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Previous: >>145207255
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Kateh :)
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finally something moderately interesting in tokyo today
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She is better looking than Raducanu tbhfam
Iva :) won her dubs match too
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>Day 55 with no Lena
nice consolation for beating her doubles partner earlier, she's so considerate
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tokyo & guangzhou have been pretty boring frfr no cap
Some nice matches today thoughbeit, curly Katerina, Olga, Lady Di, Dasha, Katie B
imagine the boat driver's view
and yeah good matches in Tokyo today, all of which I'll miss because I'll be in bed, fuck the far east swing
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spot of catch up frfr i was watching stargate instead
Uchijima? More like Cutiejima
oh right, olga. totally forgot about her and she has some really nice chances there too
>playing against Mananchaya Sawangkaew
Really putting the boy in tomboy
the height difference is going to be erotic
Going through Dianas old pictures, hmm..

need her to be future wife
/pennis/ xD
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Maybe it's all a ploy to get the sis to leave neetdom and get a job.
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surely she used all this free time to get her license
what about Eva, when's she playing next
It's kinda crazy just how much better looking Anna is
I'm better looking than her
you just know she's a wild ride
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>Do you like 1 Direction?
Tennis girls (not Paolini) owe me used socks.
steph and her weird english
today will be a comfy day
Katie :)
how to get christmas cake japanese gf
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doesn't really look like dasha in 3 today :/
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absolutely in love with her voice btw
dasha :(
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>martina will never tell me off
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did someone withdraw? isn't sneeder supposed to be on
ishii withdrew it seems
sneeder marches on
probably a boy vs sticc insect on court
Can't stop finking bout naked females
never in my life have I seen a more unfit body
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haven't really followed tennis since the Shanghai final and just saw that RBA, Dimitrov, and Wawrinka raped a bunch of zoomers. not even Ruud can vulture 250s anymore
sometimes I think about how different the world would be if Leylah had beaten Emma
Olga is seething a bit
>olga vs siniakova
might get testy
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I shudder at the thought
Emma would be much less popular but Leylah would be only slightly more popular
What's the catch
i flip flop between liking and disliking qinwen
Why hasn't Sinner been banned yet?
No lewd Emma AI videos and pics
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name of this phenomenon?
woman moment
>play and win the most matches in the season
>lost ranking points for not participating in enough wta 500 tournaments because you're not a shitter that loses in the 1st round
bravo wta/atp
it's about quantity not quality
no wonder they were shilling emma so much
"Emma" and "quantity" don't belong in the same sentence
except for when she swings by Greggs.
well not anymore, but she used to sing up for everything and going out right after
that's why they were promoting her so much. they stopped talking about her a long time ago
I have jerked off to Raducanu.
I have not jerked off to Leylah.
This would not change.
Oh cool, she was always my favourite in Friends.
>Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you?
What Emma material did you jerk off to? Bet it was that webm where she's straightening her back
How is tsitsipas losing in an hour?
Yes. Among a few others.
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for me dis is a bretty gud emma
What is going on?
VK sites dont stream ATP matches anymore and frestreams and such are buffering so much its unwatchable
Machacbros, it's so over
Do you people all have stable streams somehow?
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Too bad Anna withdrew
not looking good Musettibros
who are cutest usa tennis girls except kruger?
damn, Katie literally made Bibi delete her instagram, such was the spanking she handed out
Can I kiss you?
why are you like this?
Mental illness
Kenin replaced Emma in the draw, it should be her SF :(
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aside from iva, there is valerie glozman, sophie chang and louisa chirico. but iva stands out a lot, others are not quite there or almost reaching the wall
she replaced her in kong hong not in tokyo
She's 30+ with 9 million WCs but still horrible
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Fat Donna lookin slim
Berrettini choking hard
was hoping renata's match would be a 3 setter because I have to go out but it's not looking likely so here's a pre-emptive Iva :)
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on court
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Lena looks like she only has months to live
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..without another grand slam title :)
Mpetshi is a top spin career mode player
wanted to post "a much more solid performance by iva today", but she got broken
still feels better than her previous two matches
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iva's serve is killing me
just got home, cam on Iva it sam fakkin balls
Corrrr would like to slip that dress off her slowly while Stan sits and watches
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oh come on...
Iva is definitely ready for WTA main tour kek
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>the two most ghetto masters up for sale
Good riddance
her net play looks significantly better today, admittedly judged from just the three games I've seen
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she's more passionate today for sure, but her tennis is still off
This bitch retarded?
Every single one she chose is backwards
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let's hope she can up her level in the decider
she got accents right and maybe nightlife too
'nightlife' is appalling in the UK outside of a handful of the largest cities
hence the thousands of webms of propah english roses out for a night on the town slagging it up.

those days are behind me but i like the gritty, "snorting ket in the pub smoking area" vibe the UK has
no idea what us nightlife is like, probably a few good bits but on the whole i imagine it to be plastic
Ketamine is for horses :/
As if, US>UK for them all (debate accents because who fucking cares) anything else is cope
they administer it in hospitals here now.
t. not a horse.
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>mfw trying to comprehend the utter garbage some twat is saying after a fat key of ket
no fucking way
That's the most undeniable one there
Can't think of a more boring sport and that takes up about 80% of sport culture here then there's what basically only rugby and cricket (no darts is not a sport)? big whoop.
there's a reason british sports are played around the world while american sports are played only in america
Definitely not true and all those countries are worse for sport than america too
if you love america so much then why don't you move there???
well OK, if your idea of quality nightlife is a bunch of blind drunk morons falling out of cheap shit bars pissing and puking in the street then yeah the UK has got you covered
Why don't you move here? You can live with me
o-ok but no weird sexual stuff ok?
It's not that easy and I'm lazy
>those days are behind me but i like the gritty, "snorting ket in the pub smoking area" vibe the UK has
I was always more at the Es and speed end of the spectrum but those days are behind me also lol
mandy followed by ket was fun
tried speed once and gave me nasty auditory hallucinations
jesus is the Iva stream spazzing out like a cunt for everybody?
I am vexed by this development
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Iva :)
Iva :)

hope it's temporary, but it feels like she lost some of her spark. it's like i'm watching a random rank 100-300 shitter this week, not the iva i love

also noticed that she's playing without her ankle braces now
Iva :)
3hrs 24 mins phew!
she's still in the semis of a W100, the hallmark of a real winner is to be able to win ugly
she's got dubs later too, she's going to sleep well tonight
yeah, the final tiebreak was good (at least judging from the score lel). she can get herself together at the right moment, can't deny
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remember lads, it's Eva, not Iva
I don't agree with some, but the only one she got objectively WRONG was sports
phwoar GOD DAMN anna

lookin propa good

and an actual legal age female itt

propa beggars belief hours, is it not
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kenin - boulter
zheng - shnaider
siniakova - danilovic
not bad

also phenomena (1985) is absolutely amazing
beggars belief hoe 40yo men itt love posting 14 year old girls
beggars belief how germans and russians itt use better english than a native brit
beggars belief how you're innumerate as well as functionally illiterate.
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Love you Queen
yeah i'm not doing that
black women and their inflated sense of self worth, ffs
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Before you go to bed tonight look yourself in the mirror and say the gamer word.
ok, anna looks legit 10/10 here.
>Thousand Kyrgios stare
if you retards have finished retarding steph is commentating :3
I can't watch this until the baseball game is over
Any frenchfags itt?
Whens the new WTV?
katie you need to


this is embarassing this baghead motherfucker steamrollin through the competition
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me watching faulter
no idea. they've been teasing it for a whole week, but it's closer to tokyo episode already
Funny how not a single anon posts about the junior boys...

Makes one, dare I say it,


Said it,

Did I not?
/pennis/ is not gae
At what point does one have to wonder whether that is his actual chin as opposed to an artifact of cosmetic surgical intervention?
If you combine Katie and Alex’s best traits, you almost have a great tennis player
I'm fucking CREAMING for it. My dick is diamonds.
you need to fuck off and have a long nap. really. You're more than a sex pest, you're a genuine sex offender.
his looks and her skills?
He’s fast
Katie is finished :(
holy shit, all that projection. and how is it you can type normally in one post and like a genuine spastic in another?
I am not going to seriously entertain comments about writing style from one who cannot even punctuate properly or use capital letters. It's actually pretty pathetic and guffaw-worthy. Baffling levels of illiteracy one must say. I guess that is the crumbs of fate gifted to a solitary bogan in the backwaters of Wollolong, or whatever shotgun-shack trailer park you were born from.
Yeah, not reading all of that.
and we don't have "trailer parks" in Australia. we have "caravan parks", you fuckwit.
That's not even the cat poster...
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..now they have a working on court camera?
also very cute ballgirl on the right
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tom looks very nice today :-)
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cam on babushka
Nice point
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qinwenbros... are we in trouble???????
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absolute beauty
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she saw the light at the end of the tunnel then crashed...
It's over..
Runner up trophy for Alina and Polina
wake me up for olga
not the best 10 minutes of tennis scores it was
I want to lick the seat off the russian birds
Spagehtti for dinner
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don't like zheng even more now. but to be fair, didn't expect much from diana here either
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she's so incredibly attractive
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At least she broke her losing streak and won a few matches this week
its so rare for s woman to be so beautiful for so long.
coming back from 0-4 was a pleasant surprise, but i somehow knew she wouldn't hold for long
probably the longest time being 10 out 10, exceptional really
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lena :)
imagine them kissing in a hot tub eating tacos. thats how I'd celebrate in Mexico
Imagine being the absolute homo reporting, or banning perfect naked Jennifer Connolly.
Couldn't be me. You'd need to be gay, or trans or just hating naked women.
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sneeder #1 sneed
Why do so many girls have this awful pelvic thrust? No core strength in athletes even.
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Chinese crowds>Japanese crowds
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just retire already
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there we go
Olga :)
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yes... yes... congratulations... however... she was struggling against a dying siniakova
anyway hope she wins it
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kenin had to retire from dubs might as well just hand the trophy to qinwen
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>Day 51 with no Iga :)
why is she not playing? injury or just can't be arsed?
Prostate Cancer
toilets need to be unclogged
garbage meme kys
It's the week before the WTA finals
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>simping for a bloke with a fivehead
maricon burracho
so she needed a nearly 2 month break for the WTA finals?
>No you cant just drape a tarp over a tennis court when it rains. Stop asking that! It is so obviously impossible thats why my multi million slop events need to suffer with rain delays on days end!
Explain this then, you wta watching virgins.
Are you retarded?
just admit you are the retard. its okay.
>Two brits won the U14 junior championships
>And it's on clay
We are so back
Is this what they call sport in Australia?
peega peeontek
Igor Bronzetek
He gasses out quick, doesn’t he? Lucky that Musetti’s getting so flustered. Great game btw
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Lucrative odds on Karen
it's holgover
>de manure
How much did you bet?
Mpeshi :)
Amazing save by Karen
I'd lick her sweaty forehead anytime
You can’t retard Perricard and you sure as shit can’t catch the Khach
Unfortunately $0
Olga :)

also Iva :) in 5 minutes
Gm sleepyhead, Dolehide doesn't seem Impossible to beat
Looking forward to Ivas match
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>Iva :) in 5 minutes
..am horribly sorry. she's playing after zarazua - smith on the same court
hi :) yeah, i really (REALLY) want her to win tomorrow. felt bad for her after mirra's come back in iasi
I'm pretty surprised that she's doing so well on hard, usually clay is her best surface
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Waiting for Iva watching the second Terrifier movie, just disgusting and not even scary.. at least Sienna is cute

Theres this one picture where Naomi just needs to put it away but hits a fault, disgusting. Would've won the match right there
i watched x and pearl because of jenna, was hugely disappointed in about everything. didn't like mia goth especially, then, a few weeks ago, i learned she wrote the script lel
Iva alert, players warming up
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looks like rain
unreal, they were literally ready to go
fucking Texas
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I mean what is the problem here? Did the temperature momentarily dip below 47°C?
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Iva's going to play BO5 for us tonight apparently just to make it harder, she loves a challenge.
a whole night with iva, amazing!
Why don't womemes just rock short hair instead of trying to go long, having to tie it back tightly, and norwooding yourself?
You really laugh at this shit? anyway atleast you stopped ignoring me :)
Not too many could make it work I guess- imagine bogged Sabalenka with a pixie cut (although pre-bogging, I can see it actually) or Igor with that eighthead. Also I expect the hetero ones are concerned about being perceived as typical tennis lesbians.
Don't misunderstand me, I love short hair on women and when it does work, it's spectacular.
Britpole is lurking this thread so much and replying after 8 minutes
Tell you who'd look cute with short hair - Volynets
Iva :)
Iva :)
Iva :)

it'll be a good test tomorrow. if she can do it, she's 100% for the tour
Iva :)
That was quite a breeze apart from a minor blip in the middle of the first set
I love you guys
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new career high! i think she can enter the ao's qualies already
(a bit of an asterisk, but julia entered them all this year while being ~210)
>above Hon
>above Linda Fruity
fruity sisters haven't won a match since july :/
Brenda posted something in her story recently that it was her worst year yet, she needs to get away from the Mourashitglou Academy
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Cute face abs hair!!!>>145308038
She looks very american
And "Karen"
olga made a final?
desperately needs rape correction
i was listening to iron maiden and motorhead today
amazing ost, still can't get over this movie
Iva :)
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Olga is good. Ive been following her for a while, on ITF tournaments and stuff. So happy for her, but cant say she didnt suprise me by how good she is right now.

Im literally only Olga fan here I bet
they don't call her the Karenimal for nothing!
no, I like her too. sexy sticc.
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>Im literally only Olga fan here I bet
you must've missed the french open part of the season
Someone please direct me to the Tennis containment thread with actual tennis as opposed to simplords.
>The flag

Checks out.
well Brenda's been injured since the US Open to be fair. Linda however has just been shite.
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I might have. Every time I mentioned her lately it seemed nobody realla cares
>Im literally only Olga fan here I bet
Can you post for at least a year or something
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>im literally the only olga fan here i bet
gm Ausbro
do you know what her injury is? she psoted some training footage to insta a few weeks ago and she seemed fine in that
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hello fren
think you guys are already aware of who is in this but
Do you guys think Katie Boulter will ever make it big?
I can't remember specifically but the training footage on insta was when she'd started coming back. It wasn't anything serious, her leg didn't fall off or anything. Or else I dreamed it, which is theoretically possible lol.
Would need a talent transplant first
knew Alina :) was playing, didn't know Laura :) was. Maya and Polina too. This gonna be good.
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>urhobo got a wildcard, but not iva
i'm slightly mad
also zarazua is the first seed. if iva wins tomorrow, she's technically winning a wta250 too
keep soph away from the beans and rice
The DESTROYER of the tiktok thot
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This will sell tickets to our most important tournament of the year.
>big changus
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My penis? Definitely.
do the DNQ's get stoned to death in the street?

it would make sense, idk why else she would just take off half the season
god damn what did she eat???
next time she should save some for the rest of us jeez
nothing says 'I take it up the arse' like wearing a choker in your official WTA player photo
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what about while playing
If there was ever a day where someone doubted that she takes it up the arse, I must have slept through it.
she's also wearing it on court i believe
it's now my new favourite fetish
>i believe
yep, in fact she wore it today too
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>perfect player
>forehand, backhand, serve, volley, mentality
they did a press conference with laura earlier today too

kind of a sorry state for a 250 tournament if you think about, but i'm glad that they had to resort to juniors wildcards
I've seen this sentiment on other sites too, why is everyone perturbed that lesser known players are getting chances to play?
Smth about dominating a woman brings out the testosterone.
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nope, it's not just you
i think it's a good thing (great even because alina and laura are in the main draw), it's just feels strange that wta250s highest ranked players are zarazua (#65) and podoroska (#79)
Hope you both need to kys, reposting this filth.
Thought better the both of you. Sad.
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sure hope he isn't referring to me coz i don't post things like that
You're okay :)

Very disappointed..
Why are women so fat?
It's okay Rusbro, I still love you very much
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Idgaf what you think of me, Hans.
smoke my pole.
..w-well then, n-not like i was worried or anything
steph isn't commentating :(
I will never stop talking to you <3

Kenin is playing? Thought she would give a walkover
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hope it's not another months long break (it probably is)
Japan this isn't like my anime, so much rain
my wife julie looks nice and professional
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stadium with a roof btw
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>They don't want to close the roof because... uh... they want to play it as an outdoor tournament
>We aren't want to close the roof because just because it's an outdoor tournament
are they serious
Can't imagine why every casual hates our beautiful sport
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towels have been removed
>imagine how PISSED Iva would be if she was there.
Maybe I need to get on even terms
Imagine Iva pissing on me
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um this is not the time for iva posting!
Just wanted to say something a little depraved because of Rusbro but seems like he went to bed :/
Iva can be posted at any time
probably having a nap for olga. he doesn't care for qinwen.
Me neither and I'm going to stop watching her serve botting now, hope Sonya wins though
i don't either but i've got nothing else to do on this sunny sunday
>rich Jew
>Can't afford more than one skirt
What is Kenin's deal
You will never be rich if you think there's something wrong with that attitude
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i don't like rain
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this >>145316568 but i couldn't get any sleep (a weird day it will be. olga at noon, then iva at 19:00 and my sleep schedule is exactly in-between that time this week)
also i wanted to find a suitable iva webm and ended up getting lost in my webm folder (found a vendula webm i haven't posted yet instead)
And a Vendy webm without her boobs is like a burger without meat
Actually some nice stretching webms from Kenin would be possible here Ausbro
now that's a very rude and depraved post :/
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it was already being made
she is more than just a fantastic set of tits.
>god tier hair
>cute bounce
she's fucken stunning.
:( You know I love her almost as much as you

At least we get something from this rain delay
Jannies should put a closer eye on /pennis/
and angelic voice!
i do (i also remember that you posted her pre-ao gym video here first)
but seriously, her face is very pretty (or at least very cute, if you are picky)
boobs are just a small part of a puzzle
I haver never been banned for any picture that I've posted of an underage girl or somehing, I only got banned for racism
nose as well. women pay ridiculous amounts of money to get rhinoplasty to get that nose.
and yes, very mellifluous voice. czech is a weird language.
I'm really really looking forward to her playing in the United Cup, maybe they won't let her sitting on the bench but let her play some unimportant match :)
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is there a non shitty upscale version of this
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Lied and I'm still watching, just come on Sonya
i'm surprised this isn't a one sided slaughter fest desu
She is pretty good when she's on, she has a GS title and another GS final to her name so
(Lost to Piga in RG 2020 sadly)
against norway is her best chance probably, don't think they'll let her play vs iga
but at least she will be there, sitting in the box and i'll be able to webm her every move for minimum 6 matches
>don't think they'll let her play vs iga
She would do better than Potato
Beautiful. Many a rope has been blown. Sad she will never get anywhere unlike our Jack.
Sabs needs to give her another beating
where do i sign up
The Hoping for Sabalenka and Zheng are in the same RR next week newsletter

Nice jinx, should've just stayed quiet
I don't know much about Kenin but her serve is so weird I can't help but root for her
It's a no look serve and it's based
bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Just as much as Novak in his early years
I think I even hate her more than Iga
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kek cocky bitch
I don't want to get banned but Lena, Sabs, Iga and Pao will kwab her. FUCKING ENOUGH

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