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This beautiful game is actually being killed in front of our eyes.

And yet the clueless plastics on /sp/, the pajeets and Chinese betting syndicates and oil barons, the embarrassing balding blob-men of England who watch Liverpool on telly instead of taking their chubby son along to watch their local League One team; they all sit there smiling, honking and squealing for more. They have no thoughts past base enjoyment.

It is a great shame.
Football is the reason why successive sorry excuses for governments in this country haven't been summarily executed in town squares up and down the land.
Opiate of the masses. Bread and circus etc. etc.
Great post.

It's actually worrying how the lower reaches of the Premier League are practically non existent in their eyes, let alone anything below that.
Kick all the foreign money out, that's all you have to do. MLS could be the new globohomo waste land full of oil sheikhs buying the blackest ngubus. I kinda wish MLS did a better job naming teams tho, names like "Real Salt Lake" sound stupid as fuck
oh wow that's really interesting. league one attendances aren't declining though, so you're just a boomer schizo posting when you should be at work you lazy cunt
Absolutely bizarre reaction. You're obciously one of the plastics OP is talking about.
Considering the population explosion it's a damn shame every single ground in the 92 and beyond isn't sold out every game
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Besides, even if League One and EFL attendances generally aren't too bad, the game is still being killed from above by greed. You'll be crying when they play a round of games in Miami and Shanghai, or maybe you won't being a snivelling little pushover.
no actual arguments, just a schizo or two crying that the most well supported footballing pyramid in the world isn't more well supported
You didn't offer a counter argument in the first place. Weird child.
Wasn't the counter argument that lower league attendance wasn't down and thus the OP was supported by (at a minimum partially) a false premise?
There was no explicit mention of attendances. I think OP's main point was the loss of football as a community-driven activity.
It's funny seeing league 1/2 fans say this when they're doing the exact same to the leagues and clubs below them.

My local non league team finally got promoted into the Northern Premier league after many years, it was an incredible story against the odds.

What happens? Clubs with more money in higher leagues immediately take half of the team, and now they're dropping like a stone back down.

So forgive me if I don't have sympathy for championship-league 2 fans, they're just upset they aren't the ones cucking everybody else
Borderline racist thread.
>taking his chubby son along to watch league one
Valid post but you've missed the point
>This beautiful (sic!) game is actually being killed in front of our eyes.
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What is a plastic
Do you not know what "explicit" means?
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OP here

Lovely discussion so far

This is what I mean when I say the beautiful game
>Scunthorpe now in the sixth tier
>Brentford now in the Premier League
sorry, is there less attendance at League One games or are you just kvetching at people liking different things to you?
>They have no thoughts past base enjoyment.
OP's post is awfully worded but this was his main point.
>His team has an owner
You problem
>watch Liverpool on telly instead of taking their chubby son along to watch their local League One team
I have no idea why people do this. Going to any game is 1000x more fun than sitting at home watching it live on Goy Sports. Maybe if you're proper hard up for cash but if that's the case what are you spending on subscriptions.
>toothless financial restrictions

you killed your own sport, stop pointing the finger at arabs and chinese. this is the future you created for yourselves.
I'm not the premier league chairman though
>English football supporters killed the sport

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