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Lineups pic related
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Black man will get one more Dodgers upset before he goes.
for me, it's weebshit
what kind of autism is this?
it was funny the first time it happened but now it's just retarded.
holy cringe
My cubgers :)
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Any news on Freddie?
TEO :)
holy fuck teo murdered that ball
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ankle tear. out for the remainder of the season and postseason....
Got a feeling it’s gonna a be a slugfest series
>guy on third, no outs
>doesn't score
Thugtani stat padding in the farewell series for Blackmon, what a lack of class
shohei broke the japanese born steal record with that right?
Hello retard
Yeah he passed Ichiro's record
Ohtani's batting average creeping up, will he catch up with Arraez's .312?
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This nigga lies, he should be good for the postseason according to the team.
Manfred is already calling Shildt right now and telling him to force Arraez to go 0-12 this series so they can give Ohtani even more wanking.
attaboy andy
Oh hey another Pages dinger
>pitching change before Ohtani
C'mon Bud don't be that guy
poopie butts
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probably won't be able to post sad Ohtani until October
going to get a lot of mileage out of sad ohtani in the postseason
Up to .307 now, he might get there if Arraez remains ice cold or rests
Mookie finally taken out huh
atta boy CT3
atta boy Barnesy
murdered that one wew
The Rockies are the hungover ones.
Would be cool if he got 55 but I understand if he wants to prioritize triple crown
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going to in n out. what do u guys want?
Double double with onions but no cheese, fries and a lemonade
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Another ring
double single with grilled onions
fries well
water cup

3x3 animal style and chopped chili's with well done fries and a root beer float
i'd brefer some chili
lil caspar, ese!
great job Caspie. second appearance in Colorado, no less. we got another viable depth piece arm.
is it still possible for ohtani to get the triple crown? i am not good at math..
ohtani cocksucker lol
Arraez at .312, Ohtani at .308
It's possible if A stays cold and O stays hot. Every AB counts
3x2 with chopped chili and grilled onions, animal fries and a cup for water.
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my rancho cucamonga quakes!
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For me it's the Modesto Nuts
I have dozed off a couple times in this game. Are people still watching to see Ohtani possibly homer again

do we think the bye will affect these numbers tho?
he makes it look so easy right now geez
Good question. He might cool off, or the extra rest might help
if the last two years are anything to go off of? probably
faggot Lux
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MLB The Show on rookie mode
ohtani saw the RISPgers and said, say no more
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gg rockies
see ya tomorrow

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