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Hedman Edition
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Buffahoes not like this..
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get this swedish FAG off my screen
This one of the best hits of all time
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Not even top 100
Disagree I can barely make out whats happening in this clip.
Training and camping
when does the school bus drop you off bud?
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There hasn't been a great hit in the nhl since the lockout
Any Windy updates
he's depressed because his noel clip tweets don't get any attention
That playoff spot belongs to the senaturds now
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Refused to answer contract questions
Hes in jail for attempted assassination
He was probably just trying to get Justin's attention
We dont talk about him here
I'm sorry please forgive and forget I mentioned it
Justin is a raiders fan
Copey is a raiders fan

What kind of retard team holds practice on the first day of camp? The first day is supposed to be for physicals and off ice stuff.
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The funniest part is that wasn’t the only injury either
The bruins are a shit team run by a retard (don sweeney). They deserve to miss playoffs for not signing Swayman
Reminder that all the players getting signed to PTO are just pre-season filler. Every team is required to dress at least 8 "veterans" which is any player that meets the following

>any player with at least 100 career NHL GP
>a first round pick from the most recent draft
>any player with at least 30 NHL GP in the previous season
>any goalie that dressed for at least 50 NHL GP in the previous season even if they never hit the ice
>a first round pick from the most recent draft
how the hell does that satisfy the veteran requirement
Some of them will make it on league minimum contracts on teams that dont want to develop a young player in the bottom 6 at the nhl level.
Have you considered the possibility that the Bruins know something about him that we don’t
If they know something about him why did they dump Ullmark
Anyone have that absolute torcher of an HF Boards screen cap?
Turned back on my hockey app notifications after turning them off for he summer so now I will get breaking news right away again :)
The point of the veteran minimum is to avoid the away team dressing 20 AHLers and devaluing the tickets. A player like Celebrini is actually the biggest draw in pre-season
My theory is the 6x4 was discussed with Swayman before the Ullmark trade and he pretended to be good with it only to change his tune once Ullmark was gone.
Should've known it all stemmed from jewishness
In other words they thought Swayman would act in good faith and honor said tentative agreement and Sway tried to pull a fast one
maybe they shouldn't have traded his boyfriend away then
Swayman isnt even that good, he's just a system babby.
Welcome back fren! Hockey is back in session :)
He’s above average, he played well in the goalie duel against Bob. It’ll be interesting to see how he does as a starter. Ullmark is going to crash and burn in Ottawa though
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I mean obviously yeah it’s just what I think occurred and why both sides have so much bad blood now.
he could have crashed and burned in colorado.....
>I mean
Swayman is already creating tension with his teammates by holding out and Marchand basically called him a disrespectful little shit for running to the media about this.
I meme….
>spitting up on yourself
Too many pink whitneys will do that to ya
No he didnt
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>RamKWAB got unironically cancelled
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>I'm going to say this now and kind of leave it at that,” Marchand said. “I won't ever talk about contract stuff in the media. I just think there's enough respect between the two sides that we can deal with it, and I’ll leave it at that. Hopefully you can appreciate that.”
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What happens when you don't pay a good goalie money?
I dont know what that means
Based rat calling <<<them>>> out
go flames go
I dont see how that implies eithet side is disrespectful
Then your reading comprehension is shit
He’s calling Swayman immature and disrespectful for airing his dirty laundry
Well he said it like 2-3 days after Swayman was whining to the media about contract stuff.
Colorado is far superior to Ottawa by every metric
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Cope, Colorado doesn't display their Cup count on their jerseys like Ottawa does
Sounds like an imagined scenario the likes youd find at a highschool girl's sleepover party
A good chunk of nhl players haven’t matured past high school
i imagine myself at high school girls' sleepover parties
Sounds like you’re coping
Just like our bud
Next thread should probably be Flames
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Can someone post that flowchart meme about laffs fans
Someone at his temple taught him that trick
>THIS will totally be the year Buffalo/Detroit/Ottawa make the playoffs over the islanders
>guys these three teams have so many exciting rookies and could make so much noise!
—>you are here
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If you disregard the money, would you rather be:
A. a big fish in a small pond, i.e.one of the star players in a lower league?
B. a small fish in a big pond, i.e. a bottom line player?

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B. I’d like to be a 4th line player in the NHL rather than a liiga star
our Islanders arent in the same division as the other three smartbro
nobody mentioned my islanders bud
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Hey bud
the failed driving test arc was kino
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
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how are booins fans gonna handle this one
Based chiclets bros casually ruining a different organization every offseason. I might buy a pink whitney tonight
The ones who can afford going to games don't even know who he is. They're only there for ''the show''.
>I might buy a pink whitney tonight
I hope you take a drive after.
Hes not a paper boy though
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Luckily it's all rural roads by me so I can drive however I want
kuch too much of a weakmind for captaincy
bud1 but who's driving?
ya just gotta love the budster you just gotta
Whats the expectation for Florida this year? Are they winning the cup? Is it over for them?
2nd or 3rd round at minimum
They’re not winning the cup but they remain one of the best teams in the east
go flames go!!!
Good post
d got much worse without montour/oel and they didnt get anyone to replace them
they also have zero cap space
>win cup/make SCF
Great success

>lose in 2nd/3rd round
Understandable given back to back cup runs and departures

>lose in 1st round

>miss playoffs


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>don't you worry about florida
>let me handle florida
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Michkov is going to get too cute and get bodied.
Bedard gets lit up and demolishes with the bubble.
Lafrienere falls back to Earth and cements his bust status
Laine comes out the gate hot and fizzles out before American Thanksgiving
Flames continue to be on the cooler side or room temperature
Eating a turkey sandwich right now
Laine will be in therapy by Thanksgiving
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>swayman’s contract signing was a false report

I am going to crucify Don Sweenie and hang him from the walls of the garden
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>he saved my oc
not well.
yeah i should've put that in quotes
I just want one fucking thread without a flames fan. Just one goddamn thread. I'm so sick of them
Flames fans are the most common hocposter. Columbus and San Jose have the least fans here
islanders only have 1
You're stuck with us bud
I’m hoping that Noel feels better after that post she made.
I’m starting to think the pro-flames posting is just ironic shitposting
>Flames Name Stajan As Skill Consultant
Its over
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Business idea: move flames fags to their own general
We just love our flames :)
yeah it's called /hoc/ retard
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I wonder how much money he gets in disability allowance each month? Must be fun just walking outside, taking pictures of caterpillars and screaming into a camera without any worries of having to work or pay bills.
Business idea: angry /hoc/ chuds get laid for once
>flames fans*
* retards who have no firm connection to the team and band wagon them for cheap (You)s
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hey i cheer for the flames too :)
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Is bud sr going? He’s seems kind of a chud
here are your (You)s
I'm literally from Calgary you DICK
yea and he's taking his sakamata doll wife with him
Thanks brother go flames
i dont believe you
Always funny when teams hire a skills coach that is obviously less skilled than the players. But the job is probably little more than putting out cones and shit on the ice.
I don't really have the time to dedicate 3 hours a night to watching hockey this season.
sounds like you're a perfect candidate for showing up at the end of the game and greentexting the losing team's name
Ill watch it for you
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imagine doubting me
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this is proof of nothing
now this is what we call BASED
why elephants?
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they never forget to >laffs
It's proof that no flameschads are bandwagoners. We all reside in Calgary and love our flames.
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whatever helps you cope
I just posted an original photo from Calgary. You lose
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>laffs talk shit then slink away
You should become a fan of the SHL instead. Games are only 2 hours and no commercial break every 2 minutes.
you posted a photo from calgary, yes
this is the internet
Cope it's the Information Superhighway
Cope Kulemin WILL carry my Sensies to the promised land
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our Sennies mentioned
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Go suck a dick with that idea.

If you can't handle the HEAT then get the fuck outta the FIRE.
Our Sennies: mentioned
Chris: posted
calgary cant handle the heat either
samir: 1
flamers: 0
New hockey fan here. I know the Flames are known as the gay team. What do I need to know about the rest of the league?
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Yep, it's /hoc/ing time.
What do you think is Dustin Wolf's favorite Wolverine movie
huberdeau will hit 90 pts this year
its well established that no one from /hoc/ lives here
didn't know he was eligible to be sent to the AHL
I live there, That's my back yard
laffs are the best team with a rich history
devils and sabres are the losers of the league
senators are on the rise
flames aren't gay they're actually a top team
knights have the best fan support and are pretty much universally loved league wide
uhhh rags are funny
prove it
So now that the Sabres season is already over, can we agree that they’re even more embarrassing than the Milbury islanders with the amount of wasted talent over the past decade?
no I'm not agreeing to that
Someone died on that rail bridge last spring. Apparently they got stick somehow and then got hit by a train.
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*got stuck

There were flowers and stuff on the paths in the valley
what happened?
Their season ended
Stephen has chosen the Buffalo Sabres as the team he is going to point to all season as evidence that the Islanders are actually a good team
the power of severe autism
Dahlin got a booboo at practice
Rasmus Dahlin got a boo boo because his back is carrying that shithole of a team
Dahlin's not even that good
I would give him an 81 overall on NHL 25
yeah it was in the news
again information found on the internet
Or that the Sabres are a pathetic franchise who have gifted numerous cup champions their best players because Buffalo is a toxic shithole.
name 5
Kinda bums me out that the tweet I said calling out the virus accounts got more traction than most of my holoGTA and Noel tweets as of late

I know that it’s easy to poo poo on the community but man this just feels demoralizing to me at times
Have you tried growing the fuck up and acting like an adult?
Evan Rodrigues
Sam Reinhart
Jack Eichel
Ryan O’Reilly
Dmitry Kulikov
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There is no local knowledge that I can give. Either you will be able to fact check it, in which case according to you I would be using "information found on the internet". Or if you can't find it you will just call me a liar.

Anyway, love me flames. J'amour les flammes
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>the guy whose hobby is watching men pretend to be 3d anime girls is telling other people to grow up and act like an adult
My grandfather told me that there are three types of people in this world; Flamiacs, people who wish they were Flamiacs, and jews
Played for 2 other teams who also traded him away before he won a cup
>Sam Reinhart
>jack Eichel
>Ryan O'Reilly
not a buffalo draft pick
>Dmitry Kulikov
Not a Buffalo draft pick, literally played 47 games for Buffalo, and literally played 7 other teams after leaving Buffalo and eventually winning a cup

2/5 nice work
Why would you sully your grandfathers memory by making up these stories??
Buffalo developed Dany Briere and sent him to Philly where he didn't win a cup either kwab
This is severe cope for defending a team who has been garbage for 13 years
Who's going to belive in you? You are only a little child. I am a grown up man. With contacts everywhere.
jew detected
No, severe cope is pointing to the 2024 Buffalo Sabres and trying to retroactively claim Mike Milbury wasn't a fucking retard because of them
wise pawpaw. lots of people who wish they made the cut itt
you could take a timestamped photo outside of 7026 silverview
cope he was a proud Yotes product
Oh I don't cope
Why would I do that? You first r tard
>doesn't cope
>just seethes
just wanked it and my spray was pretty pathetic ruined my whole evening desu
It's a peninsula
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>3 teams
>just 5 cups in the last 83 years

The absolute state of New York
Don't worry bro this is the year. They made the guy who always disappears in the playoffs captain.
AND they're trying out the worst defensive forward as a center again! this is truly their year
>23 career playoff goals despite making the playoffs every year of his career

Why are Mexican hockey players like this?
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his tummy hurts during playoffs from anxiety
guy who wants it vs bitches who don't
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This hapa numale from the bar gave me mushroom gummies and I ain't feeling SHIT
that's what you get for being a fan of your team
tage thompson must be worried
He got hurt already too
XD Numale give me updoots
me on the left
>knights have the best fan support and are pretty much universally loved league wide
based and blessed
Vegas Golden Bros also rampage got cancelled KWAB
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Sweeney is a dumbass for letting this conflict occur
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Knights missing playoffs this year
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this is our year canada bros :)
Hey guys :) I’m just ready for the NHL season to start :)
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It's so over for Buffalo
Swayman is a diva
Same I’m actually so excited for preseason.
For me, it's Edina and Regina
I am as well :)
>my oshie is out the entire season
based cake eater
hey dylan you here but remember when ya got btfo yesterday
He is but the team isn't making playoffs without him
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan stiiiiiiill KWAB
he's fucking done done brother
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So for preseason how do you rearrange that top line with Robertson out?
whoop that trick
whoop that trick
whoop that trick
whoop that trick
whoop that trick
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didn't knew that Glasskos was traded to Trashville
what a tune! should win a grammy
Every Day I Need Attention
They can’t make it to the SCF with him. I’d tell him to have fun sitting on his ass for 2 years
>when the little 8x10 frame falls over at 2:07
i am fucken dying KEK
Remember when Vegass got the bloated corpse of Hertl and the resident phone store worker retard thought the piss knights were going to repeat?
people who say vegass as if they think it's clever are the same dysfunctional retards that think hawk tuah is funny
He signed as a free agent because Tampa was too smart to pay him as an old man
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I do recall
eat dick dylan
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tampa has accepted that they need to rebuild
Unlike my islanders
Counter point:
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I get by with a little help from my friends :)
the face of an intimidated man about to get mugged
Dylan owns Copey tbqh
Awww copey misses his bf
btw, the average /hoc/ poster has less testosterone than the average man
there is literally nothing wrong with having less testosterone than the average man
>tampa needs to rebuild
>but signs Guentzel to that contract
You might be retarded anon
Copey: in the broship
Dylan: eats dicks and is probably from mexico
Copey is a self admitted Mexican
Mel got banned from YT for less
based headcanon anon
The Broship is for everyone like Jesus unlike hockey
>the realm was never uknighted again
Put a prospect there. Teams dont usually ice the actual lineup until the 2nd last and last games
watching nxt cm punk is on roxx and giulia on soon which is based
Shut the fuck up
My life is just watching girls on TikTok that I never have a chance with
someone's upset rampage got cancelled KWAB
Everything from the GTA server is literally a looney toons short
i'd be embarrassed if I posted wresting in the hockey thread
Damn thats genuinely pathetic. Sucks to suck I guess.
I have no idea what that is
just like my islanders
I'm just a gooner
I goon my life away
I'm just a gooner
Who goons of better days
nice poetry faggot
we LOVE LOVE LOVE Giulia here
i just love cumming in my own mouth
leafs fan btw if that matters
Leafs Stars Alliance
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Saar stop giving us Lifs fans a bad name
Nice false flag Francois
ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side

it's the climb
Mange de la marde Samir
i have a daughter, Traumatised After Years Of Sexual Abuse. A bit long name perhaps but it suits her perfectly
hon hon samir btfo yet again kwab go flames
Stars are already in an alliance with Florida please fuck off
>the zerio dimes faction
I hate wrestletards
not sure where that "i" in zero came from
Gonna just post a throwback clip and maybe something from today’s GTA stream for Noel. I want to take it easy after the past few days.
It's E-God actually
Finnish Mafia runs the league. That’s why we get a special series in November and your shitty irrelevant team does not.
can someone talk shit about my flames so i can screen cap it for later in the season when we are charging to the playoffs
Flames more like lames
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Rempe and Bicshel making the rookies look puny
absolute state of those pootah jerseys
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I like them
who's the fat black kid?
That's Russ he has a wicked knuckle puck
Akil Thomas maybe? But he's like 25, just gets hurt every year
holy shit i've never seen a photo with so many 4/10s
I could probably rip a slapper about 25. Definitely who it seems to be though. honest to god had never heard of the guy
Who's the shoot male left of kendall coyne
Why do some teams only have one rookie and others have 2 or 3?
I cant possibly think of a single reason why
My team isn't there at all
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One Round, Early Out
jesus hoob
catbox dot moe/om3tcw.webm
Gay vs. straight all star game when?
don't you need a cup to hold the milk to dip the cookie into? this is their year. mark it down.
The clock at American Airlines Center said 5:00 left in the 3rd period. Already down in the series the home team found themselves down a goal in Game 2 as well. They had to score and quickly.

The Golden Knights had other ideas.

Despite holding controlling the puck for a majority of the last five minutes and pulling their goalie for the extra attacker, the Stars did not manage to get a single shot on net the rest of the game.

Every Golden Knight defenseman played in the final five minutes and all but Nic Roy (who was nursing an injury) and Keegan Kolesar played as well. The shift lengths stayed shot, they blocked three shots and deflected a boatload of passes, and forced a giveaway late that led to Eichel’s empty-net clincher.

Look at this still frame.

Five Golden Knights within 10 feet of the goal creating a forcefield around Thompson in net. There’s not a green jersey anywhere near the front of the goal because Vegas has ushered them away by defending in layers from Pietrangelo and Hanifin to Eichel to Barabashev and Stone.

This is the series in a nutshell, and it’s exactly why the Golden Knights have taken both games on the road and have the Dallas Stars searching for answers they probably won’t find.
fucking lost at the first sentence
Vegas choked a 2-0 series lead after manhandling the Stars on the road
dallas will never win a cup before the rebuild
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Daveart SUCKS
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The Golden Knights did not allow a single shot on goal in the last 5:38 of the game.

Holding a 1 goal lead… on the road… in the playoffs… against a team that averages 3.59 goals per game… having already taken away home ice advantage in Game 1.

Cassidy's system just wins.
Yeah they will.
>Cassidy's system just wins.
true. how many cups does pdb have bud
nuh uh
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PDB out coached Cassidy last season clearly
Fraid so
>if you lose you win
>Hertl, Hanifin, Stone Have VGK Power Play Exuding Confidence
>Team Defense Helped Make A 15 Shot Offensive Effort Look Like Plenty
>VGK’s Shot Blockers Back To Frustrating Playoff Opponents
Who won the last series they played eachother? Vegas or Dallas? Exactly bitch. Little bitch. Little 5’6 Hispanic retail working bitch.
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Lehner's contract ages like rotten milk in the vegas summer sun
>w-we made it to the third round!!!
Been workin all week at the farm,
breakin my back in the barn,
Friday night hits just right,
with a beer on the front yard.
Eight o'clock its the right time,
to start watchin some Smackdown,
Pull up P-W and see a post of Taker
and this is what it said
this shit is hilarious. if it's terminated will vegas get 5 mil to spend? that'd be just great
I don't trust Vegas. They're all snakes
Vegas got bounced in the first 20 mil over cap and all. They cheated and still lost right away how ass do you have to be for that to happen lol
Up 2-0 in their seven-game series with Dallas, Vegas is up to their old tricks. The Golden Knights are leading the opening round by defending, frustrating, and suffocating the Stars, who are the second heaviest team in the NHL. However, they haven’t been able to clear Vegas from in front of the net or win board battles in either zone. It’s been the Golden Knights that are successfully using their size, just like they did all last season.

At this season’s deadline the Golden Knights once again added high-level skill with enormous size. Additions Anthony Mantha (6’5″, 234), Noah Hanifin (6’3″, 207) and Tomas Hertl (6’3″, 215) all fit Vegas’ blueprint and are currently contributing through two playoff games. In fact, the reigning Stanely Cup champions were the heaviest team last season and are again this year. Heck, if it worked before so why not attack the playoffs the same way in 2024.

Obviously, the Golden Knights would prefer to sweep the Stars and rest up for a potentially grueling second round series against the Colorado Avalanche or Winnipeg Jets. However, this is the postseason, and teams can rip away or steal momentum with one win. Leaning on, frustrating, and wearing down opponents is critical to ensure a chance at securing a playoff victory or advancing to the next round. Unsurprisingly, that’s when Vegas is most confident.

Unfortunately for Dallas, size doesn’t matter if you don’t use it.
Will I still be natty if I get t supplements?
He was on LTIR so nothing really changes
>cup champs
based retard
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It’s important to remember the turning point in the series was a Vegas sissy getting his shit rocked after game two.
oh so you ARE from reddit!
20M over the cap and they lost the series
That would be the Panthers
Cope we all know it’s cheating and it couldn’t help your shit team.
Cup Champs and they're STILL seethin'
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>AaAaAhHhHhH reffies save me
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got embarrassed 9-3 in a cup final elimination game. shant acknowledge them.

That was too long ago to count sorry. Only cup champs are Panthers now
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>posting a tiny gif
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the crowning moment of the broship
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I still have two more days of waging :(
vegas won't sniff another cup for 40 years
oh he boilin'

Just like my islanders
>he’s living in 2000&L8
Embarrassing but also you better get used to it because piss knights aren’t winning shit ever again
Copey is like Rick Moranis in spaceballs playing with his dolls claiming there's a broship lol
dream big bud :^)
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my knighties
Aki is arrested!
When the piss knights miss ploffs this year who will you bandwagon for?
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>When the piss knights miss ploffs this year
maybe on planet retard
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he's black and illiterate
the fuck are the ploffs you mongoloid
That's where you live.
Your existence is proof we live on planet retard
try that again without sounding mad
since he's a shitskin, probably dullass
you have never seen your team win a cup

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god i love waking up and knowing my vegas golden knights exist. they are my favorite team in the whole wide world and nobody can make me change my mind. i am so excited for this new squad of guys to really rip it up, this feels like another huge run at the cup with a god chance to win it. go knights go!
didnt ask
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Jumping in to say leafs and oilers are certified shitskin teams
>simping for the fraud team who got BTFO 9-3 by YOUR Vegas Golden Knights to clinch the cup

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classic Gallagher
Just like my islanders
This post has been fact checked by real Canadian patriots:
Vegas really has become a joke team sooner than I expected
nobody asked, NFT.
imagine being canadian and..
lmao get this
thinking that your team
has the slightest... just slightest possibility
and here's the kicker,
just fucking imagine lmaoooo i couldn't bother to wake up in the morning if that were me
i think you're more embarrassing posting this every day instead of the retard you're mocking.
I pray for Bud Sr every Sunday
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the babes like funny fellas what can we say
his poor parents
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
nah bud that's you. you're below trb kwab
what a fucking CHAD
You're black.
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I've grown to love Stephen like a nephew
kill yourself
Stephenbro board buddy
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Marchessault chewing them out is a sign of things to come
you see his newest press video? bro has immense regrets. he's never going to be the same marchie he was in vegas, and realizes he could have retired a legend here.
Good list because it confirms my Kings bias
kek mccrimmon already called em on his bullshit KWAMB
>could have been unceremoniously traded at the deadline for a plug and some cap circumvention
because thats damage control from a general manager who traded for Hertl and his garbage contract.
Subaru and Kanade Beverly hills cops when?
>i-it's damange c-control!!!!!!
>wanting to get paid what you're worth makes you a female pop singer in gary's nhl
They’ll be shit this year now that they can’t pull their LTIR bullshit without becoming a joke forever.
>paying a 34 year old 5.5x5
not sure if bait or you're just retarded
much like everything the Knights do, it is damage control. got hosed and fleeced by mike grier lol
>paying a 34 year old 5.5x5
what does this have to do with swayman?
said no one ever
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golden sisters, just ignore the shitter and watch our boys make waves in this league for the 8th glorious year in a row. they're all just jealous their poverty franchise could never be as impactful or fun as our knights. go knights go!
pool's closed
Mark Stone is so fucking washed. Most of the team is actually
said a lot of people because Hertl looked awful with the Knights in his series against Dallas. I'd be concerned if he doesn't start to gel with Cassidy
Hair of the dog?
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>steals your puck
Hahaha brown status: confirmed
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>gets btfo by a little Asian boy
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>becomes the superior sunbelt team by winning the cup
link some examples bud
and matt murray in net lol
Is bud in the room with us right now?
I wish, I miss him
you mean samsonov????
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Vegas and Dallas have a cup a piece but in the last series they met Dallas dog walked Vegas to a 1st round exit
is the canadian cup win in your lifetime in the room with us righ tnow?
wait wrong leafs goalie. who even signed murray?
vegas has one this decade
dallas doesn't
simple as
>no cups this millennium
talk about living in the past KWAB
>m-m-more recent
When Dallas wins this year I wonder how you’ll shift that goalpost
you sure do like to run around in circles
>at facts
KWAB you should hope your team gets a new coaching staff with that prediction. pdb is a world class loser
>s-see my cope post here
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my starsies are winning the stan lee cup :)
buy an ad
based you know he couldn't let the oilyboys win
Wow so a world class loser beat the breaks off your coach? Embarrassing for you
Just like my Oilers
>7 games
>beat the breaks
you should get your GED bud
I don’t think you even know what a rebuild is
Vegas got fucking dummied
his foot was in the fucking crease anyway, it's an asterisk cup
turn your monitor on
I'll buy prime real estate on hocgeneral.com
of course i don't, i'm a vegas fan. never going to happen to this franchise because we want to be winners, unlike your dumpster org hiring the most loser coach in nhl history
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And I’ll put my foot in your crease if you don’t shut the fuck up
He's a big strong Pacific Islander. Not to be confused with the Long Islanders
>never going to happen to this franchise
You’re gonna regret saying that
>o-one of these d-days!!! grrrr
Getting a new coach isn’t a “rebuild” you imbecile and if you want to get technical all they need is a new special teams coach that’s literally one position.
vegas will always be relevant, mark my words
capjovial when?
Unlike my islanders
holy fucking NHL create-a-team
they look like a budget knock-off of the Hamburg Freezers for fuck's sake
did they finally fire spott? good for you
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KWAB of course not
Nah. They won’t make it into the playoffs this year and your sorry ass will be begging for a rebuild. Even now nobody really likes them and since Dallas kicked their teeth in in the 1st round they barely made it into I think it’s certainly over.
Vegass is missing playoffs this season
Hamburg Mini Fridges
maybe on planet retard
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Go Knights
they have missed the playoffs once already
that statement is false
They’re missing the playoffs and won’t even be in any conversations this year because they are already irrelevant.
the knights, the sphere and the nhl will be in a lovely position
>th-they have mi-m
and then what happened?


maybe on planet retard
they've only downgraded and they were shaky last season
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ackshyually they shed aging divas ya dumb mark
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>maybe on planet retard
>99x124 3KB
'fraid so
rampage was cancelled tranny
Mark Stone still there? Hertl? Hill? Thompson?
Not sports related
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holy fucking kek
deboo is losing his job mid season
>and then
no and then, always means always
not just when they are good lol
_/ _/ _/
would be a blessing for our resident retard's cup hopes
>mid season
Are you actually retarded?
For me it's when Snoopy dances on Schroeder's piano
1993 will always be the last time a canadian team won the cup :^)
Your aunt danced on my piano
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Such an unfortunate face.
brace for F LA M E S thread
whitest canadian
a small price to pay for vegass to be irrelevant even for a short time :DDD
can the next thread be filipino themed
awesome pads on the left goalie

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