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>fun fact: The New York Jets have never defeated the Philadelphia Eagles until 2023
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>look at that little monkey run
jesus tirico..
Italians are super fucking racist, they act like they're white even though they're not.
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WTF is wrong w/ Raven's fans??
>geno resurgence
>darnold resurgence
Someone on a non shit team give Zach Wilson the ball and see what happens
>assaulting racists
baltimore is close to philly and that whole area of the US is trash
Hutchinson needs some bone steroids honestly. ez fix.
They're not even in the same conference....
Snow monkeys
it looks like the redskins fans are the problem
>Sirianni yelling at the fans after bearly beating the 1-4 Browns

what is wrong god, what a faggot
Albino negro
If Zach Wilson had Goff's O-line and weapons, he would be an all pro.
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>tfw you don't have anyone to talk about 8.5 inch cocks with
>Wearing another mans name on your back
kek you guys dont actually do this right?
Yeah but there like walking distance from eachother
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I am so tired of this stupid motherfucker. What does his dumb ass even have planned in the long run for this team? Are you really content with trotting out a geriatric roster with no depth every year and winning 7-9 games? You dumb fucking piece of shit, you should have blown up the roster years ago, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you to be doing this to my fucking team you faggot asshole.
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No he wouldn't, Wilson is like 5' 8.
Zach Wilson is 6'2"
Hideous Jewess. I just simply dont trust them.
He got immediately doxxed btw. He starred in a shemale porn video.
nobody really believes that
I do but
>they have to be hall of famers
>played ball when i was in middle school or earlier
My sister got me a Justin fields shirt for Christmas last year, I have never worn it and I use it as a shop rag
Nothing new. 9ers and Raiders didn't play preason games for years because of proximity issues
I don't care what he's listed at. He's a manlet irl.
I choose to believe this blatant lie
there was literal shooting/stabbings so they stopped playing preseason games at Candlestick lol
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t. little buck with a BWC massa fantasy
Stop saying this it was literally 1 scene
>no meme arrow
Why did you sign your post?
most average lamoo chad
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I see nothing wrong.
reminder that the eagles struggled to win against cleveland
Why is he so scared? What did he see?
atlanta anons redpill me on powder springs. is it as buckbreak friendly as it looks? holy yum
Oh, and go Chiefs
I'd heem him
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The #Jaguars are sending veteran DL Roy Robertson-Harris to the #Seahawks for a 2026 late-round pick
browns are wasting multiple hall of fame players
>Miles Garret is considered a HoF guy
Really scrapping the bottom of the barrel these days I guess.
kek pussies
Yeah cause Haslem is a dumbfuck.
The player that puts the Hawks over the top
I remember when I thought this dude would be a star after 2018. He's a great run stopper though.
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Who was in the wrong here?
>Bell bottom pants in 2024
Instant story loss.
The retards trying to break up the mid goth showdown
This. Women fighting is one of the few entertaining things they do.
They probably deserved it
Baltimore fans don't care about facts
>Sharkeisha, no!
gonna need more on this...
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kek, nothing will happen
Nta but the only thing I found this tweet with an supposed dox in the replies

For the first time this season I will root for the Bills
Texans starting DT Mario Edwards Jr has been suspended 4 games for "violating the league's substance abuse policy"
abuse this bussy
They should trade for Amari Cooper. His salary this year is only like 1.6 million.
He was starting because Autry got 6 games for the same shit. He just got reinstated today kek
>Bandaidan Crutchinson
It was already going to be too easy to win the division, but now they're just handing it to us. It's not even fun anymore. I'll still take the 1 seed though.
>Amari Cooper
mental midget with negative dog
Still would be their best receiver
Nobody takes the Vicucks seriously.
This people ruin the games for me and my wife's sons
Their fans sure do lol
>this doesn't explain why
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I don't take the opinions of non-ball-knowers seriously.
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Patriots will end the season 7 and 10.
It'd be 9-8 if Maye started the season instead of Brissett
The Patriots are still a bad time who need, minimum, another two years in the oven to be playoff viable and probably a new head coach, but Maye is one of the best rookies in decades
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>He points at gay faggots
>continue to force a spread shotgun attack with a suspect/injured OL
>old man QB taking 10 hits every game
>beast young RBs barely getting 10 touches
All they need to do is go heavy and run 30+ times. Would set up AR play action and take the heat off of him. I think that's what Downing is going to do. Derrick Henry had 350 carries with him as an OC.
>Harrison Smith is ELI-ACK
Is it even possible to get a blank nfl jersey?
>taking the hot start viqueens seriously
You haven't learned your lesson by now?
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Just saw this on LinkedIn bros
For me it's the firm yet yielding touch of another man and my Kansas City Chiefs
You can order a custom made one with your name on it so I'm sure you could order nameless ones too
Jaquon Brisker is better than anyone on this list.
>if you insult lameme, it’s because you’re racist not because he’s a below average passer with 1 playoff win
Gonna laugh my ass off if the bills lose tonight.
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>Washington over the 2019-2023 NFL Drafts made six first-round picks. Not a single one of those players played for the #Commanders at the Ravens due to each guy having been released/traded or being a healthy inactive. Incredible. This ineptitude is what Adam Peters is here to fix.
Commiebros, things are finally getting fixed
Kind of surprised Kerby Joseph even has a pass rush rating. Usually the Lions rush Branch. Joseph is their deep guy.
Was it weed?
MM fired?
Sad to see him go. He was even a Niners fan growing up. You guys are on good hands commie bros
>Commiebros, things are finally getting fixed
;_; about fucking time, can't wait to see AP cook
I guess it's only fair that Byard decided to actually try in Chicago given that it's >our fault you got defrauded by Swift. I'm still kind of mad though.
Jerruh isn't going to fire him until end of season, Pederson has a higher chance of getting fired mid season.
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What’s the play here bros? I was thinking about betting NYJ +3.5 and hoping Bills win by 3 so I can win both bets. Otherwise the hedge will be less profitable than just taking the Jets straight up. Or do I just let it all ride on the Bills ? (my original thought).
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I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of the season the Eagles fire Sirianni and hire Ben Johnson, and the Cowboys let McCarthy go, and grab Kellen Moore to be their HC.
Please stop it.
I remember when people were clowning on them for paying him big $$ lel
So what now?
Cash out desu
The Eagles are not firing Sirianni because they'll win the division and a playoff game then be stuck with him for another 5 years. Ben Johnson is going to the Jags, or the Bengals if they fire Zac Taylor after missing the playoffs.
Kickers are a waste of a roster space anyway
I predict Jerry won't fire him at all.
Swift has actually been really good the last few games, it just took a couple for him to get his shit together. Probably still not worth his contract, but he's a lot better.

We also stole Edwards and that dude is a baller.
Don't take the Bills until Josh Allen proves his brains aren't still scrambled from that concussion last week. He couldn't hit any passes after it happened. Also their best WR hasn't practiced all week with an ankle. Jets +3.5 at home is a good bet.
True, he just wont extend his contract which ends this year.
my jetties :)
Yeah they were never going to pay him, and our LB group actually isn't as dire this year as it has been in the recent past, but I miss Edwards.
cash the fuck out
Yeah, I think I'll watch this instead
How is the Chiefs defense so good?

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we'll be there
After the yankees just blew out the Royals? I would be salty as a KC fan.
Ben Johnson ain't going to a shithole like philly.
An incomplete pass nets a rating of 39.6, throwing it into the dirt would be better than throwing it to Johnson's side of the field.
He's probably rooting for the guardians. He's from Ohio
ohh yeah. I always forget that him and his brother are Ohio fans from Cleveland.
chill with the racism please
Cash out, you've already won. Don't fuck it up.
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What the fuck is his problem?
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He's only getting $19M a year, 11th highest paid corner in the league, Bears got a bargain.
He's been holding off on throwing ints until primetime
>QB power running offense in the NFL
>expect his brain to not get scrambled
Hillbilly logic
Watching Williams call audibles from under center in his 4th ever NFL game has been an absolute mindfuck. I assume there was an era where this was common for rookies coming straight out of college, but if it was I was too young to remember it.
If the lions can't survive the loss of Hutch then they don't deserve to win an owl
but why?
it's up

Too busy cumming HUGE loads inside Hailee Steinfeld
She draining his energy like a succubus
>Cmon that's my bussy
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>*throws pick*
memes aside, they shouldn't let kickers tackle. QBs don't really do it on INTs. It's too dangerous for those retards
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>Sirianni 'disappointed' he jawed with Eagles boo-birds after Sunday's win
you need the one where it was in the end zone on their 2nd drive lol
branch is turning out to be bretty gud
How annoyed must his line get having to hear that shit down by 30 every other week
Well unless you're Seabass or some shit
A loss is a loss. Deficit is irrelevant. Facts are that the Lions are ringless but we sent them an extra pair of crutches. Sounds like a win for a Big D.
He couldn't adapt to the cover 2 era, so the Bills went on a lose streak in 2023. They only started winning after they asked him to do less and they became a run team. Take away his rush TDs and he's a mediocre passer of the football. Not to mention his 60 fumbles which made him lead the entire league in turnovers in the last 6 years. He consistently loses to both Burrow and Lamar.
This but with Taylor and Travis.
>go into /nfl/ a general about a league that is 90% black
>constant offtopic seething about niggers
You think you'd go watch hockey or golf instead of a sport where the average player would make you go into a panic attack if you had to stand next to him in a line
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I'm excited for the brothers wars starting Sunday. See you packer backers in the ganethread.
>dak can't even stat pad
is it actually over?
They're just being edgy, nobody who watches sports is racist. There's too much black players. Even the black anons post >black QBs in these threads.
trip on please, thanks
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>look up other NFC South forums and subreddits
>90% of their content is bitching about the Saints
There's no way that we live that rent free in their heads. The Saints aren't even good.
>nobody who watches sports are racist
Nobody who watches are nfl quarterbacks but that doesn't keep anyone from fantasizing about how'd they do better.
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He's a lame duck coach that will get fired in the offseason. Ben Johnson WILL be the next Eagles head coach, Jordan Mailata WILL be scoring multiple touchdowns, and you WILL like it.
why are redditors basedraging like they are Sirianni's boss and not just laughing because its hilariously trashy
because they are... LE SERIOUS
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>top 3 QB draft picks
>Shedeur Sanders, Colorado
>Cam Ward, Miami
>Jalen Milroe, Alabama
The league is going to be shit in a few years. It's already starting
>Jalen Milroe
there's no way he goes in the 1st round
man i thought the "detroit needs to trade for maxx crosby" shit was annoying before but it's unbearable now
>bald cracker resigned from his job after this
Love to see it
no one has ever known what they're doing with QB in the history of the sport this is just the latest foil in it. it's was just littered with guys who happened to throw correctly from baseball and overcame football mechanic supidity. the blaccboi infestation is just limiting even that because most of them don't play it anymore. QB play has always been a very embarrassing look on American sports but no one is smart enough to see it. dudes getting paid to throw 30 feet on average under a little duress and can't do it consistently, like nearly all the time consistently
Sirianni will be HC of the Cowboys next year
Always makes me laugh when he makes a ridiculous mistake after his "HERE WE GOOOOO"
And there it is
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That would be hilarious
I'm sure if only they'd let you play you'd have been a hall of famer anon
Jerry would hate him, there's no way
Why do people assume that the Raiders are just going to trade him?
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Unfortunately we all need to apologize to Swiftie.
Deshaun Watson has to worst QBR by fat as well. Him being this shit is definitely psychological. I feel so bad for Browns fans.
He will be the Panthers HC and Tepper will throw drinks at him from his luxury box
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Factory of sadness is working as intended.
He will never be a HC again. SS this
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Why do coaches wait until halftime to make adjustments?
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The Browns only hope
Many coaches and players have said that's a meme and that's not what happens at half time.
+3.5 obviously
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My god you are absolutely boiling
Yeah bro put it all on the jets game, what could go wrong
I've been trying to keep this quiet until I made my final bets but sadly to say, the Bears are going to win the division this year and possibly the Superb Owl.

Fields is entering year 3 where things often click for QBs. His WRs are upgraded with the tandem of DJ Moore and Mooney being better than most can ask for. The WR they drafted is a legit deep threat that they can rotate out with a true X in Claypool depending on the situation. Most importantly they landed the best Tackle in the draft who will solidify the right side of the line, but possibly play all around it wherever necessary.

The Bears are going to score points, that much is known, they put up points with an actual garbage Offense last year but just couldn't overcome the defense. Thankfully, they've made several key additions. They have objectively the best and deepest LB room in the league, which doesn't mean as much as it used to but in Flus' system LBs are largely impactful. They triple tapped at DT in the draft which is the engine of this scheme and will be able to create a constant wave of consistent play each game with the depth that was already there. It's not much but it's enough to take pressure off the honestly great secondary which was the only bright spot on defense last year.

Most importantly it's enough to make sure the Bears will actually be able to close out games this year. With Rodgers gone the division is basically ours, and with the NFC being so garbage the Conference should belong to us as well. Sorry Lions fans but Goff has zero DAWG in him unlike Fields. TFWDBWDSO
Show me a pic that represents how badly Detroit blew out dallass' bussy last night
>Face of a 29 year old
>Skin of a 59 year old
Don't worship the sun fellas
They fucking wanted Watson and got rid of Bakey
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We used to be a defensive team
Now we're just offensive
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The lions did to the cowboys what they also did to their star defender
>is British
>likes a team called the New England Patriots
>a team name taken from the concept of killing the English
Show a pic of Hutchinson’s exploded leg
>I'm a pats fan
>that's what I'm gonna do the jags fans
You're gonna attack children?
I'm not but you will be after Sunday. Actually, I predict that Vikings fans won't be around after losing.
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Love my Bakey :)
Bear down, Chicago Bears
Make every play clear the way to victory!
Bear down, Chicago Bears
Put up a fight with a might so fearlessly
We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation
With your 'T' formation
Bear down, Chicago Bears
And let 'em know why you're wearing the crown
You're the pride and joy of Illinois
Chicago Bears, bear down!
i created this webm and only posted it once
good to know someone saved it.
Foreigners and cuck mentality go hand in hand
There has to be an NFL player who posts here right?
There are too many players for it not to be happening
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NFL players post on reddit because it has better football discussion
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Yeah it’s real top notch stuff over there
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Reddit lacks the anonymity that I'd assume some celebrities would like
>I predict the sun will rise tomorrow,
Also I predict a 10 point lions win
>and a whole lot of shotposting in the game thread since my bears and the packers are on a bye
I'll be at the Minn/WI/Iowa border fishing with my dad and cousin on the Mississippi. See yeah in Genoa northbros, It's a drinking town with a fishing problem.
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>thinking literally anyone is worried about the loins
That's my quarterback
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Go Bills.
hes the best QB of our lifetime surely you can tolerate some zoomer tendencies
The fuck you sighing about faggot? Gay or not Caleb is gonna fuck the league.
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Can't recall one other than Kluwe
>instead of a good game like Lions-Vikings we get a shit ass Jets-Steelers game next week on Sunday night
Who the fuck schedules this shit
lmao bears have been shit for so long their fans have low-grade retardation
you're a retard, literally the only reason people aren't giving credit to Caleb is *because* the bears have been shit for so long.

way to think for yourself, follower sheep faggot. kill yourself, swallow glass. die.
Bills or Saleh-free Jets?
quality of the game doesn't matter, jest and stoolers have big fanbases so they get the marquee games
>a bass guitar playing nerd made the NFL
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But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
if bills lose josh should probably just be executed. time to start over
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They need to start flexing games after week 2, this should be a primetime game instead of the beat down that niners/boys will be, or the shit fest Steelers/giants
Enjoy not being in the playoffs yet again :]
>6th in points
How bad was their defense?
The Andrew Walter year was especially rough
Defense wasn't horrible, it's just that a large chunk of those points came from blowouts
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Per ESPN, the Detroit Lions training staff has released a picture of Aidan Hutchinson’s leg following his gruesome injury Sunday afternoon.
The Steelers always get preferred slot scheduling because they'd have decades of narrative history built up around them, nevermind that their games have been the ugliest kind of offensive incompetence for the last three years.
The Vikings get nothing this year because they went into the season with Sam Darnold at QB and the expectations were that of a 6-11 team
Don't get overeager Mookie. Let this guy prove he can hit the strike zone.
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>Monday night football
>Thread is slow

Come on- what the hell?
wrong thread pendejo
Not exactly an enticing game
we're watching basedball unlike zoomers who can't pay attention long enough to watch it.
>he's not forcing enough PBUs, he's bad
That's not nearly enough information. Leading the titans in targets doesnt tell me anything about what happens when he's targeted. PFR has him at 9 receptions allowed for 135 yards, 0 TDs. That's in 5 games to this point. Unless some of the incompletions are a product of drops, it looks like a fat fucking nothingburger to me
Good. I hope it’s a career ender. Serves those dirty fucks right.
of fucking course there's lifelong dodgers fans of 1 year or something in /nfl/ lol
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The reason they aren't over on Caleb is
>they haven't watched him play
>they are fantasy nerds who only looked at the box score of the first 3/4 games and decided that after 4 games he was an all time bust
If you watched the early games, he had overthrows but his mechanics were great and it didn't look like he was the problem. Most of these people decided our Zesty quarterback was a bust after the draft and they're gonna be real pissed when he lights up the league
>you aren't on his dick you must be a faggot
I'm pretty sure you're the faggot zoomie, I sighed because I was ... making a joke.
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>complete a pass to a player on the opposing team
>doesn't count as a completion
Why doesnt this happen at college games where the fans aren't just customers?
jesus punished the loins for running up the score on Dallas by murdering aids hutchin
>people who have their whole lives in front of them vs whatever the fuck that is
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>Lions lost their best player for the season on a secured W against a team without starters on defense on week 6
absolute pyrrhic victory, Lions find ways to Loin even when they're good
God never needed a reason to fuck with the Lions before, doubt them running up the score had anything to do with it.
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Liontards how are you dealing with the fact that your season is basically over?
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The Jets season is fucked right?
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True or False:
>The Cowboys' Super Bowl window is closed
I hope so
>black coaches
Was it even open?
It’s actually kind of impressive how absolutely soulless they managed to make Metlife stadium. $2b for the most bland hellscape in the league.

inb4 someone pretends Goof is their best player
Not really. They've been 12-win, regular season juggernauts for the past 4 seasons but that's because the NFC bottom half is incredibly weak. They basically got 3-4 free wins every season from bad teams like the Giants or Commanders and others.
>You never lose if you only fight betas
The Raven Way
He’s the best QB in the North, Shutup
after Josh mindbreaks Aaron tonight
Why'd they interview Melo? He didn't win shit and was a cancer.
Didn't they build it in the middle of a marsh?
Why is the ESPN pregame show so ghetto compared to NFL Network?
boycotting the ZOG jets
ESPN has been hemorrhaging money for years Inthink
>Most of these people decided our Zesty quarterback was a bust after the draft and they're gonna be real pissed when he lights up the league
Basically this and after the Texans game they got a boner because they thought they were right and now are refusing to come down to earth. This will continue for the next few years btw, his haters will wait for a bad game and then come out of nowhere to shower hate.
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Your test results are back
You're HIV positive and a Dallas Cowboys fan
there were rumors that Apple was going to buy ESPN from Disney
How do I treat it doctor?
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Taylor and Travis
9mm to the head, unfortunately
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Sneed has been shit this year
Currently Chuck
You should start with the bad news first.
What are you drafting first-round next year?
hutchinson is massively overrated anyway. lions will be fine with their elite dbs
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>black qbs
>Top DB hits free agency
>gets paid somewhere new
Is this ever not the case?
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He was traded
Fucking lol
most are white now. i know because i have a thing specifically for swarthy italian chicks that look like they've got a little something in their ancestry. They're becoming few and far between nowadays.
Too tier bait
based bake
An edge rusher or some D line that can actually pressure the offense. Another would be o-line but they get good coverage at times.
>gayleb williams comes out
What did yahoo! mean by this?
Literally when he left the game Dak had so much time in the pocket. Good thing he just sucks too
>spend the 2nd overall pick on some injury prone white dude
>gets injured
>career over now
Lions gonna lion
Hope his new HC tells him to cut that shit out
>Baker inoculating disgust and horror out of his system before a game
Uncontrollably, unfathomably, unrestrainedly BASED
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They could have taken a >black qb and set the franchise back decades while getting blown by the NFL. Either way their fucked, but at least they have their...pride...
zesty pooh bear lookin bitch
Cowboys are fucked
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based knuckleball shout out
Game thread
Game thread
Game thread
Game thread
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That's my quarterback.
here, have a 4chan gold anon
Yep a total fag
everyone is judging you bro you should consider killing yourself for not knowing how to do this
>tweet from 10 years ago
Wow how scandalous
>I don't even want to defend the mutt but don't act like chiefs fans to own a chiefs fan
because redskins fans are traitors to the state and they need to be taught a lesson
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his joy and optimism RETURNED
when you say >black qbs in public
Beltway rivalry is better than any of the NCE rivalries.
>implying P Slammy was rape freaking 10 years ago
That's not the bears quarterback though zoomie
You're brown
disappointed that we won't be able to witness another hilarious cowboys loss in the playoffs this season because they are too shit to make it there
Is that why the lions still got like 3 sacks and a couple pressures after that?
>cap hitscott
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The Chargers just signed Apple :(
Hope Taylor didn’t milk him too hard. We need kelce to compliment hunt.
If the lions win I don’t wanna hear ANY of you talk down about them for weeks. No excuses
AJ Brown is so good it's crazy
Anyone going to cook up a gamethread?
Jets fans are busy beating their families. Need a snowed in bills fan to do it.
This bum is still around? Grim.
>Lions choices are either give up this year, letting the window creep shut but having a chance next year if Ben Johnson stays or they can find an adequate replacement
>or trade their entire future away gambling on someone like Crosby to save their season, slamming shut the window after this year
Decisions decisions
Who is crippling their team more with the overblown contract? Dak, Watson, or Lamar?
it's kinda funny someone made that graphic
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Kino... pure kino.
When people don't put him in their top 5 WRs you just know they don't watch him play. He's a fucking beast who can catch almost anything thrown to him.
he legitimately caught a ball with one hand and his bicep yesterday.
That was all after Cowboys benched their starters including Dak
Lol, they are trying to memory-hole Tua's concussions and say they expect him back
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>statistics on race

More like this?
Trevor and Tua
Goff will be soon, I'd say him but as of now it's Hurts or Watson (both are ass)
shit MNF
>dak didn't even get to stat pad in garbage time
>barely finding out jets fired saleh
Gotta be the strangest and dumbest firings? He wasn't running the offense was he? Outside of him insisting to the point of interference, why tf would he get dropped this fast?
he was put on IR which means he had to sit for 4 weeks. legit the week after it happened there was talk he wanted to play again lol
not only did they fire him after a game they should've lost anyway, they changed the OC too. you could easily argue they'd be better had they changed the OC weeks ago and didn't need to get rid of their good defensive HC.
vanilla twice
the crackerbacks
ku klux klamps
Lions are better than all those QBs teams. Don’t lie to urself to cope knowing the lions own the division
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not true. he added to his int total
how about "The Great White Secondary"

I'm hesitant to call Watson's contract "crippling". The Browns knew about the allegations, knew they could lead to a situation where Watson never played a single down for them, and they still signed him to a huge contract.

Is it really crippling if they knew exactly what they were getting into? Or just unfathomably retarded?
Nobody wants to see him quit except reddit-tier fags. And most of them secretly don't care. It's sports
add it to the list
That does make it 10x more retarded
Yeah, he's top 3
>>look at that little monkey run
did he say that?
if so, it was a flashback to Howard Cosell
he said about a negro during MNF
turns out he calls his grandson a monkey and really liked the player so......
It's retardedly crippling. No body would've given that much guaranteed money but Andrew Berry and the Browns did.
I'm still shocked the Eagles traded for him, or really that the Titans allowed that to happen.
that's actually a based little reference by tirico
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>he gives us the best chance to win
It's financially crippling. You can't cut him, you can't trade him, and his cap hits are so great it's going to seriously impact their ability to build a team around him.
They're unironically stuck with him for another two years after this season.
wait, I thought he already had that contract with Houston and Cleveland just took it on in the trade?
Lions are better for now
When Ben Johnson leaves and some contracts catch up to them, they will regret singing Goff.
lol, no buddy, no.
Saw some antisemitism. Glad it's been deleted.
>When Ben Johnson leaves
For MY Philadelphia Eagles.
>Joe Buck
Fucking hell.
>Joe Buck is still alive
>Fireman Ed is still alive

Hurry up, Death.
Yes it is really crippling. What kind of logic is this? If a retard gets a hold of a gun and shoots his foot off he is now a retarded footless cripple. You sound as retarded as Cowherd just talking to talk I really do hate you "people"
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>Fireman Ed
Hasn't he bailed on the team like 3 times
Just a couple of heterosexuals, out enjoying a heterosexual date
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Lmao Lions don’t own shit
>call of doodoo
does anyone have the webm of the Lions player from yesterday's game against the cowboys where he leg turns to liquid? plz and thanks
I had gay sex last night
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Yeah but he doubled down and denied saying it rather than concede like a cognizant human being who is presumably not drunk all the time
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Gib Miles Garret
the average Pats fan
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most hetero 9ers fan
/nfl/ is a pro bussy general
That guy from the Bengals is more likely
Crosby is too much
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>Bengals ever doing anything trade related
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Gib Hassan Reddick pls
Next man up frogbitch
Isn't he total locker room cancer, as evidenced by his sitting out?
Mike Brown only likes when players leave for nothing and hates giving up the draft picks he wants to waste
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Gib Josh Allen plz
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2-6 Bengals confirmed
Would be funnier if it said Watson to start anyways after being shot in the head lel
People keep sleeping so hard on the Bears.
>they have only beat bad teams
The last 2 were absolutely dominated, as good teams do.
>they sucked the first 3 games and got lucky against the Titans
It's looking mroe and more like old news. It's not really unfathomable that a rookie QB and WR2, plus a new OC, WR3, and RB1 needed a little time to gel. Now they look like the offense we saw on paper in the offseason.
>2nd best defense in the division
>4th best offense
No chance they do anything this year
How do (You) fix the Jaguars?
>keeps getting it done
I kneel
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Your last 3 games are literally against the 3 worst defenses in the entire nfl
No. Reddick has better football discussion
They’re the 4th best team in their own division.
move them to New York City
Rushing touchdowns are the most overrated stat, and it will not be reevaluated until a "dual-threat" QB wins the Superbowl.
They are worth the same amount of points as a passing touchdown
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Who's the most hated team in your division? Idk why the Saints get the most hate.
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Seriously, why has this dude been playing some of the best football of his career the past couple seasons?
>Gay Man and Crossdresser at The Rainbow Bar, NYC 1981
Call your mother and tell her you love her right now. It's about to go down.
>Tay drinking again
Green Bay, and it’s because they are the most successful
3rd, bro. No one really thinks the Packers are better.
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kek they're trying so hard
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She’s making him drink too
Baltimore were weighing him down
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He looks like he's over it
Think about that sweet retirement, though
Are there any rules about stadium designs?
Yes. All new stadiums must have a sex dungeon for Roger Goodell and his cronies to use.
Strawberry ice cream os extremely underrated
Get your goddamn head out of your fucking ass.
water ice > ice cream
So much this. I always feel way better after drinking a pint of water instead of a pint of ice cream.
That's superior for sure, but as far as ice cream power rankings go strawberry is too low on the list. I dont concern myself with ranking frozen deserts/treats in general? That's a young man's game.

>L’Jarius Sneed’s 36.3 PFF Grade ranks last among 104 cornerbacks this season. This also ranks 488th out of 492 defensive players overall.
sneedbros... were we chief frauds?
You don't drink water ice dipshit, of you have to drink it you're doing it wrong.
sneed got the bag, imagine wanting to go hard for the titans lol. no refunds

Meme magic eventually runs out.
He became a city boy.
The whole Northeast from Washington to Boston is filled with irrationally violent retards. It's dey cultua.
It’s hard to play corner in Gucci loafers
>sneed got chucked
it's.. it's over bros
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They really aren’t. They would be better, Super Bowl better, with any other QB in the division. Goff’s noodle arm and piss-poor mental fortitude are only held in check by a fast receiver room, a top 5 run game and the best o line in the league.
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Cincinnati at Cleveland on the next lineup of games.
wtf how did he catch that?
>Rogers ded by end of game
more of the same.
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damn lazard really is a rodgers babby he didnt do shit last year
>no tape
That's nuts. I'd at least wrap my joints like boxers do.
#21 got laid the fuck out.

Also, WTF is up with the illegible captcha?
>Aiden Hutchinson expected to miss 2-4 weeks
We're toast
They're pushing passes right now, expect rangebans next
Is ESPN really going with this cringe woman MNF promo for the entire season? I thought it was a one or two week joke.
>Is ESPN... cringe
Bell bottom jeans on a chick are hot as fuck, son.
Based draft dodger
I'm almost 40 and they never looked good compared to any other generations fashion trend in my lifetime.
What did that kid say to the ref?
Sunday at the Vikings is going to be the season defining moment for the Lions.

If they get blown out, it’s all over for them while a close loss just means they need to adjust and a win pretty much guarantees a Super Bowl win this season.
Can non-QBs also slide and draw a penalty if they get hit after sliding or is that just reserved for the QB?
But the Blacks are destroying their bodies to entertain White people.
Would do 48 hours with Diddy for a Super Bowl win?
When the Lions win the Super Bowl this season, Ben Johnson can write his own ticket and it sure as shit won’t be to the Eagles.
I'd do it for a ham sandwich and the new call of duty.
Horrible ending to the game, flags galore.
The Eagles is a great job, probably the best one that will be available.
>there have been literally 8 billion CoDs
>the campaign hasn't been topped since Big Red One

Just give up already.
checked and confirmed
Kyler, come on man just watch some film.
>early new genny
It's ogre what a shit game
why do you even watch football?
Shit game, Aaron is retarded for going to the Jets
Justice for Saleh
my reffies :)
>have good defensive head coach
>have bad offensive play caller
>fire both
>now have good defense and bad defense
quintessential jets
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Posting to bump limit this thread into the ground
how long before the jeets kicker is fired?
>Saleh leaves
>nothing changes
nope it's only a rule for le heckin good boi chungus QBs
Gruden was right about the NFL.
Bc the Saints run the division

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