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Hawks run game is nonexistent
Doing gods work

So glad I'm not a seahawks fan
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Why don't these trash teams try not losing like my KANGZ?
Geno is starting to throw like Josh Allen. Is he concussed?
why the fuck do you catch it at the 5?
Niners are low IQ that's why they lost in the SB
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its time
It's legitimately been all downhill for Seattle ever since that goal line interception.

Serves 'em right, biggest douche I know is a Seattle fan (but not above cheering for Brady once they get booted)
As opposed to commie cunts?
Stop falling for grade school bait
>only down 16
Okay, we just need to score before half time and boom, right back in this thing.
I could say the same to you namecommie. Your team is losing btw
You mean like "communism benefits everyone and totally doesn't result in dictators?"
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No actual Commie votes retard. If you think the democrats are commies you're just an easily manipulated rage faggot who should talk politics anyway ... speaking of not talking politics picrel
real thread here
Anyone else get panic attacks thinking of horrible things that can happen to the people you care about? Yet another reason I'm never having kids, I don't want to go through potentially losing one.
Everyone is in this faggot's mina thread:
just in case you were wondering why this one's dead
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Never took a covid test.
Never took a covid vaxx.

How am I still alive bros?
autistic mind powers
Timeout on hate 1:00
>please resume hate after 1 minute
it hit the returners thumb.
refs doing some rape in real time.
Honest question for anyone who watched before the Goodell era. What's the point anymore? The refball is so unapologetic, and the outcome of games this season are so divested from the performance of the players that I have a really hard time enjoying even isolated moments in games.
>Oh cool, the team that was allowed to commit DPI prevented a touch down
>Wow, that block that's been performed 35 times this game is now a hold, killing the Bad Guy's drive
>No way! The flag that overturns an Int came out 17 seconds late blaming something we won't show a replay of!
Like... This isn't a sport. This is The Mighty Ducks. This is a sports movie. Does anyone here actually enjoy this drivel?
Stopped giving a shit about the legitimacy of the games after watching Chiefs games last year.

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