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Circling the drain edition
shit teams
what type of sickos are going to watch this trash game?
me cause it's on tv in south Florida
Reminder that Temujin is a latina Raiders fan living in California and my wife!
If losing stopped me from loving my lolphins I'd have moved on long, long ago.
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i'm not convinced
Why is the Phillies NBC play-by-play guy doing a Dolphins game on CBS?
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>8 min TD drive
I hate tanking so goddamn much
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One of these games, huh?
is this shit blackout in miami? the cbs stream is telling me its blacked out in my area? BRO I am in fucking boca
My dad's friend travels all the way from Panama to watch his beloved Raiders whenever they come to town
unironically just use streameast
the quality is better than getting it legitimately.
>Sackner Minshit
but I cant get streaming on my roku tv. thats the whole freaking point.

>also the streaming is probably more live then the cbs out ass app
This is like the 6th raider game not on TV here in California, it hurts
you don't have a boomer OTA TV? it's on ch. 4
why fucking pay twice the price of something that I can get streaming
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It's on in my area, believe it or not. Shit sucks though, I never thought they would lose enough popularity to not get broadcasted here where they were only a few years ago.
I love you wifey!
Temujin is a woman.
>CBS Ch. 4 OTA

when you get comcast you have to pay twice for cable.

And hell no I am not going to figure out antenna. this is 1995.

roku app just fucked up. had to update the roku app
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>Alec Ingold
Come back! We miss you!
so is waddle overrated af
You can't screw in a coaxial antenna? Even I use one.... (with a splitter to use a second antenna for max signal)
the whole vegas move has been awful for the raiders, no HFA, fans in California get screwed by blackouts and I'm starting to think this might be permanent...I really hope not...
bro it is permanent. NFL loves the team in vegas.
lemme rephrase that, I hope the blackouts aren't permanent
Isn't Vegas a 4 hour drive from LA? why would they black out??
because the two other teams in LA. Which is the rams are a tremendous fake team
Not really a blackout, just other games being picked for the market. If you're not in the orange, no Raiders game for you
It's on CBS in Sacramento CA instead the national Ravens VS Steeler game. Kind of BS to still be treating my area as home market, over riding better games, for a team that left the state 4 years ago..
My NFL pet peeve has always been losing the big national games of the week to meh SF and Oakland games. Most of all in dog shit losing seasons
kek NFL be like fuck the bay area die hard Raider fans
Please be nice to my wife Temujin!
Greed for one, raiders tickets are expensive, might be Mark trying make some money back from the new stadium, so fans aren't clamoring for raiders tickets, add on the painful losses and ugly offense and there's even less reason to buy tickets, if you don't sell a certain percentage of tickets, the game isn't shown locally, plagued the raiders in the 90s at LA, unfortunately I'm not near Oakland so I don't get em all the time, but this season has been the most I remember getting blacked out

>shows me the 49IRs and their madden cursed asses
>rasm but they're awful
>chorgers are also on but usually the second fiddle to the 49ers on TV
cbs is showing me ravens-steelers and fox is showing some bullshit nature show
I'm not near SAC so not on TV here, weird, I get the national games here though
The map isn't exactly super detailed, but it does look like oakland gets the game, but not sf.
I do wonder why the LA area and the rest of socal is getting gayvens v shittsburgh.
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Embrace the tank Raiderbros!
Fuck you, I wanna win!
Rams and Chorgers butt hurt all their "home" games are 90% opposing team fans
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>tfw its going to finally get cool at the end of this week
I've had enough tanking, bro....
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halftime plans?
As much as I would love to laugh at the chorge, we have a glass house in regards to that specific stone. High prices or not, it's painful to see.
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Say my name Raiders
That's like a full yard past, wtf.
Eating a sad left-over meal and hoping the Bengals maul the chorgers
>two minute warning
>commercial break
>run a play
>commercial break
>run a play
>goes under review, commercial break
>run a play
>commercial break
Fucking hell
Game went too fast for the shield's liking
Growing old with Temujin <3
so dolphin fans who do you want chiefs or razorcakes?
Ur mum lel
>55 posts
Shit franchises
Shit country
The world would be better off if your entire shithole was underwater instead of just part of it.
Chiefs. Why a finfag would ever root for the cakes is beyond me.
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Minshew hit the wrong button on the controller again
what the fuck play was that
This is what's known as supporting and cheering your team no matter how shit they are, win or lose. Front runners get the rope.
because they are scared of chiefs going undefeated
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I completely forgot this game was happening.
>Tua is now trying to confirm to those seeing what is going on that he is NOT the clone they keep showing in pictures.
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>75 eichenbergs traveled to miami to watch liam not earn his paycheck
why the fuck is achane wearing a regular helmet again?
tua telling reporters it looks stupid made him feel bad, triptranny.
It does look stupid
All players who wear it deserve to be bullied
You may be correct but don't reply to any of my posts ever again. aids county almost gets a pass. You don't.
phinbros..no tank, no playoffs...LETS FUCKING GET A FUCKING WIN
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Don't tell me what to do
This team will go 8-9, no ploffs, no draft pick. It is the phins way.
Did someone call achane a faggot recently or something? He's been playing like he wants some real money.
they'll have a meme loss. I'm not sweating it
Jesus christ..
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>oh ho ho, not so fast, what facemask, just the phins pla?
yeah cuz the tard helmet
he's not wearing it though
playin around*
no but i did upset a FtM trans person while drinking by saying "thank God, i thought i might be gay" when they told me
Wait, that was super late...
Be nice to her.
That was interference kek
it's ogre
Tua ALMOST got himself caught there. He probably should've ran for it but good route by tyreek. I guess he remembered how much he's overpaid finally.
there you go tyreke
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Defensive coach btw
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Wait for it
almost feels as good as bustin a nut let's fucking go boys
I wonder genuinely sometimes how much car companies and jewelry companies pay for the nonstop fucking ads they play. I don't think anyone has ever purchased either because of an ad they saw.
please dont condone him killing himself again
>Tom Brady ads
bro just leave me the fuck alone you cost the phins a fucking first round pick just fuck off to your commentary gig
It’ll be ok, babe.
cuz he got clowned
nah thats you
>everybody but the center
Hey mcreddit did a challenge right!
Just start every set of downs on 3rd down at this point.
nice spot ref fags took you long enough
how these dudes walking around with hoodies on in this humidity
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>le coolie calypso singer
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>draft shitdeur
>mark makes his fucking dad hc
>right back to tanking
I'm so tired, so very tired
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kek your colors are FUCKED
but yeah I still think this is an AI placeholder or something because its certainly not tua in the graphic packages.
The world would be better without attention seeking transexual tripfaggots
Rope yourself neckbeard
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Wow what a play
damn she is hot
Why did the phins let them get a touchdown? I don't understand what the fuck happened on those last 2 plays. Doesn't make any sense.
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>minshew can't even hit wide open cheerleaders

No you are
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cheerleader distraction, tale as old as time, also LMAO STOPPED ON THE 2
fuck you poyer
>go for 2 and blow it
of course ...
he was overrated as fuck in buffalo and now he cant even catch a TE
Yeah at least they did it on the 2 but they were all over them until those last 2 plays before the TD in a way that almost seemed purposeful. Defense went full retard.
That one blonde is pretty dangerous but sadly miami doesn't have many white cheerleaders left.
im at your window about to cry you son of a bitch don't look just keep watching
>this gay fucking new kickoff shit
just kill yourself refs
>complain about no white cheerleaders

god thats what makes them hotter
i think that's the first time ive seen it not hit the landing zone or touch a touchback
What pisses me off about tyreek remembering how to play football was its clear he was being a bitch for fucking 7-8 games.
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the desire to colonize is a powerful urge
lol raiders
idk if it was just mike mcd shitting the bed play calling or he gave up waddle wasn't doing much either
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he's a subhuman just like those he lusts after so its more shit mixing with shit.
Well some of it is if you're playing the phins you're going to cover hill and waddle. Also waddle is young and learning. He's at least tried and not had many options. Hill has outright fucked up and has acted like a bitch made pussy for months now. Also he spends every waking moment trolling retard tua stans on twatter instead of you know, practicing by beating his wife so he can be a better player.
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So you're saying nothing but bubbles?
lol i will accept this because i sense your passion on this, go phins
Does tua always throw floaters? He's gonna get his receivers killed
kek based
go phins.
Smith grabbed that shit like it was his first taste of pussy in a year.
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Yeah, his throws always look like they're in slow motion.
Did jones died?
He was forced to be a lefty by his coconutnigger dad.
Please be ok...
i swear other teams can pull that shit off phins only do well when rushing or letting tua throw a quick one we aren't getting deep balls anymore (lol) because the other teams are covering too well
Just took a high fiber Las Vegas Raiders
ok now it's ogre

(yeah right)
Well when you only have super complex plays that aren't actually complex they are just overwrought, for people who are divas or suicide themselves, and end up relying on specific deep moves with specific guys, its kinda easy to work counters.

Nice job ate changs!
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>double digit deficit in the 4th
Too many points for AP and Minshit to realistically score. It's over
she is nasty...i want to fuck her
>"hey why did you write on the mirror with lipstick?"
>I-I was filming a tiktok
>"So...*you're* the nasty one?"
women logic
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It don't matter, none of this matters
I’m sorry, baby. There’s always next week.
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the fuck? I'm supposed to be posting this but with picrel
nobody wins the Entropy Bowl sponsored by Crown Royal
You should know, puta.
I'm glad I don't have anything to drink today.
minshew isn't even an XFL qb
why the fuck does he have an nfl roster spot
how will the phins lose their 1st round pick this year bros? mcd smoking weed, tua endorsing concussions, hill beating a cheerleader?
Hill pulls a Henry Ruggs
I thought they were already fucked for the 1st round with 3 wins kek
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>finally draft best overall in the first round
>pans out
>team is still fucking shit
Ah, the Khalil Mack career path
who the fuck was that throw for?
>commentary trolling and cursing players
The crowd lmao
why is he even out there, is AOC still hurt?
.... holy fuck what is the fucking excuse there phins you HAD HIM
phin bros..it's grover..
Nonconsecutive president bros we are so fucking back
this fucking defense is the fucking worst at tackling
no matter who wins, we all lose
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A few weeks out of date, but probably still true.
Defensive coach btw
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At some point I just started appreciating the excuse to day drink on a Sunday
bros a bee is trying to get into my beer, wtf do i do?
>guy on the tracker show on cbs was oliver queen (green arrow) on smallville
oh shit he's alive still!
That's what the AXE body spray is for, bro.
Beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder
Just bee yourself
I hope the chuffs vs bills is a draw
I hope the bills slaughter em...and amari cooper has 6 TDs..
>whopper ad
>"this is a whopper of a play"
I hope the mutt gets fucking killed on the field.
hey zeus crispy...
fucking thank you
darnay holmes, welcome to the UFL
i-i-i-is it ogre?
Unless the phins phin it up or the raiders become magically good in the next 3 minutes I think it may be done. As a lifelong phins fan I am not remotely cocky or confident kek
>backfoot throw for a TD
oh fuck, that is rare, shouldn't ever happen
>making noodle arm tua look like a gunslinger
gg, team sux
I wish someone would make a good turn based strategy gladiator team game like that xbox game gladius. That game ruled.
i know that feel
tua is a gunslinger. stop falling for the bullshit espn is giving you.
Dolphins could legitimately have the superb owl trophy in their hands and I'd be sitting at home going "they are going to drop the trophy now aren't they?" kek
ok it's finally ogre
>Gardner Minpoo II
>dolphins thread full of tripfags
Of course the most annoying fanbase is equally annoying on here too.

top kek
aids is the only phin one here, retard.
I have been here for a while. also is this your first game posting?
Goddamn, minshew is so fucking bad, man, laughably bad, like drink a bottle of tequila at church bad, holy fuck
>throwing a play
>#2 on the raiders celebrating that stop
Both of these teams are retarded.
I miss Ryan Fitzpatrick
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Oh shit colts scored and jets are losing
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minshew doesn't know what a clock is
Ramsey knocked the fuck out of him kek
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based retard goat
Dolphins fucked up their draft spot
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Tua fighting to not be replaced by his clone another week.
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>When you beat your enemy they win
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Goddamnit Cleveland!
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as long as the patriots and jets suck everything is good in the world
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Watch out Broncos we're coming
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>tfw he gets drafted by the Browns
Miami is not going to be on there. they are going to challenge more for the 7th seed. they have an easy schedule the rest of the way.

>will get fucked in the first round yet again
>jets lost
This is starting to look like the Brasileirão when Fluminense was tri-Demoted to the lowest division in less than 3 years

Get fucked Broncos

Jets and Defeat is a pleonasm
this thread staying alive just shows how shit the nfl is
You're a fucking retard.
Reminder that Temujin is a woman.
Don’t believe Temujin’s lies.
also a kwab
I love my wife Temujin.
share plz
Whats it with you faggots bumping old threads
Whatever happened to that Tua bahamanigga?
He still posts, just not as frequently.
Paradise ButtRaiders
cry ab it
Raiders just scored another touchdown.... Miamibros how do we respond?
an Idaho tourist mommy tricked him into secks then robbed him lol
fuckin kek keep going you anonimous hero
Temujin is a latina Raiders fan.
oy vey Temujin ain’t gonna like this!
Temujin is a woman.
damn what a shit game
shit teams

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