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>Countdown to Pirelli United States Grand Prix:

>Previous thread:


>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 Grands Prix without ever scoring a podium:
224 (221 starts)

>Fernando Alonso Grands Prix since last win:

>Races in the Alpine 100 Race Plan

>2024 WDC Standings
VER: 331 (+18)
NOR: 279 (+25)
LEC: 245 (+10)
PIA: 237 (+15)
SAI: 190 (+6)

>2024 WCC Standings
McLaren: 516 (+40)
Red Bull: 475 (+19)
Ferrari: 441 (+16)
Mercedes: 329 (+20)
Aston Martin: 86 (+4)

>2024 WEC Standings
RIC: 1027.45 (+56.20)
PER: 1157.15 (+80.66)
HAM: 1047.77 (+55.47)

Marko: "I think it was clearly communicated that he has to be significantly better than Yuki Tsunoda"
[F1] BREAKING: Daniel Ricciardo to leave RB, the team have announced
Lawson: RB told me two weeks ago I would replace Ricciardo
Liam Lawson to serve 10-place grid penalty in Austin sprint due to engine swap
[Fat Brown] Daniel, you’re one of a kind. A supremely quick driver and an awesome person to be around. Your win in Monza will forever be etched into McLaren’s history. It was one of the best moments of my life, and I have the tattoo to prove it! I know that day meant a lot to you, too...
Daniel Ricciardo leaves F1 with a legacy of brilliance at Red Bull, McLaren and Renault, making the sport more cum addicted
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>[Fat Brown] Daniel, you’re one of a kind. A supremely quick driver and an awesome person to be around. Your win in Monza will forever be etched into McLaren’s history. It was one of the best moments of my life, and I have the tattoo to prove it! I know that day meant a lot to you, too...
this fat fuck
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Jorj in the OP
We run this general jorjheads, never forget that
tobacco sponsors
grid girls
i don't see it
What about curly haired twinks :)?
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i request less fraud editions
wtf that sounds based and cool
and more south american shitters
ggimer (gimi nigger)
is the jjk ending better or worse than the end of ricccers career
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seems so
Not a real thread
this shit almost crashed my browser
JJK had one of the best farewell games ever
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Only a piece of Jorj's full power
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Hatsune Miku is more Popular Than Ever.
Her own F1 Team when ??
who is this queer
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What is the curviest f1 circuit?
these are three different creatures
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did villeneuve say anything about dildo yet?
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The man winning the hearts and minds of every F1 viewer
Absolutely based
>Liam Lawson to serve 10-place grid penalty in Austin sprint due to engine swap
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his career ain't the only thing that got blasted
You forgot the most important thing: many more race-ending and potentially fatal crashes
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I remember back when we only wanted to score sam facking pints
Now we score facking points nearly every race
It is a good day to be a jörgkopf
finding it hard to stay sober
evens and i drink tonight, odds i dont
Sabotage so Yuki can beat him
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Even covered up grid girls are banned. Grim.
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I miss getting drunk.
i'm drunk right now, and a bit high

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Was there a difference between Marlboro, West, Mild Seven, Rothmans cigarettes (big f1 sponsors 80s-2005) or did they all taste the same when you ate/smoke them?
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yugi used to be cooler, what happened
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Why are Finns ITT always drunk?
Winter hasn’t even started yet so there’s no excuse.
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Happy Grand Final day, /f1/!
Cigarette and Booze = great liveries
Based ricciardo giving one last fuck you to RB
No halos?
Marlboro Lights taste like Sophia Floersch’s pusy
Says the neweybabby nepobabby who lost to worst Hill, Heidfeld, Massa, Button, and barely beat Panis
Traumatic relationship
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who /grooving/ right now?
>Winter hasn’t even started yet
Last of the late breakers? More like last out the Singapore paddock please close the doors behind you lmaoooooooooo
No they don't shut the fuck up I haven't smoked a cigarette since June don't you make me
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>come home
>news is on TV
>day ruined

ok ill say it

martini liveries are shit
>not smoking
Look at the PAIN in his face
England and Italy.
Even the Lancias?
they hate women so much they breed them non stop?
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Reminder that the globohomos finally admitted this year that the maneuver that made him WDC was illegal. Of course it took one of their pozbois being on the wrong end of it
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First wipe was clean.
Saar you need to go back to India you are an illegal redeem in Canada
every future champion has a crash here on final lap while battling for the lead
bad morning saar
I HOPE DANNY RICCIARDO DIES IN A CAR CRASH and doesnt get to use millions of dollars he stole using his reddit personality
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Can't stop wanking lads.
im going to take a shower and rape myself with a dildo
f1 gay racers for i can relate to?
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Can't stop drinking lads.
Why are you all so racist against Daniel? If it wasn't for him there wouldn't even be a semen slurping sport.
I'm going to eat cheesecake and then pass out
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How can America be next when the next race is in Texas
sounds like a plan
im going to drink twelfth beer and pass out as well
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and texas is rightful mexican territory?
she shall return, trust the plan
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jorj thread
peeasstri wins on merit in the fastest (and illegal) car: 0 (zero)
>basdpin comment
everyone knows, innit?
Death to mclaren
Death to no rizz
Death to fat brown
Death to cum addicted twink
>cum addicted twink
Ive seen this porn addicted, homoerotic general refer to half the grid as this
only pozbois
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gonna goon to bbw sophia now (please ai argie make more stuff)
>neweybabby nepobabby
He won in other categories driving a car that wasn't designed by Newey which is why he got the Williams drive in the first place, cope.
it's a really boring livery and the elemebst aren't actually that attractive
gulf is boring but not offensive while martini is
it was really ugly on the williams and the real reason people like it is that it's mostly white
you'll live
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Boobs too small
This Ricciardo stuff is getting too sentimental. You'd think someone had died
my ancestors are smiling
yours can't because they're looking at a shitty martini livery
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>10.2.3 No adjustment may be made to any suspension system while the car is in motion.
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>my ancestors are smiling
how would you know
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can't stop screaming at my tv lads
f1 needs more teams so more drivers can have opportunities. It’s too hard to get F1 experience these days with all the testing limits resulting in drivers not coming through

Hamilton/Alonso/Perez/Hulk/Bottas all likely to retire over the next 3 yrs which should free up some seats at least
Jannies are on FIA payroll.
>he isn't connected
You can take car part penalties in a sprint race?
Why doesn't everyone penalmaxx during sprints if that's true?
I watched >>>/wsg/5653376 and felt funny so now I know.
>liveries are shit
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Are you telling me OP lied?
How could he...
my man sting and who?
Rando named after some candies
that doesnt look like bruno mars
but what a life
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i don't care about guest "celebrities"
give damon hill a guitar and kindly request he entertains the crowd
>gains independence
>gets hit by another hurricane
love to see it
nigga is 51 why is he wearing all that shit
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he's got aids
So here's what I think happened: someone reported that Lawson would get a grid penalty on his sprint result, and some pozboi interpreted it as him taking a penalty in the sprint race.
>Damon hill
>Chris Evans
Is there a more cursed cast than this?
*sips vodka*
beard's weird, weird beard
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>just worked from 03:45 to ~18:00 today
races for this feel?
There are no races for that feel because f1 drivers are a bunch of rich kids who take summer break, do two races and then go back on vacation
>[OT][Sportico] BREAKING: Michael Andretti is relinquishing his ownership stake in @AndrettiGlobal, the motorsports company he has helmed since 2002.
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What job do you work in where that's a thing?
Canada 2011
why are my fellow /f1/ retards so obsessed with other men's hairlines? niggas acting like w*men, feels like cope
Soft hands typed this post
I have never done 14 hours and never will
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Je fais du cyclisme
Honestly I don't think you've ever worked a day in your life.
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I've done a 10 hour shift at a store and that sucked
telco engineer
Why 14 hour days?
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i think he has BBC dildo collection
>22:30 - hey I feel pretty tired, I think Ill just go to bed sober
>00:30 four beers down
Thank you ma'amsaar
lmao, same here, but it's 1:30, and with vodka cola
Just fucking realised next race weekend will be chock full of cringe commemorations for retardo, a shitter.
There will ne multiple times people drink from a shoe
For about a year I worked manual labor from 8 to 18-19. I was also broke, so I rode a bicycle to work. 2 hours total of commute per day, 6 days a week.
Some days I would randomly fall asleep several times throughout the day, while at work.
One of the worst periods of my life. It made me get my shit together and go back to school.
Museo FA14 Repsol F1 / het amxwoord

post your pitwall
i am never drinking. thanks heineken
>For about a year I worked manual labor from 8 to 18-19. I was also broke, so I rode a bicycle to work. 2 hours total of commute per day, 6 days a week.
Why'd you move back from California?
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it is an exception
also because project managers, planning and busines teams are a bunch of retard niggers that can't produce a coherent planning and do their fucking job, so the technical team gets fucked hard
/f1/ related because McLel and Lelrrari strategy departmens are utterly retarded
clean it up jannies
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taking him out of F2 right before the ground effects came in ruined his drive with Williams
Today is the bianchi dead 10th anniversary
Damn what is he, retarded?
>taking him out of F2
Putting him in F1 was the final mistake
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>USA next
>mfw that's what i just said
Yeah, Hamilton is literally complete and utter shit
You can't even say it was because of ground fx because he was slow in 2021
Lay off him, dude is like 50 man. Dude literally drove with Fisichella ffs
>me next
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made dinner
got good reviews
any affirmative responses to me must be concluded with "yes, chef"
>mfw gordon ramsay not preheating his pan properly and burning the bread without melting the cheese
lmao "chef"

it is finished.
Who wins the WEC between him and Sargie?
Retardo did mostly fine against Tsunoda, he just needed to actually outperform him to keep his seat.
Logang got his ass demolished by Oblong
i guess whoever makes OP decides
>2024 WEC Standings
>RIC: 1027.45 (+56.20)
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America next
>all those votes thinking hed stay the whole year
The TV was set to the news so when I saw it I sperged out
WEC standing is now irrelevant imo

it should be down to a straight vote between the two of them, held at the end of the season after the last race
midseason firings go straight to the world exposure hall of fame
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Checo can still can still join them
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nope, you guys made this bed last year cause of your hamilton obsession, now you'll have to lie in it
Retardo is not in the wec as you can't expose a known fraud
for >>144701761
never drink and post
he really opened the floodgates for firing drivers mid season
Gasly was the pioneer
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>never drink and post
bad advice
Perez won last year
yes and at the time of debris's firing hamilton was clearly going to lead the championship so any discussion about debris being crowned the champion was drowned out because apparently hamiltonfags would want such a thing to happen
DeVries won in my heart
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Edd Straw, The Beach
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apparently only* hamiltonfags would want such a thing to happen
The Baron's hell. He gets Arrakis, but it has no spice....
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makes sense
You sound pozzed in the heart
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America next
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>USA next
She looks like she loves huge meat
i refuse to believe this wasnt a shitpost
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America next
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dildoman stuff over yet? safe to come back?
GTMO has a Micky D's as well
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which is the biggest shitter? https://youtu.be/ghgGfeaP9ZU?t=90
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let us finally have the argentine era, fast driver and good poster combo
perez, he did a random move left towards massa
Perez 100%, he moves out of the slipstream trying to block too late.
utter donkey perez
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WOAH i checked it slowmo and actually Massa does the first move, I was wrong.
he wanted to brake not inside the dirty air of vettel, and massa also moved over towards perez, it looked like he wanted to straighten his car for the apex so he wouldn't be vulrenable to a switchback. they both share the blame, as an overtaker massa shares more of it though.
perez is mexican thoughever
you didnt consider that.
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Yeah, Massa turns in harder than what Perez does later. Stupid racing incident.
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senooooors... The car... She
I am of the sorry senoooooors
Perez started lining up for a dive that would never happen but then he got sided by Massa.
>these streets are mine
>i never left
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now carloss why is the car in two, filled with cum and in the bushes near the circuit?
They used to have spare cars?
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What a season. It will end with a kino when Max verkwabben lose a WDC
s b i n a l l a
Ricciardo really should call out all the nasty cunts who have been shit talking lawson. Doubt he will though because he's too self absorbed
just saw his IG, dayum DTStards really are retarded
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What's the most intimidating thing I can put on the front and back of my racecar? Question.
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America next
In Nascar the intimidator was Dale Earnhardt so you have the wrong #3 on that car
this is staged
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I'm gonna push the intimidator button.
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Most of her content is costume coomer bait so I don't think so.
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I miss online racing and I dont have fun with bots, guess going back to iRacing is my only option
If they wanted to help him they wouldn't have let him humiliate himself by giving him a seat, he literally was driving so bad he got paid to not drive anymore.
this is the saddest post I've seen in a while
take a break man
i mean the bitch (A) at the back is already looking before the food is there, A is in the center of the shot, the fat fuck (B) moves in a way that doesn't block the visual of A, why is B sitting exactly there?, the food is literally in front of A, sending a message
fwan could never
>I miss online racing and I dont have fun with bots, guess going back to iRacing is my only option
>this flag
>this post
Oh god no
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>be at restaurant
>fat bitch comes in asking if it's okay if she films there
>she sets up the camera, repeatedly checking the shot to make sure table and her are in frame
>you hear her ask her server if he can let her know when he's coming so she can dance
>she does a walkthrough to make sure that he's not in frame
>you see this fat bitch waggle repeatedly, practicing, and watch it back to make sure her hair looks good and her tits are out
>she says "okay go now"
>you finally get to see what the end product was
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I literally just typed her username into tiktok, I don't actually follow any of that garbage at all retard.
I think you're reading in to some bitches accidental framing way too much
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>hes awake
>the fia wont let me call him slurs
>has tiktok
>calls other people retarded
fucking LOL
is it a government mandate, xhang?
>>has tiktok
You realize they have a website right?
Is having a room temperature IQ a government mandate, Tyreek?
no, I didn't know they have a website KEK
why would i?
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even I know about tiktok's site....
I get legit afraid when I see a three name hue near me in iracing. They either have like 500 ping or they keep trying to act like their favorite nonce(s). Like one started screaming at me last week at Spa after unironically replicating pic related claiming he gave me space lel
RIP your safety rating kek
i don't know m8, here logan >>144704915
does a very likely recreation of what happened before the video, the "A, when the dude brings me the food try to look disgusted" part is missing tho
maybe im right, maybe im wrong, who knows*?
what's important is that we should be discussing Formula® 1™

*me, im right
you're tell me, last week I literally would get a podium finish or just crash out except for one race where I just started from the pits because I was getting really fucking tired of Jose Pablo Rodriguez divebombing into la source thinking he can go form p15 to P1 in one corner
Tsunoda would win a kart race between the whole grid.
Oof. I love seeing Spa on the calendar but I also dread it to some extent.
> I was getting really fucking tired of Jose Pablo Rodriguez divebombing into la source thinking he can go form p15 to P1 in one corner
kek accurate. I was only gently taking the piss out Brazil anon >>144704392 because he might be the sensible exception but if you do not go for a gap that may or may not exist, or may have existed in the past or may yet exist in the future, or may or may not exist in a parallel universe, then you are not 99% of Brazilians on iRacing
iracing is for roleplaying fags
Why are Euros such fucking sissies?
Youre meant to take half of it home and eat it as leftovers.
This confuses the europoor.
Yeah it's true. A brazilian ruined my F3 race yesterday and said "retard i will report you".

They're ALL extremely petty weaving unnecessarily and defending fiercely even when you're 2s a lap faster, ruining their races to roleplaying as Senna.

I wish I could nuke Brazil.
yo wtf I didn't know olive garden had fries
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>verstappen win counter removed from the OP again

why are they so insecure? it definitely has a reason to be there after the most dominant run of wins ever
Plenty of people take home leftovers from portions of that size.
>why did a Dutchman remove the bait about the Belgian
If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself twinkstonia.
it's only bait to diehard unironic mv33 truthers like the timeline leaf who throw a fit every time someone dares to say the red bull is a fast car
It literally is bait, I have no idea how you can bring up the timeline leaf while we still have the Alonso counter in the OP...
Same with the Hamilton one
red bull has had the faster car all year. It's just that max forgot how to drive.
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>america next
hamilton counter is removed and the alonso counter deserves to be there since alonso himslef actively promotes el plan and la mision on social media. max win counter is in line with the eff uan tradition of mocking dominant drivers who stopped winning races. it's been put in the OP multiple times and it keeps getting removed by maxfags who want the cake and to eat it too
i miss the 1980s so much it's unreal
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>his silence is deafining
Nothing to see here, just another team being bought out by jews.
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>this nigga/niggress apparently was playing at a brewery in the town I grew up in
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Now they can fight each other just off camera during SkyF1's post race interviews.
>zionsville road
a little on the nose, don't you think?
Marko in the pink
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morning lads
Based on all the typos I'm guessing you're drunk twinkstonia
roleplaying is for your mom and i on thursdays
kek sorry bro I can't imagine what it's like to be the one Brazilian who tries to be sensible
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she'll be crying lads
wrong thread
Max should take engine penalties for sprint or red bull is retard team.
WEC podium so far:
>Sargeant P1 (first to be dropped mid-season)
>Retardo P2 (so exposed he can't even win WEC)

Who will take P3? Poorez? neekeri homolton? Strulovich? Maybe a late charge from Norris as his mind melts from pressure?
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ping pong?
Max because he will lose the championship with fastest car
The McLaren is clearly the faster car now
norris sneed me af!!!1
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>RBR drops performance so badly they're barely reaching the 107% mark in the next 4 races
>Lando catches up and passes max in the points
>in the last 2 races RBR start lapping everyone up to P3
>Max does indeed lose the WDC in the fastest car
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Here's your Perez replacement bro

>Australian F4 - beaten by Nick Rowe (Australian dirt track racing)
>German F4 - beaten by Lirim Zendeli (career best P17 in F2, now in Porsche Supercup)
>2019 FIA F3 - beaten by 10 others, incuding Shwartzman (WEC Hypercar), Daruvala (21st in Formula E, now fired), Pedro Piquet (retired after P20 in F2), Vips (simcuck in Indycar), Tsunoda
>Euroformula Open - beaten by Marino Sato (P22/P21/P22 in F2, now in GT3 & LMP2 racing)
>2020 F3 - beaten by Piastri, Pourchaire, Sargeant (worst F1 driver of 2020s) and Vesti (GT3 & LMP2 racing)
>Toyota Racing Series - beaten by Igor Fraga (sim racer)
>DTM - beaten by Maximilian Götz (now in IMSA GT3)
>2021 F2 - beaten by 8 others including Piastri, Zhou, Vips, Pourchaire, Drugovich (LMP2 racing)
>2022 F2 - beaten by Drugovich and Pourchaire
Tricky Ricky...
Is there a bigger fall from grace in F1?
They're rapepilled rapecels
Gimi is basically an early prototype of Ricciardo apart from the fact that he was allowed to announce his firetirement
So you believe after that upgrade, Norris and Pastry suddenly learned how to drive and not just have a much faster car in which they still fumble the wins?
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>Sargeant (worst F1 driver of 2020s)
lmao, come on now
schumacher got twinked by nico malewife rosberg because he got too proudy and thought he still had it in him. vettel went from darkness twink to lesbic bee after hamilnigle blacked him
Schumacher beat Rosberg in qualifying H2H in 2012
Spinning isn't counted as driving
Went the same path and found myself a nice Filipina. No fuss, she just wants marriage, kids, and a simple life. What else could I want?
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The sex tourist of Sallapadan
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>Kym Illman is hinting that something new will happen with Ricciardo in a few weeks time

Why can't this saga be over already?
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Does anyone remember what happened to this red bull junior?
He looked pretty fast iirc.
he's like a fucking cockroach. Fuck off already you slow faggot.
Max had fastest car until Zandvoort
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happy birthday to miga :DDDD
Is that on the middle part? I'm on the middle islands just to be safe.
Friendly reminder: gimi
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also checked :DD
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Now that's what I call McLaren.
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The Miga gets keep coming
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Why didn't his bitch wave back with him? How rude.
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Mika III
looks more like a rejected valtteri prototype
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Miga (Salò)
Any race where Charles starts on pole and Max wins
we should have let those lizards get run over
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My cat is getting spayed in two hours and I feel bad for her. Any races for this feel?
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spim (stop posting inferior migas)
>last time this happened was almost a year ago.
He cant even beat goblando now.
Oh, so now the RedBull isn't faster anymore?
i finally got a girlfriend
congrats. does she know?
Is her penis bigger than yours ?
Chinese niggas be like: "Yeah, let me film this"
Physical or digital?
why are seamonkeys like this
What the fuck are you doing here?
i wish i had argie girl gf
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my first gf, the first woman who loves me fr
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Aurelia Leclerc
Aurelia Colapinto
Aurelia Antonelli
Aurelia Zhou
Aurelia Verstappen
Aurelia Hamilton
Aurelia Tsunoda
Aurelia Bearman
Aurelia Noballs
Aurelia Peasants
>min Fraudstappen days since last win:
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>Guenther Steiner suggests having a team-mate that could beat him perhaps “mentally” hurt Daniel Ricciardo

>“Having a team-mate which beats him, maybe did that mentally to him,” said Steiner

>“It’s like Hulkenberg, When he was at Renault with Danny, he suffered a lot. I mean, he almost finished his career, or Danny almost, let’s say it killed Hulkenberg’s career at the time.

“But now look at Hulkenberg. He runs circles around Danny. It’s weird how sometimes these things happen.”

>“I think because it’s a sport so much on the edge that every little… If you’re mentally, you’re not above it, and obviously the pressure, which got to Danny as well,” Steiner continued

>“So I think he hasn’t unlearned to drive a race car. It’s just like he’s not in a good space with his head."
b-but muh goat
he could even win in an alphatauri...
>Guenther Steiner
stopped reading here
Tell us more about the relationship with your mom
Riccy cant even win WEC now
Shouldn't you get some honorary WEC award if you're being sacked mid-season?
hulk wasn't mentally ruined by ricky. ric was expected to beat him and he was only dropped because renault decided to go full nationalist with el rato for some reason
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SARG is worse
>SARG is worse
Nah, Ricc deserves the WEC more, with all due respect to checo and private Logan they at least didn't lose to a paydriver
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America next
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Watching hoarding documentaries bros. This shit is more exciting than F1. Any hoarding F1 drivers? Hoarding wags? Hoarding whores?
america next
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Oktober break.
I'm going to vacuum the flat. This is f1 related because of 2014 f1 season
Idk why that had to be a live feed. But at the end of the day; that was pretty metal
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it's slower than the alpha tauri, bro
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But you won't be able to breathe if its a vacuum

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>When former Formula One racing driver Max Chilton and his artist wife, Chloe, decided to build a house they really went for it, creating a stunning Georgian-style property that looks perfectly at home in its lakeside setting.

>The modest bungalow on the plot was demolished and the build of their dream home took 14 months, the first three spent on the groundworks alone.

>“We had to take 160 truckloads of muck away,” says Max, who raced 35 times for the Marussia Formula One team before moving on to the IndyCar race series in the United States.

>He stopped racing at the end of 2021 and, as well as running his other businesses, he project-managed the entire build of the new house and loved it so much he has since started a property development company, called Oak & Olive Homes, which builds a dozen houses similar to his own each year.

>“I love architecture,” he says. “If not a racing driver, I always wanted to be either a golfer or an architect, but I’m quite dyslexic so I couldn’t do the seven years at uni. I always knew that one day I’d stop racing and become a developer.”
lmao don't care
live love laugh
just like >>144709358
you just know they absolutely hate each other.

>yeah bitch you just stay back there, out of focus, for this couples pic
Luv me sourdough
Luv me open plan
Luv me aga
Simpel as
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>no we can't cook in the kitchen its all clean and nice looking
>lets just order in
You can't suffer in Germany.
what is the secret?
become delusional
"I really love playing fifa with my mates" said Max "Deano" Chilton
You just know they made it the most basic back and white house
just bee yourself bro
new edd just dropped
what does bee stand for?
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Daniel ricciardo is a cum-addicted twink
Jokes on you because it's your mom
What time is quali today?
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People actually thought crashing into Vettel cost him his drive and not that Vettel crashed into Ricciardo and ruined his race because of i as well.
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That's a lot of words
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Anyone else watching F4? There's some decent racism in there.
oh no no, we're backbros, we got too cocky...
Let it go, Seb
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Vettel almost lost the title to Alonso (2 times world champions driving the faster car)

Verstappen almost lost the title to NoRizz (perennial bottler with a terrible team strategist)

(I'm comparing those two drivers on an almost equal scenario, when their cars aren't dominant rocketships)
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>Verstappen almost lost the title...
*Is gonna almost lose the title
a humiliation ritual if I've ever seen one
nigga update your bot
Does that fat faggot pretend to be straight while doing stunts like that? The true humiliation ritual is forcing the public to witness his clown antics and not string him up on a nearby tree.
Congratulations anon, I wish you both the best of luck
These videos are staged, that's why they are filming. The baby goat is blinded, that's why it's not running away at mach speed.
Yes, it's extremely fucked up. Seamonkeys are sub-humans.
I want to see peeasstree wear that. I've been on 120 days of nofap and it's getting boring
The globohomo mental breakdown from Ricciardo's shitting clearly goes much deeper than simply him being a pozboi. When you're pozzed in the head, you need leaders whom you look up who build narratives that help you make sense of the world and then have those narratives constantly affirmed and validated by other people or events

In their mind, they had this perfect vision of the world in which Yuki was just a meme and surely their number 2 pozboi after Kwabmilton would make mincemeat of him before moving up to Red Bull, but that's not at all what happened. And now they don't know who or what to trust so they are left in a state of deep disillusionment and despair
it's probably just a zoo or something
stop freaking out like a faggot
>The baby goat is blinded
That makes sense.

ron dennis has him dress up like that before he gapes him
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love you seb! i hope you can surge in WEC
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imagine typing this out and posting it
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Yukinator's next target: Son of Raw
russell is my fuarking hero!!!
Get out of that jabroni outfit
I'll show you whos the boss of this gym
>poorez is gonna announce his retirement after mehico jeepee
who's gonna fill his seat anons? will yugi finally get his chance?
real spastic hours
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Next year could finally be promising.
I don't think retardo can match vetlel's journey from 4 consecutive world championships to getting matched by strulovich
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Who's career will JV kill next?
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vettel was on hrt
>so much understeer on the car that even after going sideways in the rain it just magically resets again
no wonder he shits up every team he goes to
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Yugi no...
retardo started with it in 2011 already
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kubica killed his own career mate, as unfortunate as this may sound
Pit for softs
He didn't win anything in any relevant category
proper briish lad
wean yourself off wanking lads by going to thailand and wanking ladyboys
23 drivers in one season is pretty nuts

what's the record?
A lot more than 23
If you remove indy, there only 12.
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Hello when does this weekend's quali starts
Miga's first season had 24 drivers score points, 36 drivers start a race and 40 drivers participating
i'm retarded fyi
5 bings
No shit
should bring back grid girls
riam rawson
They're in Texas next, it's Yeeam Hawson

he already received a proper goodbye befitting his status as a complete shitter who added nothing of value to formula 1 racing
riyamu rō-san
>these are my streets
good one x
>max championship is saved by ww3
tbf he did win a race in 2021 in a car lando couldn't win with
girl... you did not just post this
He was nowhere in sochi again. Lando did stupid mistake but there was no issue with his pace. That win was more like blind chicken finding food.
I think Guenther was right. It's mental. It can't be the car or physical prep. One day in Monza he decided he was going to win and he won on pure pace from start to finish.
Show points
Max is gonna win it with or without, unless he repeats his terrible performances of Hungary and Baku.
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>you now remember that Mclaren paid this guy $10 million to not drive for them in 2023
Norris will have a big juan before the end of this season.
>consistent points scorer cuck
>chad at all costs race winner
>$10 million to not drive for them in 2023
Where is my 10 million?
"bee" as in bee yourself
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>literally has to sell his soul to get into F1
what the fuck
guidobros... they got us...
uh oh
Did you know that Mario was born in the area of today's Croatia and was of the 300,000 Italian refugees fleeing Yugoslavia after WW2? Can't wait until slovenia gets our own moroccan f1 champion
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you are going to scare the janny
this looks a bit too much like joe guano
Recently I've gotten myself into watching hornet nest removal videos on youtube
now I know
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everyday i am oscillating between absolutely despising and actually admiring shitalians and i cannot for the life of me stop this cycle
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i do not forgive you by the way
did you know: Formula 1 won't be the same without Daniel Ricciardo

we need to force a team to hire him or else F1 will be ruined!
Why are italians like this
i wonder how a remake with XL/pony/flush would look
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>ferrari champion
>lives in the middle of nowhere.
>spends his time helping his wife and children around the house and that keeps him busy all day
>grows his white family, more children are still expected

Why aren’t (YOU) the Gimi of your nation?"
im, i just need more time
why does she look just like him?
Feels like only millionaires and somalians have more than 1 kid in binland. Pretty grim actually
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im poor, unfunny, ugly, have no intrests etc. etc.
and why does robin look like tom turgoose
how long until gimi pulls the boy out of school to be full time kart pilot with an eye to get him to f1
its up
minttu looked better with dark hair
Pictured: Last Ferrari World Champion and Last Ferrari World Champion.
This makes my blood boil. 6 millions must die.
fortnightly reminder that mclaren prestige > ferrari prestige
i don't see it
You forgot Norris
gimi 500
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Senna was a nonce
Hamilton is a nonce
OTOH there are no nonce ferrari champions
Ferrari > McLel
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Ferrari had Fangio (GOAT), Hill (WSC and F1), and Surtees (Only 500cc and F1 Champion)
ur a faggot
>OTOH there are no nonce ferrari champions
Fangio impregnated at least one teenage girl when he was in his late thirties.

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