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Big F
vaxx status
>He told the Times that he had been diagnosed with primary cancer in his prostate, which had spread to his bones - meaning it was stage four.

>Tumours were discovered to his shoulder, pelvis, hip, spine and rib.

Absolutely awful news
damn usually Id shitpost about le vaxx but this is sad
Get your prostate checked lads
Jesus CHRIST I couldn't fucking imagine.
How do you know of you have arse cancer?
Bone cancer is absolutely mortifying
Pissing a lot, weak flow, blood in urine/semen
>chris goy
you dont have cance without symptoms
this guy must have taken alot of shit if he didnt notice anyhting
Probably injuries over the years had a lot to do with it, stage 4 cancer can often spread to bones that were previously broken

Also how the fuck did he not know he had prostate cancer? If you need to strain to piss get to a doctor ASAP
yeah, story doesnt make sense
A lot of elite athletes think they're above cancer because they're so fit- they're not.
also was probably full of steroids and growth hormones and other shit
>membas when Lance Armstrong had ball cancer and everyone called him stunning and brave for returning
>turns out the roiding probably caused it
>cancer is liteally uncontrolled cell growth
>steroids and growth hormones are for growing cells
yeah, nothing to see
>you now remember these things
>literally bought them because everyone did
>later realise it was all hollow virtue signalling
did they predict the state of modern social media?
>get to a doctor ASAP
In this country? Have you actually tried? They just laugh you out the door and tell you there's nothing wrong until it's already terminal.
He should've gone abroad but probably too much national pride.
Healthcare in the UK is a deathtrap.
my brother wore that livestrong wristband ages ago
i asked him what it was and he had no idea
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>Bone cancer is absolutely mortifying

yeah remember seeing this image of bone cancer affected bones years back and it's haunted me ever since

fucking grim
I am an amateur cyclist, I do something like 100km a month.

There are a lot of people who think excessive cycling ruins your testicles, and that combined with the almost guarantee that he was using elite performance enhancers for strength/growth in his lower body has destroyed his natural body. This is very sad but I don't think he died a natural death. Will be interesting to see if he announces anything but he will probably take his secrets - and Olympic legacy - to the grave.
What a cop out. Just grind the bones back until there's no cancer left, and then weld replacement bones in place. Where are the bones? Get rid and he'll be fine
Legend. A man who has faced his mortality and I only hope I can be as stoic when or if I hear such a prognosis.
There's always one cunt...
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a certainty
brutal steroids
It's either vaxx or steroids so make your fucking mind up Hans.
not everyone here is the same guy
Not even gonna shitpost about the vaxx. I like Chris Hoy.
wanted to be edgy and funny but a F will suffice, feels bad forhim and his family and friends, see you on the other side senpai.
True but you've enforced the common held belief that Germans just aren't fucking funny.
depends on the cancer
pancreatic cancer is just a huge RNG, and once it can even be detected its already over
look at Paul Harrel
Yeah this is what happens when you dope up your whole career. Steroids cause tumours, idiot.

I hope every single British cyclist suffers the same fate. Cheating faggots
>you dont have cance without symptoms
bro in what fucking world do you live in
the thing that doctors mention the MOST when talking about cancer is how you can live with cancer for YEARS without anything weird happens and once the symptoms start showing up you're basically done for
that's why they recommend going to the doctor for a general check up at least once every a year
doctors are full of shit
and so are you
this desu
>There are a lot of people who think excessive cycling ruins your testicles
lmao he got cancer in his prostate not his testicles

also everyone in this thread blaming steroids but you fags can't name 5 pro bodybuilders who died of cancer and those guys take more steroids in a month than cyclists take in a year
also the word fags here is meant as a term of endearment not offense (I am a homophobe but i didn't mean to insult anyone)
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dont google teratoma
> Tom Prince dead at 52 – Bodybuilder dies after lengthy cancer battle as fellow pros pay tribute to ‘gifted’ muscleman
>Bodybuilder Dean Wharmby who ate 10,000 calories a day and drank eight cans of energy drink died of cancer at 39 caused by years of steroid abuse
well that was horrifying
Bodybuilders die young more often than rappers
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Fuck this genocide jab pushing npc vaxxed idiot, he's now getting culled like the rest of the sheep.

F.........uck him

True, if you are lucky and the cancer gives you a pancreatitis due to an obstruction early then it can be treated, otherwise thay shit is silent until it's spread everywhere, it also seams to be related to suden Depresion and Diabetes.
please christ almighty please let me be the next to get terminal cancer.
It's really not that fun anon, my grandma had bone cancer and in the end she was under opiates 24/7 to simply keep down the pain to manageable levels. You can jump in front of some train and it's much quicker and less painful
if you dont go to a (((doctor))) you might survive
i would immedaitely find an assisted suicide state and be there the next day. im terrified of jumping in front of a train.
You live in America, just buy a shotgun at your local Walmart and blow your head with an istant and painless 98% success rate method
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>suiciding yourself, because a (((doctor))) says some stupid shit
He wants to die, I'm simply informing him that there are plenty of faster ways to die than waiting for cancer
Am I going to hell for laughing at this?
people are like that though
they are fine and then some (((doctor)) says they are terribly ill and need (((help)) or they die
and people believe it
Idk the doctor told my grandma she was fine since it was just some mild bowel irritation while the cancer was spreading
yes, doctors are useless
Based doper, funny how cyclists easily develop cancer.
not from cancer, is what i'm saying

congrats, you named two! not even 3, forget the 5 I asked for
Bodybuilders die of heart attacks and kidney failure before they can get cancer
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better days long gone.
Avoid IWC watches lads.
Gonna send a comiserations message to Chris Foy on twitter, its what he would have wanted.
arse cancer doesn't sound nice
2-4 years.

Known about a year. He'll die in 6-8 months.
(((doctors have told him)))
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how long do you think he was contemplating whether or not to tell a doctor about his funny prostate, considering it would lead to someone sticking fingers up his bum

he must have known for a while, right
I'd rather die than have a doctor probe me
Well now I'm sad.
gf is discussing how awful it is for Chris Hoy having terminal cancer and I have to sit here like a normie and pretend I'm horrified when in fact I actually find it absolutely hilarious when people die from cancer lol
*taking a biiiig sip of squash from my Bovvered? mug* bwahahahaha
cancer is terrifying
Almost certainly PEDs + ramming his prostate constantly with the bike.

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