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A new book called Black Arsenal tells Nick Wright about Arsenal's unique connection with Black identity and the players who helped to shape it

According to co-editor Clive Nwonka, it highlights the unique Black connection that inspired the project.

"I'm not convinced you could write a book like this about any other club in world football," Nwonka tells Sky Sports.

"I think Arsenal is the only club where you can evidence its Black connection beyond singular players."

Black Arsenal showcases that connection in illuminating style, outlining the club’s affinity with Black identity, rooted in post-war migration from the West Indies to north London, with the help of contributions from players, fans, journalists, academics and musicians.

"It is about how it influences society, culture, politics, fashion, music," adds Nwonka. "The book really tries to attend to those things as well as the players themselves."

"People often ask me if I think Arsenal, as a club, cultivate this kind of Black identity and I always say not really. Of course, they recognise it now and they do things to harness it..."

Nwonka uses the example of this season's kit, made by adidas and designed by Foday Dumbuya,who helped cultivate the club's large African fanbase.

"But Black Arsenal has always been about how Black people move to Arsenal, rather than Arsenal moving to Black people," continues Nwonka. "I think we often flip and confuse it.

"I think the Black connection is something you need to acknowledge and appreciate, but it’s also something you can give space to because it's always going to be there, to the point where you don't even really notice it.

"When you go to the Emirates Stadium as a Black person, you're not consciously aware that you’re in a stadium with a lot of Black people who you wouldn’t normally see at games or sporting events elsewhere."
I'm fatigued wobby
I'm sleepy robert
Already sporting out, Dave?
>move to inner city london
>support the inner city london club
>"I'm not convinced you could write a book like this about any other club in world football," Nwonka tells Sky Sports.
>"I think Arsenal is the only club where you can evidence its Black connection beyond singular players."
Um, what about every club in sub-Saharan Africa?
What makes the average /sp/ chud so obsessed about blacks?
Except their cuck fantasies of course.
Because “empowering black voices” only reminded everyone that black people are 98% worthless retards. Now every other race is sick of them.
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What was the reaction to this quote?
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Zestiest club
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>all the supporters are gay
bravo tolkein
For me, it’s black without a capital B because I’m normal
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>Be called the gooners
>Be literal gooners
>be a club of brown people that love gay sex
>call it arse
>call it anal
>call it arseanal
>hire a man called arse-ne wanker
>hes a nonce
>let him ruin your club for 20 years
>havnt won the league for 20 years
>old stadium named "highbury" as in, hi bury your dick in my ass
>shit new stadium named after arabs
>fans are nicknamed after wanking, the gooners
>most famous fans are called the gay gooners
>best player called buck-ayo caca
>their badge is a knob on wheels
>their mascot is a furfag called goon-asaurus
>shit owners executives, coaching, staff and players
Actually a good read
The first statement is kinda hyperbolic but the second one clearly refers to football clubs in england if you actually read the sentence before it at the article
>be club that references guns
>niggers and americans love that shit
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Careful there's an unironic arsenal tranny janny who gives out 3 day bans for "trolling" if you make anti arsenal threads
is it the same guy that deleted /mug/?
where do we find these retards
Kek what a bitch club
When did Sky fall for the capitalising black meme?

Also Arselel were never a bLACK club until the media started memeing them as such. Like most bong teams they had no black players till the 70s, never had a black manager, the area they play in is mostly T*rkish. There's unironically more of a case for Lelsea being a "black" club

Also Ian Wright is half-Syrian
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>When you go to the Emirates Stadium as a Black person, you're not consciously aware that you’re in a stadium with a lot of Black people who you wouldn’t normally see at games or sporting events elsewhere.

From what I see the crowd is still mostly white and there's probably as many jeets and pakis as there are blacks
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I thought chelsea was the rich part of london
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Hardly need a book to tell you Arsewog FC is the shitskin club of choice. Just look at their rolling general, all fucking weird customers, it's like the alien bar from Star Wars.
We wuz arse anals
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here they seem so
maybe theres a designated area or something
first time in history dave is correct about something
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There's an entire book about how Arsenal are basically the Black club in England and how it's their fundamental culture
I'd say Crystal Palace is even more representative of black footballers.
And honestly that's not a bad thing. Everyone rips on the black people for being lazy and undiscplined but if you play in a PL club that means you're anything but. Playing in upper echelons of football is equal to excellence so it's nice that lots of people from impoverished households can make bank for themselves
billions of indians support united all because of that front row of turbaned gentleman behind Fergie in the 90s and early 2000s
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id say chelsea has the most, player wise
but this is more about the fanbase
dont think any race is inherently lazy, its more about the culture of the country and how your family raised you.
united 'brown identity' book dropping next week
Plenty of Africans support United too, I'd say Liverpool is the most Indian club, I've never met a black Liverpool fan
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United has always been the pajeet club
Liverpool moreso, desis in the UK either support United or Liverpool. It's just that Liverpool has a higher proportion of desi supporters
Liverpool as a city never really had many minorities despite being a port, Everton fans used to chant "Niggerpool" at Liverpool after they signed Barnes
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Right now they do, yeah, because Eghbali is focused on amassing as many ngubus as humanly possible. But Chelsea has never struck me as a black man's club, definitely not more than Crystal Palace for example
>a-whoopin an' a-hollerin
One thing that stood out for me when my team were last in the Premier League (a few years ago now) was that every team's away following was almost entirely white. Tottenham, Palace, Man United, Sunderland, Villa, etc, all of them had 3,000 or so away fans at our ground and it was a sea of English faces. The only team that had a truly 'diverse' set of fans, and a lot of black and Asian supporters, was Arsenal.
i'd say they're more of an irish club
>Clive Nwonka
more like clive nwanka amirite
very accurate
now do liverpool
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Which big 6 club is NOT gay and niggardly these days?
baldock 1 - 0 england
>Arsenal became woven into Black identity and culture in August 1992
Whats confusing?
It's literally just because of wanker being ""french"" and ""french"" worshipping niggers.

Thats all theres to it.
Liverpool has had blacks living there for hundreds of years , longer than any other part of the Uk. You have no clue what you are talking about. Do some research on Toxteth
>Nicknamed Gunners and Gooners
>Crest is a weapon

Not sure how
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i got baited by the new match thread post yesterday
I know exactly what I'm talking about because my family have lived here for 100s of years you dumb yank cunt.

A handful of blacks living in an enclave in Toxteth with uni students is not the same as them having a significant impact on the culture of the city or football clubs
>co-editor Clive Nwonka
on god if i were african the first thing i would do is change my name
same but change my first name from clive to willy
There's no whites in UK. Only blacks, moors, pakis and poos.
>According to co-editor Clive Nwonka
>Clive Nwonka
>N Wonka
There's never been any whites in Spain, only latinos
Who is t his book for, blacks don't read do they?
Seems you don't read either, this is the SPORTS board, take your /pol/ shit where it belongs
Kek is looting a sport?

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