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Baseball batting is the most difficult thing in sports.
Well it sure as shit ain't putting a ball in a ten foot hoop when you're 7 ft tall.
not a hole in one?
>the most difficult thing in sports
>happens in 99% of games

Holes in one aren't the main component of the sport.
would scoring a goal be considered harder? there are plenty of games where a team doesn't score, not many blanks in baseball
the objective is to complete the hole in as few strokes as possible
getting a hole in one on every hole would be the pinnacle of golf
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and the dodgers will continue to burn through every single pitcher they have doing so
3/40 games in the last 3 days where one team didn't score vs 11/30 in epl
out of 10 mlb games last night, zero ended without a hit
yeah i was going with scoring points, op might be a retard
over the past 3 days of mlb action which was 40 games total
exactly zero (0) games ended without a hit for either team
>he doesn't know about the hole in zero
op is also a faggot
a tale as old as time
OP's clearly quoting hyperbole
But in terms of specific individual skills that form a foundation of an entire sport it's got to be way up there.
Most alternatives you can think of will be challenging due to complexity or arbitrary constraints. Goals in soccer futbol are rare because most involve a number of favorable events occurring in sequence in a chaotic, fluid multiplayer environment. Although-- goalkeeping could compare to batting in terms of pressure on reaction time.
Hole-in-ones are a somewhat arbitrarily high bar. A rare/fluke event that isn't an essential part of the gameplay in golf the way batting is essential to baseball.
Holes in one are more common than pitching a perfect game in baseball.
If you set an arbitrarily high challenge bar it's easy to claim many things are the most difficult.
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Yeah because major league hitters are elite and selected to be able to hit those pitchers.
Leafs always through at being a bigger faggot than OP
OP is just quoting some meme started by journalists years ago. (https://search.brave.com/search?q=hitting+a+baseball+hardest+thing+in+sports)
It's not luck though that's the thing. The ball and bat are so small that you won't be able to come anywhere near a .250 average on luck alone against major league pitchers.
Defending a penalty kick is harder in the sense that it's nearly pure luck. You basically pick a side and hope the shooter fucks up. Which they typically do at rates comparable to MLB hitting.
Wrong game ya dummy
A 100-mph fastball takes roughly 375-400 milliseconds to reach the plate. For reference, the blink of an eye takes 300-400 milliseconds.

So now that we’ve established a 100-mph fastball gets to the plate in roughly the amount of time it takes for you to shut your eyelid and reopen it, let’s break down what a hitter has to do in order to put the barrel of a wooden bat on that 100-mph fastball.

First, the hitter must process the ball coming at them. The brain quickly races to identify the thrown object, but this process takes about 75-100 milliseconds, according to neuroscientist Jordan Muraskin.


“You are limited by your nervous system in that you have 75-100 milliseconds of processing lag time,” Muraskin said.

After this processing lag time in which the hitter recognizes an object moving toward him, he must identify and react to the pitch. What kind of pitch is it, and where is it going?

While most decisions are made in the front part of the brain, which deals with deliberative thought, this decision is made in the motor area of the brain, which deals with more instinctive reactions. This is when the hitter decides the most crucial step: to swing or not swing.

Once the hitter decides, it’s a race against the waning milliseconds to make contact. The quickest swings in baseball happen in anywhere from 100-150 milliseconds, leaving almost zero margin for error.

“You really only have about 150 milliseconds to make a decision while the pitch is coming toward you,” Muraskin said. “A fair and foul ball, the difference is having your bat in the right place by about 5-7 milliseconds.”

MLB hit streak record: 56
MLB hit streak record after WWII: 44

NHL goal streak record: 16
NHL goal streak record after WWI: 13
what this doesnt take into consideration is that you can get many tries at the plate while it only counting as one at bat
yeah but the point of the article was about the physical/mental difficulty of hitting a pitch, not the difficulty of recording a hit which is going to be influenced by a lot of other factors
Leafs aren't smart enough to understand this concept. Not a single one posting in this thread gets it.
Called luckswing for good reason
this article conflates the two concepts
burgers are too dumb to understand their own material
Oh my heckin science

Baseball is a luck based sport which is why they need a trillion games to create some sort of average
>Oh my heckin science
come on dont do me like that, that is cool science information not some reddit shit
pitching is harder
>sound threads on /v/ was 5000 years ago
I forget most people who follow and especially shitpost about sports have never played one.
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ladies and gentleman
the greatest sportman of all time
They play a billion games a season because the game doesn't wear out the players. It's the same reason they can play two games in one day.

muh averaging out is post hoc reasoning for why baseball owners 100 years ago adopted a 150 game schedule. The same can be said of the length of any profitable sport.
typical you like a kraut
Hitting a baseball is very hard but this is a retarded way of showing it. There are plenty of sports where the object is coming at you faster and/or from nearer than a man throwing a ball, and they are returned as a matter of course, humans are good at predicting trajectory. Baseball is hard because the profile of the bat is so slim compared to the ball, not because of reaction time, give batters a tennis racket and they'd never miss.
well i typed out a whole message and the captcha got fucked let me retype
i was trying to say idk why you think that's a retarded way to demonstrate the difficulty of hitting a baseball, you are right that a small bat versus a small ball adds a level but its still within a blink of an eye margins we're talking about
i think cricket is just as hard but in a different way, i mean top pace bowlers bowl what like 90-95 mph? and its obviously a different sport with different equipment but having to judge the bounce must be really really difficult
long story short anyone who can hit a baseball aka professional players and anyone who can defend off 100+ cricket deliveries are very unique people
they're always flukes, can never control for external variables enough to consistently sink them
Badminton players can play a multi-shot rally in the time it takes a baseball pitch to finish. They are facing smashes coming at them 5x the speed of a baseball pitch from closer range, and they do it over and over again every match. Reaction time is not the bottleneck here.
reaction time is absolutely the bottleneck you dingus. you understand that batters have to react to the break of the ball? or gamble on a particular pitch being thrown
the us flag who replied to already was not me btw but i dont know enough about badminton to comment so i wont
Every single sport that requires returning an object the players have to react to the movement of the object, this is not unique to baseball, nor does it particularly relate to reaction time in this case given that as I understand it, the more movement a baseball pitch has the slower it is likely to be on average. Badminton players face a much higher degree of strain on their reactions and yet return smashes at a much higher rate than baseball batters hit pitches. There's only really three possible conclusions you can take from that:

>Baseball players are shit at their job (obviously not true)
>Badminton players are superhuman (obviously not true)
>Reaction time is not the bottleneck for why hitting a baseball is hard

one of the best hitters ever had slower than average reactions
>For years, people presumed that reaction time was the key to hitting; faster reactions for faster pitches. But as David Epstein describes in The Sports Gene, the great slugger Albert Pujols was found, at the height of his prowess, to have a reaction time that was below average for the adult male population. Something else must have allowed him to hit a ball moving that quickly. That something turns out to be perception: a batter-like Pujols perceives visual cues from the pitcher’s motion as and before he releases the ball—angle of the shoulder, the position of the wrist, rate of hip rotation. The batter’s brain processes these visual cues and predicts the pitch without his ever intentionally looking for them or even his consciously being aware of them. Many batters, even successful ones, still think it’s about reaction time, and this is profound. The typical batter never knows what the true drivers of his success are and is not even aware that they happen. He has learned the tools of his greatness accidentally and without knowing it.
fwiw that's partly why baseball is so satisfying.
The baseball bat is almost the perfect size, shape and weight for its intended purpose of smashing 150g balls as hard as possible. It touches some kind of primal destructive impulse.
Not that tennis (or golf) isn't immensely satisfying in its own more subtle way but it's not the same. I suspect cricket comes close, but the cricket paddle isn't as aerodynamic and the bowler's target isn't the "strike zone" (IOW the perfect range for a batter to execute a perfect swing and hit as far as possible).

None of that speaks to difficulty though.
>That something turns out to be perception: a batter-like Pujols perceives visual cues from the pitcher’s motion as and before he releases the ball—angle of the shoulder, the position of the wrist, rate of hip rotation. The batter’s brain processes these visual cues and predicts the pitch without his ever intentionally looking for them or even his consciously being aware of them.
This is almost certainly what's involved in badminton also, especially given the size and shape of the rackets and fluidity of play.
coach primate
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if you show it from the batter's POV its more impressive to get an idea of how fast the ball is going
Things badminton players react to
>badminton moving, hit badminton
Things baseball players react to
>pitch location
>pitch movement
>pitch break
>swing vs no/swing judgement call
>hold swing or follow through
Believe it or not reaction time is measured by more than clicking when red turns green
It's crazy what Deion did, imagine if like Jordan Jefferson hit .500 in the world series, people would lose their minds.
Cricket > boreball
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golf is harder
The baseball bat looks like a bat a Neanderthal would carry around to club his prey over the head
Hitting a driver straight is definitely one of the hardest things in sports.
Soccer is the easiest popular sport.
>blink of an eye takes 300-400 milliseconds.
No it's not, why lie on korean image board?
You have roughly the same time to return a big serve in Tennis.
50/50 will be kino as fuck and he's doing it because he got a surgery kek
Hello sir
that doesn't answer my question
Shhh...we don't talk about that here.
Is it harder than telling between a ball and a strike?
I think batting in test cricket has to be up there too, just from a focusing perspective. Tennis or NASCAR might be harder though if we are talking about the period of time you have to maintain your focus.
Batting in baseball in general I would put in my top 3 skills though. They don't even care how tall you are.
Its not really a reaction time thing (most players have normal reaction times), you have to know how to read the environment correctly and know where to look. Its the same reason why you can't just switch to softball and expect to be a good batter. All the cues you look for are different.
Yeah that's why the sport is so fucking boring. You're really onto something here.
height is not a skill
neither is luck.
betting is not a skill
Baseball is stupid
If I only did my job 30% of the time I'd be fired yet these chucklefucks get paid millions
>because the game doesn't wear out the players
Yeah shut the fuck up these niggers nowadays throw 60 pitches and rest for days afterwards

Illiterate retard. The 1876 NL season started in late April and ended in September. They played 66ish games. This year MLB played 162 games from late March to the end of September. How did they add 100 extra games to a season that lasted only 1 more month? Sure the players would be dying on the field like football players were back then.

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