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previous: >>145311050
Coomer thread
please someone make another one
no perdio boca
Kek, paulistas voted for nunes kkkkkkk
la vem o merdestino falar de politica
/BocaLives/ ? /CopaSeethes/
Thank god there's no 4chan in the mountains
god damn she's so beautiful
The movie evita in argentina is called "like a virgin"
lmao i love that little retard
>pol pot Fernandez
>pol fernandez sent off
>bombonera crowd claps for him
what a bunch of cucks
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Doesnt change the fact sao paulo is the forefront of br football
Primera cosa buena que hace pol hahahahaha

Brey just saved Boca from an embarrassing home loss to Riestra
it's so over, Romero chads...
how do i import cute bolivian gf?
God imagine if they scored lmao
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How will be this final?
Jurassic Park in Uruguay is called "A normal day"
Vignolo was fucking pissed towards the end lol
>was begging for more time
>told boca's players how they should cross three times
>complained when Riestra's keeper stalled for time
>begged for penalty kicks
>heroic tie with 10 men
os sulistas foram dar a bunda e o fio morreu
eu quero um trombone fone
and fortaleza voted the Ass Shaver.
in argentina it would be
>Lo comediante
in Portugal
>O engraçado
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This is some FM bullshit
Boca can't finish for shit
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primeiro vc é um macaco
segundo é paulistano, seu macaco
os gaúchos votaram no cara da enchente kkkkkkkkkkk bananil
vlw, dr.
Movies in Argentina
>Lo morcego hombre
Brokeback Mountain
>La Montaña del amor
Death Wish
>La Muerte Desejeo
>La terminación
>Lo Padriño
Lord of the Rings
>Don de los aneles
Fast and Furious
>rápidos y nervuesos
me on the right
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vlw blz
nice gif btw
Cyrano de Bergerac is called "pibe con la nariz pequeña" in argentina
what about pinocchio?
vsf porra imagem de merda
por isso voces são tão frustrados
Home Alone
>Solito en casa
Dumb and Dumber
>Burrito y lo más burro
El Narigudo
Based pic
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>Don't buy Galoppo
>Don't liberate Pol Fernandez
I dont know if it's a coincidence but Boca is being humiliated on a daily basis after that
>Brother's boyfriend showed up with flip flops saying "pra cima deles mengooo"
What do I do in this scenario?
>brother's boyfriend
Ignacio Arce is a good keeper, memes aside
cavani saving boca again ... and you pay him by insulting him ... he just needs more time
I was going to post something like that just now
Oitavos reducido
They scored 1 goal in 23 shots. If someone's to blame is him
Esa comida es paella....o pa nosotros?
>after that disastrous debate on globo
holy shit, democracy has fallen
he's not at 100%
So who's gonna win: Frente Ampla or Nacional?
>lema injured
cherry on top of this shitfest
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coalicion winning bigly
Como é ruim ser colorado
como é ruim ser dentidad soberana
>frente amplia
calvo bros we won
>A Frente Ampla (em espanhol/castelhano: Frente Amplio, FA) é uma coalizão eleitoral artiguista, populista, democrática, anti-oligárquica, anti-imperialista, antirracista e anti-patriarcal[2] de centro-esquerda a esquerda[7][8] do Uruguai. Dela fazem parte vários partidos políticos e organizações da sociedade civil
fuck a.nal and fuck coomers
>2030 lacalle wins again
lefty bros .....
who are the good guys and who are the commiecucks?
have dino players said anything about who they'd vote?
commiecucks are losing bigly, they thought they get 50% in the first round kek
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good evening sirs, please vote on our equipo
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my nigga salle so close to senado
Why do gays love the left so much
Good guys:
Salle (identidad soberana)
Everyone else, literally sending all our taxes to israel and spending billions buying an overpriced placebo to (((pfizer)))
isn't partido colorado the one from the paraguay war?
yea but they're (((social democrats))) now
i'll show you my frente ampla
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>Kranevitter - Lanzini - Mastantuono
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my goodness anon
perro loko
>muh heckin yoruguan ron paul bernie sanders
The cumback is real
None of that, he's just an antisemite (like me), who likes the "agenda 2030" euphemism to describe jews.
did atletico and putfire played their B team in the last round of favelão?
gordaska ... easy on the bizcochos ...
gorda d+ quando bater no muro será na velocidade da luz
Built for your big brazilian cock
I don't want her.
the wall is coming
Is this her current status? Because this is anything but sexo
It already arrived
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dubs and I go buy a brahma joaqui edition and I tribute it
Brahma onde tem jogo, tem Brahma
built for the grande pau brasileiro
here the companies are not allowed to promote women with beer
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>It's unironically possible to buy brahma in Argentina
That's a man
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i dare they set a foot in my city.
Makes me sad ill never end up with a woman like this bros
you can buy piss anywhere in the world anon
who are the good yoruguas?
>brahma in Argentina
it seems so off place, right? i hope they are not having itaipava or skol.
You can be with one for $500 an hour
why is she so fucking desperate? I hate women
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I wouldn't pay for sex anymore brazilbro. I got that thrill once here in the usa. Paid $3k for hours with a beautiful cuban
essa gostosa nunca usa sutiã?
>women in op
>this becomes a coomer thread
im not complaining please continue
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>based argiebro

I gotchu
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I remember falling to this girl browsing her tiktok when I first saw the video. I’m about to fap for Antonina Goloseev
boludo é muito viado, imagina ter nojo de uma gordelicia dessa
pqp eu macetava essa gostosa a noite inteira
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só para matar os coomers do fio
vlw blz
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youth competitions are wild

Airplane ears this time
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Eu sabia que o argentino na thread passada era o que gostava de pelos
>she has a porn video
Then post it retard
Thanks, doc
No executivo a maioria vota para reeleição, o povo sempre pensa que pode piorar
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>thread full of women and cats
muito assustador
Who is mujica suporting?
kek, dont look how this happened or how this affected the population
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Sexo com argentinas
Obrigado amigo, voce é um amigo.
>how this affected the population
damn people are still poor? who would've thought so
people are starving to death but we got a surplus!! yaaay
a pobreza na argentina aumentou.
quem come Pib?
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pero cuanta leche traga esta zorra para viajar a todos lados ?
Millos y Cerro
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foi quando te encontrei
ouvindo o som e olhando o mar
foi quando te encontrei
ouvindo o som do mar rolar
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Go search for “sophieraiin porn video spiderman 2024”
has Gago been fired yet?
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boca moment
lol where's that?
>cavani scored
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Los Andes
not a dull day in this shithole
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Good night, bros.
Im back tomorrow for corinthians relegation
Holy based.
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hilarious how only br chads know to appreciate this queen
if it's the black spiderman costume video it's fake, its not her
Face looks similar but the ass is too small
>el vasito stanley
se lo merece
right is hottest
sophie's face already showing the wall
these girls look fucking insufferable
i'm 100% gordaska
Do all zoomers look alike? Even her friend in the video looks like her tiktok friend
Look way to high maintenance. I feel like dating one would be draining
Alright, nigger. I need a NAME
the beginning of the video where they're on a black bed not fucking its them. then it changes to a white bed and a different random girl
Reminder that I'm the only man on /sp/ capable of handling all of that thiccness. I'd wreck her fat fucking ass, make her fall for me, fuck her brains out for a few weeks, then ghost her, block her from every social media and never ever acknowledge her existence again.
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Argiebro, go jack off and come back
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So Mancha Verde is a coward gay hooligan group with no ideology? Who would say that??
thats my impression of all sudaca diaspora in florida
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went to the copalib meetup today
it was nice to meet some of you, even if you smelled
No, I'm ascended. I don't eat sugar, I don't drink soda, I don't eat goyslop and I sure as shit DON'T FUCKING JACK OFF
I came on the brahma can but it was such a pathetic load that I deleted the video, sorry to disappoint you again /copalib/
we talk about anything here but annimey
>Club Premier
I will never understand why anyone would hold anime cons there. It's clearly not designed for that. Anyways, it was crazy to see dinopedo there, good of him to come all the way from Uruguay.
>a bunch of brown porteños
You forgot the
should I sign up to learn guarani or czech next year? they're free and I need something to do because I am al pedo
based, fuck gay communists
learn how to code
its coming up its coming up
its dare
They killed a person
i plan to
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I dont see enough gatos. We must combat the perro threat
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>yeah I'll do it in two weeks bro
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why are c*tf*gs so insecure?
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weird, INDEC shows something different.
maybe is owned by kukas.
that's a total building collapse, m3
that 52% is because of almuerzo and masa btw
They're too based for you
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Today is Bay Day

Target: Vasco da Gama

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Gato Chad's are superior
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>marry rape kill
Boulos lost and got raped ;)
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TSMT enjoy being envious and poor KEKRIOCAS
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Good morning copalib
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morning, copalibers
bro that's a xenomorph
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Now I cant date her because she's copalib material
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bom chia copalib
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Death to Israel
>Bola de Ouro: jornalista argentino é tirado da eleição após votos em 2023
>Jornalista perdeu o direito de participar após votar em quatro argentinos no top 5 da Bola de Ouro de 2023: "Ele perdeu a objetividade", diz diretor da votação
why are argies like this
>kike wolff
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so how did the dino elections go?
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that's just an epic sinson refference
top kek
Does he have a fetish? He also has bart and homer from that episode in brazil.
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são paulo is trying to recreate endrick
he just really really likes Simpsons
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Dumb zoomers
Centrão é centrão, pai
River 4x0 tomorrow of course
I have some money on it, don't fuck up sapardo
funniest outcome would be river pulling off the epica and winning 3 - 0 but losing on penalties because armani
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Cuiabá needs to win today. I don't know how because they are absolute garbage but they need to commit the crime.
Boulos you lost and got raped ;)
Sportivo lookeño
sportivo coomeño
if the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is really that bad to bootlickers? my answer is no
This is their gandula/pelotera, guliana rodriguez
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>quem come Pib
Pelé é quem come pibe
Beletti this
Cuiaba 2 - 1 Cortinas btw
New rumor: vini is not getting the ballon
Love would be easier if you wore the colors of my dreams
We need to keep his smile alive
There is always next year
who is?
Ancap people defend this
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>open youtube
>recommended video "boca toco fondo"
kek I swear I see this every other week, how many times can you hit rock bottom
There is a thread with a twitter screencap saying his entourage believes he isnt winning
so he's just trying to mufa
hoje tem coxa
Cuckito Romero, welcome to...
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This cant be happening... Not like this...
>Fabrizio Romano
Ok so all real madrid players will go and vini balon d'or confirmed
being an insufferable faggot crying wolf the whole year might have something to do with it
I'm afraid this is the vote for ballon D'or not big brother Brasil
>he doesn't know
it's a popularity contest, always has been
it's way closer to BBB than you think
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thinking about this
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stop posting whores, c00mers
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Who did this? Is it ai?
The gourmet middle class hates Vini Jr since day 1
One day ago youbwere saying this was the reason he was winning. You keep flip flopping about it
yes, and?
Honestly who the fuck deserves to win this shitty prize? I don't think anyone stands out, which is very grim. They are giving it to Rodri, which is pathetic, really.
Imagine all the rodrigos in brazil suddenly calling themselves rodri instead of digo
I can't believe Ballon d'Or is so racist
I told you guys. No way was vini winning this, he pissed too much people, plus he is from SA
A lot of players won without standing out, it's just that Messinaldo made people think you need to score 60 goals per season which simply isnt realistic
and call who? Neverman?? lmao
Name a team with more cute girls per number of supporters
Not a montage. Napoleon Bonaparte actually is a Coritiba fan and recurrently goes to Couto Pereira watch his club's matches.
This photo was taken after the tie with Novorizontino in september.
Rodri is pretty common here as well
I call my cousin rodri
wait his name isn't rodrigo?
They should just give it to Messi again
I call my cousin vini
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imagine the shitstorm
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what an ugly bridge
>Rodri is winning it
real mandril fags are gonna seethe so hard lol
he said girls.
Like females from day 0
I miss my niggas Messi and CR7
don't get me wrong, racism is bad
but vini shouldn't be so insufferable to everyone
Apparently Rodri
weird that they're giving it to a non-forward
Of ciurse, it's the only way to spot him at night
desu i see this as a circle, like the egg and the chicken, they were racist ans he talked back, i blame the spanish for ruining him
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good morning
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Brazilbros. Why is this dumb animal unable to perform for the national team?
because we do not have competent players that can make him useful
or a competent coach
why are brazilians sad about vinicius?
he NEVER delivers at the national team
shouldn't this be a reason to not like him that much?
meanwhile, in some brothel in saudi arabia, a certain poker enthusiast smiles
Vinicius is not winning the balloon because according to a prophet he is: muito feio.
Have a nice day.
it might be a shock to you but there are more than a couple hues on this site
mutirão no instagram do vini que ele merece os follows galera, foi guerreiro
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Only one man deserves the Ballon D'Or
só pode jogador gostoso no vaxco?
Vini lost and got raped ;)
but what about the bolinha do ouro?
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christ what a faggot
I hope he suffers a career ending injury :D
Kimmich was timewasting when they were winning, fag
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>wonders why people hate him
who the fuck is vinicius jr. and how does this affects Coritiba?
ugly people need to know they can't be both ugly and cocky
i myself as an ugly know this
>dad turns on tv
>today is the ballon d'Or, vinicius is the main candidate
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now to important news
>Libertadores is harder than Copa do Brasil bro
Los de Peñarol van a todos lados hacerse los picantes y terminan llorando en la Conmebol.....le paso en Tucumán, en Rosario y en Rio
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> female commentator: Vinicius não ganhou porque ele é preto e ativista?
Really makes ya think
Well, answer the fair lady's question
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moggado até por mim
fapping to 2D pictures twice a day
>tfw same as anon and also 174
cabeça de nós todos
Jokes on you. I actually fap thrice a day.
O nomme do profeta?
why are women even allowed to have public opinions
albert einstein
his hospital killed pelé
como q uma mina dessas tem milhões de seguidores

Estamos no fim dos tempos. Mina feia, sem sal pra caralho. Se nao é assim é aquelas faveladas igual a namorada do Endrick que tem cara de caixa de supermercado
Ver novos posts
Planeta do Futebol
Máfia Azul e Mancha Verde têm rixa desde os anos 80, mas já foram aliadas.

Segundo 'Tosca', fundador da Máfia Azul em 1977, a ruptura começou após a morte de Cléo, ex-presidente e fundador da Mancha Verde. O assassinato dele foi o primeiro envolvendo líderes de torcidas organizadas no Brasil e nunca foi resolvido.

Tosca explica que uma música cantada em um jogo entre Palmeiras e Cruzeiro deu início ao rompimento: "A gente era aliado no começo dos anos 80. Mas na época da morte do Cléo, teve a briga. Alguns integrantes de outras torcidas de São Paulo entraram dentro da Máfia Azul, em jogo no Palestra Itália, em SP, e cantaram: 'O Cléo morreu. A Mancha se f****'. Mas não foi a Máfia. A partir daí nós viramos rivais, pois a Mancha não aceitou isso".

Inicialmente, a divisão foi informal, mas em 1987, Máfia e Mancha tomaram lados opostos, com a criação do 'Cronograma do Ódio'.

"Foi em 1987. É o 'Cronograma do Ódio'. Saiu na Revista Veja. Juntaram as torcidas aliadas de um lado e as aliadas do outro. O punho cruzado é Cruzeiro, Flamengo e São Paulo. Do outro ficaram Atlético-MG, Palmeiras e Vasco. Ali começou o processo de aliados", contou Tosca, em entrevista à Itatiaia.

Hoje, a união 'Dedo pro Alto' tem torcidas organizadas de Atlético-MG, Palmeiras, Vasco, Grêmio, Botafogo, Coritiba, Santa Cruz, Bahia e outros 14. Já a união 'Punho Cruzado' conta com torcidas de Cruzeiro, Flamengo, São Paulo, Internacional, Vitória, Athletico, Sport e outras
Other examples of dim supporters to base your claim?
I'll wait for the netflix series about it
>Ausência de Vini Jr. no prêmio da Bola de Ouro explode nas redes sociais
Alexandre de Moraes could block twitter again
The stars are the eyes, the harp is the mouth
You have said thst yourself in an earlier post!
seems like a twitterfag problem
>ruptura começou após a morte de Cléo, ex-presidente e fundador da Mancha Verde
Fundador do manchinha verde AND he also made mods for GTA:SA? what a lad.
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O que, psicólogo no clube? Que frescura!
If Vini was white he would be called Vani
If Vini was anorexic he would be called Tini
that's it I had enough of your faggotry
I'm going to look up pictures of Chel from that El Dorado movie
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They added an anti favelado clause, yuros are insane
Vamos luqueno
If Vini was brasilero he would be called Viniceslão
1958 nt had a psychologist
Happy public employee day for you too
Neymar Jr. Not even joking
based, I hate empresários
vinicius didnt won because of globohomo
4) Skin color
Vinicius didn’t win because his null sportsmanship and his lack of self awareness. Why do you think Cristiano didn’t smell a single boula in his first Madrid years?
>Kante didn't get a bola dourada.

lol who cares about that popularity prize anymore
Based neyney.
Suarez is uglier than Vini though.
Voce e preto e tem vergonha.
>"Amor apesar das cores" the name of the new Netflix Brasil production based on real events, it tells the story of two burly "tocerdores" of opposing teams, Yuri Gabriel Sebstian "O Bastão" Mateus and Leandro "Espada" Gilliarte, Palmeiras and Cruzeiro twisters respectively, that find love in the most unusual of places, jail.
>After an ambush gone wrong, both are detained by the Rio police that, mistakenly, placed both of them in the same cell, after realizing their mistake they went to check up on them just to find both interlaced in the act of love.
>wagner moura and cauã reymond are going to bring to life those characters in a never before told love story between historic rivals
>O Globo said "E o novo Romeo e Julieta, sim Julieta fora un mulequi do 200kg and 1.90mts".
Sim, eu tenho uma vergonha muito grande, vc quer olhar?
Entao pq os paranaenses me chamamde preto sem vergonha
Might become a dim fan
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not perro nor gato
/copalib/ is a mono general
Bros, I bought 500 bananas to
Celebrate this ballon d’or. What am I supposed to do with these many bananas now
I have a suggestion.
Go ahead
save them to celebrate river's epic comeback tomorrow
Banana bread.
>favorite film
>favorite game
Parasite Eve
>favorite yugi card
Parasite Pararacide
>favorite song
Parasita Cauê Moura
I'm a funça btw
Shove them all into your boyacá chicó
>Chiqui (cheeky) pen at min 20
>Set piece goal min 55’
>dubious offside goal 87’
>2 min added time
it will be epic posho told me so
love being a funça so much bros
>inb4 0-0 semen slurper
no chances lol
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Yeah, it's best we can get in this country without becoming a slave.
>there are niggas who unironically think river will not win at least 3 - 0 with 2 weird penalties and an offside goal
is this your first copalib?
Favorite team?
it would be to obvious, surely they wouldn't be able to get away with it
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the last brazilian craque
>winning against brasileros
I dunno nigga, is this *your* first copalib?
>too obvious
since when do we care about "too obvious"?
What is your team btw
I've been posting here since 1976
this but it's Alexander Pato
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anything worth picking up?
so you would know that river has a 20L-6D-3W historial against brasileros for mata mata
I bet 90% of colombian women look like this. I am moving to coffeeland tomorrow
>retires at 25
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what's this phenotype called?
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>he didn't post in the racing campeon thread
yeah and I also know what happens with river since Gallardo is coach
Destroy the city
Cry saying theyre persecuted.
They really are just like argentinos
is sonic a furry game?
A shovel.
Damn, its really we agaisnt everybody else
Neymar >>>>>>
Remember that short period of time when Nacho Fernandez was the modric of Basuleirão
he'll be back tomorrow
Remember that short period of time when Feijão Beleza was the modric of Banheirão
its about time we kill this nigga
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goddamn I love watching /sp/ collectively having a meltdown
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Are these animals based?
qrd on the happening with the cruzeiro fans?
>I also know what happens with river since Gallardo is coach
they kept losing against brasileros? Like the 5-1 to Fluc or the other 3-0 against Galo, or the other 3-0 against Palememe, or THAT match against Flamengo?
Just wanna remember argie anon that I'm arriving in a few hours to his house so we can watch all three games and am only leaving Friday.
ok you keep mufating if you want, you will apologize to me when river wins
did you bring the stuff?
because of the monicius thing?
yeah, the beans are in the back of the van
they assassinated our president in 1970 or something
de onde veio essa imagem? qual objetivo dela?
mufa doesn't work against brasileros
They are mufa by definition. It's like trying to kill a mosquito with concrete water
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Stop posting women
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>mufa doesn't work against brasileros
The hairy pits make up for the tatuagems.
como assim os filhos do empresario nao tem direito de estudar na FAAP e ESPM, curtir férias em Floripa(TM) e viajar pra Portugal 3 vezes por ano?
oh my god not the fucking cat again
Did someone say gato?
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but everyone here hates the guy
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i don't
you are just a contrarion though
I assumed madridfags wanted him to win
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miss me with this woman bullshit
madridfags wanted bellingham to win
honestly there is not a single person in the world who likes vini
A Gabi Prioli, Gabrielly Miranda(TM), Deolane Bezerra, Isabelly Nogueira e Isabella Scherer não tem direito a fazer 6 viagens pro ano pra europa, pagar 7,5% imposto e receber presentes toda semana de empresas ultracapitalistas?

Vc é comunista por acaso? invejoso? As 24 horas deles sao iguais as suas. Trabalha mais!
on 4chan? i doubt it
if vini were a litle less black, like say bellingham, then yeah
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but bellingham is black too
he's only half black and he's good looking so he gets a pass
yeah but he's not a faggot ass bitch nigga
Dont speak for me nigga
remind that that /copalib is a perro thread, fuck cats and fuck that cat fag he's clearly a plant.
most people calling vini a mono are probably not even racist, it's just the easiest way to affect the mind of a black guy, people only hate him because he's a massive cunt
for me, it's San Lorenzo!
>no you see i called him a monkey nigger but it was to send a message about his behavior
i'll really miss this OP
pretty much, yeah
you don't see other blacks getting the same abuse as he does because they don't have a personality as bad as his
>2999 she's still dancing
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>i started screaming ching chong heng yang yen juan to that asian but its ok because he was mildly annoying

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