddit is down the street and to the left newfriend
mad? i'm a bit assblasted about my team losing like a bunch of buffoons, but making fun of newfags for being newfags is a time-honored tradition.
You team lost for only one reason my norwood four fren

>black qb

that is all.
and praise kek! shadilay brother and sleep tight
bro acts like the jordan love int vs the 9ers hasn't been posted in every other nfl thread yet he's throwing out the "newfags" like they're flags on a chiefs drive
is IS a colossal fuck up to throw a pick when you have downs, time, a time out, fucking ANYTHING besides saying "fuck it" and throwing it into double coverage would be better. even taking a sack! YOU WOULD STILL HAVE THE BALL
still have a chance, still could do something, but no - he threw the game away
it's positively prescott-ian to look good, do well, then make a mistake that throws the whole game away instead of taking the lost down and trying again, fucking forcing hero ball bullshit
also super feminine bullshit to try and pull in-group out-group shit instead of explaining your shitty point
>i have a watch
it's dumb, it's not even a real watch you old bastard
Nigga this ain't 2016 anymore, we're all old now with our dreams and hopes ground into ash and dust
No joke I can physically picture exactly what kind of person he is due to his wrist and sweater, right down to his face

He is skinnyfat who runs a lot (but never enough to escape status) hence him displaying his vo2max for no reason at all. No doubt balding, early gray hairs due to stress of watching iggles for many years, chronic cuck facial phenotype. Never lifted serious weights in his life due to him perceiving the gym as gay. Probably works some sort of faggy coder job that will be taken over by AI within a few years leading to him working the rest of his life at walmart until he dies of ass cancer at the age of 57
good ol leaf admitting that he's an election tourist and thinks that he's thus not a complete newfag
>also super feminine bullshit to try and pull in-group out-group shit instead of explaining your shitty point
unintentional comedy right there, retard.
>election tourist
>on /sp/

Yes I'm here on the sports board for the... elections

Do you americans genuinely think everything in the world revolves around a retarded old cheeto man and a stupid brown whore?
>doesn't know what an election tourist is
>tries to make a point about it
>is confused
damn dude
>pretend to leave a thread to go to bed
>check back on thread on your phone while in bed
>continue posting pretending to be someone else

I have your number so fucking hard, it was over before it even began. Take your skinnyfat norwood 4 ass and seethe some more about your black QB in your dreams
i didn't pretend to be someone else, sweaty. you wrote a fanfic about me and keep making other references that I don't recognize or care about. guess i'm PWND
I don't think you know what an election tourist is if you think a Canadian shitposting on the sports board about black QBs in the NFL is an election tourist
put the phone down and go to bed old man, you have a long day tommorrow of repeatedly applying finastride while looking in the mirror and hoping it'll restore your receding hairline (it won't)
Fuck you, Hurts. Enough with the heroball!
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>you came here in 2014-2016 along with the other cancer
>by your own admission you only shitpost about a couple of your pet obsessions, along with the other cancer
>you are finding it impossible to understand that this is specifically what you're being mocked for doing
>you admitted that you created a whole image of me in your head, and keep trying to come up with misguided dunks based on this fantasy
Nice selfie
reciprocate pls
Kenny fuckin’ Pickett gets them into range for a walkoff FG.
I post and browse regularly on /sp/ /k/ /fit/ /v/ /tv/ and /pol/

>by your own admission you only shitpost about a couple of your pet obsessions, along with the other cancer

No I only shitpost on here because there's no CFL threads. Otherwise I use boards that contain subjects I'm interested in, which is sports, guns, television, video games, fitness, politics and esoteric schizo shit about demons and aliens. That's how this site is intended to be used.
you said no, but then you corroborated exactly what I previously posted
bro you try to mitigate a game-ending pick as if he didn't have time, downs, a time out - this wasn't 4th down while down a td trying for the endzone, it was first fucking down in a one point game and you have jake elliot as your kicker, this isn't anders carlson or brett maher
guess what, a qb DOES NOT have to force it when you have 3 more tries, fucking throw it away, take the sack, hell fucking run it yourself jalen you stoic motherfucker - KEEP POSSESSION
go ahead, refute me. can you do it? or will you just say retard some more
right, because somehow in your mind someone not from the US who uses multiple boards based on their interests is an "election tourist"

This ancient faggot autism is very funny to me. You waste so much time and energy trying to police who is allowed to browse the site and for what reason. I must have really hit a nerve to get you this upset. Which thing I got right upsets you the most? The grey hair, the balding or the fact that you're skinnyfat?
you should scroll up and actually read the thread before you erroneously tell me what I said. and you should refrain from making a complaint about a poster while doing the same thing within your own post.
this dude 100% has the lolcow gene. He's posting pictures of his wrist, seething over "election tourists" on /sp/ at 1:30

Wouldn't be surprised if he keeps popping up in threads like this where the eagles lose
I keep trying to explain this to you, and I'm not sure why you are struggling so mightily with this concept. The containment board became a hub for people from all over the world with certain interests and obsessions during a 2-3 year span, and it was catalyzed by a couple specific events, including a US election. Many of those posters come through here with assleak with low quality posts. You just explained that you fit that description almost perfectly.
nice dubs. I will be in every thread after eagles losses if i"m not too drunk. it's really strange that you've been reacting so adversely for over an hour about the pic that you requested.
hahaha holy shit read how this faggot types. I know I got you on the balding, skinnyfat and tech job. I'm 3 for 3 right now, let's see how well I can do.

You 100% have autism, 100% got bullied in school. Probably used to wear glasses but wear contacts now due to the traumatic memories. Posted that photo due to an unstoppable urge to prove something while seething about your team losing, immediately regretted it and are now you probably have an elevated heartrate hoping you didn't accidentally post something identifying in it, which will lead to you losing even more sleep tonight than you've already lost

How am I doing?
get a job
get a room
>How am I doing?
10/10 worldbuilding
2 or 3/10 accuracy
fuck off sigmund freud you don't know me retard
Again, this isn't 2016 anymore old man. It's not even 2020. It's 2024. I'm not posting here because of an election, I'm posting because of football season. It's time for you to leave the past behind
i got here in 2015 but didn't know how to post until 2016 :(
>I'm not posting here because of an election, I'm posting because of football season
you really can't be this bad at reading comprehension
I'm sick rn

(sick of these black QBs throwing game ending picks)
Why would I read your posts when I know they're wrong based on the premise? An election tourist is someone who only comes to the site every four years for the US election. I've been posting regularly since 2013 on a half dozen boards, I don't even really go on /pol/ anymore after 2020

Did an election tourist fuck your mom or something? You chasing after this obsession faster than your hairline is receding god damn
>An election tourist is someone who only comes to the site every four years for the US election.
as has been explained to you already, that's incorrect.
tell me my error. please - correct me.
since we're dictating what others should do without any authority how about you learn situational awareness instead of being soft on what should be a top qb while seeing ghosts from a different board like you're sam darnold on the jets
>let me explain
>oh you disagree?
>you must be newfag retard
i know that you think that your shit don't stink
You can make an imaginary definition where an "election tourist" is just a normal user who uses different boards based on his personal interests but that doesn't make it a coherent definition. Words mean things, and the words "election" and "tourist" combine to mean someone who is not a regular user of this site, and only appears whenever there is an election. Do you need me to explain how the english language works further? Maybe if you want I could also explain to your black QB that throwing forced interceptions into double coverage when he only needs 15 yards to win the game is bad?
see >>144492416
and i didn't call him a newfag for disagreeing. I called him a newfag based on his one-note polfagging that he actually embraced throughout the thread. it wasn't even implicit, he explained that this is his primary interest. Hurts fucked up, but it's not like they had a great opportunity otherwise. he was in a high leverage situation and made a mistake. He's well down the list in terms of culpability for this loss, and it's the tryhards and/or casuals just going in on him for blowing the game.
>only needs 15 yards to win the game
dummies acting like a 64 yarder is a lock. keep goin
Shouldn't have gotten rid of BEWD and Dougie P.
>Dougie P.
lightning in a bottle there. glad he could make hay while the sun was shining
Being racist is a /pol/ exclusive thing now? Nigga what? Trump is a fucking retard. I don't care about your elections. I just like being racist because it's funny

You know what's a lock to losing? Throwing a pick into double coverage
>Throwing a pick into double coverage
Towards a top 10 safety too lmao
don't forget he was doing it while getting pressured/hit as well

It's basically a guaranteed pick at that point, hell fumbling the ball gives you a better chance at that point
Also hold on. Can you say nigger for me real quick? If you're this upset about a little minor racism, can I get you on the record saying nigger?

If not then you're absolutely 100% confirmed a buttblasted redditor and may I suggest you return to /r/NFL
was at his own 44 iirc. so 15 is 58. 55 you expect 2/3rds are good minimum now, and you're not being risky for a "lock" in that situation when highly probable is easily attainable. he's very slightly embellishing at most
and im saying it was NOT the only option available in that situation
he decided he needed to force it
a quarterback with their head in the game, or a coach who isn't a pushy dick, would know
>hey, this situation sucks
>i have 3 more tries from this field position
>throw it away and try again
it was a shitty play anyway because he had two recievers in that area, clogging it with defenders for each and a safety
he had a time out! he could throw in the middle and call it! he could scramble (not ideal but FUCK man it's better than a turnover)
and i disagree that a sack is nearly as disastrous because it indeed sucks but you still have a chance, you still have possession!
I would never very slightly embellish while poosting on a burmese catwalking site, how dare you
43, so a 60 yarder
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Just over shoot Barkley to stop the clock lmao. What a dumbass.
>and im saying it was NOT the only option available in that situation
yes, nobody disagreed with you about this. not sure why you felt like you needed to reiterate it.
I'm pretty sure if the eagles just ran the ball they'd have won lol. It wasn't even a "bad" situation IMO, as soon as I saw their field position with how much time they had on the clock I assumed they basically had it in the bag. You want the ball in the hands of your highest paid player to get you in range for a winning fieldgoal. It's basically the best scenario short of being up by two or more scores late in the fourth quarter. 100% thought the eagles win no problem until I see their black qb throw it deep, my inner aryan vril told me that it would 100% be intercepted before the ball even left his hand and I was right
Sir, why won't you say nigger? Are you from reddit?
Or throw it to this guy who is wide open with blocker in front, could have easily gone 10-15 yards with most of the safeties biting deep.

Jaylen like a typical black QB probably mumbled some rap lyrics in his head and whispered "bix nood" under his breath before throwing straight into double coverage instead
How do I downvote this post??
a lot of times they're trying to internalize dancing as they rap and it throws off their mechanics when they do this if they catch it wrong. seen it countless times
Goddamn nigger Quarterbacks
If you look carefully you can see Jalen Niggurts smacking his lips, shucking and jiving and throwing up gang signs before he throws the pick
holy fuck you're deluded
you don't remember you own post?
YOU are disagreeing by insisting your post was correct and mine was in error, you said it was the only option in that situation AND IT'S NOT
you're making excuses for a guy who should not need excuses - he's made it to the superbowl, he's on what's regarded as a top team, he should be a top qb - yet here he is chucking a hero ball on first down with a time out and 30 seconds on the clock and he only needs field goal range, and you're here running cover like you're part of the organization and don't want to lose your job
for real, i can see sirianni lashing out and calling critics retards or country bumpkins or whatever (we all know what you mean turning your nose up toward "election tourists" like the dude from... canada... who watches cfl... how dare he?) while maintaining he did the right thing while somehow simultaneously saying no one disagrees with the criticism, wow, awesome, no accountability has to occur when you're somehow always right while fucking up completely because it was "the only option" (it wasn't)
you have cognitive dissonance
Your error that I referenced wasn't that you claimed he made a mistake, retard. Your error was one of the several times ITT you misinterpreted a post that you read. Please give me the post where I say it was his only option.
this redditor won't even say the nigger word, but is still doubtless reading this thread on his phone in bed, seething and shitting his pants brown (the same color as his quarterback) with tears running down his face as his hairline recedes at record speed

In other words, a typical eagles fan
>he won't say nigger

reddit is down the hall and to the left
there's an incredible amount of options in football - when to throw, how to throw, who to throw to, do you throw, can you throw it away, can you throw someone open, can you scramble, change the play based on coverage look presnap, the read post snap - and you're here saying
>it's the only option in that situation
>he had to force things
shucks, that's game i guess, no need for 2nd down, 3rd down, or 4th down to reach field goal range with your elite kicker
it's an incredible cope
the canadian you hold in such contempt even brought up a checkdown option>>144493773
you can be wrong sometimes, it's okay, stop digging a hole like you're an undertaker
i asked you for something specific. you typed a bunch of shit and conspicuously refused to provide any evidence to support your claim that I said it was Hurts' only option. you/ve done a poor job understand the posts to which you're responding.
>and you're here saying
>it's the only option in that situation
to be clear, I didn't say that at all. and then in subsequent posts to the one that you just referenced made it unambiguously clear that I wasn't saying that. you're an idiot.
Honestly it's pretty crazy how much seething a single eagles redditors can produce from a few mild jokes about his black QB

I'll make sure to be here to milk him again the next time the eagles lose
>because that's all that will be available in that situation
>That's a situation where you definitely need to force things
from >>144492416
sorry it's not in mla format you disingenuous female
that's what i thought
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the jalen hurts blowjob artist choked on a cock and died
too bad, it was his only choice in that situation, had to force it down his throat
They had 2 timeouts, fucking kek
fr fr I hate gaylen so fucking much
>what do you mean we can't just tush push our way out of this?!
fuck philly

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