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>>144682092 old
Tried to watch Liiga but it sucks
watch for the atmosphere
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>not just cancelling the game altogether
Gary will not be denied his shekels.
euro leagues are literally unwatchable. shitty fucking ads everywhere, everything looks like shit and you can't even see the puck 90% of the time. even the little ice there is left, it looks terrible.
i don't know how players can even play on that.
hurricanes won
Thank you Gary
Id rather watch this than the plastic hockey league. Atleast the money is going straight to the team rather than watch american "sport" where the tv ads every 4 minutes go to some billionaires pockets.
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Just like my islanders
to be fair the ads every 4-5 minutes are appearing in euro leagues now. the iihf tournaments too so it's becoming more and more unbearable.
Eat cock randy
>pg 2 during hockey season
dead general
dead sport
>during the season
Still a week away retard
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Shit gimmick for retards
The oilers are 1-3-0 in the preseason
The Flames have assigned defenceman Zayne Parekh to the Saginaw Spirit (OHL).

Calgary now has 6 goalies, 16 defencemen, and 31 forwards in camp.
good thread bordering on very good

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