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Grand Final edition

>State Championship
Newtown Jets v Norths Devils
1:20pm AEDT / 12:20pm AEST on Nine
Stadium Australia, Homebush
>Newtown Jets defeated North Sydney Bears for the NSW Cup. In this clash, they take on Qld Cup premiers Norths Devils for the State Championship title.

Sydney Roosters v Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks
3:55pm AEDT / 2:55pm AEST on Nine, Fox and Kayo
Stadium Australia, Homebush
>Can the Sharks win their first NRLW Grand Final in just their second season or will the Roosters capture their second premiership?

Melbourne Storm v Penrith Panthers
7:30pm AEDT / 6:30pm AEST on Nine
Stadium Australia, Homebush
>As the Panthers aim for an unprecedented fourth consecutive premiership, not achieved since the Dragons in the 50s, they face a familiar challenge in the Melbourne Storm, the team that denied them back in 2020. Has Ivan Cleary finally solved the Craig Bellamy puzzle, especially with star halfback Nathan Cleary nursing a troublesome shoulder? Melbourne are chasing their first premiership in the post-Cameron Smith era. It's 1st vs 2nd, and promises to be a clash fitting for the game's biggest stage.

>where to watch
Nine and 9now, Sky NZ, Digicel, Sky Sports+ UK, Sportsnet World Canada, Sport1 Germany, Fox Sports 2 USA, WatchNRL
South Sydney Rabbitohs lifelong The Kid Laroi
Mostly sunny and 23°

>what else is on?
The third day of the Koori Knockout is starting from 9am AEDT. You can watch on Kayo or NITV.
roosters should be in the grand final
They were?
this is the thread
Dude. I made the thread. Don’t go spamming that shit in it please
I suspect this ain't the thread
It ain’t cause the other one is still going. Go post there. This is just in case of archive before the end of the game
Saints would beat both of these teams
If the WCC is anything to go by, you’re probably right
Why the fuck are Penrith playing in BARBIE PINK?
don't forget that we're in here
>spotting it in 55 seconds
How’s that F5 key looking?
Is this the one?
*bends over*
*pulls pants down*
*spreads bum cheeks*
look i'm the melbourne storm
Not yet
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Now that the dust has settled; was it just a pale arm?
bro the storm actually kinda suck
i hope you remember how retarded you were tonight, thread sperg
>hates the thread
>posts in it anyway
>haven't paid attention to NRL for years
>Penrith win 4 in a row
lmao what the fuck? congrats
So it's your fault. Please don't watch our sport
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>nrl grand final failed to sell out
lol. lmao even

if the tv ratings are also below the afl gf then peter vlandys will kys himself
Not bad!
They used the NFL thread made to help bump off kek
>what’s that smell

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