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Get in here boys.
Thank you bro.
>17000 people in the stands
>shit pitch
How does this cancha de barrio meet the minimum standards?
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Its Bolivia bro, do you really think they are going to do anything to standard? Also Millos lost the other day so that means the NT is also going to lose.
Noooooooooooo, we will win I-I swear
Too late, Millos already lost, now all of Colombia has to suffer.
>colombians in the stands
Jesus we are everywhere kek
>Roger Martinez
Se acabo...
Wdym, is there a curse?
Millos defeat was the sacrifice to claim this match as a rightful victory
No curse, its just a trend that has been consistent for a while. Every time Millos plays before Colombia, and they pull off a result the NT pulls off that same result.
cope, we are losing today m8.
Wtf is that pitch lmao,
This pitch looks like shit
Eh son roberto carlos estos putos bolivianos
>Willer ditta
yeah it's over
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meme game, I told you guys we'll lose this one.
nah bolivia always plays the same way for the first 15 minutes at altitude, we just have to hang in there
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Man, bolivia is like gains superman superpowers playing as local.
Based Bolivia taking full advantage of being the home team, look at how much that ball bounces lol. Wonder why all other football associations haven't pressured fifa to ban football above 4000 mts, must be regular sudaca retardation or corruption, Bolivia is gonna tear evryone a new anus.
In barranquilla we have to give them Dazias and send them to train in La chinita
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Bolivian women were made for SEX
let the bolitas have their meme gimmick
who is this borja guy
link to stream?
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Why do you guys have WC qualifiers so early
>the guy is literally called achura
we have 19 matchdays
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Camilo Vargas MVP of this match, holy shit.
what happened? why are >we playing with roger Martinez and mierditta?
Why are all colombians bad behaved?
too much argensimian influence
>muh altitude
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>have home field advantage
>spy and find a way to cheat
>blow it all away by a red card in the first 20 mins
I love you Bolita bros but wtf.
jamesinho pernambucano
BR refs are the worst, how was that a red?
>gets the ball first
RIP Roger Martinez
>el conejo de mierda die
why does racing keep that faggot...
amerindians are fucked by genetics for running sports.

same issue as japan and korea have.
>gets called
>plays 20 mins
>make a boli get a redcard
thank you Roger, never come back
EL VARsinso hermanos
But Bolivia has taken the Ngubu pill, why not show some improvements?
refball helping narcolombia again
well we need a lucky goal and this match is in the pocket
red card for Bolivia? yea thats a penal for Argentina!
Remember when everyone was hyped for Arias on a move Europe? kek
>bolivians dead
lol why do they play at altitude then
I think bolivians have the issue of a worse training condition for their kids and something like less a chance to sent their talented kids to train in europe.

It's very common for our talented kids to be scouted by european teams.

Also I don't think bolivians have the correct winner mindset.

Colombians simply have the advantage of more european and negro blood.
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asi estamos viendo el partido
touch the grass
They are slowly showing improvements, They just need a good defense and Martins regen and they will be good.
LMAO, this guy told me to have a debate, but I chickened out
ya se cagaron los bolis
you need a good system to train kids to have eventually a talented pool of players.

By example lucho diaz and hames I think comes from lower middle class or poor families.

I know lucho diaz was discovered by pibe valderrama looking at the indigenous league here.
Are Bolivians really as noble as they make them out to be?
Needo a QRD for someone that just tuned in now. Whosdoing better
they're not
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they are not going to run and the only chances will be wasted.

This nigga really went full B-team lmao, does he think hes coaching Brazil?
we need a criollo/mestizo striker. Congo gnubus do not make good strikers, we tried with zapata, borja and now this guy
It's okay, with the altitude we are now on equal terms.
just arrived and bolitas have one red, what happened?
>POOis PEEas
Native American instincts kicked in at the wrong time. Luckily the Colombian player left the pitch with only minor injuries.
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a small amount of refball and murderball
We tried it with Luis Muriel and that didnt work.

that wasnt red lmao
Playing in La Paz should be banned desu.
>Field a player named Terceros
>Defenders cant find Primero or Segundo
>Confusion of the highest ordah

I think bolivians are winning the 4d chess battle
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what a dogshit game
that shit has my eyes in tears lmao
they're playing on the moon anon.

is ok.
How's hurricane season treating you, colombianon? Are you in the affected area?
Bolivia is playing like shit too, they have no excuse lol
most attractive women in latam: the country vs ugliest women in latam: the country
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you're doing well THOUGH
Xitter wont work for me
Anyone have a webm?
Also how are bolivia still putting up a fight?
Not even close, I'm in the north east but I do have a lot of family in Orlando. They called this morning and everyone is ok.
But the players look like they're going to die.
were you expecting a fun game at 4000mil altitude?
Good to hear. I asked because it seems 9/10 non mexicans moving to the us end up in florida.
I'm expecting a 1-0 slurper and I havent gotten one yet.
Thanks for asking Dinobro, Everyone moved to Florida in recent years. The state is pretty saturated.
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that's our match though
1-0 to bolivia btw
are we, the congofags who are here, neets?
me, yes and not, Iam not proud of it
Anyone got a webm of the bolita red?
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This is my prediction since Millos lost the other day.
Prestación de servicios fag. I didn’t get paid today so I’ll just neet through the day.
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holy fuck this referee is complete garbage
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Escritoriobros we are so fucking back
I fucking told you niggers, if Millos lose, Colombia lose
Good, fuck these frauds
echenle la culpa al tonto que hizo cambio de banda con tiro largo, puto idiota
>we have one more player, there's no way we lose thi- ACK!
>el que no hace los goles los ve hacer
words of wisdom
tonight i jerk off with cholitas porn, lets go bolivia
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Game is over, 1-0 for Boliva
Hay que matarlos a todos
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I wanna see Bolivia at the world cup
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The guy who scored is 20? Brighton should be all over him
who sold more smoke uruguay or colombia?
Uruguay by far
lol it's over
colombia at least reached the CA finals and won against the WC champion
Saquen a ese perro hijueputa. Ya estoy cansado de esa comedera de goles
shit teams
fuck off
Get fucked
borre se disfrazo de cordoba
tanto llorar el negro por ser llamado para esta mierda, por poco quemaron a zapata quiero lo mismo con ese ijueputa
why is Duvan Zapata not called?
He's shit, he also broke his leg or something in Italy.
>watching on colombian channel
>ads every 2 minutes, during the match
uruguay beat both argenchina and brasiu though
So did Colombia
he's good for Atalanta
resultado saca técnico
altura is fucking op wtf
we'll avenge you congolombianos brothers
He doesnt even play there anymore lol
So I hate to stereotype but...I'm streaming this on something called GOL, is this a Colombian station? The commentators are so hyped up and speaking so fast, I can barely understand anything but the player names. Is coke just really that available, free flowing and accepted to come to work this high?
I blame m everyone but me for this lost
Blame all the losers who are anti Millos, reminder that if Millos lose, ALL of Colombia lose.
It's not the coke. Colombians are subhuman
it sounds like standard spanish
are you learning spanish rn?
>cucho hernandez
These are discord trannies. I’m 100% sure.
Teniendo a duran cómo vas a meter a ese MLas Shitter. Are you fucking with me
perder el invicto con puta bolivia hermano
que seleccion de mierda, siempre termina humillandose de la peor forma
Siempre que sufra Colombia yo onions feliz, jodete Mariana, espero que te mueras
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todavia falta 10 minutos
>Letting a ColombiANA break your heart
get a load of this faggot LMAO
>He found his colombiana acabanequi
Kek, at least you can pick from many other nationalities while I’m stuck here
Cual invicto? el que se perdió con Argentina en la final?
en eliminatorias no se ha perdido
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OLE'd by 10 men Bolivia
El de las eliminatorias creo que habla
>colombian genes kicking in
>passing the ball sideways
>p-pero en eliminatorias
Se perdió y punto, que sigue? invito en amistosos?
colombians themselves say you shouldn't fall in love with them, but you still did
voy a ir a cobrar el gota a gota para desquitarme de la amargura
Esa mano a boca se la cobraron. Let’s see what commieball say
at least you get Colombianas, we only get Venezuelanas and Brazilians
I'm sorry bro, I'm impactado
This nigger Cordoba needs to fuck off from the NT
>they thought they had won the wc after beating Argentina
>Get humbled down by fucking bolivia
>this fucking negro missed again
Córdoba is such a pile of fucking shit. My nigga Durán would have scored 5 by now.
Ya esta ya esta
maten a cordoba, ese negor no vuelve mas!
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Colombian commentators are absolutely seething at the NO ERA
wow bro cool it with the racism
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Cocaine should be allowed to play in this stadium
>7 minutes
It’s ok that they lose so they can see that if you line up a serial misser gnubu in the wc, they’ll get KO’d by 10-man bolivia
lárgate lorenzo
Calm down, mr. Velez
this but unironically
>1 loss in 9 games
retard lol
looks impossible to score, what a good bus bolivia is parking
webm of the goal? missed the whole game in meetings
Dayro moreno would have scored a brace
what a bunch of chokers
que troncos, perder contra bolivia loco
perdedors hijueputas

cordoba mas vale que ni vuelva ese nigger de mierda
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c'est fini
se acabó
Fuera Cordoba y Arias
Im happy for the bolevians, I mean, with this shit tier qualies of 7 out of 10 losing points here should be irrelevant

Still, losing to the bolis with 1 more player is totemo embarrasing desu
gigga nigger cordoba can fuck off to get bombed in russia
>Having Duran
>Uhhmm lets put Roger and Cordoba
Lelrenzo señores
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Cuántas personas apostaron en nuestra contra??
Todos los 9 come goles los quiero fuera de mi selección. Si durán no arranca con chile, quemo el estadio
Cordoba necesita gafas y Lorenzo necesita sensates
duran estaba fuera por acumulacion de amarilla, por eso entro cordoba
Man... that bald faggot will be insufferable today
Y si, si están jugando en la luna, no se debería jugar un partido más ahí.
pobre mexisimio mad, creo que dejaron otro cuerpo descuartizado en tu basurero
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bretty good.

2 years of victories and 2 loses.

one againts the world cup champion and another againts a team playing in the outer space.

Niggas need to stop being so angry over a 1-0
Yea this, also reminder that Argentina lost to THIS Colombia.
>jodete Mariana
Thats the spirit
What if... maybe... just a maybe....
Bolivia turned out to be good now....
They had a disaster of a Copa america, lmao no. The mountain meme is still a thing.
i just read the news, colombia lost
I'm watching Argentina Ven and I can understand everything. I'm telling you he was coked up
>Bolivia is 2 points over Brazil on the standings
Wild to see
They're surely a WCQ contender for the safe spots.
you're next PIBE
we beat them up at their home, so no, there's just too many new players in current CONMEBOL that never went to Bolivia and that probably factors in.

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