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let’s all laugh at the Bears
nice spelling diaspora tard

YFO btw
Forgot to include New Zealand's embarrassing efforts against Sri Lanka
Literally forgot. They’ve had there Golden years where they were undeniably good but that’s been over for a little while now and they are back to be irrelevant.
>let’s all laugh at the Bears
Good edition
Certain man looking very silly re his South Africa prediction
ah yes the NZ golden years where they bottled a couple of world cups
no shame in losing to Afghanistan desu
they've been about Sri Lanka level (maybe even a bit better) for a while now
Climbing is fun
Running is a chore
You are a neek
got really annoyed at a tennis shot, kicked the ground and bruised my toe
can those toothpick arms even hold the tennis racquet? doubt it. should try badminton or something
why did you post a banksia?
Is Ngidi injured?
He literally bowled 4 elite overs and had the Saffers on course for certain victory, then didn't come back again
certain man only works if it's referring to certain (well foreheaded) man
you have humongous bingo wings, never leave your laptop and openly can't do a measly 10 pull ups
>well foreheaded
Will have to remember that euphemism for a receding hairline
could probably do more pull ups than you even though you have the big advantage of wasting away. could bicep curl you for reps as a warm up actually kek
fuck pavement
Lol no you couldn't fatty
Watched my new vid yet cric?
Next one will be a v6
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This is the greatest miscarriage of justice in British legal history.
Which word was spelled incorrectly?
Do you not know the word foundering?
Oh my stars spaccy you really did graduate with a second.

Founder is when a ship fills with water and sinks. Hence the HMS Invincible.

All those pseud alt lit books and you still don't know english
founder (v) - to fail after a period of time because something has gone wrong

founder - to become submerged : SINK

In the early hours of the 7th of December, a German liner named the Deutschland, sailing from Bremen to New York, foundered and broke up on the Kentish coast.

Jesus you are a nitwit
saw zachy's vid

not even going to post it here because it's honestly so embarrassing
gives it all this chat about climbing but all he's doing is literally going sideways 90% of the time then spends the last 5ish seconds touching (not climbing to) the top grip and calls it a day with a virgin jump off
humiliation ritual
He also doesnt know english
>touching (not climbing to) the top grip
what on earth does this even mean
What does founder mean?
remember when someone used the word 'flounder' and everyone is zachy schizo had a massive meltdown over it being an extremely rare word that only one poster would ever use. kek
nah, missed that one.
If Graham Thorpe listened to this every morning he'd have never a*glo shitter'd himself
Yes that is correct
Zachy you already posted that one in the previous thread mate
vaguely remember that
it was actually 'floundering'
Everyone is zachy schizo has been taken up by countystreamsperg now, who regularly accuses everyone calling him a sperg zachy
everyone is a vpn schizo is a separate entity
it was both, I checked (I didn't remember myself - kinda sad he did)
it was more that he used both in quick succession whilst pretending to be 2 different personas

and then he had a meltdown trying to defend himself (probably why he still remembers it)
I am the only poster in this thread that isn't Zachy
Bard dying a few years back broke him
>gets trolled
>has massive spergout in reply
this is why Indians aren’t allowed to post, all mentally under-aged

YFO btw
Pretty sure founder and flounder can be used, but really the former is a cast-maker and the latter is a fish.
wtf zachy mate explain what your boys are up to? why are there mushroom clouds over russia?
>Everyone is zachy schizo has been taken up by countystreamsperg now, who regularly accuses everyone calling him a sperg zachy
noticed this myself too actually. has been angry at him since they both sperged out at each other during that online meetup
i have been diagnosed so this is nothing new tbqhwy iykwim haha
glammy are going to get ripped to shreds on sunday lads
i am dreading it
>no shame in losing to Afghanistan desu
trip on joe biden
no but Ngubu May
Highlights of day two of the penultimate round of matches:

>Division One

HANTS 462. & 3/0.
v WORCS 273.

KENT 225. & 85/0.
v NOTTS 433

LANCS 140. & 298/7.

v DURHAM 262. & 1/1.

WARKS 78. & 114. v ESSEX 232.
>Essex win by an innings and 40 runs.

>Division Two

DERBS 173. & 74/3.
v MIDDX 358.

v YORKS 361. & 116/1.

GLOUCS 109. & 140/3.
v SUSSEX 311.

v LEICS 203. & 69/4.

fuck off with your bot replies
no elite films in 2024 and the year's basically over
at least 23 had Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower Moon
it's up
Joker 2 and Kinopool vs Wolverkino
any cricket on this year?
Border - gavaskar November end
Black Dog better than both of those
is tonights game on gayo or amazon?
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>the year's basically over
fucking hell youre right
Last two tracks on this album are amazing and yes better than pavement
Does New Zealand ever actually play any cricket or do they just spend all their time performing rain dances
Bouldering later
Do they have a chance or has Sri Lanka already won?
Allan Gavaskar
Sunil Border
See the weather most likely to draw with 4th day 90%chance of rain
Slept for like 10 hours last night and don't feel bad for it
based neet
walking to workering
unbased toilberg pawn
I have a bad mood day on either Wednesday or Thursday each week
Think this week it was Wednesday
ohh hun
msg me ok?
/cric/ is the bad mood general
Test cricket and depression go together like modelling and anorexia
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Test cricket is the red wine of cricket.
That's funny because I'm teetotal now
we're a teetotal general
actually were a cricketing general
>cricketing general
>2% of posts about cricket
imagine being teetotal
what a neek
more like 0.2% iykwim
you're a perfect advert for what not to be thoughever
theres no such word as thoughever
rich coming from you lmao
nah, drink has been the ruin of you zachy mate. would have produced multiple heirs and would be scaling v8 (at least) by now if you had become a /strongmind/ teetotal chad. sad that you can't see it
for me its a single large beer on saturday night
simply don't know for sure what other destination other paths would have led to
every day we above ground is a great day
Lancashire vs Somerset very much the match to keep an eye on today lads
The overpaid train driver is immunised against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an overpaid train driver and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".
bit coming from a parasite laptop thumber in a made up job
me? A laptop thumber in a non-made up job
zachy is literally a laptop thumber himself lmao
Early 20s life in London was quite fun desu
Bit of humble toiling throughout the week with the world at your feet, and then meet up with the lads and ladies after toil on Fridays for some lively pre-drinks and ready to dance the night away in Infernos
Can't go back. Can't go back
business idea: never use the term "laptop thumber" ever again
i pay your wage
bard and zachy will both move back to London at some point in the future
they long for it and there's nothing to do where they are now
All I wanted was about four more years of that lifestyle before I'd accept it was over and become middle-aged
Was that really too much to ask?
But it was already dying and covid delivered the final blow
a grey collar one tho, the kind pol pot would spare
come to surrey zachy its comfy and a nice distance from london
there's a bouldering gym and picturehouse here
It's simply too late for it now
I'm 31, not far from 32
All my friends there moved away and are mostly married
What am I gonna do, move back there and get a bunch of zoomer friends so that I can return to the carefree and hedonistic days of my youth?
It's over
All that's left for me now is to crawl away and die in the countryside
nothing to do in surrey
exactly. sounds grim as fuck
the london gyms mog everywhere else. it's like being an England test cricketer when they signed the Sky deal but joining a club in Scotland
who cares? films are shite now but the cinemas are better in london anyway

bard will have a similar cope about running and going to lidl I'm sure. just dire and you both know it
don't mog Leeds and Sheffield ones at all
London ones are reddit sofa gyms for southern softies
Don't think I'll ever forgive my friends for getting their lives sorted out and becoming real adults by the age of 26

That's just not the way it's meant to be, particularly not in big cities

You should only be at that stage once you're in your early 30s
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>noooo you can't use a device that requires you to push more than 2 buttons
>in fact the best is a boomer TV that doesn't require any thought at all
this is why the good laptop makes him seethe so much. too brainful
it's the TV that makes you seethe
imagine watching the Simpsons or Wimbledon at a computer
>implying that bard and zachy are different people
It's a difficult one desu
Have thousands of acres of beautiful nature literally on my doorstep for running, cycling, and walking
Brummies come here as a special treat on the weekends, but I get it whenever I want and as often as I want
It's true that there's not much going on in town, but at this stage of my life I'm limited to pre-arranged meet-ups about once every 2-3 months anyway, so I don't think it'd change too much if I lived in a city (I suppose I could make an entirely new group of friends, but simply cba at my advanced age)
also if you have a guest over (lol) do you gather round your laptop to watch something lol
you're not a student grow up
>I suppose I could make an entirely new group of friends
yes because this is certainly possible and always happens after the age of 25
What the UK lacks is a really good outdoorsy city
Place with lots of young people all passionate about outdoor pursuits, easily accessible just outside the city boundaries
NZ and Canada have them, but in the UK you've only really got Fort William (and who the fuck wants to live in Scotland)
Currently have my brother staying with me and we watch TV on the laptop every evening

All you have to do is a join a sports team desu, not that difficult making friends
The cricketing adage one brings two is even more applicable to the friendmaking context
Leeds, Sheffield, York
>you're not a student
>watches TV/film with his (exclusively male) mates like a student
if I have a guest over I'm straight into banging her mate
know this'll be hard for you to relate to given your grimy little bedsit
>All you have to do is a join a sports team
this was debunked 5-6 /cric/s ago
those people already have proper friends most of the time. they can become associates that you have the odd drink with. that's it
>Currently have my brother staying with me and we watch TV on the laptop every evening
you've never had a guest over jay, and it's not a bedsit you demented fatty
None of those are outdoorsy cities
Sheffield is probably the closest, but it doesn't compare with the likes of Queenstown or Nelson

Nah if you're not a complete spacker it's normally fairly easy to become part of their wider friendship groups too, and start to meet new people
probably costs like 40 quid to play a spot of cricketing in donedon
Should give bumdering a go
Since the debacle of £13 match fees (no teas, no umpires) at my local cricketing club I've been trying to do an audit of all cricketing clubs in the nation and seeing how it compares

I was looking at clubs in and around the Oxford area and saw there was quite a bit of variance desu, with some even more horrifically overpriced than that, but some a fair bit cheaper too

I reached the same conclusion from my audit of cricketing clubs in Worcestershire, so I'm not sure if it's necessarily more expensive in the south east
30+ comments in an hour and I didn't read one of them
We have odi too today ?
Love cricket but hate brown thirdies, is this normal?
no, hit racism for 6
don't care about cricket much anymore but i still care if Kane score centuries, is this normal?
Likely to be rained off though, because it's basically winter here now
England playing Australia today if anyone gives a shit
you're seething
and yes it is
It's tomorrow
certainly is not
Oh wait, no it's not
My bad
Please accept my humble apologies
This could be the first time in my life I've ever been wrong about something desu
Suppose it had to happen someday
probably 3/4 times inside square feet of the average donedon bedsit
Same but Kohli
But it's still delight to see youngsters like jaiswal perform and frauds like KL-qaeeda get humbled
Should check the weather
when did /cric/ become /brit/ ver.2? fucking rank
also that time you mixed up too and to and then tried to play it off as deliberate
also that time you said your sister was the UC GOAT
Happened about 4 years ago when /brit became unusable due to all the schizos
But now /cric/ is becoming unusable due to all the schizos so we may have to find /brit/ ver 2
Candidate generals are currently being vetted
I mean even fucking Australians won't post here
and are these schizos (plural) in the room with us now?
it's only everyone is zachy lad who acts like a schizo. lots of autists thougheverbeit
literally 3-4 years ago, where have you been?
>also that time you mixed up too and to and then tried to play it off as deliberate
A playful joke, done intentionally
I think I might have mixed up there and their accidentally before, due to posting while suffering from acute mental fatigue
It's why I'm more of a Reddit man nowadays, 4chan needs an edit button!

>also that time you said your sister was the UC GOAT
An average of 25 correct answers away from the pressure of the studio lights and without having to be the quickest on the buzzer isn't particularly remarkable, particularly for an Oxford PhD
My own average of about 12.8 pales in comparison though, admittedly

Yeah it's a shame they buggered off
Having said that, about 90 percent of them were low-quality posters who would just regurgitate dull memes instead of actually talking to each other

I think there's at least several of them, but don't really care to get dragged back into the dreary debate around who's behind which persona and which VPN etc, given that there's no way of any of us knowing
>trusting any bone-pressed self reported UC ''''scores'':
cringiest neek shit ever. Student room tier.
/brit/ has to be the most overrated general on this site
at least 20 Aus posters blow in during BBL but they're mostly silent otherwise. proof of them being a brainlet nation really
what does BBL stand for
been off having sex and actually watching cricket
the fact that i'm not sure which of those is a bigger lie says a lot about the state of cricket these last few years
I've never been on reddit but I imagine it's like this post
how dare you
the irony of countystreamssperg calling people autists
Day 3 of the penultimate round of county matches:

ECB streams and BBC radio and live text in usual places.

>Division One

Hampshire v Worcestershire

Kent v Nottinghamshire

Lancashire v Somerset

Surrey v Durham

>Division Two

Derbyshire v Middlesex

Glamorgan v Yorkshire

Gloucestershire v Sussex

Northamptonshire v Leicestershire
Literally haven’t posted today until now. Irony of you calling anyone else a schizo.
fuck the smiths suck shit. tried so many times.
Will Smith?
Can't see the Pears losing this one
(Because I'm not watching, haha x)
What's his name
sounds dull
Kent have already lost a wicket and it’s always a collapse with them.
Pretend to be schizo to wind people up sometimes me
Why is EVERY decent house a mere 25K (one tier on the Rightmove drop-down) outside of my price range

They're doing this on purpose
By the time you've saved that extra £25k, house prices will have risen by another £30k more
I've been playing that game for the last four years unfortunately
yeah need to rely on salary increases to bump your mortgage up further
but they're constantly agreeing them 6-8 months after nowadays and then backdating them rather than getting it sorted before April
Hasn't the housing market over there dipped? It's dropped maybe 20% in the last year. It was pretty bad here though
lmao we should be so lucky
Grew massively during covid because there was a freeze on stamp duty, and lots of people rushed to move
I think two years ago there was a catastrophic year-on-year drop of like 2%, but now it's back to increasing every year again
End of the day, if you flood the country with hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year and don't build many houses, prices will continue to go up
only in real terms, since the interest rate/inflation hikes of around 2 years ago it's been fairly static, but hasn't really dropped
and recently is increasing again
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>only in real terms
Wonder if the Bears could get dragged back into the relegation battle
Would tickle my pickle considerably were that to happen
Will Williamson?
bard complains about off-topic ruining /cric/ and then proceeds to post about toil, housing, university and everything else except cricket. what a neek
narcissism and being a hypocrite go together like modelling and anorexia
this but zachy, noodling and anorexia iykwim haha
I've had as many as three (3) on-topic posts this morning, whereas you haven't talked about cricket (a sport you have no interest in) since 2017

Obviously there's got to be a balance, and not literally every post has to be about cricket

Sometimes the cricket-watching community wants to shoot the shit about other topics (the bankers, the bonuses, etc)

But cricket has to be the background theme to which we all periodically return, that much is obvious


thinks that was me again
another one of his narcissistic traits
Balderson 17 (97)
proper cricket
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English is the reddit language
>the bankers
Lancs (who have been dreadful all season) are going to beat Somerset despite being all out for 140 in the first, this win will hopefully inspire them to not get relegated but will primarily cuck Somerset out of the title, which is nice
>HORRABLE controler
reddit spelling
>The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions: Contains Incitement to Hatred


Would prefer Somerset (humble west country brothers) not to be cucked out of yet another title, particularly because it means it'll go to Surrey again

Only have themselves to blame though

Would love Notts or Bears to get relegated instead of Lancs, but even with these latest round of fixtures I think Lancs are still most likely to go down

Lancs are coming down to New Road for the final match, and I'd gladly throw that game if it meant one of those others going down instead
Pears just need a front-line pacemand and a world-class middle-order bat and then we're favourites for the 2024 CC desu
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nobody cares about cricket anymore tho
bard and countystreams are the last ones half trying. the test threads get little traffic compared to 6-7 years ago
even r/cricket (yes, I went there once or twice) is just jeets talking about IPL
My solution?
Take Sam Cook and David Bedingham on a tour of the Worcestershirian countryside (keeping them well away from Kidderminster and Redditch) and let them see just how pleasant life can be here
>he's making sure to talk about cricket and muh Pears now that I called him out
kek I truly am the puppet master
Be the change you want to see, brother
Reject zachy, embrace county championship appreciation
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>captaincy like ponting
Cricket was never an "intense" watching sport anyway
It's to sit down for a day and talk with whoever you go to the game with
People are only fully focused during tense passages of play
Thus we have established that off-topic is ON-TOPIC unless such a passage of play is happening, as that is what you would do at a cricket stadium.
Talked about cricket at least five (5) times this morning before you tried to call me out desu

So true
The ebb and flow of on- and off-topic posting is a perfect complement to the ebb and flow of the cricketing spectacle
you have to be over 18 to post here
>doesn't watch the game
>gets hit on the head by a 6
>sues the ECB
Balderson scored another run lads, now 18 (111)
proper innings
Bairstow failed AGAIN
Don't know why I ever brought that fraud into my fantasy cricket team
he was shite
imagine losing a single series with one of the best test teams ever lmao
anyone else find it funny that there's a player called Balderson?
literally a 4chan tier insult for certain other bowler. unironically makes me kek every time I read it
if he was certain other bowler he'd be bowlderson iykwim haha
baldersoning later
Would be great if he actually were balding but unfortunately it looks like he has a good head of hair
Not well foreheaded at all
Neurodiversity is /cric/'s strength
honestly? zachy's hairs been looking quite good recently
think he's prob non-natty given how much he dabbled with those doggy ED meds but definitely doesn't seem as bad as it was a few years back
Absurd, made-up concept
Thankfully no meetings about it yet today
Have just had to sat through a meeting where senior management make sympathetic noises and say how they recognise how difficult it is with all the changes that are ongoing etc and what wellbeing support is in place, before ploughing right on with the changes that are making everybody miserable
Mate of mine was balding very badly but went to Turkey for the transplant, looks quite good now
May be worth considering for certain wfm (well foreheaded man) if parsiq ever pumps and gives him enough money for it
>Essex fined 100,000 pounds over racism at club between 2001 to 2010
>Essex have been fined 100,000 pounds ($132,190) after admitting to a charge of racism at the county club which they failed to address between 2001 and 2010, England's Cricket Regulator said on Wednesday.
>Essex were charged in June after an investigation undertaken by the Cricket Regulator, a body responsible for monitoring compliance with the sport's rules which operates independently from the rest of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).
>An independent Cricket Discipline Commission (CDC) panel held a sanctions hearing and published its decision on Wednesday.
>"Essex County Cricket Club has admitted a charge in breach of Directive 3.3, in relation to the systemic use of racist and/or discriminatory language and/or conduct during the period between 2001 and 2010 which Essex failed to address," it said in a statement.
>The CDC panel also cautioned and reprimanded Essex while 50,000 pounds of the fine is suspended for a period of two years.
>Essex have until Oct. 2 to appeal. Reuters has contacted the county club for comment.
>"The racism experienced at Essex County Cricket Club over a period of many years was abhorrent, and the evidence of those subjected to abuse was deeply disturbing," said Dave Lewis, the interim director of the Cricket Regulator.
>"They have shown real bravery in speaking out. I hope that this prosecution will help ensure that no one suffers again as they did and that racism of this kind is never normalised."
>Lewis said the sanctions were decided after a "long and complex investigation" after the club had conducted its own investigation.
>"The CDC panel took into account the fact that Essex had pleaded guilty to the charge and has already taken significant action to address these issues and become a more inclusive club," Lewis added.
>Last year, Yorkshire were fined 400,000 pounds and handed a 48-point deduction in the County Championship by the CDC over their handling of racism allegations made by Azeem Rafiq.
>The former England Under-19s captain of Pakistani descent told a British parliamentary committee in 2021 of 'inhuman' treatment at Yorkshire and said he had been a victim of institutional racism at the club.
inb4 it was just bants which has been part of every sport for thousands of years
Not reading all that
>Newton, whose independent investigation was commissioned by Essex three years ago, concluded, among several findings, that “curry muncher” was used to describe players of South Asian heritage and a cricketer was nicknamed “bomber” after the September 11 attacks. A Black cricketer was taunted by another player “offering him bananas in [a] manner which was unequivocally racist”, Newton’s report added. A player on trial sharing accommodation with the cricketer threw a banana down the stairs and told him to “go fetch it, you fucking monkey”.

I'm quite rorke-ish and think the whole Azeem Rafiq affair was nonsense made up by an opportunistic grifter, but some of this seems a little too far
Don't understand why Somerset don't just take some facking wickets
>t. can't take as much as he can give
There's nothing wrong with munching curry, thoughever
Literally not an insult
god i want to munch curry women
alri glenn, how's it going?
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hope you're happy lad you cost Wells his wicket
need another 20, the phycological difference of a 400 lead will be too much for Somerset
no but Steven May
I've found my cricket interest badly waning over the last 5 years
just don't care about it the way I used to mainly because t20 is fucking gay and obviously the main focus now
and the powers that be simply don't care about protecting test cricket
most test nations play in front of empty stadiums
it's dead
Not too happy desu, needed my nigga Vaughan to take it because I brought him into my fantasy team

See >>144525152
if tests are becoming increasingly meaningless to me I don't know why you think county cricket would somehow grab me
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could not have scheduled this boreDI better, big day tomorrow and I could certainly do with a few more snoozy hours to start it fresh.
Do you have a local county?
I find the local connection helps
International cricket is increasingly soulless, the soul of cricket remains in the county championship
>Be the change you want to see,
meme phrase that has literally never worked
>bro just turn up to the stadium with the other 3 people and somehow test cricket will be back lol
what we watching lads?
aus w vs nz w?
Why does the size of the crowd matter?
Very comfy to just go down to your local cricket ground by yourself, with nothing more than a bottle of red and a good book for company
This is the county cricket watching experience (I can't wait until I'm retired)
no. I live in a minor county
Ahh that's not quite as comfy then, do feel for people in the so-called minor counties desu
Would have to go for your nearest major county instead, but appreciate it's not quite the same
might be different if ANY of my irl friends were into cricket
but they aren't because like I say
dead sport
>I live in a minor
cringe zachy
test match cricket died when South Africa sent a C team to NZ to rest their stars for their domestic T20 league
climbing brings out the inner chimp
Join your local club cricketing side
Can easily play the sport until you're 60 and even if you're complete shit
Nice little social activity to get you out of the house, and you can make some cricketing friends
>(I can't wait until I'm retired)
hopefully by then they've done away with the archaic county system and refranchised everything in line with the hundred to give it a level of competition
I bet they will do this and my dreams of comfy retirement will be ruined :'(
being a shit cunt who can't play will not help my self esteem
>lead only 392
so so over, Somerset winning this easily
The soul of cricket is the IPL and Ranji Trophy
Test match cricket died when the insufferable a*glo shitter "barmy" army thought they were hot shit but were on reality shitting up the atmosphere at every cricket stadium they infested to the point that no one else wanted to be assaulted by their aural diarrhoea
>being a shit cunt who can't play
aka every 3rd/4th XI and Sunday XI player up and down the country
Literally just go down for a bit of fun and you'll find lots of others in the same boat
It's still a fun social scene
>play india in your own country
>ground filled with rhythmless drumming
i'd rather some drunk poofters thanks
that's secondary to the obnoxious WOOOOO after every fucking single
god I hate them
Can't see Australia winning from here
Very dominant start from England
>Why does the size of the crowd matter?
they need money to sustain it
tickets are exchanged for money
winviz be like 'I can predict the outcome of the match from here'
also I was mainly talking about tests
county is mostly for retired blokes with nothing else happening, fair
Can't see Australia ever taking another wicket
extrapolating the current trend, australia could bowl infinity overs and take zero wickets
>Cricket South Africa has confirmed it will continue to engage Afghanistan in bilateral fixtures because it does not believe in punishing the men's team for the Taliban's actions in their home country

>start pretending you're going to leave
lmao mindbroken
whying are they showing a replay of ducketts filthy, poorly hit, slog?
I like watching australians lose
couple demons in the pitch
I meant why does it matter in the sense of one's ability to enjoy it
The implication was that it was pointless going because the crowd size was small
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why do the english always act like the ball kept low when they miss it by a mile?
the hundred is the future
will have 40 year old members like county cricket eventually, minus all the suits / tradition etc
sad but true
Doctored pitch
Unplayable delivery
(But only due to cheating groundsmen rather than any quality on the part of Jasprit Bumrah, who would get exposed as a fraud if he played in the County Championship Division 2)
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>i'd rather some drunk poofters thanks
>Captaincy like Ponting
>Need a wicket lads, should I give the ball to McGrath or Warne?
he chucks it
wouldn't be cleared to play county where they enforce those standards
>acting like it kept low
the tendulkar special
abbott getting murdered
Will Jacks score a century?
England really need to take advantage of Michael Pepper being half decent at the moment to have a Salt and Pepper opening partnership

Maybe fast track Mustard the younger into the #3 spot too, so you get the Salt, Pepper, Mustard opening trio
maybe the most reddit post of the year. well done
Is there cricket on, are we playing and how are we doing, seeing as though we made the OP?
england have a foakes..... a woakes....... AND a stokes
Shouldn't you be off indoor climbing now the cricket is on?
england have 11 wokes
we should call him ben tokes, because his captaincy is bad like he was smoking weed before the game haha
got rooted by afghanistan. it happens
no the implication was that it was untenable iykwim haha
holy epic intro song!!!
Another edition of lower order saves the day, yay! We almost got embarrassed by Bangbros.
I swear every test we win is either won by bowling or bowlers/Pant playing a heroic innnings. The bats men are completely fucking SHIT.

Fat fuck Rohit needs to retire, Kohli needs to be taken out back to the shed he's completely cooked in tests, KL Rahul should not be allowed to touch a bat in any format of the game ever.

Sarfaraz needs to play at any cost, he would have got a double on this Chennai pitch, instead he's being benched by the spastic that is KL Rahul. Heck I wouldn't mind seeing Sarafaraz's younger brother Musheer in the team either. He's supposedly the bigger talent and was cooking in the recent Duleep Trohpy.
reckon you better call the AFP then
3 lines or less please
Bailey strikes with his second ball, 9 away from a good win
the modern 26-35 year old boomer male was built to boulder
noticing some really forced cricket-related post spam after the brief meta off-topic discussion previously
those are millennials
won't win a single match with this "bowling "attack""
bouldering seems a pretty npc thing nowadays
drove past one of those places the other day and it was full of broccoli headed zoomzooms
It's almost like people were talking about non-cricketing related matters when the cricket wasn't on and then switched to cricketing-related matters when the cricket started

A truly bizarre state of affairs, agreed
the oldest zoomers are almost 30
if it was ontopic it'd be bowldering iykwim haha
I bet Adam Zampa drinks specialty coffee, drinks double-hopped IPAs, and supports Palestine
and a vegan
kohli's big ton on that road a couple of years ago reminds me of alastair cook double at the mcg a few years prior. seems like kohli's innings will extend his test career much longer than cook's did however
so true
*worships a cow*
Devotion towards ones mother is admirable
interesting how all the golden generation players apart from gillespie were hardcore LNP supporters
I blame Bavuma, wait are the afghans playing test cricket now?
bard playing more forward defences than Balderson kek
really really on the ropes since being called out for his hypocrisy
Honestly? I have a weak forward defence
If I could forward defend I wouldn't have got two (2) golden ducks in my last 2 (two) innings, both bowled (for shame)
I'm more of a forceful front-foot cut sort of guy
not sure why being on the ropes is a bad thing when it gets you 4 or 6 runs iykwim haha
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they're trying but the big man said nah
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there's cricket on?
I don't care if Duckett was born in England
I don't care if his parents are English
That nigga is Irish

me on the left
completely avoidable kek, they picked a non international standard ground to save costs. It didn't even rain that much, just a few showers during the night and they just couldn't get the outfield ready.

He's been cooked in tests since his eye surgery in 2019, lost his hand eye coordination but somehow he managed in white ball but red ball is a different beast. We're going to lose another WTC final before Gambhir finally grows a pair and moves the deadweight out.
ricky ponting facing tim bresnan at the mcg in 2010 and making him look like curtly ambrose at the waca
The left-arm spinner who bowled me around my legs was genuinely Warne-tier thoughever
From where it first pitched I thought it was a certain wide, so thought I'd chuck a sweep at it and either get 4 or a wide
All of a sudden, I hear the sickening thud behind me of the bails being dislodged
Still haunts my nightmares
adam zampa is the kind of person who likes facebook memes featuring LNP politicians faces pasted onto famous scenes from the simpsons
The umpire (a former England Test player, as it goes) might have said that he'd never seen a ball turn so much in his life, if he had offered an opinion about it
thought you called him a pie chucker before m8
another cheeky bard history rewrite in the works I see
I don't believe you.
Not that one desu
Pretty much every spinner I've faced, even for our first XI, has been a pie chucker who barely spins it
But this guy played in Worcestershire Div 1 (I only faced him cos it was a midweek fixture) and was a genuinely talented spinsman, probably the best I've faced (difficult to say from only one ball thoughever)
Boycotting this series because of ongoing mudslim genocide against Bangladeshi Hindus. But seeing the scorecard, KL's had enough chances. Who is Akash Deep? Not seen Safraz either
bard's the wrong side of 30. eyes must have properly gone
doubt anyone celebrated getting him out for a duck
As I strutted out to the middle with an arrogant swagger, wielding my old second-hand kit and my bat which barely even has a grip on anymore, they knew I was the star batsman

When they managed to fluke my dismissal the whole team celebrated as one, because they knew it was game set and match at that point
Looks like England have decided to take this brainletbash lark seriously again
The plucky Pears doing much better in this second innings bowling performance, feel like it's a bit too late though
Haven't taken a lunch break yet
Might go to Lidl
Yeah fuck it
I'm going to Lidl
Just you try to fucking stop me
This England kit makes us look like dinner ladies
Sarfaraz debuted in the Ind vs England series earlier this year, did fine but got overshadowed by Jaiswal who had a breakthrough series. He averages 70 in FC and has been on the fringes for years.

Akash Deep is fine, Bengal player, fast medium, he's one of the 3-4 bowlers in contention with no clear front runner. All of them will get a chance.

You can easily work out the rat brain logic in picking KL:
>All eyes on BGT later this year, we need an experienced team who are used to the conditions. Sarfaraz's strength is playing spinners in India and he won't be able to handle the bounce down under. Meanwhile KL has a test hundred in Australia so let's pick him!

>KL is a donkey that averages 20 in Australia which is inflated by his one fluke hundred and Sarfaraz has more talent in his toe nails than KL. Sarfaraz needs to be prepped NOW so that he's ready for BGT but even if he isn't, it will be invaluable experience when we tour Australia the time after and as a future mainstay of the team it's in the teams long term best interest to play him for that experience.

Gambhir has been a disappointment so far.
*blocks your path*
oi guv youse gotst a loicens fah that lidl?
imagine not projecting V6s after work today
would kms
think I'll treat myself to a brookie or a bronut
letting Somerset get away, I knew not getting the lead to 400 would fuck us
zachy 'I'm a natural climber' bowen's cv:
>never done a v6
>fluked a couple of v5s at the reddit sofa gym
>can do v4 80% of the time
that's why it's called a cv not a cv6 retard
Why is the coward Joe Root hiding away from the ODI team again
>never done a V6
only at reddit sofa
and climbed over 50 v5s probs
V4 hit rate more like 95%
Not really sure if this score is good or not
bouldering chat goes in /cg/
get out and stay there
>giving lasangaface a bowl
but even worse
>getting out to his bowling
Getting out TWICE

didn't even know he ever bowled. Has an average of 115 ffs
Literally completely forgot about this ODI
is Jacob Bethell related to Ian Bell?
might just pass out innit lads
tfw no cricket on
They usually tell him to piss off when he asks. He’s like a labrador, it’s the same with him appealing everything and asking for reviews.
only ongoing cricket is SL v NZ
If you need any more proof it’s a bot >144526511
anyone know which country currently holds the ashes
The worst is they play like this in tests as well.

Has someone not told them the innings in ODIs don’t have to end with them losing all their wickets?
>213/2 to this
>only ongoing cricket is SL v NZ
it's over and ODI is cricket britjeet
How many wickets did you take in the last ashes then Marnus?
>everyone is a bot
Looking for answer
What happened to Australia's pace factory? Are Hardy-who and Dwarshit really their future?
i don't want to talk about it
*drops 50 cents*
*drops oyster card*
meant pence
micksperg servin' the USA as always
no but Steven May
>last ball
>yh throw you wicked away m8
yeah pozzies aren't getting that coz stone cold says so
Were you in that big bastard truck that was blocking the country road and making my ride a bit less comfy?
meant for
England score is trail running
Australia's score is bouldering
let this match settle the debate
Trail running is Essex and indoor climbering is Warwickshire
Somerset 4 down now, could be in trouble.
thanks mr cricinfo keep us up to date
Have a bad feeling Brook will be a worse captain then Pope
no but joe root

Steve may ?
Just don't think this Archer is very good
Didn't he used to be very good up until Root used him like a donkey on a field and kick started his injury crisis?
Oh yeh forgot Gautam is coach now. Tbh KL is such a beautiful player (like it or not we love such aesthetic players) i would have given him a long rope too but for me he's had enough chances. Didn't catch the last series so didn't see Saf or Jaiswal only caught Jaiswal rocking IPL. Can Saf bowl or is a good fielder? Might be useful down under
limit overs '''''cricket''''' chat belongs in your fat arse
He had an okay series against Australia and because they are pacemongs they acted like he was the best bowler we had for a bit
They still seethe about him because they are casuals who don't realise he hasn't even played for the last 5 years barely
England not showing Archer bouncing Smith challenge impossible
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*bowls your 95mph quick for 14 overs in a row*
poonglish should've had this in the bag, now they're gonna lose
archer bowled 95mph in like one spell ever in tests
usually he was just trundling in at the high 80s
he might hit 92mph for a brief over or 2 if he could be bothered
Izzy Gaze has the highest proportion of the letter Z in her name (37.5%) in the history of international cricket.
Actually 60%
3 z's divided by 5 non z's = 0.6

you're welcome
Kek , you studied in America m8?
shartcher is the most overrated bowler going
baited for that EXACT response
lmao done 'im
just completed dragon quest 1
>Literally no one watching out of /cric/
truly is over for this place.

How is it actually going?
t. Haven’t been watching
I'm watching but still at toil so only posting intermittently
It's possible that /cric/posting all morning may have adversely affected my productivity
Should be a good finish from here desu
Very evenly poised
What's about to happen
>Head goes after stacking another 20 runs additional to 100
>Labuschagne builds up pressure with dot balls
>Carey trying to ease the equation goes out for a miscalculated shot
>Tailenders carry the sinking ship
yeah but remember that spell against steve smith?(when he didn't get him out)
Got him out (physically)
that ghazanfar looks like a gun
>literally called god

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you now remember cod in butter sauce
Go to bed poot
Hate chess because I'm shit at chess
Hate golf because it's shit
More of a rugby nation desu
Just realised I don't like cricket
hope you'll be sticking to /cg/ now then?
not me
I do still like cricket
shame there hasn't been any cricket matches on lately
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>wake up
>check espncricinfo
>we won
lol, lmao even
>"We are out there to score runs," said Brook. "If you get caught somewhere on the boundary or in the field then who cares?

Based Brook
Morons who still think cricket is about dumb antiquated concepts like "winning" eternally btfo
Reckon going out there to take some wickets would be a better idea
>317 target
>go out to play sport
>come back
>convicts beat a*glo shitters by 7 wickets
Just checked the scorecard
Kane barely got just over half way to his hundred lmao
If this isn't his last test I'll be shocked
a*glo shitters must realise now they are not leaders, they need an Indian to lead them, as Nasser Hussain showed.
Kane Williamson still plays? surely he's like 40
>hating on Gujarat Titans legend Kane
>wake up
>check cric scores
>its another travis head bullies his way to a victory episode
getting a bit sick of this episode. hoping when i return here for summer hes injured.
Winning gets boring
>hating on Bayern Munich legend Kane
travis head is englands father
reckon you're thinking of william the conqueror innit lad
yearn for the day i can make a post and not have a retarded autistic spastic reply with regurgitated nonsense over and over again
don't be so hard on yourself mate
no but Steven May
>I’m in control, says Starmer

is bazball the oceangate of world cricket?
he'll be averaging 40 soon enough iykwim
One in Chennai one in galle
Shoulder pain keeping me awake. Last session killed me it was brutal
Fark you're one tough son of a bitch.
Sporting pyramid gets real steep the higher you go fuck me i can't imagine how good the world's best really are compared to us
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warndog got some new ink
what too much indian crore does to a mf....
>say one more bad thing about my wife's boyfriend, I DARE YOU
on the hunt for the mt albert wife basher
Its crazy how indians have even made batting a pure weight of numbers game by having everyone from 3-9 be a test number 7 level bat so it avarages out on aggregate
That was such a weird one because it was a pitch specifically made for a draw and then everyone lost their mind kohli scored a low strikerate hundred on it
*loses 8-100 in 20 overs holing out to cow corner again part time spinners*
Mmmm Crinket
My shoulder is as stable as 'arry crook's fielder placements
lots of chavvy women with shit tattoos up north
think there's about 10 middle class women in total and they all live in Harrogate
Peewees bottling their first innings
knew that was going to happen
If we score 306+ we win the story
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>New Zealand trail by 1 run
Bouldering later
Ro-man thinking he can save reviews so that he can eat them later. ffs Siraj must be seething.
Will Phullups?
Can't tell who won the story of the innings
Zachy B? More like B Diddy
won't be watching the cricket, i think you all know why
he's going bouldering
Busy beating up the misso?
I've never seen this O'Rourke fellow bowl, because I don't watch cricket anymore.
Is he the next big thing?
Got caught at self service trying to take a large coffee as part of my Tesco meal deal (they only allow regular)
Ohh no don't steal 100ml of froth from us
hardly a large coffee anyway pathetic
if everybody stole a little bit like that they'd likely go out of business
always good to think about how your actions can affect others
no they wouldn't
that's absolute micro stealing
>nooooooo please let me steal. why won't you let me steal???
for what?
no but England May
>knowingly commit wrong
>act like they were in the wrong

Working class scum detected
imagine not being able to afford a large coffee lmao
business idea: don't steal their products and you wouldn't have a problem
you don't get it at all because you're a thick kiwi
large would be many quid more because not officially part of the deal. Relatively speaking not worth it at all
The Gabba 2002.
nah fuck off it's shitty luke warm coffee
still paid over 5 quid for the meal deal anyway
who the fuck cares
Why would anyone buy a large coffee. You realise you're not getting any more coffee right? Every coffee (at least in nz) comes as a double shot standard. You're just getting a more dilute coffee with more milk/water for the larger sizes unless you specify a triple or quad shot etc.
cool so I wasn't stealing at all then
Well you were stealing a bit more milk and tap water and some extra cardboard in the cup
yeah imagine being so poor that you resort to stealing instead of spending "many quid"
Highlights of day three of the penultimate round of matches:

>Division One

HANTS 462. & 204.
v WORCS 273. & 117/5.

KENT 225. & 230. v NOTTS 433 & 28/0.
>Notts win by 10 wickets.

LANCS 140. & 398.
v SOMERSET 146. & 204/6.

SURREY 415. & 25/0. v DURHAM 262. & 177.
>Surrey win by 10 wickets.

>Division Two

DERBS 173. & 119. v MIDDX 358.
>Middlesex win by an innings and 66 runs.

GLAMORGAN 239. & 141/7.
v YORKS 361. & 273.

GLOUCS 109. & 195. v SUSSEX 311.
>Sussex win by an innings and 7 runs. They are confirmed promoted

NORTHANTS 383. & 137/1. v LEICS 203. & 361.
>Northamptonshire win by 9 wickets.
holy shit no one cares
Need a wicket
he cares because he wants to type it all up (100% for free) and shit up every thread
Chances of this test ending in anything other than a draw?
Paki shitters made the bangbros look world class baka look like they won't even last 3 days
Good post
The lifeblood of /cric/
Travis Head is simply a very good player
Another successful product of the Worcestershire academy
(See also: Steve Smith)
shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you can climb v6
anyone who's ever even attempted climbing should not have any voting rights.
Immigrants should not be allowed to vote unless they become citizens. And any immigrant that commits a crime worthy of seeing a judge should be deported.
Last day of the penultimate round of county matches:

ECB streams and BBC radio and live text in usual places.

>Division One

Hampshire v Worcestershire

Lancashire v Somerset

>Division Two

Glamorgan v Yorkshire

Not much on today and Pears and the sheep likely to fall quick. Somerset need to win if they are to have any chance of winning the championship, but looks a bit far this game now.
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>shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you can climb v6
who is this malnourished lad?
Zeeman AKA anorexiabro
Somerset have lost a wicket already it’s so over.

Surrey, the dark side, are winning again.
zachy hasn't recovered since the bard freethinker post. got completely btfo and drove him off the deep end
Do you think Indians/subcons are genetically good at cricket, or is it a case of big fish/small pond?
Certain flag trying to divert people's attention away from their embarrassing display
fat neeks
there was a good bet on Sri Lanka at some point in this match
free money and lots of it
did zachy take up heroin or something? wtf
they call him ol toothpick arms for a reason you know
hi, long time lurker and first time /cric/ poster here. who is this aids patient and why are you posting a photo of him?
ok but seriously mate that's not a healthy weight for you. sort yourself out and bulk up for a few months. not worth starving yourself just because /cric/ makes fun of you
>ok mate, pose for a photo while we're at the table, I'll grab a snap for you real quick
don't reckon Travis Head should be that good desu
his technique fails the eye test and he should be exposed by good swing or spin. just think this era is a bit of a joke with every pitch having almost nothing in it for bowlers
Not even skinny fatty
the zachy obsession posting is a bit forced at this point
why do you wear that necklace all the time? it's not 1997 anymore grandad lmao
no real reason
Calm down on the steroids lad. No wonder you’re so angry all the time.
Rew bowled and Somerset all out.
anorexic fat neek on steroids
-varicose veins
-some gay hippy necklace from Thailand or something
-rags for clothes
Also why cut the head off? Unless it's not you
no it's called stretching the photo wide slightly so it's less noticeable and then applying multiple photoshop edits. /fit/ already insta-called him out on this when he tried that shit there
Kek that explains why he looks like a midget
Kek that explains why he looks obese
Wonder if zachy has considered buying clothes from a shop instead of finding them in rubbish bins
pasty weakling angloid seething at that pic
t.golf deano
I see repeaterer of same posts man is in
Yh it’s the veining, helps make it look muscular but if you take it away it’s then nothing special.
They’ve moved the second test in Zachiland to Multan from Karachi
Lancashire are the most powerful (domestic) cricket team around
WE decide who is champion, thank us that we graciously do not choose ourselves
>Having Features of muscles because they have muscles makes people look more muscular
Einstein over there
dark times, Sauron dominating middle-cricket earth and enslaving the shires.
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Not sure they'll chase whatever Lankan set as a target. Think a*glo shitters don't belong in the Southern hemisphere or Eastern quadrant
this is correct but you forgot to add he takes about 60 pics in highly orchestrated lighting before picking the one he's going to photoshop
lol stay mad you fat neek
you can't even do pull ups
Look forward to you being kingmakers in Div 2 next year
Some women commentators aren’t too bad but a lot are just awful. The bint on the Hants stream is so posh she pronounces ‘towards’ as ‘two-words’.
yeah ok mate, everyone naturally takes a pic at that dramatic angle with their arm extended up so they can get the shadows right. don't ask questions
>sussex sign some Hindu /strongminds/
>get promoted
Literally that easy
>27 players
are you talking about are Melissa?
tried leaving your laptop? Fatty
Pears might struggle to win from here
spackers is clearly anorexic. The obsession he’s has over weight (calling everybody fat when angry, first insult he always thinks is about weight) plus his heroin-addict build (probably from not eating) shows that he has some mental health problems.
>Lose two wickets in a blink
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>when someone else is controlling the camera angles
he tried to put his face forward to emphasise his jaw though kek
nah you are just unironically fat and seething
and not a single person cares
Glamorgan and Worcester lose their last wickets almost exactly the same time.

Thought that decision against Worcs was a bit unfair desu, don’t think he edged it.

Glad you were interested to hear that.
Our tail bats at the top AND the real bats come in later so it's not surprising.
I was mentioning sl wickets lol just in 10 mins it happened for us too

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