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old >>145171736
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I'm going to bet that the OP pic is not going to last until 500. Some mod is going to delete it lol
are you the guy who posted the fat cardinal on /int/ earlier
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Is this /nu/ though?
>metties think manfred will pass up judge vs ohtani
o i am laffin
my team gonna give juan soto a billy :)
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Uuuuh.... I.. Is Gura okay...? Why her tounge sticking out like that....?
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Can't wait till they blow it tonight and big meat Pete doesn't get that contract he wants and becomes big fries Pete
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nope, i really only visit /sp/ and /vr/
Doyers and Melts, no matter which team wins they are nothing compared to the New York Yankees. We back bitches.
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>mom i posted it again
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*blocks your path*
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I'm rooting for the DOYERS and I think you should too!
i hate the dodgers so much bros
Did nobody involved in this picture notice this
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imagine unironically shilling for denmark just because he decided to bandwagon your mets lol. embarassing
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What's feminine about the Mest?
he was a padres fan last week oh my kek. next week he'll be a yankees fan
I want the Mets to win just because it would be the ultimate doyers moment to somehow choke a 3-1 series lead
getting gooned out to the op pic
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post yfw soto wins the yankees a ring, then the mets give him $700M and he turns into rendon
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What about it?
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I've been hearing a lot of anti-flyover rhetoric recently, and let me tell ya, I don't appreciate it a lick. Mickey Mantle, one of the greatest Yankees of all time, was from Oklahoma. That's right--the Mick hailed from the quintessential flyover state. Show some respect, coastoids.
Middle finger
Guts couldn’t save Casca I don’t think he’s the best guy for this job
It's not a middle finger. It's two knuckles and you are seeing the floor that makes it look like the rest of the finger
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Cute! I love that the ump is wearing a Dodgers hat
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I just remembered all the people shitting on jizzum being on the cover of MLB
and now he's in the WS
I hate the WNBA but Reese and her fat ass can get it
I'm sure the Yankees are very thankful for his .146/.216/.265 and dumpster tier defense
This is what being 5'9 must be like
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>game 6, bullpen game

good afternoon
i would like the doyers to win tonight
thank you for reading
i want them to lose
Too much money on the Dodgers to win, too much money in Subway Series II, too much meme in Eric Adams
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Why are baseball fans such huge fags?
I don't normally post here I just realized how gay you guys are.
I ain’t even gay
Why aren’t the Mets posting their lineup and why are they saying senga will be available out of the bullpen. Mendie is going to fuck this up isn’t he
Why is home plate shaped like that?
I thought they said wanker is playing already?
we are braves fans
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I'm worried we might choke this 3-1 lead Dodger bros.
I am hoping you do
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Freddy out for the doyers
2x^2 = 17^2
x = 12.02081528017131
So not 12.0”?
I rest my case and accept your concession
I have a feeling dodgers are going to blow this one badly
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They do better without him
Is this official? I thought Iglesias was at second today.
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>The infield must be a square that is 90 feet on each side
> Home plate is a 17-inch square of whitened rubber with two of the corners removed so that one edge is 17 inches long, two adjacent sides are 8 1/2 inches each and the remaining two sides are 12 inches each and set at an angle to make a point. The 17-inch side faces the pitcher's plate, and the two 12-inch edges coincide with the first- and third-base lines. The back tip of home plate must be 127 feet, 3 and 3/8 inches away from second base.
The dimensions are impossible
Why would you start Kopech he’s one of your high leverage relievers
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Do you keep playing around with
Narrow scope of reality
Can feel it all start slipping
I think I'm breaking down
The first inning is the most dangerous inning
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I can’t help but be scared for the Mets, but I’ll channel my fears into pure delusion if it means seeing them making it to Game 7
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>ohtani in the bullpen warming up
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my lifelong yankees fan dad put the $200 promo money on the mets to win world series then bet progressively more money on mets to win and has not lost yet and is up $90 which he is putting on them to win tonight
say something nice about him
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Better days are coming.
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Not for the white sux
it looks like he's jacking off
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>kopech starting
White Sox proved this isn't a good idea. He's a high leverage reliever
I have a feeling Winky is gonna fuck em tonight
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kek this is kino
New to baseball, is this a real Yankees baseball player and if so what is his name and is he any good?
We need Winky to fuck em now more than ever
holy reddit post
we need graphs winky
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He should antagonize muncy, I think that he is the villain here, naturally
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winky = jesse winker
what do the mets do after they lose? soto obv isnt gonna happen
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anyone have the pepe mets that's stoned? it's about to be me in 2 hours
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this is all I have
not what I was lookin for but I'll take it thnks
Baby Ruth
Got my fat sacka snacks, mmm got my gushy gummy goodies, poppin' yums, sugar dee-lites, mmmaple deluxies, and some cheezie weezies!
I haven't taken a shit in 3 days
waiting for dodgers mets game rn btw
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Metdres in the house
Irrelevant team but I'll allow it given the circumstances
Say goodnight, lumpy
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start taking psyllium
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That was with White Sux hombre.
The only good thing I have seen Rendon do as Angel.
just give me my mettiejetties
What we orderin' bros I got the L worx with a side of calzone, stix, mf choccy brownies, hella dippin' shit, oooh baby bay BEE

Sippin' on dat A&W for da flava!!!!
>start taking psyllium
Is this the work of Psyllicho Gang?
been gettin fucked in the ass a lot recently
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i got a cheesesteak from penn station
Atlanta bros need to show jenny how to make some real mf hott dawgz
But enough about the braves
Bros... melt some Snickers on ya Snickers popcorn... 1 way ticket to flava town
im gay
What time is the eries game today?
these posts are so funny kek
>OP deleted
Bad karma for the doyers
A knuckle sandwich in the noggin ruined Tim Anderson but only emboldened Winker, /mlb/s favorite ballplayer
having a bullpen game for game six of the championship is bad karma enough
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We need nu tho
My pirates ):
Jesse Winker

7 Batters Away
what happen
>kopech back to starting
I think of myself as something of a professional cocksucker
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Mets win
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kopech lead us to victory
these prices though
why are you poor?
throte gote
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i was told prices might go down before the game

i'm staying home and streaming the game on discord
feel like this postseason there really hasn’t been any good teams/series. The fact that the Dodgers limped into the NLCS and are potentially going to the World Series today. Just proves how fucking bad the mlb is right now. As a true neutral observer, none of these teams look that good. Objectively the Mets Dodgers series has been uncompetitive, bad fielding, bad pitching, blowouts on both sides. Yankees/Mets or Yankees/Dodgers will produce the same slop we’ve been watching this postseason.
holy shit, I checked the prices during the ds and the upper deck was 132 while the level below was 180. Was thinking of going to a game but no way am I paying more than 200 for one ticket
i think it is pretty obvious the dodgers are going to lose tonight, put whatever you can afford to bet on the mets while they're still in plus odds
shut the fuck up
On the AL side it was even clearer, the Yankees were not an exceptional team this year, but the field is so bad they got themselves into a WS. Don’t know why the quality of play has gone down so significantly.
>File Deleted
Too many bullpen heavy shitter teams. That stuff always sucks in the playoffs cause the relievers get tired and seen too much for a 7 game series. MLB needs more hosses like Skubal was for Detroit this year.
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I'm not a Dodgers fan, but I hope Teo torches the Mets tonight
yeah bullpen games have really killed a lot of kino for this sport, i must say. with increased pitching injuries etc compounds that problem. it’s like we’re watching piecemeal baseball
> Winker, /mlb/s favorite ballplayer
I see no lies here. Everyone loves Winky
He's been awful this series. I'd love for him to have a breakout game tonight
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rent free lol
Who is /mlb/'s favorite ballplayer
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anthony recker
Why these?
john rocker
anthony recker
Im a recker guy
i'm putting more on doyer ml thanks
Im a recker guy
Why these players?
mike faggot
jomboy ohtani
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I go NUTS for Anthony Recker's feminine, female azz!!!!
>I go NUTS for Anthony Recker's feminine, female azz!!!!
Explain this.
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My Braves would booty blast both of these teams
/mlb/ universally love and respect Mike Trout
thread is so fast,... no one will notice.... im gay!
We need the creature
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got an ice cream sandwich for my metties
regular season stat padder
We're gonna need the whole -aper family
we need to suck a lot of dicks
Found the dodgers fan
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Why these players?
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This is /mlb/
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Have a tall glass of shut the fuck up
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Hummina hummina hummina GOOSH
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>bullpen game
Dave Roberts wants this to go to game 7 for some reason, and if that happens I don't think the Dodgers are winning it
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This one?
ohtani's fit today
It's a safe bet don't you think? I think any team will always want to consider going the whole yard. You don't want to do what Padres did against us where they put Crease back in after only 3-day rest.
So you'd rather have Knack, who got blown the fuck up last bullpen game, start the game?
kys lil nigga
We need ass cream
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oops forgot pic
I dig it.
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tell me young anon, what starters do the doyers have available?
This is where the injuries give Roberts a legit excuse. Starting Buehler or Yamamoto on short rest is a recipe for disaster.
Why did it clip like that?
treinen's fit is so based

faggot mike
Im unclipped
Banda is my husbando.
recker MINDFUCKED manoah
nobody likes this fraud injury prone loser who is content with irrelevance. he actually pisses me off. waste your fucking career away mike trout!
who has tighter holes? 2hu or doggie doos?
He's all girls talk about on TT
Who is "all girl"?
I knew cubspie liked him... Fuuuuuu-
jomboy MINDFUCKED /mlb/
lets keep it yankgers related
Little reminder breakdown.

I’m not ESPN. I’m not FOX Sports. I make whatever videos I wanna make, if you think I wanna spend forty minutes making a fucking video of the Yankees losing, editing it, analyzing it, talking over it, posting it, why the fuck would I wanna do that? Quit crying non-stop. I’m a biased Yankees fan. I run the channel. I make the videos. You guys can stop acting like I have some fucking code to live up to. I don’t owe you nothing. I ain’t making videos I don’t wanna make. So shut up.

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