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PAC02 invites four Mountain West schools to join
G5 teams push their cases for being in the next round of PAC06 expansion
Florida and Florida State continue to let their coaches embarrass themselves and their programs
Georgia's governor issues executive order forbidding the NCAA from punishing Georgia schools over NIL issues
Arc Manning will get his day in the sun
Conference USA is ranked lower than the FCS Missouri Valley Conference

Previous >>144455550
Too easy
coach basketball american
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Anyone know what is an Aggie?
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>Anyone know what is an Aggie?
>which team is the PB&J sandwich of college football?
Boomer story time. When I was a kid, I found a couple of porn magazine in the forest. One of them was an issue of Playboy that had an article on why Northwestern football is so good. The combination of not knowing much about football yet and the good feelings associated with seeing naked women has given me a lifelong association between Northwestern football and happiness. They were Big Ten champs in 1995 and 1996 so the Playboy must have been from around that time.
>Jackson Cantwell is one of the hottest high school football prospects in the nation, but the junior five-star offensive tackle is still waffling when it comes to his college choice.
>Cantwell led his Nixa (Missouri) football team onto the field Friday night carrying a Waffle House flag.
>What did it mean? Was it NIL-related? Or does Cantwell just really like Waffle House?
>The son of two Olympic throwers, the 6-foot-7, 300-pound offensive lineman is the No. 2 overall prospect in the Class of 2026 — and also has the potential to become a track and field Olympian as a thrower just like his mom and dad.
>Cantwell announced his first major recruiting decision in July, trimming his list of dozens of offers to 14 semifinalists: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, LSU, Miami, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio State, Ole Miss, Oregon, Texas A&M and USC.
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did you look this up?
I pulled it from that high school did it to honor the founder of Waffle House from that city, that recently passed.
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According to Wikipedia, the founders are from Georgia and Tennessee. That looks like frost on the field, which would be very weird for this time of year in either of those states, especially in the early evening. Turns out Nixa High School has a weird colored field, so yes, the video matches it being Nixa, Missouri.
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team. I even ask for extra Auburn gear and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for Auburn merchandise and they gave me three items. I said, 'Wow, three for the win!' and the nice friendly Auburn Team Shop employee laughed and said, 'I’m going to call you Three-for-the-Win!'.

Now the staff greets me with 'hey it’s Three-for-the-Win!' and ALWAYS give me three items. It’s such a fun and exciting atmosphere at Jordan-Hare Stadium. I attend at least 3 games a season and cheer loudly for my favorite team. Whether it's a thrilling touchdown or a game-winning field goal, Auburn always delivers.

I even paint my face in Auburn colors, it's exhilarating! What a great team.
>AAC commissioner Tim Pernetti: "I actually don't care what Pac-12 is meeting about"
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Is this the last season of coof boomer players who need to fuck off and get a real job already?
Which is why he's the commissioner of a G5 instead of a P4.
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Based ChatGPT Auburn pasta bot clone
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For me it is Peyton Thorne, the best college football Quarterback.
how is this real. lmao
>thinking that's chatgpt
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>You make fun of the South but when it comes to football it's literally an entire different event compared to tailgates or fan energy at a B1G, BIG 12 or ACC game. SEC fans take their football very seriously. Women come dressed to the nines and the men are no less passionate. Been to a couple LSU games and that was life changing. The way them LSU fans celebrate in Baton Rouge makes most B1G schools look like complete shit. It gave me a butt load of respect for the passion that SEC schools have for their football teams. They're usually always close games that go down to the very end. If there is an SEC school on the schedule that would be one I would circle coming as a fan from a B1G school. Massive respect for the SEC and their football programs.
Was going to make a joke about him being a fifth year senior but that's nothing when >>144504425 is around.
Feels like Cam Rising has been here for 10 years but only played in like 17 games
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Yes, it's mid-week and there are no games on but it's not the off-season either. Calm down a bit with the pasta.
Gimme a break, this pasta is handmade and fresh. Tell that to the Aggie poster.
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kek how did he get that fingol eyelid. Something I would expect in minnesota. and a nigger nose.
JUST. To top it off he giraffemaxxed.
He's not ugly, but he is bizarre looking for a white person.
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They're both working on doctorate degrees by now, right?
of course, in health training and coaching.
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Simply being fresh doesn't keep it from being low grade trash.
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Looks like he still has at least one more year of eligibility left after this season.
Nigga get a job
I do not give consent for all this shitposting, I'm too tired.
The only move the PAC-12 should be doing
The Pac-12 should invite Hawaii so they can all play Week 0 games
yurofags laugh at the ball being shaped like a pointed egg, but they don't understand; we laugh too
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With the playoff expanding over many weeks, the allure of an extra regular season game has worn off. Some teams that play Hawaii don't even bother having an extra game anymore.
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>PAC12 goes to eight schools
>Excited about having a good shot at being the top G5 champion
>New CFP agreement requires conferences to have at least twelve teams for a conference champion bid
The College Football Playoff agreement only goes through the next two seasons, at which point a new agreement will have to be agreed to by the conferences. Doubt they're going to want an easy path eight team conference to have access to the conference champion bids.
even with 4 shitters added they will still mog the other g5's. each pac team will be afforded 1 loss over other g5's
Ahhh, college football games (or colballss as I call them), the ultimate medium of expression, able to convey any emotion ranging from hatred to love, loyalty to fear, all in front of our eyes. Ah, and with lovingly crafted playbooks, music, and the ability to watch the action, colballss are the ultimate combination of the high arts. While I tend to watch the stoic, I will be the first to admit that colballss have driven me to cry, to scream and shout, to feel actual hate; such is the power of this force beyond our wildest reckoning. And here I am, before you, to tempt your tongues with the taint of such a tantalizing topic. And the SEC, the true geniuses behind the world of cfb. Pah, I throw my scorn upon such incompetents of the B1G who would mock the true art of the SEC with 'games' such as Illibuck and THE LAME . Perhaps it is that the B1G is not as intelligent as the SEC, but this is a matter for another day. Sankey has given us such masterpieces as the Kirby v. Saban series, Coach O, Egg Bowl, and of course, TEBOQ TIME. Yes, some of the finest colballss in the world were created by SEC. I come to you today to ask you in all earnesty, what is your favorite colballs? I will reveal mine after the grand debate has illustriously begun, but not before the first poster falls victim to my plot of discussion.
Don't even hide it desu
The Nu Pac won't be rewarded with its own bid. Here are the options when the CFP is reworked:
>stay at 5 champion autobids
>drop to 4 champion autobids if the ACC implodes
>go to 6 champion autobids while expanding to 14 or 16 teams
>get rid of champion autobids altogether
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Why exactly would a non power conference care that much about playoffs?
Weird seeing so much talk over a G5 playoff spot that will almost certainly result in them getting blown out by Georgia or Texas
CFPbux are distributed based on how many CFP games teams from your conference play in, like March Madness unit distributions. Also helps recruiting if your conference is the one getting the G5 CFP bid most years.
The PACxy will care because they'll be the top G6 conference and have the best shot at getting into the playoff each year. But even CUSA cares because when Liberty made it in, it was a huge windfall for the conference because the post-season money is shared between conference members.
G5 teams are accustomed to trading wins for dollars.
So they're gonna adjust their schedule for a playoff they don't have a real chance of playing in?
At least long enough for them to play in it long enough for that to matter?
Three is pregnant but wow on the waists of one and five. Nice to see that not all college girls are porkers these days.
those are just beer bellies. unless they had man tits before
>So they're gonna adjust their schedule
No, they're going to not adjust their schedule to play Hawaii for an extra game. Stop being an obtuse retard or at least do it in an /nfl/ thread with your fellow morons.
Then what the fuck did you mean by this?
They look 30 someone post actual college girls
Nah, that's just what the heat does to them
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So the G6 is gonna be:
>midweek MACtion
>fun belt
>big however many
>pac after dark
>aye aye sea
>mountain lest we forget the good times the CUSA gave us
Do they pay good g5 teams less?
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i still cant believe the reffies actually ruled this as targeting
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Why didn’t Oklahoma play their bowl game against BYU for the 1984 season? That’s all they had to do to win the natty and they probably would have won easily. Instead they played a much harder and lower ranked team and lost to them and let BYU walk off with the trophy.

I won’t ask why Washington didn’t play BYU because we already know - they said they didn’t think they were natty contenders at that point. This is obviously retarded because if they beat BYU they’d have the best record in the country and would have beaten the consensus first place team. And just the previous year Miami had gone from 5th to 1st so Washington going from 3rd to 1st (Florida was on probation) wasn’t some longshot.
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>>>144503171 #
>According to Wikipedia
here you go DIPSHIT
you dumb HBCU attending, nigger
Eventually an upset will happen, and it will be the talk of the sport for years
Bowls have always been bound by contract to pick certain teams from certain conferences
Orange Bowl got Big 8 teams
Holiday Bowl got WAC teams
That's why they tried to start the bowl alliance
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It's textbook targeting. Leading with the crown of the helmet. If homeboy raised his mask up to get a sniff of that booty it would've been fine.
When does Tuesday and Wednesday night Maction start?
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the tuesday and wednesday night games start week 7 but it looks like they're mostly CUSA and Sun Belt games
>it’s real
So Oklahoma lost a natty to a fucking fruit? I guess that’s still better than Washington who lost a natty because they were fucking retards.
looks like the MAC doesn't start playing tuesday and wednesday night games until week 11
C-USA plays their entire conference slate in October on weekdays starting October 8th
Texas is not UT
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I don’t know if you guys are big history buffs but…
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Wow, Michigan State should be punished for putting Hitler on Georgia's jumbotron
Reminds me of the Iranian fans before a soccer game against Germany in 2004.
zionist bros I’m feeling really uncomfortable
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1v2 championships don't start till 92 with the college football bowl coalition (ACC, Big east, big 8, SEC, SWC, plus Notre Dame) that turned into the Bowl Alliance (ACC, Big East, Big 12, SEC, Plus Notre Dame) which became the BCS in 1998 after the split 97 championship in 97 finally got the PAC 10 and Big Ten to join. Fun thing no one remembers the last year of the BCS the AAC had the Big East's autobid because they legally are the old Big East.
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
>The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin, UT, or Texas) is a public research university in Austin, Texas. Founded in 1883, it is the flagship institution of the University of Texas System.

What did Texissies mean by this?
People remember that because everyone at the time was like “who the fuck is UCF/Blake Bortles/the American Athletic Conference?”
University of Tennessee is has lower rated academics, worse athletics, and a smaller endowment, therefore they are the real UT.
Chief Primate of the Hellcat Tribe will ceremonially run with the Buffalo this Saturday. Will you be watching?
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Best retro college football logos?
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>Natties by school
Alabama: 7
Nebraska: 3
Florida State: 3
Florida: 3
LSU: 3
Ohio State: 2
Clemson: 2
Georgia: 2
USC: 1+1
Michigan: 1+1
Miami: 1
Oklahoma: 1
Auburn: 1
Tennessee: 1
Texas: 1

>National Championships by conference at time
SEC: 17
ACC: 5
Big Ten: 3+1
Big 12: 3
Big 8: 2
Pac 10: 1+1
Big East: 1

>Championships by current conferences
SEC: 19
7+2* (1997 is split between two current big ten teams)
ACC: 6
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>Help me! I'm melting!
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love this
makes you realize how bland the logos have become. its all single block letter or script.
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Colonel Reb goes hard
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UConn 1981-2002 is majestic
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One of Auburns old logos
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Well that’s technically my school’s logo
>Kiffin 1st round against USC
Please football gods make it happen
SMU will be going to the PAC once the ACC sharts itself, mark my words.
that horse looks like its about to die
Can they not go now? It's not like they get any money from the ACC.
The oil retards from that school decided they'd throw away 159 million dollars than be with the rabble, even if they're in a fucked up chimera conference they don't belong in. nuPAC is more their speed.
All will have sailor caps
All will be happy
yeah but you had the masked rider. WVU was basically shit/non-existent until 1980.
Is that Fordham ripping off UNC?
but i mean they are getting 0 tv revenue for years. do they still have to pay an exit fee?
Alternatively, post modern logos that are so timeless they've been around for almost half a century and you wouldn't even notice.
>but i mean they are getting 0 tv revenue for years
You have absolutely zero idea how little money means to SMU donors.
>do they still have to pay an exit fee?
Yes, as long as the ACC doesn't open the floodgates and blow up like a wet fart.
See >>144507882
In that case I don't think the ACC has to shit itself for SMU to leave. If they raised $150+ million to join they can afford any exit fee. They could just go.
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Now that's tradition
Probably my favorite quote in conference realignment
>“It’s a couple hundred million dollars,” Miller said. “I’m not losing sleep over it.”
Same way with VT. Same logo for 41 years. WVU and VT did it right with their flying letter logos.
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the 70's era logos that usually incorporated the mascot were always my favorite
Clemson and FSU are reportedly negotiating to stay in the conference
Despite what shitposters on spee will tell you, the ACC as it stands is still a power conference. SMU won't leave for the nuPAC until it becomes its only option left, at which point it'll cave and accept that it can only pretend to be a big boy with daddy's money shoved up its ass.

Oil barons have incomprehensible amounts of wealth. Your average person could never comprehend, let alone dream, about the type of money that these fat fucks sit on. Not only do you have everything you want in life, your entire extended family is set for life, and will continue to have things set for life as long as they don't completely squander it on something stupid. You can literally wake up, think of something completely retarded to do with your time, and probably start doing it by noon of the same day. You can fly to your own private ski slope in the morning, fly to your own 9-hole in the afternoon, and then fly to your favorite Atlantic coast beach for a cocktail within 24 hours. There are basically no limits to your life, and you CAN get anything you want.

X: Doubt
Louisville was founded in 1793. That's got to make it one of the oldest. UNC was 1789. Any power conference teams that are older?
They're trying to stay for an unequal amount of revenue.
Didn’t realize they had a new one
Its a downgrade imo
I kinda like it
>The University of Louisville traces its roots to a charter granted in 1798 by the Kentucky General Assembly to establish a school of higher learning in the newly founded town of Louisville. It ordered the sale of 6,000 acres (24 km2) of South Central Kentucky land to underwrite construction, joined on April 3, 1798, by eight community leaders who began local fundraising for what was then known as the Jefferson Seminary. It opened 15 years later
>Despite the Jefferson Seminary's early success, pressure from newly established public schools and media critiques of it as "elitist" would force its closure in 1829.
>Eight years later, in 1837, the Louisville city council established the Louisville Medical Institute at the urging of renowned physician and medical author Charles Caldwell.
1793 is load of horse shit. 1837 is about as far back as the school can really claim.
The University of Georgia was established in 1785.
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For me, it's this logo.
Welcome to the nuPAC Tulane and Memphis
CBS Sports is telling Memphis they have to take the PAC invite if given
Which if a network tells a school or conference to do something they'll do it. Memphis is as good as confirmed for this
>at which point it'll cave and accept that it can only pretend to be a big boy with daddy's money shoved up its ass.
Said it before and I'll say it again congress is going to fuck up college football TV rights and modern conferences before FSU/Clemson can escape the ACC.
Anytime I see a Power 5 blueblood blowing out a smaller school, I always think about what it's like to be a player on that smaller school, knowing that your love for football has culminated into you being humilated on tv and an afterthought on some bigger team's journey. Does anyone else think about this? Imagine your parents coming to watch you get blown out 63-7. How do you deal with that?
I have been on multiple teams that went winless
My cousin played D2 and made >100k as a salesman last year. When he played, his team got paid to get blown out by a certain Big 10 team. He's definitely fine
What does your coach say at halftime while you're getting blown out?
Was 1995 the last great conference year of CFB?
Florida State
Georgia Tech
North Carolina
NC State
Wake Forest
>Big East:
Virginia Tech
Miami (FL)
West Virginia
Boston College
>Big Eight:
Kansas State
Oklahoma State
Iowa State
>Big 10:
Ohio State
Penn State
Michigan State
>PAC 10:
Arizona State
Washington State
Oregon State
South Carolina
Ole Miss
Mississippi State
Texas Tech
Texas A&M
The only thing I would change is moving Arkansas back to the SWC and gathering up the independents and forming a CUSA, which basically happened. I mean look at it. Great rivalries played every years, fans can easily travel to away games, each conference had "their" brand of football. It's beautiful.
I mean you get some exposure. If you ball out people take notice. You can play some great teams at great stadiums. Ultimately you're also helping your program long term as that money will go to better facilities.
Keep executing and working hard. This will be the toughest game you play all season so if you can find some success against this team with your responsibilities you can take that as a "moral victory" and carry it forward through the season.
Every one of those guys on the smaller team has been a stud his entire life. Might be a blow to the ego but they pretty much immediately go back to being a giggachad on their campus and the rest of their lives.
no the last micheal vick years closer to 2000s
Scrap the SWC and Big 8 and in return get the MWC, CUSA, and a weak WAC?
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looks like the anheuser busch logo
A college football what if to ponder. What if Joe Paterno successfully created the conference he lobbied for in the 1980s? It may seem odd now, but throughout the 80s one of the best "conferences" was independent teams with no conference. Multiple independents finished in the AP top 10 every year of the 80s and we saw 2 all independent national title games. Independents also won 5 national championships during the decade. Penn State actually applied to the Big East in 1982 but was turned down by the basketball schools. There are a few different sources from that time period about which teams would be in the conference but general consensus was some combination of: PSU, Pitt, Syracuse, Boston College, West Virginia, Temple, Maryland, South Carolina, FSU, and Miami. All teams were independent at the time. Would this conference still be around today? Would the ACC members jumped over if college football continued on the way it has to today?
When Auburn played San Jose State in 2014 one of the SJSU players was jumping up and down and throwing up his arms just before the kickoff. That’s always stuck with me. He’s about to get blown out by 40 and he knows it, but he’s just soaking up the energy of 87,000 screaming people and celebrating how far he’s come. My guess anyway.
A lot of those conferences would be stupid weak most years. I think consolidation into 12 teams was a good thing. Look at how a different conference won the AP the first six years of the BCS era.
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Tennessee has announced a 10% NIL fee on all football tickets, with all the proceeds going to the football players.
Weak meaning only 1 or 2 good teams? Not much has changed now. With all the realignment you know have massive conferences with 3-4 good teams. 2 good teams in a 10 team conference isn't that much different from 4 good teams in a 16 team conference.
>Tennessee has announced a 10% NIL fee on all football tickets,
Fucking Tennessee, , that's no longer NIL, that's revenue sharing. Completely different type of cash flow. This is going to land everyone back in court.
Everyone with their ‘you have to pay the players’ and le workers rights bullshit can die in a fucking fire. Faggots weren’t cfb fans to begin with and won’t give a flying fuck when it all collapses.
If there’s only one good team in a conference there’s a good chance team plays 0 good teams before their bowl game. Thats gay. Better to package two half power conferences together to make a power conference.
All Travis Hunter does is play vidya all night and day. He's streaming right now and literally like 4 hours after the CU/CSU game he streamed CFB25 and NBA 2k for like 6 hours going into the morning
Tennessee is calling it a "talent fee", which is an interesting twist because NIL is something clearly legal due to court rulings but a "talent fee" is something else entirely and could very well land them back in court if someone actually filed a suit over it.
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think you made a lot of that up.
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We used it once. It looked horrible in n the helmets
they all look like shit don't delude yourself
My Army Black Knights will be 3-0 after they beat their opponent by three+ scores again.
And you’re a faggot. Don’t delude yourself
Revenue sharing between the schools and athletes will go into effect starting next season thanks to the House settlement
At least he's posting pictures he's posted a million times before rather than "what is an aggie" copypastas that take up the whole screen.
Nobody but the faggie does that
I'm sure the two waifu ass to mouth avatarfags are posting that.
I’m sorry you get so butthurt over me anon. It’s time to get over it
I'll get over it when you stop spamming the same images and the same drunken bitchfits about the SEC taking your dom daddies away and how college football is ruined for you. It's the same shit over and over and over. It's the same stupid images over and over and over. Pirate photoshop or something
lol it’s hilarious how fucking mad you get when I haven’t even done a damn thing. You don’t get mad the Oklahoma fag that’s spams the same 3 anime pictures but no it’s always me. Get over yourself this unhealthy obsession with my posts is gonna make you cry even harder
He’s in a relevant conference and doesn’t cry about football being dead or beg teams to play his alma mater. That goes a long way.
> He’s in a relevant conference and doesn’t cry about football being dead or beg teams to play his alma mater.
Still using the same made up bitching again. Just like the retard you are I hope you continue to cry over every single thing I do
kek based
>anon derails thread because the taco fag makes him upset again
Have you tried ignoring him you dumbass?
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Stay based, Tiger King.
Maybe do something different besides the same the same handful of images, bitch about realignment, or beg people to play >you. I wouldn’t need to shit on you if you did something different.
>hey check out these old helmets
>again, for the thousandth time
>remember the SWC
>I sure do hate Texas and A&M
>I sure do wish they would play us
>I’m not gonna watch football anymore because it’s dead and we don’t play Texas or A&M anymore
And so on until the rapturefag shows up and starts quoting the Bible and then you’ll get mad at that faggot. Then you’ll get mad at some other faggot and think they’re all the same faggot.

It’s pathetic.
Damn nigga go easy on him
hard to ignore someone spamming the thread with character limit copypastas when the jannies avoid the thread on gameday
>I need to shit on you because me mad
It’s quite pathetic how you do the same exact thing you are accusing me of, but you literally do it. You see one post of mine and get so mad you have to forms paragraphs of seethe. Not only that you start accusing me of derailing the thread with what is an Aggie when I’m never even talked about that I don’t do that but no, you’re so wrapped up around what I post that you blame every single thing on the thread on me. Look in the fucking mirror you idiot
I also love how you’re accusing me of things I did about 3 years ago and still claiming I’m doing them today when I haven’t done that since that argument got you so upset you’re still complaining about 3 fucking years later. So I propose that we ignore each other from now on because the thread and I tired of the same song and dance. Deal?
im not posting that
5, 1, 3, 4, 2
Question for any CFB25 players. How the heck do I run the Veer and Shoot? I've been using the Ole Miss playbook which has VnS formations and concept, but it seems like the receivers pick their choice routes at random, rather than based on something that makes sense
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yes. its called
> be an adult
and quit playing video games, you fucking child
I don't know I've been running pro style offense
>Enter the debt pact
'no'. I'll continue to be free and clear
> but it seems like the receivers pick their choice routes at random
I believe you have to use the pre play adjustments to ID the Mike and coverage safety for the computer so that the computer runs the correct choice routes. That’s kinda how it is for run audibles
Locking yourself into living in the same area for at least 5 years sounds so… stifling. I’d rather rent and be free to move.
Targeting is the worst rule in North American sports. It should just be a 15 yard penalty but good luck getting the university c ucks to agree to that.
Threadly reminder that thanks to expansionfags Florida State is still eligible for the cfp
how would they even realistically get there?
They would be under the old format as well
They're 0-2 in league play. It's Seminover bro.
No team with 2 losses ever made the 4 team playoff and only one I think (2017 Auburn) was ever ranked in the top 4. A team with 3 losses would definitely be out.
you're fucking dumb. it's week 4. everybody could start losing so theoretically everybody is still eligible for an ap natty, a bcs natty, a 4 team playoff spot, or a 12 team playoff spot.

in week 8 or 9 a 3 loss team in the mix then you start crowing.
>um ackchyually there’s still a 1 in a trillion chance they could make it so they’re not out yet
Sounds exactly like the oil princes in the middle east
Kek. A 4 loss Texas is going to make it. Cfp threw fans a bone with 6 AQ's. The only 6 are up to them and they are going to clickmaxx this will be greedier than BCS bowl selection
Autistbro is saying that under the 4 team playoff there would still be a chance FSU finishes 9-3 and no other team finishes better than 8-4, so they would technically still be in the hunt.
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Who does he root for
Yeah technically FSU is not eliminated if this season suddenly turns into 2007 part 2. Their resume right now is so terrible that they would need to win the ACC and have all but 4 conferences self implode. If FSU does win I would think 2 G5 champs would take the final 2 AQ spots if they were 0 or 1 loss teams. I’m asssuming Memphis/Tulane wins the AAC and I would put either of them in over FSU unless, again, the AAC implodes.
>Top 6 conference champs
>6th champ isn't ranked
What happens?
>4 loss acc champ FSU finishes below mwc/aac/Mac champs
I'm unironically rooting for this
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Whoever Rattler plays for
oh so you were just using words incorrectly. They were highly unlikely to make it in the old format, and they are highly unlikely to make it in this one (albeit much more likely than the old one). It's not really an insight to say that it's more likely to make a bigger field than a smaller field, and you managed to attempt that in an embarrasing way.
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I miss that logo.

New Wildcat looks like something north western would have
Guy on the left really let those 7 years age the shit out of him.
I always imagined cam rising looking like the right. Not a 25 yo SANTANA
I’m rooting for FSU to go undefeated the rest of the season and miss the playoffs again.
I didn’t give that “insight”. You might want to use a website with usernames because the anonymous posts here seem to be confusing you.
Rattler is with the New Orleans Saints
thanks for agreeing with me retard
9-3 teams will make the CFP now and that’s absolutely a problem but FSPoo’s losses are so uniquely terrible that even in the extremely unlikely event they run the table they’d almost certainly be behind any other 9-3 P4 team
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>this post
>that entire string
>three years
the curse is real lmao
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ESL anon, when English speakers say “definitely” they don’t mean a literal 100% chance, they just mean the chances are so high the alternatives aren’t even worth mentioning.
Probably but the House case is still tied up in court. There hasn't been a settlement agreed to yet and more schools and conferences are resigning themselves to it probably going to trial instead of them being able to hash out an agreement.
long time listener, first time caller, Paul
I just wanted to say that we should give TRAVIS HUNTER the Heisman now before actual league play starts
I'll hang up and listen for your response.
>have terminal ass cancer
>just want my team to win the natty
>they won't before I'm dead
soft ass
No you’re just not getting it anon. SEC teams that go 9-3 will make the playoffs because they play SEC opponents. They all have the strongest SoS and every loss is a quality loss.
They win the ACC
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If Quinn Ewers gf goes to OU then that means OU x TX tsundere yuri relationship is literally canon.
This but unironically.
There will be 2 ACC teams that have 1 or 0 losses so they will make it (Clemson and Miami likely)
Where are the midweek games? I remember watching Liberty on like Tuesdays last year.
I don't have any opinion except that's a sick conference
Too warm. MACtion doesn't start until it's too cold at night for Big Ten teams to play. CUSA should start having midweek games in a few weeks.
Week 7 is when sunbelt and cusa start playing midweek conference games. Week 11 is when midweek Maction starts
how does that work for non-revenue sports? Women's sports are fucked if football players get a share of their revenue, football and basketball subsidize everything else
You'll have to wait until October for those
SoCon's commissioner is proposing dividing FBS into two groups: the P4 conferences plus any other school that doesn't give a shit about academics, and everyone else. Not sure why the commissioner of an FCS conference is the one proposing this but the SoCon is the SEC's and ACC's daddy so maybe he feels some degree of responsibility for the messes they make.
CUSA plays on Tuesday/Wednesday from 10/8 to 10/30

Liberty should be kino to watch again. They'll probably have lots of close games against programs they spend 3 times the amount of.
There's no agreement yet and you can bet there will be a bunch of Title IX lawsuits if women's tennis players don't get as much shared revenue as football players. Classifying athletes in revenue sports as employees should in theory avoid Title IX issues but schools don't want their "student-athletes" classified that way and in the current identity group obsessed culture, it's not clear that Title IX wouldn't just be extended to student-employees.
>Not sure why the commissioner of an FCS conference is the one proposing this
Yeah lol, what the fuck does this have to do with them?
>At a Knight Commission meeting in DC, Southern Conference commissioner Michael Cross presents a draft of a new NCAA governance model that divides DI into.. - Subdivision A: P4 + those they wish to include - Subdivision B: Others
Given PAC 12 is named as a party in House settlement they’d have to be included I’d feel
What happens if/when Notre Dame loses to another MAC team this week?
If it's all of Division I, not just FBS, then this sounds like an FCS attempt to mix themselves into the G5. Since all G5 conferences get a slice of the CFP pie, even if they have no teams in the playoff, the motive here is a bit more clear. It would also mean current FCS teams would get greater access to pay-day cupcake games against P4 teams as there no longer would be a distinction between G5 and FCS.
in English doc
FCS schools want more money from the P4 and are trying to hide it behind an athletics vs academics divide.
It is being proposed that Division 1, which currently includes FBS and the lower FCS, be reorganized into two different tiered groups based on how much they want to pay out for athletes and are to replace FBS and FCS as well as in other sports
The first tier would be SEC, Big 10, Big 12, ACC, and whoever “they invite” which is likely Notre Dame and maybe the new PAC 12
Second division would be the MAC, AAC, Sunbelt, MW, CUSA and all the schools in the FCS tier
sorry. i should have assumed that a second poster would respond to mine by offering support to the initial low IQ post, but I held the body of anons in too high esteem.
It begins
god damn what a take down
>another mid-week CFB thread
>another absolute disaster
I finally see pundits say "If all of the at-large spots are just SEC/B1G teams, that's bad actually!"
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Get on my level
I want a good offensive guy so Lagway stays. That dude has gotten so little out of Allar, i dont trust him at all.
Which makes no sense. The SEC is going to go .500 against other power conferences. Basically all the power conferences will go .500. Then they’ll get into their SEC circle jerk and keep each other looking good.
looks like two birds fuckin'

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