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>*TRIVIA*: Who was the first African American head coach to win a Super Bowl?
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My Steelers :)
Tony dungy but Lovie made the owl first
Dungy with the Colts.
guys which games from today were worth watching? i was busy all day and didnt get to see any. will need to decide which ones to watch over the coming few days.
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Why'd he do it?
just wish the op for /nfl/ threads would take more effort in building a thread

that's all bros
Fucking dumbass
Lions pass rush is now non existent. If Raiders don't want to move on from Crosby (they don't) the contention dream for the Lions is over, their defense will regress to how it looked in 2022.
>Nope I'm a lanklet
So your wife is the fat one
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Washington Baltimore is probably the only one that was interesting, a lot of blowouts and then shitfests between Tenessee and Indy/NYG and the bengals
Every NFCnorth team had an explosive day on offense. Williams/Love/Goff all teabagged the other team. And Hutchinson did a theisman
How do you feel about the Dallas Cowgirls
>copy-paste a bunch of gay news
>i don't read any of it
anyone that waits through that cuck timer put in the work already anyway
No she's in shape
>Colts were great with Dungy
>He's gone and now they're just dung-y
Like pottery
was kind of unique seeing Washington/Baltimore play a game that mattered. I would imagine for the first time ever unless you go back to Colts days nobody here has ever seen
Their ceiling is probably a divisional round loss now desu
But I am certain at least one NFCN team is going to collapse and barely miss the playoffs. Was pretty sure it'd be the bears, but how the Lions do next week could reveal if they will too or not
I spent hours trying to make this webm after not using Sony Vegas for years and I still fucked up bad because it glitched when it rendered so I had to use zoom to screen record it.
Ungrateful asshole
I love you, Temujin!
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do you feel as useless as I do? because I used sony vegas to make equally bad videos like ten years ago and it still stings.
sure i'm not mad, lets talk about sports
Yeah I'm looking forward to the skins/bears game in two weeks. Been since 2002 that both teams played eachother with winning records (I think)
Is Dak Prescott still elite?
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Try WebM for Retards
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>Slept most of the day
>Wake up
>See the Lions-Cowboys score
When is McCarthy getting fired
My team lost :/
Bros...I'm starting to think my Raiders are never gonna be good again...
That's what I used to make it into a webm.
I used Sony Vegas to insert the missed files goal clip into the monitor
Are the bears actually legit?
I sincerely hope the Raiders are shit forever. And the tripfags and avatarfags make me hate them even more.
0-3 against my Steelers :)
Sorry bro, have a tomboy
They're pretty good. A lot of teams right now just look pretty good if not shit. I wouldn't even call the undefeated Chiefs and Vikings elite.
The Bears hit the soft portion of their schedule and are taking care of buisness as they should for a team with playoff aspirations
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Didn't even get to statpad in garbage time today.
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They are not garbage but have been eating garbage. That Washington game will say alot
Cowboys got Flea FLIcked
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Always have been
Vikings have looked pretty damn elite besides the last game, which I look at with a bit of an asterisk due to being a rainy London game.
The real test comes next week though. I think that game will be very telling for who the top dog of the NFC is
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You're goddamn right
I don't know why my Raiders attract avatarfags and tripfags, it doesn't fit at all that our biggest fans on here are weebs and weirdos
I feel you bro
that's a thoroughly boomer nostalgia game for sure
Raiders fans have always been larpers. Makes sense to me. The gay waifufag shit seems a little out of left field but I'd say it checks out for typical Raiders fans faggotry.
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Gonna be interesting. The loins were up like 35-6 at the start of the 3rd when Hutchinson got injured. Wonder what they'll look like against Minnesota without him. Either way here's to bloodbath in December north bros.
I was a senior in high school and I think urlacher had a touchdown or 2pt conversion at TE
Thank you for saving my webm and posting it here. I know you had several others to choose from and you chose mine. Thank you :)
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What teams are you guys a fan of? I'm a Patriots/Cowboys/Packers/Bears/Lions/Vikings/Giants fan
>why do the cowboys look so bad this year after dominant the last few years?
>eagles mid
>commies pretty good
>$(ers mid w/o CMC

who is gonna stop the chiefs from 3-peating?

not any of the afc >elite teams
NFCN teams look decent but besides the lions none of them will challenge, vikings are not an owl threat until proven otherwise
The Vikings
Flores will shut down Mahomes like the Bucs did for the 2020-2021 owl
Russell Wilson tier
Russell who?
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Russ won an owl and never dragged his team down he is miles above dook poopschute
>Russ never dragged his team down
He's been doing that for like a decade now
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my fondest memories of those bears was them coming back against my browns and having an absolute ragetard meltdown
i feel pretty confident that the texans and lions can beat the chiefs
we've seen the bengals hang with them but its a longshot for them to make the postseason at this point
Bills, maybe, they are schizophrenic so who knows
Commanders? I think they are close but not quite ready yet, but it wouldn't surprise me
Ravens, I have a hard time putting confidence in them though it seems like derrick henry has unlocked their offense again
Steelers, TJ Watt could break mahomes in half if they meet in the 'offs
Russ is a total fraud. Relied on one of the best RBs of all time and an elite defense plus oline.
Once he stopped having those he started to suck ass. Seahawks were so willing to deal him because they knew deep down he secretly wasn't that good and they wouldn't be able to hide it anymore
Kek is that Woodie? Can't believe someone on here listens to him
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just took the thickest shit of my life after being constipated all day. holy mother of fuck, what a relief.
anyways go team
Typical Browns fan
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Jerry Jones has successfully transformed the Cowboys into a faceless global money machine with no identity or home stadium
God I love late night drunk /NFL/ general
If the Jets lose this one then Aaron might as well just come out of the closet.
He’s a better white rapper than Eminem will ever be
--> (You) Are here) 5-0

My Kangz :)
Sure cause Eminem is garbage. My cousin used to blast Norte sidin whenever we were driving anywhere
Woodie is Latinx
i love talking to myself too
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For me it’s Demonz in my Sleep and Yoc Influenced
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What went wrong?
defenses, basically popularized under Carroll, believed in running and chasing you around as you scrambled and threw until the last few years. now they sit more passively and keep everything in front of them. 10s defenses were very manlet scrambler friendly. if you swapped him and Murrays career start youd get them mirroring each other's career more or less
Eh Murray is genuinely a better passer, but yea Murray would have been a HOFer 15 years ago.
>Lions just started throwing to linemen for fun at the end of the game
Genuinely how do you recover from this if you're the Cowboys? This is the equivalent of button mashing one move in a fighting game after stomping someone 10-0 and still managing to kick their ass
yeah i agree. was making an approximation to get a point across
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>oh, the game is over?
>guess I need to give a press conference on the team’s performance
>I hope this doesn’t prevent elite coaches from wanting to come here
Why is he like this?
denverbros how we feeling about this season so far?
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Happy 82nd birthday jerry
The Panthers have scored 103 points and allowed 203 points so far
Why hasn’t /sp/ apologized to Caleb Williams? At the very least, he’s the better than Trubisky, Fields and most likely not a bust.
what always got me is how savant he is on OL play. guy never misses on that. basically have a rich OL coach for an owner
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I AM READY. I am ready for the toxicity, I am ready for the shitposting, I am ready for the bloodbath, I am ready for the war, I am ready for the hate, I am ready for the game of the week. I AM READY. The question is, are you ready?
shame it's in a big gay greenhouse. vikings games looked cool when they played at the gophers stadium that one year
Just about any QB is going to struggle if you don't give them a good OL or a good RB (never mind a great one). The problem is that Russ lost enough of a step in his ability to scramble that it throws off all his game. He's 35 and can't escape from the defensive pass rush like he used to anymore. That doesn't mean he is a fraud.

The same thing will probably happen to Mahomes and Jackson once they get to their mid-30s. Most running backs who aren't Frank Gore struggle past age 30 for similar reasons.
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I blasted his music after the NFCCCG

CMC won’t struggle
Gibbs won’t
Monty won’t
Hall won’t
Bijan won’t
Henry clearly isn’t
This jets lions Superbowl is going to be fucking SICK
Jerry Jones understands OL play because he was an offensive lineman while he was at Arkansas. He was a pretty good one too.
CMC already struggles to stay healthy, as he ages he won't ever be healthy OR be able to cut
The Delirium Tremens are really kicking my ass tonight
that comes more from workhorse days and was more about tread and specifically heavy tread within a couple years than anything. it's why Elliott hit a wall at 27, Ohio State used him up hard for two years and he came into the league half used up already
he got drafted to a stacked team like lameme and will be equally irrelevant so what exactly are we meant to apologize for
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How does it feel knowing this team will win a superbowl before your team will?
for me, it was losing complete understanding of where i was at in a room in the dark
Sorry Mahommes, only one man can march on.
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I only root for complete failures. The only positive about that is not getting butthurt at other teams success because Im too busy hating my own teams
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Imagine the Vikangs winning their first owl by defeating the savage brown team, would be kino.
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He was white. He just happened to be a Norteno.
coach primate
Where the fuck else would a Vikings Lions game EVER be in the last 50 years?
In my bussy
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Ur mum’s ass
Domes are an advantage and I'm tired of pretending they aren't.
Outdoor stadiums in the cold give a slight advantage to teams in the regular season and playoffs against teams who don't have division rivals with outdoor cold stadiums, but domes let players maximize their consistency and translates best to the superbowl (usually in a dome)
the last time both were very good was about 50 years ago too lol
Not really
Vikings were superbowl favorites in 98 and 09, just choked it away.
Made a bunch of nfccg since the bud grant years too (just weren't better than their opponents besides those two years)
>it's why Elliott hit a wall at 27, Ohio State used him up hard for two years and he came into the league half used up already
Or all of those Wisconsin RBs who were workhorses for 3-4 years in college.
It's funny how the three teams considered the statistically greatest teams of all time (98 Vikings, 07 Pats, 19 Ravens) all massively choked
you should probably go team by team and see how blatantly wrong this is. it's either shitters or underachievers that pull it off one year sometimes that play inside. granted it's more of an issue with the AFC, the NFC you can just skip having to play outside at all if philly nyg and gb don't get in the way. bad weather QBs are typically lights out in domes where no dome QB approaches those numbers in their own venue
I meant both at the same time. unless you count 9-7 squeaking by "very good" the last time both were unquestionably good was 1970
>bad weather QBs are typically lights out in domes
This just ain't true lol
Peyton vs Brady for example was almost always decided by who was playing at home
Bad weather teams typically end up with better QBs because, as you said, some QBs just can't play in shit weather so they cycle through them more
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all the rbs they've produced and all I can think of is Ron Dayne so good point
>ruining the Great White Hopes debut
>some QBs just can't play in shit weather so they cycle through them more
fair point I never really thought of. plays against your previous point that it helps though. the Chicago/Cleveland roulette of shitters probably would have stopped more times if they were playing in a dome for example
>fills up the statline good and bad
>gets a W
a real throwback
Domes themselves help if you land an elite QB imo
They just hurt in finding one
My ass hurts
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Tell me about the Raiders. Why do they keep losing?
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Good taste
Because they suck. Brock Bowers is good though.
Football is more fun with gunslinger QBs
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I took a big old duke the other day and my anus was sore. Realized I couldn’t be a bottom.
>Are the bears actually legit?

they have only beaten the bottom 4 teams in the league and have had the easiest schedule in the league by far

big fraud check coming after the bye week
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The good thing of watching college is that I will know whos picking my Cowboys.
>here's to bloodbath in December north bros
I can't wait it's going to be epic. Hopefully we get four NFCN teams in the offs this year. GPG!!
Jerry is the curse
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Just took a fat, steaming Dak and noticed there was blood in the bowl. Is this normal?
why does everyone suck jayden daniels dick
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I got the biggest headache. Had to take a double shot of tequila. Feeling better now.
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Hemorrhoids are a real son of a bitch
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>Have the best rookie QB of the draft
>Team is too dogshit for him to matter
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>white dude named Drake

This nigga thinks he's Dracula.
fuck the queefs
Oh fuck
>dak QBs
How the fuck is this a 1pm game while Jets Steelers in the SNF game? They really should be able to flex games early in the season.
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I liked Rattler's debut, he got baptized by Vita Vea, you cant always meme run like a black QB soon he'll meet also elite tackles like Chris Jones and Milton Williams. But I dont know why a veteran like Kamara is running towards Vea. Is he and the coach retarded, go left or right or screens whatever are they really Taysom babies?
>manlet qbs
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no one believed in the vikangz
I wish I could be angry at the Eagles, but I'm just not. The defense let up 6 fucking points and the offense looked good and should've had at least 23. They scored 20 and the game was close because Myles Garrett is a fucking best and blocked a FG which the Browns returned for a TD lmfao. 23-6 would've been a comfy scoreline and the game felt more like that than 20-16. If they would've been greedy at the end they could've scored another TD instead of kneeling it in the redzone too.
>tfw 13-0 in pick 'em this week after several mediocre weeks in a row

if the bills fuck this up i'm going to be really really mad
>losing Hutch
>our chance of winning Super Bowl is hurt

>Hutch had a clean break and it miraculously was not a compound fracture meaning he will heal and be back

>it also means Brad Holmes doesn't have to pay Hutch a max contract next year and can trade for another EDGE that will turn the Defense into a monster next season when Hutch returns

Hmmmm this might be blessing in disguise shit though it fucking blows... still gonna bootyblast the Vikings.
whats your overall position in the group
tied for 7th as of now, 4 games behind 1st
honestly i cant really make it out
damn the bengals needed that win just to pull even with the giants record
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the jets have no interest in signing h.reddick
just sign max crosby
And the Lions have 40 million in cap space. Even if we got Hassan or anyone the way the Lions bring players in wouldn't see him take the field for 1 to 2 weeks.

That said NFCNorth bros know very well not to fall into the "They have an injured player guranteed win!!!" Trap.

2013 Season.
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i dont even watch the games anymore
Mike Brown :)
He's subhuman
I haven't watched since Eli retired
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>giga-jew agent instantly resolves the dispute
he's ohioan he's a cultural mutt. its the capital of rednecks playing rap in rangers, or was when he was growing up
They really thought Travis was one of th good ones, huh
1. Chiefs (15-2)
2. Ravens (13-4)
3. Texans (13-4)
4. Bills (12-5)
5. Steelers (9-8)
6. Chargers (9-8)
7. Bengals/Jets/Broncos/Colts (9-8)

1. Vikings (14-3)
2. Bucs (11-6)
3. 49ers (11-6)
4. Commanders (11-6)
5. Lions (12-5)
6. Packers (11-6)
7. Eagles (10-7)
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what's his name again?
How much of his contract does he have to donate to Israel now?
I don't think the niners will crack 9/8
Everyone is playing then like it's the Superbowl then getting crushed the next week. It's one of those years and they don't have refs like the chiefs.
I'm a niners fan. Pearsall... Who knows what the fuck that is and the defense coordinator is terrible. He keeps running the same shit over and over again. Shannahan has been stepping in and calling blitzes now. They finally understand bosa is the only one actually bringing pressure and everyone else gets 1 or 2 qbp a game without blitzing. I don't know how they managed to have such a shut d line with all that been aimed at it.
Dakota Poopsack, if im not mistaken
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It’s not his fault
You said:
Make a rap about yesterday's cowboys lions football game
ChatGPT said:
(Verse 1)
Yo, it was Sunday, game day hype,
Cowboys and Lions, under the bright lights.
Dallas rollin’ deep with that star on their helm,
But Detroit came to play, ready to overwhelm.

It’s a battle on the field, hear the crowd roar,
Touchdowns and tackles, they’re coming for more.
Cowboys vs. Lions, let the game unfold,
Gridiron warriors, stories to be told.

(Verse 2)
Dak slingin’ passes, lookin’ real nice,
While Goff’s got the arm, he’s rollin’ the dice.
Defense on fire, can’t let ‘em through,
But the offense keeps pushin’, makin’ that move.

It’s a battle on the field, hear the crowd roar,
Touchdowns and tackles, they’re coming for more.
Cowboys vs. Lions, let the game unfold,
Gridiron warriors, stories to be told.

From the first snap to the final whistle,
Each yard gained, it’s like a missile.
Playoff dreams, that’s what’s at stake,
Every single play, make no mistake.

(Verse 3)
So who took the crown? Let’s break it down,
Fans in the stands, wearin’ blue and brown.
Another chapter written in the NFL lore,
Cowboys and Lions, can’t wait for more

Lions wearing blue and so was Dallas
Cowboys wearing brown cause they shit out their asses
Bootyblasted fags all over the town
Now suck my dick as I take your crown
NFC North is a monster division.
It's not even close either. Fucking ridiculous.
NFC North is what we thought the AFC North was supposed to be going into this season.
Need Gruden to get coked up and do a breakdown of the MNF game.
The top four teams by net points are just the entirety of NFC North
kek wrong pic
49ers shuffle their head defensive guys too much. if Saleh has his HC aspirations beaten out of him before he got there they'd have been so much better off
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WTF is that doing in your downloads you weirdo. My Chiefs would booty blast all of those shit NFC North teams.
Hoping for my Patriots to leave the bottom tier now that we have Maye
>Sam Darnold tosses a touchdown in the end zone
Unfortunately as long as Jerod Mayo is the head coach it won't matter
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Stilllllllllllll tony
>sham francisco
chiefs ravens bengals > lions packers and vikings
Afraid to include the Browns and Bears?
based nanodesu
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Since when do the Queefs play in the AFCN?
Mahomes Lamar Burrow > Goff Love Sam

Goff is an oline baby, anybody can win games when you have minutes to throw the ball whereas everyone else has microseconds.
Sam is already turning back into a pumpkin. There's a reason he was a backup QB, the cinderealla story is going to end like it always does.
Love is spotty. He's yet to have a full season of being an elite QB1.
>Come on
>I want to peg
>Your bussy
I'm a lip reader
That's nervous pacing she's doing.
>6th in point differential
>tied for 21st in total tds
>the 11 teams equal to them or worse are garbage
Is their defense elite or something?
I find it hilarious how boatraced has become E$PN's favorite word lol. Gotta love the Cowboys for pushing that at least.
>Sam's already turning into a pumpkin
Yeah he had a bad day yesterday 0 yards, zero Touchdowns. I told you guys he'd come back to earth
cowsissies woke up in shambles today
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helpful reminder for jaguars fans:

when the khans purchased the team, their franchise record was 138-134. since that time back in 2011-2012, their record is 40 something wins and 140 something losses. that is not a typo. the team went from a winning franchise to barely winning about 25%-30% of the time. the ownership is totally clueless.

it's time for you to start the 'sell the team' chants.
>satanic ritual
>come on you gay pussy
Jesus lady
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Inoki cursed tony and has thusly cursed the jags
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i genuinely forgot
>total nufag
Opinion discarded
I'm still staying to figure out what exactly happened with his leg
i feel exposed but i agree with

Tebow is a gamer. He's a baller. A playmaker, and a shot caller.
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Are my Saints really about to lose to the Donkeys?
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Look at the bottom left of the webm you'll see the lions DT around and Hutchinson flings his leg, shin to shin, around the Tackles leg. Literally wraps around for a second.
Why hasn't Mike Zimmer been fired yet?
i bet the crime rates in new orleans are back up. are you happy derreck carlos
Jerry is afraid of Muslims due to his oil dealings and he's unwilling to hire Saleh
What the fuck is this? Is this like the Miami Heat retiring Michael Jordan's jersey?
It's only 8:30 there and no business in the south starts early.
>acknowledges the receipt.
>and I shant be posting that screenshot again friend
Bengals beat the Panthers and the Giants two weeks in a row. NOW will you start taking them seriously?
it wasnt 2 weeks in a row, you cant even shitpost right
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Wait, Aidan Hutchinson's leg snapped? Lions can't win an owl without him.
Yeah but imagine Pat Riley knocked over the banner and then the heat played the Washington generals
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wtf is this real?
I hope Derek Carr rides the bench for the rest of the season. Spencer Rattler has a better arm and is more mobile, I would like to see him get more experience. This team isn't going anywhere anyways.
they lost the GOTY to the ravens last week
>come on Cowboys

Uhhh bros?
u guys think jerry's called belichick yet?
yep. it's over. great news for vikings/bears/packers fans.
The nfl is weird. They put up 38 on the ravens all conference hyped defense and then struggled to put 10 on the giants in 58 minutes?
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They still continues to beat the fuck out of the cowboys, but another victory like that and it's over for the lions
are you new to nfl football?
I don't think the Ravens have a great D this year, and the Giants have a very good one. More importantly, they are number 1 in the NFL in sacks. They got after Burrow and it worked. Prob for the G Men is Danny Jones is their QB.
derrick henry is the mvp
I've been doing fantasy for years but I only started watching last season. Why?
Ravens defense has been poor this year
When is Zac Taylor gonna make Chase Brown the #1 RB? He's clearly better than Moss.
all great offenses and defenses will have random shitty weeks
>Try WebM for Retards
Sunday night games are usually lower scoring
Oh believe me I know. I picked up the Lions defense a few years ago after they put up about 25 points. I played them and they got me 3. We start with 20 in my league.
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>Aidan Hutchinson is out for the season
Lions' Superbowl window just closed.
It was past Burrow's bedtime
Nah, but it's over if they lose monty
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Which team is in deeper shit?
you can always predict shitty weeks by who a team is playing the next week. For example, Cincy is facing Cleveland next week. A division rival that always beats cincy. So of course the bengals offense wasnt pretty against a random ndc opponent. The divisional games mean more.
The browns
Not a serious question, Carr has had great games and is cuttable, Watson has played like shit and can't be benched due to his contract.
they still have david bullgontmery
No. This was the lowest scoring MMF games since Giants-Bills october 15th 23
beating the cowboys hasn't been a big deal since the 90s, so that doesn't such much at all.
Seahwks Cardinals 6-6 overtime tie back in 2016?
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Cowboys and Dak
3ds or SP?
geno smith
it's jerry jones. that shit happened ON HIS BIRTHDAY.
Hutchinson and the cowboys tied like when Barry sanders and Brett favre won MVP
unless rodgers and co. get destroyed even worse by the bills
How badly does losing Hutch fuck with the Lion’s chances?
And he was sitting alone the whole time. Look on his face like he realizes he won't see the Cowboys win another superbowl before he croaks.
Can you have less of a chance than no chance?
It would be like the Chiefs losing Chris Jones, the Raiders losing Max Crosby, Cowbows losing Parson, etc.... Hutch was argubally the best defensive player in the league, they will lose a playoff game due to this.
>team wins on the back of a few outstanding individual plays
>dont even enjoy it because they bailed out the coaching staff who remains a problem
Name for this phenomenon?
>Chiefs losing Chris Jones
Ironic that's how the Lions managed to barely beat the Chiefs
Morning lads, I had a full copium tank hooked up to my CPAP all night. Feeling good about my Jets today, Rodgers is gonna be in fine form and the offense will be cooking with the new changes. Besides, Josh Allen is having a shit season and he banged his egg last week.
the ravens have some great defensive talent but their DC was not ready for the position yet. They actually brought in one of their old DCs to be a consultant.
Holy shit nick siriani was talking to fans? escort this man out of the building and set him on fire with kerosene
The McCarthy effect
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Quality loss.
Still #1 in the division.
Jayden Daniels is elite.
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Dan Patrick, good morning football or philadelphia radio?
this guy is philadelphia. idk why philly cant accept it. He is a reflection of the fans
you don't have much competition on NFC side. could end up with #1 seed. we all know the kang meltdown is coming
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Jayden has six passing touchdowns
Next up, Cummies take on the Panties, should be an easy win.

Does zest win championships?
Daniel's has 6 tds v 2 INT
Caleb is 9 tds v 5 int
Either way gonna be a fun roty campaign
>libtard disguised as boomer
>pandering to blacks and zoomers
>listening to nasally assholes talk about the Cowboys
Sounds abysmal
It's the equivalent of needing to beat someone with your janky-ass move that ALMOST worked the last time you played them, and continuing to fail because it just doesn't work, and you're unable to accept it. It's even more sad than getting blown out by 38, honestly.
Love and Goff will doodoo all over our passing defense, it's actually atrocious. Gayleb might too at this rate. And I expect that Dak will keep his shit together long enough to pull out the wins as well.
A wild card is fine.
Now when the Lions lose to the Chiefs in the owl they can cite the Hutch injury as an excuse.
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I believe in the vikings
Because in their minds they are not humongous try hard faggots or barely functioning retards.
Daniels also has significantly more rushing yards, and 4 rush TDs to Caleb's 0 (with 1 more lost fumble). It'll be interesting to see who can sustain their hot starts as fatigue and injuries start really setting in.
>Forces the FO's hand into getting a high end EDGE (Like Maxx Crosby, as the other anon said)
>Still have potential this year
>Actually have a pass rush for a few years after this
Really the only way to salvage this disaster, because I don't see them punting on the year.
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we are going down together next week my fren
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Is it time for the NFL to step in and nerf this division?
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Here's your Thursday Night matchup bro
Bandaidan Crutchinson
No, they’re shit and will collapse on their own.
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Predictions for Bussys vs Cummies?
I predict Jayden Daniels will end up winning ROTY because the Bears schedule gets brutal in November.
A fun game. I say Burrs win because they have a better defense but idk. This should honestly be a Sunday or Monday Night game.
>Guaranteed Spiritual Win
Lionsbros...all those years of suffering are finally going to pay off.
DJ Moore and Rome Odunze combine for 450 passing yards and 5 passing TDs.
If they get their secondary healthy during the buy I think the burrs D can expose Daniels, he only throws to one side of the field and can't be going through more than 1 or 2 reads. So it'll be up to Williams to not be ass.
>aiden crutchinson
hate that soccer form shit, took forever to figure out if it's right to left or left to right
Black qbs
At last we've reached the promised land. I'm already nostalgic for the time when I watched the lions simply because it was funny.
I don't speak your lingo, is this what you guys call a KWAB or is it a HEEM

Offtopic but my grown sister has a phobia of Chucky, and uses chrome extensions to block thumbnails on youtube to prevent herself from seeing him. Been seriously thinking about sending her a chucky doll for her 20th birthday or hiding it under her bed but I fear I would traumatize her.
2 out of the 3 scorigamis this year have came from the cowboys getting blown out lol
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Anyone else think Hutchinson looks like a grown Chucky.
HEEM is getting knocked unconscious. KWAB is having something something really bad happen to you because of your own dumbassery. Staying in a game where you're up 30, and ending your career is prime KWAB territory.
You should tie her to the bed and have sex with her while wearing a chuckie mask
Either this is bait or you have to go back
>Bears don't play any division opponents until week 11, and then it's 6 of their last 8 games

wtf this is stupid
Been on 4chan since 2005 on ye old /a/ but I mostly avoided these boards since it's overrun by normalfags. Only come here for football.
you now remember russell wilson
>amerifats are attracted to their sisters.
Many such cases
broken leg
out for the season
it's ogre lions bois
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>playing the Lions without Hutchinson
>then we play the Rams, Colts, Jaguars, and Titans
10-0 start to the season
>needs to be attracted something to have sex with it
What are you some kind of faggot lmao.
You can't win an owl without an elite pass rusher. Lions will win a playoff game or two but won't win a ring. Hutch will never be the same after that injury. That's what the HC gets for stat padding against the Cowboys to show off, dude is an attention whore who films commercials instead of coaching.
It was already over. You were never going to beat the Vikings, even at full strength.
This. Dude single handedly slammed the Lions super bowl window shut because he was a little butthurt bitch about last year's loss to the Cowboys. Note that none of their stupid o-line gadget shit worked AGAIN. Fucking pathetic. Stupid ass franchise will probably give him a 5 year extension after this upcoming 12 game losing streak.
Browns. I mean, it's even in their name.
Seething cowcuck. Try scoring more than 10 points next time
Cowboys, and it's not even close
The Browns and it's not even close.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
I genuinely think I would be a top 5 head coach. All I gotta do is hire assistants and use timeouts and throw challenge flags right? I would just hire the best assistants while I get my prostate massaged by a fresh out of school PT
Crazy how nobody called him out for choking away that 49ers game. They were up by 17 points and if they just kicked the ball instead of autistically going for it on 4th downs they would have won. The cowboys rage caused them to lose last season and now him stat padding against the cowboys will cause them to lose this season now that Hutch is injured.
Lions offense is still the best overall offensive unit in the league.
>Crazy how nobody called him out for choking away that 49ers game.
Everybody called him out for that shit, what world are you living in?
do you sincerely believe that these best in class coaches are really this bad at their jobs??? do you???

They get handed a script before each game just like the WWE and if they dont follow it to a T then they get in real trouble
>Kick the ball
>With "52 yarder is a literal miracle" Badgley
He had the right idea.
lions will never win a superbowl. ever.
Tell us more, o' grand prophet. What other amazing things can you inform us of? Will water continue to be wet? Will the sky still be blue? I'm on pins and fucking needles over here.
>it says here that you get a shorter career cuz lol
>sorry, you can't tell anyone because you'll get in trouble.
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>have literally ONE good season where they finally won playoff games
>all of a sudden everyone hates them and their fans for daring to be happy for once
That's some petty shit. The Lions didn't even win the Super Bowl and they've still got people already praying for their downfall.
That's because their HC is a bully who instead of just beating the tomato can teams tries to humiliate them.
Yeah, it couldn't have anything to do with them taking that one season of success, and all of a sudden declaring they're the team to beat, now and forever. Trying to convince us that fucking goof is a legitimate QB. They deserve having their star player get theismanned.
Yeah Lions fixed their special teams problem, Bates was an Aubrey-esque pick up
Unlike the Packers, I swear it's at least 3 seasons now of a fucking crapshoot kicker, washed Crosby to Anders "Say A Little Prayer For You" Carlson to this fucking guy they didn't even use in the preseason
>please Matthew Stafford throw the playoff game
You reep what you sow faggots
Not his fault the Cowboys can't stop the run, or pass.
Bates is so fucking weird. I swear he's more accurate from further out.
When you're up by 30 points you don't need to be doing trick plays and having your starters in the game. He was trying to make a statement against the Cowboys since he knows it would get a lot of ratings which would give him more money for commercials, now Hutch got injured due to his attentionwhoring.
>dak prescott
>all of a sudden declaring they're the team to beat
Things change fast in the NFL. This season, the only other NFC team you can try to argue is playing better ball than the Lions right now is the Vikings. It might change in a few weeks and a team like the Niners might emerge again but for right now there's a solid case for the Lions being the NFC's best team.
>Trying to convince us that fucking goof is a legitimate QB
Why do people act like Jared Goff is a bum? He has a great arm and behind that offensive line he can make every throw needed. He's been a starter in the league for almost a decade, you don't do that by not being a legitimate QB.
>Chase Claypool is still a free agent
That's fucking crazy. I remember when Steelers thought he was their future WR.
And he was also trying to save himself from the hot seat. He knows the chatter going on. No one wants him as the coach when Ben Johnson is right there. His selfish bullshit just lost them a chance at a legitimate banner.
Deshaun Watson is the worst qb in the NuflFL
Dude is cancer in human form.
If only there was some way to measure if a team is better than another one. Maybe if they beat that team, we can say they're better. Now, I'm seeing the Lions have a loss, but based on what you're saying, it must have been to an AFC team.
I honestly cannot believe that 0-26 on 3rd down stat. How does something like that happen?
>Six games played
>1-5 record
>still haven't broken the 20-point mark in a single game this season
How much did the Browns pay for Watson again? Because the only offense worse with as many games played are the Patriots, who've had to make do with Jacoby Brissett and a rookie.
Yeah, it's not like this is the NFL where upsets happen regularly. Yeah, the Chiefs go undefeated every year, oh wait...
No. Antonio Brown maybe. Adrian Peterson maybe. That's more Jerry's style.
>behind that offensive line he can make every throw needed
As could literally every other starter in the league, and probably every backup too. What does Goff bring to the table that someone like Easton Stick doesn't?
I can't believe how many people don't get the significance of Lions trying for a tackle pass completion
Do you guys remember last year?
I've been staying the same thing, pat range or less and he almost hits the upright, 40 yards out it's down the center.
All that bullshit came off as Campbell not being able to get over losing a regular season game. 100% bitchmade move.
Lions are absolutely my favorite team to watch now that my Patriots are dogwater. If you look at how their ball carriers play, you'd think every game was a playoff game where they were down by 5.
>As could literally every other starter in the league, and probably every backup too.
Idk if you're being hyperbolic or actually think this. Goff is a top 15 QB at the very least.
My Bears have been bootyblasting shit teams
Again, you're simply stating Goff is amazing and providing no evidence that he is. Fucking Joe Flacco looks better than him behind a (slightly) worse O-line.
the nfl is scripted garbage
>philly radio talking about the cowboys
You're really not that important.
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$230 million fully guaranteed and 6 draft picks, including three first-rounders.
Houston used those picks to either draft, or deal for, players like Dameon Pierce, Will Anderson, Tank Dell, Cade Stover, and used one of those picks in the Stefon Diggs deal.
Meanwhile Baker's just hanging out, doing his thing in Tampa, winning games and shit.
Sirianni is giving Italian Americans a bad name
Is Jerry the curse?
>week 5: aidan bustinson lol disappears for multiple games in a row nice waste of a 1st round pick retards
>week 6: hutch was one of the best defensive players in the league and the only good player on the Lions d they're completely fucked now

>week 6: NFC north is by far the best division in football
>week 18 when the Lions win the division: NFC north is such a paper tiger division every single team is completely fraudulent.
>dook poopscoot
>mad about blowout winning team having fun and not exposing their playcalls
noooo be like the cowboys and statpad so you look elite
goff is able to hit his deep 1-on-1 balls in a way that pushes him above the likes of danny dimes or justin fields who can't, these are field flippers at least if not touchdowns, and he looks more composed than someone like love while doing it
easton stick sucks bro, raiders game last year bro
Coach Primate
No, they did that as a whole, he's just reminding people why they've hated wops for over 100 years.
>jared goof has a couple good games against shattered dlines that can't pressure him
>his teams fans crown him
(You are here)
>has an absolute stinker with multiple turnovers on him and sees ghosts
>fans go quiet about him for a few weeks
>repeat, until a playoff game he chokes away
Every year. Every single year.
2019 (but barely missed the playoffs due to those mid season chokes)
2022 (barely missed playoffs due to mid-season chokes)

You'd think people would realize what's on the horizon by now. Goof is a well oiled machine when it comes to choking a game away every 3-4 games
>Coach Primate
Trainer Ape
Mentor Monkey
Guru Gorilla
Guide Gibbon
Instructor Orangutan
Supervisor Simian
Master Macaque
Leader Lemur
Director Drill
Commander Capuchin
Tutor Tamarin
Chief Chimpanzee
Boss Baboon
Foreman Howler
As exciting as it is that Maye is a great quarterback it's upsetting that we won't get a first round draft pick
>Ignoring the game where he completed 100% of his passes
>Ignoring that he's had a damn near perfect passer rating the last two weeks
Flacco is playing better my ass. In fact there aren't even 5 QBs playing better than Goff right now. Vikings better prepare their anuses.
Put him behind the Lions O-line and he's an all pro, I can guarantee you that.
>throw 18 checkdowns and get all of your incompletions wiped out by offensive penalties
And against teams with massive injury issues on defense? Fuck, man. That's my fucking GOAT
for me it's Supervivor Simian
I love 15 yard checkdowns into triple coverage
Anyone can have a perfect passer rating when the other team is playing mostly backups on their defense line lmao. That seahawks game is like bears talking about how good Caleb looked against the panthers and Jags.
Goff better prepare his anus, he always looks like shit when under pressure.
Finished my morning coffee and just unloaded a massive runny Cowboys. Wow that was fucking vile.
Not to mention the Lions are going to be playing with zero DAWG since they lost their best player. They're going to fold like they always do, and Goff might not even survive the day.
For me it's a screen pass with no blockers
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It took the Bears a while but I think they are finally ready to join the party. I don't think they are losing a division game at home this year.
Had to take some pepto because of all the liquidy beer cowboys I was having from drinking a bunch yesterday
why do they post like bots?
They're being swept by one or two division rivals
Bears are decent but the other three are true owl contenders this year
I think more shit is AI trash than we realize
Who are you quoting?
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>NBC sports already certain about a lions Superbowl because they blew out a shitty cowboys team
Ahahahahahahah for fuck sakes
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LMAO Fucking delusional idiots already booking the trip after losing their best player. Jesus what a poverty franchise.
They will win 1 or 2 playoff games and that's it. As a lifelong Lions fan I hold no delusions about this team. If they were gonna do it, it was last year. The Hutch injury sealed my opinion.
Just put bounties on the other teams' best players
Fucking retards lose their best player and still think they're making the owl(what they wouldn't even have made with him)
You all are having a grand ol time dumping on the Lions but what is your shit team doing?
>lions blow out the cowboys at home
>general is full of seething
shaken, not stirred
seriously this kind of posting is for the guys that lose that kind of game
Undefeated, bitch. Cry more.
>They will win 1 or 2 playoff games and that's it
Will you hang another banner?
>broken tibia
>returning in only 4 months
Maybe he'll be off crutches in 4 months but he'll be doing physical therapy for 4 or 5 months after that. Might not even be cleared to play week 1 of next season, since doctors will want him to wait until the bone and muscles look back to 100% health.
Not that they'll make the superbowl without him. Their only hope is trading 3 1sts for Max Crosby, but I doubt Raiders will sell him until Pierce is fired, since selling Crosby means the start of a full rebuild
Last year was their chance
>vikings peaked early
>packers are overhyped
>lions always struggle against the bears no matter how good they are

predicted 11-12 wins for them at the start of the season and i'm holding firm atm. feels good man.
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Little shit talking faggots can't take the bantz what a fucking surprise
Are we entering the lateral era? I would fucking love that honestly.
Chiefs or Vikings?
this reads like AI slop but it's not. I think you just underestimate how shitbrained people are now
Whining like a bitch isn't bantz
Lions lost their one of their best players for the entire season during the booty blast of the Cowboys
As someone who doesn't give a shit about either team I'd say that sacrifice was worth it to shit all over Jerry on his birthday
Yes. I will personally hang a banner that says "we were a pretty good team in 2024".
You losers have been doing it for years "no if the refs didn't call this one legit penalty we totally would have won the league is out to screw us" shut the fuck up faggot
Okay but why did they have to do this against my team?
How old are you?
>Lions window is already closed
>Seal it shut for decades trying to chase Maxx Crosby
Begging for this to happen. Chase that bad money, you fucking idiots.
I fuckin told you all the Cowboys would be shit this year
refs literally rigged the game against the cowboys yesterday. So so many missed holding calls on detoilets offensive line which gave them a wide open opportunity to score and get a massive lead

enjoy your spiritual win loins faggots…cowboys will be in the playoffs while you faggots get to watch from the sidelines per usual
So fucking hilarious that they actually BOUGHT A FUCKING BANNER to hang for a fucking divisional title. Who the fuck else does that?
So what will the cope be when the Lions beat the Vicucks on Sunday? I bet Vikings fans will suddenly flip to "Well, Sam Darnold is really just a backup, it's not like he's supposed to be good anyways. Our team is rebuilding."
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I think the vikings might be frauds
I do underestimate how retarded people are. My brother just the other day told me he thinks the economy is doing great and all the wars are fine
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I didn't watch the pats/texans game yesterday because lol why the fuck would you but maye looks like he can play on the tape. pats fans, how you feeling? is he the guy?
Clearly you were not raised in Michigan.
I don't know, let's ask King Friday since apparently this happens in The Land of Make Believe
2024 QB class looks really good. Nobody looks like they'll be a bust so far, well maybe Bo Nix.
It depends on how they lose. If its close then oh well the Lions are a great team. If Vikings lose miserably then I will post pepeputtingforkinlightsocket.jpg with the comment ITS OVER.
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It's quite common
So let me get this straight. Reddick's new agents think they can get a deal done that's better than have more money than your contract says and easy incentives to make up for the fines? This late in a season? No garantee if hes even in game shape? Nah bro. Not me. Watch my retarded jetties do it.
>dolphins in charge of scoring touchdowns
>chargers and broncos in charge of not punting
>opposing defenses in charge of stopping Jayden Daniels
>i already knew we were gonna lose
Most lions post itt
>t. guy talking about lions like they scored 9 points last night
Y’all got too cocky
caleb is following like an expected rookie trajectory of struggling at first and then getting vwrrwe, but he's doing it really quickly, and then daniels just looks good instantly. might be kingsbury though he's lucky to have a great bombs away style oc. I think what I'm impressed with for maye is that the pats roster is so booty he might literally be their best offensive player already, including the linemen. so if he can be good with these guys around him there's real potential. that said it's his first start and now there's tape, I think it's gonna get rocky soon
they can beat the jasg (lol) though
>Lose only player worth a damn on defense
>Stat pad against a shitty defense to look imposing
>Goof is still QB
Forgive me if I don't shit my pants in fear.
>Kelce used to fuck fine black bitches
>now he's terrified of all black people
Crusty bussy
It's called pattern recognition and demoralization.
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Why did she leave TV to do an internet show nobody watches? She should replace JMac on Colin Cowherd.
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Finna bust that crust.
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Understandable for you to think that if you only look at one side of the ball lol
Taylor made him weak and gay, I fear
I had no idea he was so hot.
jmac is the best part of that show
idk man that drake guy looked slow
Not gonna lie, that's wild that you think this.

Him choking away the Niners game was the main topic of discussion on Detroit sports talk radio for 6 months until the Tigers showed signs of life in August.

You must be living under a rock, or a very, very confused individual.
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And here's when you filter out garbage time stat padding
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Why is Taylor always fucking drunk?
She’s a disgrace
It'll be interesting to see how the D Line holds up
Yeah all that stat padding trying to get a tackle a pass, very apropos complaint in a Dak game
Goof can hit his targets, which seems to be a fucking anomaly these days, and he's covering the ball more - it's like the Lions are still improving and not complacent, and now that they're fine with kicking for 3 they're somehow even more dangerous on offense
my chargers are going out in the divisional versus the ravens
What will the cope be from loins fans when Goff gets utterly shut down by Flores and the Kangz demolish them?
"Goof always has one of these games, we would have totally won if we had Hutch"
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how did the pats get so bad they looked like total ass or is it a jerrod mayo thing
He's so bad under pressure
I for one cannot wait until Sunday where the Vikings hype finally ends
maybe, i didnt see this one but i defintely saw another one, mightve been after pic tho
Bentley was one of their only good defenders and he's ded
what is sirianni's major malfunction?
Turns out the defensive HC that won 6 superbowls as a HC and 1 as a DC ran a good defense
You guys are still seething that JFFM completely nailed that Goff would turn the Lions into contender
Bears QBs are not supposed to hit RZ back shoulders like this.
he is trying to act like a philly person
I for one can't wait, because whenever the Loins lose a divisional game their annoying fans shut the fuck up and leave /sp/ for a whole week
The improvement to /nfl/ is always massive. I'd say you should check it out sometime, but since you're the problem that's not really possible
Maybe one and that's a maybe, they haven't lost at soldier field since last October and they will go into their divisional games on a (probably) 6 game win streak, with the temps dropping and the wind picking up, I predict them splitting with all 3 divisional opponents along the home/away line.
I hear people who live in Philly are just American Italians on steroids
Same cope it's always been "Goof is top 5. No, I will not explain why"
he has the facial structure of the gigachad but is better looking
this sounds like you're scared
lions will miss hutch but vikings are learning why the packers passed on jones, and the run threat feeds into the passing game, unlike your "no hutch means goff sucks" logic
these nfcn division games coming up are gonna be so dope
cowherd is on fire with his Caleb Williams takes. he called that one. everyone heard him say he was gonna be great. God Colin is so smart
You Fucking Bears are not good! All 4 of your wins are against the 4 WORST teams in the Fucking NFL you absolute Cocksuckers!
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Yesterday was so frustrating and so typical. It was probably the worst game (aside from Commanders) I've seen. Literally the epitome of shooting themselves in the foot, the face and getting run over.
Holy shit he actually thinks the Lions have a chance lmao
>And Hutchinson did a theisman

Admittedly, this guy ain't Hutchinson's doctor but still.
Should we ask Colin Cowherd?
We can't help what the schedule is fuck wad
My Vikenigs are undefeated through six weeks and are only 1.5 wins above last place in the division
I have gotten to the point where I legitimately believe the raiders will never be good again
>Eagles still an above average team despite missing three of their best and most important players for significant time
They're going to be fine. They'll win at least one playoff game this year.
>no hutch means goff sucks
No, no Hutch means the Lions do not have a pass rush. No one else on that line ever wins 1 on 1s, they only ever get through when Hutch is doubled and a hole opens up, or someone completely misses their assignment.
The Lions secondary is atrocious, and without being able to win while sending 4 it means it's just going to get worse.
Kweenz have a cupcake schedule too. Watch Caleb's highlights against the Jags, most of those TDs were not wide open, they were tight window perfect RZ throws. Any team in the league would have trouble defending those fade and back-shoulder balls.
besides the other stuff, they drafted atrociously for years, and that was belichick's fault legitimately. but yeah mayo's probably not a good coach
>muh defense wins championships
>in the year 2005+19
it happened last season
>I'm still staying to figure out what exactly happened with his leg

Hutchinson spun around while sacking Dak and his leg slammed into McNeill's leg.

The question is what do the Lions do now, as they're in a Super Bowl run? I think they need to drop the money and pick up a quality edge rusher or their season is probably fucked because even with the offense capable of putting up shitloads of points, you still need a solid defense to win.
You sound jealous that your team doesn't have the best overall offensive unit in the NFL. If they're not launching dragons to Jameson Williams, then they're running through your defense with Monty, or maybe Gibbs is shaking everyone, actually just toss to the Amon Ra or LaPorta for an easy completion, actually let's just run a trick play and throw Goff a TD, there are a lot of options and Goff does have all day to throw after all.
Is there a video with all his TD passes from the Jags game?
>bears only wins come from 1 win teams
>average wins from Vikings opponents is 3.2
Free bussy
Superbowls where defense won the championship
>all of the Bears wins have been against 1 win teams
I like Caleb but I hope he doesn't fall off a cliff down the stretch.
My memory isn't so short that I forgot how Goff looked against competent dlines in the first 3 weeks
Not only did the Broncos beat the Panthers at SB50 because of defense but they also destroyed Cam Newton as a man.
500th for Caleb
has that athletic project lineman out of georgia drafted ahead of a.h. been any good
goff looks kind of middling to me a lot of the time but the team has a juggernaut offense his stats are monster this year and looking at his past '17 and '18 were giant stat seasons too
I can't find the equivalent drive outcomes chart for last season but I can tell you the Chiefs were top ten in % of drives ending in a score and points per drive. Significantly better than where the Vikings are now.
tebow is a preacher at the church we all go to
He had a sub 90 passer rating before the seahawks game
When he gets pressured he sucks
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You guys at least won rings and likely have a future. Berds have been rebuilding since 1920 with miracle teams here and there
Who's out there for them to get?

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