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is cock wang a legit wmma fighter or was that a meme fluke KO
i'd have sex with him
He's very good at beating up women in kickboxing
Wang cong, the joker (they/them)
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Soooo she got raped like the Joker? Just like Perez?
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Osp did this to Jones.
Asian women are the best.
last motherfucker that did this went on a losing streak and got cut. I forgot his name now, but he is nickname is Maluco
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Raped by society.
why is Poatan heeming OSP's bitch?
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>omg i can so identify with the le joker
best hair in the UFC 2bqhwul
At what? Cooking rice?
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tictictic, Asspainanall
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The chin will be there for Sean O'Malley (in the rematch)
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She has a win over Val in kickboxing.
im gonna go smoke some pot
Figgy would heem this can.
But i don't know if Figgy can beat Yan
cejudo and pre-flushed marlon both beat suga schaub
Umdaddy smokes faggy and can
Sean had a torn hip thing
i just stuck my finger into my eye and got almost to the knuckle

didnt hurt that bad these fighters are pussies
Why muay thailets don't use feints.
guys im starting to think omalley was never that good
And he still almost won with that front kick.
Indestructible titanium hip bone O'Malley heems.
everybody in the ufc is injured at all times
they all have excuses and im fucking sick of them
Unfortunately for khalil, alex was bangkok ready.
he was almost good he was always evading being exposed while getting better, at first he was pure lanklet, but later in his career he was getting some power in his shots, a few more years and he would have become strong enough to wrestle
>hip replacement before 30
O'smegley is so fucked lol
Please tell me how impressive my cock is
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it's called a bussy
thawlts on wmma superstar prospect emma magnolia?
who do you think has the browner bamhole
olivi or fightfairy?
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Khabib's mom is also his sister and his cousin and grandma
He's absurdly fragile, he needed to go to the hospital after beating Mouthinio because he hurt himself hitting him
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>he's making them seethe years (Y E A R S) after retiring from the sport
I would need proof of the existence of either, but if you were to ask: "If olivi and fightfaggot both had bamholes, whose is browner?", then the answer would be fightnafri.
T-wood vs. K-Lee, calling it now
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Cory McKenna fight week btw
the last thing you see before you die
you now remember Henry “The Messenger” Cejudo
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love tits
you didn't post nothin b
literally all a woman has to do to be hot is not turn 20
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big fan personally
I have actually sucked on these tits, fun fact
>Cory McKenna
yeah i fucked cory mckenna in a cardiff nightclub
she has soft milky tits and small pink nips, she basically fell in love with me
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Urijah Faber dumps his nuts inside this every night then goes home to his 10/10 black wife. Urijah is 5'5" btw
I thought O'Malley had no chance against Merab until I saw the latter get wobbled by 72-year-old Henry Cejudo. I still am in awe that O'Malley is so shit he couldn't even wobble Merab once.
It was actually mick parkin, you couldn't tell because the lights were off
why doesn't Dana shut down 135 & 145 and kick out all the roidbeasts and open up 105 instead? is he stupid? that's the weight where all the qts would be
Sounds like a pornstar name.
This is sexual harassment
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why doesnt anyone tell you that casual drinking makes you more retarded? like, so retareded you are aware of it. Like you literally can remember a month ago not being as retarded as youre now?
so what
It's Ari's way of sneaking in lgbt representation
I will forever respect Kamarpoo Poosman for ending the Whoregay Bumsvidal meme
>it comes as a surprise to the doner that alcohol can impair your cognitive functioning
so this... THIS... is the power of German schooling...
that guy literally shits his pants for fun btw
He was injured b.
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why even keep up the facade that women are good at fighting at that point? from a "hardcore" fan perspective wmma is shit that nobody watches. From a marketing/cazzie perspective it's shit that nobody watches. wmma would sell better if daner just hired the ring girls to do the fighting. there should be a minimum body fat% requirement for female fighters, as well as titty and bunda quotas.
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Being a manlet is a blessing in disguise.
No, b. That's still the other germ. You'll learn it someday, don't worry about it.
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this one too
145 is already shut down
That's just cope.
Post walkout kino
Well, you wouldn't know by how everyone seems to fucking do it HUH? How no one goes, uhh yeah maybe not drinking like ever is the only choice you should make? HUH?
>we need 105
>Cut all WMMA
>Female HW only
This might get people banned b
Is the truth and he still cracked merab ribs.
Didn't she get ethered by a tranny?
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your mom's stomach looks like that b. so does every other woman that's had a pregnancy. you some kind of milf hater?

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>"You're not Gane"

>Me asf
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heem fight IQ in picrel
>I hate the testmakers' trolling so much it's unreal
no, normal woman don't get fucked up like that also have sex you green bitch
whys there a butthole in her stomach
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>normal woman
>pretending you know what normal woman look like naked
you are talking about porn stars. thats what a normal woman's stomach that has had a pregnancy looks like. literally all of them unless they've had cosmetic surgery to fix it. and even then there's still the stretch marks or scarring
you are so retarded you've never had sex with a none obese women in your life
>thats what a normal woman's stomach that has had a pregnancy looks like.
That is absolutely not true lmao
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GAYne is real?
how come when you google post pregnancy stomach they all look like that?
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Don'Tale is MY boy
First of all, they don't; there are only a few examples on image search (probably women with bad skin to begin with). Second, try looking at a post pregnancy stomach in real life.
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Women... Poop from their navels?
I used to lowkey like him a lot but I think losing to Hungry Kebab from Egypt mentally broke him. Before that, his only real outclassing was at the hands of Gane, who is unironically one of the very best striker HWs of all time. Since Abdelkebab, though, Mayes has been showing up looking much flabbier. I don't think he's serious about skilling up and just likes the paycheck at this point. It's a shame because he's naturally athletic and creative, and he has a nice frame for the division.
bro are you a virgin or something? the girl I had sex with a couple months ago had 4 kids and her stomach was immaculate.
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Yo Im so fucking pissed off right now. So I went to the 7-11 for a Slurpee cuz I been craving one really fuckin bad and then, the fucking BITCH who works there tells me I need to take off my fucking hoodie? Its fucking RAINING and Im fuckin COLD. How is that a real rule in America? They wouldnt serve me but I dumped that shit on the floor so that fuckin BITCH could have to clean it up. Bullshit, man.
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>the girl I had sex with a couple months ago had 4 kids
god dawlg that's a communal toilet
virgin me just found out women's stomachs look like assholes
looks like I made the right choice
Why don't you retards talk about your life with your friends?
there's like 10 of us here maybe 11 with you now
>incels think pregnancy has no effect on women's bodies after the pregnancy
wow, not really that surprising
I was UFC 307 with my friends and we all enjoyed the beast of a fight between Pereira and Roundtree. My buddy almost won a parlay but the Aldo robbery cucked him. Sad stuff, b.
Why dont you people stay in your own fucking shithole country?
Hear Every Emotional Male
Mexico is a beautiful country, don't listen to them Mexibro!
Very disingenuous post. No one is saying pregnancy doesn't affect a woman's body composition or the way her stomach looks. We're saying it's not "normal" to have a stomach that looks like a butthole post pregnancy. That's due to bad skin. If she just had stretch marks and a bit of flab it'd be a different story.
esparza won that fucking fight
Just had sex
>what's his name
Pat Barry
what's his game
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I heem every hear.
How can people take WMMA seriously when Esparza was champ not even that long ago?
I'll give you a hint
Foreigners can fuck off. Heeming is American as apple pie.
trying to get underage b& b?
we have friends?
Esparza beat the fuck out of that Chinese girl to earn her title shot. She really fucked her shit up and stopped her in 1 round or maybe 2 idk
If I had friends I wouldnt be here b. I despise this place yet its all I have.
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Yes I would.
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Hi I'm Michael Chandler and I think adopting niggers makes me a good person
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Hi I'm Michael Chandler and if you have any new or used niggers please stop on by and I'll gladly make you an offer
you can't just say that Mike
nah chandler shops fresh b he was literally waiting in the delivery room for the lady to pop that little hap out.
That honestly just makes WMMA look worse.
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oh no
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Michael Chandler could sue you for slandering and impersonating him
Why doesnt her stomach have a horrible anus? I thought she gave birth
Good luck proving that in a court of law,
I’ll be a witness on his behalf
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Chael Sonnen lost THREE TIMES to Jeremy Horn
Kevin Harlem won that fucking fight.....
>implying some retard neet on 4chan has enough assets to make litigation costs worth it
you know that anon is a loser
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It's me I'm really Michael Chandler no impersonation here
Post yourself in hero position
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>Mike's face when all fifteen thousand of my Hap posts are read out in a court of law
You know what I'm too cool for this place I'm going to Africa with my wife goodbye
all my positive ace posts will outshine my Hap hate
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>In Africa, you know, if you're poor, at least you can go to the forest and share some mangoes with the gorillas and monkey.

Ape Chandler
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>team lutterbach pulled out
anybody have that webm of Felice slapping Carla's ass and it's big fat and juicy?
Pick me up a boy while you're there.
A mexican and a black take an IQ test

how many police are called?
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imagine if men acted like this

oh wait, dagestan exists
5 are called and 0 show up
the cookie monster stay winning
Trick question, mexicans and blacks don't take iq tests.
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dead thread
whats crazy is i prefer spammy to the fucking shrimp poster

I mean god damn
There used to be a ufc fighter named batgirl
PFL is so based. When I think PFL, I think “damn, what a based promotion”
hope none of you ever improve your lives
just did a push up
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Who is the horseshoe crab of mma
that's a shrimps in the bowl mentality b
we live in a wangsciety
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Brendan Schaub
bruh why are aldo faggots crashing out so hard?
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Reminder that BVLLmas would heem every poster in this thread.
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quick Thunder post
>I'm not here for a long time, I'm here for a good time!
>2 years of nothing
what did the hapmeister mean by this?
>absolutely unheemable
>no evolution in style and still wins
No one in combat sports is even near it's level.
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he wanted the gewb match and got fewled into being on the shelf
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average 16 y/o teenager right there...
they literally spend the first 2 rounds of muay thai fights mostly just feinting at each other
doing some light reading on the incel wiki and they listed twood as an example of an african american gigachad on the gigachad page
what fighter is most likely to bum a cigarette of you?
Arthur R. Fleck?
doing some light reading on the gigachad wiki and they listed me as an example of a white gigachad on the gigachad page
Nike perry
Looked up "hard" in the dictionary and it showed a picture of Josh Emmett
I haven't the time to make a play on words for your post just know I read it and Im coming prepared next time
Joker2 is flopping
Krazy Horse/Felony Bennett. I would give it to him for that time he choked out OG Geezer
Looked up "List of Canadian ranked fighters in the UFC" in the Encyclopedia Britannica. It showed no entries.
just looked up "Josh Emmett hard" on google images. hell yeah
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I just looked up "Josh Emmett hard" with safe search off. Trembling.
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Reminder that Topuria lost the 3 round fight to Emmett and the 1.5 round fight to Volk.
Max doesn't throw bawlmbs like Emmett
Max doesn't have tactical intellect like Volk
But Max is not 35 or older
Next time you "looked up" and we are on the same piece of dirt you will be staring at my nutsack and grundle. Respectfully.
when do my boys fight?
*gets brought to knees by two asian while another pulls down his pants
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Umm sweaty... we have two ranked fighters actually.
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Pereira gets cold sweats whenever he thinks of this man.
he feels pleasure, actually.
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Jones' parents fighting for his custody.
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The conclusion to the Georgian vs Dagestani drama (for now)
The results:
Merab is seething even more about Umar
Ilia and Usman are apparently going to throw down on sight
Islam keeps his head down
yeah right they have books in mexico
Merab is such a retard
If dana was based he’d cut merab after umar beats him
I could heem merat in a kickboxing fight
Redditker is so fucked

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