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Let's go Hoosiers!
>Notre dame refused to play a road game against Navy
>So we get a neutral site game in a horrible stadium
Go Navy
Beat The Irish
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Bad Omen!
Just another privilege that ND gets for sucking gay ass the past 35 years.
If there's one team i do not want to ruin the service academy meme this year it's fucking Notre Dame
Did the Navy guy just throw a shoe? WITHOUT a flag?
go navy *salutes TV*
Embarrassing. Everything about domets is embarrassing.
We are going on 31 years since domers have won an important postseason bowl
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Let's go HUSKIES. Play the spoiler.
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and there it is
midshipmen? more like LITshipmen lol
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Can I fix her? Her bond is only $2k. That’ll at least get me a blowjob
Seamen? More like CUMmen lol
Race mixing was and is a mistake. Dios mio
does navy not have a home stadium?
>Nebby already falling apart
Christ this is gonna be a bloodbath
>fix her
but she's done nothing wrong
I thought it was FEDEX field in Maryland
does navy not have a defense?
Well that was a fun story Navy, but back to irrelevancy you go.
yeah im turning it off. its over.
Army and Navy being ranked is just justification to get a team that lost to NIU into the playoff.
I fucking U!
Currently hosting an lbgtbbq event on the field, lecturing cisfolks about our strength is diversity and the benefits of anal sex
Washiting Cucksies
I never understood people pairing Army and Navy outside of them being service academies
Navy's defense is utter shit, Army's defense is SEC tier
They're just not there yet. They don't have the talent, especially at skill positions to challenge the top of the B1G.
>have to play at a neutral site against fucking Navy
These niggas fucking serious? Ans they just let them get away with this horse shit?
>college punters
Navy's stadium is considered too small, which makes no goddamn sense. Just another reason for ND to never go to Maryland and be a real road team against them.
>zero updatees in the OP
this isn't the real thread this thread was made by some pajeet nonWhite

Here is the real thread
They never play true road games vs the academies, this is one of their tricks to only play on three opponent campuses per year. Bullying some ACC shitter into hosting a neutral site game is another, like they did to Georgia Tech last week.
literally couldn't script a worse start, what the fuck are the coaches doing?
more like mid shit men
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It's time we put a time out on the racism in /cfb/
fucking hell. why run a trick play when standard stuff is working fine? damnit, coach carroll.
Is Indiana the best state?
>the only northern state that isn't filled to the brim with cucks who are dicks (culturally southern)
>german ancestry instead of scot-irish so they aren't completely braindead retards like the south
>great universities
>relatively quick access to applachia, ozarks, and upper midwest
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Oh my fucking god this Buckeye team is absolutely going to lose to the fucking Hoosiers.
lol, no.
t. Stillhouse Lake anon.
shut up, dork
oh boy there's a schedule and everything
>Gary, IN
What state doesn't have bad parts except for barren flyovers where nobody lives? The northeast is the most affluent and educated region in the US and they still have that.
You realize that makes up less than 1% of the state, right?
Yes schedules are a biproduct of White society you useless fucking Mexican.

shut up, nigger
It's better than ohio.
bbq rolling
pork smoking
beers cracked
adderal eaten
bets laid down
posted on couch
it’s a good day
>don't have the talent
they are like top 20 talent composite, there's no excuse for getting blown out by Indiana last week and should be able to at least avoid getting blown out by 21+ by OSU. It comes down to coaching and not melting down mentally. They've got the talent to get some random upsets occasionally, instead they've lost every game vs a ranked opponent for like 10 years now

1st drive is a prime example, kick returner chokes and gets them terrible field position and then the OC calls some retarded plays. OC needs to be shitcanned this week if he doesn't adjust his game plan
Ohio. God bless ohio
>muh heckin wholsomearino white hyperborea reee
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there's only room for ONE service academy in the playoffs.
guy could have just posted the schedule itt but wanted to attentionwhore and make a whole new thread himself hmm
>6-1. Notre Dame
>that one loss was to fucking Northern Illinois
>ranked 12
>ranked 24
This sport is fucking gay
Zoomers can't stop the...
ND gets special treatment because of the Boomers and old Gen X. They'll finish the season with 3+ loses and still be ranked in the Top 25.
>meme play
fucking squids
Navy bros. It's so over
its over, send these bums to die in Iran
It's a good state but I assure you there are plenty of white trash tards here. They are at least polite though
>notre dame is going to lose to northern Illinois and make the playoff
Now post their wins, also it looks like ND is about to shit on Navy
>Pitch from the wishbone
>Meme play
big autism
One service academy fraud out, another to go.
they'll have beaten two previously undefeateds by the time the playoff starts. they have the 6th seed locked
B1G Champs
Rum, sodomy, and the lash.
i like how ND Oline doesn't need to be set like other teams
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army is for real
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my botes would bootyblast those potatoheads
Navy's stadium is too small, plus Navy always travels well for this game.
I support Chicago sports teams.
Good. I'm glad the 12 team playoff exists because it gives teams a chance to regroup and learn from the bussy mistakes so they could be the best version of themselves and still have a chance to make it in. God bless the CFP and NCAA.
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each week that passes with UNC continuing to be advanced shit makes me sadder that we lost to them on a >college kicker moment
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Hey /cfb/, fuck you!
wow they actually called that after the 5th time
he gonna fumble when he's at war too?
>8-4 P4 team beats 11-1 G5 trash by 40 points
But why a dump like Metlife? Why not an actual good stadium?
bish was arrested for stealing back her precious lmfao
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he cute
rip Navy
This same Notre Dame team lost to 4-3 NIU
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THIS time its a touchdown drive
Why didn't Notre Dame beg the B1G to take them since they're located in the middle of nowhere Indiana?
They go to different venues when it's Navy's host year. Ireland, San Diego, Baltimore, Philly, etc. Personally, I think it should be in Baltimore (or next to a Navy base) every year, M&T's pretty nice and not in the worst neighborhood.
I knew that opening kickoff was a sign of things to come...
Notre Lame will shit the bed after halftime.
>almost all home or neutral site games
>Atrocious ref babies
>National brand
>G5 schedule
>Backed by the largest christcuck denomination in the world
How do coaches fuck this up?
>brian kelly
>young black coach
>the team from the title game is playing spoiler to Indiana..
No one who is good at football wants to play in some frozen catholic shithole
idk navy is based and their offense is pure kino
Radical rule change proposal: if a defense scores on a fumble/pick six, that teams offense also gets the ball afterwards
They are schedule babies. We got to play hecking BC and Stanford! That no one gives a shit about. Not the Michigan schools
Molly McGrath makes my pp happy
I think it's fine to go to big naval towns, but Metlife is just such a shitty stadium that it should be skipped
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defenses having to stop 2 back to back drives because they're good is cringe
Gayvy bros...
Most Catholics today are either boomers or brown thirdie manlets, so it doesn't help for recruiting
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Non Catholics, submit to Rome
ole piss cant stop the penalties
Ok time to turn this game off. What good game are watching?
OK so Navy are frauds but Notre Dame still sucks ass
Bryson Daily would bootyblast these kid fuckers
cya later navyfaggots
go army
The game has zero chance of being an upset, but Ohio State's left tackle is getting absolutely worked by Nebraska. If he doesn't nut up fast Pedo State is going to wreck them next week.
Ole Piss should be getting flags every time one of their fags fakes an injury
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
Yeah, I guess it's a money thing or something. You can probably charge more for seats in NY than Baltimore, San Diego, or Seattle
Yes but I still hope Notre dame gets booty blasted
it's navover
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that's game. it was a good run shipmates. but y'all fucked it.
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Another scoreless 1st quarter for Hoosiers opponents
IU REMAINS unscored on in the first quarter.

Are you on the bandwagon yet?
He didn’t say that.
A conference champion should not be allowed to play a road playoff game.
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I was there. He did.
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>notre dame gets a quality win now cause navy played shitters to a ranking
Sometimes I feel like my life is shit, but then I remember I don't have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and i feel better about myself
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>another injury to slow down ole miss
dare I say...based!?
>college kickers
dude looks like that retarded kid in the wheelchair
>college kickers

navyfags we so back
>Ole Piss fans booing when someone else's players fake an injury
Kek you faggots invented this shit shut up
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>black le coaches
>collage le kickers
Missed FG

Navy got their first stop against the Irish... let's see if they can come back
I had a nightmare I woke up as a dot Indian. I freaked out. Scariest nightmare of my life
Is IU doesn’t win against Ohio State I will post
>Italian coaches
CFB should just treat injuries the way soccer does: if the referee doesn't think it's serious you just continue the game. Simple.
shitty slate of games today
Nebraska is playing at the Horseshoe and nobody gives a fuck
how the mighty have fallen
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/span/ time boysssssssss
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If you are injured then you sit out a quarter to recover.
>dot Indian
Moderate chuckle
>la smiguela
frodo got latin fever
All these games are trash what am I supposed to do now
Why would force a Naval Academy to submit to Rome?
anOSU needs to score some fuckin points already
Why are Minnesota girls so fucking hot?
told yall oklahoma was the only chance on that guys retard parlay
Ohio State's offensive line is getting minced right now, holy shit they might be a 9-3 team if they don't fix this fast.
Indiana's backup QB is trash. If they win this, I don't want to hear anymore about their schedule. Especially when Texas is #5 with absolutely zero quality wins.
>booked for marijuana possession
lel imagine living in a shit hole.
Something about the state of hockey that makes me hard
Is this sarcasm?
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Trick or treating nigga
When did you realize that Indiana had a top tier defense?
Are you blind? Middle and right are mid. Left is built like a minivan
>Will Rodgers INT
cope it'll turn around
No Minnesota girls are actually perfect women
I look like this and say this
They better win against Ohio State
They're white. You can only find them in the Midwest these days.
Do you believe in IU yet?
Just threw a beautiful touchdown

That INT was ridiculous
when an anon posted that they hadn't been scored on in the first earlier and I was like "huh, that's bretty good"
wtf are these whoser fags i think im starting to believe
Why they say trick when everyone just gets a candy or can of soda
Because your mother was overweight so you're attracted to it.
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>Gus Johnson
Why is Ole Piss such fucking Coach Primates?
>Ole Miss

Why do they have cum on their helmets?
>can't tackle high or it's targeting
>can't lower you head or it's targeting
Well what the fuck are you meant to do
and there it is
its just jmu transplants of they are godly and blessed
Gently push the ball carrier and ask them nicely to go down
I say this whilst looking like this
ask for consent (and jesus)
>Scandanavian genetics
>state full of upper, middle class white people
>good skin because nobody goes outside except for 2 months in the summer
U buy the reffies off.
See Da U's textbook targeting against cal not called.
No, ain't played nobody
>be 39
>realize you will never have sex with a wholesome Minnesota girl

why live?
comeback starts now
Would you want Kevin Burkhardt and Tom Brady making the call?
im sorry but did navy already lose? is being down 1 TD considered a loss now? you christcucks are going to look real stupid when navy wins this by 21 points
>Broadcasters in OU/Piss seem exasperated that they lost money on the targeting non-call
don't forget the phantom hold that brought back that 40 yard run earlier that drive
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we're back boys
I have yet to see a Minnesota post where the women didn't look like golems
Sailors about to fuck these catholics in the ass
Notre Lame sisters..
Move near minny U and be a drug dealer. Be swimming in it.
lots of Scandinavian ancestry there
unfortunately there's also a lot of Somalian nogs which is all these chicks fuck
i new america february 19th maryland and new america football. how type play Navy makes? i never see before.
Navy needs a throwing qb. Been seeing too many running qbs in their program.
Huskies land dragon
How's that elite IU defense doing?
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>top 25 matchup against 2 storied programs
>huge fanbases all around the world
>lucky to be half full
>unfortunately there's also a lot of Somalian nogs which is all these chicks fuck
God that's so hot
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Stand Navy out to sea.
Fight our battle cry.
We'll never change our course so vicious foe steer shy!
nigger actually watch games navy has a new offense they pass too this year
It's a neutral site game because ND are a bunch of pussies.
Still up 14-7 with a backup quarterback and two ints
>expecting zogbots to have fun
uh olay piss bros?
I love the Portal
>have mid college game not on college campus
>no one shows up
wow, big shock
This nebraska qb sucks ass
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thank god the refs in the miss/OU game aren't pearl-clutching faggots like the booth announcers
there was nothing illegal about crushing some idiot who didn't CALL FOR A FAIR CATCHit wasn't a helmet hit
we hear the announcers say things like "Well it looked violent" and have no real reasoning
pussy garbage from the commentators
good job by the reffies
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The gameday breakfast
And /cfb/'s?
Today i will remind them
uh die for israel bros? WTF was that!
Who actually wants to go to the NYC metro area for a game? That place is a royal pain in the ass.
imagine the smell
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Not true
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>Old Navy commercial with Jennifer Hudson
Say what you assholes want about her skin color but GODDAMN her voice is incredible
well, this game fucking sucks.
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For me it's pumpkin seeds
>spend one year in Minnrdoys
>Meet light blue eyed, black haired, tanned-but-white big booty girl
>Have real chemistry for about 4 years with her visiting me and me visiting her
>She moved and married a fat bald dude
>Been married for 3 years and still no kids

I'm still not over it. I look at the ass pics she sent me every so often
Jedd and Cignetti both look pretty chuddy
People told me that Wink Martindale was going to have a legendary, all time, objectively GOAT level defense this year at Michigan. Did it happen?
yvan eht nioj
Bootyblastas are looking playoff primed, bros. NIU loss did nothing
You can always tell it’s a Saturday /cfb/ thread because you 12 year olds are in here talking about gas stations, bitches in jail and not to mention always saying “coach primate” never ever talking about the plethora of games on right now. By the way, do you know how racist and bigoted you sound every time you say “coach primate”? Grow the fuck up

I’m proud to be a member of threads like /hoc/ and /mlb/. At least mature adults post there
Coach Primate
What a waste a of a slot
>COLORado fan
OU missed the muffed punt...
Kek that genny has nothing but schizos and avatarfags
Smelles like stale old piss in here
Sneed Feedmate
navy is a top 25 team this oughtna bring the fighting irish's power ranking elo to atleast #8 when they win by 50
>I’m proud to be a member of threads like /hoc/ and /mlb/.
You're a faggot.
/mlb/ is just two schizo cubs fans replying to eachother and laughing on discord about it. One is a tranny.
>loses 54-9 to Iowa State in the playoffs
Too many vtubers are being posted there and /hoc/ is dead around this time
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oops, left the lid off one of my jugs
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Scandinavian DNA
>freeman humiliates and buck breaks his players by replaying the niu game before every game
Every conference champion gets into the ploffs, seeded by conference strength (determined by some dude in a basement in Vanderbilt). Remaining spots are filled by highest-ranked non-champions at the end of the season up to 16 teams. No byes. Famous Toastery Bowl replaces national championship game. College football is saved.
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Please watch our fights
Yeah Army is going to buttfuck Notre Dame. Navy is actually playing badly right now
What's the best force rivalry/rivalry of circumstance? The Texas A&M/LSU kinds of "Rivalries"?
My stepsister looks like center bottom
Noooooo! Not the Toastery Bowl!
>blohio shart
But Somali girls are ugly.
Unironically, every conference champion should get a shot at the Natty.
Huge stop for IU
Stanford nd
Bc nd
No one gives a fuck not even nd fans
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For me, it will be smoo-Duke
we are so back gus bros
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Shock the world!
Bruh suplexed that Washington QB to prevent 1st down. Please webm gods bless us.
Will Rogers, you idiot.
IU gets the stop! Go Hoosiers!
much less the concrete urban hellscape that is metro New Jersey, in one of the shittiest most soulless stadiums in the country
Every game on ND's schedule every year is some sort of
>muh running quarterback
I hope cumshot gets knocked the fuck out
I hate muslim fighters so much
ffs navy you all deserve to die for israel
>ANOTHER Navy turnover
What the absolute fuck are these subhumans doing
I'm playing CFB25 while watching some foobaw, and I'm curious, does college have no rule against just running directly into a WR to fuck up their route? I watched it happen 10 plays in a row in the game I'm playing, with nary a flag
jesus christ navy
Army is going to ass rape ND
Midshipmen? More likely maxshitmen
Reffies with a rare penalty against domers
cfb25 is completely broken you won't get any DPI or illegal contact calls unless you max the slider
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Rumor mill is churning heavy today that Auburn's head coach has been told that if he loses to Kentucky this week and Vandy next week, he will be fired during the bye week. That will give the interim coach time to take over with their first game being a cupcake ULM.
Hugh Freeze's contract allows Auburn to pay his buyout over time, with the last payment due in 2029. Unlike a credit card balance, Auburn wouldn't pay interest on the money owed, which would be 75% of the remaining value of the contract. It would be a small price to pay to get rid of Freeze, who not only has turned out to be a terrible coach, but has failed to win over alumni who see him as a sleazy used car salesman.
They've got 4x as many penalties as navy today
was that supposed to be a german accent and german "humor"?
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i came.
>are mid shipmen
It's only allowed in the first 5 yards beyond the line of scrimmage
Amount never matters, it's how game/drive changing they are.
nobody wants to coach at auburn except the shyster types looking for guaranteed buyouts.
If you have a problem with ND in the CFP you might want to start coping now (:
Penalty Impact Quotient would be an excellent meaningless meme stat for people to talk about
navybros... the ship is sinking
I'm ready for future Eagle Jeremiah Smith to "Only catch Touchdowns", get released, and have a hall of fame career with the Miami Dolphins
For me it's Hugh Freeze, the best sleazy used car salesman.
Raiola cant win with these cats
Look at any Chiefs game in the NFL. Chiefs get penalties, but they don't mean anything. Meanwhile, the other team gets game determining penalties called against them. They are not equal.
Notre Dame could use a fullback.
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not anymore fageuxt if we win out we have a solid chance at the playoffs
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>3rd and long
>screen pass
What is wrong with Nebraska's playcaller?

I didn't realize he was related to Geno Smith until today.
zogboat bros....
Ole flop
That would be illegal. It would expose the rigging
What game we watching
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Geno said he would be the best wide receiver of all time.
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it's over
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we just keep winning gus chads
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I like how the democrats use these gaslighting ads about how these so called republicans and former trump supporters are now voting for Kamala
Indiana-Washington. I shamelessly jumped on the Hoosier Bandwagon until my school is on.
>I'm a [insert group here] but...

Does anyone fall for this shit anymore?
Does anybody have the soijak version of this? I've been looking for it for a couple of years.
These ads don't work on anyone under age 45.
>ole piss
auburn is the best place to coach badly for 2 years and collect $80 million
>anyone under age 45
you mean the people least likely to vote? Boomer bloc is the winning constituency
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These niggas got butterfingers
Navybros I don't feel too good... what if this Notre Dame team is actually decent?
Well my parlays are all fucked up.

Thanks navy
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That's not going to save Freeze from being fired, it just means whoever comes next might not be much better at coaching. Problem with Freeze was never about his coaching abilities, it was that Auburn is a deeply conservative school whose newly hired Jewish athletic director didn't understand that most wouldn't embrace a sexual degenerate as a head coach. Auburn folks can endure losing, it's something they've had to endure quite a bit, especially relative to their cross-state rivals, but they can't endure a sleazy degenerate that makes a mockery of Christianity with his obviously fake performative "man of God" act. AD Cohen is unable to understand this as he views the world from a Jewish perspective where as long as the coach wins (which Freeze hasn't managed to do), being a piece of human trash doesn't matter.
UW defense is stout
I was implying old people are fucking retarded
All gambling fags should hang
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Hahaha sooners
>he fell for the ND can't cover meme
They're like 5-2 ATS
What team are tyou talking about
My shippies are sunk
fuck off diaper frog
Unfortunately that's also true of young people. It's a world full of retards, don't pretend otherwise.
IU literally third and a half inch lmao
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UW-Stout kinda sucks.
>Commentary says Oklahoma loses the ball on a fumble
>Commentary says one play later Oklahoma recovers the ball
>Commentary says Oklahoma QB Jackson Arnold hands the ball off
>The exact opposite happens in reality as they say this
What game
these ads are bbased on the idea that the institutions in this country are legitimate and people still believe in them. But really only Democrats do these days.
>College kickers
Poosier bros, our o-line just got exposed
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im off to wage slave
Probably the Sooners
why has ohio state had this kicker for years

American Truck Simulator
You're jumping timelines anons. You're in the berenstain bears timeline rn
Fumblahoma vs Ole miss
Maybe the average pleb does but anyone actually part of the circus knows it's all crap, left or right doesn't matter. They all do what they're told to do.
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I heard texas is bringing golf balls since the put up the bottle net
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Pure mid
>jaxson shart slid short
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Top right will age the best
Kiffin has huffed too many farts
>4th and 1
>run an end around deep in your own backfield
Awful fucking taste
If you honestly prefer bottom-right is to bottom-left you deserve to be shot
lads what should i get off ubereats for lunch? havent eaten yet should i get breakfast/brunch food or real lunch food?
i just had a person knock on my door and hand me flyers for political candidates. i told them im a felon and cant vote
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I would take Dylan Raiola right now over any QB in next year's draft
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When I'm in a retarded play call competition and my opponent is Lane Kiffin
Agreed. I prefer 5'0 150 pound latina mongrels! My booty!
>1st and goal from the 1
>kick a fg

fuck off Indiana
Sad, you can do better bro
Absolutely grim boat bros. Freeman acting like he's pounding a good team
Ole miss helmets have cum all over them
>golf balls
Anyone got the Lane Kiffin webm?
Marcus Satterfield cleans up.
>Jaxson Dart
>father is named Brandon not Jax
did he get cucked?
Mid cope
>rig ten refs
Massive refball in columbus Ohio
Letting women name boys was a mistake
Aiden kaiden Brayden Jayden
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MY reffies strike again!
holy refball
ol shit
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shut the heck up frog
They're acting like it would be some huge upset if OU were to beat Ole Miss but would it really?
Blowhio State guaranteed 1st round exit
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>people unironically thought Gayvy could beat my god-tier Irish
You faggots seriously though we were gonna just take that L against the Texas crowd and do nothing about it?
>college kic-ACK
What did the reffies do now?

They might not even make it. If they lose to PSU and IU they will have 3 losses.
college FUCKING kickers
blow jew is shit but ole piss is just not very good idk why the power rankings and vegas suck them off cause they beat retard tech by 75
>If they lose to "Free win" and "Free win", they might miss the playoffs!
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Texass bros... it's over
random incomplete pass where the reciever lightly touched the CB was called OPI pushing sneedhuskers out of FG range at end of half, thankfully the based college kicker hit a 57 yarder and fucked up the refs script
Fartmouth kicking off against one-loss Columbia, as they try to remain the only undefeated Ivy
First they got jewed out of 30 seconds due to a bad spot that left the clock running
>navy is complete dogshit
have you watched this game? Ohio State's offensive line is cheeks. their senior LT is getting bamboozled by a freshman.
they would need a miraculous turnaround to be competitive in either of those games.
>Incomplete pass
>Minimal contact both ways
>Refs throw flag
>Everyone assumes ticky tack DPI
>They call even tickier, tackier, OPI
>Ended up not mattering as the kicker still made the FG
my reffies :)
>anOSU needing refball to compete with Sneedbraska
the absolute state of the blowhio state cuckeyes and cryin ryan gay
>college kicker hit a 57 yarder
Come one, there is no way the reffies could have known that would happen.
They played Oregon in an extremely close game on the road where they were driving down the field a couple of unfortunate mishaps prevented them from kicking a game winning FG. Penn State and Illinois aren't in the same league and they will beat them comfortably.
Have you watched Penn State? They haven't had a game against a top 120 opponent yet this season and yet every game has been close
missing the part where they didnt award nebraska a first down with a bad spot and 40 seconds came off the clock
Not only that, it was a BACKUP kicker
>Horvath over 100 rushing yards on ND
yeah bryson daily is going to bend over south bend
An eregregious spot worse than the niu domer spot
How can texass students throw a bottle that far, anyway? Do they have little mechanical trebuchets on their mobility scooters? Mobile midget artillery brigades roaming around the nation launching water bottles onto fields is not a "tradition" I look forward to witnessing unless the victorious team's fans can bring one home, no questions asked.
if Nebraska doesn't shitcan their OC Raiola should leave, he's wasting his talent trying to work with this shit playbook
and what makes you think oregon is any good? cause they beat boise state and oregano state?
Ole miss looks so sloppy
It's really funny how amateurish the Mississippi State/Arkansas stream is, despite being two SEC schools
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Why are we pretending sneedhuskers were good in the past 15 years
Penn Sttae are dogshit, same as every other year
Gerogia is still the best team in /cfb/ don't know why so many people forget that
considering how bad everyone else has looked this season being 7-0 counts for a lot more.
They look so bad lol
Is Kiffins seat hot? It seems like every year he loses games in dumbest ways
I rate Oregon over Pedo State and Illinois any day. That's just common sense.
>All that for 7 points
Oilcuck's joke of a heisman campaign will be brought to a brutal end
>Lane Kiffin-coached team is fraudulent

Many such cases
Ole Piss gets ranked preseason top 10 every single year and then proceeds to do absolute jack shit
It just means more, baby.
they're the SEC version of Pedo State minus a fluke conference title in the last decade
Freeze didn't travel to Kentucky with the rest of the team. He's flying in today for the game. He claims it was due to food poisoning but he was seen in the athletics facilities all week. Probably had to stay behind to meet with the top brass about his job and is using the food poisoning story as an excuse. He can also use that as an excuse for his shitty coaching if they lose tonight.
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half time is here, what are we watching now?
>is that Patrick Mahomes
SHUT THE FUCK UP! Goddamn, I'm so goddamn tired of everyone getting compared to Mahomes. Guess what, Mahomes is absolute ass this season, and he constantly gets bailed out by the refs. Literally has the most Interceptions overturned by flags by a large margin since he was named starter.
>Every team that loses their starting QB and puts in a clearly over their head QB of tomorrow struggles
>Indiana is exactly the same as before
Maybe they are a team of destiny
indiana just started
>Ohio State only up 14-6
Yeah they're losing st least one more
no dpi?
>Washington immediately gets a meme INT
maybe you should shut the FUCK up
He's dogshit and should've never been hired.
wow bold prediction
Yeah, in the conference championship
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>Lane Kiffin brings in top portal class filled with guys with character issues
>Media overhypes Ole Piss
>They proceed to go 8-4 because their portal players are shit
Many such cases!
Go back to discord, zoomnigger
ULM will always be La Tech's bitches.
Plz go back to pol
>there were people calling this Ole Piss team a possible SEC contender and maybe even a dark horse playoff team
Indiana? Put it in the BINdiana
Refs just came out and said fuck calling any penalties on Washington
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don’t trust him
Based reffies
a retard who got another year by blaming the QB's Nebraska had last. Everybody ignores the fact he handpicked Jeff Sims the turnover machine out of the transfer portal and this year the offense is even worse despite a 5 star QB
Duh he's a backup
Rourke would be winning by 3 scores
>couldn't beat >Hendon Hooker for the start at Tennessee
>thought he was gonna be the savior for Indiana
Doubles decides what I have for lunch

I’ll start

Buffalo Wild Wings
this mutt might actually be uglier than Rattler, dios mio
black tar heroin
Avocados from Mexico
Gyro with potatoes
my bussy with bbq sauce
Uncooked oats
One slice of white bread.
He was forced into football by his dad. I don't think he even likes it
racial status?
Looks like that palm tree pokemon
Like, a guys sweaty hairy stinky asshole
go find your local homeless meth addict
suck every drop of cum out of his balls
delicious protein
Ketchup packet
is he white?
human adrenochrome
Salad with no dressing
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A single skittle
dirt and ketchup
Vandy beating Texas too would be the absolute funniest shit
what an asshole.
semen (any source)
Autism Fuel Bowl
Thanks, brother. I’m going to a local place to grab a pie! Fuck Pizza Hut, papa John’s, dominos and little Caesar’s
I win! Go IU!
Hey man Little Caesars might be shit but at least it's cheap
the Shaq-a-roni is back btw
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Haha pidser
First down! Hoosiers can't be stopped!
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>grab a pie!
App state is leading GA state 8-3 and they have a safety
them and Subway are the same: they were worth it at $5 and not a penny more
fuck them both for raising prices for the quality of slop they put out
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Pro tip, ask Little Caesars to make your pizza well done
>guarantees a fresh pizza
>much better quality because normally their pizzas are a bit undercooked
>le black wamen military leader
they aren't $5 anymore wtf?
Who do I bet on ?
you don't, betting is the ultimate kikery.
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Rourke??? Is that you. ?
Only bet to support your local native tribe
Nope, inflation has fucked everything and everyone
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Love, anon
Heidenreich is such a based name for a Football Player
Notre dame has a legitimate shot at the national title and you are coping if you think otherwise
Some companies use inflation as an excuse to gouge as much as possible, far beyond the actual inflation rate
What stadium

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