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I dont see how it's possible to dislike our great sport.
It's easy to dislike if you have no understanding of what's going on. And it's easy to dislike if all you watch is the NFL. Football is the GOAT sport but the NFL has been killing it for decades.
If you watched it when it wasn't flag football you understand why some people don't like it. I still watch some games but it's definitely lost something.
Too black
too many ads
no stamina involved
I love Rashid Shaheed so much it's unreal. Can't believe >we got this guy undrafted.
Too much down time honestly, like every down there is a whole bunch of down time to get back into formation for a play that lasts like 10 seconds, and then you gotta do it 3 more times. Also I like the cowboys, so until we win another superbowl, fuck this sport
not enough flopping and crying
It's because they're working out what play to run.
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No one in my native country of Peru knows who these fat Americans are.
Quarterbacks running and then doing a late slide when the defensive player is already committed and then there's slight contact and the offense gets an automatic first down. Inconsistent pass interference calls.
The uncertainty between a catch and an incomplete with the motion of "having possession"

Those kinds of decisions that can majorly decide games could be a turnoff
its low IQ
everyone on the pitch is a retard
it's called a turf sven
And no one in my native country of America can identify your irrelevant country on a map, and rightfully so.
NFL players literally have to pass an IQ test to be put in certain positions like safety and qb
their retarded brains would literally explode if any play would last more than 30 seconds
NFL mogs college these days. College was a superior product forever until about 2014. Now NFL is vastly superior.
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um sir......
I watched that game in Brazil. There was a flag thrown after ONE second. Endless commercials. 4 seconds of play, then a break.
My city doesn't have a team
College has also been watered down to shit. It's a shame that top to bottom they're destroying the greatest sport ever.
The helmets make it unrelatable and less human
I'm not here to say it's not manly, the tackles are much harder than rugby
But the helmets mean you can't see their faces and the pads make them look a weird shape

I can't relate to it
When the Cowboys lose, America wins.
>too much down time
You consider soccer constant action.
You know redzone exists by this point.
its not a game, its a product
its meant to produce artificial highlights and timeslots for commercials
based, soccer is much better
I love it when the fly emirates play the qatar airways on a field surrounded by billboards for mastercard, subway, pepsi, crypto.com, ps5, bet265, and so on
>t. Has never watched or played fubble
>implying professional soccer isn't the same
The only 'real' sports are amateur. As soon as sponsorship gets involved it ceases to be about gameplay.
God its faggots like you that are the problem with our people. "We have the best thing going here, lets get faggots involved!" Everytime we do this, in all parts of our culture when we should just horde and lord. Even the ignortant retardation of this, put yourself in a thirdies (non-existent) shoes, would you sacrifice all your local history of sport of a foreign one run by jews? Of course not! Our sport is better, but theirs is connected to them. I'd never take that away from them. I know this bullshit just attracts (you)s. You're an idiot, a whore, and a slave op.
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international football is the highest form of sport on earth and dwarfs every other sport in viewership
That just looks like any other goal to me anon. It doesn't look impressive, and I don't know the story behind it. (I don't want to either)
>100% ad uptime
If Ruggs hadn't have killed that girl Carr would probably be throwing bombs like this to him right now.
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its the thing here that dwarfs your silly commercial shitshow
The Superbowl gets better TV ratings than any other sporting event on the planet except for the World Cup finals.

Imagine being so hollow as a country that your national pastime isn't even a sport you invented
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NFL gives the most intense moments I've felt of watching any sport. The pausing that people are complaining about is a big component of producing those intense moments. It's a theatrical sport like WWE and each play is a new act/scene.
See, this is my point.
>The highest form of sport
>commercial show
>look how popular it is!
but anything you show in is boring. Your chosen highlight isn't alluring, and I don't care you follow the sheep of the world. Why would I? Show me an actually entertaining highlight, no bullshit, no bait posting. Show a highlight you care about, or fuck off back to your foreign hole.
>has to rely on international sporting events to even come close
Again, imagine being so hollow as a nation that your national pastime was invented by and imposed upon you by a rival imperial power, and all the players in your pro league aren't even from your country
>can’t touch the QB at all or it’s a penalty
>if the receiver doesn’t catch the pass, 99 times out of 100 it will be called for DPI
>mahomes wins lol
>horrible ad breaks every 45 seconds
>games are tedious sessions of waiting around, something cfb does much better
>same teams in the playoffs every year(before you bitch at me I’m a 9ers fan)
>the 2 minute warning is just a free timeout and ad break with waste 10 minutes (:^)) setting up a fg with 3 seconds left on the clock
>EVERYTHING is DPI nowadays
Goodell’s rules are turning everything into a penalty, it’s disgusting
The NFL sucks dick now. I blame it on Colin Kaepernigger
obvious paid NFL shills
your sport is a joke and always will be
I accept your concession vpn-kun
The NFL died when the Patriots made it a solved game. It was put on life support when they made the Superbowl halftime show into a glorified pop concert.
bitching, anonymous. 15 cock penalty. first down.
The ratings say something different and it being "dead". And the patriots did not "solve" the game, they created a dynasty by having the greatest QB of all time and soon collapsed once he left to win a Superbowl in Tampa. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>appeal to popularity
I care about the quality of the sport and its culture, not about how many normalfags tune in on Sunday.
>not understanding a turn of phrase
The Kraut is a faggot shitposter with a tiny brain incapable of caring about more than one sport. Both Football and Soccer are great sports, and people who banter and shitpost about them rarely give the other one an honest chance. And this makes for boring shitposting because the people on either side really have no fucking clue what they are talking about. After you get in a dig about the downtime in Football and the diving and draws in Soccer, all that's left is idiots trying the hardest to be idiotic.

>(I don't want to either)
Which is why you're all out of ammo and the shitposting turns into boring idiocy on both sides

The clip he posted is from the 2022 World Cup final (France v Argentina). Argentina had just taken possession and the video with a 1-touch pass, fast and hard. The next player (Messi) takes the pass and dumps it off in 2 touches to #9 while France is still off-balance. #9 puts the ball downfield for what is at this point a rather straightforward fast break. And unlike in Football, in Soccer you still have a goalkeeper to beat as well as chasing defenders, so the final pass and shot are still important. It's really a beautifully executed play and there was very little France could do about it.

Soccer is all about maneuvering to open up these opportunities and seeing them through to the end without risking the opponent scoring. Where Football is more like a grueling military campaign fought over every inch of ground, Soccer is more like a duel to the death where each side is trying to strike that one killing blow without getting killed themselves.
speaking of boring unfunny banter
To be honest if the whole game was two-mintue drill mode, it'd be much better.
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I love handegg and has been watching for 6 years now, including college handegg.

But one thing I realized is that handegg is every bit as semen slurping as soccer, just masked by the potential for big plays and lack of diving.
For instance, the frustration of goals being overturned by VAR in soccer happens 10x more in handegg due to the murky rules and heavy referee intervention.
And offenses has become so incompetent many games are just puntfest and the runningback(s) do more work than the QB because QBs are too shit and scared to throw.
If they cut back on the bullshit and let it flow normally it would definitely make the case for being the most entertaining sport like you claim.
I'm not even saying this to fling shit, but i dont get how no clock stoppage makes soccer more exciting when the field is giant and 75% of the time is complete filler. Football and baseball the down time (to me at least) builds tension, what play are they going to run, will they make the first down, is he going to strike him out.
I will agree with people here saying that not understanding the rules is a big barrier for football. I didn't bother learning the rules as a kid and since it's not super simple the occasional times id watch it I didnt understand the appeal. I only got into it because of the 2020 xfl and posting here, made me regret not learning it as a kid.
I know third world countries have nothing but land, but poverty ball would be more exciting if the field wasn't 2 miles long
I meam yeah thats why hockey is so much better
It's stupid to dislike something you don't understand
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>dislike our great sport
...so I guess we won't be hearing about 'Refball' or 'The NFL is dying' ever again in /sp/, amirite? So much as think of saying that and in Soviet America, dislikers are you.
Meanwhile, people like watching Jacksonville Jaguars playing at Wembley Stadium or Tottenam Hotspurs ground.
Ah, I'm reminded of NFL games shown on Channel 4 years ago. Nostalgia indeed.
>the frustration of goals being overturned by VAR in soccer
Maybe it's just my American mentality but I don't find that part frustrating. Suck it up and deal. Oh no your goal got nullified because you were offsides or the ref missed a handball earlier in the play? From what I've seen, VAR seems to be effective at ensuring high-stakes calls get blown less often.

Yeah sure, when I was a baby I would get frustrated when an exciting gain was erased by a holding penalty. Then I grew up and realized the holding penalty often a key reason why the play was so successful in the first place and absolutely needs to get called.

>And offenses has become so incompetent many games are just puntfest and the runningback(s) do more work than the QB because QBs are too shit and scared to throw.
Punting is actually at an all-time low for NFL history. Punts are also best understood as a strategic turnover. If you execute a good punt and your defense can hold the opponent, you can get the ball back with better field position than you had and better odds of a scoring drive. If anything, I'd say the trend in officiating has consistently favored offenses and passing over the years and made it harder for defenses. (Which thus lowers the value of a punt and starting field position)
>offenses has become so incompetent
Defenses got better. You have a lot to learn still
>I'm not even saying this to fling shit, but i dont get how no clock stoppage makes soccer more exciting when the field is giant
The field size is fine and encourages tactical play.
The webm Hans posted above shows how a single scoring play can cover 70 yards in 10 seconds.
>75% of the time is complete filler.
It's not really filler, especially when two talented teams are going up against each other. With shitter teams, midfield can involve a lot of trading fuckups where neither team can pass and trap effectively. But with good teams, patient maneuvering at midfield is tense and exciting. The issue is all that work amounting to nothing over and over again. At least in gridiron football, yardage is meaningful. If you drive 80 yards and miss a field goal, the other team's offense still has to earn back those yards to have their own chance to score. In soccer, the nature of field position, possession and general advantage is more fluid and less clear-cut.
impressive but what is happening
It is but that doesn't stop people from doing it. Not like I'm not guilty, I hate Cricket and have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on.
black man run
white man throw
black man catch
throw ball to monkey, monkey run
thats all it ever is
good now go back
but what about complex tactics
Too many darkblacks and too many propaganda breaks from the small hat people
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>complex tactics
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I'll stick with rugby
there is nothing complex about that, soccer players do that 90 minutes, without commercial breaks
Retarded post.
Both games involve tactics, don't pretend like you understand gridiron because you obviously don't.
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Soccer players literally do with their feet, what NFl players do with their hands
soccer is like ten times the sport that inbred "run monkey run" is
Why are you trying so hard to be stupid? You too stupid to even keep your subjects straight. Your comment was about tactics and there are none in that clip. Almost everyone on the entire field is standing perfectly still. The striker is just onside. A couple of white players take a few steps but this doesn't affect the defense. There are essentially zero tactics there. Ngubu waits onside and takes off the moment Kroos(?), under zero pressure, kicks a perfect long ball which is handled perfectly for the goal. The defense tries to chase him down and fails, that's literally all that happens. Soccer has tactical complexity, but your clip doesn't show any.

In gridiron football, a quarterback is always under threat of half a ton or more of massive lineman trying to take him down. The five receivers all move in simultaneous coordinated motion to evade the defense, which will attempt to read and anticipate the receivers while guarding the threat of a QB scramble. The QB has a few seconds to read the defense and his receivers, make a decision, and throw a perfect pass (or scramble on foot). Furthermore, the stakes are also relatively higher the forward pass in gridiron. Turnovers in gridiron are usually more costly than they are in soccer.

The clip here >>144514160 shows all these complex tactics in play. The QB just fails to throw a good pass, but avoids interception. (Something no European would even be capable of, having given up their masculine throwing abilities generations ago)
they catch and maintain controll over a ball while someone who weighs more than any soccer player hits them at sub-olympic sprinter speed?
Saints come out in 21 personnel and show some movement from the fullback after splitting him out wide to get the defense confused/hesitant. Also reveals to the Saints that the Cowboys are likely playing zone. 21 tells the defense this is more likely a run play because there's bigger bodies on offense, which makes the play action(fake the run to throw the pass) more likely to succeed. 7 step drop by Carr means it's going to require his offensive line hold up for a longer period of time, but because of this they also brought in more guys to protect(7 man protection instead of the normal 5). There's 2 receivers that are both running deep which means the Cowboys Cover 2 Zone defense is exposed to 1 on 1s for both receivers. Hard to tell without the All-22 cam, but it looks like Shaheed is able to spring open on the post because Olave attracts a lot of attention on the deep dig. Then it's just the step up in the pocket by Carr(not an easy thing to do in traffic) and a very well placed ball. Not super complex but there's always a lot happening in every play. The complexity comes from the coverages and how to attack them, which I can't even pretend to have a good grasp on.
Honestly? Its the best sport on paper, but on practice its not as much exciting as you imagine it will be. I think the fact that the sport literally doesnt happen for several months adds up to the hype
I like your sport, but all the charismatic qbs that i like are trash and bench players
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Yeah but nothing comes close to the elaborate tactical genius of plays like this.
olympics has the most sustained viewers over half the world's population
We ruined another sport didn't we?
>75% of the time is complete filler
lmao ya dumb bitch
and if you did one of these with actual football, it would be too complex for any American to ever understand
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You mean something like this?
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Yeah, that's kind of the problem, isn't it? If they were using their hands people might actually be able to put the ball into a net the size of a bus instead of both teams spending two hours just puttering around not scoring
Rugby (15s not 7s) is objectively better in every way.
It would be pointless. You don't run elaborate, coordinated routes like this in assfoot because you can't go offsides. It's also wasteful to do all-out sprints trying get open when you can just make small movements and incremental passes. There's no pressure for 1st downs, meaning even if your forwards can't get open down field you can make regressive passes to maintain possession, see how the defense responds and try a different maneuver.

It seemed like shitposting Euros didn't understand gridiron now it seems like they don't even understand soccer either.
I like both but much prefer football as a spectator.
Too much of the action in rugby is obscured by players during rucks and scrums. You see the outcome but not the real contest. In football everything is out in the open most of the time. When there's a pile-up, it usually just means the ball is down in the middle of the pile.
U do realize we all play soccer as kids? It's considered a kids game. Most Americans grow out of it by age 12. As teenagers it's a sport for sissyboy leftists. Only browns play it as adults.
>10-second plays at best, then 2 minutes of waiting for the teams to line up again
>only two types of play possible (quarterback throws the ball, or running back or quarterback runs with ball)
>autistically specific positions (long-snapper, kicker, punter, punt returner) who are on the field for 2 plays on average
>not actually two teams facing off, it’s actually four teams (2 offensive, 2 defensive)
>no fun back-and-forth, play has to be completely shut down to swap between defensive and offensive plays which effectively kills any hype
>no fun plays like in football (soccer) where a defensive player can go on the attack and score a goal - a fat linebacker will never throw the ball, a wide receiver will rarely make a tackle unless there is an interception (very autistic silo’ing of responsibilities)
>can’t even played by kids in their backyard since you need a referee constantly keeping track of the yellow line and needs convoluted equipment
Stupid game
>>can’t even played by kids in their backyard since you need a referee constantly keeping track of the yellow line and needs convoluted equipment

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I think my gripe with football is it feels more like nerds (head coaches) playing a turn-based fighting game than an actual sport than regular people could play themselves, at any age.
Why does this sport even appeal to jocks? It’s autism incarnate.

>bro did you see how Kool Aid Daquarius got a 780 PPR on the Sunday game while his quarterback had a 67.89975% completion rate and rushed for 89.674 yards but their kicker also gave them the lead with a 9/9 rate on his three-point attempts
>yes but that’s nothing compared to how the defensive player Daquingle Bajingle McDonald pulled off 7.5 solo tackles and had 1.25 kicks blocked
This is how American “jocks” talk on a Monday getting to work.
>towelheads handing the trophy to a manlet that all the brown manlets worldwide project themselves onto
>"highest form of sport"
stop it. 2nd league promotion and 1st league relegation battles are the most kino
it looks like it's fun to play, but unbearable to watch, like rugby
I find it hilarious the NFL is the one that gets shit for ad time when the NBA is so much worse. But no one actually watches the NBA so no one cares.
Then who’s keeping track of the yellow line that the offensive team needs to get past?
lol the yellow line is a projection on TV
Most people don't have 360'x160' backyards. When you play informal games in random parks you just designate specific landmarks as the target or you use your jackets
I know but it’s still a yard number that you need to get past? How do you do that when there isn’t a referee yard and your yard doesn’t have stripes for every yard.
Figures a leaf comes in trying hard and failing miserable.
>no fun back-and-forth
purely matter of taste. Back and forth also diffuses tension and means there's less pressure to execute and achieve something every single down.
The limited-downs dynamic is precisely why you have hundreds of elaborate plays like the one Francois posted above.
>no fun plays like in football (soccer) where a defensive player can go on the attack and score a goal
"fun" is subjective, moron.
And anything can happen with a live ball.
>can’t even played by kids in their backyard
Stupidest comment yet.
The only thing you really can't do without equipment is all-out/hardcore blocking and hitting. Most pickup games play touch (or flag) football, but I played informal tackle as well as a kid. Tackling in those games was closer to rugby-style tackles and blocking was far gentler than what you see in organized ball, but it was still a rough and fun game. All you need is a ball and a field. Everything else can be improvised (eg fixed markers for first downs). For touch/flag you can even play on the street.
c'mon man, how do you designate the goals on your backyard/park? you just use your backpack or sweater as goalposts and an arbitrary height and play.
I imagine it's the same thing with ameri*ns
Chiefs get way too many favorable calls every game
If literally every team got the same standard of flags Mahomes would only have 1 ring
We use to play backyard football and we used random shit to designated stuff.
Right. For touch football it's also common to count two completions as a first down.
No, you don’t understand. Those American little kids play once (usually over in 5 seconds because the person with the ball was tackled and play is paused), then they have to go move the backpack to reflect the new, updated first down line if they’ve advanced enough.

>play 5 seconds
>go move the backpack
>play 5 seconds
>go move the backpack
>play 5 seconds
>arguing because not sure if the person with the ball got past the first down line or not
really weird delusion
He must also think you can't play backyard soccer because people will argue about being offside or handballs not being called, right? How can you play baseball informally without an umpire calling something a ball or a strike? Who's going to call fouls in basketball?
Look at that 5'8;120 lb man running down the field using his feet to kick a ball in a large net.
That's sooooooooo exciting. I like how they fall down all the time even though they barely touch.
Such athletes. Let's make race car driving with our feet next, fuck thumbs!
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>how do you play soccer in the backyard with no VAR to determine who's offsides?
>how do you play basketball on a playground with no shot clock?
>how do you play hockey outdoors with no blue lines or penalty box?

this is what you sound like
You can waive the offside rule without it entirely altering the DNA of the game. It’s also much easier to see if someone is offside and anyone who’s played enough will instinctively not let themselves get offside anyways.
>You can waive the offside rule without it entirely altering the DNA of the game
What? No you can't. It's a fundamental part of the game. What you actually do is you just don't call it offside unless it's blatant. Same thing with fouls in basketball, you're a bitch if you call for a foul in a pickup game.
>playing soccer in backyard = 95% similar to the game that professional players are playing (might waive offside rule, maybe no corners and play with less people)
>playing American football in backyard = 5% similar to the game that professional players are playing (you uhh throw the ball forward but uh, no O-line, no first down line apparently, no helmets, no pads, no punting, no field goals, no routes…)
If there aren’t offsides, the defender will just adapt and hang back where the striker is going. Amateur players aren’t going to have enough ball control that someone can just lob the ball to them in front of the goal and have that translate to an immediate goal.
>coach primate
That's more like you have 10 plays to go 100 yards. That's just for fun. It's like boxing, everyone does a little bit in their life by theyve never been boxers
The NFL is a unique league where the players have to have honor or they will get injured for life by other players.
One guy 6'5 320 lbs talked shit and was doing some dirty playing to a player last name Suh in college. Suh picked him up over his head and body slammed him on his neck and fucked him up.
They all can destroy each other if they got nasty. If a defense tackle wanted to literally tear a running backs head off he had the strength to do it
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>uh sweetie, how can you play soccer in the backyard if the yard doesn't have a regulation 8'x24' soccer goal what would people even kick the ball at

this is what you sound like
The problem here is that you have no clue what the appeal of football actually is to normal kids, so your assessment of what matters to a pickup game is hilariously off-base.
(Hint: 95% of kids don't fantasize about playing offensive tackle)
>And I don't want to
I didn't that anon
>buh buh buh your shitposting will suffer
How gay are you
Because basketball is actually fun
Why doesn’t the NFL play with backyard rules? Taking off the stupid clutter like field goals, first downs, and unloved roles like offensive tackle, long-snapper would be an improvement.

Just do rugby but you can throw the ball forward.
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But you forgot the best part. They can't run too fast or else they will get ahead of all the other players on the opposing team and get an offsides penalty.
2-hand touch was the most popular sport on the playground as a kid. When we played on grass we'd do full tackle or just play Smear the Queer
The ads and too much stops is too much, games last for a long time, but i guess this msotly sucks, because i'm alone watching the game at 1 am. Still watching the game, and seeing the magic happening is perfection.
The whole spectacle is worth it.
I wish the regular season would go until April, followed by the play off's in May. I think it's awful that we never get to see the players reach their phisical and tactical peak in March. The season it's much too short
I don't know the hard numbers but NBA definitely doesn't feel worse than NFL in that regard. Its annoying for sure but when I watch football I feeling clawing my eyes out a times. Probably because timeouts are half the time in NBA as a timeout in NFL. Also (when you account to the amount of games MLB has comparision) NBA is the second most watched pro league. There's reason it got the deal that it did.
Quarterback fakes a handoff which jukes the defensive players, he then bombs a long pass a wide open receiver who runs it in for a touchdown. If you know rugby you can understand the bare basics of gridiron football.
Soccer is literally the sport of poor third world browns
No African plays football
Something I prefer about rugby to football is that forward passing isn't a thing. If the NFL banned forward passes the sport would improve drastically.
Getting first downs would be much more difficult. Average final score would be like 13-10
>fat linebackers will never run the ball
"What is an interception?"
>can't be played as a pickup game
It was literally designed as a pickup game college kids could play between lectures
>NFL doesn't require stamina

I'm fine with that. I'd also bring back regular play field goals. Anyone with the ball can drop kick through the uprights at any time during any play.
And don't forget, forward passes were banned until what, the 1920s? The majority of plays were running plays until the 70s or 80s I think. Running backs used to be first round draft picks for a reason.
Now that I would like to see that
Can't-use-your-hands ball is a 3rd world sport for poor subhumans who can only afford a ball.
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Americans have no understanding how inbred their sports are
Just like NBA is dominated by europeans and were arent even trying
I dont think Jokic even likes the game
Anyone that ever watches NFL realizes its nothing but "throw ball to monkey, monkey run"
its like european soccer 100 years ago that hasnt evolved
there is literally nothing impressive about it
ym Iq drops every time I watch it
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>If the NFL banned forward passes the sport would improve drastically.
The forward pass is one of the most entertaining things about football, why fuck would you want to get rid of it?
Your IQ seems to drop every time you post
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a fucktard like this wouldnt even make it out of amateur, let alone earn 20 million a year in soccer
there would be 1 million people better than him
thats what a competitve spot is
not this monkey ghetto shit
You're right about that. Playing at a high level in the NFL is extremely difficult. Any third world dirt eater can kick a soccer ball and be called the greatest, because the sport is braindead.
>high level
NFL years ago was a great sport. Now it's just faggotdancing. You can't even block anymore.
I was great at Smear the Queer. I was always the Queer to start.
You know defense is all tactics too, right? So it's not like every play is going to look like 3D chess on the offense's part.
I'm willing to accept forward passes behind the line of scrimmage, otherwise they should only be allowed to make laterals.
That's already how it is
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NFL literally has nothing like this
Its all just "throw to monkey, monkey run"
if you think your sport is more competitve than soccer, youre delusional
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Uh I'm guessing you mean if both players are behind the line scrimmage? Either way thats dumb. Quite literally the only thing the sport needs is less downtime between touchdowns and the following kickoff and for everyone to admit we like a barbaric game so we can just go back having physical play from defenses.
>kick ball to spot where guy might be open according to gameplan and current flow
>guy kicks ball towards goal and hopefully he wont inexplicably sky it 30 feet above the bar
Seems pretty simple from cerebral standpoint compared to NFL schemes.
I was explaining to my Colombian gf the other day that the downtime can be annoying but it allows for a bit more strategy and planning by both the teams. I love all sports so I won’t say that football is inherently better but the concept of formations, play design, blocking techniques, etc add a dimension to football that don’t really exist in other sports. There’s a lot more tactics from play to play compared to other sports that can have set plays off of stoppages but are mostly just high level schemes with a bit of chaos pumped in
>I’ve never played a sport in my life
College games are more fun to go to but the product on the field is kinda shit these days.
Complete shit compared to rugby with your gay little padding and ad breaks every 2 minutes
I mean to players behind the line of scrimmage.

I want to being back Iron Men; no more platoon system. Players play both offence and defence. That would solve a lot of downtime between turnovers.
NBA actually has a higher percentage of time dedicated to ads than the NFL
>There's reason it got the deal that it did
Its audience is 18-34 males so doordash and McDonalds fight each for ad space
Lack of forward pass makes Rugby boring
Football is fun to watch at the sports bar while drinking beer and watching wings DESU senpai.
>posts an example of successful coverage
I don't think people can relate to it unless you've actually played the sport. I remember playing JV and I would literally see stars when I hit someone. I quit because it was too hard and my head would hurt a lot
>If the NFL banned forward passes the sport would improve drastically.
The original version of American Football didn't allow the forward pass. It was a brutal (and deadly) slog of a game that was dying out in favor of rugby union until the forward pass revived it, made it so much more fun to play and entertaining to watch.
It's rather ironic that the downs and line of scrimmage came first, because those are the elements that make the forward pass such a well-balanced element of the game.
>NBA definitely doesn't feel worse than NFL in that regard
don't know about you but even IRL without television interruptions, a close end-game in basketball can get extremely fucking obnoxious with constant timeouts and intentional fouls to stop the clock. That's one thing soccer gets right. They still have to deal with parking the bus and substitutions and various types of game-delaying faggotry but nothing like the autistic "clock management" that you see in basketball.
If your country doesn't let you freely arm yourself with guns you don't know about sports (or vidya)
It was so deadly because of no pads and none of rugby's tackle restrictions.
>I don't know the hard numbers but NBA definitely doesn't feel worse than NFL in that regard. Its annoying for sure but when I watch football I feeling clawing my eyes out a times.
But most likely the real issue here is that football basically has two layers of stoppage-- normal downtime between plays as well as the TV breaks. The game itself already has built-in interruptions, but then add in TV bloat as well and you really start to question whether it's worth spending so much time.
It was also bland and boring apart from the bloodsport aspect. If NFL banned the forward pass the game would not more interesting. There would not be more creative laterals or elaborate rugby-style attacks. You'd just have all the same type of running plays, except they'd be less successful on average because defenses wouldn't have to worry about passing. There would be far less variety. It would just be an endless slog of the same few 3-second running plays over and over.
Successful scoring drives would be rarer, punts more common (unless you banned those, too), and field goals would be more common than touchdowns. There would be no other meaningful positive changes to the game.
The thing is people kind of exaggerate how much the TV bloat actually is. Even if there was no commercials, a lot of the 'commercial time' would still be stoppages.

I reckon the commercials add an extra 20 minutes of stoppage throughout the course of the game. NCAA-Division 2 games still last 3 hours and I doubt very many of those have TV timeouts, that's only 10 minutes less than the NFL (though with differing clock rules).
>there wouldn't be creative laterals or elaborate rugby attacks
So sayeth you.
>FGs would be more common than TDs
This is a good thing
This. The NFL grew in popularity when there was a sizable group of white men playing. The NFL would not have been a thing were not for the 70s and 80s.

Just as well though. Blacks can have all the brain damage they get lol
a couple 10 second plays are not stamina, you'd know this if you ever played
Do the Saints have the best track record with undrafted players of all time?
and there is a massive % of people who only watch the superbowl to see the ads, proving his point.
>he didn't play football as a kid
mad cuz bad
>gay ass pads because players are pussies
>constant breaks because players are pussies
>one single chart explains a whole season where a team plays at least 50 different teams, all with different tactics
If that’s what you think, no wonders why you don’t like it.
Europeans, South Americans and Asians don't have the required bone density or testosterone to compete in such a physical sport.

Maybe the nords since they are not manlets but they always seem so slow.
Same can be said of football. Not every play is a screen pass from a T formation. And even if they were they'd still play out differently because of different responses and setup from the defending team. You run one play over and over and the defending team will get wise, cut around your linemen, and sack your QB every time. You can fill literal novels with the play variety available in football, which is why NFL players actually have to pass IQ tests to get assigned to certain positions with QBs requiring 110+ or something. Which is also why black QBs are a joke
Soccer is utterly mindless
I can't even see anything. Are there players out there? I just see grass. Why would anyone watch this?
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> I acknowledge an issue, but the actual sport itself isn’t the problem, just buy another product to fix it!
Holy fuck Americans are hopeless, God help us
I say it because it's right. You can believe otherwise but that just means you aren't much of a thinker.
NFL games shouldn't last longer than 2 hours.
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This. I grew up playing football and played in college, and this day I still watch it, but rugby is absolutely electric. I watch it every chance I get, Plus, I love the culture. There is little to no coonery
You believe it is right because you do not know the history of the sport and fear change. Your comment is pure FUD presented as fact. I even included historical evidence to back my point up; even after the forward pass was introduced for decades the bread-and-butter was running plays with passes being seen as a desperation move. One only has to look at rugby to see you are wrong.
Rugby has different offside rules, moron. Apply logic. Extended lateral plays aren't used in the NFL because they are too risky due the nature of the defense. Taking away the pass threat would make defense even more effective at stopping runs making risky laterals even less viable. The only positive (for running) change would be replacing the skilled, clever QB with another running back.

Explain exactly how and why you think the game would be better or stop posting retarded shit
Any yanks got any easy to follow video recommendations for learning this sport? I know theres tactics and strategy involved, i'm assuming you're meant to follow along during all the stoppage plays but I just don't get it
>imagine arguing a point about popularity when your stats are bolstered by nearly 2 billion street shitting jeets
That's the hill you want to die on, Klaus?
Honestly the best way to see what's going on and putting together the tactics and strategies are to search for videos that are the "All 22" angles which show all the players and how the plays develop and who needs to do what on each down.
fellow europoor here, probably way poorer than you since am from africa of europe, tell me how our football/soccer requires more IQ both to play and understand

american football is a strategy heavy game, soccer has strategies but is not so intense and quite lax to be honest
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i have no problem with americans liking american football and even considering it the best sport

It's when they feel they must force this opinion on others which bothers me. Why are they like this
Also a vidya game like Madden will help you understand how the strategy of the game works.
it was impossible to see the "ball" until the very last moment. would not watch again
This one's a pretty good football 101 for defensive coverages. I would start there because without understanding the basics of what a defense is trying to do you will have a hard time figuring out what an offense is trying to do.
That's not what he said though. He said if you came up with a play chart, like the one about how to attack one specific coverage with one specific offensive set piece, for soccer it would blow peoples minds. In reality it's fairly simple. Of course it can, and should, change game to game to suit who you're playing. Just like in gridiron it changes from play to play because it's a more segmented sport. Try to rub your two remaining brain cells together next time.
The germ flag is a dishonest shit and doesn't appear to really know anything about either sport.

Association football involves a lot of quick thinking and reacting on the fly. Tactics manifest through a fluid system. A coach trains the team on tactical systems that give players guidelines or rules about their general role and responsibilities, balancing defense and offense over the entire field. Designing a system like that takes some intelligence. But then it's up to players to recognize the game state and respond accordingly. This requires quick thinking, mental acuity and development of strong intuition for the game. Basketball players call this "Basketball IQ" and is easier to observe the really great players because basketball is a more constrained and high-scoring game so the really clever players tend to rack up a lot of assists (eg Magic Johnson, Luka Dončić) that make for great highlight reels. A very similar concept applies to soccer football.

NFL football involves more elaborate, planned plays, but play design and decision-making tends to be concentrated with a few people (typically coaches/coordinators and the quarterback). Individual players have to know their responsibilities in each play (and there are a lot of plays to learn), but in most cases these actions are very specific and require minimal additional thinking or decision-making. Defensive backs are more reactive than offensive positions, also. Though from casual observation of actual players, it doesn't appear that a high IQ is more important than athleticism for DBs.

Quarterbacks do need a brain, though, even if an offensive coordinator is calling the plays. They should have good perception, ability to read and anticipate defense and make quick decisions on the field while under pressure.
Dude obviously meant 90%
I just feel like it's a really fucking easy sport to play and none of the "big" moments are impressive. Like ok, you ran and dodged and caught a ball. Congrats, I was doing that at 8 years old. No one sucked my dick for it.
>I just feel like
Witness the typical womanly mindset of an american football hater.
Poor brownlets can't understand
You should try playing it for a bit instead of just watching.
Here you go anon, give it a shot.
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>'football' and 'football'
no more brothers wars
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>I just feel like
ok cool. nobody cares
Maybe because it turns people who already have a low IQ into murderous violent psychopaths because of the brain damage they receive. American football might be one of the dumbest sports ever conceived.
This is a cool moment sure, but it takes fucking 50 minutes in to see this. With the NFL every down has the potential to be something cool.
>seething manlet
If american football had a featherweight league you'd be all over it.
soulful sport
If the refs wanted to they could call holding on #70. that's why I don't like this sport, every single penalty call or non call is completely arbitrary, they could call a penalty on whatever play they want, if there's a particular agenda they can easily make it happen.
It's good entertainment, but it's a terrible sport.
That's every sport
You can "hold" the shoulder pads on the front chest area, which is what he's doing there. He's not using the pads to twist, jerk, or otherwise trip up the defender, and his hands aren't gripping the outside of the pads. That's not a hold.
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The saints....the NEW ORLEANS Saints were cheating that game....
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>Too much down time honestly, like every down there is a whole bunch of down time to get back into formation for a play that lasts like 10 seconds

if you guys have never heard of them, look up "nfl condensed games". basically the nfl has a service that takes all the games and cuts out all the downtime to only show every single play of the game. they show some penalties, and replays of big plays, but otherwise all the other shit is cut out. 30 seconds between every play, gone. games last from 30 minutes at the shortest to 45-50 minutes if they go to overtime, most are in the 37-42 minute range. i think technically its only available through nfl+ premium which costs like $15 a month, or maybe a cheaper international service, but if you know where to look a website posts them online, or a sports torrent site

its how i decided to start watching the nfl this year. i am usually spending my sundays outside now doing one of my hobbies instead of sitting on the couch all day
>download folder of condensed games overnight monday
>copy onto my phone and watch throughout the week either on phone or tv including monday night football and thursday night football
>repeat the following week

>You know redzone exists by this point.
redzone is the gayest shit imaginable. i tried watching it in past years. it's adhd bullshit that doesnt tell you anything about the games happening. literally most casual way possible to watch any sport on earth.
>more people watch it that means it's good
now do the same thing for movies or tv or music
your sport is the equivalent of kpop
You are a football fan and you didn't watch the Jets Pats game tonight? Do you just not talk to other real people about the games tomorrow? Do you not care about the socre and watch them knowing everything already with no ability to speak informatively on the game until after everyone has already moved onto the next game? You are so different from me its alien.
i am making a strong effort to not hear about the scores of any games, except for the ticker on the bottom of cbs games as the games progress. this is my first year of two decades of watching the nfl to try doing this so i will see how it goes throughout the year. but i am enjoying spendng my sundays doing my hobby outdoors. and its quite nice being able to see every game in its entirety.

i am usually going to be home to watch the monday and thursday games but havent for the first few weeks. i imagine it is going to feel like a huge slog sitting through an entire game with all the fluff bullshit and commercials and halftime compares to my condensed games that i get through in 40 minutes.
Different guy, but I don't follow sports the way you do. I get little to nothing out of the suspense of seeing who will win and don't have "my" team that I care about. I like seeing the competition. I like the game itself and seeing it played at a high level. I like to understand why a particular team wins and why players are considered good or bad.
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>a British chap complaining about forcing a culture around the world
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all this pointless arguing of what is the best "product", "sport" etc, when the real best product and sport is the Stanley cup finals or playoffs in general, theres nothing even close to it

>longest and toughest season behind
>most physicality and athleticism
>highest skill required
>constant action
>game 7 suspense

The only reason hockey is not more popular is because jeets and other niggers cant afford it or have the skill for it, thus them not knowing about it and eliminating around 95% of the worlds population from the viewership.
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>tfw geographically blessed to live in a place where I can fully appreciate and enjoy the NFL and MLB and also the Euro football leagues equally
Max comfy
Being shit at sports is a decent trade off desu I'd rather enjoy all these sports as a spectator than autistically seethe and deprive myself from all this sports kino
Stanley cup has similar problem to NBA where literally half the teams make the postseason and the playoff tournament drags on for 3 months.
its not goodells fault shanahan is a natural born choker and your QB is a meme. the bengals get fucked by the refs vs mahomes but you guys just lay down and take it, refs dont even have to job it.
Think I might be too dumb to understand this sport lads, need some literal beginner tutorials
Playoff hockey is amazing. Too bad teams are generally all too close to each other in terms of talent so it feels like a crapshoot who wins.
You’re kidding right? It’s literally happening before your eyes. Though I have to admit that I played a lot of NFL games when I was a kid, so that may be a reason why it’s so easy for me to see what they’re up to
Yeah I don't understand it no matter how much I watch. Need a guide similar to the footy in our country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JPPzTnUZz4&t=229s
making college football more like the NFL ruined college football
This is actually hecking kino
>watch college football
>another 67-3 blowout by Alabama against Central Utah College for Midgets
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>4 hour of television
>3 hours of commercial
>30 min of timebreaks and commentators shitting out random stats
>actual 30 min of play
That's why.
ADHD has really fucked kids up.
watching 5'6 manlets trot around until the ball gets close is tedious and I am tired of pretending it isnt.
i dont care about joining hands with 500 gorillion brown people, anon.
college football doesnt have a preseason. so, they front load some cup cakes to iron out kinks and those schools get paid and get to HAVE a football team
This has nothing to do with adhd or attention span.
it really does. maybe you should stick to call of duty if your brain must be stimulated constantly to pay attention to anything.
it's so fucking trash and it gets harder to watch every year. there are like 7 relevant games out of 400 before October.
No, it really doesn't. Idiots like you are doing nothing but shilling memes for corporations who profit from your braindead compliance and zero standards.
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This man does. He watches Uefalona playing the correct ''football'.
I'm from the Netherlands kek, massive self own
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In my opinion the playoffs are so physically demanding, that the playoffs is really like a new season and the winner is the one who has the most depth and can continue with injuries taking out a couple key pieces

pic related
Play Tecmo Super Bowl for NES.
Easy, fun and 'videogamey' but is still a real 11v11 version of the game with every position and role implemented, full seasons, etc.
They pass the ball forward, that's piss easy.
But you're afraid to try it
I went to Uni in Virginia and played this in intramural flag football. It takes more stamina and is more exciting to play than euros think. Watching the nfl though is boring. Even the americans didn't care and just used it to bet their money on 'parlays' and stared at their iphone the entire match preying their fantasy players would makes some caches.
Yeah football is like the nucleus of a massive industry of secondary entertainment.
Rugby players and fans are such try-hards because they're actually closeted queers soft as room temperature butter.
"We don't wear pads!"
The science litwrally proves humans go harder with padding, for the very same reason we saw more head related trauma and death in boxing AFTER the introduction of gloves.
Why are euros and thirdies so buttblasted by the mere existence of a different code of football
Things I uniquely like/dislike about American Football as a Yuro:

>Pauses in game allow pressure to build
>Each great/terrible play gets time to resonate with the viewer due to the breaks in play
>You can enjoy the complexity of the game obsessively as there's so much data and footage available
>The draft system

>Watching a losing team if they're say, 3 scores down, is god awful
>95% of the league are absolute literally who players
>Obnoxious dancing and celebrating every time a player actually does their job i.e. makes a tackle
>Season is over week 1 if your QB is injured
fair points
stop endlessly bumping youre dying shitsport
>viewership = good
Millions of people with down syndrome watch Destiny, does that make him good?
Still seething Hans?

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