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Germany [20:45] Bosnia

France u21 [18:15] Germany u21
Hungary [20:45] Germany
first for AfD
also gumo
der Frans <3
"Seit 5:45 Uhr wird jetzt zurückgeschossen"

der Pulverisierer von Polen
Erstmal 1 kaba, dann 1 bisschen die Depression genießen
GuMo gumo
is this the most stacked u21 we've ever had?
Disgustingly white and male
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fair point and >inr Fabian Johnson
also Beck, Castro and Johnson
wtf were >we doing with three RBs in the starting xi?
>>inr Fabian Johnson
I'd rather be not, what a disgusting looking creature
whydo they have to put on this pathetic music on everywhere jfc
Unsere Viertelfinalversager
>two Neger mutts
>three Afghans
>three Balkans
Did I get it right? I've never seen these clowns before
2 n0er
1 latinx
1 albaner
two mutts, one Italian, one Balkan, one half Austrian, the others pure German
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how many quarterfinals did ya win mate?

didn't watch the gansi crap, won't watch this crap
Gumo posting is cringe af
tbf that wasn’t their fault
yh all on Nager for starting (C) and Sahne >>145679063
GuMo Shartgod
1860 vs. Haching im Pokal going on rn
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Sechzigchads will pwn h-acking as always
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>as always
more like Volldepp xDxD
Sky blue kits are kino
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Schalke mitgliederversammlung today
We are literally winning chud
Habeck? Schwachkopf.
>Bei der Nummer eins des Frauen-Teams des FC Bayern, Mala Grohs, wurde ein bösartiger Tumor diagnostiziert. Nach abschließenden Untersuchungen wird sich Grohs in Behandlung begeben und der Bundesliga-Mannschaft damit auf unbestimmte Zeit fehlen. Dies gab der Klub am Samstagmorgen bekannt. Am Dienstag hatte Grohs im Champions-League-Spiel gegen Valerenga (3:0) noch 90 Minuten im Tor gestanden.

>Starke Geste der Unterstützung: Gleichzeitig verkündeten die Bayern die vorzeitige Vertragsverlängerung mit Grohs um eine weitere Saison bis Sommer 2026. Damit wolle man „einen kleinen Teil beitragen, dass sie sich auf ihre Genesung konzentrieren kann – und ihr zeigen, dass sie wissen soll, dass der FC Bayern immer ihre Heimat ist“, so Sportvorstand Max Eberl.
based eborl
Kobelbros.. der Edin wieder..
inb4 skin cancer
dumb roastie spent too much time on Ibiza
I have a sneaky link in bundes
des woars
Anzeige is raus. To stop the dangers of fascism, we need to throw everybody in jail who calls ruling politicians stupid. Hass ist keine Meinung.
Heckingbros ... time for a celebratory red dick
wheres the schwachkopf söyjak?
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>Hass ist keine Meinung.
Ne fedde digge Anzeige gibt des. The Internet is no rechtsfreier room
>Auch Kaderplaner Ben Manga wird nun zum ersten Mal heute von einem Fan angeschossen: „Er wird Diamantenauge genannt – zumindest auf einem Auge ist er blind. Stand jetzt ist er gescheitert.“
based Schalcuck
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average Allianz Arena customer experience
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is the Deutschland Spiel gonna be on RTL tonight?
why would you write down all those words here instead of a search engine?
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try focusing on him for once this match, so you might finally realize youre wrong.
(You won't tho)
i just checked out the ARD and ZDF mediathek and RTL is behind a paywall
Search engines are cringe and the "where will the match be shown" articles you'll find this way are absolutely taking the piss with their world salad to keep you on the page as long as possible until they finally revel the answer.
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doesn't look that injured to me
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sounds like a (You) problem
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ESL, I have no idea what you're trying to say
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>searching in English
see >>145683141
ah oki makes sense but its still tismo
>Nach Mitgliederversammlung: Dynamo-Präsident tritt zurück!
>Das Thema schlug bei Dynamo Dresden hohe Wellen. Jetzt steht fest: Holger Scholze (53) schmeißt als Präsident des Traditionsvereins hin! Wegen angeblicher Vorteilsnahme wurde er vom Ehrenrat des Vereins zu einer Strafe von 1000 Euro verdonnert, obwohl die Vorwürfe bis jetzt nicht nachgewiesen werden konnten.
>Auf der Mitgliederversammlung des Drittligisten am Samstag im Dresdner Congress Center sollte deshalb über einen Antrag eines Mitglieds abgestimmt werden, das Ehrenratsverfahren samt Sanktionen fallen zu lassen. Ganz zum Schluss der über neunstündigen Marathon-Veranstaltung wurde darüber emotional und kontrovers diskutiert. Am Ende stimmten die verbliebenen rund 300 Mitglieder ab, dass NICHT über den Antrag abgestimmt wird. Ergo: Die Strafe gegen Scholze hat Bestand.
>Bereits im Vorfeld der MV war klar, dass der Präsident zeitnah zurücktreten würde, wenn ihm die Mitglieder nicht den Rücken stärken. Weil er das dann als Misstrauensvotum betrachtet. Und weil er die vom Ehrenrat verhängte Strafe für vollkommen ungerechtfertigt hält. Bereits vor Wochen bezeichnete er den ganzen Vorgang als „grotesk“. Weil der ehrenamtliche Klub-Boss die 1000 Euro Strafe bisher nicht zahlte, entzog ihm der Ehrenrat sogar alle Mitgliederrechte. Bedeutete: Scholze durfte bei der MV, auf der es um seine Zukunft ging, selbst nicht anwesend sein und sich somit auch nicht selbst verteidigen.
Mitgliederversammlung? More like tribunal, am I right
Yes you are correct in this case. But still!
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alternatively kicker has an info section in the match section, where they list tv/streaming/radio options for most of the matches
or you just open your tv and look in the programm like us normal people
my TV is broken right now and I'm waiting for black friday to get a 77'' OLED
Shut yer whore mouf!

She's not not like the rest of bayern stacies. She's actually interesting. She was making steady progress both educationally & sporting wise. was on track to crack the Frauenschaft too. She didn't deserve this.
loddar is flirting again.. he can't keep getting away with this
how many for Demirochad
problematic tifo
Hope my bosnian muslim brothers will revenge kosova tonight!
Serbia, Serbia!
>H'vertz now a full time striker
>play him on the wing
we're majority Christian.
The Kaiser can play anywhere
didn't celebrate. I.hope he breaks his legs
ronny pissed as fuck 2 minutes in
time for some beers
He doesn’t need them anymore, he can now do it just with his head
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*looks at opponent*
yeah checks out
Havertz having another bussi hurt because someone else scored
WHY won't people remember that 4-0 against Costa Rica???
Muschi alah!
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Musiala is a good player but he leaves me cold, a Polish-Nigerian from England playing for Germany just seems wrong.
>Poland: dominating the DFB for 30 years in a row
punch a wall
>imagine having access to the Programm of the Elektrojude
It should be Nigerian-polish tho
So he is a 100% polish ?
another vorrundenaus incoming
All great German teams had a Polack, from Szepan and Kuzorra to Grabowski,m Littbarski and Poldi. I just don't think they should be total foreigners who grew up abroad with no relation to Germany. Musiala was born here randomly, he might as well have been born in China. He has zero relation to Germany.
yea, it's pathetic how negers start to flood football now just like the nba and egghand
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>imagine watching tv in this day and age
no wonder your brains are fried to a crisp
>Ronny in meltdown mode again because WE scored
what a life
i don't see nigerians claiming that mutt tbf
only englanders and cucked polacks
why does this feel like a Auswärtsspiel even when we score?
yes yes its finally 1:0, took some time
because you're a turk
Bosnia in shambles. Could be a brutal score
i would kill every single m*slim given the opportunity
You are already paying the obligatory fee for the national programs so might as well get some live TV sportsball out of it.
rtl is not financed by the zwangsabgabe tho
Not his goal
Is rtl free to air on satellite?
Calling it now. We'll be Weltmeister 2026. Screencap this.
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literally is tho

nothing is for free if one has to watch ads
shit so far btw
shitvertz ruining every attack once again
yea but it's 576i lol
not even 720p in the age of 4k. the image quality is beyond pathetic on free tv
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Watch the replay. He tried to pull out of the way
I just mute the volume on those.
Isn't "HD" just 720p as well?
are you retarded? he had the last touch, therefore his goal.
I swear to god you guys get dumber day by day
We are so back
Without ref all we would've won the Euros
even you would have scored that one
He LITERALLY couldn't fuck that one up
Yep. It is Kaiser time
HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ HVertZ GuNa Chuddler
Wrong only the Kaiser could have scored that
HavingZ and KnirpZ linked up. need it or keep it?
yea but that's still much better than the 576i slop that RTL and Sport1 offer. it's seriously a joke at this point and you'd have to be mentally ill to pay for their "premium" services
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Bitte jetzt nicht aus Frust jemand verletzen.
Why does it feel like every second or third person here is Goosens? Uncanny picture.
What's Goosens?
shitvertz again
it doesn't tho, what are you on?
Stil don't have a clue what or who that is.
kimmich fucked up
Goatsens rapes anyone
Parts of the answer could verunsicher the Bevölkerung
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de Robin
Wirtz is not worth 150m. Every fucking game against a defence that isn't completely retarded he's completely invisible. The English orcs would (rightfully) call him a flat track bully
He was part of the Doppelpass
TerStegen will come back as #2 kek. he is cursed
it's really bad innit?
Based Nübel needs to be no 1
Rate my OC
Yeah that guy could maybe pass as a local around these parts.
what a fucking whore.
Good evening sar
You can't even see the asshole, chud. Trying to police women's bodies? Cringe.
>watch asi tv first time for a long time
>Golden Bachelor
literally WTF?!
just watch internation streams, like any sane person
>Adam Szalai collapsed on the bench during NED-HUN
Back row, third from the left for me
A young person wearing a mask in 2024 in a supermarket. Whet a fucking retarded whore.
Just stay onside lil bro, how hard is ut
I really hope that Florentino goes all out like the media reports it. Wirtz, Mbappe and Bellingham will be the ultimate fraud trio and Madrid will struggle to reach the quarter finals
it's from 2021 as the file name suggests
This was during covid, dumping shit from my old phone.
can you unironically rotate those before posting them
Schlotti spotted
seething hühnchen customer
>va silly
>shart fauli

the bundes experts at work again
what a disgusting curve
>no single unforced error by him until now in this match
faggot should stick to this position
I love this team
I'm phoneposting so they show up correctly for me.
Webm guy, they made two goals...
just get rid of rüdiger and tah and this is a good team
>just get rid of the zu null defense
Negermann bringt mal wieder halbes Dutzend Neger

er bringt halt echt nur welche
based Flo

That was done very well from Kai, I admit.
Lieber das die sich verletzen als jemand wichtiges
>Nmecha, Sane
oh hell nah
>they STILL doubted HVertZ
the fatty in the tracksuit or the silver fox on the far left for me
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Last good one of her (sort of).
what is this shit, why is this guy getting called up
Dortmund concession. Can't call up Can anymore
wtf was Adidas thinking? are they really trying to promote ped*philia?
>wirtz sitting next to musiala
yeah he's coming to bayern
he's going to real with xabi
we can't afford both, but Wirtz is an upgrade for sure
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He will cost 120mil, no way Hoeneß pays that. Real will pay that for sure tho
sane pure ass as always
lmao even
Cheaper to wait a year or two and pick him up after he flops with the Negerbande
Digga was macjt der keeper
>bayern neger come in
>they constantly fuck up
is the Bosnian goal keeper really a professional footballer?
Man I feel sorry for Bosnia
ben is a muslim, retard
Why is Freiburg so dead? There's literally no atmosphere despite a 6-0
I think he plays for Fauli, but hes really bad today.
its the microphone setup, stop asking this retarded question every single match
kimmich is faking an injury btw
by the order from Eboarl.

he shouldn't be captain
studentenstadt voll mit deutschenhassenden grünen
Please take Kimchi out, getting injured after this would be retarded
bin im stadion du nutten
>t. McDoofnalds employee
>Robin Koch
>Cap Rüdiger
Ronnie might have reached earths core by now
we want eight
where was this in the games that mattered?
assist rüdiger
Leerkrug bros, es ist über
We only lost against Spain, the best team at the Euros. Are you like a Halal customer who only cares to watch finals?
We are playing very well ever since Nagelsmann got appointed.
fülle would have scored 5 in this game
what a moronic neger
based Serge
this has got to be the most pathetic audience i've ever seen. commentators not calling out that shit reminds me of of our politicians and media
Based Gnabry wanting to not humiliate Bosnia any further
Dorkmund excellence
That's the city where Christian Streich is considered some kind of saint and intellectual
>Nobody is mad lol
>Nobody is crying lol
Sie sind so seelenlos
I heard Nagelsmann is going to bring on Gerald Asamoah. He's quoted as saying the team looks too white for his taste.
is this supposed to be funny?
>7. Zu Null Spiel
Not my NT
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>is this supposed to be funny?
>when even liroy scores on you
let me rephrase it: on which channels is this funny? fb? got to have to go back fren, and never come again
Ooh the game was today? What did I miss?
>What did I miss?
nagermann minmaxing
>Ooh the game was today?
you know, I've thought about this
sometimes I wish I was ronny's neighbor, the unhinged wallbanging would be a nice reminder if I ever forgot Germany's playing
Sieben Null fur Deutschland
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>chatty, elated, oblivious to the freeze, 2 goals (1A)
>tense, autistic, biting his pillow lips, 1 goal(0A)
They seem to get along very well, had the same vibes at Euros at well.
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Gruppensieg perfekt, BÄM
it won't last
t. doomposter
Eh, I dont think so. They play well off eachother and seem like friends off the pitch.
>They play well off eachother
can you elaborate on this somehow? for the most time, I feel they are on the same team paralelling, but nothing more than that
Robert, bist du es auf dem Bild?
They love combinating together, especially coming from the wings. Which is funny since neither are wingers, but I guess thats how Nailsman instructed them to play. And they get better with every match too, both keep getting more Tiefenläufe (no clue what thats called in Englisch) which results in chances to score from directly in the box
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it was Bosnia.
so? this isn’t the first time this worked well
yes yes only against subpar opponents in meaningless games
pathetic cope
there’s only a handful of “meaningful” matches for a national team every two years. you need to use the non-tournament matches to develop your squad, integrate your system, have them all work together as best they can. in that regard a clear development is visible for Germany, especially in the attack with Kai & Wusiala
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yes hello
i did not watch the game
well said
>With Saturday's 7-0 win against Bosnia-Herzegovina in Freiburg's Europa-Park Stadium, Germany continued a curious series: The DFB team won the last three international matches in Freiburg 7-0, back then in the old Dreisamstadion:

>May 9, 2002: Rudi Völler's protégés crush Kuwait in the test before the World Cup in Japan/South Korea. Torsten Frings puts his team in front, Oliver Bierhoff scores a (fake) hat trick.

>May 27, 2004: Malta is not a yardstick when preparing for the European Championships in Portugal. Michael Ballack scored twice within two minutes and scored two more goals in the second half for his team, which is still coached by Völler.

>May 27, 2006: This time the coach is Jürgen Klinsmann and it's the run-up to the home World Cup. Luxembourg was also sent home with a score of 7-0. Three players (Miroslav Klose, Lukas Podolski and Oliver Neuville) score two goals each.
what is Müllkrug thinking right now?
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I'll be back
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Nothing I guess
I bet he drinks his müllermilk from a krug
>Stattdessen stellte der Koen Vendruyen, Journalist bei der belgischen Zeitung Het Nieuwsbald, bei den Ruhr Nachrichten fest: „In Belgien weiß kaum jemand, wer Paris Brunner ist. Er hat dafür viel zu selten gespielt. Niemand hat bisher verstanden, warum Monaco so viel Geld für ihn ausgegeben hat.“

>Zudem vermutete Vendruyen, dass der Youngster mit der Leihe nach Belgien nie einverstanden gewesen sei. „Ich habe gehört, dass Paris Brunner nicht wirklich glücklich war, für Cercle Brügge zu spielen. Seine Absicht war es, für Monaco zu spielen.“

He really is the next Moukoko
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remember this dude?
so he "flopped" in england because he's been injured?

HW4 einfach based
never post again
just watch on mute!
Brunner never had anything close to the hype Moukoko had desu. the only headlines he ever made were being among the best players at the u17 World Cup and some instances of being absolute locker room cancer at Dortmund. meanwhile for Moukoko there were stories about some new scoring record every other day and it really did seem that many believed that he would be the next big thing
yeah, I think this guy repaired my Waschmachine two months ago
he repaired your mama?
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ailton became an absolute unit
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Not the first game they played like this, but I take it you would rather watch Germany lose every game :^)
sigma behavior
lmao kino
that boi Ailton can finish his dinner
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the blundershitga should be fucking cancelled
>Eigentlich bestand bei Borussia Dortmund die Hoffnung, nach der Länderspielpause personell wieder aus dem Vollen schöpfen zu können. Fakt ist aber: Die angespannte Lage beschäftigt den BVB weiter. BILD erfuhr jetzt: Zwei potenzielle Leistungsträger sind für das kommende Liga-Spiel gegen Freiburg (23. November, 15.30 Uhr) raus, werden wohl nicht mal Teil des Kaders sein können.
>Karim Adeyemi (22) trainierte zwar am Freitag wieder mit Ball auf dem Platz. Das Risiko, dass er gegen Freiburg aber einen erneuten Rückschlag erleiden könnte, ist dem Klub nach Informationen zu groß.
>Innenverteidiger Niklas Süle (29) wird wohl nicht mal für das Bayern-Spiel rechtzeitig fit werden. Nach seinem Syndesmose-Anriss im Sprunggelenk wurde ihm erst vergangene Woche die Schiene entfernt. Die Rückkehr auf den Platz verzögert sich vorerst weiter.
>Noch offen ist der Einsatz von Jamie Gittens (20). Der Tempo-Dribbler musste wegen einer kurzfristigen Verletzung seine Reise zur englischen U21-Nationalmannschaft absagen. Rätselhaft: Beim Briten ist aktuell von einer Blessur die Rede. Gittens soll sich erneut an der Schulter verletzt haben – wie schwer, steht noch nicht genau fest. Wegen diverser Schulterverletzungen war Gittens in der Vergangenheit schon monatelang ausgefallen.
He realizes he will never have this because his wife is a self-obsessed insta whore who diesn't want stretchmarks or anyone to care about other than herself. He claims to be a happy dog dad but reality kicks in in these moments.
kinda funny what qualifies as a b00n legend these days
bayerns legendary black samurai dayo upamecano
your mother should have been like this
>Sehen wollten das ab 20.45 Uhr 6,23 Millionen Menschen, welche für die erste Halbzeit einschalteten und tolle 24,8 Prozent Marktanteil insgesamt mit sich brachten. Auch bei den 14-49-Jährigen sah es sehr gut aus, hier kamen 1,52 Millionen zu wunderbaren 31,6 Prozent zusammen. Die zweite Hälfte der Partie sicherte sich im Folgenden gesteigerte 29,3 Prozent gesamt, die aus 6,83 Millionen resultierten. Auch von den Jüngeren konnten nochmal mehr Leute mobilisiert werden - 1,60 Millionen und 33,6 Prozent interessierten sich für den Ausgang
those numbers are bs btw. they have a low number (in the thousands) of technical devices measuring watching habits from "Familie Mustermann" and count up to the whole country by """STATISTICS""".
literal propaganda
Not that anon but this is widely known
that’s how all statistics work you moron
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lmao even
how are you unironically this retarded jesus christ
>don't count foreigners
>don't count people not watching tv anymore
the retard is literally you tho
stopped reading at >don’t count foreigners
wtf are you even talking about
thanks for your concession
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>TV per Tablet oder Smartphone wird noch nicht erfasst
imagine believing this, lol
you are aware that if the sample only considers deutsprachige Haushalte it will also only “count up” to the deutsprachige Bevölkerung right
>Österreich auf schwieriger Mission – Rangnick rotiert
but they are first in the table
Kwabutzi then
>Sehen wollten das ab 20.45 Uhr 6,23 Millionen DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE Menschen, welche für die erste Halbzeit einschalteten und tolle 24,8 Prozent Marktanteil insgesamt mit sich brachten. Auch bei den 14-49-Jährigen DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN sah es sehr gut aus, hier kamen 1,52 Millionen zu wunderbaren 31,6 Prozent zusammen. Die zweite Hälfte der Partie sicherte sich im Folgenden gesteigerte 29,3 Prozent gesamt, die aus 6,83 Millionen DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN resultierten. Auch von den Jüngeren DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN konnten nochmal mehr Leute mobilisiert werden - 1,60 Millionen und 33,6 Prozent DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE interessierten sich für den Ausgang
ok then retard
why is the (((media only singling out MuzzyAllah as le kind muttboy?
even in the kicker picture you can see Wirtz gave his jacket to the kid
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leave max cringe to Oli Fritsch
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>und Kai Havertz
yeah exactly so what’s your problem?
you know, on a board full of retards, you somehow manage to stick out.
let that sink in.
nö the sink stays out
Ösis lassen zu viel liegen
they don't want to score
>the killer of kasachstan
>Schlechter Artikel, der einfach 2 Tore weglässt von dem Gladbacher Stürmer Kleindienst.
it doesn’t tho and that poster admitted so as well in the replies
ate pizza for lunch ja wohl
have a gumbo bubbling
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geht hart.
unser Harald
ninja edit from Fritsch
watched the wrong game again
>Ralle am Ruder
Ralle raus!
this is fucking dreadful to watch
ösis are choking so hard
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>Germany A wins Nations League Group A
>Germany B can't win Nations League Group B
>Germany B
get well soon
I seriously don’t get it tho. the squad is quite good and Ralle is a competent coach. how do they continually manage to choke so hard?
>ynr bundes tried to shill ralle as bayern coach
every single one of those deserves a headbutt tb h
It obviously would have worked with Bayern when even Kompany can do it.
Tuchel is a competent coach as well and it didn’t work out at Bayern. Ralle would’ve had similar issues as him
the Kompany type works much better even if he might not be as autismo as far as tactics go
most of their players are just average or slightly above average bundesliga players.
this combined with the fact that their playstyle is too offensive, they are unlikely to make a long-run in a tournament
yes yes, but that doesn’t mean that they should struggle against shitters like Norway or Slovenia
imagine if they had a striker like Haaland or Gyökeres
meanwhile most players for Norway and Sweden are shit, but their strikers are world class
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damn, looks like de mats made the wrong choice again...
how do you know his new gf doesn't suck?
plastic freak
she's way too thin
ykn Cathy is super jelly that Mats gets to live in Rome now
remember they broke up because she didn't want to go back to Dortmund with him
why the fuck do you even care about this Bild der Frau tier nonsense
>she didn't want to go back to Dortmund with him
>leaving beautiful munich for the coke central somewhere in nrwnistan
you make sound it like this is a bad thing lol
she came crawling back
she drastically overestimated her market value
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yeah no all this >didn't want to go to Dortmund crap is bullshitty hühnchen cope. München may be better than Dortmund but still no match for Rome, Mailand, Madrid, Paris, London etc. from an influencer thot perspective. So they would have went from Dortmund back to Hühnchen in forst place if this were true.
get a load of this guy
stfu roastie
Influencers don't need big cities, you brainlet. they just need an internet connection, are you retarded or something?
what are you influence about in Bitterfeld (pretty sure they have internet now)
let me just summarize your thought process: influencers shill cities.
is this correct?
it is not
so why would you have to live in Rome, Mailand, Madrid, Paris, London instead of Hintervordertupfingen? You can shill women's products from literally any place with an internet connection
because if you want to shill for a goldschnitzel or the diamond bediamonded clitoral piercing by Cartier you need to live somewhere where they offer such fancy crap. And therefore:

Rome/Paris/London >>> München > Dorkmund > Bitterfeld > Hintervorderhupflingen
>you need to live somewhere where they offer such fancy crap
you do realize you could just visit those places, no?
So you could do that from Dortmund. Or you move to Rom/Paris/London etc. Just confirms my point that saying that >I NEED to move to München is just retarded
>Dschovanni Tabasco
or whatever that former Aue coach is called
Das Wetter ist schon ziemlich deprimierend im Moment
I like the rainy season.
hasn't rained much though where I live
just no sun for a week straight
Billy Corgan?
Fuck joggercollide
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>Ex-Bundestrainer Joachim Löw kann sich eine Rückkehr auf die Trainerbank unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen weiterhin vorstellen. „Grundsätzlich schon“, sagte der 64-Jährige als Studiogast bei SWR Sport: „Bislang war es noch nicht so, dass mich eine Aufgabe absolut und leidenschaftlich gepackt hat. Wenn das kommen sollte, dann bin ich sicherlich auch bereit, nochmal was zu machen.“
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the lads
GuMo. Time for the first beer to get through the day
Alktards man...
I don't think Franz will ever make it in the Bundesliga
Na. Die Minute wo sie den Mund aufmacht ist es vorbei

Auch dieses >>145715655
They should have one Ascheplatz game per season
he chose the wrong club tbf
Kiel who just lost Rothe would have been a nice choice
guys you completely missing the entire point: FEET!
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>le statisticians are totally le epic smart and totally legit people
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>the webbum that destroyed jt

still voting afd btw
I only drink because it feels good, I'm not addicted (unironically true, I could stop at any moment but weakminds won't understand)
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>no Gentoo
stupid thot, hard pass
>„Der Präsident und ich haben seit zehn Wochen, seit der Präsidiumssitzung damals null Kontakt, zero, gar keinen. Und deswegen hat es mich auch sehr gewundert, wenn er sagt, wir hätten ein gutes, enges, vertrauensvolles Verhältnis. Ich kann nur sagen, seit der Präsidiumssitzung haben wir gar kein Verhältnis.“
De Ralle
>Außergerichtliche Einigung: Riemann kehrt bei Bochum ins Training zurück
Time for 1 Frosta Pfannengericht
I used to think that shit was good before I learned how to cook. It's crazy how bad Frosta is compared to homemade stuff that barely takes longer to make, just search whatever you want to make on youtube
you sure could
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How do I respond without sounding mad
Im aware of that but as far as Fertiggerichte go, it's still pretty decent desu. Certainly better than eating Curryking :D
>ya seethe chuddy?
ah and don't forget to port him afterwards
"u mad?"
like you did at Dunkirk anglo cuck?
>„Aufgrund der potenziellen Brisanz rund um den Spieltag können ablehnende und aggressive Verhaltensweisen gegenüber erkennbaren BVB-Fans im Zagreber Stadtgebiet nicht ausgeschlossen werden.“
>Dortmund spricht sogar die Empfehlung aus, auf das Tragen von BVB-Fanutensilien außerhalb des Stadions am Spieltag und auch am Vorabend gänzlich zu verzichten. Die weiteren Hinweise: Der Verein bittet darum, sich im Stadtgebiet von Zagreb sowie im Stadion Maksimir „stets zurückhaltend und deeskalierend zu verhalten“, Konflikte zu vermeiden und Provokationen zu unterlassen. Zudem sollen Tickets außerhalb des Gästebereichs nicht genutzt oder erworben werden. Ein Fanmarsch ist offiziell nicht erlaubt.
Frosta is Preis-Leistungssieger. Im Angebot nur twoMarkFunfzisch! Just add some extra Rice or Nudel and done
Why are weak zagrebians this triggered by some friendly visiting bees? Bzz bzzz
Kek, also würde die Ruhrpott-Assis nicht sofort kassieren.
>without sounding mad
Jz 1 Moppezupp to warm up
>Krabbenbrötchen 15€
Danke, Habeck, du Schwarzkopf!
Next move for you: Hausdurchsuchung
you disgusting pig
I wouldn't eat it for free
For me, it is Fischbrötchen mit Remoulade und Fischfrikadelle.

Keep it simple
Because of Rheinmetall?
Schleich dich! Im hohen Norden sagt man das so
Putted on double socks because it's so cold... Soon I'll take out my Wärmflasche again brrr
it's 9° you girls
No Females allowed here
cuddle with me melody
Only women and Südländer don't like cold weather. White men enjoy it.
I could fix her
/bundes/ is full of femcels
the amount of degrees (celsius, in this case) in itself is not a viable argument, if you take out the humidity aspect. E.g. running around at 9° C with a high humidity feels way colder than running around with 9° with a low humidity.
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T. Commutes with his Fahrrad bis zu - 10 Grad
Just thinking about this shit made me gay.

T. Does not care about the cold
>Just thinking about this shit made me gay.
sure, faglord.
congrats on your coming out tho
wrong, chud.
all /bundes/ posters went through a verification process:
>a girl
Der deutsche Soldat zittert nicht vor Kälte, er zittert vor Wut, dass es nicht noch kälter ist.
See here >>145731994
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Damn, he looks like all other Asians.
humidity only matters when it's hot enough to sweat
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PRsiala.. we got exposed
>Am 11. Dezember werden beide Weltmeisterschaften während eines Online-Kongresses des Fußball-Weltverbands FIFA en bloc vergeben, das heißt in nur einer Abstimmung. Für beide Weltereignisse gibt es jeweils nur eine Bewerbung. Die WM 2030 soll nach Eröffnungsspielen in Südamerika in Marokko, Portugal und Spanien gespielt werden, 2034 ist Saudi-Arabien einziger Kandidat. Eine Stimme gegen eine der Endrunden wäre gleichzeitig auch ein Votum gegen die andere.
complain about FIFA corruption and their PR team attacks your harmless campaign for homosexuality
typical swiss org
Utterly grim
Oh boy what a shitshow
what a little bitch post, holy shit
Which game schauen wir?
Wie viel Haar er da noch hatte
Spain - Switzerland would be my choice
yeah no Ronaldo no watchie Portugal
kys muzzie scum
>HSV player starts for Switzerland
based Moochad
these scultures all look like shit
Harry is no Adonis to begin with
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>blundershitga teams b like
>why does no one outside of Göymany care about my blundershitga team?
>*leaves platform that generates the most reichweite*
maybe for Bayern (or they just pay to make it look that way)
normal German clubs have abysimal reach on twitter
germans never adopted the platform and certainly not technophobe football fans
i still wonder why so many joined in the first place, they have their own websites to release news or can call kicker
Won't you think of all the Hass und Hetze they're promoting on X? Any aufrechter Demokrat needs to say NO, NEVER AGAIN.
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What went wrong?
Lichtensteinbros.. we are the shit team now..
Benched Kobel
>Liechtenstein losing to fucking San Marino twice in a row
w t f
>shitalians are really claiming Sinner
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>Deckmantel der Meinungsfreiheit
see >>145733998
>Rund 25 Millionen Euro im Jahr würde Musiala laut „Sky“ nach der Vertragsunterschrift brutto verdienen. Darüber hinaus komme eine Provision an die Berateragentur 11WINS in Höhe von mindestens zehn Prozent sowie ein Handgeld. Insgesamt würde sich das Paket bei einem angedachten Vierjahresvertrag auf 120 Mio. Euro belaufen.
it's only a real democracy when leftists can control what is allowed to be said
man these Berateragenturen are raking in so much easy cash
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>„Fußball wird mit den Füßen gespielt und nicht mit der Sprache“, sagte Zaragoza. Tuchel hatte im März auf Nachfrage von „Sky“ seine geringe Spielzeit damit begründet, dass seine Integration „von der sprachlichen Seite aus noch nicht abgeschlossen“ sei

Tuchel btfo
>Der FC Bayern München muss längere Zeit auf Sommer-Neuzugang Joao Palhinha verzichten. Der Mittelfeldspieler hat sich einen Muskelbündelriss an den Adduktoren zugezogen.
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>Magic Musiala
>strength: doubles his power when playing bochum, darmstadt, kiel
>weakness: disappears when needed the most
not really, baboonman learns that language means more than just to say bling-bling or ficki-ficki
>eierpeited to miss the rest of 2024
He played a good EM. He also scored the Meisterschaft winning goal vorletzte season.
>„Stand heute werden es viele Wechsel sein. Es kann sein, dass wir neunmal wechseln, zehnmal oder vielleicht viermal“, verriet Nagelsmann schon am Montag.
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Outrageous he wasn't even nominated and Dummels was desu
he’s referring to the gold balloon award
yeah and the 10er of the worst b00n team in 10 years was deservedly not on the 30 man shortlist
shocking innit
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He is a chud
cute HSV twink
>Wie der 1. FC Union Berlin mitgeteilt hat, lässt Chefscout Oliver Ruhnert ab Januar 2025 seine Aufgaben vorerst ruhen. Der Grund: Der 53-Jährige hat das Präsidium darüber informiert, dass er bei der kommenden Bundestagswahl kandidiert - als Spitzenkandidat der Partei Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht für das Land Berlin. "Ab Januar wird er sich vollumfänglich den Wahlkampfaktivitäten für die voraussichtlich am 23. Februar 2025 stattfindende Bundestagswahl widmen", heißt es in der Vereinsmitteilung.
BSW will be under 5% soon
>SPORT BILD weiß: Die Borussia hatte im vergangenen Sommer großes Interesse, Michael Olise (22) zu verpflichten. Der Franzose stand in England bei Crystal Palace unter Vertrag. Sein Alter, sein Profil – es hätte perfekt zum BVB gepasst. Im Gegenzug hätte Dortmund gerne Donyell Malen (25) verkauft.
>Die Bosse erkundigten sich über mögliche Transfermodalitäten, prüften sämtliche Möglichkeiten. Mit dem Ergebnis: Olise ist zu teuer.
>Malen (Vertrag bis 2026) soll zur Not schon im Winter verkauft werden, um noch eine Summe um die 25 Mio. Euro zu erhalten. Den Niederländer selbst hält nur noch wenig in Dortmund.
>Ähnlich war es im Sommer 2023, als die BVB-Bosse über Mittelfeldspieler Granit Xhaka (32) diskutierten. Aber: Das Gesamtpaket, das der Schweizer kosten sollte, wurde als zu hoch beurteilt.
>So liegt die Hoffnung der Borussia-Bosse darauf, dass die eigenen Talente den Sprung zum Superstar schaffen. Das beste Beispiel dafür ist Flügelspieler Jamie Gittens (20). Auch Karim Adeyemi (22), Maximilian Beier (22) und Julien Duranville (18) sollen in dieser Saison möglichst viel Spielzeit bekommen, um den nächsten Entwicklungsschritt zu gehen.
wo neu du mongo
this was well known for a while
Ruhnert is based

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