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there is nothing wrong with being weird. but you should learn to hide your power level. in general, the more openly weird and abnormal you are, the more talented, skilled, or otherwise valued you need to be in order to be tolerated by humans. I think there's probably even an exact equation to describe this, its a ratio essentially where we would take a measure of how closely your behaviors align with others to how skilled/otherwise valued you are.

An easy pop culture example is quentin tarentino, who is renown for being strange and having a foot fetish (which isnt really THAT abnormal), but he is also known for making great films. It also makes sense as a ratio because certain traits would be seen as so far away as to always be repulsive and no amount of social value could justify it in the eyes of the masses. Like extreme fetishes, or very extreme beliefs, etc. The best thing to do if you are neurotypical (and unable to isolate or find a group of like minded or at least tolerable outsiders) is to sublimate those desires.

The problem I see in zoomers is they fail to understand this, they see being abnormal as a virute in and of itself and wear it with pride, then demand to be accepted.

Another fun way to consider it is calling it the anime effect. The main characters in anime have really absurd ridiculous hairstyles and personalities but thats because they're exceptional in other ways, extremely powerful etc. If you arent exceptional in other ways, and you wear your oddness on your sleeve, dont be surprised when people mistreat you.

it isnt fair, but it is the way things are.
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why is he so smug?
Cute question from cute Jamaican boy
this the new meme?
You're cuter
I use my humor to mask my power level.

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