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Kacper Sinica Vs Nedalin Hristov - RH 85 / 95 kg category.
Kamil Jablonski Vs Artyom Morozov - RH +115 kg Super Heavyweight category.
Auden Larratt Vs Je-yong Ha a.k.a "The Korean Hulk" - RH +115 kg category.
Rob Vigeant Jr a.k.a RVJ Vs Nugo Chikadze - RH 105 kg Light Heavyweight category.
Serhii Kalinichenko Vs Georgi Tsvetkov - RH +115 kg Super Heavyweight category.
Corey West Vs Kamil Jablonski - LH +115 kg Super Heavyweight category.
Devon Larratt Vs Leonidas Arkona - LH +115 kg Super Heavyweight category. - main event

Morozov is a monster
Hello friends
are you ready for auden cringe?
pls no
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god help us
tsk tsk tsk no challenge
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this korean dude is a teddy bear, wtf auden is a cunt
insufferable bullshit
Larratt is pretty chill and fun outside of events only to turn into an insufferable cunt when on stage, apparently it's hereditary
why does the announcer look like he slept in that suit and just crawled out of bed after drinking too much?
Armwrestling is the bum-couture place.
solid stuff from coresports, as usual.
it's joever
I feel I would land on every single on of you.
What is kwab?
what the fuck is a "dead set legend"?
>he doesn't know
KWAB Women And Bums
Oh I get it, it's just a silly way of saying crab
Scrannin' on a cream of mushroom soup
Who the fuck?
Niggers can be likable but maghrebins are worthless subhumans
France is pathetic, the last real white people are in Eastern Europe and America
Georgi too stronk
Browncel bros?!
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ah yes i love strapwrestling
Textile pulling, best new sport.
its a yappapie strap match
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ok Devons walkout music was a 10/10 choice. Now let's watch him turn into his usual obnoxious cunt self for 30 minutes before morphing back into a somewhat reasonable human being.
alles gut? alles gut? alles gut? alles gut? alles gut? alles gut? alles gut?
fucking hell Leo can't even move him. damn
what was this match even for?
Leo get's matches with the big dogs right out the gate because of his huge social media following. It's purely promotional. I like the guy, but the matches aren't earned at all.
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damn, didn't know he is also Devon's son.
yeah that's enough for me. ain't watching the end of this.
gentlemen, see you at east vs west.

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