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1 Alabama lost
10 Michigan Lost
4 Tennessee Lost
8 Miama about to lose
11 USC Lost
9 Missouri lost
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what was going through his head at this moment?
hes black, so nothing
West Virginia won, all is good

If they beat Iowa State, could they get ranked?
>Loss to #8 Penn State (currently 5-0)
>Loss to a 5-0 Pitt
the transfer portal did this
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>8 Miama about to lose
>Socio economic factors caused this
goddamn i fucking hate miami. my goddamn chokies got fuckin robbed and the fucking cal fuckin fags choked too fuck these miami frauds soft ass acc
>8 Miama about to lose
>miama about to lose
Kill yourself redneck subhuman

Cry about it, hillbilly cunt. Enjoy never getting a real job since every employer will immediately toss your application into a fireplace the second you open your mouth and the redneck ebonics start vomiting out of your mouth. I hope you're good playing a banjo and begging for tips for the rest of your life.
qq um cunt
Bye week chads, we won
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Auburn's coach has blamed another loss on their quarterback, claiming he keeps ignoring the coaches and running plays he decides on his own. Is this a legit excuse for losing games or should the coach be responsible since he's the one who decides who gets to be QB?
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
I really wish jannies would do something about europoors shitting up our board on /cfb/ day.
Wild that Cal started the free speech movement and now advocates for the opposite.
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>Cry about it, hillbilly cunt. Enjoy never getting a real job since every employer will immediately toss your application into a fireplace the second you open your mouth and the redneck ebonics start vomiting out of your mouth. I hope you're good playing a banjo and begging for tips for the rest of your life.
Thorne is a retard but he’s somehow the best QB on that roster which falls on Freeze.
this is so poetic it qualifies as miltonian verse
Tennessee's paradise is indeed lost
nigga this was posted 3 hours ago they should've absolutely lost that lol, too bad Cal's a worse choker than wsu
it even happened on the same yard line as the one with Milton
Michigan doesn't even have a quarterback and Missouri somehow got ranked top 10 by beating literal who community colleges but the real question is... Who is actually good?
Why is the triple option so hard for a lot of schools to defend? Like with Vanderbilt today, they run the triple option. Alabama couldn't stop it. I swear usually whenever a lot of these meme upsets happen, it's because the school in question is running some variant of the triple option scheme.
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So Freeze has success at Ole Miss but it's cheating. Then he goes to Liberty and has success, which I can not explain. Now he's sucking at Auburn. Is he just a "good not great" coach?
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wooo pig niggers
There are only 2 really good teams in the country. Texas and Ohio State. Then you have your upper tier teams (Alabama, Georgia fall here), then pretty good schools like Ole Miss, LSU, Notre Dame.
For me, it's the Ivy League. One of the last conferences not tainted by corporate shills.
It requires defenders to be disciplined and tackle well, which is rare for college defenses. Also most defenses are built to stop pass-first/spread offenses nowadays, which leaves them vulnerable to option offenses. Vandy is helped by not having the same recruiting and size limitations the academies have.
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You forgot he had the best Arkansas State season in 40 years, paving the way for Gus and Harsin. Like Urban Meyer and Jim Harbaugh before him, Freeze wins everywhere he goes and quickly. Not even Saban, who had a lackluster stint at Sparty, can say that. Freeze will no doubt start winning at Auburn soon. It’s only a matter of time.
Vanderbilt beat Alabama.
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Same reason teams don't run it. It's extremely difficult. It's an offense that had success before the forward pass was popular. You have so many options and it's unpredictable. You're asking your team and the defense to have an extreme level of discipline and decision making. It's just hard to beat, but also very hard to run. Plus in todays game if you are a triple option team the defense will stack the box. I think a great offense would be a mix of triple option/west coast that always lines up in a triple option look. You have to make the defense respect the pass. If they do that and drop defenders a couple disciplined fast players will destroy a team with the option.
Reminder that 1891 Yale was the greatest and most perfect season of football ever played.
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oklahoma 7 on the left and kentucky 2 on the right. yuck.
The free speech movement was never about free speech, it was about getting rid of anti-obscenity laws that kept society together. Once they were able to spread degeneracy throughout society, they stopped caring about the concept of free speech since that was never their goal in the first place. Now they want speech restricted so no one can speak out against the degeneracy they push everywhere. If the old anti-obscenity laws somehow reappeared, they'd quickly go back to "all speech must be free" until they had the ability to spread degeneracy again, at which point they'd once again be against free speech for others.
because you have to basically change your entire defensive philosophy to account for it. Saban struggled against it at times. It's rare to see and only service academies and a few FBS schools run it because if you get behind you are fucked with a triple option scheme. But like today with Alabama if you get ahead you can run out the clock easily. It's also really bad if you're trying to put players into the NFL because it doesn't teach you anything about a pro style offense.
undisciplined teams struggle with triple option
and Alabama beat Georgia. Should they both be unranked?
>Freeze wins everywhere he goes and quickly.
This is his second season at Auburn and we're in the age of the portal and NIL, which means rebuilds shouldn't take years. I get that this is troll pasta but there are people who seriously suck Freeze's dick all day and night who believe that shit.
Pretty sure it was just about the war chuddy mcchudface.
Did you actually attend the college you root for?
No you fucking retard. I hope you break your ribs
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Harsin was very bad anon. Trust the process.
Of course, why would I cheer for a school I didn’t attend?
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I would put Ohio State ahead of Texas right now, but we will find out how good these teams are next week.
>The team finished with a 13–0 record and a 488-0 season score.
>Yale's 1891 season was part of a 37-game winning streak that began with the final game of the 1890 season and stopped at the end of the 1893 season.
Jesus Christ. Early /cfb/ Ivy League is the most dominant conference of all time.
>kentucky 2 on the right. yuck.
I'm taking the right one every time. You can tell a lot looking at her.
"Your Mothers House" isn't an actual university, so no
All these Top 25 teams lose and the polls will still keep Army & Navy out. It's all rigged as fuck.
Yes unlike some marquee programs
Uppies!! I want Uppies!
I’ll post their schedule with rankings tomorrow, but if I remember right all of their opponents were top 25 and they had something like nine top 19 wins. All of their wins were shutouts by at least two touchdowns.

All 5 of the greatest (most dominant) teams of all time were Yale teams - 1891, 1888, 1892, 1909 and 1887.
Actually you could argue 1883 was more dominant than 1887.
Hey guys was out picking apples with the family. How is my number 1 Crimson Tide do?
Looking at the early years of cfb is fascinating. Imagine having a coach of your program invent the onside kick, line of scrimmage, or forward pass. I don't understand NFL fans. Football is a college sport and was invented by college coaches and players.
Looking great. We'll see how they do against #4 Tennessee in 2 weeks.
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When has a top 4 SEC team lost to an unranked SEC team? Even in an away game lmao
Every sport was invented by amateurs. It could only be professionalized once the creators popularized it enough to create demand.
Which is what makes college sports superior.
Imagine your team shutting out every single team in the country (yes it happened).
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the only equivalent feeling is fucking the vols wooo damn pigger
I’m assuming it’s happened multiple times in history.
Just once.
Except now the games are rigged and controlled as fuck. Not to mention, ever since the BCS system, the championship has been rigged too.
1891 Yale
1901 Michigan
Who else?
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Neither of those teams shut out everyone in the country. Michigan didn’t shut out Georgia for instance, among others.
Did 538 people really respond to that?
Alright which team from which season shutout every team that existed at that time?
Princeton, 1869
He tried to warn us bros...
god you guys are acting like complete faggots about randome cfb trivia from 150 years ago. should be shit talking on a great night
damn that shit was some blatant targeting at end of Miami game, actually insane they were giftwrapped a win from it but cal sucks so who cares I guess
All that talent and he constantly squanders it with stupid calls and poor game management. Harsin was there for a year and a half and this isn't 1997. No one gets four years to turn over a roaster. Even before NIL and the portal, Saban lost to ULM his first year at Alabama. His second year he went 12-2, won his division and was ranked in the top ten with a NY6 bowl. Freeze won't even make the Birmingham Bowl in his second year.
He lost to New Mexico State at Liberty. His "success" there was due to a CUSA schedule. Funny that he went on to lose to New Mexico State again when he got to Auburn and probably will lose to the same group of coaches this season when they play Vandy.
didn't asked
Miami is the only team who remebered who really runs this game, my reffies : )
kek that’s technically correct
Shit talk to who? Nobody is around. SEC is frauds and nobody outside of Texas should be in the top 10. Nothing will change though. Bama and Georgia will still be ranked high and make the playoffs.
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>non-ivy league chess
Ole Miss has never been in the SEC Championship Game. Imagine if Vandy makes it there before the Rebels do.
>lose to fucking vandy
>still gonna be top 5
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Suck my dick, faggot. Your team still has one loss it shouldn't have, and you will continue to talk about it with your family through the end of the year, as if it is something worth dwelling on.
none of the other teams matter
Get ready for #18 Indiana behind a 1 loss LSU with a terrible transitive loss.
>wake up
>#1 Alabama lost to Vandy
All that talent isn’t on the team yet anon. That’s the 2025 class which are currently in high school and wherever else. Try to learn your shit before you attempt to tear down the greats.
that chick is so fuckin hot goddamn
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You forgot someone
Ohio State is still going to get BTFO by whatever SEC team they face in the playoffs, just like every other time.
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. What does this have to do with my post?
You are the gayest person on this board
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Not full on gay though. I’ll fuck a tranny or twinkle but I don’t like body hair. Body has to be smooth and soft.
>vols somehow lose with 4 straight downs with zero pressure on QB
>tries to run it like a hero at end
kek just throw it you retard
>longhorns move to #1 without even playing
>OU moves up 2 without even playing
way things are going sooners are gonna win RRR and all fucking hell is going to break loose
Coach Bye Week
girls body hair is nice
>Oklahomo beats Texas
>Oregon beats Ohio State
>Pedo State beats USC
>Oregon is #1
>Pedo State is #2
>Miami is #3
>Georgia is #4
No, that’s his lifetime post count
not happening
people expect it now so it won't happen
that's how this works
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i'mma leave-uh
>on3 already giving the Lincoln Riley eulogy in their weekend wrap up show
They'll still be ranked higher than arkucksas lmao
It should only be Oklahoma. Texas was a choking bitch for about decade
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Most efficient offenses in the country, according to ESPN Analytics

1. Indiana
2. Army
3. Ohio State
4. Navy
5. Clemson
yesterday was a HUGE day for college football
>last time texas was ranked #1 going into Red River was 1984
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>10 Michigan Lost
in all the chaos I actually missed this
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Top 5 Miami Hurricanes
Remember when retards said this fag was better than Arch Manning?
I don't get why ACC has to reffie rig for their top team unless someone made a big bet somewhere
You get an autobid to CFP regardless and you very likely aren't getting 2
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Is bowl eligible in October. Early October. First week of October. First in the nation October.

Maybe at 5-2
He's tall, just noticed in his lanklet stride.
As long as you don't trip against Nebraska, Washington or Michigan (or maybe even so if only 1 of them) you're making playoffs too
8-4 best I can offer
>first twelve team playoff
>only two good teams
Lemme get this straight, the path to Tex vs tOSU is ridiculous. tOSU for example, will have to play
>Michigan (easy but whatever)
>B1G Championship

this is absurd
no refunds
I wonder what the coverage was downfield. I guess no one was open but still, you're out of time and no chance he's making it to the endzone. I'm going to have to call brainlet.
Too bad, if you are the best you will suit up when it matters
No more automatically going to teh natty because you're SEC and B1G royalty
>Bama flagged for putting two #2 at the same time
this seems so amateurish, did this shit ever happened before?
I remember Florida did it last season. I think vs Utah.
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I remembered that too, it was the first time I ever saw it called. Can't believe they noticed it, honestly.
So I guess we can pencil in Vandy and Northern Illinois for a playoff spot then, instead of 'bama and ND?
Nebraska I can see, Washington I'm unsure, both Michigans yes. It's gonna be a fun season
Can't wait to see what teams the polls put in the top 25 over Army & Navy.
Seethe more glowie
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Remember on Friday when /cfb/ had several posters whining about what a shit weekend this was going to be for match ups? Hope they were all fans of teams that got upset. This is what happens when you anger the college football gods.
Not even close. I simply love the Flexbone and old school run heavy formations. I got bored with all the other teams running the same boring Spread Offense. At least a third of college football teams should be running some old school run formations because they can't compete otherwise.
>wake up
>Miami won ANOTHER refballed squeaker against a team they should have plowed
Do we have any real hope that Louisville, FSU, Duke, GT, Wake, or Syracuse can beat them? Because I really don't want to watch these clowns fall assfirst into the playoffs just to get run over by Boise State or something.
Vanderbilt beat VT in large part because VT lined up with two of the same number on a punt that gave Vandy a fresh set of downs that they turned into a TD.
Most likely, it'll be Clemson or SMU in the ACC championship game.
Clempus or SMU will bootyblast them in the ACC championship. Highly doubt the ACC is getting 2 teams.
Vanderbilt and Washington. Maybe throw Cal in there for >quality loss for good measure.
Big 10 gets 2-3 teams, SEC still gets 2-3 teams. So unless a bunch of upsets happen, ACC gets only their champion.
>tfw there's a realistic chance 3-4 teams from the Big 10 finish with no more than 1 loss
It does from time to time and has become more common in recent years due to players being able to play four games and still red shirt, which meant more players on the roster would end up dressing out. Schools asked for help from the NCAA by suggesting that 0 and 00 be added as valid numbers, and few schools even wanted to be able to have zero leading numbers be different so 7 and 07 would both be valid but different. The NCAA added 0 as a valid jersey number and rejected the rest.
Starting next year, the scholarship limit goes from 85 to 105 but there will also be a hard roster cap of 105. Though not all numbers can be used for all positions, this reduction in the overall roster size should make number conflicts less common.
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Conference tie-breakers for who gets into the championship game are going to cause lots of butt hurt.
>a RB and a WR are the top two players in the Heisman odds
What singular factor is responsible for the quality of QB play declining?
Oregon will claim there's an east coast bias. Pedo State will claim nobody wants them because of their past. Indiana will claim that everyone forgot they existed. Ohio State will claim that everyone is just a hater.
Just wait until Bryson Daily goes for 4+ TDs against ND while blowing them out. He won't be nominated because they can't let a service academy player win it anymore, but it'll get people talking.
Just realized today Jalen Kitna is starting at UAB
He apparently just ended up with 6 months probation
Must be nice to have a rich and famous dad
OK but that didn't answer my question.
>ESPN has Alabama projected as #3 for playoffs as of now
Jesus fuck
The rest of the top 10 odds are all QBs.
This year I think it's less about a drop-off in QB play and just more that Jeanty and Hunter are having absurdly good seasons.
>Pedo State will claim nobody wants them because of their past.
That would require them to admit they did something wrong
>crootin will save us, I swear!
Lil homie would unironically hire Billy Napier
>There are only 2 really good teams in the country. Texas and Ohio State.
Neither of whom have played a good team. GTFOH with this recency bias shit
>it doesn't teach you anything about a pro style offense.
I mean, with how poor most QBs and OL are performing the league now, can you really say the average college offense does?
Gameday to Bloomington in 2 weeks you cowards
Sure why not
Middle income parents are increasingly keeping their children away from high school (and earlier) football.
>went 3-7 in the pick'em
>actually went up one spot in the ranking
>went to bed at halftime of the Miami game thinking I'd lose it
>mfw I check the score in the morning
Trying to avoid getting banned for racism by saying what we all know?

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