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danny dimes bout to bootyblast yall
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This is the thread
shit teams
post the drip
Two threads
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>can't hit a swing route
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Do people wear cowboy hats unironically?
no bug people allowed
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Hold up!
no refunds
jerked off to gay gangbang porn during halftime
go cowboys!
Dubs for cowboys win 24-15 also Charissa's cooch
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This game has been straight up doo doo
sup bondie savin up for that bandos pl8?
Danny Dimes could light it up with the Dallas O-line and receivers.
Dak wouldn't move the ball behind the Giants O-line
I will not say it again. Do not fucking post NSFW images
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I only jerk off when going to bed or trying to wake up
>Cowboys defense finally realized the game started

it's over for the gnats
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Imagine being a fan of los vaqueros de dalas tejas could never be me
I was the one who made that comment and I’d still eat your asshole and pussy.
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It's not that unusual in Texas or the west.
Herbstreit is your typical successful NPC
watcha gonna do?
Ban me faggot?
Coomerposting is spee culture
You a fag or something?
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Based roast poster. We are so back.
i'm a helmie
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refbros we need to make a resurgence
>i will not say it again
>says it again for the 5th time tonight
Are you the one they call stump grinder?
Shit teams
I prefer wine when I’m watching football
or always really
beer kind of sucks
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i got a substance for her, if you know what i mean
I wear cowboy boots to work every day.
My dolphins would crush these shit teams
Third worlders love theatrically pretending this is disgusting when it's just a normal vagina for a women her age. I think they get insecure and act out whenever they see a white woman
Schoolboys 4 Giants

Whare the fuck are you guys at??
i hate fat "people"
Reffies are taking it easy, they are gearing up for the next Chiefs game
The Hope Solo picture is a test. If you don't immediately want to bury your mouth on that you're probably not straight.
same, i'm in san antonio. probably one out of five people walking around wear them.
>a commercial comparing living in jew york or dallass
keks in Upper Midwest
I just ate like half a pound of buttery spaghetti noodles bros
I don't feel good
my asshole hurts from this Dak I just dropped
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We came out too hyped up in the first half and we lost our momentum. I don't know if we can still pull this one out
>black people playing hockey
>black women playing hockey
kwabanda ad
Jesus get this reddit faggot out of here
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I hope someone finds and clips this little weird bitch.
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The Giants would be a legit playoff team with a slightly above average QB and/or elite OC. Jones sucks. Daboll sucks at playcalling.
there was one (1) funny geico caveman ad 30 years ago and theyve been forcing it ever since
Cowboys kicker is too good
It's boring
>caldwell banker ad says average home price NYC is $740K vs $240k in Dallas

does everyone in NY just rent or commute?
>right after saying this
there's maybe two good NFL games on a week. are people just watching out of boredom?
Mods be sleepin'! All I need is 18 more Ferguson yards for my parlay to hit! Come on!
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uhhh... refbros... are we back???
Wine tastes like spoiled grape juice to me, cannot believe people love that shit. Beer is like the greatest soda ever: carbonation, taste and how filling it is.
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It's a thing of beauty
The older I get the more appealing she becomes. I would, completely unironically.
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they even made a tv show out of it to talk about how bad wayyyysism is...give you 1 guess what (((race))) of people played the cavemen.
It's 10:30, wtf else would I be doing?
Is the Goose still dropping hot ones or retired?
My Redskins will bootyblast both of these shit teams
Even renting is outrageous. Like 5k a month easily. Surrounding area is 4-4.5k.
>Cowboys defense turns on
>Offensive line turns off

it's so tiring
I want to have sex with men.
I think it's neat. Him and his wife were watching football and someone missed a kick and she told him he could've made that kick and now look at him. It's funny.
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I think that beer tastes like shit and that vodka is the superior alcoholic beverage.
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this thread is moving so fast no one will notice that i'm a proud gay cowboys fan
Can't play the Gals defense every week
laying in bed with your wife
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ur in a rent controlled apartment or very wealthy
Wtf why even bother
can downies be drowned at birth please
>out route on 3rd and 12
A gay cowsois fan is perfectly unremarkable
Tom shouldn't you be preparing to call the Packers game this weekend
Cowfaggot detected
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>sad checkdown
I just love the hustle and bustle of the big city
What do girl smell like bros
I'm not personally I'm looking in south jersey now. Or maybe PA.
That's what we're going to call it.
vodka + a bit of cranberry juice = goes down extremely easy and gets you wasted
Fake and gay
Giants suck ! !
There needs to be a guy whose sole job it is to punch the stadium announcer in the face if he takes more than two seconds saying it's third down.
why does it sound like there are more cowboys fans than giants fans?
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salty bags of milk
Like your mom
Kitty of /sp/ what is your wisdom
the hustle AND bustle
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I keep buying prostitutes and eating their ass.

What are the chances I get hep soon
I don't give two shits about the NFC, nor do I have a particular hateboner for Dem Sois like most people, I just want the Gnats to win because it'll be funny.
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Terrible play for 3rd down. Lol
Why'd they have them say they're women 3 times to start this commericial
I had a firehouse beef and cheddar brisket sandwich and a some takis for dinner. Currently shitting my brain outs. Can someone keep my updated on the game? Thanks.
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What the FUCK is HER2?
I really have no idea what that breast cancer medicine commercial meant by that
Real niggas spike Gatorade with vodka
They're gendering pharmaceutical medication now?
Throw some ginger ale in there too and it's magic
lads i want to go to sleep but i need to be sure the giants will choke
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>prostitutes and eating their ass.
New Jersey is Cowboys country casual
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Nobody’s getting clipped
the sequel to women, also known as trannies
>Or maybe PA.
We don't want you yuppie liberal cityfaggots here fuck off. When your boomers fled after they fucked up their shithole in 2019 and 2020 it fucked up our housing market, which is still fucked.
Fuck off we're full.
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I bet it would go over 45 points bros

I will never recover
I paid 87,000 yen (500 dollars) to fuck my favourite JAV girl
Fuck cancer
it's a genetic marker, anon

trastuzumab is standard of care for HER2 positive breast cancer, but it has a potential side effect of reversible cardiotoxicity
Are they saying we have gynooo???
>primetime overs
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Deserved. Takis are fucking garbage and the one time I went to Firehouse those faggots put MAYO on a bbq sandwich.
>he thought there’d be points this game
Based, how was it?
>are people just watching out of boredom
that's all sports
beer is like bread wine
they're that cheap or just not that famous?
Who wants Zendaya? NOBODY
Why would you ever take overs on Thursday games they're always shit and both teams are dead just going through the motions
Does Nabers chimp out every time he gets tackled? KWAB
I'd put it inhertoo
is it he/him cancer or she/her cancer?
>yankin enhertu
snoop fatigue
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>mfw there are still “males” ITT who haven’t tried vodka mixed with apple cider
Is the "Zatarain is attractive" thing a psyop? I assume she's mixed and there are a few attractive mixed girls, but she's not one.
shes safe sexy, the hollywood jews DEMAND that you be attracted to her
You can just by real cider.
What is Ho Peny and why should I call them if i gamble?
Giants need to be either good or laughably bad. This is getting boring watching them play for field goals.
def wasn't Hitomi
>4th quarter
right, well now it's time for the cowboys to score 20+ points
It's a growth factor receptor. HER2 positive breast cancer means the cancer cell had a mutation in HER2 expression that made it constitutively expressed, leading to the uncontrolled growth. Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody (mab) that targets the HER2 receptor, essentially binding the receptor and preventing dimerization that leads to downstream upregulation of growth processes. This slows the growth of the cancer and allows for other treatments like radiation to kill the tumor.
Fuck off fed
Are they different every encounter? You should just stick to 2 max. But you need to take a break regardless
Reminder that Snoop is a pedo and has a secret tunnel in his house connected to Disney Land. Look it up if you don't believe me.
>boss recently learned that I play golf
>took me to his club last week for a round with him and 2 clients
>shot a 71
>now I'm invited on his dime to every charity outing and event he's got lined up this fall since I'm his ringer
This may be the worst non injured team of the last 20 years in Dallas
look up 'nflbite' dumb faggot.
You gotta get those electrolytes and vitamins so you don't get the shakes in the morning
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>safe sexy
No it's just a subversive psyop
Vodka goes with lemonade or limeade. Buy the 48 ounce bottle, pour off one glass and top it off with something nice like Belvedere or Ketel One.
you can do 75/25 vodka/anything sweet or tart and it will be good
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Reminder that mayo belongs on cold deli meat sandwiches only.
NOT hotdogs
NOT burgers
and NOT a dipping sauce (looking at you, fucking europoors)
How do niggers not know about NFL bite yet?
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I bet I can get Quads
are you actually that good? or are you in for some hijinks?
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How could Richie Aprile fix this team?
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>why the cowboys are laggin'
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can i PLEASE get some reffie power spike this quarter?
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>on anything
Whomever invented that shit deserved jailtime
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Nfl is starting to feel gayer than the nba. Soulless slop
>even al has to acknowledge this faggot team plays in jersey
This stream is unbearable
Do retards still not know that TNF is free on Twitch not even needing an account?
They're still milking Walking Dead? It's been at least a decade since I've seen anything about it.
NFCE Loser Bowl is living up to its billing
>seems about 40
based al michaels
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>Please do NOT respond to this unless you have a 4chan Pass.
Are our Cowboys gonna pull this one off? Kinda nervous.
Can they just figure out a way to not make the jersey's holdable? Also close the face masks you fucking retards
We say this every year. Next year's team will be worse. Trust me I know the cowboys
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>blackoid can't handle eggs and vinegar
I believe the main series is finished for good. There's gonna be some spinoffs and possibly some theatrical releases.
He’d build a ramp up to Dabol’s ass and drive a Lionel up in there. Or maybe break a coffee pot over Jones‘s head.
vodka and apple juice/cider is okay but orange juice is much better
low tier JAV girls come to my city and do some escort work out of spas for like a month before going back to Japan
Costs roughly the same over here
Too true.
I hate it when they put mayo on my cheeseburger when I didn’t ask for that disgusting shit. You have to wipe that off with your napkin and it just creates a mess when they could’ve NOT PUT MAYO ON MY BURGER
Jones has underthrown almost every deep ball tonight
DJ is so fucking bad. At least 3 throws horribly under throw that could have been TDa
If I was Daboll I would punt and play for the inevitable theDak Picksix
Kinda funny that zoomies don't know how to ban evade
sexpats are subhuman
Retard fight
why dont ya pull this off, queerboy.
let's just grease dudes like it's the 70s
I had no expectations for the Gnats, but the Cowgirls look truly awful this year.
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Kinda zesty innit?
I played throughout high school as team captain and was the #3 guy on my college team but was never THAT good enough for it to even be a thought that it would go anywhere. Now I'm just a single digit hcp that's a golf outing/member-guest mercenary I suppose
THE black quarterback??
What kind of subhuman puts mayo on a hotdog?
>black qbs
If they're not already blowing out the Gnats, they're in trouble.
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>muh black qbs
>Revolution of the Black Quarterback
Kino incoming
>black qb
Mahomes is black?
>evolution of the black qb
>shows mahomes at the top

do blacks really?
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>black qbs
Al Michaels sounds like he's dribbling and slurring. Did he have a stroke?
>black qbs
Game is kinda boring. Wish there were shenanigans like last year
>new docuseries called the evolution of the black quarterback
You'd be surprised. Went to a bbq years ago and that was one of the standard fixings.
Go for it pussy
Dubs and cowboys win, Zendaya fades out of limelight, Sydney Sweeney sextape leaks
as long as you can milk it and its enjoyable thats pretty sweet.
You aren’t good
That still means someone watches it, which is surprising. I'll watch when they add Lee, Clem, and Kenny.
>cowgirls winning
>Jujutsu Kaisen ended on a wet fart
Today is a pretty bad day
>Michael Vick explores the history of black quarterbacks

So you mean like being a criminal breeding dogs to fight? Fucking woke retard Goodell
how many times have cowshit dbs completely missed a tackle on a giants wr that just caught the ball
Jones is a bum, these receivers have been open all night
did he just throw that ball at his nuts
>3rd and long
>don't throw 10 yards
again and again and again and again
keep watching, dem boys are 100% going to lose.

t. cowboys lifelong
If you're tired of the one drop rule applying to blacks only, then you need to aggressively claim every mixed race person with one drop of white as a white person

Obama is now white. Malcolm X is white. Patrick Mahomes is white.

Make them play by their own rules.
This shit game cost him a few brain cells
Russell wilson is black? I thought he was Samoan
okay now score a TD
That’s literally what shitbulls were put on this earth for, killing each other. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Jones is elite.
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its our time
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>mfw illegal contact
Cowboy's defense is ass.
nabers is open literally every play, just throw him the ball its not hard bro
Dem Boys losing will be so funny
TWD is one if the original reasons Netflix and chill became a thing. People just feel compelled to watch the entire series because muh cliffhangers.
danny dimes unironically just needed more help
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Only ever read the first chapter of JJK, feels good being a One Piece chad
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>shitcongo could have had nabers and odunze
Nabers can't survive this kind of volume every game
Dallas is really an embarrassment at this point
he's half black
This thread is moving so slow nobody will notice that my penis is erect and engorged with blood
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Danny needs to throw some more Moonballs to Nabers.
Jones is gonna injure Nabers making these throws
>randomly pops up while I'm trying to watch football
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bros?
they're mulatto
I never said I was. I think I'm a lot better than most people, but I know I'll get smoked by the actual really talented dudes out there.
>jones is elite when facing 0 pressure and is throwing to wide open receivers
they're gonna kill nabers
>cowboys tackling
Terrible playcalling holy shit
They drafted a future Steeler instead
There is a reason our coach always said North/South, not East/West...and that is it right there.
Excuse me miss, but you have a piece of yellow cloth lodged in between your bossom.
>Jones trying to block
Good effort I guess
Looks like he got a little confused about which way to run.
>running back across the field knowing that only daniel jones is there to block
woo lad
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I had a job interview today.
why is micah raping diggs
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rip I'm retarded
>lol diggs down
Dubs for cowboys int
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These are some real shit teams overall
At the very least, the Giants made the Cowboys look awful and chipped away at their roster.
rip diggs
brady was right when he said guys are tossing hospital balls all the time now
>teammate with clearly ZERO medical training just starts rubbing his hammy and calf
kek, let the White people handle that, jamaal.
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>NFC East is the worst division in football this year
I did yesterday. job market is brutal
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A good get wasted
desu, JJK was ass for a little while. its the definitive manga in terms of wasted potential and it was clear like halfway through that the mangaka stopped caring about the series and rushed to the end
OP is surprisingly consistent, thats why its the GOAT
Daboll is awful at this.
this game is painful
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Imagine putting the Cowsois and the Gaynts on primetime in the Year of Our Lord Twenty Hundred and Twenty-Four.
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Diggs' son is worried. Say something to calm him down.
Isnt it kinda racist to make a documentary exploring how blacks adapted to learn to play QB, like theyre cavemen first learning to make fire or some shit lmao
Why aren’t the cowboys up 40-0 by now? What went so wrong?
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Am I human?
No one givesa a shit moron this is a sports discussion board
>work mode, no images
ahh much better game threads
I didn't get anything.
Kickers own this game
God damn both of us are dogshit teams
its called ordering it dry you stupid faggot
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Are NFL players getting too weak?
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and another FG by the giants coming
>danny ">white qbs" dimes
he's actually full black, he jsut looks like that
bad throw but still should've caught it

Sex with Cara
>this year
it will be okay son

Your dad is a soft sissy
kino kickbowl
he underthrows everything above 10 yards
did you mew?
Daniel Jones is singlehandedly winning this game and his Receivers and O-line are holding him back
They're acting like the dawn of Warren Moon and Doug Williams was like the beginning to 2001 a Space Odyssey
2 hands in the chest, come the fuck on
Honestly, this game hasn't been bad at all. I'm just glad it's close
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let me tell you about the afc south....
I almost quit mine today with no backup kek
Hit him right in the fucking hands you dumb boomer
nice good luck bud
Imagine if the Giants had a QB
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This game does not make me cum.
It's ok we'll get em next time
hope him and your uncle die painfully
>I have to specify that I want my burger dry when it should be common knowledge that nobody fucking likes mayonnaise on their burgers
lad.. *pats him on the head and leaves*
I scream ">BLACK QBS" at him
I'm glad I'm not a fan of either of these teams. In entertained by a other shit TNF game yet again.
Your mom's hot, I'll become your new daddy
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Please wait a while before making a post
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that kicker is good
hmm watching games with bad quarterback play isn't very enjoyable
Did you put your experience as a 4chan user on your resume?
good luck anon which job.
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My Texies :) hafta put that shit div on our backs
Why are the giants allergic to touchdowns?
Coach Primate?
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Slayton needs to not play, dude cant catch a cold out in a blizzard
libtards rarely think this shit through to the end. they care about quantity and lambasting you with their cuck nonsense, not making it count and having a true message.
when's your first walmart shift?
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uh no

>According to genetic admixture analysis, Wilson is 62% African, 36% European, 1% West Asian, and 1% Central Asian.[23][24][25]

offering free prostate cancer screens to all anons itt ;)
This is why I always go for it on 4th down in Madden
The entire basis of the American left is coddling minorities like they're children who can't do anything on their own

>Voter ID is racist. (because they're too stupid to get IDs)
>Standardized testing is racist (because they're too stupid to pass standardized tests)
>The poor deserve welfare (because they're too stupid to get a real job)

If you ever want to expose a leftist for the racism in their heart, just keep asking "Why?" when they talk about black people, and watch them squirm while trying to say that black people deserve special attention without saying that black people are inferior
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did...did you just compare black qbs to primates? please allow me to show you out of the thread.
>Primates of Sumatra
>next person I see on the screen is Dakota Rayne Prescott
There is no "half-black" you retard. One drop rule.
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blessed back to back trip gets
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>best team in the AFC South
>somehow still lose to the Vikings nobody expected to do shit this year

I can’t wait to beat Dallas in the wildcard before losing in the divisional round
62% is definitely more than a drop.
Why do the Giants have a black QB (#5) playing DE against the cowboys?
Can you take a look at the rash on my balls at the same time?
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It really do be like that sometimes don't it
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>8 total incompletions in the game
>17-15 score
when are you going to admit he was right? we have to step in and do something about this scoring deficiency at some point.
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Meanwhile, despite zero run game, drops and sieve of an O-line...
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How will Dem Sois flop this?
>miss the game because you're too stupid to drink water
Maybe teams should bring back the running back position.
where are you faggots coming from
>noooooooooooo I'm too ashy take me outta the game coach
yeah sure what's going on
gimme the story and a pic and your vitals and also your medical history and sexual history and family history and recent travel and sick contacts
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peak spaghetti bowl here lads
i wish i was a cute girl
Because Dallas is terrible
Because both teams are shit
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Al Michaels sounds like he just wants a crazy man to burst into the booth and just shoot him dead
list of gay things:
dallas cowboys
gay people
>IV for dehydration
Does Diggs not know how to drink water while playing a game?
One drop doesn't make you black. It just means you don't get to be white.
Are the giants gonna win via field goals only?
The issue is lazy players having the union get them less practice time. O lines hurt the most from that since they need it the most.
>needing an IV
just drink more water lol
that’s a man
giants need a turnover, refs won't let cowboys punt for the rest of the game
He's literally old anon
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What would you do if she rejected you?
>% over expewcted % when the sun is shining from the ___ when the wind is blowing ___ from the ____
When did the NFL start using baseball meme stats?
run the damn ball
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Holy kek, fucking made me cackle irl
Would be the most kino outcome at this point.
No because the Cowboys are drilling FGs from midfield
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just tuned in, how are my reffies doing?
Helps with cramps
>shitty MetLife turf stuck in your eyes
The NFL really needs to step in about this legitimately dangerous stadium
You can be old and still get excited, but that's not happening right now.
New Yorkers
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can confirm...used to take IV drips after getting shit faced the night before. Stuff lights you up!
Pfft, if you're darker than white you're black. There is only white, black and asian.
>One drop doesn't make you black.
Yes it does. You're either 0% black or 100%. There is no "half" there is no "part", and there is no "I have 2% in my DNA".
"Wow lmao i didn't know that menopause was that rough. Sorry for your family, bet they're miserable too lol"

and then i'd look into a different field
Dak INT feels imminent
>the game is close
>dick shitfuck
My McKenna is not a man...
The reffies completely fucked the giants over in the first quarter with a phantom facemask and have been trying to make up for it with infinite calls against dallas since.

It's to the point Al Michaels might quite while on air in disgust.
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Kinda gay thing to say innit
Show me her back scar
So does a Daniel Jones fumble
>You must be this % nigger to qual
nope. In the old days they actually called mixed people "yellow" not black.
“Zach Martin coming back in… probably can only see out of one eye…”
big play time
Back scar?
>black QB immediately looks for a flag
this sport is fuckin' joke
Thisty boy is back
>Dak Hitashethrowscott
And they were wrong. If you have nigger DNA, then you aren't human.
Her necklace is worse than her reply.
random chats on illegal stream websites are better than nu/sp/ gamethreads
Cowboys win 23-21 Screen cap this
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Reffies, we're in the final minutes. What are we cooking up?
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Dad put me as part owner of his new car but now I have to learn how to drive
Danny Dimes game winning drive
>gnats have to actually score a td
its over
>dick poopsock
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What nfl team should I become a fan of? It needs to have a minimal amount of Jews in the organization and also have the smallest carbon footprint.

If they ain't DD I don't want it.
Al is just there to get paid. He dont care anymore lol
Down the middle every fucking time. Why even get an NFL kicker when you can get a soccer kicker?
Bold of you to assume the Giants can reach the endzone.
>Giants score a TD
>Game ends with a Dak interception
As im typing this post my ass is getting sprayed by my bidet
goin to babbages, want anything /sp/ee?
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Please let cowboys have a very bad season. We need a wake up call.
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No they're not, it's all normies spouting normie shit. Sorry you have room temperature IQ and can't get the humor.
Third worlders, zoomers, gooners, and Canadians have ruined this site
The Giants literally just need 1 TD
Thats it
Just 1
I didn't know it was a competition I gotta step up my game
Broncos. White head coach. White QB. White cb.
, etc. official team of the white man.
okay how do win this as gnats? 7m left even if they make the TD that's what 3, 4m for Dallas?
The cuckboys are actually going to lose this lel
>posting the discord tranny cat
You are going to allow the Giants to win through several holding calls.
Cowboys leaving it too close
kind of crazy to think "revolutionaries" actually overthrew governments less than 100 years ago and now they just get arrested for a few days then go back to screeching on social media
ong frfr no cap
use a sponge like a normal person
everyone i've seen is just spamming nigger
Why does this game feel particularly ‘off’? Like no one seems excited, it’s quiet, both teams seem disinterested.
Jags are owned by a jeet. So new jew ownership
I don't trust the giants to get a TD
You lost the moment you paid Daniel Jones. WHY ON EARTH DID YOU PAY HIM?
>giants score tuddie, fail 2 point
>reffies helpe ACCCKK down the field
>le long kicker makes a 57 yarder to win
>tee hee black qb wins again
Did you fags learn nothing from watching how they help mutthomes every week?
Some Staple Sauce and Turbografix games
Grow up anon you're a fucking American ain't you.
2 of those teams weren’t expected to be good and one of them is about to put their staff to the firing line.

The NFCE has the commanders being the only like able team
It's the Giants
The Cowgirls arent in any danger
i tried phoneposting watching something live on my computer recently
it was hellish
That’s the the 49ers or chargers actually
It is quiet, the sound on the broadcast is terrible, you cannot hear the crowd. It sounds dead
my reffies sucking the energy out of this game like vampires
sad but true
>Giants haven't scored one tuddie this whole game
>Need a tuddie and 2 point conversion
I dunno, Naber's might be open with diggs out.LFG
>coach primate kfc commercial
He's on a very reasonable 2 year deal and he's carrying the team tonight.
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KFC is a blight on the concept of food. Can't believe people willingly ingest that corporate factory sludge.
i am currently experiencing diahhrea
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>An NFC East team will make the playoffs
If you don't have a team wait until we see how this season pans out before becoming a Broncos fan.
Someone cut this dude's legs off
Because Thursday night football sucks
kek, no.
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snes ascii pad
It's just spicy chicken
you are a newfaggot Discord/Xitter tourist
I NOW understand why people shit on Daniel Jones. He's pretty fucking bad, huh?
I don't know why people even bother with how over priced they are.
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Is that nigga eating sunflower seeds?
Dak is still due for a terrible interception.
This borefest will end soon, so an exit question:

Which teams/QBs are actual fun to watch and deserving of fandom?

/sp/ is mostly talking shit, so I'm bringing some positivity.

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G-Time bros
pick inc
49ers have the most white players in the nfl.
Is sheduer actually gonna be in the nfl next year. I cant wait for espn to be fellating him round clock. Nfl is cooked
There are legitimate psychopaths driving everyday, I don't want to share the road with these freaks
you have to go back. I'm
Amazon broadcasts mute the crowd and it makes everything seem lifeless. Plus most Thursday games are shit anyway.
>4th down
The racism and misogyny on those chats are deeply concerning. Why I stick with /sp/.
it's gonna be the redskins
That's some ridiculous pussy shit.
>reached with the wrong hand
the rest of the NFCE can thank the Vikings for keeping donatell through the playoffs
That’s a man
This is emva area
I would like to have sex with her mouth
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>knowing that pic is from a tranny discord
you shouldn't be spending this much time online, please spend more time outside perhaps?

Gnats won't get it, Danny Dimes been under throwing all game, no running game
San Fran is a gay city and if you're gay you can't be white
horrible job by WR there, gotta convert that
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the what now
the trick is to be a psychopath yourself
nah, road culture has destroyed north america
Someone bake new bread
>some penetration initially
Story of my life
did you not read the part where he asked for a small carbon footprint? They're owned by the fucking Waltons
Even if they skate by with a win, dem Boys are still not beating the fraud allegations tonight
I think the Giants would have more third down success if they ran something besides a 3 yard out or in to the slot every single time
Jayden Daniels was fun to watch this past Monday
Good thing they’re not in sf anymore. Btw saying ‘San Fran’ is the gayest shit. You say ‘ess eff’
Wasted trips
I think it’s because it’s between two division rivals that are competitive with each other. The one the normally owns the other is playing like garbage and are barely hanging on against a team that just sucks.

You’d see better energy if it was cowboys commanders I bet
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Bills are the underdog by virtue of being in AFC against Mahomes and actually a ton of fun to watch with that fireworks offense
I think this is a combo of DJ fucking sucking and some of the worst receivers I've ever seen.
>fucked up the catch
Giants suck
come on giants, go for a 4th out and then give it to singeltary because, why not?
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two retards fighting
Incredible game
Because Thursday Night Football was a mistake. The players hate playing on Thursday, the teams have less time to game plan and practice, and the fans have to go to work in the morning so they can't let loose.
>Cowboys literally killing themselves to beat the giants.
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This entire Giants offense is like some self-imposed challenge to never complete a pass past the line to gain.


the fuck

do you even

have a 3 yard route

on 3rd and 5
>Parsons ded
Daniel Jones literally could never. Would have underthrown him by 10 yards.
Yeah Josh Allen was my first thought but don't watch him much
I would of caughted that.
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It's over for the Giants
Based teen girl squad poster
>football team
>can’t score a touchdown in the red zone 5 times
Someone’s getting fired for sure. What a disappointment from the championship Giants years ago
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Game Winning Turnover
>this is PJ
>the short version is PJ tiny face

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