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old >>145328924
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Mets here
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judge should really invest in some veneers
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Doggie Doos
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He's going to be alright.
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God I hope the Yankees lose just for the memes
you just know his birth parents are both crackheads and/or in prison
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he got em done
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Hololive night will return to Doyer stadium
What is Scout thinking at this moment?
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That would be pretty funny. I saw some comment on jom jom Media saying "I waited 15 years for this bullshit" lmaoo
your great grandfather didnt die in a trench so you could masturbate to looney tunes
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hypermobility is a physical pathology and not a good thing
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Jakey dews kek
but his great grandfather was selling beans at the mercado in tijuana
can we get a webm of jomboy saying FUCK
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I can laugh at Yankees fans all day any day
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Roki Saski will come to the doyers
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>cause if there’s more to life than baseball I don’t wanna live at all
>if there’s more to life than pickin fights with the TV over calls
>and they say the world’s your oyster, I wish I could have ‘em all
>cause if my oysters full of poison I’ll keep calling strikes and balls
that's a dbacks fan thoughever
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Hey bro, you got sunshine on a cloudy day?
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Woah based candeltanita! Also yes.
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Watching this new Red Sox documentary. Already knew most of this stuff but I’m learning for the first time about Kevin Millar’s “Cowboy Up” rally device. Red Sox of course lost to the Yankees in the 2003 ALCS…
does aaron judge have the heebie jeebies?
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When does late night /mlb/ start?
that guy looks like hes going to blow his load
just get me to new jomboy content
I'M NOT GAY. I have relationships with women, and sex with men.
Doing it backwards fren
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hes gonna be a career cardinal
>career cardinal
is this some kind of gay sex innuendo ?
no, LA has all the pull for jap superstars
I still want somebody to answer my question from the last thread.
How many of the Yankees pop-ups to right field in Game 1 and 2 of the WS would have been home runs in their little league ballpark? I think playinf in their backyard baseball stadium hurt them in the long run. While they were able to get to the playoffs thanks to their short porch, actually winning games on the road would be hard for the team because they never learned how to hit real home runs. At least that's my theory on why the Yankees are going to lose to the Dodgers in five
hummm didn't think about that. definitely the fan interference one
I think you can look this up in (((statcast)))
I'm a minority and don't know how to you statcast
spammy is on a 3-day ban so not happening
Spammy was posting earlier today though :(
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Shohei's mistresses will heal him.
I'm trying to make one but I'm such a newfag when it comes to DaVinci Resolve
I trust the bullpen game more than buehler
It’s on Netflix right? Maybe I can find a torrent of it. Need some baseball kino until the Eries resumes.
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Pitching is a toss up even with the best, but he's still earned his start with his performances. Hope he does well.
I made this post>>145350340
And after making it I'm starting to believe that because of the Little League ballpark in New York, that we're going to see double digit scores for both teams all three games in New York. All of the pop-ups that we saw in Dodger stadium are going to be home runs in New York. If we get back to LA for game 6 and 7 I expect those to be low scoring games. If I gambled I would bet the over for all three games in New York and walk away with easy money
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imagine thinking the Yankees aren't winning this in 6
Yeah. It’s very obviously geared towards people new to baseball but it’s pretty good so far. Crazy how much more thee media cared about baseball even then. I think this was a good time to release it.
They had the most No doubters in the regular season so your premise is retarded
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I missed games 1 and 2 because i went to a festival instead, but good thing we won. I saw this totem at a set and took a picture for /mlb/ :)
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>tfw Yankee stadium is 314 to right field and doyer stadium is only 300.
Yankee stadium is also 404 to center to doyers 400.
This may be wrong actually I am seeing different numbers on multiple websites: Wikipedia says dodger stadium RF wall is 330.
It’s 330.
Weather in New York is different and will affect how the ball with travel. Right-handers would need to hit it oppo to get it over the wall even though the shorter distance does help odds for home runs.
Yea found a better site, Yankee stadium is babby park for sure. Doyer stadium has kino symmetrical dimensions actually, don’t think I ever noticed that. CF is shallow at 395 though.
dodgers had a higher average HR-xHR than Yankees. Meaning they got more park dependent homeruns than Yankees
An Edman or Freeman MVP would get great.
Yeah softball girls could crush dingers in New York
I'm the anon that started the talk about the Yankees baby ballpark dimensions. I did not know about this stat Denmark. That changes things. Now I'm wondering how they even calculate that stat You found. I wonder if that's that takes into consideration the marine layer and the time of day that games are played. Dodger games during the day carry the ball further than at night because of the Pacific Ocean. I wonder if that is taken into consideration and what factors impact Yankee stadium. I know it's in the city so I'm not sure how it's closeness to the Atlantic Ocean affects it because of all the buildings.
They had no problem in CitiField, and thats deeper than YS
I never knew this. Interesting thanks
I’m the anon who reckerposts
All this ballpark talk is funny because this video about the Dodgers stadium versus Yankee stadium just showed up in my feed.
The Dodgers are gonna destroy the Yankees in their T ball park btw.
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I'm the anon who posts this shark
did you invent reckerposting? if so, much respect to ya
nice who was your favorite act? music festivals can be a blast
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Tear it down.
It’s especially retarded because it’s not even the original ballpark. just make it symmetrical for chrissake.
There’s a gay guy that posts recker and he’s been doing it for a decade plus (I know which team he roots for but I won’t spoil it) now a few of us pretend to be gay for recker
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Oh look how aesthetic.
I think it's just the distance
so there's an expected amount of dingers based on that distance vs actual dingers.
Yankees hit a higher % of no doubters as well than doyers
I think the better argument would be that Yankees like long ball anyway and then built a stadium with a short porch that favors hitting dingers
Basically if you play long ball you would want a small field. If you play small ball you want a bigger field
then again it's also because of a train track
so kino the royals copied it
Yes tear down this and Wrigley. Fuck old stadiums we need more room for shopping and other non baseball things
speak for yourself
The Dodgers are just as good as the Yankees at going yard. The main advantage of the Yankees is their starting pitching.
It ain’t gay if it’s Recker!
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Chihuahuas are sleeping
I like chihuahua posts. I think you posted a very funny video of dog peeing on a wall but I couldn’t respond to it cuz I was banned
Thanks for the insight Denmark. Appreciate you. I'm not sure if you're a expat living abroad or not, but I think you're genuine in your Angel fandom and not just an anti Ohtani hater. I respect you more because you are ride and die for the angels rather than just a jilted Ohtani hater.
I don't post often, but I appreciate the discussion that we had about ballparks /mlb/. I said in another post a few weeks ago that you guys are my friend even though I don't post. Good night
I saw it. I think it was the dodgers padres game. Wasn’t me tho
dodgers stadium played really small this year, makes you wonder why
Another stat: Yankees hit 118 homers at home and 119 away
Last year the also hit more on the road than at home
It's generally a trend that they hit more dingers away than home
This was Denmark in Game 1 of the WS
What are Dodger lifelongs bitching about now?
oh kek for some reason I thought I remembered it was a chihuahua in the video and I figured it had to be you
Yeah i watched Angels in the beginning this year but they sucked and Trout got injured so i just watched the highlights more than games
I don't see why i should post about Angels in the post season. So yes i'm hater posting rn
(my World Series this year weill be doyers choking a 2-0 lead kek)
They are having cum withdrawals. They need a dose of cum
this retard really posted this as if denmark didn’t just bandwagon the padres, mets and now yankees throughout the postseason because of how obsessed with ohtani he is.
he said he doesn’t post here often give him a break will ya
why would i give a bandwagoner who has never even attended a baseball game in his life a break?
I meant the guy you replied to doesn’t post here often ie he doesn’t know that denmark just hops on one team or another and was hardly here watching the angels this year and he’ll probably leave once the dodgers win
Neutral here
I just hope the best team wins because i'm an Angel fan so i'm not invested in the outcome either way it just want to see some good baseball
I'm gonna watch every series without picking a side because i'm not a filthy bandwagoner
yuck imagine doing that
i really liked afroki day 1 (afrojack b2b steve aoki)
Hey neutrals how much have you neutrally enjoyed the playoffs so far?
I have to say me personally i'm somewhat neutral about it
*Gets stuck behind a pillar*
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Has this image always been on a canvas and rotated slightly? Am I losing my mind?
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I think a little asymmetry is needed. All parks being the same would be soulless, it’s part of what makes baseball unique. Is anyone else symmetrical besides LA and KC thoughever?
polo grounds
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dbacks is close
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Old Wrigley(LA) was pretty neat
jays stadium nearly symmetric
How many of those no doubters were from Judge tho, who has been effectively non-existent in the post-season?
ohtani, judge, soto top 3 no doubters. stantons also up there
Fuck you
Asshoney Recker
Holy kino, hitting it out to dead center would be so satisfying lmao
How good is Schmidt do the dodgers have a chance?
Literally who?
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I believe in the dodgers winning game 3.
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what the?
The digits have turned their back on usagi… doggiedoosissies wat do??
Famous Thomas Jefferson quote
Most heterosexual diamondbacks fan
That old fag wanted to call it the Gayclaration of Intheassness
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It’s over :(
Nothing. The villain gets the upper hand in the first episode before losing in the next. All part of the script
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I’m scared though!!!
It's the hwhanker's I can't stand
Fuck my ass NOW
Is this kind of language really necessary? Can’t you get your point across without resorting to such uncouth rhetoric?
Flip yourself, flipper
Any oldfags remember this /mlb/ gem that MINDFUCKED /nfl/?
ES Con Field in Hokkaido is so dedicated to being an MLB-level ballpark that they even have sovlful asymmetrical field dimensions, unlike the bland boring fields most ballparks there have. Easily the most based ballpark in Japan.
Based Hulkie fan.
Cute! Cute! Cute!!!
Holy shit Yankbros. There's a chance.
this is doopin mental....
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Just get me to 28.
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anyone play the Out of the Park baseball sim games? I'm thinking about getting the latest one. I don't know what to do with myself when the World Series is over...
Anthony Recker
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The only reason the Yankees are in the Series is because the American League is a mediocrity. There are six teams in the National League that are as good as or better than the Yankees; the Dodgers, Mets, Phillies, Padres, Braves and Cubs.
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Cub em!
idk anything about clarke schmidt. can a yankees fan give me a qrd?
Why did they put in the Cubs while they were there?

That's definitely weird.
cubs own your sorry ass
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i think dave roberts will punt this game. buehler will get the humiliation ritual kershaw treatment
Why is Ohtani still first on the lineup? It doesn't make sense
jankees fans on twitter are saying this year's team will be like the 1996 team. thoughts?
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When did Yankees fans become so soft?
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>Hit leadoff
>First swing is a miss
>Suddenly starts holding his shoulder and is pulled from the game
>Have MRI
>It is revealed that he completely separated his shoulder
>Can't pitch and now can't hit
>Sits out the entire 2025 season
Everyone think the Yankees are just going to get swept
Because Ohtani has made more money than any other major leaguer and is the greatest and most valuable player.
ootp is great, highly recommend
it's been a while since I played (I think my last one was '23) but it was such a timesink I had to force myself to stop
would be really funny if r aaron judge gets the largest standing ovation ever when he takes the bat and goes 0-4 for the game
did anyone tell jankees fans that trea turner was complete ass this postseason?
So you would put him in the middle of the lineup for a multiple run homer. Come on Nippon anon you should know that
You must come to see the opening game in Tokyo next season.
To do that, you need to practice bowing at a 90 degree angle a few hundred times now.
yeah definitely seems like it. I'm gonna pull the trigger thanks anon.
You should definitely come to Tokyo.
I want to visit Osaka but I bet in Tokyo they're obsessed with Ohtani
soulless: polygonal outfield wall
soulful: circular arc outfield wall so that every part is equidistant from home
>In some alternate universe, Cricket is the #1 sport in Japan and Ohtani is best Bowler of his generation
god I want to see him play cricket
Yamamoto is the real Japanese baseball hero
What are you talking about?
You came to Tokyo to support Otani.
Osaka is just a dangerous place with nothing going on.
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Shohei should have married an Olympic athlete.
Well I've never been to Japan, Osaka just seems like a more chill way to experience Japan than Tokyo
>WMAF parents
its like that chinese lady predicted
Well you're right that logically it'd make more sense to slot him in 2nd or 3rd now that he's not a threat on the bases. And Mookie is historically a fantastic leadoff hitter. It's just that if you have Mookie leading off you end up with two lefty batters if you go Mookie, Ohtani, Freeman. You could slot Teo inbetween I guess. Could also have Freeman 2nd and Ohtani 4th.
But then again, 2-0 up in the World Series. The order has been as it's been for half the season. It would be kind of weird to change it all up when it's working and you're so close to winning it all. Maybe there are intricacies like Mookie benefiting from seeing what they throw to Ohtani. Or Freddie. Like vs Nestor Cortes in game 1. That's just me speculating though.
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Imagine being this wrong
You definitely can't say that in Japan.
Even if it's a lie, you have to say Ohtani is the greatest player.
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Osaka has Tobita Shinchi and the others (Matsushima and Shinodayama), which makes it better than Tokyo.
No one cares Doyerpaco
You're not wrong, the Dodgers just have a lot of good hitters so I guess they're just putting Ohtani up first for the fans? I always saw Ohtani more as a good pitcher than a hitter anyway.
i literally just told you it was marketing
Well as a filthy Gaijin I respect Yamamoto way more than Ohtani right now
Everyone knows Senga and Imanaga are the best Japanese baseball players in the US rn
i could care less about japanese baseball players and i wish /mlb/ would stop acting like the best baseball players in the world come from japan. its simply not true
It's all in good fun. You are posting on an anime website after all
You're just jealous of the Japanese players, dumb American
>anime website
it's not 2014 anymore
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ohtani has 3-4 years more tops for his career. most japanese players burn out quick anyway.
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Sure thing, pal
They're new to the sport and le anime man eases them into it.
your photoshops aren't even good. i'm so sick of newfags in the genny
I'm sick of you being mad about something I didn't even make.
>reposting ugly edits intentionally
even worse
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>yankcuck seething
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i'm a dodger fan though
You're a Japanese person with a fake IP address, right?
How do you know about a red-light district called Tobita Shinchi?
Also, I really wanted this video, thank you.
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Then just have fun Doyerbro
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nigga needs to learn to scale instead of stretch
He's gonna use Knack or Honeywell for the punt. Tonight Buehler is gonna give up one bomb, get pissed and plunk Rizzo, and then not give up any more runs.
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Send edits!
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check this one out!
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Yankeebros…it’s not over. Win tonight.
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it'll be over in the top of the 1st
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How we feeling today Doyerbros?
Nah, it's going to be a Doyers sweep
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Clarke Schmidt needs to have the pitching performance of his life tonight
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I'm not completely hopeless but this indeed a must win game.
Don Larsen incoming.
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feeling good but the yanks have kept it very close in game 1 and game 2. i think if they figure out their own internal issues they could take tonight and more. doyers postseason collapse has not occurred yet
it is true this series has been closer than vs. the mets and padres where every game was a blowout both ways.
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It's not like Tobita is some big secret. Shinodayama is the one that is out of the city's center and is more restrictive and doesn't accept foreigners even though there are some shops that make exceptions for me. I also mess around with a bunch of 立ちんぼ and P活 girls, and Osaka also tends to be better in my experience.
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Did my fellow Holodoyers go to their local Round 1 and drain the Hololive crane games?
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>clarke schmidt
literally fucking who
how did these stankees make it this far
>comedy central
walker buehler loves to pitch in cold weather with his tight pants btw
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>Poodres were the Doyers toughest challenge all postseason
>24 and counting scoreless innings
the padres self-induced collapsed must be studied for future generations. it's like the doyer fans throwing shit on the field / dave's claim about manny throwing a ball in his direction got to them somehow
Not looking bright for the skankees
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I look forward to counting the innings until they score a run next season.
>padres self-induced collapsed
>Implying they were not paid off by Manfred and the League to throw the last 2 games so they can settle their debts
San Diego doesn't even deserve to have a MLB team. Relocation is coming soon.
They tricked people into thinking the Yankees were good
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>put in the mexican who hasnt thrown in 2 months
Salvador Perez became the 1st Royal to win the Roberto Clemente Award today, and he'll probably be the 2nd Royal to go into the Hall of Fame. Will he reach 1000+ Career RBIs next season?
I'm waiting for the Boone chimpout
I don't think we see one. I think deep down he knows that the Dodgers are a better team than his. And that he's getting a coached by Dave Roberts. I think he takes his sweep like a cuck imho
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>916 currently
>had 104 this season
Yea he could prob do that. Can we talk about how there is no way he’s 34 years old though?
Yeah, he's 34, but he might not last longer because he's a catcher which is the 2nd toughest and injury prone position outside of a pitcher.
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I laughed when Jake said Salvador Perez was younger than he was... how is that possible lmao. Salvy looks like he's pushing 40.
Catching wears you down
I think you’re gay and retarded
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I know you’re just some American kid on a VPN but this is why. The cubs dominated the AL last year, they would have carved through AL like a hot knife through butter if they were in the Mickey Mouse league. Maybe think before you post, just because you have a Japanese flag that doesnt mean your posts don’t have to stand for themselves. Use your head
I miss pre-Manfred mlb so much bros.....
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selig sistas rise up
kino weather this morning LA bros
smell that fresh weed and smog filled air!
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My Dodgers are two (2) wins away from a World Series Championship.
flyover detected
your local "10/10" just booked her one way out of your shithole
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>i l-love living in liberal hellholes
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We are going to also get Roki, and I can't wait for the rest of the fans in the league to seethe as Shohei builds his new ethnostate in LA.
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Half Mexican half japs are gonna rebuild the country. Imagine how hard working they would be.
Gaylanta is on a mission
I say this unironically
I live near Bakersfield kinda. Thank god the wind always blows the other way. WHAT A FUCKING DUMP! I thought Oxnard was bad.
we need to rip up the water rights california has to the colorado river. there are so many people that are "less than" in california, why are we keeping them alive
Rings won after 2019 don't count
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>MLB's dream match up
>fewer viewers than 2018
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funny, this girl at work last night was asking me about ohtani's 50th home run ball, and how it could sell for so much. and I was telling her about the mcgwire home run, and being a kid but I could still recall vividly seeing this home run live in my parent's living room. we didn't know how good we had it bros.
i live 1 mile from the ocean. my air quality is always good
this is pathetic. even 2017 astros-dodgers got more viewers in game 2
She's not going there to fuck 5'4 car mechanics from east LA
I dont care about TV ratings cuz it doesn't eaffect me in any way but I'm kinda shocked its not drawing more than 2017. arent LA/NY the biggest markets in the US?
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Just because they won't fuck you means they won't fuck other midgets
NTA but how much do you pay for rent/mortgage ???? I've always been curious. My brother moved to the bay area and he said he could never own a home there even though he and his wife both make middle 6 figures
>the best baseball player is canadian
I will now watch your sport
the narrow world view flyover cant fathom that successful whites like and want to live in LA
what does manfred need to do to get viewership
Wow wow wow steroids steroids steroids wonderful good America.
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Pipe down Tojo
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are you the guy that lives a mile from the water? Can you answer this: >>145355810 pls?
My Yankees fan dad hates Verdugo more than Jazz cause he thinks acting like a wigger is detestable since “he should know better”
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>NTA but
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your dad
it means "not that anon"
how is that reddit? there are usernames on reddit. I feel like I needed to clarify cuz one guy just wants to make fun of coasties but I want to learn
ohtani takes steroids
im not him but im also around that distance
but my home is worth millions and is truly out of reach for the average 6 figure tech cuck
although if your brother and wife are mid 6 figures they should be around a mil a year, they can definitely afford a big house in a nice area with that income
Seems like an indictment on the NY media market, considering LA is the constant between the two series. Plus LA is dragging Japan along with it.
Too be fair he looks white at a glance
I wonder if 2hu will go back to his Doyerpaco roots once the Padres move out of San Diego.
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It's gameday baby!
Anyone wanna play doctor? I need a prostrate exam >.<
Braves fan please, it's Monday.
hmmm I see. Maybe its just the bay area is more expensive than southern california? who knows.
Can't wait for the next crop of young strapping white players with Scandinavian names
>Cooper Bergstrom
>Dylan Hojdahl
>Spencer Jensen
>Jackson Holmberg
>Jake Vestergaard
So you should stream on YouTube, don't just slack off and play around.

They got the two most Jewish looking guys in the world to write this
>They got the two most Jewish looking guys

in nymag?
say it ain't so
It is more expensive. By alot
More like retardationer
I guess that makes cents. there is lesser bay real real estate than southern cali
i don't pay for it lol. my parents bought their house in the 1980s and i live the neet life
>Real New Yorkers Root for the Yankees
good thing I live in connecticut
This is fucking bull shit. Do you honestly believe it was Ohtani's interpreter placing those bets? I can't believe this guy gets a pass.
Maybe if Pete Rose had an interpreter he'd be in the hall of fame.
You have to go back, crossboarder
probably going to miss the game tonight because i got invited to play tennis. sorry bros
>playing tennis in the evening when the sun is already down
everywhere i go there's dodgers stuff up in small businesses. pretty based.
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hey tripfag why don’t you interpret deez nuts
do new yorkers seriously not have drivers licenses?
For me it’s Ragnar Kjelldenhoost
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You don't need one in NYC. Stealing cars and driving them wherever you want is a human right
yes. An old friend of mine who grew up in the Valley and went to NY for work says he doesn't even have a car anymore and just bikes everywhere.
im not talking about that i'm talking about they don't know how to drive
Christopher is that you?
>Aaron Judge this postseason, whatevah happened there
post your favorite new york slice
depends where you live. if you live in the city you probably don't, a lot of them will never drive a car unless they move.
What makes New York pizzas different from other pizzas? I'm talking the average pizza, not memes like Chicago deep dish etc.
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Big Dawgs Gotta Eat
idk about pizza or bagels. you can find better anywhere.

but the cheesecake in the new york is top tier, best in the entire world. have never found a perfect cheesecake outside of new york
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based buehler. sit the FUCK down!!!
go head and let em big dawgs eat
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Buffalo Chicken slice is simply the best.
NY pizza is known for it's thin center with is pliant and foldable while the curst is nice and crunchy. Compare this to New Haven CT style pizza, where both the crust and the center are crunchy and baked in a charcoal brick oven.
Let that big dawg monch
Indiana has the best pizza
big dawg is houngry
Is it bad that I confuse Flaherty and Buehler still?
How could you confuse a black man with a white man?
>not Noble Roman's
Big dawgs checking in
da autentic slice
Let the big dawgs roll
flaherty hasn't even been on the dodgers for more than 4 months and buehler has been here since he was a prospect
and dont fuhgedda garlic knots IM FOOKIN WALKIN OVA HE UH
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Best New York pizza right here
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You could make an insane amount of money if you genuinely believed this.
my poodres could have prevented all this....
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hope you enjoy whats in store tonight
Please fuck my ass
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merp erm dafuq?
Fucking Atlanta's R1 still doesn't have them yet
league needs this to go to g7, so dodgers will be dealing with a nice big strike zone at bat
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Tonight the Yankees get extra ghost runners at Manfred’s request
New York City is the San Fernando Valley of New Jersey and it’s just a fact.
Why do they call it “The Bronx” when “A Bronx” would be better.
Okay, let me get this straight.
New Yorkers live in burrows and ride underground trains but I’m supposed to think they’re not mole people uh huh sure
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Look at this silly goober.
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well we did see this...
They're called bureaus. There's a gay bureau, bi bureau, trans bureau, etc
I'm a girl
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I need another angle.
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More like Hollow Life, because that's what your existence is
Why isn't Cole pitching today ? Are they saving him for a ptiching duel with Yamamoto or something ?
you’d think they could wheel someone out from the last dodgers/yankees ws or something
Because Schmidt is pitching
When I was your age I watched cartoons too - the difference was I didn't masturbate to them (besides Daisy Duck)
he should be back game 4, but they really fucked up by wasting his start
Let's spin dis back around to dem cubbie bears
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i’m feeling good today
Portland Baseball Club, formerly known as the San Diego Padres.
Has Salt Lake City a team yet?
Salt City Brine Flies
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da bees
It's gonna be a Dodger sweep.

Yankees just don't got that dawg in 'em
Obama made Cole illegal
Does Yankee stadium have a short porch to attract the manlet audience?
The Yankees used to be called the “Jerkoffees” but it didn’t fit on the uniforms.
why did he move edman down again im so pissed
More like Aaron Arbitration Consultant
The Stuyvesant Stunods
Small dawgs eat last
Roberts want Edman as the lead off hitter but ownership wont let him move ohtani back in the order so this is the closest he can get
1. Tommy doesn't hit with power against righties

2. Shohei smokes righties so they like someone with speed and a high OBP to be on base for him
Reminder that it’s canon that Captain America, from Brooklyn, is a Dodger fan and not a stinkee.
Ohtani should bat cleanup now that he's done stealing
Edman setting the table for the lineup is great. And he's a switch hitter so it prevents the bottom of the from trying to walk and get 3 righties or lefties in a row.
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What are Dodger lifelongs bitching about now?
…I need cum….
$100 parking
There is no reason at all that Staten Island should be considered part of New York
It’s impossible to explain in three words or less that cheating in baseball is wrong.
judge homers tonight btw
bet the house on it
I think if the Dodgers win the WS and then sign Soto I might stop following baseball as closely as I do
“Homers” is New York speak for “eats four donuts and beats his blue haired wife with a hair stick”
Soto would never go to the dodgers because he’s the wrong kind of mexican for la
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Please God give me another Yankees loss for the memes.
>they actually believe the bait headlines

come on guys how new are you
Aaron Judge, fuckin D-girl!
rulebreaking ruins sports
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You can cheat without breaking a rule though
give me one example of that
okay there’s no rule that says you can’t pay ladies to break the other players hearts before a game
Gay York lmao
not cheating
Gay York Gaynkees lmao
okay, I pay the players wives to skip their birth control or puncture condoms and pay them to reveal this information the morning of game 7
If Aaron Boone doesn’t get a win this series he won’t even get a job as a fluffer on the set of a lesbian screwball comedy heist movie and that’s a fact you can take to the bank. Cap this post, if Boone gets swept he never works in Hollywood again
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dad strength is not cheating
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so you’re saying that paying players wives to be absolute bitches to them the day of game 7 isn’t cheating? Just so you understand, I’m saying I’m handing Mrs. judge or whoever $100k cash to be an absolute cunt to him so he can’t focus and you think that’s not cheating?

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