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on FS1
This the thread? Shit teams if so
Walker Failure edition
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lol lmao even
>all that for a drop of blood
Ohtanis got this
Dodgers are a broken team physically and mentally. Idk how they can be such colossal under achievers year in and year out even when they’re the underdogs lol
They beat me to it, this one will be recycled
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>start pitcher with a 5.30 ERA in 16 starts in high leverage playoff game
>surprised when he gets booty blasted
Why is Roberts like this?
just start game 4 now
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lol imagine being thr Dodgers bullpen right now
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It's over.
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>coach primate
The type of game on what happens when you have no pitching left after game one
what 2 tommy john’s does to a nigga
>watching the dads explode offensively

How many more runs until Dave gets fired mid inning
Comeback starts now
this will be gamethread #3
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Bud selig wants dodgers vs mets and then dodgers vs yankees
Infield fly rule BS
And there it is
theres literally no one else left.
>MLB.tv doesn't have the playoffs

What a fucking ripoff. I hate these greedy motherfuckers so much.
is freddie okay
That's bullshit, but I also I never understood why infielders never did that before
kwab freddie
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I'm sorry, but did the Dodgers already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the fourth inning,. Does not having the lead at the fourth count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? The Dodgers are still playing right now and they have been the best team in the NL West for how many years now? They're playing one of the worst teams in the MLB who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of playing in a Post-Season Game. But you know what? They still fucking suck. The Dodgers are one of the best fucking teams in the MLB, they went 100-62 last year and would of won the World Series if Kershaw didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Chargers wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Padres just got on base when they needed to get one, just like the Braves did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Dodgers topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing...
>freeman limping
Lmao get fucked fredward
Fucking genius play
DABU PRAY but freddie might be ded again
ow you could see that fucking hurt
Use a VPN
Damnit my stream is like 20 seconds behind. Just saw the double play
My Astros would destroy both these teams
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You will get a Yankgers World Series and (You) will be happy.
Looks like a sprained or twisted ankle. The injury curse continues.

TV deals are the worst. it's what ruined Cable
Never deal with the woodpeckers.
Whatever team leaves this series is winning the Eries
How? Walker destroyed the dugout trashcan
doyers are doping freddie up and forcing him to play with a broken ankle
Why isnt freeman DHing?
bro the astros almost got perfect game'd by the padres, and they made Altuve take his feet out
Doyers dropping like flies
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My pirate site has every game no issues
Thank God the Mets will save us from this nightmare
Just like Robocop the movie
nice grand slam comeback mierdoyers
>Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Chargers wins and someone bumps this topic
oh no no no no
Cause Ohtani's a golden goose using the spot.
probably don't trust shohei to play 1B
cause ohtani won't pitch for the good of the team
ive played on a broken ankle before
you are a faggot if you cant do this
I like your commitment to this but i don't think my dodgers are getting past these pesky poodres.
>lastname Higashioka
>is not actually asian
Ohtani can't field/pitch, so they'd have to take him out
Because Ohtani can't field at all. His arm is still not 100% and he's not played the outfield in years.
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50-50 player is literally half a player.
His dad is Japanese.
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>Ohtani can't stand in LF and catch fly balls
plus he sucks at that position
I have pirated streams since the early 2010s and haven’t missed a post season game in 5 years. What is your excuse? You should spend that money on gigabit internet instead. Lol
I would just not pitch to Ohtani when you're down by 1 with no one on base
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trained midjourney to give me softcore porn every time I make a perfectly innocent request of a woman
But not the Tigers
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Ohtani is trash when it matters lol
he literally can't, he misplays popflys all the time. all his outfield highlights are him playing a ball off the wall carom and throwing people out at 2nd base, usually a ball that couldn't been caught
joe kelly should be here
he played outfield in high school
You realize who the DH slot is for, right
Did the dodgers throw at anyone after tatis pimped that home run? They deserve to lose if not.
>Have Ohtani in left field
>doesn't want to throw too hard so he doesn't blow his pitching arm
>All hits to left field end up being guaranteed tag and advances/doubles/triples
>warning track power-tani
Warning track power
OK I understand that. But Freddy has a broken ankle
shofly outani
Or you can just get him out.

Lol announcers 'he's a stud' when he flies out.
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hit the weight room shohei
Why is he wearing that big stupid gold chain?
*crrrrrk* thats right make sure he gets the dead balls, over and and out *ccrrrkkkk*
Ohtani is just too nice

But 0 aura so far this postseason
Move the fences in for Ohtani
How much did they pay for that jap? What a joke
Then he shouldn't be playing
Fucking Ohtani just get on base
Imagine the rancid smell of Beans, Marijuana, and BO on that outfield lawn.
what time is it in Sweden?
The umpcam is kino
This ump came just makes my fucking head hurt. It's shaky and shitty and unclear.
Doyers need to get their fucking shit together. They seem so nervous.
Would you wear a chain if you played in the league?

Or go full strip? No undershirt, no gear, no gloves, etc
moutkie betts
That's the dookie butts i know, there was just a temporary dimensional shift
I mean he did pick on a pitch that most wouldn't have picked up at all and nearly hit it out to deep center...
It's 4:29 AM in Europe right now
I hate it
Thom Brennaman 2.0
great play from x
one hundred percent i would do a big retarded cuban link chain
its just good clean fun
ohtani is a fraud
I advocate for more POV cams in any sport
I’d wear a big slave chain
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>ball, inside
>score runs

What kind of bullshit is this?
How is Teo the only guy built for this
no way dude it’s so good
Time to accept more rapefugees or somethin
Cock o’clock
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Top of the zone? I don't think so
in play, out
How long until Ohtani is back up again? My app with the tracker isn't working and I want to run to 711 to grab some snacks but don't know if I'll have the time.
Umps desperate to bail these chuds out
id wear thick ass glasses with tape in the middle + a chain
It's ok neighbor we'll just catch a fly ball.
>out of starting pitchers because of injuries
>one guy is garbage in the first inning
>other one is garbage since September
>one is still rehabbing
>the other is a complete greenhorn
>bullpen on life support because of workload
>their star short stop is injured
>their star first baseman is injured

How are they expecting to continue on if they make it out of the series? It’s like they’re running a barebones operation
Okay, we're back to the normal timeline, time for the Padres to get another 4 runs
you setting your alarm to watch him strike out again?
abdullah o'clock
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Yeah that was sick
Crazy that other than runs on two swings King has been amazing
need to start paying players minimum wage. once these assholes get paid they immediately turn to shit
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I've been watching every series so far and both of these teams seem ten times better than every other team in the league

That said the mest have reddit energy on their side and that can be very powerful, we'll see what happens
Bryce Harper will be the new Mountain Dew man when he retires
freddy freeman golfs that fuckin ball dude
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Dodgers gonna need the middle of the order to wake up. Muncy or Willy, we need you.
In play, run(s)
Dodgers are lucky Kershaw isnt pitching these playoffs
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>I am a unicorn
more like an alien
that is racist, and not needed
That's racist and not needed
3/4 sleeves on hot days
full sleeves below 80 degrees
and a bat with enough pine tar to make George Brett shit his pants some more
There's always next year, and next year, and next year...
I take skyrizi when I wanna fuck clouds
Kinda cold
kino swing
Eh he's been OK. Did start that inning w/ 3 singles.
>tfw no asian amazon shopper gf
chains are too sick but i’m contrarian to a fault
Why do baseball and football both have cardinals?
That's quite literally her appeal
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What do you guys think about the double hook rule for starting pitchers
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04:32. I woke up a few hours ago.
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from the distant Wife planet
Holy based
Hnnnnnng, every time I see her face I instantly want to start a two hour goon sesh
because they are from different cities idiot
Newfriend here. Why do these teams hate each other?
>Dave Roberts
This is what I think I look like at the batting cages
everything is setting up for Ohtani hitting a game-leading-homerun later
is that a porn website?
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it’s a prison thing you wouldn’t understand
padres fans are insufferable fags that dont know ball
and padres fans hate dodgers because they have lil bro syndrome
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>mfw no more runs score
lmao yeah one of these games
Are you really Swedish? Where are you from?
Isnt it the opposite tho?
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entitled attitudes like >>144953683
STL used to have both.
People from LA hate San Diego for inventing the burrito
dave walking to the dugout by himself? wew
this might bite roberts in the ass
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The football cardinals originated in Chicago and moved to St. Louis to share the name with the baseball team. It was a neat set up until the Cardinals moved to Arizona because the old owner wanted to retire there.
They were called the Football Cardinals prior
What did he say to Roberts?
people from LA hate San Diego for being the nicer all around city. San Diego is now a shithole, but LA is a shittier shithole
I would have sex with Jennifer Garner
There's two of you??
Did Roberts just ice his own pitcher kek
Dodgers are from a hobo-infested shithole and their fans are vtube watchers and homosexuals crushing on some kpop-looking japanese player

i like me in this spot
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>intentionally walking a rookie in a playoff game
i wonder if thats ever happened before
cope LA mogs if youre not a brokie we dont think about that dogshit city
calm down there Ben Affleck
>have king 6+ strikeouts
Am i fucked bros
This could go really sideways for LA
Baseball players are such fucking pussies. Why would you dodge a ball in a playoff game? If you get hit you get on base for free. Why do no players lean in?
Buehler has no idea what hes doing anymore
I have to pee so bad
Bad look for my Dodgers here, I don't like walking Boegarts.
uh oh dodgerbros
Why doesn’t Xander share?
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Bros what did my gf mean by this?
>dave doesn't yank buehler
>buehler finishes the inning clean
what a concept dave!
Never would have expected Buehler to go 5 innings after that Tatis dinger.
Get cable or don't post ITT with you lr 10 minute behind streams
>the prop for Buehlers outs tonight was 14.5
kek, vegas made the call
Nobody tell him.
>padres are gonna say "uh baby"
My Kansas City Chiefs own both these shit teams
i'm watching on fox bitch
you are short
It's a ww2 cipher code. You'll need a cipher manual to read the hidden message.
the ball is going really really fast instict kicks in and tells your body to avoid the ball
lol manlet
if he didn't finish the inning clean you'd be flaming him for not pulling him sooner
that quick groundout helps avoid people noticing that ridiculous strike call
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king out, estrada in
>old cellphones in 2024
Ben Affleck seems like a miserable person.
4.2 innings is the MLB starter average in the postseason. But yeah, somebody lost a bet just now
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it's funkytown
Streaming for free on foxsports.com
>13.5 on prizepicks
i was mulling on taking the over but i would have been hard sweating the play
It has a limited preview
San Diego has a chip on their shoulder because LA is the bigger market. Nobody in LA cares about San Diego. Other than that, the Padres have some chimps on their team that should be hit in the ribs with fastballs.
Please don't talk about NFL football in /mlb/
mets are destined to eliminate the dodgers in the NLCS btw
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Just umpie things
She called you a midge
Incognito mode resets the timer.
The Dude Abides
SD is based and LA is not. Simple as
>it's gonna be a one run ass clencher
I almost got attacked by a deer today, I'm literally shaking
Whose eating börger here?
that's what they said in '88
me bro
medium rare
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>Walker high fiving his dugout after losing the matchup
>Smoltz sucking Walker Buehler's dicks for giving up six (SIX) ER in a postseason start
Kek I love you for what you did for my Braves Smoltz but you're kinda retarded
this is the year my padres take the dub
She's pregnant and you're not the father
he was GRITTY
gotta keep the morale high
I just ate a bunch of meatballs in BBQ sauce if that counts
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This game is so kino that I order delivery. Its on the way
good lad, an aristocrat
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when pitchers wear those big chains on the mound is it not distracting to have them jingling and jangling all over the place when you're trying to pitch
A flying cockroach entered my room bros
Pray for me
This umps shit. That was a 3 strike out
How big would the lead have to be for the Padres for them to throw at Ontani?
if it wasn't for shitty fielding he'd have the lead right now
I miss those, back when texting wasn't seamless and it took effort to type out shit.
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>boos after the call
i thought you chudres sold out what happened?
What's it like watching primetime sports at 5-6pm? Being a west coaster must suck ass.
this is some good fuckin baseball
fucking zoomer
This is my least favorite meme on all of /sp/
For me it's tacos
dude you are a fat fuck Jesus christ
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I'll allow it.

kek you're not gonna get me
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Hello anons! Ive never watched baseball and tonight i figured id watch this game. Before watching, my friend mentioned I should quickly look up the payroll for both of these teams. The dodgers have sure spent alot of money!

Surely they have won quite a few championships, right?
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Why are they acting like Beuehler did good? Wtf? Am i being gastit?
thank you for paying the regulatory response fee :)
Rosenthal is the worst part of playoff baseball
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>battle of mid
There are so many things wrong with this broadcast
>The CGI Chevy ad
>The batting helmet ads
>The jerseys look like shit
> FS1
We only get the games on our days off but it's super comfy because you eat dinner at the start and have dessert at the end and have a couple hours to shitpost about it before bed
>announcers shit on estrada for being a shitty pitcher
>starts throwing fucking heaters
get fucked
This is what happens when you have the Dodgers announcers doing the postseason
post body fatso
Because it calls you out?
the infielders absolutely sold in the 2nd
>the random nationals jersey on the lawn
He wants payback for his dead brothers and sisters
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>fat funcy
he look like a worm
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i believe in will
Walker is cooked isnt he?
cute frogs
ugly frog
>announcers act like Buehler did a good job
>gave up 6 runs
They called Tatis the san diego equivalent of Ohtani....Theyre fucking retarded and will die glazing the dodgers
I don't get why Padres fans are so upset by Joe Davis' casting. It's seemed very neutral to me.
No I just don't think it's funny to constantly repost a fatass's receipt from 2021 (I checked the tapes)
doesn't even feel like the padres are winning
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>white boys STILL refuse to stop being racist
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Need some runs Dads, don't want to turn this over to Bobby Fastballs with only a one run lead.
well they are
It's not just Padres fans lol. He shouldn't be calling these games.
>Wouldn't Smith
Always knew white boys were based
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>Ehhhhh estrada got let go, he wasnt very good
>2 Ks
He's done for the day, Banda is up
Did he get hurt about midseason? He has been pretty bad after that. Would be willing to give Barnes a start the way he is playing.
>Putting Banda back in
did they forget the previous game?
It'll be kino when Joe calls the eventual ohtani game-leading-homerun
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Soiboys are automatically not racist
Feed em AJ!
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based freakoff
muncy needs to get DFA. this faggot doesn't know how to swing for a base hit. always trying to go yard.
unfathomably based
Reminder that the la dodgers have not won a real ring since the reagan presidency
They all sucked each other off as a team exercise
Lmao thanks totally neutral fan for your impressions of the announcing.
Beatles style wank session?
he heard them reveal the MLB's rig
seriously. tired of this fat ham.
It's good bait. It baits several different groups:
>people who are too good for fast food
>people getting baited into calling the poster an asshole
>people getting baited into reacting to the outrageous prices
I meant in the grand sense of his career. He has not seemed the same. If we make it to another start for him I hope he fucking shapes up. Our pitching is fucking ragged.
>I'm the padre now
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>Kershit gone
>to get kershit 2.0

Don't worry boys the pain ends tomorrow. Then get ready for the cycle to repeat next year
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Ain't no party like a diddy party
Doggie food? More like doggie donts lmaoooo
LA has a winning history that spans over 100 years between 2 cities

SD has been dogshit its entire existence except those years that had that one black dude who could hit really good
Oh it’s against the law to force somebody to sign an NDA. It’s completely unenforceable and even alluding to the idea that the driver was coerced should invite serious questions to Dodgers counsel.
the west hollywood dodgers
>doyers get swept by the sneks again
This is the gayest shit I’ve ever read
phoneposters out
you have to be using a windows desktop pc to post here
Do Americans really eat dessert after every meal like it's a required part of their diet?
>Don't worry boys the pain ends tomorrow
more like in 10 years when Ohtani retires ringless
>buehler throws a 40mph slider that doesnt make it over the plate
>estrada strikes teo out with a 98 mph fastball
>yeah hes getting lucky
The Padres have not won a world series game since the Reagan presidency.
the doggie doos were only good in the 60s when the yankees dynasty fell apart
mickey mouse franchise
No it isn't. You just make it a condition of their continued employment. Normal people can't afford to lose that
iGodz run this board now gramps
>Do you like dags?
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He hasn't been the same since the elbow injury.
If you intentionally lean into the ball then you get a shiner and you don’t even get to take the base.
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Why is he so likable?
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Seething Angels fag detected.
You’re explaining exactly why you can’t force somebody to sign a contract kek
the entire broadcast is biased
aura of innocence
this is so kino
Gape way arse
nice meme but I ain't a fan of west coast teams. Both LA teams suck.
Banda is the beaner version of that meme operator guy from Sicario
he's a good man and a clutch ball player
Don't worry little bro you will get a ring one day
I bet Banda pulls so many guys in LA.
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Guess punching that paper towel dispenser paid off.
this game is going to be over so quick if this keeps up
Great inning from Banda
Have you ever seen that happen?
the slow walk that broke the poodres
His last name is literally Gang
Why would this gangbanging thug be allowed in this sport
you are a fucking piece of shit
zoz now I can't unsee it
Gavin Sux
The Orange County Angels thank you.
He's a fun guy and team player
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it also doesn't have the obligatory +30 minutes of padding that all Dodger home games have
Yeah, this guy drives a fucking bus for a living. If you say please sign this, otherwise we won't be able to continue to use your services, that's not illegal and a normal bus driving salaried individual cannot afford to lose his job. It's as good as "forcing" without specifically forcing them. It's not illegal to include as a term of employment
nta but years ago I saw someone lean in and eat one to the arm and there was an uproar about it
looking like soon even
Hitters 5-9 have been killing any momentum Doyers offense gets
so this Asian goes to the optometrist and the doc says “looks like you’ve got a cataract” and the gook says “no, I drive rincon continenter”
>With this pitching
Lmao no. Honestly neither team deserves it.
Oh no! Not an uproar!! Guys lean into them all the time and they don't do shit.
Why was he at the eye doctor if he's deaf?
you have ed zachary disease
>whats that
your face look ed zachary like yo ass
>taco porn

Stop teasing me.
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> mfw Doyers dog doos doos get swept out of the 1st round again
Holy shit my sides are in high orbit
another incoming quick inning...
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Fucking what
The story is that it wasn’t included as a term of employment: you can’t just have a conversation on a bus then tell a guy he has to sign or he’s fired. That’s literally coercion and invalidates the contact. If he signed the NDA before he stepped foot in the bus then it’s kosher.
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>he doesn't eat dessert
yeah bud we’ll see
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I just want a girlfriend bros
you're clearly arguing with someone who has never worked anywhere more complex than a gas station, anon-kun
You never had the makings of a varsity poster.
hang in there
they can pay him to sign it
fuck off please
That anon has never signed an NDA in his life.
I'll be here to grudgepost the shit out of you.
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tell a chubby girl shes cute
>Sign this NDA I'll give you $100.
>si senor muchos gracias
always count on padres for spaz relievers
no doubt dude keep being you
BTW Petco has a very nice playoff atmosphere going on tonight
whyd they change out estrada he was doing great
CA is at an at will employment state my man
are they losing on purpose?
Petco park is great it’s where the dodgers go for dogfood and to get neutered
is this your first time watching baseball
that’s what they do dog
this is some deer in the headlights at bats.
This is who they are once the playoffs start
the infield defense in the 2nd inning convinced me they want to go to cabo
then why did they let buehler throw meatballs for 5 fucking innings
Petco Park is always a great atmosphere.
Okay? That still doesn’t mean you can coerce an employee into signing a contract. What if they were discussing criminal activities? According to you, he can be forced to be an accomplice or lose his job and he has no recourse.
Every American state is at will employment with “right to work “ bs laws . Thanks Reagan
You can't tell him to sign it or he doesn't get paid, you can tell him to sign a backdated one to keep the job especially in an at will employment state. It's literally not illegal, it's not even wrongful terminaation
The damage was done and the doyertards don't have much if any depth in their bullpen.
Better to rest today, win tomorrow and get another rest travel day
damn that padres fan was ugly ass fuk

baseball is more high leverage in later innings so managers are pussies and use relievers to give it their 110% for 1 inning to lock that inning down.
they all are
Lmfao you are so fucking stupid. No signing of an agreement trumps criminal law to begin with.
>you can just commit fraud to get around coercion
You should go back to law school kid
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how come baseball players are all handsome? do the ugly guys get looked over?
Dads are lucky, if Pages got on there there's no chance Ohtani doesn't go deep, the script was too good.
Obligatory motherfuck Reagan, fuck Musk, fuck Trump.

inb4 seething butthurt faggots.
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>right to work
its my right to not work
Nice pitching Adam.

Go 1-2-3 I'm the top of the 8th and Suarez doesn't need to worry about facing Ohtani.
i swear I could hit just as much as anyone on this shitty team
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Top of the order, Dodgers defense, it's time to Rally!!
Exactly guy which is why you can’t force somebody to sign an NDA and threaten their job if they don’t. That alone is a criminal act in California. It’s extortion by black letter law
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because eugenics are real
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How is this even possible?
Padres need to do some damage here
>Krabby Patty collab
Isn't that literally just a normal fucking burger
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the busdriver overheard the Dodgers rehearsing the script
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My Padgers :)
What part of that is fraud? You clearly do not understand NDAs. It's commonplace for them to pertain beginning prior to a signature date. You know, especially in business where you want to make sure something from a prior partnership doesn't get spread in a new arrangement.
the ugly ones are kept in the minors or on poor teams, like the Blue Jays
>mafia-controlled labor is… LE GOOD
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the busdriver stated and I quote: it sounded like they were making very stinky macaroni back there
How do you get swept if you win the first game?
None of the South Americans are. Have you seen Arraez?
Unironically yeah, to an extent
But it's hard to be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) to work out constantly and look like shit
Yeah neoliberalism rules dude! Love having low wages that don’t rise with COL
Bottom of their order though. Although honestly they're pretty strong throughout
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>you heard a conversation today that I don’t want anybody to hear so I’ll fraudulently claim you agreed the day before to not report that conversation
uhhh what
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He overhead the rhythmic slapping sounds
5 at bats
No, it isn't. Extortion is obtaining something of usually tangible value through threats, often of violence. The fact of the matter is it's not a threat to say that as of now we are putting in a policy that you, or our drivers are required to sign a NDA to continue to work for the organization. That NDA will pertain to your entire employment beginning x date. That's not extortion, it's a condition of employment. Don't sign? Okay, nothing happens but you can't work here anymore. Here's your severance
I don't have enough energy to shitpost for 4 games tomorrow.
>she thinks centrally-controlled economic policies effectively combat inflation
oh sweetie
What do you mean? There are some weird looking niggas like Skubal and Kirby
Sorry I was very wrong.
I can haz pipey?
half a birrion
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Run support, please, k thanks Bai!
dodgers always have at least one zesty pitcher on the roster huh
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no room in the game for such horseplay
i wanted to get a screengrab but i was too slow
blame manfred and his retarded scheduling
>Hey man, the Dodgers are asking us all to sign NDAs about anything you might have heard tonight
>You won't? Okay, but I'm sorry but there isn't a place for you at this company any more.
Happens every day bro
this is a stupid argument the bus driver didn't work for the dodgers most likely they don't have an on-call bus driver it's a chartered bus and driver from a contracted company. employment laws do not apply it's not employment law.
No, you’re wrong and I’m tired of explaining it.
I like Dave's bomber jacket
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this game hasn't been interesting for an hour
It's ogre
What part of predating the NDA don't you understand? You can sign an NDA for a time period before this day forward. You can sign an NDA to a retroactive period. Do you know what fraudulent means retard?
Dodgiebros who do we want in the NLCS? Who do we want in the WS?
Roberts pitching changes incoming, game just got an extra hour added to it.
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>Scam Hudson
i don't feel so good....
Mets, yankees
i want to slap the shit out of that dumbass city
Cubs have the hottest team by far. Dansby, Bellinger, Hoerner, Happ, Porter Hodge, Patrick Wisdom.
Padres v Mets
Royals v Tigers
Padres v Tigers
Name ten times it’s happened this week. Be specific
Kino game turned into a meh-fest.
>one 30 second at bat between 2 10 minute commercial breaks
gimme a break
Stop being so pessimistic bro gat dayum
Fuck. I’m cutting right now but I’ve been craving in n out. I wish I didn’t see this.
for the CS I thinking Cabo but for the WS Cancun
>World Series
>With this pitching

I wish anon.
How many batters until Ohtani is up?
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I accept your concession
Yes, Randy Johnson was one sexy man.
>cubs fan defending P Wizzy
Padres-Tigers for 1984 Series rematch
don't be shit hudson, you old fart
tatis OPS is insane
This troll and the black lady look very similar in this commercial. Weird.
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thank your healthcare heroes. NOW!
Oh okay, I’ll just back date my time slips then. Nothing fraudy about it. No sir
go braves btw!
good to know!!
low sample size. He will regress.
el nino caca!
that ain’t me, any support of PWIZZY that I did was complete ironic.
The real question is how many Ohtanis until the batter is up
What concession?I said you’re stupid and wrong.
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>ywn be a handsome baseball player that makes busdrivers sign NDA's
Lol, you are retarded. Even if you are just trolling.
Google can an NDA apply retroactively, then never respond to me again
Free healthcare is a myth
Man they memory holed the fuck out of Tatis being a PED user didn't they
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It's now or never Dodgers!
Let’s go dodgers!
Alright, it's the Dodger's last chance here
>didn’t go to law school
European healthcare is better
Nu thread link please.
This is the world series for Padres/Dodgers fans. Literally. They’re both gonna get eliminated before the WS
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that was hair dewormer chud
What do you mean memory holed? He did his time.
I accept your concession
this is it. season on the line.
How do they like the Doyers over there in Nippon land?
go to bed, bud
if by PEDs you mean Pchicken Eand Drice, then yeah
that's 2 10 minute jerk off sessions look at the bright side
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Ugh, I hate when they score early and can't figure out the fucking bullpen. Really going to put pressure on our BP with how close the game is.
Luckily for me my backdated NDA means nobody can read my posts or report them to the jannie. Checkmate
Reminder that Manfred said all DS series will go 5 games so this game doesn't matter.
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most of em are cubs fans cuz on shota. they call ‘em “kino sho”
‘nuff said.
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>retard sounds
That's why we have this bullpen though 2hu. We've still got this let's go Padres!
Not even Braves have a bathhouse bus
probably my favorite LDS

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