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>Messi is playing
>No match thread
>Not even a general
What went wrong?
We've all agreed to not watch it until the billionaire owners start buying better players
Apple TV + MLS Pass will kill this league
Better than being on RSNs
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who cares about him, the real #10 is back.
No one really watches the games on FOX either
It was already dead before Apple TV
>Messi is playing
I checked the line ups like 2 hours ago and he was on the bench.
No it’s the fact that there’s no pro rel in this league, that’s the sole reason why people don’t watch MLS

Most plastics just watch the same clubs in Europe that never get relegated but think lack of relegation is hurting the MLS.

Lack of relegation is the only reason MLS exists at all.
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If I wanted to watch shitters id just watch usl
Now instead of some people being able to watch, nobody is able to watch. Win/Win.
The people who want to watch it can pay, get all games, and don't have to worry about blackouts or anything. This is the model everyone wishes NBA, NHL, MLB had but don't because they won't give up their precious regional media rights

There's still a few games on FS1/FOX. I'm watching the Charlotte vs Orlando on FS1 right now.
It's a shit league.
>having to subscribe to MLS Season pass on Apple is bad
>having to subscribe to Bally Sports East Bumfuckland to watch the game is good
nta but what should they do then?
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because it's a low tier league with fans that routinely shove lgbt pride in your face for a feminine sport that's only popular in america with zoomers, mexicans, and wannabe europeans and you have to pay apple to watch it?
trying to watch baseball without pirate streams these days is far worse than MLS
you dont know shit, relegation is THE basic thing for a league to promote better competition
Put games on the MLS season pass as they have now but air more games on FOX to get more interest, maybe a "game of the week". Tough in the fall with football season, but in July and August they have less competition.
>Being able to flip on the game is bad
>Requiring a specific app on your tv that you literally only use to watch one thing is good
No its not. Because investors don't want relegation.
If there was relegation, owners would be putting money towards player salaries (short term gains) rather than long term gains like building stadiums and creating academies as they have now. And building stadiums and making their academies better is the best thing for MLS long term, and that's what they're doing now.

Basically, relegation means short term success is prioritized over long term gains. MLS is playing the long game of sustainable growth.
I think the Apple TV app is pretty much predownloaded on every TV these days.

I don't think clicking on an app is really that much effort.
It's the basic thing that produces an oligarchy of 1-4 winners per league and everyone else. Doesn't sound like competition to me. And yes, I mean in leagues that actually matter in Europe, not whatever monkey business on your continent.
>relegation is THE basic thing for a league to promote better competition
that's the idea but in reality we all know it's that every other year the same shit teams go up, hang out at the bottom of the table, and then fall back down
Even in Argentina it's the same clubs every year. River, Boca, Racing.
Leverkusen just won their first ever german title
And the previous decade before that?
You sound like the Brits when Leicester won their fluke title.
>oligarchy of 1-4 winners
>lester and leverkusen disprove it
Wasn't Leicesters victory because they were pumped a bunch of money by a Thai billionaire?
thats because literally every other club is too broke, too cold chested or too mismanaged.
Talleres jobbed a cup final to a 2nd division club
Estudiantes can only win worthless cups the same way Arsenal does
Independiente owes everything to everyone since the Moyanos left and cant even endebt itself to buy good players
San Lorenzo has little money and retards managing the club
Velez is looking like a hot contender for the title, same for Union, Godoy Cruz, Instituto..this year has been far, far more competitive somehow, but they still have a handful of games against the big guys left to play.
This is a TV rights and rights distribution issue, an issue with our country also being too shit economically forcing clubs to depend on academies to make a profit by selling youngsters for peanuts to foreign clubs, and the people responsible for managing it being corrupt as fuck
Yes, they were in fact flukes. You're not changing anything with green arrows.
not so much, plenty of clubs owned by foreigners out there that play like shit or arent even on first division.
Leicester's case is special in that they got good enough players at the time, and a good manager, and found themselves at a time where Arsenal shat itself, United was being United, Liverpool and City were having a terrible start and struggled to recover all the way to the end of the saeson. Unironically the only club that could contend with Lestah that season was Tottenham and they bottled it 3/4 in and even failed to secure 2nd place
Yeah Ipswich town really poses a threat to Manchester city
I just turned on USL and it seems to be played in a minor league baseball stadium.

You can see a bunch of kids playing in the berm in the background. Kind of kino
USL is based unironically but a top usl team would get ass blasted by a shitter mls team, thus making pro/rel redundant
Leipzig could also definitely win it at some point in the future. Which would also be their first.
Reminder that Doyle the MLelSoy shill homo of these threads genuinely believes that MLelSoy is a well-ran business headed by Warren Buffet Blackrock-level investors who know how to catapult MLelSoy into the top 4 league in the world by mortgaging their streaming rights to pay for 40 yo grandpa Messi and cutting their national outreach to a streaming app owned by less than 10% of Americans. Yes, you heard me right. Doyle actually unironically and genuinely believes MLelSoy will become a top world league because of this.
No it was just a team of destiny and had some up and coming under the radar players. They were a real team instead of mercenaries put together
WTF did I just read
There are some legitimate criticisms of the MLS, but this guy is an actual schizo and has been at it for a long time on this board
You think so? I mean I won't personally pay to watch any sports these days, but MLS attendance is doing well and the league is growing by word of mouth. I was watching NFL on Sunday at a local spot and there was a table of lesbians next to us randomly talking about LA Galaxy vs LAFC. If the white girls are talking about it, you know it is doing alright
Yeah I have no idea wtf he is insinuating with any of that nonsense. It's like one schizo thought after another that makes no sense to anybody but him. If he has been doing this for a long time, he needs psychological help and medication
No, its not going to 'kill the league'.

Maybe it stifles it growth since its not on ESPN ever and is only on FOX every once in a while, but it won't kill it. What it means is that certain bars become "MLS bars" since they buy the pass and everyone who wants to watch the MLS game goes to those bars that they know have the pass. Tons of bars in my city play MLS games even with it being behind a paywall.
I don’t like playoffs in soccer desu however, if they have to have playoffs to appeal to American casuals I’d rather them get rid of conferences and the top 14 teams get in, with seeding going 1-14, 2-13, etc and it’s either best of 3 or knockout, so the final could be 2 geographically close teams, and that could help build rivalries etc.

Otherwise just do 56 games where each team plays each other twice, one at home and once away and the team with the most points wins
this is schizophrenia
this is true
this is counter-schizophrenia
the truth is that MLS is still an amateur-tier league and until they change the regulations regarding salaries and foreign players they really really really arent going to have a competitive league without relegation, most homegrown players suck and an American MLS player doing good there doesnt always translate into them playing well in Europe and the way the US is geographically and how that meshes with football, its never going to have a normal football league, much less attract a public as big as NFL, college football or basketball, because culturally its never been a sport thats been present and out there like American football, basketball or hockey.
attendance is quite good and as I understand many kids play soccer nowadays
also helps that any kid can watch youtube, its not just closed of to what comes on TV anymore, much easier for a sport to become popular
The dallas vs rsl game right now had a goal scored because the other team wasn't paying attention and walked as slow as they could to make their wall
kids have been playing football in the us for a while now but its not a sport they stick with once they reach highschool, thats the issue, interest isnt held past that period of their lives.
the fact you just told me that you can watch these games in youtube also brings up another massive issue this thing has and its marketing, you have to go out of your way to go see what teams are playing, at what hours and what days of the week, there isnt enough ads announcing games on TV or where to watch them
MLS academies are still very young.
Give them some time to develop them and American soccer can improve. MLS has enough investment to grow for a while even without much public interest.

Also, as the German said, attendance is actually pretty decent. Even the USL game I'm watching now has 7,000 people there and its in a Minor League Baseball stadium on a Wednesday night.

The reason for the restriction on salaries is because they didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the NASL (which brought Pele to NYC). They don't really trust the scouting system, they'll relax restrictions as the league grows. The reason for restrictions on foreign players is that they want teams to invest in developing players through academies rather than just buying players from Latin America.
I tried to watch a replay of the sunday night game last week (the only free game AppleTV jews allowed) and I wasn't allowed to watch it without signing up for an account. Wasn't in the mood to deal with that bullshit to watch a game I didn't care about anyway.

Dunno what that guy thinks but if you want to see MLS match threads with discussion, people on /sp/ will need to be able to watch the games and right now that's just not fucking happening. In the past week I've watched 3 UEFA CL games as well as the highlights of many others on Paramount+, which I already had for other reasons.

Also I have to say so many of the MLS team names are unbelievably cringe, mindless imitations of European team names.
>Sporting Kansas City
>Inter Miami
>Real Salt Lake
Plus all the teams using "FC" instead of calling it soccer which is the American English term for the sport.
>kids have been playing football in the us for a while now but its not a sport they stick with once they reach highschool
That's not really true. A lot of kids play soccer in high school and being a good high school soccer player actually gets you a decent amount of prestige.

But high school soccer is never going to lead to quality development. MLS academies need to scoop up players with promise as soon as possible. You can actually read about high school soccer coaches who are pissed that MLS academies "stole" their players
yeah, all that needs to happen is for the US to produce a world class player like Messi or Ronaldo and soccer explodes in the US
MLS’ big brain move of expanding the league by putting MORE teams in New York and California will always make me seethe
NY and LA are big cities, they can support two teams each. California only has 3 teams, which isn't even that much for a state of its size.
>people on /sp/ will need to be able to watch the games
It's more accessible now than it was in the past
I get that Cali is a big state but 2 of those are LA teams
Do people really thing being on Bally Sports is more accessible?

Especially since they're going for a younger audience that is less likely to have cable.
Maybe it would have been better to sell the media rights for basically nothing in exchange for being on network TV more and being on something like ESPN+, Paramount+, or Peacock.

I wonder if La Liga and Bundesliga are really making anything from being on ESPN+, or did they just give them the rights for cheap in exchange for being accessible to Americans?
It's clearly not good enough, that's the answer to OP.
The answer is they don't
La Liga and Bundesliga games rate very poorly but if it gets their clubs a few more in shirt sales they're fine with it

The biggest issues in your solution is 1. MLS is the biggest league in the world that is super reliant on match day income and 2. ESPN+ wouldn't advertise MLS at all
I'm watching LA Galaxy vs Portland right now and the stadium is pretty full. Not sure why the doom and gloom with some people. This league has a lot of potential, just gotta give it time
the fact that he keeps doubling down on this apple tv nonsense says it all. Mf is now coping hard about it being the perfect app
>genuinely believes that MLelSoy is a well-ran business headed by Warren Buffet Blackrock-level investors who know how to catapult MLelSoy into the top 4 league in the world
MLS doesn't care about any of this, they just want a nice jew product that generates safe annuities and write off any losses through tax write offs. The stadiums are the bulk of the value and they still don't know how to generate profit off of them to the level of the NFL. In fact, NFL stadiums are still preferred as venues over MLS SS stadiums. Why anyone thinks MLS is destined for glory is beyond me, that's just retarded.
>and cutting their national outreach to a streaming app owned by less than 10% of Americans
Anyone could've told MLS what a bad idea this was. They are nowhere close to the profitable stage and wanted an immediate investment return so they sold the league off to a smaller competitor in Apple. They should've continued taking TV losses and continued with RSNs to promote Messi as much as possible. So much for these genius businessmen.
How do you out schizo the Doyle schizo?
Funny considering you're the faggot who pretends to be a chicano and has been spamming /sp/ for years about the MLelSoy being a top 4 league in the next upcoming 4 years.
I'm not a 3rd world spic so messi doesnt mean anything to me anymore since he left barcelona. I already watch epl and spend my ten bucks a month on a peacock sub. Why should i waste another 15 bucks a month on a shit league where they come up with random ass new teams every year? If im going to be a customer i might as well watch the best product period.
get off your VPN, Nigel
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>peacock sub
You can be a plastic and think you have some sort of allegiance to a club you'll see play live maybe 5 times in your life.
Meanwhile, people like going to watch their local team play, enjoy watching soccer with people close to the area and making friends. It doesn't matter the level of play, as long as everyone is having fun that's all that matters. You think people in Croatia give a shit that their league isn't the best in the world? You think guys who support teams in Greece give one fuck that they'll never win Champions League? Does the guy who supports CD Palestino give a rat's ass that he'll never get to see the best soccer in the world played in his stadium? They all just go to have a good time. Something someone like you who has a peanut brain doesn't seem to understand. Hate all you want on whatever you want, but let people be. Misery enjoys company, but you ain't getting to spread your hate on others without people calling you out on your bullshit
cali should have 2 or 3 la teams, san diego, 2 or 3 bay area teams, sacramento
No one wants to watch MLelSoy with you, Doyle.
mlels is all plastic dude, none of that shit applies to mlels and your little gay fanfiction of having fun isnt the reason for club support around the world. Clubs are communities not billionaire backed stadiums given a franchise logo by corporations and everyone around the world is a fan of their local clubs because they are built by the locals. of course they care about their team even if they play in the greek 3rd division because it's their community being represented. your analogy is shit because the closest thing to grassroots support isnt mlels but college sports. But sure go larp how your chivas usa franchise folded and rebranded themselves as lafc so that celebrities can buy and own a franchise to get dumb casuals on board holy fuck what a god awful point you made
>grassroots sport you need nothing but a ball to go out and do isn't affected by muh superstar
soccer isn't a foreign concept that needs some celebrity to bring awareness to
I don't rate pissi 'riggi' cucktini
so next decade in ten years there will be relegation and promotion on MLS?
my little soccer is trash
soccer is gay
4chan got banned in india
mlels is that 30 year old prospect now
heh just needs ten more years to fulfill his potential...
There will never be promotion and relegation in the MLS. Its too much of farfetched and profit-losing idea for Anerican sports investors and fans.
Most Americans don’t even know what that is lol
> but college sports

You're fucking retarded. The NCAA and all college affiliated sports teams are backed by big money and only care about money and being global brands with big tv deals.
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I watched all our sports for several years as a kid and never even conceived of the concept until I played an obscure racing game that had it. A normalfag to this day won't have a clue what that term means with sports
>The stadiums are the bulk of the value and they still don't know how to generate profit off of them to the level of the NFL.
In fact, NFL stadiums are still preferred as venues over MLS SS stadiums.

Brother, MLS stadiums have like half the capacity size of NFL stadiums.

>They are nowhere close to the profitable stage
Theyve been profitable for years now

Silly anon, still stuck trolling /mls/ in 2012
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Frio o frio
Nobody cares enough to talk about games and players on /sp/ that's the salient point. The only topics that interest posters here are all the retarded metas that have been brought up ITT.
>The NCAA and all college affiliated sports teams are backed by big money
Only (american) football and basketball.

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