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I don't like Jude Bellingham
Anri Okita is from Birmingham, England
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Gonna sleep well tonight
das raysis
Uguu. Thanks baker
HAHAHAHAHA Get fucked bongs. Your blacks couldn't save you.
is this the var room
Bring the artifacts back
southgate version 2
it's all so tiresome
Hopefully they won't get memed into appointing this fag full time now
His skin colour is very annoying
Its time for England to pull the final lever.
He’s the only one who can salvage England
lol all he had to do was win this game to get a minimum 4 year contract
get this irish diaspora fraud out of my club
when did greece got so fucking good

i remember losing to faroe or some shit
Nice one mate, now get that kebab made. Ordered 40 minutes ago.
you cant afford it. you are poorer than poland. LMAO
The must have comr up with a special tactic to our "score a maximum of one goal and fuck around for 90mins"
You clever bastards
england were just unbelievably shit
not his fault mong palmer missed multiple absolute sitters.

reality is Southgate grinds a win against Greek shitters in Nations League matches, but ultimately that's meaningless in a Euros final.

Carsleyball wins Euro finals, it doesn't always get you Nations League wins vs shitters
only Pep can get something out of Foden
what about palmer?
mick lynch? i agree trade unions are based
i dont like judes or bellingham
Nice try you brown faggot.
I don't serve your kind, Rajeesh
PAOK pushed the other teams to invest in academies
le fifa line-up man
Greasy cunt. Get it made.
>scouse manager
Erik ten Hag Welcome - 2024 best frauds - all highlights
Your smell confuses the customers to think we are making curry in the kitchen. Get out of my restaurant, Rajeesh
Yes, the famous Scouse city of Birmingham.
For BALDock
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Know your superiors britcuck
What's the point? You're going to get stabbed by some BAME cunt and get fined by your police for making such bloody mess on the street
Which Mitchell brother is this?
cool it with the antisemitism
give back marbles harry
Before an Englishman came over your way your "people" were building roads and shanty towns out of those marbles.
he has been on the bleach cream. last night he was looking paler than a hi-so thai
This cunt won't rule himself in or out of the England job.

Don't even bother. Stick to kids. Your shit, lad

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