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>the "that'll be *insert contract value* + tip" meme is actually coming true
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Couldnt they just give each player a 100k salary on average and deduct that from their profits?
If they have 125 players that would be 12.5 million from their 202 million profit so only about 5% of their profit could go to players.
Why tax the people actually showing up and creating an atmosphere at stadium
This season they can't actually pay players through program revenue. Players can only be paid by "NIL Collectives", basically organizations fans donate to that pay players.

This is likely changing next season however.
cobson never said that
>pay your employees chud
eurofags will defend this
Jesus fucking christ America is a nightmare.
>tax the people who already pay the bills.
>add some bullshit salary on TOP of scholarship and free promotion of your brand
of course.
Just eat the rich at this point. Who cares
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Tennessee bros
is this good or bad?
they could just stop attending
>talent tax
so the vols have nothing that should be taxed?
Good as long as they're winning. Most people would gladly pay an extra $20~ for tickets if >we are beating the fuck out of Florida and those cousin fuckers in Bama
pretty yeji
They have won the SEC all sports award two years in a row and the national championship in baseball this year.

Lower your tone when talking to me.
guess you wont have to worry about that 20 buck tax then
gtfo of here, faggot. no one gives a shit.
>Why tax the people actually showing up and creating an atmosphere at stadium
because they'll pay it
American's love leaving tips so much they adopted circumcision
should be obvious to everyone by now that the people who watch sports are the actual opponent and every time you give them money, you lose.
> Jesus christ
> tf
They could, but multiple generations of Americans have been brainwashed to believe they must waste four years in their prime and take on hundreds of thousands in debt to avoid becoming a failure, so they won't
nuke the entire of usa
What if they just took this 10% out of owners' pockets?
>being poor
>every ticket costs 10% more
>the average ticket will cost 4.5% more

is it possible to learn this power?
I'd only tip on good matches. Don't rewards bad service
I guess the student-tickets are exempt from this?
The iPad is gonna ask you a few questions
Kek it's retarded, wherever it's coming from.
Tennis should do this
best answer
americans are like cows that are just keep getting milked
>deduct that from their profits

kek welcome to capitalism
you do realise not every ticket is the same price you retards?
There's something so strange about everything American sports. Even the whole idea of relegation is extremely American. You work hard or you lose, the American way etc, but in fact American sports are the opposite do no work and don't get punished. It's like this through every root and branch of the sporting infrastructure.
Why the fuck do euros always act like they've discovered something profound whenever they experience the slightest bit of culture shock? Seriously, this has been going on for centuries now.
What, I'm just saying that everything American sports is antithetical to American values.
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There's nothing interesting about pro rel if this is the result though college football is the closest sport to having pro-rel on a longer and unregulated timeframe. Teams that competed for a 1930 championship range from defunct to division 3 to highly ranked FBS teams today.
>Deduct that from their profits
>helping fund the proposed revenue share
In other words, they’re not sharing their existing revenue? They’ve invented a new charge, which will be new revenue, and that will go to the players instead so that the original revenue doesn’t have to be shared. Oy vey!
>202 million profit
revenue, not profit.
That's because American sports are actually Jewish.

>making the customer directly pay the staff’s wages so the institution can save money

US sports being run like their restaurants
Truth nuke
I didn't say it was interesting. I just thinking out of the two systems of punishing poor play, the football model is much more American than the American model.
when every seat is +10%, the average increase across the stadium is *drumroll* +10%.
>tax plebs +10%
>tax VIP +0%
>average price is +4.5%
capitalism 101
>Capitalism is hypothetical scenario that I don't like
at last I truly see
Why do americans love tips so much?
>the average increase across the stadium is *drumroll* +10%.
That is if they charge money for each ticket and they sell all the tickets, which doesn't happen
don't tell me, tell >>144552828
Traditionally it only applied to certain services as a voluntary way to reward good service. And this is reflected in the service culture in the US being far more pleasant than Europe on average. Barbers and hairdressers, bellhops, and of course waiters and waitresses.

The problem recently though is that tipping culture has become yet another corporate meme and zoomers are the most pathetic brainwashed generation ever. Every Silicon Valley payment app prompts for tips on every damn transaction. And zoomers just bend over and pay while whining about it on xitter.

In this case, calling it a tip is just bullshit marketing. It's not a tip if it's not voluntary. It's just a way to sell a price increase. If this was Europe the same price increase would happen it would just be called a tax or something. And Euros would be just as eager to pay.
>Couldnt they just give each player a 100k salary on average and deduct that from their profits?
are you new?
Fatherless black hands typed this post

>We're going to charge you to pay for the student athletes on top of our profit

Turns out football fans that claimed to be protagonists are actually NPCs. Go fig.

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