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there is cricket (a sport) on today, times in UTC edition

WORLD: Test Series 06:00
Pakistan vs England
WORLD: One Day International 12:30
Ireland vs South Africa
first for brisbane heat
second for MY scorchies
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your UTC is wrong
third for the 'canes
You know the story with these odi's. You can beat a country in t20 but odi's are a different thing altogether
*bangs reef*
forgot the front door open today and thought the cats went missing until I found them both in the house
that was a good reminder just when I was beginning to think that I had nothing
Sup. CPL coming up. Super excited!
Whats this?

Extreme /cric/kino is on tap tonight boys.

> Guyana Amazon Warriors v Saint Lucia Kings in the CPL Final
> East Bay Blazer v Chicago Kingsman in the MiLC Final

Most players aren't pajeets with dirty butts, and all match times are watchable for the only audience that matters, Americans. /cric/chads in the US, we eating good tonight.
Apparently the commander was some dumb English lesbian diversity hire
YFO fat
>more of a sailing nation, moite
youre on thin ice, kiwis
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Me when i visit Guyana and breed the locals
has this one been autosaged yet?
Paki pooen matchfixing
just grim batting
Will Hetmyer do something?
Match losing innings from pooen been washed up for years

Cool crowd at least (no a*glo shitters)
I have bever seen Hetmyer do anything good.
>68-4 (13)
White South Africans are the only true competitors.
White South Africans are the only true chokers
innings break show is better than the olympics ceremony
shit i forgot about DST
we just changed to it
every day there's a new cric thread even though I guarantee the previous one would have reached like... 200 posts max
big over
holy shit theyre doing it
nzer doesn't know how the site works
30 posts time for a new thread lmao
I literally wrote the html for the original 4chan so shut the fuck up
yeah well i wrote the css champ
i played css
yeah well we wrote the css champ
Bigger embarrassment, our cricket team or our navy?
navy kek running aground is hilariously bad when your entire purpose is to be good at that sort of stuff
where as your circket team constantly overachieves then goes back to being shit for a few years
what's the captain and pilot's ESG score?
Higher than yours, faggot... Unless it has some dumb scoring system like golf, then it would be, "lower than yours, homo.
No one is at the cricket in Multan
we don't care about the navy so cricket team
Do you think there's a stream somewhere that would have just the on-field mike playing and not these fucking commentators jabbering every possible moment (pls don't piss on me)
can't even remember what cricket looks like
One can dream
>ynr how you've been able to watch dota 2 in client without caster commentary for over 10 years but the technology just isn't there yet for cricket and other sports
da fuq u on about nigga
might buy myself an ai powered toploading washing machine
you blind fuckwit
>dota 2 in client without caster commentary
literally fucking gibberish
skill issue, it's incredibly easy to distinguish SFX if and know what's going on if you're not a retard
shitland finna getting bodied
not really test cricket this. playing on what's basically a strip of tarmac and slogging it all over the place
>pakishir 6-0-42-0

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