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/hoc/vious: >>144682092
sabres vs. ehc redbull at 2:30 pm est
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good afternoon saars
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+50 goal season up ahead
i'd fuck her asshole all night long like I was the Bruins and she was the laffs
my behind got tackled alot last night
insider here.
eastern conf. script leak incoming.
i'll drop the western conf. standings later.

1. fla
2. tor
3. bos
4. wings
5. tb
6. ott
7. mtl
8. buf

1. nyr
2. nj
3. car
4. nyi
5. wsh
6. pitt
7. phi
8. cbj
Is this the thread?
Dead things and devils are not making the fuckin playoffs buddy
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we know
I wouldn't take anyone who types like a brown too seriously.
Hokkei soon.......
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I have a fever and runny nose
Why did Gary send the Sabres to Germany?
Hitler is a massive Pat LaFontaine guy
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I know the stanley cup was only 2 months ago but it feels like Hockey has been gone forever
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That's how you know you're still...

... carrying a Flame
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I’m so happy for it to be back
didn’t ask
>Insider Names 2 Maple Leafs Trade Candidates To Get Cap Compliant Before Season
No D, no goaltending, no depth, and soft pusys everywhere. How can a team this shit be over the cap? How?
After Johnny Hockey died my dad who is supposedly a hockey fan was like who?
literally the same reason the acolyte cost Disney $230 Million dollars. over paying because your brand/company/town is not worth playing for, so you HAVE to overpay
Metros that formerly hosted NHL teams but currently do not

>Quebec City x2
>Kansas City
>Atlanta x2

Metros that have lost an NHL team in the past but have one right now

>Montreal x2
>St. Louis
>New York
>Minneapolis/St. Paul
I liked Acolyte
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Because the first 5 names on this list cost $54.153M this year

Top 10 Wingers in the league. Go.
I don't rate a single winger in the entire league. All the best forwards are centres or centres playing wing
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double fag
then how do you explain >>144695678
Me and Laine. Rest are shit.
>Quebec City x2

Leafs or Sabre, those are their options


>Kansas City

Possible but I would rather tham be in Kent or Akron

>Atlanta x2
Stop this

I'm a puerto rican and hartford is too puerto rican for even me. Hoc would not last there

yeah, I am still made about this but after the coyotes experience I don't think the NHL should return. Utah is a good place for them to be.
Cope we signed Anthony Mantha
hey /nuck/ fans, what is some stuff to do for a weekend if I come to vancouver for a weekend and a nucks game
1) Kucherov
2) Pastrnak
3-9) Rantanen, Panarin, Tkachuk, Robertson, Nylander, Marner, Reinhart

Those are the only wingers in the league who could drive their own line in the Top 6 of a good team.
Fentanyl laced heroin and then get stabbed by a saar
Why didn’t you retards tell me there was another thread
Hamilton is in Buffalo's market
Oakland is in San Jose's market
Hartford technically isn't in the Rangers or Bruins market, but it may as well be.
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My Debbie’s (:
One week until the season starts
(European opener)
Still can't believe that they made Dahlin captain in Buffalose. I can't wait to see him either
a) fall out with the org, request a trade and become the latest shitter that succeeds in a secondary role after Buffalo fans hailed him as a god.
b) stick around long enough to be stripped of the captaincy.
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Hamilton is a fucking DUMP
>Florida won't repeat with how many UFAs they lost
Just like my Long Island
There's a different dimension where the blackberry nigga moved the Nashville redditors to Hamilton
No there isn't. Toronto would have blocked the move for petty reasons, and Buffalo would have blocked it bc they'd go from poverty franchise to insolvent.
Threadly reminder that the Dallas Stars are gay choking retards.
i asked you nicely to please stop posting my wife here
sounds like my kind of team
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I've been a fan of Sabrina since 2019, but suddenly being the most popular singer out of nowhere and being everywhere feels so artificial.
Happens sometimes and I end up disliking the artist afterwards which is a shame :/
Just like everywhere from Windsor to Quebec City
Just like my islanders
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I don't trust anything anymore
Banff just can't stop winning
" YOu aRe QUieT SO yoU MUST HAve a PROblem." Can someone please tell me why us loners and quiet people are mistreated/misunderstood all the time. Like most of my family or people I met always has something to say about me being quiet or not leaving the house, my father even called me retarded for being different. and that's true I have autism, but whether I have it or not doesn't matter. Being quiet, or having a loner lifestyle is not a issue or a problem. not to mention that I live in Canada so it's even worse here since the culture is all about being nice , social etc etc. and everyone is loud, obnoxious and annoying. why do I have to be judged all the time? I Simply prefer being this way and liking to be alone. I don't like people at all and prefer to have a small group of friends.( one of them is like me) If I could stay 1 month at my home without talking to anyone I definitely would take the chance.

Hockey related
The Florida Panthers 23 man roster will only have 5 Canadians on it.
What are you doing in the house all day? I think people tend to conflate being quiet and a loner with being a shut-in loser. You don't need to be social to get out of the house. There are plenty of solo hobbies and activities.
But if you just stare at screens all day and eat junk food, then yeah, that's a problem.
Sabres have amazing jerseys and these redbull ads have no soul. Take notes gary
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I like to hit up the comic book store every few weeks and sometimes the pizza place next to it
Why does the ice look soo fucking wide? is it the camera angle?
They're in Europe
Do not tell me that this toilet franchise is starting their whole NHL roster against this bundesfarten club whose lead scorer was a 35-year-old defenseman who had never been a full-time NHLer.
American hockey knowledge
No mercy. USA!
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I KNOW the width of the rinks in Europe is large by 4 feet but it looks like it damn near 12 feet wider. it just looks really awkward, but I am assuming it is the placement of the camera
does anybody ever listen to hockey on the radio?
Sometimes when I'm in the car at night
it's 15 feet wider and slightly shorter.
They want to win cups so...
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This years jack adams winner
Literally every game
Halfway thru the first period, had a power play, still only 3 shots on goal. Embarrassing.
>euros measuring in yards
AH, there is my confusion.
Did the german goalie just drink out of a red bull can?
I mute my TV at all times so I don't ever hear a woman speak and I enjoy the commentary
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Who's the most prolific journeyman in all of hockey?
oh so you're still watching the game, just with a different audio
sometimes I may be driving
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Europe seems like a really gay place
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stop posting the wrong version
pretty good actually
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This but swap top with bottom
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>check NHL.com to see if there will be any games on tonight
>see buffalo is playing now
>open game up without paying attention who is playing
>when the fuck did Redbull get a team?
Blessed. Smackdown toknight
i've been gone for 2.5 hours.
not one (1) good post since i left.
Ahh yessir
God Bless
Buffalo got relagated to the DEL because theyve been shit for so long
Can't stop farting
You weren't gone long enough for the healing process to begin.
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
Sorry I've been reformating my cover letter and applying to jobs
Try this one on for size
>international ice
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had a dream last night that michkov led the flyers to a threepeat, bros. it's going to happen
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Forgot image
very cool
I would take one
I'm the rat
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bro he's already getting points and setting up sick goals bro, the flyers dynasty is real just look at thi bro
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bro why did you have to post that? michkov is going to be the best russian player of all time and we have to suffer through it bro
>meanwhile I'm watching real hockey
Forgot to post apparently, too
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please tell me michkov being on the flyers is just a bad dream, bros
habs could have had michkov, demidov, suzuki, slafkovsky and caufield in their top six.
Youve been trying to force this meme for the past half decade
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there's no meme about a flyers dynasty bro, the metrobros are right. philly gets a generational player and we waste the best goalie tandem in the league
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but then they would have a bunch of manlets trying to win
I am totally shaking in my boots at the flyers and their incompetence for the past decade
I would pay actual money for a legit Jamiroquai hololive cover

It would be so good
Int'l ice is way better. It allows plays to actually develop instead of nobody controlling the puck for 70% of the game.
did jeff marek kill himself?
It slows the game down and allows bad players to survive
>more ice
>slower game
it's so lame that the next olympics won't be played on big ice
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It's very cool Adolf, but that's nothing. Look at this.
It slows the game down in the sense that breakouts are slower. But who cares? I'd rather slower, more successful breakouts and hockey actually be played in the neutral zone instead of half the game just being turnovers and swatting at loose pucks.
Yes, the puck ends up further from the net, good defenses don't chase it so shutty cycle endlessly

>hockey actually be played in the neutral zone

kys soccerfag
it only "successful" because allows less talented players to survive since they have more time to make a play. you are obviously a cantskate so you cant understand the skill needed to make a crisp tape to tape pass with the forechecker bearing down on you.
NHL fans could never be that soulful
yes. new to hockey?
do you know what you are watching when you watch a hockey game or is it just colours on a screen to you?
Did Nintendo sue the entire country, or just the team?
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Yes, the Rangers are even more superior than they were last year.
they're the only team in the east that can rival the kitties
That's just a giant swedish orc version of adam fox?
are there many jewishes in sweden
shannon is a unisex name
Motivate me to go to the gym
If they were to sue anybody it would be the supporter group North Power, but that would never happen.
Sounds like a girl's name
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only oldfags will know who this is
I don't know who that is but "hockey jersey collector" always gives me an instant ick, shannon is probably exemplary by the standards of his community
Hockey is on
No. But the Bonnier family owns 50% of the media. Ironically the biggest Jewish community is in Malmö, the city that is 50% muslim. And they complain about hate crimes every week.
It actually favors more talented players. Skating is the main reason why highly skilled Europeans take a while to adapt their game (Barkov) or just can't hack the NHL (Gusev). The slower pace makes it easier for players to stay in the play, but the larger ice surface doesn't nerf fast players either. The extra space lets them take advantage and separate. It's the best of both worlds.
Stick to your hinterland childpuck, you troglodytes. It's our game now. Not Don Cherry's.
Is North Power similar to White Power?
Flyers vs Devils, now that was kino series
if only they didn't mass import people from the 3rd world that hate them
If international ice is so much better, how come the USA is beating team FOREIGNER 5 - 0 in foreigneia? Are they stupid?
I have no time for more Omarks and Grabners. NHL ice produces a superior breed of player. Barkov is a better player for learning to play on proper ice and not a mini bandy rink.
oh GAWD why do hate us so
>already down Lindgren and Panarin
i'm watch the 2001 scf rn
devils were so good
I think that has a lot more to do with Barkov now being a full grown man and playing against the best in the world.
international ice is the only way absolutely bums like michael dal colle or linden vey become top scorers of a league. you put players like that on a proper sized ice rink and they struggle to crack the 4th line.
I miss checking in on Barkov's blog
The only players for whom international ice is bad are guys who are very stupid and handle the puck like a grenade. Yakupov is a perfect example. He succeeded in North American juniors because playing like wrecking ball worked at that level and on that ice. But he sucked in the NHL, and he sucked just as hard in the KHL against much lesser competition because the gameflow made him useless.
In some ways, yes.
It's over my islanders suck again
Based finna /lifelong/ North Power Marios
Well that's also because if you put them on a proper sized ice rink, they would be playing with a higher caliber of player as well.
what did he blog about back in the day?
Roy was unreal that year
If Devils won Eilias would have won the MVP
Michael Grabner led an international best on best tournament in goals because it was played on European ice
nothing important
The Flames have assigned defenceman Zayne Parekh to the Saginaw Spirit (OHL).

Calgary now has 6 goalies, 16 defencemen, and 31 forwards in camp.
This is my favourite gimmick in all of /hoc/
Anyway now…
Very good Flames post, the best types of posts
Realistically was it only because of the ice or because 90% of eurotrash are sissy bums
that's still interesting

I passed my exam and I’m happy that it’s the weekend. Now it’s time to rest up and get ready for next week!
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Team Canada in 2014 had 17 GF and 3 GA in 6 games and won the Gold Medal on international ice.

Team Canada in 2010 had 35 GF and 16 GA in 7 games and won the Gold Medal on standard ice.
Based carey goat
>stuck in Toronto for work
>Work is over and there is nothing to do
Not a fan of this
John Tavares - 1st OA
Griffin Reinhart - 4th OA
Michael Dal Colle - 5th OA
Nino Niederreiter - 5th OA
Ryan Strome - 5th OA
Kyle Okposo - 7th OA
Josh Baily - 9th OA
Calvin de Haan - 12th OA

Was this worth the price of sucking for 10 years and losing a generation of fans to the Rangers, Penguins, Blackhawks, and Lightning?
My internet is down for the whole weekend :(
>Nino niederreiter
*hangs up the phone*
Gonna see that hot ivy league swimmer again on Sunday.
not gonna ask on sunday
yet your blogposting is up how about that
still gonna hear about it on monday
Grim Atleast the islanders are good at drafting in the first round now dobson, barzal. Even the guy they got in 2024 draft is looking like a steal.
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I'm not sure who I want to pull for in the West this season. I'll always cheer for the Sharks, but I don't know who to actually root for.
Should I root for the Flames?
I'm on mcdonald's wifi
fuck off we're full
Sounds like you're used to cheering for a dogshit fag team so yeah the flames are a good choice
All this proves is that drafting high means jack and shit and you’re a retard if you went to the Rangers
do zoomers really go to mcdonalds and phonepost on 4chan?
building through the draft is a meme.
other than the penguins, hawks, and bolts, which even moderately successful teams have drafted their core players? and even then, the bolts are the only team to have drafted a core and then surrounded them mostly with homegrown complimentary players.
i did not post this
Blue Jackets?
More like
Shit Jackets
the avalanche, bruins for a few more
did they make you order anything
Hosting a party so I won’t be able to talk about my stars much tonight.
Draft should only be used to get your goalie
Vince McMahon Said that it should be illegal for other wrestling companies to steal his talent since he spent time and money developing their careers. I agree nhl teams should make it so players can’t leave the teams that drafted them unless traded.
and franchise centre
eichel is the only exception and his was a special circumstance
Too soon
He literally built his company on stealing talent
prove it, tiny
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bud sisters... we're confirmed retards now...
imagine not knowing a lick of wrestling history
Vince always goes over
Are there no bars in Toronto?
he's not classy enough for them
Look for samir maybe he wants to hang out
add in the hurricanes, and islanders
thats 7 teams already?
seems like drafting is really the key to creating a team that can compete
My posts aren’t posting I’m losing my mind.
true samir is desperate for friends he'll take anyone
Hey Dom, you rang?
ny islander
There’s clown emojis there, that’s meant to be sarcastic anon
>samir is larping as lurch now
anything to seem likeable kwab
nice boomer reference
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>you now remember Ottawa Senator Mika Zibanejad
My friends made sure to mention me ITT
yea prolly a gay retard party kwab
BASED vince and his absolute lack of self awareness what’s CHAD
thanks it comes in handy for styling on people
>the avalanche
okay i'll consneed there. but still, after MacKinnon, Makar, Rantanen, and Landeskog, every other important player has/had been acquired through trades.
None of Chara, Thomas, Rask, or Ullmark were drafted by the bruins. Pastrnak/Marchand/McAvoy/Swayman will be the first Bruins core to be all home-drafted since they became good again around 2009.
>a gay retard party
e-sloppers we know where we're going to be tonight!
smoked some hash and put on this wwe documentary and time is moving sooooooo slow
Vince is like a second father to me
Stone cold Steve Austin said cte isn’t real
no offense but the Flames are for Chads and you cheer for a team that wears teal so
bergeron, krejci and marchard are bruins lifers
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haha im glad johnny hockey died too you leave the flames like that I hope for your death im a simple man I hope his cunt wife and her kids die as well
The sabres beat red bull 5-0
Why are flames fans like this? You absolute cretin.
still tiny
I dunno man they've always been shit
>the Flames are for Chuds
When Bergeon was part of the core, at least one of Chara, Rask, and Ullmark were part of the core.
Krecji was never a core player. He was just a 2C who is a Broons legend because he played there for 16 years.
Backlund is a flames legend
it isn't, it was invented by a black doctor, i mean, can you imagine?
The 2012-14 Kings were built through the draft. 1G, 1C, 1D all drafted as well as Brown, Voynov, Martinez, Toffoli, Pearson.

Krejci led the team in points the year they actually won the cup so calling him not a core piece is retarded.
In the Vince documentary they called out gary for covering up cte
a golden knights chad fan just came into the office
yea they did kwab
i dont care about wrestling in the hockey thread
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E-God board I'm afraid
go listen to more jamiroquai you lil weirdo
Legendarily shit
Hi bud how is Noel doing?
Kongs are not a good example. People forget that these shitters only won two playoff series outside of the cup runs, which they were carried to by Quick alone and then a combo of Quick, Kopitar, Williams, and Carter.
Okay sure, in the year or two before Bergeron took over completely as the 1C, you could consider Krecji as part of Boston's core alongside Chara and Thomas.
>Kings aren't a good example
>Proves that they were a good example
shut the fuck up
Teams that trade away good assets they drafted to get specific pieces are still built through drafting.
How did I prove they're a good example?
The 2012 cup was won by a core consisting of one player.
The 2014 cup was won by a core of Kopitar/Quick/Doughty/Carter/Williams.
And then besides those two seasons, they were not a good team at all.
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I am very excited to watch Tyler Myers dominate the Seattle Kraken again tonight!
>thinking you'll do this with binnington or hill
>the kings aren't a good example because they only got their 1D, 1C, 1G together and had a run of 10 playoff series wins in 3 years

It's telling that the Kings immediately fell off after Voynov was a dummy.

As for the Bruins in 2011, I'm not sure how a team can build the core of their top 6 forwards (Marchand-Bergeron and Lucic-Krejci) through the draft and not count as building through the draft.

Let's flip it around. Name a team that has won the cup since 2009 that wasn't built through the draft except Vegas in 2023.

>The 2012 cup was won by a core consisting of one player

By that logic every team is built through the draft, which makes the roster building philosophy of "building through the draft" a tautology. But that's not how GMs see it. When a GM wants to build through the draft, it means he'd rather the team suck for years on end and push the buck to the scouts rather than having to win trades or successfully woo UFAs.
2012 had Kopitar and Doughty you dumb fuck
>step away for a few minutes
>come back and everyone is talking about hockey
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Off to a really bad start.
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>Scored 1 5v5 goal after going up 2-1 on Florida
Sorry dont see it
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come watch the ice hockey, everyone... like a family
i know one (1) blose fan and she's a femcel
>TBG AI slop spam
Fuck off you dumb piece of shit. we finally had some conversation about hockey and you ruin it again.
Every team does build through the draft, regardless if said player ends up on the roster or not.
>I finally stopped seething about TBG long enough to discuss hockey
great job buddy
there is never going to be a team that drafts the entire 20 man roster for a cup winner. you are being way too pedantic trying to apply a term that the media uses, not even gms use. building through the draft is strictly talking about the core positions. the 1C and 2C, the 1D, the goalie, and 1 or 2 wingers. the rest of the team is just filler that has to be either signed or traded for.
Does s/he read /hoc/?
Every family has the raped handicapped uncle
>Lawyers for one of the largest creditors in Golden Knights goaltender Robin Lehner’s bankruptcy case were granted a preliminary injunction asking a federal judge to freeze his assets, citing frivolous spending.

>A filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Las Vegas by attorneys representing creditor Aliya Growth Fund claims the company is worried it won’t receive the nearly $4.8 million Lehner and his wife, Donya Lehner, owe it because they have been transferring money from their bank accounts to non-creditors, including shell companies with apparent Dubai ties.

>The filing also claims the Lehners spent $1.5 million on gambling, vacations and luxury purchases following the couple’s bankruptcy filing in December 2022.

>Lehner received $6 million from his Knights contract from the 2023-24 NHL season, which Aliya’s lawyers claim the Lehners have already spent or transferred to avoid paying debts incurred.
id fuck these little whores in the anus
>When a GM wants to build through the draft, it means he'd rather the team suck for years on end and push the buck to the scouts rather than having to win trades or successfully woo UFAs.

That's just you projecting. Building through the draft means recognizing that the NHL is giving you free assets every year and then maximizing what you get with them. Pretty much the only place you'll find a cup winning 1C is in the draft. Let's go by year


Trade with Buffalo




Trade with Buffalo












Signed as an undrafted free agent or drafted, depending on whether you think MacDonald or Getzlaf was 1C



Signed as an undrafted free agent



are you a retard, that's baller shit
I think its more depressing that "trade with Buffalo" shows up twice here. Also Getzlaf was the 1C in Anaheim.
getting your assets frozen because you're a financially retarded alcoholic is the opposite of baller shit
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Chloe's lookin good
Flames drafted Dustin Wolf
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another Slavin has scored
glory to God, praise be
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Because fuck that storm, that's why... even if it is just pre-season, we got a schedule to keep
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Kitties won the cup with only their 1C, 3C, and 3D being homegrown.
shut the fuck up raped bitch
Panthers still traded a ton of picks just to get to the point of winning said cup.
Flames won them that cup checked though
not really
again I ask, are you a retard? He is sending his money to places that the creditors cant access. Did you not understand that? Are you financial retard I ask again?
icing is when a team shoots the puck all the way down the ice rink and past the opponent's goal line
jesus what a mess
i wouldnt let my dog fuck that ugly whore
Calgary really likes the cuckhold experience
what are you talking about? that five of 9s is as good of a post as /hoc/ has seen in years.
this but the opposite
holy fucking digits
that won't make the problems go away dumb bitch
omg im talking to a retard. Does this make me a little retard, trying to talk to a retard?

He is moving his money to a place they cant get his money. He will move to Dubai and have access to millions of dollars while the banks that lent him money in europe or north america will be fleeced. Who gives a shit if 'his problems dont go away', his problems are how he is going to spend the millions of dollars he hid from his creditors when he moves to Dubai (on drugs and alcohol)
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Unfortunately his neck tattoo of stink peninsula is haram
kill yourself
I agree.
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then we have an accord
eat cock randy
eat cock finnish randy
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this is a visual representation of what I just did to you, you are the baby
bro why is your skelly that color
eat cope worthless loser
canes fucking run your shit
he is a baby, so that's an accurate representation
He's Player 2
I’m getting extremely annoyed at the flyers fans and media who are shitting on Alexei Kolosov, treating him like Cutter Gualthier. The kid got stuffed in a hotel room in shitty Allentown after thinking he was coming over to be the backup goalie for the flyers. Kid didn’t speak English, didn’t know what was going on, and the team forgot about him/he got lost in the shuffle. He wanted to go back to Russia, and who can blame him, given what happened? He wants to be a flyer. He just was homesick and in a shit situation with the Lehigh Valley phantoms. I’ve spent all day arguing with retards shitting on this kid.
Bjornfot more like BjornFROT lmao got 'em
i forgot Minnesota got Natálie Mlýnková in the transfer portal
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my canesies :) are leading after 1
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well, that was satisfying
>i cant watch the hawks game as im out of state

It’s been so long I wonder if a Canadian team won
Pre-season is such a shitshow because the teams know only the most hardcore retards care. Try to use the Detoilet site/feed
The Duncan Trussell Family Hour
10/10 post I'm looking forward to more of your work throughout the season
Reeee my Cappies won’t drop the puck for over an hour
the stream doesn't work and I dont have a vpn to get into region, how am I a retard lol
Hugely disappointing news for Doughty and #LAKings, as sources say surgery will also likely include damaged tendon repair. Timeline TBD, dependent on extent of repair, but ballpark: +/- 10-14 weeks.

Injury not expected to affect Doughty’s Team Canada candidacy for 4Nations.

I am sorry if you had the Kings in the playoffs this season
go flames go?
time for my exciting duckies to step up :)
Im sorry anon, the Ducks are still terrible and have no goalie again
maybe next year then :'(
John Gibson used to be good, and there are other players on the team who may be good in the future!
just use onhockey.tv dumbass
>Injury not expected to affect Doughty’s Team Canada candidacy for 4Nations.

Sure, take a guy that has played 1 month of games and is rusty as shit
Poor kings won't get to be eliminated in the first round by the oilers this year
I'll buy that for a dollar
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kings haven't won a series since 2014
Noooo our first round bye :(
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go, go away
dammit debbies
fuck you stephen you rapist faggot
Not everyone in the division can afford to have high caliber starters like kuemper, grubauer and skinner
I want to sexuality deb
Cope we love our bro Stephen here
Ok, the Wings are on, so kindly shut the FUCK up.
it is preseason
knights play utah
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just like my islanders
channel changing gimmick
i know dummy
Markstrom and Jake Allen aren’t very good. Luckily they didn’t give up much for them.
where's female /hoc/
doing the dishes
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they're raising up
taking their shirt off
spinning it around their head like a helicopter
sending me feet pics
walmart has christmas stuff up for sale already lads
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good, fuck halloween
hazing each other
Not sure what 23 is thinking there

>better chase below the goal line as the defensive winger
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Guys I think Jake Allen is bad
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halloween is cool, it's thanksgiving that sucks
Fuck you faggot
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>Tuomo Ruutu tries to make everyone he meets eat tofu
can any Finn explain?
Why do americans say "hollow ween" when its "hallo ween"
we also say "feb-you-air-y"
because our country is shit and run by retards, but could still heem ca*ada
All holidays suck and you share your birthday with on average 22 million people
Wow you're really fucking cool neil degrasse tyson
>Andersen gets tunnel vision and doesn't even see the tipper
>too deep in his crease
>late to react
Howdy, y'all, take a gander at my flag
huh, never heard that term used before in relation to hockey.
one who tips
These cunts are doing AI shit of the fans in their seats.
Randy just likes to eat cocktips
must be a sunbelt term
i share a bday with hockey playing murderer craig mactavish
I know it's still just preseason but the Sabes are killin it =]
yah thats a melee term
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how are you retards this retarded
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I share one with Roald Dahl, the famous racist
gary is pumping in prerecorded crowd noises again
in all my decades of watching hockey I have never once heard the player screening the goalie referred to as "the tipper"
burgers changing hockey culture for the worse again
cantskates are commenting on the game again
Shadowboxing in my living room and some lady out the window was staring at me when I looked over at the road
abraham lincoln was right about the sunbelt
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Gary has a mandate, Maplestahn
and time wait for no man, you may have heard
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The only Tipper I know comes with a sticker
>time waits for no man
[4spall is down]
Sadistic closeted lesbian from conservative family: "Just havin' fun with the girls!"
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Canada devastated yet again
Did you wave? wasted opportunity if you didn't
I pulled out my dick and did the helicopter. still am
why did he do it, bros
don't let the tipper hit you on the way out
heem her with the spiritual force of your jabs
Are you timing yourself?? if so, keep /hoc/ updated
I don't tip
Well that clears you from being the Smog Strangler
how do you feel about being labeled a "non-tipper"
real retard hours
Joe pavelski tipped and retired cupless kwab
have it timed to do a loop every 15 seconds.
of course it is randy is here calling players tippers
eat cock randy
retard randy retard randy retard randy
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The mall near me has a lids locker room I guess it's called, idk, but they sell hats and jerseys and other shit and they're doing buy one get one 50% off and they had the last of the adidas jerseys marked down to $90. So I got two jerseys for $150, you guys might want to check it out if you're interested.
are you okay
Gary has his interns working at 8pm on a friday cruel life
gary has you working on a friday night, intern?
Lmao retard randy
Saw the mountains from my back yard again. Should have taken a photo
go habs btw
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seriously what the fuck is this
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they know what they signed up for and have the finest accommodations that can be found in the city
Randy Retard
Retard Randy
esl retards from quebec
24 cups
real cock eaters of cock eat county, carolina
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didn't ask, Sean
>he can't see mountains from his front yard, living room, office, kitchen porch and backyard
what the canadian term for flyover state?
randy (you) are a retard (you)
Randy Retard

0-12 in the ECF

Retard Randy

Everyone’s going to say we got swept

Randy Retard

That’s not what happened

Retard Randy
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if you dont have an official koho or ccm version of >your teams jersey your opinion on this sport is completely invalid.
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MY red wings just fuckin scar'd :DD
Why didn't rod have any good quotes about his team losing again last year
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Have a white one with iggy's signature
no one cares
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I care
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I care too
My islanders are winning
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where is it signed
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>he's out
uh-oh another tip
time for another hour of seething retards
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no u don't, you're just being your typical contrarian self
Sure thing
On the flaming C
Jersey is from 2007 or something. Has signatures from the whole Flames team.
which tipper tipped it in?
What we needed was more throws from the offensive line towards our tipper - Rod Brind'amour
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very nice
Rod Tipp'amore
roman turek
olaf kolzig
ron tugnutt
name more underrated late 90s/early 00s goalies
I only remember Fred Braithwaite and Arturs Irbe because they were 5'4"
steve shields
jeff hackett
Jocelyn Thibault
DiPietro would have been underrated if not for his glass bones ):
pasi nurminen
thrashers were absolute shit
You retard
andy moog
trevor kidd
This is literally just the misheard lyric for "good times" debate
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this is the flames shining moment for the past 5 seasons
The flames beat the stanley cup finalists therefore they won the cup
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will oily boys ever experience this
I'll buy one for my birthday
Why does this look like a Max Payne screenshot.
I'll check it out tomorrow
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this guy led the penguins in scoring in 2004 lmao
my wingies scored again! :)
they gotta earn their linkedin recommendations
congrats and managing to score against chicagos echl team
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we want 10
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who remembers firing this up after school before the game came on the tv?
is sleeping under one's desk that prestigious?
Don't see guys named dick anymore
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depends, is it a luxury suite desk with a nap pod?? cause Gary paid to have a couple dozen built for this season

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