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the calculations this man was doing must have been extraordinary
a giant among mere men
>takes engels on back to back finals+world cup semifinal
england was all shit and this man took them there,never doubted him.
Yes. Mark my words. In 10 years, we'll miss this man.
He's the only man in England willing to admit that their squad was incredibly overrated. He understood that England still needed to play pragmatic and ugly to win. They hated him for it, but he was right.
No club will ever offer him a job
The English Joachim Löw
englels will unironically miss this guy because they will continue their trophy-less run for the rest of eternity. the irony is that this guy actively prevented a solid team from winning a trophy
>prevented a solid team from winning a trophy

Imagine thinking england were gonna win a trophy with a "good" manager. They had 2 world class coaches for 10 years with the most talented squad they've ever had before or since and not even a single semi final to show for it
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The English Simeone.
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To be fair, England has to play the defensive against the monolith of European Champions, Denmark
I wish I had saved the video from a lower league instagram page. It was from the crowd, some fans were yelling "don't do it! Don't play it short"
>team plays short corner
the point of the video was to show that England sucks
I enjoyed this
and am English
in 10 years he'll be considered a genius
>swapped southgate for german southgate
what's the point?

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