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Oregon gonna be your new #1
Vanderbilt gonna be ranked
Michigan sucks
Bryson Daily for Heisman
Previous autism: >>145168707
Texass is new KWABoty
Tora tora tora next week, irish bros.
First for Indiana natty
if ND runs through army and navy does that mean we avoid war?
no, just means that instead of a globohomo (((secular))) war we get a Crusade
here for the indiana anon complaining about their ranking when the poll comes
could yall imagine the chaos today if georgia had lost that game after all that controversy. georgia would probably pull a UCF and just make up their own delusional history where they're defacto national champs and hang a banner. georgia fans would be doxing the refs and harrass them to the point they'd go on CNN and beg for it to stop.

but on the good hand, congress would probably hold a hearing on how to fix officiating. trump and kamala would both be running ads in georgia promising to fix it kek.

i hope people dont forget about it just cause the right outcome still happened cause i really want to know what mcconoughey said to that ref during the stoppage that caused him to run to the other refs and overturn the call. casuals dont realize what a big deal that whole series of events was. the BS targeting calls also only started after the bottle throwing incident- those refs were either scared or got offered a mcconoghey bribe. maybe celebrities who the retard refs are fanbois are shouldnt be allowed on the sideline all game.
there's always one every year.
>maybe celebrities who the retard refs are fanbois are shouldnt be allowed on the sideline all game.
Except Quavo. He cool
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if army/navy remain undefeated, it means we go to war
AP Poll 10/20
i hope that ref team does a game in athens, that would be fucking hilarious. they'll probably run off the field crying hearing 90,000 people calling them fags
I want a clip of this
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I'm not sure I've ever seen the "others receiving votes" list that short. wild
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You are in Austin, Tx
if you manage to shit on usc, i will wear a husker shirt all week
Navy should jump a bunch of teams if they beat ND. Well, if the polls and committee wasn't complete frauds.
im so glad they still dont have any respect for miami kek. dogs would bootyblast oregon but i get it. id rather georgia not be #1. lets see if oregon can handle the pressure, i doubt it- they aint used to that.
the committee still always views notre dame as the gold standard for some fucktarded reason so if navy beats them they'll jump to top 10.
>Indiana, BYU, Iowa State ranked above Alabama
Strange times, lads
This is Alabama's lowest AP ranking since 2010
it's DeBoever
And they have Mizzou next with LSU after
there's a very real chance that Alabama ends up unranked this year
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7-5 Alabama confirmed
Because the committee is all boomers and Gen X who still think it's the 60s through the 80s. They're all delusional old fucks.
Can Vandy beat Texas
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This was Tennessee's natty. They will continue to completely struggle against literally everyone and anyone they face
Looks like Rice-Eccles Stadium this year
Cryan Gay
As long as at the end of the game they have more points than their opponent, what would the problem be?
They run into many more Arkasas than they do Alabamas
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Georgia is way too high for a team down 28-0 to that Alabama team
This. as a Penn State alum I agree with this Tennessee alum. It's not concerning because we keep winning and are destined to face off in the natty
Someone saw this and went "yeah, that's 2 top 25 teams right there"
It feels like you're just mad Tennessee beat Alabama and you're coping in some weird way. Anon, Bama had a good run. Sorry, it's over.
Buddy I hate Alabama, and would love it if they never won another game again. Tennessee Beating them isn't some sign of things to come for the Vols
Cry me a river. You guys deserve a decade of suck for the elite run you just had.
We will just have to defeat the reffies and the glowies to save us from invading Iran
georgia is going to absolutely assblast them. georgia has their defense finally playing to kirby's level.
Who claimed that Tennessee beating Alabama is some precursor to great things? No one in this thread that I see. You're just making up shit now.
>I didn't think beating Alabama was a big deal, none of us did we don't even consider them to be a rival!
There is an anon in this thread who hates Tennessee so much he's replying to his own posts about Tennessee acting like another anon. I think he's the Georgia anon who becomes unhinged about Tennessee. Georgia fans are the most fragile creatures in the SEC atmosphere. Like a bleeding woman. Shame because I like Kirby.
Kwab of the season goes to ..


Top 10 FSU upset by GT (and collapsing ever since)

Clemson ganged raped by Georgia 60-0

Oregon only beating Idaho by ten

aTm losing at Home to ND


Michigan buttraped at Home by Texas

ND upset by NIU

Oregon only beats Boise by 3

Penn State barely beats Bowling Green



Georgia upset by Bama first game post Saban

Ole Miss upsets by Kentucky

Top 10 Utah upset by Zona

Oklahoma State upset and BTFO, now 0-4 in conference


Bama let down game to VANDY

Tennessee upset by Arkansas in the prime time night game

Top 10 Mizzou upset

Michigan upset by Washington

#11 USC upset by Minnesota

Week 7

Utah upset and eliminated by the other Arizona School

Oklahoma BTFO by Texas

Ohio State loses the biggest game of the year to Oregon

10 Ole Miss upsets and eliminated

Week 8

Alabama loses to Tennessee

Nebraska BTFO by Indiana

Michigan loses to Illinois
Beating Bama is always a big deal. Even when they sucked back in the early 2000s it was a big deal to beat the shit out of them. They are our biggest rival. Saban even confirmed the feeling is mutal on Gameday yesterday.
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I can't wait to eat some dawg
kek he's created his own phantom to argue against now. poor 264, he's mindbroken
No they dont. Notre Dame is never the top ranked team with whatever their record is.
Tennessee's biggest rival is objectively Vanderbilt
If the playoffs were today:
1. Oregon
2. Georgia
3. Miami
4. Iowa State

5. Ped State / 12. Boise State
6. Ohio State / 11. BYU
7. Texas / 10. Clempus
8. Tennessee / 9. LSU
And there it is
How many years have you been a Tennessee fan?
>t. Schizo
Are you the same guy that thinks UGA used chemtrails to turn the 2022 matchup into a rain game?
>Week 4
Sonny Dykes ejected during blowout loss to his former team
Miami is such s shit team. How do they do it?
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Wins vs. current FPI top 40 opponents:

Miami, 3-0
ND, 3-0*
Georgia, 3-1
aTm, 3-1
LSU, 3-1
Bama, 3-1*
BYU, 2-0
Oregon, 2-0
Iowa St, 2-0
Texas, 2-1
K-St, 2-1
Penn St, 1-0
Ohio St, 1-1
Clemson, 0-1

*have a loss outside top-40
Mostly agree, I'd swap Clemson with Notre Dame
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There is no gold standard for ND and there hasn't been in awhile. They won't ever move from 12 unless teams in front of them lose and they win out. No idea what you are talking about
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I objectively hate everyone else
NIU losers aren't making it
Why are Georgia fans so sensitive? I have noticed this as well. Have a neighbor who is a huge Bulldog and I cracked wise after the Bama game and he hasn't spoken to me since. Totally avoids me to the point its uncomfortable.
>bark at other human beings
>think its cool
georgia fans never had a chance anon
it is cool. other fans get so butthurt they have to leave the area if i start barking at them.
lost a lot of respect for him. he should've known more than anyone. is he afraid of texas fans too?
i see lots of texas fans coping saying 'well at least it was a close game'

i put the game into my simulator and determined that without ref intervention the final score would have been 52-8
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he flipped a coin because both coaches coached under him dumbass
i thought gay-hi-oh-i-love-cocks state lost to oregon?
I still see zero reason why Indiana shouldn't be above teams like BYU and ISU.
so he was just too beta to be a man and pick kirby, thats surprising. im an alpha male and would never leave my decisions up to a coin.
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I’m going to rape you to death
BYU beat KStates ass. Indiana hasn't even played a team close to KStates level. Is one reason.
kek i get it now i think. originally i thought someone ran this season through the BCS algorithm to see what it would look like.
KSU sucks too
Better than Nebraska or any other baby shit soft team that Indiana has played.
retard detected
Duke and Vandy should meet in either the Famous Toastery or Bad Boy Mowers Bad Boy Bowl
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Miami has the weakest schedule in the top 15 they have no business being ranked 6th. They will be exposed soon enough…
Sovl, will watch
A LOT of schedule babies
lmao, G5 tier schedule
Gonna be a yikes from me on Army, Navy and Indiana.
What are the South Florida BVLLS doing?
A G5 school who blows the fuck out of every team they play is more impressive than a P5 school who beats a bunch of shitters.
>OU's WR corps got mogged by a pasty 5'9 walk-on who looks like a clone of drake stoops
most absurd thing that happened in the SCAR game
fire the entire offensive staff
A lot of S O F T S C H E D U L E S indeed
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elo ratings updated after week8
Go Cucks!
>more impressive
There is nothing impressive about anything about the G5. That RB from Boise is about the only thing worth talking about from that whole pool of shitters.
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They tried their HARDEST
Until Navy & Army BTFO of ND and all the boomers scramble to make up excuses to keep them relevant and ranked.
Emmett Jones is literally only known as a "good recruiter" and his backup WRs are getting outplayed by a guy who isn't even on scholarship. Fire his ass.
Stupid or new?
Who the fuck even likes nebraska?? They just have naders n corn
>Except Quavo.
Completely serious who the fuck even was that
AP boomers who remember Tom Osborne when he was still OC and think they're just one more tax cut away from being Warren Buffett
>Navy 132
>Army 133
Notre Dame is going to dismantle these pretenders.
ND hasn't played anyone either, really. The difference is nobody expects anything of Army/Navy, but ND is ranked in the top 15 every single year.
Zoggies on suicide watch
God i hate boomers
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Not to be outdone by tu tantrums, the Kream and Kow Klub has announced in internal memos that the student section will throw body parts of lynched black students who have unpaid parking tickets at the Northgate meter lot wrapped in the sickest, nastiest, hand-holdingest doujins straight from Comiket onto the field whenever something unpleasant happens.
They played A&M, the de facto, de jure, and jus sanguinis leader of the SEC.
Why are texas fans throwing trash on the field after texas got an interception?
got called back for non-existent DPI
Understandable, lynch all refs.
There wasn't enough trash on the field
All rested up, hello /cfb/

I still want Neal Brown fired
desu senpai of all the meme 'national champs' that UCF team probably has the strongest claim to one.
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I want stinkin' Lincoln drawn and quartered
georgia's schedule is nuts this year. even with 2 losses they should still easily be in the playoffs.
Hoping you died in your sleep. There's always tonight....
georgia unironically has the toughest schedule i can remember. how'd that happen?
>@ole miss
>resurgent georgia tech
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He was already murdered by an illegal, isn't that enough?
until you realize any SEC team with their schedule would've gone undefeated
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I miss when ol' 4chanJoe used to post here on /cfb/
what the fuck is this
>notre dam 5
even statistics algorithms are built to make notre dame look good kek
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Liberty is the lowest ranked undefeated here.
>ole miss
>boise state
Fraud gods
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I feel like I keep seeing Notre Dame really high computer models, what is causing this? Are the computers just more forgiving?
Statistical analysis tends to take extreme outliers out of the equation or have formulas in place to account for them. In this case, the NIU loss is probably not impacting them as much as you would expect and the A&M win is probably helping them more than you think.
another example, does this mean my irish are good or are the AP voters getting it right
It means they're getting BONED by Navy & Army
Im very curious for the first playoff ranking. I have no idea how they are going to setup these rankings
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Winning by high margins against teams that win by high margins usually does that for you. Losing by small margins against the same teams doesn't hurt often too much.

It means they beat teams that beat other teams. pic and link related
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The SEC has announced a quarter of a million dollar fine against Texas for failing to control the crowd in their stadium that caused a delay of game due to debris being thrown on the field. The SEC also has threatened to ban alcohol sales in the stadium if this happens again.
SEC will learn eventually. Oil money lets you do whatever you want. It'll take time, but they'll learn.
Whats the track record of systems like this predicting games
The computers calculating these run TempleOS
>blud doesn't know who The Migos are
Shaking my damn head
My Pitt (:
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Texas fans throwing trash. So familiar.
UT is UT is UT
Now I understand why trash collectors wear those bright orange vests
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It's been a while since I've done this, so let's give it another go.

Every SEC team starts the year with membership. If an SEC team loses to a team without membership, it forfeits its membership to that team. Which 16 teams make up the SEC now?

In no particular order:

Texas has not lost its membership.
Georgia has not lost its membership.
Ole Miss has not lost its membership.
LSU lost its membership in week 1 but recovered it in week 3. The original membership belongs to Michigan State.
South Carolina lost its membership in week 3 but recovered it in week 8. The original membership belongs to LSU.
Vanderbilt lost its membership in week 3 but recovered it in week 6. The original membership belongs to Georgia Southern lol.
Florida lost its membership in week 1 but recovered it in week 8. The original membership belongs to Miami.
Texas A&M lost its membership in week 1 but recovered it in week 6. The original membership belongs to Wake Forest.
Arkansas lost its membership in week 2 but recovered it in week 6. The original membership belongs to Cincinnati.
Kentucky lost its membership in week 8. It currently belongs to Florida.
Mississippi State lost its membership in week 2. It currently belongs to Baylor.
Oklahoma lost its membership in week 8. It currently belongs to South Carolina.
Alabama lost its membership in week 6. It currently belongs to Vanderbilt.
Tennessee lost its membership in week 6. It currently belongs to Arkansas.
Missouri lost its membership in week 6. It currently belongs to Texas A&M.
Auburn lost its membership in week 2. It currently belongs to SMU.


Texas > Texas
Georgia > Georgia
Ole Miss > Ole Miss
LSU > Michigan State
South Carolina > LSU
Vanderbilt > Georgia Southern
Florida > Miami
Texas A&M > Wake Forest
Arkansas > Cincinnati
Kentucky > Florida
Mississippi State > Baylor
Oklahoma > South Carolina
Alabama > Vanderbilt
Tennessee > Arkansas
Missouri > Texas A&M
Auburn > SMU
REMINDER: Georgia is the new Lineal Championship after beating Texas who won it when they beat Michigan on 9/7
Michigan State are the Spartans, not the Trojans, dumb hick.
it was better when people just called it the cfb championship belt
lineal championship sounds cringe
LSU lost its membership to the Trojans of Southern California, who lost it to Michigan, who lost it to Washington, who lost it to Iowa, who lost it to Michigan State.

I attached an image of how the memberships went weekly if that's easier for you to keep up.
>The SEC also has threatened to ban alcohol sales in the stadium if this happens again.
kek, first year in the SEC and the faggy fanbase about to ruin it for everyone. LOL imagine immediately becoming the most despised team in the SEC and not because you're dominating like bama did.
It comes from boxing, since they're retarded with who fights who and their billion different belts.
bro, vandys already an SEC team or am i not understanding what you're doing
>SEC enacts alcohol ban
>Texas doesn't comply and just pays any fine they get with oil money
>all the poor schools have to comply or be rendered destitute
Money wins. Stop being poor.
nevermind i read the rest of the post and get it now. pretty fun ranking system to keep track of, i like it. keep it up. maybe start a website even.
vanderbilts probably the only one that would follow it. other SEC football programs have fuck you money to play with. i was about to say georgia already doesnt sell alcohol at games but i googled it and looks like they do now? is that true? i havent been to a game there in a few years. the only place they had it were luxury boxes iirc.
>don't lose OOC
>still lose membership because you lost to a team who lost OOC
life is unfair
Wish Uga was at the game so they could have had him take a giant shit all over the field
fun fact when i used to have season tickets there was some crazy hot alcoholic milf who had seats near me and she'd loudly talk about how shed smuggle a dildo shaped container in her pussy fully of vodka she'd pull out in the bathroom, she thought she was clever. one game she said she was on her period so carried it in her ass, i drunkenly asked to sniff it and she actually let me and it had a poo smear on it. was fuckin hot.
Few teams consistently buttblast people into thinking stupid things
ND hasn't beaten anyone. They'll end the season 10-3 or 9-4 and still get ranked in the Top 25. Then next season they'll get a Top 15 ranking to start the year and repeat the same shit every year. They get the benefit of the doubt more than any other team in history.
A&M isn't anyone, got it
>unironically falling for the navy-army meme
Georgia and Auburn were the last hold outs on alcohol sales but they both finally gave in.
SEC bylaws almost certainly have much larger penalties, not necessarily monetary, for a school that openly ignores conference rules. Beyond that, the SEC could simply go to court and have a order issued requiring Texas to comply with the legal requirements of being a member of the conference. This isn't even specific to college sports. Membership in an organization is a legal agreement and there's tons of case law on what happens when a member ignores the rules of the organization. Ignoring a court's order to comply with the organization's rules would be contempt of court, which can lead to indefinite imprisonment until they comply.
It would never come to this. Texas ignoring the SEC banning alcohol sales is something that sounds fun to edgy teens but isn't how organizations of this size conduct themselves.
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Excuse me, ND has defeated THE #1 team in the SEC, Texas A&M.
You're the same type of person that once Navy beats them on Saturday, you'll instantly jump on the bandwagon.
>SOS: 133
Even if they beat them I still won't be impressed
The only team they've beaten is Missouri, who hasn't beaten anyone either.
Texas/A&M is about to be GOAT game
You're just a G5 hater, got it. Even if Army/Navy made the playoffs and beat a top-tier P5 team, you'd still dismiss them. Yeah, you're just a typical retard.
Still can't believe this is a true statement less than a year after the Jimbo retardation
The vaunted G5 of college football playoff prowess
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Damn maybe don't make extremely obvious blatant calls that shouldn't have ever happened in the first place.

It wouldn't have happened if you called the game fairly you corrupt NCAA SEC retards.
the funniest result would be the SEC just forcing texas to ban all alcohol sells and allowing the civilized schools to keep serving :) and in away stadiums forcing anyone wearing texas fan stuff to not be allowed anywhere near the field.
You can't even make a rebuttal. Thanks for admitting I'm right and you're wrong. I accept your concession. Filtered. Now be a good retard and reply more, I'll never see it. I know you can't resist, you're already typing.
Go cry some more zoggie. I'm sure the armed forces bowl will be a hoot
This was an efficient demonstration of my point
there are a lot of people who just constantly seethe over Notre Dame
80+ years with no signs of stopping
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Hahahahaa ha ha ha....
my Bearcats officially received some votes in the poll (:
How convenient to forget all the calls that went the other way that did not get overturned. At least the stadium jannies don't do it for free, though.
I don't think Neal deserves that but he must return to the G5 trenches

I want Curt Cignetti or Andy Kotelnicki. Jimbo Fisher would be good too because TAMU is still paying his salary lol

God has granted me another day of living
>anons are actually wanting jimbo fisher to be their coach
He should go back to FSU for the lulz
>trashxas thongsaars
>kekxas donghorns
Today I will remind them.
Oh I don't want him but if we're out of options well it'd be better than Neal Brown
Oklahoma has fired offensive coordinator Seth Littrell
For a school like WV, he would be a huge hire. The man can recruit at a decent level and all you really need in a conference like the Big12 is guys. He wouldn't be some long term option, but come in an set some kind of stability for the next guy wouldn't be a bad idea.
good for them
Sacrificial lamb. They are beat to absolute shit and don't have a QB worth a fuck.
>bye week: go from #25 to #21
>win this week: #21 to #22
m-my ponies
didn't read
>muh alcohol at games
Literally who cares. It's just overpriced beer, any smart person is liquoring up before going to the game.
He can't recruit West Virginia like he did at FSU or A&M. They don't have the finances.
Any smart person has been smuggling in their own.
don't care
only a symptom of the cancer killing their team. gotta excise the whole tumor
It's relative, he doesn't have to get FSU or TAM level talent because the teams he has to beat aren't Bama, Georgia, or Clemson. He has to just get better talent than BYU, Kansas St, et al.
Jimbo's originally from West Virginia and said he'd take up the job. He'd have his work cut out for him but if we can get our old Southern pipelines back like we had under RichRod we'd be great

We can
>win a shitty and depreciated b12
>get absolutely buttfucked first round of the playoffs every year
sounds about right
>Not wearing tight underwear and sneaking in 6 airplane bottles of bourbon up under your gooch
That too, but you get my point. It's such a gay thing to care about.
He has to beat Cincy and sharty for Ohio 3 stars. He won't. Or pitt for Penn Stars, coasties don't play ball. Just a bad crooting spot
it's a shame because Venables really did turn Oklahoma's defense around
USC and Oklahoma probably need to realize that their situations aren't gonna just get better if they just axe the coach
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What makes you say this? Feelings? USC and Oklahoma are facing two completely different situations.
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>walks up behind your girlfriend at the bar, slaps her ass then spits in your beer
wat do, anon?
>still leads the SEC West
weird kwab
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>fire vegtables
He just shifted their worthless side of the ball from defense to offense, which isn't an accomplishment
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>SEC West
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No call was ever as bad as that PI call, ever.
It was kansas city chiefs, mahomes GOAT agenda tier bad.
No, they don't.
Seth Littrell looks like the human version of Stan Smith from American Dad.
There is no east/west

The aggies lead the SEC
Get over yourself. Wasn't even the worst call of the day.
longhorn queer
What would the funniest shit to be thrown on a football field in a heated situation like last night in Austin?

Just from memory that dildo at the Buffalo Bills game was hilarious. The full bottle of mustard at the Tennessee game was pretty funny because it brings up so many questions. Any bangers I've missed or good hypothetical ones? What you got anon?
Wasn't even the worst call of the night.
Used dilators
Yellow flags
I don't have it but I've seen a picture of a ref picking up a dildo off the field
that was actually one of the based things about it. the cheerleaders and assistant coaches didn't have to be told to do it, we just keep texas clean. it's instinct to pick up litter
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that's a lot of seethe
The only "based" thing about it was all the dykes beating the shit out of their somehow less dyke-ish girlfriends on campus and hopefully they'll find a few trannies floating in the Colorado River that tu will conveniently say isn't their fault because the corpses were found off-campus.
you do know that they are despised on campus, right? and we're finally getting rid of them from the city in general
>moral victories
Texas fans already going full Kentucky.
I'll believe it when I see it and I haven't seen it yet.

cope, dilate
The only time faghorns have seethed this much was when campus carry got passed lol
The University of Trash
good job just proving my point :^)
Sure, sure.
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a toast to /cfb/ for another great week of college football and awful posting from fans of G8 teams and shitty P2 teams. You losers give us P2 POWER CHADS endless entertainment.
Diego Pavia for Heisman
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I hate Michigan and their obnoxious fans. Always have, always will. Even after Illinois won they were shit and unwilling to accept their loss like the true losers they are this year.
the fact it took you 20 minutes to rebuttal tells me you're not a cfb fan, you're here to seethe
Would it be so much to ask the good Lord if we can have a season where Vanderbilt knocks off two top 5 programs in one year lmao
Having less talent available makes coaching ability and development even more important. Teams like Kansas State and Iowa State make a living by turning 2* guys into all-conference players, minimizing their own mistakes and punishing opponents whenever they make a mistake. They usually gave Texas and Oklahoma a run for their money and they recruited at a way higher level than West Virginia could ever dream of, no matter who they hire.
wtf is wrong with this school
>they recruited at a way higher level than West Virginia could ever dream of
Anon, WV had better recruiting classes than both of those schools in 2021 and 2022. In 2023, they were within 15 spots of each other. You're statement is just not true at all.
why did you reply to yourself?
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>Alabama fans after they lost again.
How long does DeBoer last?
Georgia only chokes against Alabama (except 2021 natty game).
and they currently have a better class than both of those teams in 2024 rankings, but of course, those still have a long way to go.
They'll slide into an 8-4 cushion with some shitbowl then regroup next year and be right back. I'm sure gaylem will catch whatever meme magic high Brian Kelly keeps riding on and get bama back on track
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
Not even me faggit lol
Baby still mad about ‘22
Every school and institution is like this now, Austin was just ahead of the curve. (((Guess why))). My field I thought was somewhat based still because of the large concentrations of huwhite chuds in most of my jobs and the other day I got an email about a nonbinary hiring initiative.
I'm talking about Texas and Oklahoma recruiting at a much higher level than West Virginia, not Iowa State and Kansas State. My point is the bluebloods still got into dogfights with those kinds of Big 12 teams that don't recruit at a very high level, despite having rosters full of 4* and 5* recruits. Out-talenting the competition is difficult for schools with much better classes than West Virginia to pull off. It's not as simple as "Hire Jimbo and you'll win the Big 12."
>blue bloods

Anyone else glad kobe bryant died screaming? I don't even watch the NBA, I'm just amused by the whole thing.
If WVU hires Jimbo it would play out like a watered down version of 2010s Texas
>sign the best classes in the Big 12, though not as good as what Texas signed
>still shart your way to 4-7 losses a year because you are at a serious coaching disadvantage on most game days
Venables has recruited well, turned the defense around, and did put up a top-10 offense 2/3 years at OU. He will get one more year to fix the offense but it's the worst I've ever seen. There's maybe one OL that is even capable of D1 football and he's playing out of position. Every single player on the offense has regressed, the RBs don't make anyone miss and can't outrun anyone, and the QBs don't know what the fuck they're doing. To go from putting up 700 yards in a bowl game to a bottom 10 unit the next year is catastrophic. How the coaches haven't completely lost the locker room is absurd. Demarco and JFF will be out as well.
People keep bringing up names like Jimbo and Meyer but I think they're done. Too old and out of the game for too long.
The best 2 SEC teams got blown the fuck out by a team UCF handled easily, so not likely.
If we're calling any non-AP/coaches natties memes, UCF wouldn't make the top 10. Off the top of my head,
>1964 Arkansas
>1938 Tennessee
>1962 Ole Miss
>1942 Georgia
>1952 Georgia Kek
>1947 Michigan
>1960 Washington and Iowa
>1966 Michigan State
>1946 Army
Jimbo was never actually good at more than recruiting. Meyer was elite and his Jags tenure was shockingly bad and I still don't know what he meant by it.
Which one, Colley or Sagarin?
Power rankings are pretty good at predicting future results as Jeff Sagarin's(my) position in the pic'em attests to. Colley is less accurate earlier in the season because it doesn't have a pre-season weighting of any sort. Its pretty good by the end of the season. Here is a prediction reliability comparison for 22-23. http://sports.vaporia.com/fb-fwin.html Note how a mere 65% acuracy is pretty good. I had a site I liked better for this but I don't know where it went... Found it: https://www.thepredictiontracker.com/ncaaresults.php No Colley, and this has been a great year for Sagarin so far but you get the picture. The midweek betting line is usually the gold standard for predictive accuracy but many power rankings will beat the opening lines. Betting is for suckers.

Ultimately click a link here https://masseyratings.com/cf/arch/compare2022-15.htm and see if you like that ranking system. If not, click a different link until you do. I chose Sagarin/Colley because of their methodology, history, and lightweight, bloat-free websites. They also seem complementary in nature to me. ymmv
For me, it's the South Carolina Gamecocks. A college football team.
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HA ha Ha H A hahaha
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I legitimately believe that if you have a "pre-mature" death your soul leaves your body either the night before or at some time interval before and then a demon takes over your incarnate body to go through the process of death.
>this is just cope
Maybe. But I do know what actually exists with us and pic related is very close.

I can see them.
That is some Grade-AAA blasphemy. Not surprising.
Which family member died prematurely to induce this delusion?
Florida is retarded. Do not compare that shitheap to Oklahoma.
You don't remember how bad OU's defense was.
Right now, even OU's defense is kind of worthless.
Probably the father. Many such cases.
They weren't noncompetitive against Texas and getting blown out at home by South Carolina tier teams when they were all O no D
Why are southerners such caricatures
what did you guys think of Colorado fans storming the field and taking down the goal posts after the win at Arizona?
nah dude watch the games
their offense gave up the same number of touchdowns as their defense did on saturday

no shit because their offense during those years was literally GOAT tier
their defense this year is merely top 10-15
a 3 win kansas team dropped 40 points and 348 rushing yards on that 2018 OU defense
zoomers do not remember this
Remember when the Texas crowd bullied the refs into changing a call and they still ended up losing by 2 scores?
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my gators :)
Fine Texas
Plenty of schools are quick to pull the trigger because they can't stand mediocrity and then they're stuck there for years
That's a big guy
Florida's position would be objectively better if they fired Napier
Field rushes I remember this year
>Good for them/I get it
Vandy beating Bama
Arkansas Beating Tennessee
>kind of shit
washington beating post harbaugh michigan
Tennesee beating the worst Alabama team since Saban's first year
Minnesota beating USC who had already lost to meat chicken
Maryland Beating a three loss USC
Colorado after beating fucking baylor
>Think about who you are and who you're playing, there is no world where this is field rush worthy, get some self respect
LSU after Old Piss
Oregon State after Colorado State
Really talking about Mullen
the Mullen firing wouldn't have been a mistake had they not hired Napier
Whou would have objectively been better?
Especially with the booster meddling going on there
>Be Boise State
>Go 11-1
>Have the Heisman trophy winner
>Who breaks the rushing record
>Lose to the #1 team at their place by 3 points
>Get rewarded with a 12-seed

Not gonna happen. They're going to give them a home playoff game. 8-seed at worst.


>Be Texas
>Get 2nd place in the hardest conference in the county
>Pedo State + Ohio State BOTH finish ahead of them despite not winning the Big Ten

Literally how?
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could there BE a more based post?
Color-ado rushing against Baylor was the most pathetic, bar none. At least Ole Piss was ranked.
Utes OC killed himself
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Ohia state sucks
quite literally any of the P5 coaches who got hired before Napier
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Down with Fagsville
Bring back Larry
>Nonbinary hiring initiative
This is the shit that would go viral if posted in publicits all so tiresome
>We're one guy away from being successful!
Every fucking fanbase is like this and it's so fucking idiotic
Maybe Army or Navy will make it to the playoffs
They'll still make the playoffs.
No Napier is just dog doodoo
Napier can be a bad coach AND Florida is in a terrible place to win football game regardless of coach
It would require Boise State losing again, and either army or navy beating Notre Dame
Notre Dame kinda sucks right now
A weak Notre Dame is still a playoff team, which is something far, far tougher than anything the service academies have seen this season
Army and Navy are better than Northern Illinois
So are Texas A&M, Louisville, and Georgia Tech.
Pac-12 would've had an auto bye almost every year lmao, now only Oregon has a shot at the playoff any given year
coach ELITE
Coach Prime
Washington State and Oregon State have a better chance at the CFP starting 2026 then every other PAC team besides Oregon
Eh, nuPAC will still be consistently the 2nd best G6 conference behind the AAC. Unless of course, Memphis, Tulane, and the like decide to jump ship
No? Boise is making CFP over AAC unless one of Army/Navy go fully undefeated which includes ND
In a perfect world g6 shitters would compete in their own NIT-style tournament. They've proven they actually don't belong and the SOS further solidifies this
And that'll break a near decade long streak of AAC schools being the top G6 school in the country. MWC were notorious BCS busters, but the AAC has been the conference of the NY6.
Literally only two conferences matter. The SEC and the Conference USA
Liberty's best game is against a shitty team that just fired their coach
Wow that is racist and not needed
AAC was the conference of the NY6 before they got raided, right now the MWC is the best and going forward it will be the Nu Pac 12
The MWC, sans Boise State is literally MAC tier
The teams they beat are all 1-3 in conference and 3-4 overall. The b12 is poo poo besides Iowa State and BYU.
Listen up Refbros, if any fans decide to throw water bottles on the field, we’ve been given the okay to throw them right back into the stands. remind the fans who runs this shit
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Based and C-USA pilled
uh-oh monkey fight
Coach Composite
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No Keith Jackson, no watchy college football
yeah but USC took on powerhouse programs like Minnesota and Maryland. that's a big challenge pls understanding
Still a better resume than Colorado.
I refuse to believe that the 4 Pac-12 defectors who joined the Big 12 don't have a shot of winning that "collection of rejects" conference on any given year.
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You Couldn't Live with Your Own Failure, Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me
Reverse Flash?
>have the literal greatest coach of all time for decades
>waaa why is our next head coach shit in comparison
bama doesn't want dabo

they timed it perfectly
nobody will ever be dominant again with NIL and expanded playoff
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>Vanderbilt gonna be ranked
lel i assume they haven't been watching clemson.
A literal top 10 team and playoff contender
Colorado seethers been well and truly btfo
>admitting that you started watching football this year
>ignores losing by 70 to georgia as long as you can beat up shitty ACC teams
Coach Prime Meridian
NuCFP will take into account Indiana's and Clemson's and the service academies' SOS
>Finally get rid of DJU
>Program turns around
Clemson only has one team it truly needs to beat, and if they do they're guaranteed a top 4 seed
if yall dont expose miami
im shitting on yall for the next 4 years
I don't like that there is a scenario where clempus can lose two SEC matchups and still make the CFP
Cam Ward has 2538 yards, 25 touchdown, 5 interceptions hasn't thrown for under 300 yards and 3 touchdowns in any game. Has a 21 point 4th quarter comeback, a 14 point 4th quarter comeback, and what he did this week vs Louisville. He is the only reason the Miami Hurricanes are undefeated, and its so beyond fucked up that you people will talk shit about him like he is the one giving up the 40 points to shit teams... he's doing nothing but saving the day every fucking game and deserves to be in the Heisman race.

Jesus fucking christ this sub reddit is fucking insane. Miami being good again has literally broken you people. If Cam Ward is on any other team in the country he is being treated they way he deserves. He is the best QB in college football this year.
And soon top teams are going to PAC, besides maybe Memphis
If there isn’t an undefeated Navy story then they make CFP each year
>Literally no one shit on Cam Ward

Thank you Cam Ward's high school water boy.
>Program is turning around because some player left in 2022
>Went 4-4 in the ACC in 2023

Choose one
Nah man, that’s Cam Ward himself posting that
When did Tulane and USF get back on the pac-12 train
>It only takes a single offseason to get back on track
Jim Harbaugh rotted your brain.

what does that have to do with Dabo's capacity get bama to a Sabanish level of results?
Why Obama? Did he call him coach primate?
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LOL, Saban is claiming the reason why he sometimes struggled with Auburn but dominated Tennessee was because the players didn't care much about the Iron Bowl but were always hyped for the Third Saturday in October.
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From some drunk guy
Clemson is currently ranked above Alabama and hasn't lost to Vanderbilt this year
Obama was at a Harris campaign rally in Arizona so he pandered to the crowd saying Colorado "has a few good players" but otherwise was outclassed by the Wildcats. Deion is a clown but he understands the political context.
>“President Obama is everything to me. I love him, I admire him, I respect him tremendously. But, I heard what he said,” Sanders said with a smile. "He was here, and he had to play the political game... President, you're my man, I love you, I appreciate you. But come on, dawg."
Why would Obama insult the GENIUS of the PRIME black coach of college football when the whole purpose of his campaigning is to drum up the black vote
Laura Rutledge pissing down my throat
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Seems like an addiction
We have a new "no refunds"
The man with the angelic perm would never
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If Vandy beats Texas, do they jump into the top ten? That would be two wins over top five teams but that loss to Georgia State would still exist. At the very least they should be above Notre Dame.
Oh sweetie, Obama isn't there for the black vote (this is Arizona after all). He's there for the unmarried white women vote. They love Obama.
Sounds like he just wants a taste.
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Just saw the AP Top 25, I'll take the 13. Better than previous years for sure, but hot damn have we got a good team. Hoping for Top 10 after this weekend.
>g5 teams with best chance of playoffs
Boise -110, unlv +600, Tulane +700, memephis +700, libertuh +750, wazzou +900, Army +1300, ull +1300, Navy +1700, western kentucky +2100
There is a scenario where Clemson and Miami both finish undefeated in conference and don't play for the championship
Duke and Vanderbilt are the deuteragonists of this college football season. You can't deny it.
Thanks a lot, USC
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Coach Pigeon
There it is
Most logical matchup although I would have a major erection if SMU gets in
tulane and memepiss need to stop fucking around and get into the nupac
>Back on track
>Beating a bunch of ACC teams who won't make bowl games

Choose one
That's how they won natties
Nah, these 7 schools aren't worth fleeing the American for.

As bad as the American is, at least they're in heavily populated states full of recruits.
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Jalen Milroe is actually 140 IQ, he is playing bad purposely to avoid being drafted by the Panthers next year
Panthers would still draft him
Does anyone actually believe Penn State is the #3 best team?
better than struggling with a bunch of ACC teams who won't make bowl games like they did the past couple years.
lmao at that fan’s reaction at the end
Oregon, Penn State, and Ohio State are all frauds
Ohio State will make Penn State irrelevant
No, my Illini played them close and my Illini are dogshit undeserving of their #20 ranking.
Hopefully Washington memes out a win and we'll finally see the return of the Pac12 oroboros
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Fuck Fox and their Noon games
>Penn State will never play a good team in a whiteout game again thanks to Fox
My guess is that the PAC07.5 gets a five year extension on the waiver to have eight members since they've shown good progress towards that meeting the requirement and it wasn't their fault that the Big Ten and Big XII lured away most of the conference membership. Though less than ideal, that would give them enough time to bring up a school like Sac State (though not necessarily them) to FBS status.
Indiana is a corn school too. Same with Illinois, so Nebraska has only lost to other corn schools.
Texas State incoming.
I still have no idea how to rate this stupid chart.
point differential fags get the rope first
which team had more successful plays. the losing team is at 0.00 across the board. indiana had a shit load of successful plays, both on offense and defense. BYU won, but had less successful plays over the course of the game but had a few major impact plays.
They're on hold with the American.

They want to be in a conference with UTSA, UNT, and Rice.
So you're the reason we get HIV commercials during football games now
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How do I go back in time and stop the PAC-12 from imploding
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Manningchads won
vote trump
>go to 2010 when the Pac 16 is about to happen
>tell schools like Cal and Oregon State to get the fuck over themselves and stop sharting over the Longhorn Network, otherwise their equal revenue sharing autism will ultimately cuck them to death
That was the conference's one chance to survive and they blew it because the shitter schools couldn't stand the thought of the valuable schools earning a few dollars more than them
No way, my dad totally works for 247Sports and he says it's totally really real and truthfully true!
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The media wants this guy to leave so bad so their pet network rating fraud can be advertised early
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The Matthew has spoken.
Nothing you can do.

There was always imbalance between the haves and have nots.

In the modern landscape, USC + UCLA aren't going to voluntarily scheduling home-and-homes with Pacific NW schools that only draw 30k / game.

This was inevitable.
Texas would have just left in 2024 for the SEC. If they ditched TCU / Texas Tech, they were definitely ditching the likes of Washington State and Oregon State.
Oh come on
What an Austinite
what a fag
So instead they go against... Northwestern and... Rutgers?
fans of both teams should pelt the reffies with water bottles for no reason during the lonestar showdown
Does UCLA actually have good crowds?
They usually get 45k or so I think, despite never being more than mediocre.
it hurts so bad bros..
Does he go to away games. Would live some amateur video footage of some drunk coonass calling him a Hollywood faggot in Baton Rouge.
instead they fly 4 hours for a home and home with midwest schools that only draw 30k / game
Average UCLA attendance at the Rose Bowl:
2019: 43,848
2020: Plandemic
2021: 45,818
2022: 41,593
2023: 47,951
Capacity for the Rose Bowl is 92,542
Your new ceiling ass to mouth’s usual 8-4 while they go 10-2
Get over yourself. Cray baby, BITCH.
The king of trash
I am a fan of college football
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>*a bunch of faggot reddit nonsense*
Why is /cfb/ just so anti-numbers?
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go back to your trailer thirdie
The numbers of the Monad, the most high, are fine. Jew voodoo numbers are not fine, they are the digits of the demiurge.
Only two numbers matter
>Team 1 Score
>Team 2 Score

Nothing else matters.
Based and Al Davis-pilled
It would’ve fallen apart anyway because A&M was already cleared to go to the SEC. Gene Stallings had been working on it for years by the time the LHN was announced and the only thing keeping A&M in the Big 12 was a fear of being axed in the state legislature. I don’t think the PAC would’ve been on board with taco and the rest had A&M not been around also.
Gayest shit I've ever read. What the fuck is "bogey move" anyway?
Based Liberty University truther
Bogey is a golf reference. Your country invented that sport, remember?
The ultimate Cletus take
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Why did the (((experts))) put 'cuse-Pitt on Thursday and not Friday?
>Breaking News into ESPN in the last hour. We have just learned the College Football Playoff Committee has retroactively awarded the 2022 National Championship to TCU taking it away from Georgia. The Committee cited TCU's "Perpendicular Turnover Ratio in Games Played When the Humidity was Above 80% and Dew Point was between 50 to 60 Degrees." We're told that stat is something made up by some faggot on reddit. Now back to the WNBA Finals.
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
we did it reddit!
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Apparently the Tennessee field rush this weekend was initiated by recruits. So that's a good sign at least.
No one wants to watch that slop no matter what day it's aired. They flipped a coin.
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did the reffies survive this time?
Stop being such a dumb nigger
Of course the score matters
But there's more to the game than just the final score
Do you remember when Missouri beat Florida 42-13 and only had 100 yards of offense?
How does that happen? How does that reflect on the teams?
Vandy got dominated by Georgia State and beat Alabama. Which game represents their level the most?
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Thursday was the bigger night for college football until the NFL decided to jew themselves onto it and bully ESPN to de emphasize it
I still remember Matt Ryan throwing that touchdown against VPI in 07
I remember USC losing to Oregon State a bunch
It was a good viewing window that the NFL shat on with their shittier but more popular product
>Mizzou Florida
Going to guess a lot of turnovers on a very short field, defensive TDs, special teams TDs
It's Vandy, who cares

Some people just know football. Others create bullshit equations to explain something they'll never truly understand.
Autocorrect error. He meant “bougie” move, despite the obvious.
The equations, numbers, and statfags should be used as a tool to gain further insight into the ball.
>Some people just know football.
most of you are just pretending to know football. there's a reason that the most successful organizations in all sports combine analytics with interpretive staffs who trust their eyes. Most of the people complaning about statistics don't even understand what they are. Zero credibility critiques.
Statfag with access to the athletic department reporting. You want to provide what metrics >we should anal eyes?
>””””””doctor of philosophy””””””””””””
I ain’t an engineer.
In fact, I could go full “””””””””social”””””””””” science and I can take surveys. You can give me what questions to ask, and then you’ll have to read articles to try to find hints that I’m that guy.
The most important thing in controlling a football game is line play, and all the statfags in the world have yet to come up with a meaningful way to capture that.
you can get a very clear picture by looking at stuff rate, pressure rate, line yards, and median yard per rush. Among a few others. what are you talking about?
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here you go anon. they didnt show him for very long
The efficiency stat does measure the impact of that though
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>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of the reffies' tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
Cold War countries as /cfb/ teams, gimme your picks.

NATO/Western-Allied Nations:
>West Germany
>South Korea

Warsaw Pact/Communist-allied Countries:
>East Germany
>P.R. China
>Democratic Afghanistan
>North Korea
Some absolute frauds are making the 'offs if this keeps up.
Every inmate would have access
Football doesn't have enough data points to be viable for "moneyball" type analysis. Baseball has 162 games and just a fucking pages and pages of data and VERY defined roles for the team. The only thing a coach needs anlaytics for is when to go for two and maybe some shit to do with clock management. Even the analytics for going for it on 4th down are stupid because it's based so much on momentum and your faith in your defense. You got a core defender out, well the sheet says go for it. So I go for it and now my ass is in the AD's office getting fired. The sheet says go for it, but your guard got his fucking spleen spurred 5 plays ago and is almost dead. I get it, everyone wants to boil this shit down to nice and neat numbers and be the person who figured it out, but it's all just a huge circle jerk that doesn't mean anything outside of a handicappers meeting in vegas.
reddit is that way, loser.
Trying to send me to your home?
is he going to give back his direct tv/aflac money for being a shit coach?



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-Jeff Sagarin
MIT 1970
IU 1983 Indiana: Bring Back Dane Fife!
BCS 1998-2013
Fortran: It’s a good language.
He's always improvising the same gay cowboy character 24/7
>trying this hard to fit in
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>mfw Freebirds
>mfw they don't have wheat tortillas anymore
>mfw tu lost
>mfw made it home without getting arrested
Highs and lows, highs and lows.
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Dang, he looks like pic related. I give him six years max.
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can someone help my drunk ass out and make a new thread saying "europoors will never experience halftime" and use this video


i used to post here years ago when drunk and troll europoors but now i guess my whole internet is banned cause it keeps tellin me to wait to post a thread. please do this for me bros.
i mean make a new thread as in a new thread that all of /sp/ has to see, not a little post on here.
i mean not a 'response' in this thread but a new thread. ive been taking phenibut for 5 days straight tand ended up buying beer tonight to try and ween off of it and it fucked me up boys. im trying to find something funny cause im sad fellas. post the funnist shit from cfb ever posted on /sp/ if you can

whats the best /sp/ gamethread butthurt? im a falcons fan but avoided sp for a few weeks after we lost to the patriots. what was it like that night?
Thank you so much for this
Still tony
hide a few guns in larry scott's carryon bag before he goes through security to board his flight to the interview for the job.
tacofag is drunk off his ass on a Monday again, I see
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big tits are overrated
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>RedditGOD posting
Holy based
Indiana had thirty-one players transfer in from the portal. Lots of people said teams that relied on the portal would fail due to lack of cohesion but Indiana proves otherwise. Maybe the problem at other portal pig programs like Auburn isn't that the players don't have experience playing together on the same team but rather that their coaching sucks.
it’s true desu. Fuck the B1G
I need that Mike Leach terminology
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>/cfb/ and their fat little girlfriends
He was too based for this cringe world
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Given how things are going for Troy, if West Virginia fired Neal Brown, would Troy take him back?
Probably not. Retreads like that are pretty rare
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Handing out candy corn this year?
Bobby Petrino at Louisville is the only one that immediately comes to mind. Probably was more common in the early days for college sports. Even Spurrier wasn't able to get his old job back at Florida.
Bob Stoops came back for a couple games between Riley running away and Venables stinking up the place
It doesn't have to be one or the other. There are extra challenges presented by enormous roster turnover, but good coaching, good scouting, and luck can mitigate those. A single season doesn't suggest that it's a sustainable strategy, and it's unlikely that you can build a top tier roster with fringe players from otheer teams. It does seem that IU and colorado prove that it at least can be an option to fast track yourself out of the basement, though.
Barry Alvarez did the same at Wisconsin a couple of times but everyone knew they were just there as caretakers until a new HC could be hired.
Bill Snyder might be the best example of a coach who boomeranged back into his old job but in that case, it was a few years of retirement rather than taking another job that interrupted his tenure at Slam Pig State.
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Fresh bread: >>145223456
Ciggy brought a large core group with him from JMU which is a stark difference to other “new team” attempts. Guys who have already run and bought into your system compared to free agents/new recruits. Convenient way to skip the rebuilding period. Plus for the other transfers he went with players that have performed on the field rather than 3 and 4 star bench sitters, which is the closest thing to a moneyball approach.

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