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previous >>144703651
Nevertheless, Brent Pye is a retard and should have been kicking a 30 yard field goal to win that game. Let's not forget about that.
Roll Tide
So yeah, THAT'S why you take the points. You put yourself at the mercy of >college kickers, worlds better than being at the mercy of the (((referees)))
Got a >college kickers moment brewing in the Rutgers Washington game
9 caught it sry
Nothing like an outcome everyone can agree on
this is why football as a whole is a joke sport
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reminder that this still happened
Holy fucking Jesus refchads are unbeatable
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Receiver was practically sitting on the grass in bounds with the ball before it was knocked out. So what is a catch?
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That was clearly not a catch. Vagina Techfags should be mad that they choked away a 10 point lead and not that the refs got a call correct.
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1st for dirty PAWGS
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>ball moving
you doubted us?
>calls back a TD run on holding that never happened
>blatant PI took a solid 7 seconds to call
>miracle catch and shit tackling by VT to score
at least cryami will get BTFO when they play a legit team
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we stay winning in this bitch
>rutgers reffies stopping play to set the clock to whatever they want
ref gods, we are FEASTING tonight
Was literally never a catch, seethe more.
>on field refs make a shit call
>know it's not a catch but don't have "definitive visual evidence" to overturn it
>overturn it anyways
Based review crew.
nothin i want more than to see a bullete entermike perriea's head, leave it and then enter dean blandino's head right after
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Haha that's a really cool game winning Hail Mary catch you had there, but, I'm just not gonna count it. Hahaha
I know, I know! I already said it was complete, but, Im just not gonna count it! I changed my mind hahaha
How much do you think refchad squeezed out of the commish? I'm thinking he got at least 10k for that one
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>they doubted my reffies
>back to back hail mary attempts
kino bros...
It never stopped moving, you could claim he had it secured after he was on the ground and miami was trying to wiggle it free. But by then he was laying down with half his body oob with another player touching it who was oob.
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never forget we run this bitch
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after literally everything going right last year this was inevitable
he clearly caught, feet down, ass down, then it gets pulled out. should be a catch but they can't write a rule that makes sense in all scenarios. dez caught it too.
all me btw
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If only you knew how elite things really were.
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>REFriday college football
That ball was moving the entire fucking time. You're retarded.
9 got the first hand on it, 12 pulled it in near his own side, but the ball slipped out well before his ass touched the ground.
>play is overturned because we say so, no we won't give our reasoning. Check cleared faggots!
ref bros, was this our greatest moment?
Football global domination
>lose to your blood nemesis
>lose to B1G doormat in Jersey
lot of angry Ron Mexio fans itt
>shit kickers
no good :(
There was not indisputable evidence that was not a catch. It doesn't matter if you think it was or wasn't. The whole deal is there has to be fucking absolute 100% indisputable evidence. That burden was not met by any replay that I saw.
well that was anti climactic
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Reddit's take.
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>college kickers
Rutgers won tonight
>calls back a TD run on holding that never happened

Does some AI highlight reel channel already have the clip of this? I went AFK when this happened.
Refball NFL jr bullshit fuck this gay shit fucking playoff gay fucking shit. God damn college football is getting worse and worse.
>1/4 on the night
>shank game winner

/sp/ memes run college football
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and a little bit of chicken fried
Hey VTfags. Next time kick the fucking field goal.
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gg Rutgers
Grady was lights out last year, just a bad day to have a bad day
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College kickers...
>Reddit malding over Refgods
>same opinion as reddit
i change my mind, it was not a catch
do people actually think that was a TD?the out of bounds defender touched it while it was still bobbling
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>college kickers
at this point just remove field goals from the sport because the only people deserving NIL money are the 5 guys in the country who actually make kicks
>College kicker
>losing to Buttgers
>losing to Buttgers
>losing to Buttgers
>losing to Buttgers
>losing to Buttgers
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>college K I C K E R S
>Thank you based god
And the ball bobbled. No secure possession. Hence, no TD.
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The gambling revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for collegiate and professional sports.
As soon as they started running ads for this jewish garbage it all went downhill. If American sports fans don’t start strong arming and threatening reffies this shit is going to get out of control worse than it already is.
“When we kill a ref, they will stop robbing us”
im glad they took so long they always rush this shit
Good. The retarded Refs on the field should have never ruled it a touchdown to begin with. The indisputable shit is fucking nonsense. The review crew did what they should always do. Make the proper decision after reviewing the replays. Fuck the feelings of the on field assholes.
>(((ranked team))) struggles early against weak opponent they are heavily favored against, come back and barely beat them with tons of outside interference.
At least the WWF eventually admitted their sports entertainment was rigged and scripted to the letter. When does the NFL and NCAA follow suit?
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Yes yes, very well done with that Hail Mary VT
Reminder: Schiano knew Sandusky was getting freaky in the showers AND SAID NOTHING
>happiness restored
Why do colleges give scholarships to kickers who just *miss* kicks? Seems silly to me.
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We coming for that ass
cry me a river
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
now wait a second. reffie just needed to make a few phone calls. ain't no reason to be so impatient.
Why is reddit always so fucking stupid?
based top 25 buttgers next ap poll
the real problem is that NFL cameras would have had a 100X zoom in 8k right on the ball the whole time and could have made a call in 10 seconds. CFB camera crews are poverty spec
>community college take
That nigga was barely in. Makes me cringe every time.
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>Pac12 teams are 0-3 in their conference debuts at B1G teams
Someone show me the webm and I’ll render a definitive ruling on whether the refs fucked up
washington will still somehow bootyblast oregon. checkem
many such cases nowadays
>loses to muttbraska, pissconisin, poosc and poocla
Yes, it's slightly disappointing, but ultimately I don't care if Va Tech wins, I just want Miami to lose. They didn't lose tonight, but based on that performance, they will lose plenty this season.
To be fair the sub hates that dude and thinks he's a paid shill.
watch the game next time nigger
show us then
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This was for you Paulie.
Meatchicken needed refball, UCLA just doesn’t give a shit anymore, but good for Buttgers
there really isn't a good look at it
Explain why the on field refs spur of the moment decisions, especially in plays like that where you can't see shit, should be given precedence? Let's hear it.
They did lose tonight, though.
It's clearly on the replay view.
because the NFL's playoffs are mathematically determined, so getting it pixel perfect is in their interest because it'll literally determine playoff appearances/seeding.
CFP is decided by a (((committee))) that can use blurry plays as justification for any host of decisions.
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That account is run by retards.
Pissconshit is going winless in the big 10. They are unbelievably bad this year. Buttgers is getting a premium bowl for sure.
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American sports needs to develop a violent fan culture to threaten referees. You just have to give away 50 or so tickets to a group of drunk violent illegals from South America and they’ll handle the rest. The reffies need to feel scared otherwise the rigging will continue
DA U is back
ball bobbled
no clear possession
not a catch
cry about it
good night spee
B1G Champs
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Rutgers won tonight
Not really. VT was their strongest opponent.
looked like a catch on the replay view, anon
It's clear that the people saying it was a catch are only doing so because they wanted Miami to lose.
the fans would have threatened the refs if they called it a catch then
>the real problem is that NFL would just lol chiefs win, now go buy the mutt's jersey you dumb goyim!
It was clearly not a catch. As much as it would have been better if it were i dont even see how there is a debate
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>zero (0) natties
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Holy fuck bros what a stressful night
My alma mater VT losing is fucking bullshit
But the boys in Piscataway won and that's alright
or maybe because the receiver went down with the ball and came back up with the ball too.
Everybody, even the announcers, admit it wasn't a catch and the argument was whether or not there was enough "video evidence" to overturn it. Shut the fuck up.
Except when the ball popped out. With a catch, the "possession" needs to "survive" the player falling on the ground. It clearly popped out.

And on the other angle, you can see a white glove under the ball. Only Miami had white gloves on in that play. So the VT player never really had total possession before the bobble.
The refs made that obviously inconclusive call in the first place because they were afraid of the crowd reaction it happens all the time in college sports desu
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>ACC review room screws VTU out of the win because it benefits the ACC to have Miami be undefeated and go the playoffs
everything is rigged
I'm not arguing that you dumb son of a bitch. I'm arguing by the rules that are in place right now, there was ZERO evidence that showed 100% evidence that he did not catch the ball. That's why I said yours is a CC take. You can't fucking process how the rule should be applied, so you just caveman some dumb shit about hurrr durrr day got it right good.
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it was a catch
Why didn't buttgers rush the field? I thought that's what everyone does now after the game ends on the last play...?
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9 gets hands on the ball
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>Rutgers, Illinois, and Indiana are undefeated as of right now
A Miami player came up with the ball, actually. You didn't even watch the game.
You must not have watch the different replay angles.
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>all that just for a Miami team that's gonna lose to Louisville and GT anyway
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12 starts pulling it in
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>rushing the field for a regular conference game
Couldn't be the B1G.
Then you are blind.
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The BIG 18 is here to stay
after ripping it out of the receivers arms while they were both laying down, yes.
I just watched that shit and have better eyes than you. go ahead and post the part where miami prevents the catch
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
>oh no, the people were booing, anyways, got me my $100,000 check from the (((ranked))) team
Get out of here, that team is a fraud.
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Ball starts slipping (ass not touching the ground)
the announcers didnt even know who caught the ball and the refs literally had no idea what happened after the play
Rutgers fans have class and understanding of actual football tradition. Maybe they could share some notes with their Cryami brethren who rushed the field after the reffies stole a win for them from a 2-2 VT team
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>miami player rips the ball out of his arms 15 seconds after he caught it and landed on his ass in the endzone
I guess it's a fumble then
>is wrong
>says others can't see
But enough about me
Was that a catch? Probably not. Was there enough video evidence to overturn the call on the field? Not even close, the replay is a jumbled mess. Vagina Tech got hosed here, sorry hokies
so you saw the ball bobbling around. I.E, no possession.
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Ball fully slips out of control (ass still not down)
>You're wrong because I said so
nigga watch the play
that looks like its tucked into 12's chest
Not even remotely what was said or talked about or anything you disingenuous faggot.
Niggas used to call me the sandwich
>using ultra blurry still frames to determine control
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You do realize catching the ball and your feet touching the ground is a touchdown. You don't have to have a knee, ass or elbow down in the endzone like being down in the general field.
USC, UCLA, and now Washington all already have conferences losses. Welcome to the Big Ten.
how is there no clear evidence? That ball was moving the entire time, in what world is that a catch?
>fully slips out
>player still has his arm completely around it
>blurry cherrypicked screencap
Here’s your clear and indisputable evidence bro
USC had no business losing this game considering how meme tier mibigan is this season, and yet they somehow found a way because USC. Reffie help not even necessary.
t. actual PooSC alum
But enough about Rutgers
Did. That ball moved from player to player and then popped out. He didn't have possesion, he didn't survive the fall, he didn't catch the ball. Cry more, retard. That's not a catch, it should have never been ruled a catch, and to continue and argue that it was shows that you are just being a whiny faggot that wanted "chaos". Go hang yourself.
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USC loses every physical football game under Lincoln Riley yet they had no business losing a physical football game. Makes total sense
>sign coach that is an expert at paying players under the table but has no ability to coach
>paying players is now legal
>team is utter shite and you wasted $100 million on a useless coach
Bad timing on that hire lmao.
bro we have photos of him catching the ball in thread. >>144705546
You have to survive the ground and maintain possession. That has been a rule for like 15 years now.
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Rutgers is the birth of CFB. They are an honorary champion, much like George Washington.
Do we count Oregon v UCLA as a true B1G conference debut or do we put it off for next week against Sharty?
>refs give Michigan a 4th down conversion they clearly did not get, directly leading to a TD instead of USC having the ball at midfield
>Moss facemasked and roughed all game
>blatant holding on the go-ahead TD
They still had chances to win, sure, but they got brutally fucked by the zebras and it definitely impacted the outcome
Watch the video it's obviously popping out. It slips right through his hands. I'm not gonna spoonfeed you a webm -> https://x.com/SportsCenter/status/1839871586691633311
Reddit, for once, is actually correct here. I don't think it was a catch, but there was nothing on any replay that showed it was incomplete or possessed by Miami. Therefore, it should have stood. It's really not a hard concept to grasp.
I see players catch the ball, it ruled a touchdown, and they drop it in 2 seconds possessing the ball for less time than Felton just did all the time
And the moment he lands that shit pops out. What the fuck are you even talking about? You don't even know what constitutes a catch. Keep bitching.
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They won the first Natty.
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This isn't even Reddit's take, it's what the former replay official who works at ESPN said on TV before the ruling. Everyone knows if a replay takes 10 minutes then it's not conclusive because they aren't pulling new angles off Twitter cell phone cameras
I jinxed it, it’s all my fault. I wanted VT, UW & the Giants last night to win
t. Jinx
Still not clear. Can’t see the position of the ball relative to the WR’s hand. It’s a high standard to overturn and this doesn’t meet it
Looks like the nog survived to me
Really? Good. I mean they’re retards for posting in that cesspool but at least they have that much right.
>Michigan runs the ball every single play
>somehow not flagged for holding once, even for a blatant bear hug on a defender in position to stop the winning TD
B1G refs definitely sent a message in that game
And all this goes back to that day in 2010 when the reffies decided that Calvin Johnson couldn't have a go-ahead TD against DA BURRS because he left the ball on the ground when he got up to go celebrate.
We knew exactly what a catch was before that moment, but we've never known since.
They didn't have enough to turn it over. Simple as.
I would tongue her asshole (after she made me a succulent meal)
>2 hand tucked like an RB running thru the tackles
>not secured
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USC gets dominated at the line of scrimmage all the time. This is literally Lincoln Riley's M.O., not recruiting lineman. Michigan's defensive tackles shredded USC's offensive line. I've never seen 2 DTs get more penetration in a game.
would you season it first
How boring
Nah, we have photo proof now. Miami are riggers, confirmed.
He never had control. You can tell because nobody, nor the ground, knocked the ball out. It just flopped out of his hands. No catch is the correct call.
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ResetEra says catch
It's loose in front of his arms, not tucked in. Are you blind?
I'm in love with the brunettes cavalier attitude
Conference of champions.
Ball don't move like that if somebody got firm control. That's clear an obvious evidence. Case closed.
It was INCONCLUSIVE. You can't just ignore that rule, faggots.
I didn’t know they rigged college football games. That’s wild.
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deez nuts
>Washington kicker missed 3 FG attempts in a 3-point game
They should have called the two QBs to the 50 to whip out their cocks and size up to decide the winner after the review.
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HERE. Clear bobble. No possession surviving the ground.
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>no more football now
I guess I'll watch volleyball.
One of two teams ever to beat literally every team in the country. That’s worth more than whatever “natty” your shit team claims.
This is 100% conclusive and youre jist a contrarian or Miami hater if you think otherwise
KiwiFarms says it was a catch
What exactly does that have to do with refs fucking up a 4th down spot to give Michigan a bogus first down, missing several facemasks on Moss and forgetting holding is a penalty? Yeah, USC could have been better but the refs could have been a lot better. Neutral site with refs from a different conference that won’t suck Michigan’s cock all game, USC wins by 10 points.
do NOT look up last year's Cal/Auburn game
The ball was literally NEVER SECURED FOR EVEN 1 MICROSECOND. Jesus Christ.
go to bed nigga, we got a whole day of college football tomorrow
The play was well over at this point. Does he need to hold the football in the showers too?
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His kicking career is over. That tOSU kicker last week just got permabenched too. Bad week for kickers.
What is this outfit called
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>#43 didn't timestamp
yeah I'm thinking this was a shop
never should have been ruled a catch in the first place, back judge was onions, the best ruling in the aftermath of the play would have been incomplete and then it goes to review to see if miami actually ripped it out. instead we had an activist back judge trying to inject himself and the ref god slapped him down for his insolence, restoring order.
it's a chef's uniform at a restaurant doofus, she has an apron on
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It's fine. Miami's going 0-3 over their next few games anyways
>Ball clearly bobbles around before the VT receiver stops on the ground.
>Play is clearly over

and he got put on scholarship just last Thanksgiving after booting Washington to an Apple Cup win and saving their season. Tragic.
0 natties.
0 B1G championships
Complete irrelevance
Rutgers is the personification of New Jersey
theyll beat Cal easily because we suck
FSU is trash
2-1 at the worst
Let check in on Oklahoma’s injury report
>INB4 they release a statement where they ruled it a catch, but they still give the PooooU the win.
looks like a windbreaker/tracksuit
Think we're about to have some chaos in college football tomorrow.
Are you daft? The catch isn't over unless the possession survives the fall to the ground. It clearly bobbled loose.
Michigan still shouldnt have been able to bully them that hard. The overall talent disparity was still in USC’s favor even accounting for the TD gifted to michigan by the reffies. The world aint fair i guess so make sure you can win by more than one score.
Again, USC still had the tools to win but they were too retarded to employ them effectively. Blame couching all you you want instead of the players, but coaching is part of the game just like the actual players are.
I think at the very least we can all agree that riley is the core problem/weak link here.
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It ain’t that cavalier
>0 natties
Least senile Rutgers hater
Bobble and then simultaneous possession in the endzone. It's a touchdown.
>you need to have total possession and the ball can’t move at all until you come to a complete stop
Has never been the rule. He had control and when he hits the ground, it’s over, the defender trying to knock it loose after the play changes nothing
that's an Alo jacket she has on. Which probably cost like $250 it's like lululemon, but more expensive.
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the blonde creeps me out
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>people still seething over refball
She has a big fucking head.
>0 natties.
They won the first.
A team shouldn’t have to win by more than one point. The refs should do their fucking jobs.
>simultaneous possession
>both of them are laying out of fucking bounds
It’s the one thing everyone can agree on.
Based reffies bringing about world peace one infuriating clusterfuck at a time.
>Going 1-1 a 2 team civil war era soccer league.
Yeah not a real natty.
The receiver isn't out of bounds though
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Apparently there is a TROON in this picture. Can /cfb/ spot the TROON?
nuB1G is fun. It’s better when it’s not just OhioStateorMichiganWinsLol
Rutgers finally figuring it out
VA Tech was moving the ball. If they hadn't wasted their timeouts and had retarded playcalling they wouldn't have needed a hail mary
Yes they should but 100+ years of undeniable evidence proving that they wont should be enough to convince teams not to place too much faith in them being competent or even honest.
Play the hand you’re dealt not the one you wanted.
#1 he is
#2 even if he isn't as soon as the defender is out of bonds and touches the ball it's an incomplete pass
it was never, ever a catch, ever
this thread is so focused on the hail mary call no one will notice I'm dating a T-girl
pics of bussy?
They’re obviously all troons
Divisions might have been a mistake.
The fake field goal was the stupidest call in history, not the fact the called it but the play that they called. I've never seen a team fake a field goal with a pitch straight up the middle into 11 lineman before. What is that coach smoking?
Who cares what the result was today?
Miami is fraudulent
Cam Ward is not a Heisman QB
Anybody with eyes can see it
There he is. Theres the sicko dating a tranny
Yeah, this was an unmasking. If I’m an AP voter I’m treating this as a loss.
Refchads won me some money. Took VT at +18, then Miami at +1.5 at the half. Thank you refbros
#1 show me
#2 no, if it's simultaneous possession then it's rewarded to the receiver every single time, him being out of bounds means nothing, even if it goes from WR possession > simultaneous possession with a player out of bounds, it's awarded to the receiver
So Buttgers will go 6-0 for the second straight year.
Powerhouse program
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He's black so he gets +5 voting
>AP voters
>watching games
they're too busy attending white guys for harris zooms
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Why do you people even watch this rigged bullshit & complain about it every fucking week?
i just watch to support black and brown voices. and when a black woman speaks, i shut the hell up and listen
Should I pay attention to politics 24/7 and go insane? I don't need to work on my garden all the time.
Woman a black woman speaks i like to shart real hard and poop my pants
Sometimes im not successful and its only a dry fart, but the spirit remains the same
Youre better off paying 0 attention to politics.
Just chill, we're all nobodies and cant do shit.
Just enjoy the fun shit in life
gardens are inherently political
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No, Tarl
Same reason I watch wrestling. To get worked into a shoot.
I’m incontinent by choice and i vote
Harris/walz 2024 btw
Take that drumpfkins
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Tampon Tim Walz will help you with your incontinence with mandatory tampons in all men's bathrooms
>that game
>antwaun powell ryland leaves florida, now looks like an all american
so its clear now. miami isnt good, napier is just that bad of a coach

miami will drop 1-3 games, maybe make the playoff and get their doors blown off by a real team, then go back to being shit next year. 2024 miami/cam ward = 2023 fsu/jordan travis
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Anyone else think she's kinda cute?
Problem is that Miami doesn't play very many good teams left. Maybe the ACCCG, but they're spared by their schedule this year.
They dont make tampons big enough to solve that problem.
Modern science just isnt there yet.
Only in a “i will suck your dick so hard the Vatican will classify it as an exorcism” kind of way
They’ll lose to Louisville at a minimum
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Based Tiger bot
I would have fucked her 20 years ago. Still won’t vote for her.
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cold beer on a Friday night
Why does TMobile use the two guys from Suits, a show that was semi popular a decade ago, for a commercial in 2024. On top of that they seem to be inside of a fucking yard shed or something. I don’t get it. It doesn’t make me want to learn more about TMobile.
Bunch of soft N I G G E R S In this thread
why does apple use an inbred actress?
my remote batteries died during the miami game and now I'm watching women's boxing. the west has fallen.
I miss Foxy Boxing.
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Miami turning off the stadium lights after they score is dimes.
She's a caramel goddess
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Refchads.. I'm feeling good about tomorrow.
bryson daily is your heisman winner
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You're not fooling anyone NFL ref.
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>we didn't get the job done today, but I'm still so proud of our guys. Louisville is a great team, but we made some mental mistakes
>team hasn't beaten a team ranked in the top 5 in nearly a decade
>still has delusions of grandeurs
>a show that was semi popular a decade ago

mega popular on netflix now, they're making a spin off iirc
It was the only time Megan Markle was ever hot.
I fell asleep. That's what happened? Yes that's a touchdown
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Less then 12 hours until UCF gets Buffalowned.
Ready for Prime Time?
No I am not ready for crime time.
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>play a team a bajillion times on NCAA when you're a kid because of some meme "rivalry"
>finally decide to watch one of their games as an adult
>band plays their fight song
SDSU was that team for me. When you heard the fight song, did it remind you of all of your natties and Heisman trophies?
Navy is going to show UAB how a real team plays football. Another team about to get BONED.

Btw cfp committees position on their extra game. It doesn't matter
I like to imagine that Horace has a PhD in English, teaches a "History of Languages" class at some snooty private school we've never heard of, and that this is just immaculate shitposting
B1G has been rigged for Michigan and Ohio State for a decade and a half atleast. Remember when they rewrite the rules to get Ohio Sttae in the the B1G champ game ?

All hype for ‘the game’ which is their biggest seller of the year
Penn Shite
This is false Michigan fans could tell you 100s of instances where they got jobbed
Keeping undefeated OSU out because their opponents kept refusing to play wouldve been retarded. You are retarded.
>head to head result shouldn't matter because...IT JUST SHOULDN'T, OKAY? IT'S RIGGED!
Get over it Tom, if you wanted to win shouldn't have allowed a 35-7 lead.
Pork shoulder is in the smoker boys
No just faggots like yourself.
Lucky. Wedding anniversary today, wish I could just shitpost. Not a nice dinner anniversary but a let's go spend a bunch of money
SC AM bets:
Eastern Michigan -13.5
Arkansas +5.5
Avoid Auburn -1
I'll just avoid watching that game tbqh instead.
Does Brian Kelly get fired today when the jags come to town? And buck break his team
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>It’s Ohio State week.
What is chiles o/u picks? 4
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>he got married in the fall
I’ll take the under, but my goodness he needs to make better throws.
>Little Brown Jug getting absolutely bodied by New Mexicans
You love to see it
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Sharty gonna shock the world today. Will Howard's gonna shit his pants in front of his first hostile B1G crowd and Ohio State's defense looked weak as fuck last week.
Classic signs of an upset. And I'm fucking here for it.
this but unironically
If Aiden can manage 2 or less picks, and name lynch adams as RB starter instead of that weakling Carter they have a chance
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>after further review, the ruling in the field
>is reversed ;)
I hope so bros. Chiles has the talent but needs to make better throws. And agree on KLA needing to be named the starter - he’s clearly earned it.

Biggest issue is gonna be in the trenches, OSU D-line is gonna feast on our depleted O-Line
This is College Football, not the Chiefs. Although Ohio State is close enough to the Chiefs and ND is basically the Cowboys.
>Georgia almost loses to an unranked ass Kentucky team
>Miami almost loses to an unranked ass Virginia Tech team
Everyone laughing at Miami is a homosexual redditor
stop making up scenarios in your head and getting mad at them, we were laughing all night at how bad Georgia looked and were universally pissed that Stoops lost his balls
Bros, my Temple Owls WILL make the playoffs in 2048
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Have a feeling this will come in handy this season
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>stop making up scenarios in your head and getting mad at them, we were laughing all night at how bad Georgia looked and were universally pissed that Stoops lost his balls
thanks, Coach
if it makes you feel any better, Ohio State's defense hasn't managed a turnover since week 1, so there's some hope that he'll dodge a couple gimmes there.
anOSUfags stay mad every time you bring up the weak schedule
>Trump says eat them Dawgs!

ok I lol'd
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For essentially that entire decade the division both schools played in was much stronger than the other division. It was more rigged for Wisconsin to reach the B1GCCG
>Presidential candidates picking teams for votes
Kek we are going back to the blues and greens
Now that the dust has settled, did VaTech get screwed last night or was it the right call?
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I used to want Corso to hang it up because he obviously has alzheimer's, but he's been slurring for so long at the point I want him to go until he dies on set. No nursing home for Lee.
Touchdown was the wrong call initially, but overturning it was also the wrong call. It was retardation on retardation and the only reason it blew up the way it has was because a "top 10 team" was involved.
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>GameDay will never get Vtubers for celebrity guest picker
It was the right call. It was your mom that got screwed, by multiple men.
Can Bama win today?
When Miami makes the playoff, VA Tech will get a nice piece of the pie
Because they're not celebrities kiddie diddler.
No. It's Kalen DeOver
pat mcafee is bisexual. therefore gay
If they score more points than Georgia, yes.
>Booing a pair of Geosgia boys whose house got affected that storm that they had to get a raft to get out
Good job sisterfuckers.
takes one to know one...
Better than some literal who comedian or rapper.
>Pac 12 in talks with the city of Oakland to inquire the use of the Coliseum as the site for its conference football championship game
wah cry more sissy
Roll Tide.
*citation needed
I'm thinking Southern beats LSPoo
Any literal hurricane games today?
>pwease be nice to me my house is unda wata :(
no Miami played yesterday
Sure but I mean literal hurricane games since there's a hurricane happening right now
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A toast to my comrades in arms, excellent showing last night.
Oh boo ho they happen every year
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
it's not a hurricane anymore dum dum, it's been downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone. stop being so dramatic.
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>Asian Alabama cheerleader
Gf broke up with with me yesterday, time to get hammered, want to die and watch cfb
look guys our meteorologist is back
But I want to see guys play in 3 inches of water and crazy wind :(
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Reminder that Virginia Tech winning outright would have cost the now incredibly powerful sportsbooks A LOT more than the result we got.
>want to die
wishing you luck moose fucker
nah not him, Google told me so shithead
for me, it’s drinking red wine and eating triscuits with sharp white cheddar cheese and prosciutto on game day
You'll be fine, CFB heals all
many such cases
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>Oregon vs UCLA at 9pm in my timezone
Late night blowout bros
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You know there are actual football matches being played right in Europe.
>college kickers
>played soccer for 12 years
>can barely kick
where do they get these basedboys lmao
Silence, latinx
Did that kid play indoor soccer for 12 years? He got zero umph on that kick. They should deport his ass back to where ever he came from.
You'd think soccer players would be good considering the guy the Cowboys got
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don't care
you will never be white
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>when it’s gameday
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>I like to thank the imaginary man that lives in the stratosphere
>Everyone cheers
Absolutely disgusting.
Gaythiesm is cringe
Post fat hands for old time's sake
Kentucky is either BTFO because their QBs are dogshit or their defense will keep it close and make Ole Piss sweat.
how very enlightened of you
>fedora lords getting involved in sports
Fuck outta here
who said this?
>r/atheism ---->
>adult posting cartoons
>kiddie diddler
absolutely disgusting
>Mississippi State is considered such a shit opponent that Texas won't even activate Ewers to play them in their SEC debut
Archbros stay winning. ARCH MANNING will get Texas their first in-conference SEC win
This noon slot is AIDS, I might unironically watch Maryland-Indiana
Stop slandering Miko.
you're both queer
Please do, Indy will be ranked tomorrow
ok st - ksu
/cfb/ is avtuber general.
So there's just Michigan blowing out Minnesota until things get going and we can talk about college football games?
Yeah so? Still doesn't make you not gay.
Shut the fuck up everyone, superdogs are on right now!!
sneedbraska is playing, so if you want to see basically the only non-meme QB in CFB you can watch that
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Michigan cheated
gonna need a quick jerk sesh before the games start
what should I fap to?
and there it is
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this image
And there it is
kick six
Jayne Calloway
My Noles booty blast all of these shit teams
Some old fuck Bama fan that was on Gameday that attended over 600 games.
chantal danielleOr valentina ricci
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Ready for some SOVL rivalry action
What the fuck is Lee Corso babbling about?
The N word.
he has oldtimers
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Praise jesus
You guys are down in the Buttgers/Maryland/Indiana zone of just, man, I don't even feel like watching the game this week. Especially at 7:30. This should be a noon game. I have better things to do.
>Celebrity Guest Picker
>It's the former coach's wife
How are (((they))) keeping Lee Corso alive? He’s living way past his years
I really don't much care for Nick Sabans ugly cunt wife. Also Nick is infertile btw and all his children are adopted LMAO
Me watching Kentucky upset Ole Piss on TV and Navy BONE the fuck out of UAB on stream. It's going to be a good noon slot for me.
Gee, I wonder who Nick Saban and his wife are going to pick to win the UGA/Bama game.
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>I have better things to do
Travis Hunter is a handsome lad
Grambling State
You wish you could live as long as him you faggot cretin
Go uconn :)
Does Riaola transfer out of Nebraska at the end of the season?
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BYU is gonna win
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If they really wanted to win over the American people Kamala and Trump would both do a pick em and let everyone see who really knew ball
My Golden Knighties are going to destroy them :)
mark ingram sweating everywhere on national tv, very disrespectful
Power still out so I'll post the scores
>K-State 31, Ok State 14
>BYU 45, Baylor 32
>ND 25, Louisville 10
>Arkansas 27, A&M 12
>Fresno State 14, UNLV 8
>Oklahoma 37, Auburn 31
>UNC 42, Duke 35
>Bama 24, Georgia 10
>Wazzu 42, Boise 20
>UK 38, Ole Miss 33
>Mich 34, Minn 31
>USC 19, Wisconsin 17
>Texas 45, Clanga 14
>anOSU 31, Mich St 10
>Clempus 45, Stan 21
>Houston 42, Ia St 35
>PSU 31, Ill 25
>LSU 31, USA 10
>Zona 31, Utah 24
>Oregon 32, UCLA 21
>IU 28, Mary 25
>Pur 17, Neb 10
>TCU 35, KU 31
>UCF 23, Prime 20 OT
>FSU 19, SMU 10
(((They))) are using necromancy and dark spells to keep Lee Corso functioning and animate
Hunter doesn't know that no NFL team will let him play both sides. He'll probably end up at CB somewhere.
Just put them in a cage make it a UFC fight and let Kamala murder the fat orange fraud live on ppv
>Look, folks, I'm telling you right now, Oklahoma State is going to destroy Kansas State. Believe me. People are talking about Kansas State—great team, nice team—but Oklahoma State? They've got the energy, they've got the momentum, they've got the best players. Tremendous athletes, tremendous. Kansas State doesn’t stand a chance, folks. Mark my words, it’s going to be huge, okay? Oklahoma State, total winners. Everybody’s saying it.
>UCF 23, Prime 20 OT
playa hater
He took the vaccine but they gave him a special one that actually boosted his immune system. Obviously didn’t help with his mental health. I’ve been druk for almost 2 days and I can string a sentence together better than the dude. He deserves to be euthanized
that game got buckbroken by the state of Utah last week
jenny taft? more like lickmy shaft lmao
He's actually dead. They're just propping him up on stage like they did in Weekend At Bernie's.
>I was watching... in various places and I saw Mike Gundy, the great Mike Gundy. And he was talking about the famous "I'm a man I'm 40" rant
May the games begin
The Ole Miss Stadium looks comically small when compared to the actual good teams of the SEC
>watching CFB at night
Sounds comfy
>Ole Piss
>ole piss
Suck it Ole Piss
dem dawgs finna bouta blast dat bama bussy
>They're worried about the Fumble when the player that got hit went full Tua
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Kentucky-Ole Miss at noon gives me Jefferson Pilot vibes
Coach primate
Not a fumble. Simple as.
players are replaceable, field position is not
new in a few
holy shit and there it is again
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Ref incompetency 5 seconds into a game
I bet on the michigan-minnesota over. Surely theyll score more then 34 right
someone bake new
Kirk Herbstreit was assigned to be his keeper. In return he will receive 20 percent of Corso’s estate. He is just being nice to him to receive more shekels. I heard they used to consistently fight off camera.
CU losing to UCF could be hilarious
Nah, that's actually pure competence. You make the call that can automatically go to review rather than the call that can't.
Nope. Hope you lose.
Die mad Poosier.
Open wide.
That would require a Vtuber to even know this spot exist and I only know just two who does.
I like how the Ole Miss mascot is just a fucking plantation owner lmao
Used to be. They also used to play dixie. Fuck (((them))) for taking away our southern traditions and history
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For me, it’s the Ole Miss Rebels
As a Penn State Alum I agree. Fuck them for casting out our iconic legend Jerry Sandusky
>Nick Saban said his wife, Terry, came to him before his retirement and told him, “Why are we doing this?" She told him that the players now only care about how much money they are making.

>Dream Motor Group, which Nick Saban co-owns, has bought two Mercedes-Benz dealerships in South Florida for approximately $700 million.
>Terry Saban has been so isolated from actual human beings that she actually believed the ra-ra bullshit
>Travis Hunter is a handsome lad
whats the best game on right now

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