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shit teams
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So is Aaron Jones mid now?
This game really fucking sucks. I thought it would at least be fun to watch.
Elite teams
stop distracting me with large tits you faggots
Gonna keep the "fragile virgins" theme going for this thread too?
Inb4 retards retarding up this thread
think I might switch to a different game, not really into this refbowl
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Reffies are taking over this game
>Terrion Arnold committing another penalty
Absolutely shocking
Damn are you telling me the game wasn't over after 1 quarter???
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For me it’s Minnesota girls

How do I seduce them?
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Not gonna call that obvious DPI, huh?
he's getting old, needs to be taken out to pasture
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>last thread
I've never been on any medication and I think I desperately need to be.
Hoping for 2+ flags this drive
anyone see that double butt cheek squeeze?
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Of the 32 starting qbs in the league, where does Sam Darnold rank?
>has a mouth guard
>doesn't wear it, just keeps it stuck in helmet during the plays
Mfw the Packers GM is more prescient than me and actually knows what he's doing
why not stick around /pol/ if you want to shit up threads with your direction brain bullshit?
Top 32
Women don't think for themselves, they think what the most confident man in the room tells them to think.

So you just have to be the most confident man in the room, and tell them that they should date you. Assuming you have a base-level of personal hygiene and can talk to them without stuttering, you're a shoe-in.

But because you have to even ask this in the first place, you're doomed to fail.
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Have a boat
Midnald loves holding on to the ball. Dude gonna get fucking heemed eventually.
>quoting coach primate
>Vikefags drop the overaggro "YEAH THATS WHAT I THOUGHT" posting and start trying to be cute and frenly with wholesome thotposting
same bro. I literally see eyes in the drywall following my every movement in my peripherals and sometimes hear voices shouting aggresively at me when trying to fall asleep
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I hope you know that you're chuddy beliefs make you complete unfuckable, and women WILL know if you try to pretend to be a lib
wtf i just got a flag thrown at me for a 15 yard penalty, bros
Sleep well, eat healthy and exercise before you think about doing that
Oh and more importantly, have a goal or series of small goals and tasks you are working towards.
If nothing changes then consider meds
I love tiny girls in loose sweats so much bros
A flag just flew over my house
Holy shit, sounds like hell. You need to see a doctor about that.
slouching, 15 yard penalty
pretty sure gibbs is sonic and monty is knuckles
Vikings are getting refballed here
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Just become an alcoholic
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Are they all frens? Do they get along?
There was also a good amount of refball cope in between
They stopped calling him for it, since he can’t adjust, and the league needs to baby their media darling.
Loins oline is GAPING the viqueens dline
My dads writing in Gary Johnson again
I’ll drink to that brother.
We hate sconnies
Not in this thread
Vikesbros I don’t feel so good. Usually we have a 20-30 point lead by now and the loins offense is just running right through us

Ron Paul 4eva
Yeah I'm gonna watch Redzone instead of this flag fest
I'm not sure that either lions or vikings ever wore plate armour
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>Average Viqueens and "walkable city" fan
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You thought there would be even one possession without a flag?
Thats a real feeling of fear and there are probably government agents living inside of your walls
uhhh kangsissies? did we get too cocky?
Ohio is NOT in the Midwest
What about Richard the Lionheart?
Yeetbros, I don't feel good
The linebacker and receiver? Literally came here expecting sassy comments about it
lmao eat shit viqueens
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Does anyone else just wish BOTH these teams could win?
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Is this what being behind feels like? I'm not a fan.
I want to fuck an average viqueens and walkable city fan.
Me too...
Better start the refball cope vike faggots
This offense needs to get their shit together
I’m sorry? But does leading in the 2nd quarter mean you’ve won the game? Yeah, maybe think you before you post retarded comments like that. Maybe you can’t help it though, I mean you are from Detroit and all
You do know that metallurgy is required to make swords and axes, right anon?

Which begs the question: If you have advanced enough forging to make weapons of metal, why not make armor out of metal too?

Of course the vikings had fucking plate armor. Every civilization since the bronze age has used plate armor.
holy seethe
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Why wouldn’t they listen?
>Mom! (but not dad, for obvious reasons…) look what the black guys on >my lions did on TV just a second ago!
Not gonna lie they spotted the lions 40 yards when they needed it
The Meatmatician cannot be stopped.
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Literally every single ad for Universal Basic Guys makes it look like the most unwatchable garbage imaginable.
He was actually so long ago plate armour wasn't around
>Darnold is elite
Will JJ every start again?
When did loins fans get so uppity? 1 division win in 30 years…
Fuck you
I see Goff getting crowned MVP this season.
It's for misandrists.
No they didn't you retard, read a book. Plate armor like that wasn't around in the viking area. They had hauberks but that's it.
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If Ron Paul were still alive today, he's be cheering for the Vikes.
Nope, they had helmets and chain mail. You could have googled before being so confidently wrong.
Not from Detroit, just a Goff fan.
I miss kirk cousins, bros
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Getting nervous here Loins bros
Based Gramps
Ron Paul is alive, he just turned 89 in August
Yeetbros, not again....
why don't they go for the dreads when they make tackles?
>lions without their best defensive player
idk man branch looks pretty healthy to me
Nice interception
fuck the loins
Welp I’m gonna go take some leaves
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How do you under throw that?
Qweens are qwumbling =/
JONES WAS OPEN DARNOLD WTFFFFFFFFF it would have been a first jfc
Damn even I gotta admit that was a nice interception
Plate armor literally means armor made out of plates of metal. There are dozens of types of it. It's not my fault that you think of an entire knighted suit of armor when you hear "plate armor".

Vikings used Lamellar armor. Lamellar is a type of plate armor.

Take those "books" that you didn't read and shove the pages down your throat while you choke yourself to death for being a retard
im turning this shit off. Stripes got the call from goddell to start boosting the lions

plus brady is annoying the shit out of me
Darnold is turning into a pumpkin
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well it was a good run while it lasted kangbros
I'm thinking so hard right now
Yeah, this game doesn’t count. Just saying
Cool blog post, ya cum guzzling faggot
Vikingbros... the game's over
I'm going to have gay sex with my boyfriend now
>plus brady is annoying the shit out of me
like his existence or hwat?
because it's greg olsen on the color commentary
Don't let the door hit ya faggot
Oh, no, the “last place Vikings” are going to lose. Oh how terrible.
Brady isn't commentating dipshit
Queens been real quiet Q2
Have you read the article that comes with that picture. Literally scientists running a fruit fly sex show to gauge how sexual preferences are shaped.
>White QBs
>another anon confusing Greg Olson and Tom Brady

Is this like face blindness but with voices?
Lions have sooooo much room every play wtf is the defense doing?
>Heh heh if I call him a faggot that means I wasn't wrong
I'm not kidding. Take a knife and shove it into your carotid artery. It would be a gift to everyone in your life.
Refs forced the pick?
Ben Johnson is cooking
You got le troled xD
Like I've been saying, Flores is not up to the challenge of an OC on Ben's level
>day 37
>he still hasn't tried poking us in the eye while we're watching him
>why isn't he calling the police when we yell at him?
Reminder that this is lions fans, yes the fans, Super Bowl…
Maybe their fingers are sore after all the shit they've been talking this week
>heh heh there's only 1 other person on this board
You slurp nigger semen, ya tranny
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Post more funny images and less pictures of girls asses and boobs bros
You guys were pooping and creaming after one quarter lmao, stop
Lions bros? We are so back.
What are you doing Flores
>t-that wasn't me
>I've never been wrong
In nigger speak, you need to "take the L"
>you guys
I thought LaPorta got taped??
Vikings fans think they are so superior when they literally are a ringless franchise lmao
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Make the call Vikings
I knew you'd bring that up you spastic. Lamellar armor was also not used. There's no proof of that being used in any runestones, manuscripts, etc. But hauberks and helmets(gjermundbu) are constantly mentioned.
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Why not both?
>N-not me tho haha
Hold this L loser
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Don’t tell me what to do
>stand up to hate
>being this retarded
+ Lions get the ball to start the next half btw
Remember in the last thread when I said Lions would win by multiple scores, Vikings fans? What was your response
Ok this game is boring, I'm more interested in seeing which of these two autists will win:
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Go lions!
Hold my cock in your mouth, faggot
>Maybe if I use a big word to describe the plate helmet they used it won't make it seem like plate armor
Again, take the L nigger
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Do webms count?
>No rebuttal
I accept your concession.
Nobody responded to you, you autistic fucking faggot. Take a break from 4chan
Vikings bros?
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Vikings fans right now
holy reddit
what a faggot
>it was 10-0
We can only hope
Vikes bros...are we being exposed??????
The rebuttal was indirect. I clearly stated that you moved the goalpost by declaring that the plate helmet was not actually plate. You just have such little reading comprehension that because it wasn't a direct rebuttal, you didn't understand it.
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Lmaoooooo post your screenshots bro remember those
Pure autism
>21 unanswered
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Kek I've seen this one before
vikings are who i knew they were
they always are
i'd be surprised if they didn't see this coming
Take a knee and get your timeouts back
>Chimp behavior
I can't wait for the day when people just start calling it what it is live on tv in front of millions.
You should have seen them last thread, they were genuinely talking like the game was over. They 100% thought they were on their way to a decisive victory
vicucks very quiet suddenly. what happened?
>loins fans getting uppity over some blacks on TV doing things they never will
Yes. Darnold has a few retarded throws a game and lions have guys that can capitalize. Expect another turnover. I thought with Hutch out that line would be trash, but Minnesota is killing itself with penalties from the line. Flores might just have to stop the cute crap and play some standard D since the blocks from Lions skill players is killing them on the edges
That simply isnt true
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It could be worse
>Be Polish-American
>Don’t have a -ski surname
Bane of my existence bros.
My quarterback Jared Goff is a white California man.
>go take a shit
>return and somehow the loins scored 2 touchdowns
Are the kangs frauds after all?
Lmfao what?
Pure autism. Take a break from 4chan
must be new to vikings football
i rarely ever watch them but my buddies do and they saw this coming miles away lol
My god do these people actually exist or is it a show for updoots
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Vikings fans got overconfident kek
Those scary men online
Vikings only got a TD because a Lions 4th down conversion didn't work
>projection: the post
Most of these posts are AI.
Look at how many players are simultaneously playing the biggest games on Steam right now.

Over half of them are people just like this.
>b-b-b-but they were cheering for their team!!!!
What winning 1 division title in 30 years does…
How did people with these kinds of mental issues survive 100+ years ago?
>Are the kangs frauds after all
only to those not paying attention
I think it's less vikings bad and more lions offense stacked.
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My qb would bootyblast both of these frauds.
Dam, how long was your shit?
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What the fuck are you talking about? You said lamellar armor was used, when there's zero evidence to support that, and I brought up what was used; Which isn't plate armor.
You can Google this, you know.
loinsfags better not be getting uppity
there's still a second half
Man I know this webm and it know whats going to happen and I still can't see the fucking snake
Amazing camo
They wouldn’t have been able to turn out like that because society wouldn’t have given them the opportunity
>there's still a second half
of the season
I got a friend whose shits are bare minimum 15 minutes. Eat your fiber and don't be a fat fuck.
They didn’t, good times make weak men.
wtf happened to Watson? Looks like his calf popped or something.
pls no more spooky 4th down plays, Mr. Campbell
Vicucks really thought we was finna fold like them other bitch ass teams kek
>Man I know this webm and it know whats going to happen and I still can't see the fucking snake
>Amazing camo
crazy part for me is the eye camo
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Alright bros I just tried the new chicken big mac for my halftime snacky snack and here's my review:

It's not very good. Stick with a regular big mac if you want a big mac or a deluxe mccrispy if you want a chicken sandwich. 3/10 would not recommend.
they killed themselves or got thrown in prison
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Why don't the Vikings just score a bunch of touchdowns and then not let the Lions score any points? They should really try that.
>dont be a fat fuck
I literally cant help it, I have a medical condition
vikings going to finish the season 8-9 lmao
refs were throwing flags until lions took the lead. really makes you think.
Posting from my phone during halftime while I take a shit

You guys need anything while I’m here?
That’s how we lost the NFC championship but it’s better to strike out while balling than win the Superbowl while pussying out.
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Got one of those showerheads?
False flag, clearly.
That shit looks so fucking dangerous
Autism, take a break from 4chan
There were hermits but they had to take care of themselves.
Crashout King
You have a medical condition that makes your body defy the laws of physics? Eat at caloric deficit and you’ll lose weight.
Kinda like how Gary gives cups and number 1 draft picks to failing markets…hmmm
>he thinks those were vikings fans
at least the ackers are losing
Impossible dude they're le undefeated and easily winning this game
My stream is stuck on the first quarter btw give me a minute to catch up to you guys haha
It's also how they got as far as they did. People forget about the ballsy decisions he makes when they work. Like when he went for it on fourth down at the end of the Chargers game when they were tied and already in field goal range, just to wind out the clock.
This game will have an asterisk next to it if the lions win. Just saying
>it’s better to strike out while balling than win the Superbowl
I completely forgot about the >adult happy meal
That’s better than anyone anticipated, dumbass
You don’t understand. When a fat person eats 100 calories, their body turns it into 1000 calories of energy. Meaning they need to burn 10x as much as they eat.

It’s simple math.
They didn't. But social dynamics are also way different today. People with a lesser will who may have eked a living before are more susceptible now to developing varying neuroses from being bombarded by meaningless hyperstimuli all day. If your nervous system isn't operating perfectly you're suffering more today than you would being an uneducated peasant whose only responsibility is turning a screw on an assembly line or subsistence farming.
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I believe in my boys.
You quoted me to show your support and acquiescence?
>*it was only against the vikings
im 100% convinced that vikings have the largest presence of trannies on this website for a fanbase, bar none
im 100% convinced that vikings have the largest presence of false flaggers on this website for a fanbase, bar none
What happened to all of the Vikangz bravado in these threads earlier?
im 100% convinced that lions have the largest presence of niggers on this website for a fanbase, bar none
Ah, I was unaware, sorry to body shame you.
>Vicucks thought they stood a chance
Fucking kek
ooo ya im from minnysoda ya, im goin crazy out dere by the lake dont ya know
I think it's funny how Lions "fans" on this site take everything so personally. Just goes to show it takes a few years of winning and shit posting to get your head in the right space
Lions or Packers will be the NFC super bowl team
Turns out it was all jokes haha
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Can these two schizos fuck off or bang or whatever? Stop shitting up the thread
>why aren’t they happy their team is losing right now
Are you stupid?
You do realize an asterisk from some basement dweller on 4chin literally means nothing, right?
are there people who don't enjoy going to the lake?
>mom im obsessing about trans people again!!!
Waiting until the lions usual 3rd quarter collapse
this happens to me sometimes desu
that hasn't been a thing this year somehow
*knocks on wood*
Gibbs is the next Jamaal Charles
Damn I never noticed that before. Amazing
Pick one
Watching the fans of these two awful franchises bicker like retards is hilarious
I think the problem is just that you see people who excitedly say “This game is in the bag!” after the first touchdown and unironically start going.

>Actually, there’s over 55 minutes of game left
>Do you not understand how still in the game the Lions are?
>Im going to keep receipts of every post that said they will lose so I can prove them wrong later
The word “autistic” gets thrown around a lot, but if you really think that you need to show up people who celebrate scores by saying
Then you come off as an actually mentally deficient retard.

t. Fan of neither team who just wants to watch the teams with the best records play each other
for me, it was the 2005 Vikings Loveboat
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Which state has hotter girls, Michigan or Minnesota?
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Go lions!
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How afraid of him do you think these two teams are?
>gets mad at people ignorantly supporting their team
Low test t bh
I'm unironically happy for Vikings fans that they got to genuinely believe they could win for a little while. I don't like poverty franchises never having a single glimmer of hope. I want people to be happy and enjoy themselves
And they got the cute muh undefeated start. Thrilling for them. No seriously, I sound facetious but I mean it. Good for them
I'm gonna say Minnesota based off of all of the Golden Gophers girls that are constantly posted to /cfb/
most trans identifying people will contribute more to society than you ever will in your entire pathetic existence you obsessed asshat. They will excel in their careers, be in relationships, have friends, etc while you sit in your grandmamas basement screeching about them and other minorities online
Does he rape? Should be okay if not
Michishit doesn’t have XY chromosome creatures. Just look at their governors.
I miss the armor autists desu.
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Not worried
This thread is furthering my already deep hatred for any redditor or "Poly" fag on this planet
Or maybe you could stop being a retard who thinks the game is over in the first quarter?
No, it must be the non-retards who are wrong
Dragon when?
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>most trans identifying people will contribute more to society than you ever will in your entire pathetic existence you obsessed asshat. They will excel in their careers, be in relationships, have friends, etc while you sit in your grandmamas basement screeching about them and other minorities online
plastics and chemtrails made these guys
I think it's funny watching autistic people fight
Yeah. It's time for the big boys in the league to start showing themselves though
Pam Oliver
>aks question
>smacks lips
gonna go grocery shopping, bros. need anything?
Campbell is such a blowhard faggot
Eyes are the window to the soul

What do these eyes tell you?
>CJ Stroud is 5-11
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Chocolove Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups.
I notice you didn't refute anything he said
Viqueens fans could use some tampons
Yeetbros, its joever
why on earth would chemtrails ever be a thing when the governement could just pump our food and water full of shit? you retards and flat earthers are so damn retarded
I want her to sit on my face like this...if you know what I mean
Loins fans could use some more cuckold porn
As soon as the Vikings lose this game they will disappear in the power rankings. Like I've been saying, they were getting credit due to their record. Nobody actually thinks the Vikings are a serious team. As soon as they're no longer undefeated they'll disappear from the media.
Out of bounds
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That’s coming back, sorry Loins bros
>out of bounds
*she you chud
Why are eggs $5?
Bounds, out of it
Out of bounds :)
>Why are eggs $5?
because I get the 24pack of cage free from Sam's club
because your dollar has lost value from all the retards taking on debt
Greg Olsen called that one too soon. The football was being bobbled as he stepped outside.

If the ball moves an INCH before that foot steps out, it's a fumble.

I think it did.
I sincerely hope the refs ignore that he was out and give the Lions the touchdown. Aint no salt like Viqueen salt.
chickens are on strike
Trump's terrible bussy
>we need time to show you more heels up Harris commercials, we’re gonna review this obvious play
Oh fuck I forgot they updated the vaccines. Need to book an appointment for the booster.

Still battling Trumpflation
Bobble this bussy
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Even he has to work a second job
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Minnesota bros what’s going on? Will the Umah survive?
the what?
No it was bobbled right as he touches the white. Pretty sure he's out of bounds.
>zoom in on foot and not on ball being bobbled as he steps
Refs want this to be close for the vikings, not a blowout
Go vikings!
I bet she smells terrible
>packturds trying to troll in here since their mutt qb sucks asd
Why even have bounds if you're not going out of them?
Of course. It is the simplest thing ever.

>That shit looks so fucking dangerous
There are probably a grand total of 4 or 5 deaths related to electrical showers in the last 50 years in a country of over 200 million people.

Meanwhile, search for boiler explosion in a house and you will see tons of hits.

Electricity is safe, if you know what your are doing with it.
He's literally top 3 in the league actual idiot
I've been saying this for decades.
Is Minn really full of Muzzies? Do they support the Vikes at least?
Maybe Allah is the one true god...
How do I score a hot Muslim gf?
Bird flu again
>Godell wants a Vikes v Chiefs OWL

Yeah this semen slurping sport isn't for me
>Is Minn really full of Muzzies?
Unironically yes. It's like Canada with Indians
The Vikings will never let that happen
Top 3 in throwing Future HOF tier interceptions packturd
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where'd it go?
Trade like 3 goats for one.
my packies would bootyblast both of these shit teams
why wpuld you want that? Her brother and father would slic your head clean off with a katana while screaming things in their sandnigger language
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Arab girls are peak, ridiculous hips and ass covered up under there tarps
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Just be yourself
You're a gay homosexual faggot
Got 40%’d
>isaac uwu
Based Elon expelled the tranny
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>Is Minn really full of Muzzies?
no they are like .01% of the population
mexicans are 30x as common yet nobody mentions them.
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> white pants
I wish women wore tight fitted white pants more
absolutely would convert for this

Lmaooooooo lies
Dam, this Jefferson guy is a hell of a receiver.
But enough about your father
What an ugly state full of ugly people.
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Be white
We're back in it Vikebros :)
Watching a grown man do the griddy is so cringe
Why yes, I do like that. Greg Olsen clearly didn’t get the reference though.
Aint nobody trying to get their favorite taco shop shut down, Id have to eat taco bell
LionsBros....I dont feel so good
Addison the packer killer, Jefferson the Lion killer
Your heart is ugly
I can see why the mudslimes make them cover up.
quick reminder that sandnigger muslim dogs flew planes into the WTC sending us into the new world order. They are worse then niggers
Winnesota is a based white state for Scandinavian chads
A very homosexual comeback as expected of a Minnesotan
It was hilarious last week watching Hutchinson cry like a little bitch with his half his leg dangling. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving team.
And that's not too bad!!
just have an HWD
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Rate my cat
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I didn’t forget
That was Israel though.
All fake. No race of female in the world lusts after mayos
What would a heterosexual comeback have looked like?
My cock is 6.4" long by 6.25" around in girth.
and the CIA let it happen
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oh look Vikings got a score let's watch them crawl back into the thread and say the choke never happens
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i'm interested in your evidence
I can't tell if this is AI or not, but I want to mount her
>nooooooo my favorite team of blacks on tv is winning! You can’t cheer for yours!!!!
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see you in a few days viqueers…sending our powers to goff for the time being
Hasan piker said 9/11 was much deserved
Would let/10
Blaming 9/11 on Islam is like blaming Pearl Harbor on Shinto
I’m a Floridafag, just pointing out your unnecessary hatefulness.
We went from
>Yeah that's what I thought DETOILETS, where are you now huh? Where are you now?
>A-at least we're still in it Vikesbros!
I remember reading on /trv/ about some Frenchman going on a coomer trip to Morocco and filmed lots of it.
There was a bunch of outrage and the Moroccan government urged the french to arrest him but they didn't because technically he hadn't broken any laws lmao
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This has been debunked
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>packers dabbing on us
>vikings dabbing on us
its over, LionsBros
Holy fuck so the Muslims aren't the reason why they vote the way they do every election? Minnesotans are just naturally cuck faggots? SAD!
>look mom! I posted it again!
It's allright.
One day you will learn what undocumented means
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oh no
I’m 8”, get mogged
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It's lunch time Vikebros
yes they are quite similar to michigan
>They're posting the same ancient dating app graph that favored white men one time in 2007 on some random dating app
It’s real, her ass isn’t though.
Jared has 0 incompletions. He's on some GOAT shit rn.
>Goof can't even complete a pass
>but enough about Detroit! I love those blacks on my moms tv so much!
No way! We should all compare cocks tip to tip so its as accurate as possible. Go bears btw.
you jinxed it
I made that in the toilet
You lost the game, and you lost on 4chan
Hold these Ls
Bitter pill to swallow, ain't it brownoid?
I'm white in California and I've lost count of how many mexican women have had their mouths around my cock at this point. Seethe.
my cat got mauled by a lab mix the other day. Should I press charges on the owner?
strange projection
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Don’t lose hope Vikingsbros we’ve got this!
That’s a Bengals meal

T. Lived in Cincinnati for 2 years
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Hellz yeah, healthy meal time
One of them was probably me and I'm a guy. Go get checked for AIDs.
>Id have to eat taco bell
Best Mexican food on the planet
Paying cleaning ladies for a little extra polishing is not alpha behavior whiteoid
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How do I talk to and seduce Latinas as a socially autistic white guy anon?
>Commercial of kids spying on their parents fucking
>They stay and listen until they realize it's just an Apple commercial
Is there any commercial out there more degenerate right now?
Hold my cock in your mouth some more. I should pay you for all the special attention you’ve given me this afternoon
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I had a based breakfast sammy this AM
Goff is good under pressure
I'm white and live in Gaysexville and I've lost count of how much beautiful Boy Butt I've seen. Seethe
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Rents due soon
>sandnigger muslim dogs
It was orchestrated, paid for, and allowed to happen by jews
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Cooper Kupp is a future Chief :3
Brownboy seething! Many such cases!
Nigga hasn't played in years
Viqueens fans disappear once again
We hate each other something fierce
Viqueers, our response?
#3 missing her mouth.
Press X.
Why did the loins fans stop bitching about the refs all of a sudden?
Respond pls :(
we run this league now
Ha fuck the kangz
>red one
who are these movies made for?
HAHAAHAHHAHA vicucks talked too much shit too fast
Who could have foreseen this?
>3 flags on the drive
>doesn't matter
Just Waltzing into the endzone
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The shitposting will continue until the score improves. Then the shitposting will continue.
I like them all. Michigan is the one above all though.
Have charisma
It's that easy
>He's still unironically linking to other threads to go "See, I told you"
I thought we told you this was autistic behavior. Do you see anyone else in any thread on /sp/ doing this?
This is a Super Bowl appearance for lions fans
How do you exercise your charisma? Will just making the effort to talk to people help?
Just act confident and flirt with them, if you have to ask you’re probably fucked. I lucked into being tall and having blue eyes so I just smile at them and tell them they are bonita.
Be confident but treat them nice. Latin men are all assholes to latinas so they get wet when you respect them
>t. live in Miami and white
I think
is much more kino
Wait, you're complaining about receipts? I thought you loved having those??
What the fuck is on your hand.
Yet it was the Viqueens fans losing their mind with an early lead...
If you have to ask, then don't jump in the deep end or you're going to get hurt
Yet here you are seething about it hours later
ohio, lower michigan, and north east indiana are rust belt
>The shitposting will continue until the score improves. Then the shitposting will continue.
The honking will continue until the conditions improve
lmao I miss the Canadian Honklers
Keeeeeek Vegas refs
Make small talk with every cashier you run into is a good start. Download Bumble to practice your text game even if you fail
>This malding Vikings fan blushing and deleting screenshots
The only thing we have in common is hating Ohio.
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Vikings fans will always have my respect for their ability to shitpost in the face of adversity. Truly heroic.
i used to ask my dad if ohio state would beat the 0-16 lions
We're Family. We argue but deep down we love each other.
The answer is no, the best College team would get destroyed by the worst college team.
Oklahoma here. Don't link us to those northern fags. We like Kansas, Texas, and Colorado. Every other state can fuck right the fuck off.
Josh Oliver is the best blocking tight end but I've rarely seen that nigga block do what was the point of that signing
yeah but i was a little kid and didn't understand that lol because the lions/browns were REALLY bad
>Oklahoma here. Don't link us to those northern fags
But I like 100+ degree summers and cold brutal winters where windchill reaches -50 a couple times a year so none of those states match my preferences
Receipts are when you compile all the posts into a single image to link after the game is over as a singular "I told you so"

Clogging up the thread by repeatedly linking to old threads is just degenerate behavior
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What do you guys think of Tom Brady as an announcer so far?
Have you even been to any of those states? Every single one has weather like that. Do you really think your state is the only one with weather?
>KS, TX, CO get to 50 degrees below zero
He feels muted. It feels like the NFL told him to hold back.
He just states the obvious and adds nothing. Good for him for fleecing Fox out of all that money though
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For me, it's the Jay Cutler.
That boy sure REICHs hard.

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