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Cole vs. Wacha
Royals about to booty blast this shit team
But I'm female
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QRD on why Costas was so bad last night? I've only been watching the NL playoffs with Howie on for the Mets.
The Yankee collapse starts here.
I'm literally a girl
>coach boonemate
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day of the pillow cant come soon enough
I’m a neutral fan and he’s showing bias to the Yankees, sounds legit upset when the Yankees make outs at the plate. He’s probably not as bad as the general public is making it out though, some of it is the “gang up” shit you see on the internet
that's racist and not needed
listen to the phish tiny desk Mets pepe chad!
jon morosi looks like a sephi
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no. I fucking hate phish more than words can possibly describe.
>yankees get three byes to the world series
they'll still choke
My Yankers :)
I missed the Torres hit cuz I was watching Obama campaign for Kamala and he put on his urban accent. Like: "Y'all gawn". Do they know he lives in the Whitest ZIP codes on earth?
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Royals need her
I’m listening to the WFAN broadcast :)
There it isn't.
>erin jej
can't make this shit up
jadakiss is a gigantic phish fan, he credits them as one of his biggest inspirations
does WFAN talk about both the mets/yankees and giants/jets? how do they find enough time for each team?
How did Judge forget to hit?
gay bar tourist
How did we fix Aaron Judge?
lmfao kek lmfao kek lmfao
Judge please bro please hit the ball
Most pressure tonight is on Witt Jr. Elimination game at home for the face of the franchise.
jam band festivals and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Judge is already WASHED on the 2nd year of his deal
Judge and witt have been worthless this entire series. Granted judge has been in the playoffs before so I expect more from him.
you poor thing
I am all for wook hate
Put him after Stanton

You can sign me as the manager now thx.
Judge is a decade older than Witt. As a Yankees fan I'd rather have Witt. Judge is deprecating asset and he sucks in the playoffs
Sterling owns Casas’ bitch azz
arson judge appears headed to the dugout
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do the yankees have the stones to end this tonight and keep the meme alive?
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We all love the Royals!
When did the American League become so uninteresting? Was it the cheatstros fault? I think so but I'm not 100% sure.
they have the pebbles to extend their WS drought to 27 years.
Shit teams
Judge definitely needs to bat lower.
outside the yankees and red sox virtually every team is irrelevant go figure
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anything that keeps you seething at our glorious home is good for baseball
Shut up bitch
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>No Mariners, Jays
>Orioles suck
>somehow AL Central gets 3 playoff spots after years of languishing
>Astros died
The AL is in constant upheaval and there's not many rivalries carrying over to the postseason.
Is it true that Cole pitches great after a bad game prior?
Cole is the Luis Castillo of the Yankees
>Astros died
this is a good thing though
*our mickey mouse home
it's not the same like the original stadium
Stanton will not be getting pitched to tonight, more than likely. Jazz has to step up and back up the shit talk.
There are 0 Yankees fans in this thread.

Get the fuck out already you Incel faggots.
why you mad gramps
Calm down retard
Some old man stumbles over shit he’s saying but he’s still better than all the other major network options besides David Cone.
Are you fucking retarded? Tigers-Guardians is peak baseball
Stanton just almost lobbed that ball to a run.
nigga who the fuck live in kansas???
I take it back, Stanton fucks ya.
a stantonian double
It's ogre royalsfam
you really are low IQ lol, how could one anon be so clueless?
BREAKING NEWS: Giancarlo Stanton does NOT run well!
I always believed Stanton
I knew you were saving for the post season like always
>Trash Jizzholm
non si puó stopparlo!
They’re playing aggressively tonight. We won this one brothers.
Yankees are the most soulless team alive
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I'm not one to criticize announcers - most are serviceable - but Costas is boring af and never shuts up. Also, a TDS head case.
royals fans still be soft as shit for booing jazz tho
They’re actually the most soulful.
Well shit when the ump makes you swing on away and at your toes what are you supposed to do?
Like actually lol.
Now they rizz jizz
You hosted a woman famous for spitting on penises. Mets players may be entertaining you, but the organization is nothing to root for.
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He's 100% locked in
soulful at what?
buying championships?
injecting players steroids for tainted home runs?
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It's our world. You're just playing in it.
Kek he didn’t even say anything that crazy, soft as puppy shit fan base.
>no idea when to cheer or boo
These kcfags really are swiftie mutt bandwagoners, aren’t they?
That dumb boomer doesn't know what rizz means these days
>You CAN’T just say we got lucky!!!
>YOU actually got lucky!!!
>Go Ch- I mean go Royals!
Literally every playoff baseball crowd acts exactly the same
A little roller up along first.
faggot mike
Soft as babyshit, they get so excited when Jazz gets K’d lmao.
When you take so many horse steroids you begin to look like one lmao ugly ass mf
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You wouldn’t get it.
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Never let him live down this comment.
Which he keeps doing because he's TRASH
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He actually came off the juice last offseason, he came back to spring training looking 20 lbs lighter.
Guy, I'm NYY fan; I'll never be jealous of NYM. You have no rebuttal to my post.
My Yankee friend thinks Cole is going to pitch a complete game tonight or close to it.
kc meth heads cheering every flyball again lmao
Would be based

Two different franchises with two distinct demographics. I will never like the Mets.

Also judges OF defense makes up for his bat.
What would it take for Judge to get benched
Would be extremely retarded to do that
>he types as he watches bums fuck on the subway and rats carry away a slice of shitty New York pizza
Calling Jazz a nigger
im not a mest fan
reminder royals fans booed cano because he acknowledged billy butler is a bum
Batting 3rd (I run the team) he needs to bat 7 or behind Stanton
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who needs you to be jealous? the phony moral outrage about Hawk Tuah is very gay is all.
stanton should be 3rd judge 5th or 6th
No, Stanton can be more productive with others in front of him.
you fags should root for both ny teams until the world series
2000 was fun in school
Who’s that wildcard team? Are they making it to the World Series? xd
I miss when Verdugo was the 9 hitter
all my gayniggas stand UP
The “allergy” era

Now we’re back in the GB era.
Yankee goys cant have beards KWAB

Look like a bunch of siamese cats
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based namefag, all I want is kino baseball.
It used to mean he was the last terrible player in the order, and Soto would be up within two ABs
if soto says it's a ball, it's a ball. he has a better eye than every ump.
Looks like the Yankees won't get a hit next inning either
The regular season means nothing. Verdugo helped us win game one and Soto is getting on base but it’s meaningless because Judge will not bring him home.
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Soto does have a good eye lol, that’s why he’s the “walk to first base man”.
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The Tigers would bootyblast both of these teams
gay poverty franchise
That's the governor of Michigan
Again, you have no credible response. It's not phony - the team celebrated a degenerate subversive who a) ha nothing to do with BB, NYM or NYC and b) was appearing in front of an all ages audience. Enjoy your players, but that org. is part of the agenda. Do you really not see it?
They get more pussy in one night than you do in your wildest dreams. Then there's their bank accounts, etc.
Good guys:

Bad Guys:

>he'd rather listen to Bob Costas than Sterling and Suzyn
What the hell is wrong with you
Imagine if they did this for Islam. Neeeeeever happen. The anti-White and anti-Christian hate are no longer hidden.

Mets are not good.
Indians are always the bad guys
Mets fans are dementia-riddled boomers or brain rotted zoomers. No, they don’t see it. Their small market, McDonald’s sponsored franchise is actually conservative. Go Kamala! -MIKE PIZZA
any links to watch?
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Padres/Mets NLCS would be fantastic. Please pull out the W, Daddies
Good guys:

Bad Guys:

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>le good guys
Yes we are the evil empire. Yes we are that.
Stop saying the Mets are the good guys. Just because they're the other New York team, doesn't make them the good guys.
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Imagine being a grown man and not being allowed to have a beard to play a children's game KWAB
Rent free
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but this is allowed? I WAS WATCHING THIS GAME WITH MY KIDS!!!
Mets own the yankees
It's still early. By my count, six innings remain.
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>mestfags babbling in spanish again
Making fun of Hawk Tuah really got this guy riled damn.
Actually the Steinbrenner family owns the yankees.
heh. the Reddit beard. got 'im.
>yankeesfan humor
Metsharts should be gassed
No, you can’t look like a dirty bum while wearing the pinstripes.
The Mets faced the Yankees at the right time of the season when the Yankees were struggling the most.
Yes George Steinbrenner was featured on the comedy show Seinfeld and hosted Saturday Night Live.
Yankees not allowing beards is a very pussy move and I'm glad I wouldn't wear pinstripes.
Bro KC """humor"" is goyslop like Modern Family stfu
Subhuman behavior should be punished
the Yankees will never not be the bad guys
The "Yankees are the conservative, moral majority team just like me!" is the funniest cope argument from Yankees fans in years.
Good eye Judge
And that's OK because anyone who does this cringe dichotomy is a blatant Redditfag
No ones saying that tho that’s just you
Wells and Judge have been inexcusably bad
Bobby kino jr dragon time
no one's saying that tho
yankees chads: conservative. white. upper class.
mestfags: gay. brown. retarded. poor.

Yes hallo Royals fan here
Tell me honestly, is it over??
Wells has been cold for a while now. Judge being so ass in the playoffs is genuinely unexplainable.
It's funny how sports media considers him a villain for, what, spying on a player? So fucking what.
new york: dirty, rat-infested, full of MAGAtards, racist

REAL facts.
>italians, dominicans, and puerto ricans vs. jews
haha yeah
many people are saying this
Talking shit from...Panama? Ahahahahahahaha
He took a lot of pleasure in being a dickhead and made a lot of stupid moves and broke rules, but damnit at least he cared about the team winning unlike retard Hal
NTA anon but... come on
>no one is saying that except you!!
I think in recent years the Dodgers usurped the crown as the final boss of MLB bad guys. The Yankees are now just a sub-boss.
how do you manage to access 4chan
Facts. Genuinely loved his team, not just as an investment. Also donated to Nixon and pardoned by Reagan - no wonder they hate him.
>forgetting the astros exist
the dodgers ain't done shit bro
Saying you can’t look dirty in the pinstripes isn’t a conservative sentiment retard.
i actually think KC will win this series just because of how bad judge is. I think playoff judge is actually terrible but I think witt jr will regress to the mean starting in this game.
kc hicks cheering bobby shitt jr hitting a flyball
I keep hearing how Bobby Witt Jr is our star player but all I've seen him do is smolder and pop out
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my kid had to sit next to this DEGENERATE SUBVERSIVE!!!
Yes after Astros wore the crown for a while
royals fans cheering a bobby witt jr lineout like its a walk off hr
probably the stupidest mfers around
>NYY leads 2-1
Shouldn't it be NYY *lead...
Mets posters incapable of not getting political it gets their rocks off to talk about this gay bullshit
Why are you so mad?
nigga i dont care about your bum ass hick team
mestfags are gay, poor and homeless.
>successful safety squeeze by Guardians

Why is this series lacking any soul except for faggot Mike?
so who we rooting for here guys? KC?
Hearing this is true.
but the Dodgers got the anime dude so they've won back some good grace
Yankee retards made it political by claiming some meme first pitch by a podcast host who made a blowjob joke once is the sign of a grand agenda to induce brainrot, one which the Yankees are somehow not a part of and therefore makes Yankees fans superior beings.
Fact Check: ZERO pinnochios
giancarlo has the faggiest batting stance i think I have ever seen. I mean look at this
That's a lot of words to be wrong
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>dat reckie
they let kids watch this? nice!
Bro crying over Hawk Tuah
wow this Wacha can pitch no cap. qrd, KC fans?
attaboy tony
The regular season is meaningless but Verdugo is terrible and has been for most of the series
You should look up the Teufel Shuffle. Also a gay met, btw.
Steers and queers come from New York and he doesnt look like he has horns to me
You share her hobby of spitting on Ds?
it's literally one sentence, how dumb are you?
Fr start pinch hitting Dominguez for him at this point
However dumb I am, it's less than you.
let's be honest hawk tuah girl herself isnt cringe maga boomers made it cringe by making it a rallying cry for trump
Waldo needs to replace Jizzholm
>bro how do i explain who this girl is to my kid am i right? haha
>erm, don’t you realize that this is an inherently political statement you chud
All you Hawk Tuah simps would probably kiss her.
Hawk Tuah is a mettiejettie now.
gay bar tourist
KC is not "hick" btw we're cool and metropolitan, just also capable of hunting
I don't even like the meme senpai
I just hate MAGA boomers for being cringe
Ood you can have a full blown pedo stash, but a beard is not allowed.
Ump's a chump. Shit call. Outside the box.
Let's be honest any inorganic rise was done by jews to promote degeneracy
>Lindor: grand slam to clinch series for Mets
>Ohtani: three run homer to win crucial first game for Dodgers
>Mookie: finally broke his postseason slump with early home runs in back to back games
>J Ram: third postseason HR keeping Guardians soulful
>Harper: great batting avg and OPS
>Tatis: amazing defensive plays and offense for Padres

>Judge: 1 for however fucking many ABs now, a complete and utter no show
Where did things go so utterly wrong
Any place that claims a BBQ is hick
This series is over.
Fuck yeahhh. Gleyber you taketh away at times but lately you giveth.
>bro how do i explain who this girl is to my kid am i right? haha
idk son, some lady. great now my family is in shambles :(
Why are metoids even here? And why are they arguing about politics?
>putting harper in there
you don’t gotta go that far


And yet, the Yankees are winning without him.
which means he won’t hit any home runs
Meh we are a football city anyway

Kiss the rings.
Torres is gonna trick Cashman into a big contract this offseason.
You haven't been to a game before, thats a sad existence.
yeah probably
Fag capital of the world so you bet it’s metro
we need yankeechad sex haver
A big flaw New Yorkers have is they think everyone outside of New York is some kind of retard farmer.
I hope Juan Soto takes a fastball to the teeth
is it true kansas city has a huge lgbtq population
we're right.
Why do you think we're Atlanta??
because lets be honest no one cares about your podunk shithole
It’ll bounce off, he drank milk like you wouldn’t believe growing up.
New Jersey makes better pizza than NY which basically can't do anything right.
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C'mon do something...
Is it a) needs a sports psychologist or b) can't hit good pitching?
idk but they got you yankeeboomers upset and it's actually pretty funny.
new jersey is part of new york.
Ayyyyy ohhhhh I’m from fuckin New York I “hey I’m walkin here!’d” all the over from fifth ave to tell you that the slide and a coke you got was bullshit my friend utter bullshit I mean unless you been to pucettis up town and got the meatball gravy slice I mean come on fuhgeddabout it
I'm here. AMA.
I'm throwing in the towel, we barely squeaked by the orioles. The double 7 loss streak September slump continues. Not going far with dead bats in the top of the lineup even if you hold em to less than 4. Disappointing after such a miraculous season, you want to feel grateful but a showing the anemic stings. I could live with a series like game 1 but this blows. The moves this season probably set us back long term too
No trash cans to save him now
Besides Witt lollll
bob costas just said negro lmao
you can say negro on tv now?
I went to the negro league museum. Sure I got mugged by the our guide and somebody stole my rims but there’s just so much sovl
Stanton looks like he's so stiff that he creaks when he swings. The gayest batting stance I can think of off the top of my head was Kevin Youkilis
How tight is your boyfriend’s asshole?
-NYY fan
The Yankees hate the astros because the cheating scandal allows them to cope with the fact that their team wouldn’t have won it all anyway
You have odd preoccupations
Lol you can't be from NY saying that. I forgot how many transplants are out there
Costas is ending his career with this series. Unbelievably boring + mistakes
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Hey that reminds me of this one
Back to /pol/, chud boy
Why do the Orioles think having a team name that sounds like a three year old trying to say "Royals" is acceptable
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>this thread right now
dead ball. gay.
Rental free
These methhead fans have to be the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever seen lmao.
>t. never left Park Slope
Warning track power
jersey is our garbage can, its our property.
Heh heh these KC guys, basically farmers you know, they don’t understand the sophistication and jody vive of paying four thousand dollars a day to live in a fire hydrant. It’s culchah which was invented in Brooklyn in 190 tree by Rudy Rosengold
There’s no actual Royals fans here so Mettiejetties are taking the opportunity to be annoying.
it's at least five retards (fan bases) fighting tbf
"Orioles" is unironically exactly how my 95 year old grandmother pronounces "Oreos"
You put the "an anal" in Panama Canal
It was a gay joke, calm yourself.
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Jeff Bagwell looks like he's about to dip on a bbc
*puts down meth pipe*
*standing ovation for a flyball*
*turns up taylor*
*dies by terrorist attack*
No he's right, the negro league museum is in the 18th &vine jazz district on the Eastside where nobody goes because of the crime and vandalism. There's been city initiatives to do something about it, it's bad
I miss Tanaka
Flyovers getting blown the fuck out lmao

Based Cole

Also, only reply to my post if your favorite MLB team has won at minimum 27 World Series'
Hilarious when they play in New York there is a bunch of jews in the seats behind the plate in full jew hijabs
I miss Matsui :(
Cole Train keeps rolling lads
We don't deserve him
Just switched over from the Tigers game, why is there a robot from the 1930s calling this game?
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this dude is practically crouching
dez fuckin hick cocksuckas betta go back to farmin lmao
Do you know what a blow out is
Aaayyyyy whaaaaiit what! You mean you ain’t nevah haddah egg cream? Oofff marrone and you call yuhself a new yorka?
Life is irony. That community DGAF about the sports museum that wypipo spent millions on to celebrate them. Leftism strikes again.
>jew hijabs
Where my gayniggas at?
Shit I might cry now thinkin bout 'im. For me it's Paul O'Neill.
>Garbage can calling another garbage can property
Both places smell the same one just has more rats
im still looking for a link other than sausage to watch. cant find it on hillshire farm
It's the hairstyle I get from the salon when I want to feel sexy before I let my boyfriend do anal that evening
Why are the Yankees all indistuibguishable mulattos with broccoli cuts
>one just has more rats
ayy marone, cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
go to any martin luther king blvd in america and its the worst neighborhood in town
So I says to the hot duwog venda “hey punchy canna getta mustad duwog with extra onions yknow for the smell ahhh I love the smell uh a da city like nothing like it in da woirld except maybe piss yeah it kinda smells like piss but you should smell the piss in Jersey doh it’s ten times woirse”
thanks for the callback. pro tip: jimmy dean
Finally, the 49ers were almost beating the spread.
Judge double!
Curse ended. We’re winning it all.
The mongoloids all think they are in the Sopranos
I boyed Wells months ago. At least he contributed a little something during his current slump.
I miss uncle Gardy C.C..
speaking about your qb?
Why do all the yankee queers all do little gay feints fucking flamers I tell you
cant find a stream on their sausage either >:( am i at the wrong walmart?
inb4 >it was 2-0
Is Mahomes there?
Eff yeah mudderfreakers
atta boy faggot mike
Matsui and Swisher were the last 2 Yankees to look like they actually had fun out there. They had SOVL.
But in our case it's one guy the Yankees are literally all ethnically ambiguous clones
StantLORD carrying Judgemickey again.
Big Game Gian
Why doesn’t Juan Soto fix his teeth? The MLB should investigate if he’s gaining a competitive advantage
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Does Wells get any credit in the stats? He owns at least 1/3 of that run.
Jizz Jism
yankees gonna blow this one huh
Guys did you know that only Babe Ruth has more HRs per at bat in post season history than Mike Stanton?
bros, wtf?
I say this as a Yankee fan: Jizz Gism annoys the fuck out of me. George would have sent his ass home on a bus after his histrionics in game 2
This is fine
It's funny how they have opposite fitness routines
Lotta ballgame left.
Blow out yes
Chisholm is awful
dammit jizz
That DP might be the turning point for KC comeback. Careful, Yanks.
Babe Ruth is hepburn for Ohtani right?
I knew Jizzm was a total failure in the deadline
yanks boutta get fucked in the ass!
And just like that yankees have won the story. Thanks for playing.
Might as well be los mets now
Our defense seems to be really good but we seem to think scoring is a matter of theory more than praxis
heebie jeebies
It's over. Who are the Yankees playing in the ALCS? Guardians or Tigers?
Booby Shit Pooper
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uh oh stinkeeee
soto shouldve bobbled that to bait him into taking 2nd then thrown him out
Oh good can't wait to watch him pop out again
>6th inning
>388 posts
shit teams. dead thread.
>Bobby DP
Owari da
yeah cmon yanks heem dez fuckin hicks
What the hell is Jazz doing?
Volpe got him
>getting lil bro'd by Volpe

kek what a bitch!
Stupid monkey shut your negroid chimp mouth

finna boutta frfr
Get off the field you spic
Why is this behavior behavior a compulsion for certain folks?

Volpe with the sweet right forearm to the face in self-defense.
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I wanted Maikel García to go full George Brett
Did they really need everyone on both teams to come running out for that
if they don't get a hit by the time Tommy Pham is up after that they probably lose, that's such lil bro energy
i love baseball but the ingame "fights" are gayer than soccer
Imagine rooting for that person.
is there a bigger fake tough guy in mlb than this faggot?
Enjoy the offseason, Royals.
pham isnt gonna reach base, hes already 2-2 , the law of average says he will not reach
Nothing ever happens (anymore)
I don't see no 9 on that inning counter mf
volpe mogged dat nigga lmao
Can Jizz go one fucking game without acting like a complete idiot
As NYY fan I kind of agree but I think he would throw hands if shit popped off. He's their ace so he shouldn't unless necessary.
He's a typical happa getting aggro with a real one when he knows he can get away with it
Taking out lifelong resentments
I know I'm sick of his antics. We have a conservative fanbase and my kids watch these games.
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Imagine not rooting for this person
I have faith in Sal Perez and Tommy Pham to big nigger it up
Lotta focus on Bobby but fucking Vinny Pasquantino was a +100RBI hitter too that's gone quiet
h-he fast
Jazz bring much needed BBC energy to the Yanks
You were saying?
cole buckbroken
only run KC getting this game
This won't age well.
uh oh stinky
I told ya, Yanks. All they needed was an incident to reverse the momentum. Careful.
Yessss the counter jinx works!!
>Gerrit Coleburner
vinnie slap
Lmao now I'm glad he's here
>This won't age well
women from KC...
Thank you Gerrit Cole for getting the Royals going.
Meltdown incoming
NOOOOOOO Wells wtf. Perez built like Poppy and could hurt us.
Salvy blast right here
It was just a pity run.
That shit was little league tier. Catch the fucking ball shit for brains
Aw dang it Salvy
>second life
>third life
>only one run
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shouldnt you be getting mauled by packs of wild dogs rn?
that's because you're blind to the agenda, and I'm ashamed to be a fan of the same team as you. we have a reputation to uphold as a team, and as fans.
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this game is over you retards
is dairy queen food good
only ever had blizzards
You think we age worse than coastie toasties who are mainly plastic that has melted in tanning beds? Cornfed heartland girlies vs soulless city jezebels?
6 IP 1 R.

Cole is sensational.
Nah that's u
The entire Yankees players
Gurriel and Pham can pull off two runs
I believe
>city jezebels
yesssss YESSSSSS
I get your point but no women are pure anymore. Smartphones and social media ensure that.
>Lindor hits a grand slam at home and cliches the series
Runs the bases like it's a 2nd inning solo shot in June
>Jizz hits a solo shot while still down by 2 in a losing effort
Acts like he just hit a WS walk off in Game 7
One plays for the Mets and the other plays for the Yankees, but without knowing the details, you'd never guess correctly which was which.
costas ranting about negroes again
Bob should chill with that word
Costas really likes saying negro
why are they talking about the nigger league so much
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>visit the nigger league museum
>negro league legend
>named “Buck”
costas says negroes with a hard R
Yankees should double down on being the niggers they are. it's funny when you own it
STFU Costas. You blowhard TDS head.
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yea, I'm thinkin based.
Bob "them darkies could sure play some ball" Costas
Country girls fantasize about big city slicker cock. I could walk into any sleazy bar in Kasas City with my work suit and my $35,000 Patek Phillipe watch and pretty much any Missouri slut would be all over my dick.
buck status?
Because TDStards like Costas live in 100% white communities and have no outside of work friends that are black, so they need to overcompensate.
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nice call back
I live in the KC area. You'd get robbed for that.
>noooo you can't showboat!
If the KC defense could give our offense its power that would be great
I get their chicken tenders because they have gravy as a dipping sauce
babe ruth mogged all those negro league SCRUBS
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Based on what?
My hobbies are kick boxing and BJJ Goodluck with that.
why did estevez do the kershit squat
They wouldn't even see you manlet
I don’t know what TDS means and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.
>He's bragging about a 35k watch
I'm 6'3. Nice projection little guy
gayber torres
Good luck pulling guard on a gun retard.
>he thinks some corn-fed Midwest titcow even knows the difference between a Seiko and a Patek. The only name they would know is Rolex, and even then you'd never have a girl know the difference between a datejust and a Daytona
It's way too hard to score in this gay game. There are people with gloves literally everywhere
why don't the royals just hit those foul HRs fair?
Cole is too hot, he just got a little rest. If he stays in we’ll be good.
Yeah as a matter of fact, you should go to the Shady Lady and flash that around. Bring lots of money too
Do the Kansas fans think you get points for popping the ball into the air?
It’s the way Cole is batting. They can’t get lower than the tip of their bats on his balls. Pham is good though and he moves back to get his barrel on.
Gerrit could potentially have a micropenis
The game is immediately stopped if a player shits on the field. He was trying to do it before the ball cleared the wall.
>these absolute faggots buy things to make appearances for other people rather than personal enjoyment and appreciation of a craft
pham owned cole before this game
Another warning track shot
Yeah you're mad because your ugly bartender gf would be begging me to take her to my hotel room after whipping out my black card.
Sure you are yidfly
dead balls for yankees. dead sport.
Thank you based wind
>kc hicks standing ovation for a flyball again
Cole is playing with fire. These are some LOUD outs this go around through the lineup. If I was Boone, I'd seriously consider getting the pen ready.
Costas about to coom for the Royals. Nice professionalism, you lil leftist.
holy fucking warning track
Cole is playing with fire. These are some LOUD outs this go around through the lineup. If I was Boone, I'd seriously consider getting the pen ready.
it's not over yet stinkees, you're getting a game five
Yankee organization obviously is switching out the baseball's
How the fuck did that not go out
Purely socio-economic factors
He's trying to over compensate for being pro Yanks in the last game & for sounding like a robot
Cole is playing with fire. These are some LOUD outs this go around through the lineup. If I was Boone, I'd seriously consider getting the pen ready.
manfred made the call to swap the balls
Cole is getting changed now. They almost spoiled his perfect game.
God wants the Yankees to win
They put buzzers in the balls so they can remotely kill them mid air. The MLB knows the ratings would be disastrous if somehow Kansas City and San Diego wer the WS matchup.
secret wind generators that blow inward when royals are up to bat. stay woke
>being pro Yanks in the last game
bro he called stanton's go ahead home run like it was a routine popup, and then he creamed his pants over a "base hit" that volpe caught
he's not biased he's just an old retard
Interesting way to refer to Rob Manfred, but you're not wrong.
In every single game in this post season like 80% of flyballs by the home team gets a reaction of the crowd, and people these threads make fun of them. Is it not completely normal for the crowd to react to a hard hit ball?
These fans are so fucking stupid lol
Cole looks like a serial killer
>Cole is playing with fire. These are some LOUD outs this go around through the lineup. If I was Boone, I'd seriously consider getting the pen ready.
Casuals don't know the sound of a true dinger and get excited over fly outs all the time.
Costas jerks off to the dictionary
>Juan Slowto
theyre scared of judge?
Who fucking cares Bateman, that shit is pure useless status faggotry like gymbros homolusting over each other's muscles
whatever happens I'm rooting for the umpires
These dumbases think every pitch 2 feet outside the zone is a strike too. Unless it's Cole ofcourse.
If royals lose we exile them to some east cost shithole like Vermont or near there
Knuckle Deep Cole, that's what they called him him college.
it happens in literally every stadium and fans of the opposing team complain about it literally every time
We need ERG now more than ever.
The vanity plate on that car from the General insurance commercial said Lisa ann
It's definitely your first season watching baseball. At least playoff baseball.
Vermont is a miles better place to live than the meth hovel of Missouri
>and people these threads make fun of them.
You mean the losers of 4chan are laughing at others to feel better about themselves? I'm shocked!
For me, it's Missouri.
>shady lady
Went there with a waitress i was fucking after her diner closed and her boss paid for my lap dances and as a cute white boi they let me grope. Railed her til dawn later, one of the best nights of my life, would recommend
Only Independence is methy. KC is a very nice area
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I taught my wife to watch what the outfielders do when the ball leaves the bat, at a game we went to this season.
Ump needs eye exam
I’m a Kansas City Gaynigga
I'm 32 and have watched every single Yankee playoff game that has occurred since 1992.
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cole is the biggest victim of the facial hair policy
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You've never been to new York have you
Costass's habit of reading the minds of players is pathetic.
This city slicker cuck is scared of a little crystal lmao ironically enough he will probably die of typhus
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Verdugo got it pretty bad too
Put one in the gap Gio
Why are you nerds not making a New
Confrontational NY grit that's required to survive dense urban living like a calloused spiritual skin is the anti-thesis of friendly congenial Midwestern nice
verdugo's beard was disgusting though, he looked like a guy who stopped being amish so he could play world of warcraft. he's just ugly no matter what desu
Then you're deaf. Every stadium boos when the ump calls a ball. Every stadium cheers on a flyball off the bat. You can't even tell from 99% of the seats anyways like you can from TV, it's just how you cheer at a baseball game. It's just not as noticeable during the regular season since there are less people and hype. During the playoffs everyone is louder and paying more attention to every pitch and hit and responds accordingly. This happens literally every year, and every year casuals complain about it. It's just people cheering and getting excited get over yourselves.
New Yorkers are tougher than any little Hillbilly faggoy in KC. You wouldn't last one night in my town.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Judge is all the way back boys
Verdugo looks 20 years younger
lol yeah right I was just in Burlington and it's as bad as Portland with nodding out druggies everywhere not to mention rent and taxes
Verdugo's shaved face allowed him to reach that ball in time. NYY policy wins again.
Asian female recoils at kiss attempt by her White boyfriend - never change, ad agencies.
An ugly Asian female at that.
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