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itchy meng edition
behind the ear tattoo is cringe
Why do people do tatoos
we need a resident heem janny to clean up the joint
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one. more. sleep.
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Cody fight week.
I'm hyped.
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yeah about that...
He kinda look like a pale negro
i still can't believe dricus agreed to step in last minute to fight neil magny
*enters the thread drinking a raw egg* when is malykhin fighting the fat nigga?
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reug^2 already ate yo nigga
>nuking the nutrients and making the thing taste digusting
Negative IQ
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uncanny valley
don't reply to me with your normie takes brainlet
event starts in like 8 hours right? fuck that
Dudes skull is kinda massive
he has the weirdest abs ive ever seen
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top 3 hottest in ufc right now btw
I ate 4 boiled eggs for breakfast. What's the difference betwixt boiled and raw eggs?
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name on greenig
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wtf, my bad big bro. making a thread takes the name off. havent made a thread in months, forgot about that
you get all the nutrients and don't take oxidation damage when they're raw, 36 raw eggs a day are comparable to a weak steroid cycle according to Vince Gironda
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he's like aspinall if aspinall was good at fighting
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blud your schaub webm has a gooby virus
Redpill me oxidation damage, bro.
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Brazilian taxi cab driver bros…
You literally removing the proteins and nutrients by not cooking it you low iq tryhard retard
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causes inflammation which causes cancer, almost all cooked foods cause some form of oxidation damage in the body. start drinking raw eggs b you won't regret it, the only kinda nasty thing is the egg white, but you get used to it. the egg yolk tastes better this way. eat steak tartare, eat carpaccio, eat sushi to get into it, drink ya raw milk nigga
the proteins and nutrients that magically appear when the egg has it's bacteria and enzymes destroyed through oxidation WOWZA, quit being a fucking retard and don't reply to me
>steak tartare

Does this alpha male look like he eats his steak raw?
You literal subhuman retard its the other way around, you get half the proteins and nutrients when its not cooked
Damn no wonder germany has zero fighters when they are that retarded
Raw eggs taste awful and have half the nutrients
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Jon Jones
Enjoy your weak nutriments and salmonella retard
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>Welcome to the Black Forge Inn, what can I get for you?
You just know they have gay sex on the DAILY
Shut up you ponce
>you get half the proteins and nutrients when its not cooked
good goy
Only good thing raw is milk/cheese
The rest is better cooked
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I'm not saying Nowicki is a carpet muncher but she is known to associate with carpet munchers and Tecia sure does have that post 'just got my box ate down to the bone' grin
it's funny how aggressive they get when you want to do something that's considered harmful
>Raw eggs taste awful and have half the nutrients
Explain how this happens
OK mongol cuck
You are the biggest of goys
You are a contrarian try hard that is fucking himself by doing retarded stuff and getting salmonella and half the proteins/nutriments
Because its retarded try hard BS that do more harm than good
Btw none of you cucks have good fighters ;)
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Molly McCann has a far superior establishment to Goobs
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eat dricus combat sports meat just put it in your mouth
You get better nutriments when they are fully cooked
Dont know how but its like that
Viewpoint dismissed, you are no longer needed in this general
This looks alright to be fair and I'd rather spaff in Molly's mouth than Conor's too
Do fighters actually make money with this stuff
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No they do it for fun jacques-ahmed
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get that fucking slop out of my face. one horse nig burger plz
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Tito Ortiz owns Tito's Cantina & Grill
Retarded mongol cuck
You know what i mean
Does it make good money or not
Yeah I bet Dickus likes meat sticks in his mouth
Now that's a mouth I would definitely avoid same tier as Conor
I don't mind the cancer, b, but if raw eggs have a significant nutritional advantage over boiled ones, I might try them. Also where I'm from farmers prepare an alcoholic beverage mixing raw milk, cane sugar and liquor, it's delicious
Enough to buy a whole lotta eggs (which are more nutritionally beneficial raw btw)
Those arent burgers
Also isnt horse meat haram
You tell me
Reminder that Kevin Lee has a TikTok famous brother who just eats food on camera
That steak looks like it will be absolutely raw in the middle
they're probably robust and healthy af
imagine being smaller than TT
Neither of those mouths interest me any more wmma eating establishments?
Cedric Doumbe Burgers

>Btw none of you cucks have good fighters ;)
OK enjoy your salmonella proteinlet eggs
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Holly Holm's brothers
did they shove them eggs up your ass at the mosque little boy? is that why you don't like them?
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Ya, they manage just fine. Anyways thanks for the info, g. God bless
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Aldo Famous Burger
Ooh very nice, interesting selection, dessert on offer and Holly Holm is a peach 4/5
>No fighters so he cry
Oh no its the moortalian ashamed of its ancestry
fuck dude, I'd like to hope there's at least one legitimate french guy behind that flag, just by the law of numbers
>homosexuality out of nowhere
Get out of the closet you estrogenic gynocentrist cuckold
germans are big and strong because they eat raw pork and raw cheese, well not so much in modern days but they used to be machines
no problem brother, you don't need me to tell you this but get good quality eggs from a farmer. have you tried raw goats milk? I've heard several anecdotes of adults growing taller from it
you sniff man's ass 5 times a day, every day
>germans are big and strong
>0 german champions or contenders
The lunatic had a black dad if I remember right and we have had two different arabs here it's not looking good b
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big jerry's sports bar and raw wombat buffet
Wow, cheaper than I would expect, even for meggsican standards.
And they suck at fighting
Relying on eastern euros or caucasians do to the fighting
Nigga you are a moor yourself
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they're too autistic to become prize fighters, germans are better suited for war
AbubaCAR vs aBUS
>two different arabs
eh, they all operate under the same gay hivemind at the end of the day
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Semelsberger vs Radtke is gonna be a barnburner. Semelsberger drops damn-near everyone even if he loses. dat wyboi can crack.
>0 won world wars
You are a nation of closeted gynocentrist cucks who are ashamed of their Moor ancestry
And you have zero good fighters
Thats how you know the germcuck is just a tryhard retard who probably has never been in a fight and thats why they will always suck at fighting
>germans are better suited for war
You're the only country that's 0-2 in world wars. One more loss and you're getting cut.
>lost two world wars
>cucked by Napoleon/France
>cucked by Swedes
>cucked by Magyars
>cucked by Slavs
>cucked by Huns and Sarmatians
They won the story
when the whole word is against you what can you do
i'd heem you senseless brown boy, stop seething so much it's unhealthy. hell even the average german office cuck beats you up on two beers
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ONE tonight
They were fighting the world
>Gay gay gay
Get of of the closet italian faggot
Not my fault you cuck parents raised you like a homo bitch and that you got bullied by an albanian or a moroccan at school
>BJ Penn
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Not the whole world frenn <3
Nah. They got a 10-8 in the first but got dragged into deep waters and lost via TKO

it wouldn't be a world war if they didn't
how did this third worlders fear of raw eggs agitate him into such seething
my broda
Germans cant fight
Remind me when you have 1 (one) good fighter
>two beers
Enjoy your estrogen cuck
Japan losing via nukes is the equivalent of the Chandler front kick ko against t-ferg
I don't drink beer, I was just saying that the average german onions beats you manlet third worlder into a cripple
Being Swedish is the equivalent of drinking 36 raw eggs a day
man muslims really are a band of fags in denial, they just hug each en mass in a common bath, post it online, and seethe relentlessly when they get called out, it's insane, women are less hypocrites.
Then again your god is a deranged swine that had a pedophile as prophet, so the apple can't fall far from the three.
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I dont
You do that with cooked eggs
Keep nuking your proteins you cuck
They were retards who fumbled the bags by declaring war on the three biggest superpowers of that time
Did a good job surprising France but thats it
hey why are you in france brown boy? did the man that shit you out have a moment of clarity and realized he was in a shithole and wanted to get out?
Just eat shit and piss and you'll thrive
No they dont
Otherwise you would have good fighters
If anything thats why skinny somali refugees manage to terrorize you
Clamp it cokebrain
the muslim diet
is the one who never lost
>yeah you germans sucks you didn't beat the worldwide jewish conglomerate we fucking idiots were working with
Muhammading a horrific hadith on the *uran rn
>massive wall of cope, seethe and closeted projection

Yep i think, it must have been a bad day when Karim/Iskender stole your food
got heemed early and changed camps.
Pbutf (Peace Be Upon The Finns)
>Brown boy

Nigga your kind were used to play native americans and arabs in movies before
>duuude this number
Khabib could've been if he fought more. He has like three good wins.
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Just got myself some Famous Burger™
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Go India!
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*ignores the seething third worlder* uuuhh anyway, thawlts on GM3 vs De Ridder?
Jones will tap to strikes
Never heard of it b
>potato wedges
Yeahhh I'm thinking I'm issuing a mecha-BASED on this.
I think Der Shitter will get some pressure and damage early but ultimately will gas and get dragged into GM3 domain and get subbed. Just like Germany in WW2
they're 4 years late for THE Ridder, still if he doesn't steam roll shartman it's a waste of money
looks like we have an outbreak of BDS in /heem/landia
thanks for the reminder b
Why an italian is repping for india
and a flyweight. Nowicki is a national champion tier wrestler and only 24 but her build is just too dense to work in mma. much better for olympic wrestling
kek that's what I'm hoping for, classic GM3 "lose until I abruptly win"
I want to see Gerald flourish b
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Brazilian Dick Slurping?
*unzips pants*
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I buy from reputable seller (though 1/3 of the eggs he sells me arrive rotten because of the heat), but they indeed taste stronger than normal white eggs. As for goat milk, I've never had it, since most mexicans don't drink even raw cow milk, it's hard to find even that here. But I'll ask around. You had the chance to watch SĂ©ance yet, b?
ngga u <rainbow_emoji>
The more brazzas wins, the more heemcucks seethe, when chimaev will choke out DDP and Pereira, i cant imagine the meltdown
Raw milk/dairy is great tho
Lopes will SHIT on Evloev
Topuria will SHIT on Pisslam
Merab will SHIT on Umar
>You had the chance to watch SĂ©ance yet, b?
oh brother I totally forgot about that. Not really a fan of horror movies anymore, but I'll try to watch it
post Big Rigg fine dining
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Curtis Blaydes will SHIT
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Ces't fini monsieur Cumshot
I still believe Costa would have fucked him up bad
Nah Umar will beat Merab but Topuria and Lopes are the only non brazzas that can beat serious brazzas contenders/champs today
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Ank VILL heem Pooreddit
Khamzat VILL heem Gay South Afrikan Man
and /heem/ VILL like it
>Ohh man can you BELIEVE the PILLOWFIST this can just threw?? Ahahahah *keels over laughing*

Tell me again how Garth got """knocked out"""
And thats why you are a fightlet nation
Costa has literally zero good weapons in his game
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>Ank VILL heem Pooreddit
who's gonna tell him?
notice his eyes are already closed before the alleged heem
His short T-rex arms would dig underhooks faster than Cumshot can suck Kadyrov cock. Costa heems Cumshot and that's facts
blud really be lyin on the internet ::skull::
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Ank is retarded but if he can mix he can do it
Chimaev would literally murder Pereira tho
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Ankaturd best win is Johnny Walker I'm afraid. He gets heemed ten times out of ten
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Hollowgays are simply so deranged over Gaethje's win that they create a fictional reality in which he won just in order to cope. Sad!
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Dricus is Chimaev toughest test
If Chimaev ragdoll him, there is nobody in MW/LHW that can stop him
Giblert could go up and expose him again
Thoughts on drinking raw eggs?
>Team did nothing when they saw that
They should have jumped him
Costa is the specifically engineered to beat cumshot.
>Arms = Short
>Neck = Yolked
>Bigger and stronger
The Anti-Cumshot Weapon
You've got ma-ACK
Nuking yourself 90 % of your proteins
Damn guess I'll have to drink 200 raw eggs a day instead
I know a guy who had a friend whose brother did this and he died
In finland egg also means meng
Damn, and I was planning on living forever (in order to have gay sex for all eternity)
>Raped by the corpse of Rockhold (pbuh)
Gonna have to disagree on this one, Brazilbro.
Wonky Toms other leg is gonna explode next time he fights
Presenter's name?
we don't talke about her here
big fookin Meeeeegan
Imagine thinking this goofy buffoon is a match for the Bonesmeister
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we're legally obligated to refrain from discussing that
Is this Rhea Ripley?
He tanked that shit
You eat 200 kg of horse shit and feel refueled
I just think she's a very handsome lady :-)
brutal not tko
Eat 500 slices of raw bull testicles and feel yourself grow into a bigger and better man
Yeah but khabib isn't a commentator doing his job.
Depart heem, for you never knew schaub
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Eat 60 pieces of bird beak and grow stronger nose, until it's unbreakable. No need for nose surgery
Eat 9 pairs of cat eyes and you'll see in the dark
My favourite OOOOOOOHHHHH moment, possibly ever.
This Swedish individual... Man, what a guy he is, keeps it real. Respekt.
>Spins headkick the opponent
>Opponent starts taunting you with sick bachata moves
How does one even recover.
something you're only going to see from two REAL men
still cant believe they robbed DaSean. DDclitty got simulated for four rounds
for YOU fucking guys
Ddp said if adesanya can heen Pereira he doesn't want to be there with him but ddp also said Strickland has a beast of a chin and pereira heemed him as soon as he landed.
Did they try to hyp up Siver at all or was it all the Conor show
Doesnt Strickland has a paper chin
nice english abdul
yes. and it proves DDclitty is pillowfisted.
went to a decision with Khabib, finished by Tony
went to a decision with Khabib, finished by Tony
went to a decision with Khabib, finished by Tony
fought Khabib who was allowed to not cut weight, fought Tony who went through a double weight cut

Don't let people convince you that one was better than the other just because he retired early (ducked everybody) while the other one kept on fighting post his prime like a real one.
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So now that the UFC have officially crossed the threshold of adding religious imagery to the custom shorts, will all the brazzas be demanding shorts with the shahada and quran verses on them now?
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don't let all the hype behind magny vs prates bury this information
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Tony simulated Garth fyi. Round 2 was fixed to last 10 less seconds than the rest.
Is that your grandfather ?
those shorts are pretty cool
Holy Cross! What a brilliant design for shorts. May Jesus bless thee.
No its a haram sport anyway
nah its your goatfucking brother
OK Rajesh Zhang
Quranic verses on the trunks would look based
ohhhhhh you're a revved goatfucker aren't you
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Let's fucking gooo CP bros
would you fat ugly no-/fa/ mmautists shut the FUCK up when Frank VANDENBROUCKE just had his 50th BIRFDAY BASH days ago??? THANK youuuu
TonBITCH refused the kino soccer kick
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>god i wish that were me
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Dicey dicey.
New born gazelle vibes
Don't know how he lost this fight
>dat nigga thinkin about stealing Frank VANDENBROUCKE bicycle
meegan my queen
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orthodox christian style with "Death to the World" on them would look kino
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>khabib will lose this time
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if you adjust for flukes and robberies, khabib has nearly 10 losses
I bet that they deplore the very existence of MMA as a business.
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liddle bit cuddle time brazza
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Last time Canor won a fight, Obama was still president
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Sort of. Its a little like Max where he doesn't get hyper heemed. Max got KO'd by Topuria, but he didn't have his soul punched out of his body like Volk. There are levels to heems.

Sean versus Abus, is a micro-heem but a lowest tier heem since Abus didn't even go out
Sean versus Alex is a proper heem
Jai Herbert and Volk versus Topuria is a hyperheem that actually takes years off of careers

then you can see here an absorbed hyper-heem, which also takes years off a career. Tony himself ate too many hyper-heems without heeming leading to where we are now.
the brazzas would rather demand their shorts to cover up their knees because showing knees is immoral or something
almost anything of the world, really. monks are hardcore
They are men who, even today, we can only admire.
>when she sees my meng
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My custom shorts.
they fight every day for our salvation, they pray at all times, it's spiritual warfare against the demonized world. Got a new book yesterday from Seraphim Rose "The Soul after Death". Read up on it b
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my custom shorts btw
The next advancement in UFC will be climbers as grapplers.
Cory degraded so much it's unreal
Thanks for the rec, b. I haven't been reading as much theology as I'd like, but I hope I can clear my schedule soon so I can dedicate some time to it. My best friend gifted me the Mulamadhyamakakarika of Nagarjuna and it's fascinating in its own right, though I only understand it partially. You should check it out also
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my custom shorts
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My custom shorts
This is what peak human fighting performance looks like

>theyre all Marc Goddard TKOs
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my custom ufc shorts? the exact color of the ufc canvas, for camouflage
Why doesn't fighters just stop Khamzat from tackling ?
The girl from the Ring really let herself go
In many ways Jamahal Hill won the story
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Lucas Tracy said Bo Nickal vs Paul Craig will be a striking match and it will be Razor Thin Close
Cory got two of the most kino heems ever back to back, but it was mostly because he was lucky to face two fighters with big names who were washed and hyper chinny at the time.
Alexbros what happened
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Boethius will show LEVELS to that kikelover.
Just came up with a fun nickname for Bo Nickall

Boring Nickall! Haha, think you can do better?
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He went to the UFC, became a genuine superstar and started making real money
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Good for him, he deserves it.
Paul Craig striking is so comically bad that even a relativ beginner like Bo will outclass him.
kek he beat ankalaev and krylov he's elite
Beau Nickle
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post masterclass performances
he can beat anybody if they just jump in his guard and lose to anybody if they don't
I'm waiting
Yewl dew nuttin
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Post the most cliche walkout songs of all time



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goes without saying
these are the hyperborean chads who are celibate by choice
he's got his own bucket of dirty water can you say the same imperial
mick really is just tom if tom passed the eye test
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uhh what is that?
be your definition must mean I should be consider as a goat too, got 0 losses too

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