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olde: >>144948411

Will the Mets mest it up or will the Failies keep failin?
Eat shit garbage philly fans you are pathetic
wtf was that from Alonso
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See you guys in 24 hours
It ain’t over til it’s over
Phillies are a disgrace to America.
>t. life long mest fan since 2024 (June 2024 of course)
my wife want to watch me fap, is this normal?
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Chadres waiting patiently. Dodgers buck broken, so now we wait till you two tire each other out. Go whoever!
Fuck the mets always and forever
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official thread theme song

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The sacked and plundered town of Sillydelphia
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Mets are going to win the World Series.
I don't get it lol, he was so fucking late. Like why did the third base coach wave him on and why didn't he run back?
Big iq move to end the game quicker so he can get to the bar
>jameson orange
Just a splash of bitters is so much better
when was the last time the Mets had such a tenacious lineup? these guys never say die
I've been a fan since 2001 and genuinely don't remember another team that was purely in COMEBACK mode throughout all of Fall ball
nah they'll be like the last NL 6th seeds and lose in the WS.
I said this a month ago, I think the guardians are winning it all
What, the year we set the single season NL wins record and won the World Series? How is that supposed to piss us off?
This cope is delicious
Phillies will not win another World Series for 28 years. You had 2008, see ya in 2036.
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So it happened again. Only this time it happened a series earlier.
Its so old and ancient, you weren't even alive when it happened.
>mets lest WS over 40 years ago
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the phils could take a page from these mets book when it comes to plate discipline

they are swinging at way too much and getting behind on the count so fast
There's nothing, NOTHING, more kino and soulful than a starting pitcher getting an ovation while leaving the game late.
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Padres have a nice warm blanket waiting for them at world series.
80s they had an extremely talented lineup, not that I remember it.

The 2000 and 2015 Mets definitely not. Los Mets had pretty good hitting.
>flavoring whiskey

It's already flavored you fucking zoomies
>team is an advertisement for McDonald's
The only thing more kino is when he doesn't leave the game
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>Philthies seething about 1986 and it’s only game 3
first time watching the phillies?
So? It will make it that much sweeter when they win. I've gotten to see them be NL champions twice at least.

Red Sox didn't win for 86 years and now they've won the most of any team since 2000.
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im an astros fan :)
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charred wood is not a flavor you degenerate
thread is moving so fast that I can finally admit to the world that even though I'm a Mets fan, I always really liked Chase Utley
Bravesbro here. The 2006 Mets lineup is the best one I remember. Wright, Delgado, Beltran, Reyes, etc. That team should have won the World Series but, you know...baseball.
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He apparently has no idea the phils strategy is "swing stick hard, ball go far"
Surprised they never mention 2007.
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instead they lost to the 83 win tardinals
Pedro exploding while taking off his shirt didn't help lol.
KYS nigger faggot
>team is an advertisement for fentanyl
oh he's fucking seething
you've never seen your team win the world series in HD unlike me

yeah that lineup was killer. Delgado has always been clutch. but this lineup just seems so scrappy 1 through 9
Phil Maton looks like he is confused, scared, and constipated every time I see him.
Dog pile this cunt!
You weren’t even alive in 1986 lmao
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bitch got mogged the fuck out
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>n-n-no you’re mad
Marsh gives no offense right now
Tell me about cigars and beers and bacon next you Reddit fuck
Mets will win a World Series this century, unless you apologize to Bill Buckner
I like to say his last name like a retard pronouncing it.
bros, in all seriousness, if it's not too early to start talking about it (lmk if I should stfu)...

can our Mets really beat the Padres or Dodgers? I'm still scared about our bullpen and a part of me still can't fully believe that we have such a clutch lineup that fights for every AB
oh god, what the fuck happened to anya taylor joy? remember how hot she was in split?
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My Cat is a Mets fan
My Cat is very happy
Go Mets!
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youre talking about that thing in the middle right
Has Schwarber trimmed down? I remember him being fatter.
i don't think phil maton is very good at pitching
Maton sucks. Should have just left Manaea in.
it's not over though
I've seen a team score 7 runs in the 9th inning
It's happened before
you have GOT to believe
Maton always gives the other team a shot to get back in it
Behind the bag! It gets through Buckner! Here's comes Knight and the Mets win it!
I’ve got a $500 bottle of some Japanese whiskey my BIL gave me so I think I’ll make a whiskey and coke
She's still hot, that's just a bad picture where she wasn't paying attention
Yes because they have no pitching
Only if the Padres don't go full retard and post a shitty rap diss track about the Mets
>World Series
Yes if they face the Yankees or Guardians (Formerly Chucks)
haha based ump that call looool
IMAGINE if a Christian player brought a Jesus mascot. The (((media))) slander would be nonstop
Ironically the Mets can beat the Dodgers, I don't think they can beat the Padres.
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Unlike Sneed who sells feed and seed, Chuck sells fuck and suck.
Based umpchads winning yet ANOTHER game
Truly undefeated
>implying the Yankees will be in the World Series
lol still stuck at 27
And then a Muhammad mascot would have Citifield burned to cinders.
its a good day when philadelphia loses
The Mets should adopt Fiveish as their mascot
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new to mlb?
i dont feel good about this mestbros
There's a reason why I said if the Mets would win it all if they face the Yankees or Guardians. Be sure to read the post proper next time with the context already in it Panamakek.
I think the Dodgers somehow beat the Padres without their pitching. They have the golden boy.
Hmmm I wonder if Harper will strikeout
Really knocked the shit out of that one Trea
Will the Dodgers/Padres game tonight end in a murder?
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Kek based don’t even have to open this
It’s over Bryce Harper is up
He transferred the weight to his wife
They literally run ads for Jesus
Not against Maton he can’t find the zone
maton sucks holy shit
That'll be 330 million plus another 200 million tip for my off season surgery that makes me out for half of next season
what is a philly?
What would happen if the Phillies score 6 runs this inning?
Based plapmaxxer
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I have this cheap Chinese liquor that's like 70 percent alcohol, it taste just like jack Daniel coke if I dilute it, gets me hammered quickly.
oh come on send schwarichiro
I saw the Yankees/Dodgers promo and I knew it was over for every other team.
The script writers won't let any other outcome happen.
a cigat
>Shut out ruined
Well least still gonna win the series tomorrow since we won't be seeing Wheeler thankfully.
alright come on stankek
they're in San Diego, the team might be hot now but the fans are used to losing
that's 370 mil less than what doyers paid
I rather want the Guardians just for the Wahoo Curse.
A small fuckable horse
i like your cat
Pablo Sandoval was a KINO era. imagine being so fucking good but enjoying eating that much more
Imagine if throughout the game, Harper were to slap the ball into right field with risp, rather than trying to be a hero.
can this shit hurry up I want play total war
which total war
>not sending speedy contact hitter Schwarber
Getting tired of Dusty
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For Dodgers, yeah. I'm thinking Buhelers gonna be spooked af, he already got his watch stolen lmao and they're relying ohtani to lead them like in WBC lol
Do we have any chance of seeing a Kershaw lolcaust this year or is he ded?
Rome of course, as Carthage because I've never done their campaign before.
No shot the Phillies end this inning with four runs and then score another two in the 9th with Diaz at helm. That would make me laugh hard if all those turn of events happen.
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For me, it's Khorne faction. Blood for the blood God!
>discussing California shitters in the Mets thread
please stop
He's not on their divisional series roster
>bohm trying to hit a HR instead of a double
wtf happened to him? he hurt is hand and is trying to do WAY too much
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Nah he's out, but if he was in, the score would have been much higher if he pitched hahah
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Is there a worse reliever in this post season than Phil Maton? How does this faggot get work?
>uppercut swing first pitch everytime
Course Bohm saved the Mets
More like bum
>first pitch swinging
Way to go Bohm
Love this jakkie :)
It's always Bohm kek.
Personality hire he injects a much-needed dose of autism into the pen
Philly fans are disgusting pieces of shit i am so happy they are suffering.
imagine bohm ever taking a pitch

fat cheeked retard
6-0 lead you don’t put in your best. But god damn he is awful lately.
He was unironically good for the Mets this year. But he's collapsed in the playoffs.
>Sub out starting pitcher that's having a great game and not letting in any runs
>Other team immediately scores
Why do teams keep doing this
Rangers fans hate Maton for injuring Jung's wrist when he was a Ray which caused the Rangers offense to decline.
Nick Maton
Has there been a non-drug advertisement on this stream so far?
Too bad the Mets did start the 8th with a 1-0 lead.
to keep their good pitchers healthy so they can have another great game
I'm not even memeing, Patrick Corbin is still a starting pitcher in MLB. Look it up, google that shit it's real.
Maton is spanish for "thug"
oh wow a spongebob-licensed hamburger commercial
Everybody in Philly knows you swing at the first pitch every single time no matter what lmao stupid fucks
i just got an othani new balance commercial
Idk I’m listening to the radio :)
I'm watching on tv, you didn't get the "Kamala is for they/them, Trump is for you" commercial about tranny surgeries for illegals and inmates?
Better waste Estevez here, Rob
isn't estevez the closer why is he being used down 4 with a game tomorrow?
isn't one of the AAAtards still on the post season roster for this kind of situation? unless thomson is unironically trying to keep it close lol
I have still not seen this commercial on the streams
pretty hardcore punishment if you ask me
She’s so close to a good idea just give every illegal caught tranny surgery and watch the problem solve itself
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I was reliably informed that Kamala Harris is funding transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants in jail
This. Fuck that mf.
Surprised they hadn't run a ad in which Kamala jailed the majority of black youths in California for smoking weed yet in which ad saying "Is she's no fed, she's a snitch."
acuna should have bunted
She’s the vice president, she’s literally a fed
I've had this tea before with elderberry, it tastes decent.
Phillies are desperate and believe they won't win tomorrow so they are going all in on getting 4 runs in the 9th inning.
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Lets go Estevez
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Thomson makes Joe Girardi seem like Casey Stengal
>another year with double digit losses
>another year with single digit wins
>ANOTHER year with an ERA near 6.00
why do these bozos keep walking guys?
She's a snitch for outting the brotha's of their stash.
>Not voting for the hot afro-desi lady to be Americas mommy
You guys aren’t really voting for trump are you?
I don't want to see this. Im not resting until the last out.
Series is over
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i also like the spiced chai
and of course the classic english tea time
I’m going to now that you said this
Bartolo Colon makes that throw.
Trump is for (((Them)))
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I'm not voting
That’s not what a snitch is though. Just call her a cop which is plenty insulting enough
This is just a fancier scoreboard
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>put closer in for the 8th
>he walks the lead off batter
>he commits an error
A very Angels-esque play.
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/tv/ reporting in
Corbin and Strasburg come off the Nationals books after this year. That's close to 70 million that's done nothing for years.
Best part is even the Eagle are also dead in the water. All Philly has left in terms of any form of optimism is the Flyers of all fucking teams.
Someone cap the Mets qt they just showed?
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For me it’s
His contract is like 20+ million AAV, and the Nats know they aren't contending, so it's cheaper for them to keep him on the 26-man than it'd be to DFA him
yea I thought the winner of game 3 wins the series. even if the phillies win tomorrow mets would win game 5.
glasses or two-tone?
Don't they still owe Scherzer money.
So is Kabbalah
You may need Estevez if it’s a close game tomorrow with the season on the line? What on Earth is Thomson doing wasting him here with all these pitches? Is he retarded?
nvm it's fake https://www.instagram.com/shallyzsa/
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how many batters until ohtani?
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Our small market Metsies ;)
>Sixers fans and Embitch having to watch the Celtics and Tatum to win it all before them
Soon we will see that very same thing when the Mets win it all this year.
Oy vey
i dont care i absolutely still would
Same. It’s a little delayed but idc
there's no way Alvarez is 22. man looks about 36
he's make like 30 starts a year while being awful for a long time
face looks retarded but holy
Are people pretending either of these teams are good when they don't have any japanese players
sucks the Knickerchokers have been poverty since 1970
That's my National League MVP shortstop
No. Mets did for only this year.
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same here my guy but an Asian with a true fatty and thick luscious thighs is a unicorn
yeah crazy body
Seriously even the Tigers have KENTA MAEDA!
It shows the extent of my Mets PTSD that I still want 3 more insurance runs.
senga just pitched last game
mets have senga who will probably go 50 pitches in a start next series and be fully stretched out for the world series :)
I mean he's starting an injury riddled Suarez over Wheeler tomorrow in a crucial do or die game 4. So think he's given up going forward.
Phillies got fleeced in that Angels trade
Mets continue to own this bullpen. Phillies will desperately need Wheeler for Game 4.
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>$20 mil AAV for a number 5 pitcher that was never better than a good 2 or 3
Kodai Senga
does Senga not exist in whatever universe you come from
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You guys won trust me you got it.
>Knickerchokers have been poverty since 1970
Have you not seen what they did this offseason? I think we can at the very least redact the poverty part.
as a mets fan since 83 i am not comfy with this lead.
>You must be 18 years old or over to see this profile
Fuck you instakikes i'm not making an account
What the fuck happened to trey turner?
West coasties don’t understand baseball
none of the big SS signings worked out well
>not being over 18
there are so many account-less instagram viewers out there
Francisco Lindor
>buying ANY pitchers from the angels
lmao what were they thinking?
t. angelbro
I've been a mets fans for 3 days. WE NEEDED those insurance runs
Got paid, got aids
Which one? The Syndergaard rental for 4-5 years for Monkiak? Marsh who can't hit off lefties for O'Hoppe who's been better then both Realmuto and Stubbs combined. Or this one which think the Phillies gave up their 3rd top prospect for?
Well on the plus side, every time we get bootyblasted, we almost always win the next game.
And yes, this was definitely an ass whooping.
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so since this game is over let's move on to more important topics

is Shohei Ohtani unironically the best baseball player since The Babe?
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This is clickbait post. Don't reply
Move along Reffie this is an Umpchad Neighborhood.
Disgraceful performance in a pivotal game
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut
no I meant from two years ago. Turner, Correa, Bogaerts, and Swanson. They all got so fucking hyped up as le biggest SS signings 4eva.
I wanted more pitching ffs, and some scrappy contact hitters.
Problem cabron?
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Yeah. He's better than Babe, though.
no they dont lmao
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fat assed asians are extremely common
cubs got this
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Yeah that was the mets against the Phil's last season kek
bader is a crypto jew?
outfielders vs phillies could be sitting in lawn chairs and it wouldn't make a difference. everything is right to them
And the season before which the Phillies blew a 7-0 lead in the 9th inning. Remember, only the Phillies out met the mets
you left out the "l"
that ain't fat dawg
I have a Korean ex and she told me when she went to Korea her cousins made fun of her fat ass, like wtf is wrong with these ppl. It was glorious.
Got a pretty sweet happy ending from the new girl at the massage place. Just in time to see the phils lose and the doggy doos kek
Why do Mets fans defend their Jewness?
anime has rotted your brain if you think this is remotely fat
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>many such cases
philthyxisters... it's another humiliation ritual
Who even wants fat assed asians the whole appeal of them is that they're small and make my white cock look big
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They are literally Jews.
>booing kody clemens cause his dad once threw a bat shard at mike piazza
can the phillies recover from this and end us to game 5?
how are phillies going to score 7 solo home runs in one inning though
>That'll be 310 million plus tip
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more like the jets
“K”ody Clemens alright
I think he's half.
He had an uncle that i think was an extra in 80s shows like 'Charles in Charge' call into sports radio once in a while.
I’m not even Jewish but you’re a faggot for seething about MY center fielder. You may continue crying now. METS WIN FAGGOT.
Based cousins, liking big asses is nigga shit
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Thus city is so full of cucks its disgusting. The fans at the stadium aren't even from the city usually.
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Mets WIN! Series ends tomorrow.
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>jt breaking out the booze before the end of the game
Don’t blame him
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En garde that offensive showing was not bussing
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One more ...
why would ANYONE live in a city in the current year?
I am so happy you philly fans are miserable tonight Garbage fanbase garbage city garbage people. Eat shit you arrogant losers. Hope you all get into life ending car accidents tonight
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What is it about Philly that makes all their players look like massive faggots
>It was glorious.
post it
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Was always going to game 5.
That's when the phils lose in a repeat of game one.
It's the same every year. Good one game, complete shit the next.
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they get into the brotherly love once they move here
dawg you gotta get some fresh air

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Shitty Field in Flushing
Lmao can’t make this stuff up folks
I love how they seethe so hard at my Mets they make the same threads over and over lmao. Mets won that game by the way, goys :)
Queens dance crew.
haha, time to listen to some philly sports talk radio to cap the night off.

Let's go Mets.
Mets win, what the Mets have done with a rotation of Severino, Manaea, and Quintana is nothing short of miraculous
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Philliesisters can we remove this start?
Kody is going to be traumatized the same way his dad watched the Mets win the 1986 WS
I'm ready for the Suarez no-no out of nowhere tomorrow
Shit teams
Imagine putting your playoff hopes in the hands of ranger Suarez lmao. Phillies what's going on, too much break? Lmaoooooo
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>everyone jumping on the Mets bandwagon when last week every here was shitting on them
you people have no conviction
Nice false flag but this post has too much Phillies energy to be believable.
Checked and I want the curse of the NL bye to continue
I still hate them but the Phils are doing nothing to stop it desu.
The Mets lose game 4 but clinch in Philly. Cap this post
I will always root for the Mets until they get knocked out then I root for the Padres until they get knocked out, then I delete baseball from my brain until March
I always believed. I even went to that terrible opening series against Milwaukee.
I'm rooting for bloodshed
Better pray that Suarez gets his April form back outta nowhere
i just bought a single baseball for $7 on amazon
I legitimately thought the phils were throwing to not get the bye.
Turns out they were just playing like shit for the past 6 weeks.
Fuck no. They want no part of a game 5 vs Wheeler the way he dominated them game 1. Yes they won but it took until the bullpen. They looked like they were swinging spaghetti noodles in game 1.
The Harper K on three pitches after back to back walks to start the inning was the critical moment
Truly the big brain strat of baseball
It doesn’t matter what they want. The Phils win tomorrow but the Mets win game 5
Ive been a fan of baseball and the Mets for exactly 5 days now and all I can say is DA METS BABY DA FUCKIN METS
wait, really?
they're usually like $20
is it an offical MLB ball?
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>Kilesch Warber
>Al Ickbome
>Bri Sharper
>Trait Earner
>Bran Dunmarch
>Jay Teereelmootoe
>Knee Kastayanoze
>Cris Anchess
>Aira Nolla
>Za Kweelor
>Jeh Foffman
>Rain Jerswares
>Hoe Zayalferaddoe
>Matts Romm
Not one of you inbred hicks can even define what a "Met" is. Retards
Should I pick up crunchy or smooth peanut butter from the grocery store?
Does it matter?
Thompson has already proven he will take him out no matter what.
Just have to blow up the relief pitchers like every single game so far.
Why would they name themselves after a museum?
Do you want chunks in your shit?
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Nigga I've been rooting for this team for most of my life
Depends on how often you act like animal mother
Are you gay or are you straight? Answer carefully.
>lifelong Mets fan here
like clockwork
i have relationships with women [spoiler]and sex with men[/spoiler]
And only posting here for a week apparently
You've convinced me, Anon-sama. Crunchy it is.
New York Metropolitan Baseball Club
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Sadly no
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Philly 1-9 following an off day since the start of July including the two playoff L's
7-1 before then
The New York Metropolitan Museum of Arts
if you look through pi long enough you'll find the winning lottery numbers
Now get me to mettiejetties
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im a mestball fan since 2009
No such thing happened you dishonest fuck
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For my sanity and health, I refuse to allow myself to believe.
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Fat hands lol
Everyone rather have the Mets make it in than suffer Dodgers vs Yankees or whatever outcome that makes the tribesmen and Vegas seethe the most.
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