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you tell me
I mean he tripled his net worth
If he didn't get any substantial blows that would leave him long-lasting effects, sure, anything is worth $20 million
If I needed it to support my family, or any other pressing matter, then yes.
Tyson said himself he doesn't care about legacy, it's just a made up word people keep repeating and doesn't mean anything to him
did you forget this guy is a convicted rapist and batshit insane. zoomers watch a few highlights on youtube and turn these fighters into idols baka
I think most dont realize what kind of inhuman shit people would do for just one million dollars, let alone 20
he is raping that blonde maiden right there and they are laughing
he didnt even get knocked out, nobody will remember in a week
He went to prison, he doesn’t care you inbred Arab faggot.
normal in trumps america
why is that white guy laughing, that somebody's wife
I would accept being paid tens of millions of dollars to take part in a fake fight
he was probably indebted and still is
Women have devalued the word 'rape' to the point it's completely meaningless now, what did you expect?
Is thr legal definition too lenient for you?
nothingburger specially these days
it's tyson, i can't imagine him fucking anyone outside of rape
Do you think they could stop him?
It’s from a movie.
I believe the conspiracy that Don King set that rape shit up
who exactly do you think got humiliated?
most famous boxer "losing" to a cringe social media idiot is humiliation
he accepted 20 million dollars to take part in a scripted event
to be fair, i WOULD in fact call that humiliating in this case due to who mike used to be, and who jake is
but it's not humiliating for the reason you think it is
cucks and pozfags
paul is even less respected now and boxing is in shambles
People said the same thing about previous staged fights. Didn't stop zoomers and retards from watching them
zoomers and retards are retarded, and 2024 was carny year for boxing even without paul.
You know Jake Paul has rape accusations of his right? I know you'll say false accusations since men typically don't believe their race is capable of rape, but I don't see colour when it comes to that kind of thing.
>retard beats up retiree, also retarded
>both have always been and will always be 2nd rate fighters
At least with Mike I can respect he's a legit crazy person. The Paul brothers have no excuse for their garbage "career"
He could release a new season of Mike Tyson Mysteries with ai replacing Norm
those accusations are contrived
Kind of now
But enough about Jake Paul.
From what I remember they took this photos while he was sleeping and unware? But who know, american media love this black man with white women trope.
Remember when they made a white girl said she likes her coffe like she likes her man. Hahaha totaly wholesome humor
Nothing about Airplane was wholesome.
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>/sp/ is so full of retarded /pol/ brainrotted zoomers they don't even recognize a joke picture from the Hangover anymore
jesus christ just fucking end this planet already
Mmm tanlines
5 seconds max
>has tanlines in the top but not in the bottom
Really makes you think.
fuck off everyone is tried of stupid niggers and faggots like you spamming them
20 mil for something nobody will care about in a week is a pretty good deal. This might be the best era ever for selling out
The Mao and Che tattoos are worse than the rape conviction.
That guy from the office isn't going to flash $20 million in front of him.
He’s a nigger
He was convicted and spent 3 years in jail for it, she had both a rape kit and video evidence corroborating he was there
Are you guys retarded

90s Mike was a drugged up psychopath, why would it be surprising that in a fit of coke and roid fueled rage he'd try to rape a woman
a famous woman here said he groped her during a tv show and Maradona stopped him
Genuinely don't understand people saying the fight was "rigged," "mid" and other words. FYI I am not an "insider" just a casual fan, but I saw a lot of WINNING last night.

WIN for Netflix, already the leading streaming entertainment company, who proved they are ready to enter the high-stakes world of live sports and bring fans the breathtaking thrills they demand. (Yes I understand a few people had bandwidth issues, but the majority of fans enjoyed nonstop action all night long).

WIN for Most Valuable Productions, who put together arguably the best and most-hyped card in all of boxing.

WIN for Mike Tyson, who held his own despite being 58 years of age and 20 years out of fighting.

WIN for Jake Paul, who stepped into the ring against one of the most ferocious boxers of all time.

WIN for lovers of TECHNICAL boxing — no, there wasn't a big "knockout" or lots of blood — but there was excellent, highly defensive, strategic fighting. A thinking man's fight.

In general, I would be proud if I were associated with this fight. Netflix and MVP truly pulled off magic.
I watched Mike Tyson for his boxing not irrelevant rapes from #MeToo seeking whores. Get a brain you sheep. Though he was washed from being in prison when I saw him fight.
im never gonna pretend to know a celebrity, but he unironically mellowed out and is clearly regretful of a ton shit he did when younger
/box/cel damage control
millennials and Gen x suck this faggots off and most were alive during the rape trial lol. why do you faggots project everything on zoomers. millennials entire childhood culture was sucking off blacks
jake paul could lmao what a BITCH
Who's the blonde?
Bro you can piss in my mouth for 20 million dollars
Hell I'll smile the whole time and you can film it
In fact, forget the 20 million dollars
>a few people had bandwidth issues
>a few people
Your mother
crazy how mayweather didn't pay up and paul can't do shit without exposing all his fights are contractually rigged
If fighting in some meme boxing match with some YouTube celebrity guaranteed me $20 million, I'd do it in a heartbeat
Reminder that after paying off agents/netflix/fees etc, he was left with just over 5 million in his pocket
How much did she stand to gain from that accusation?
Tyson is deep in debt, I'm sure he gave zero fucks and improved his financial situation
Apex lel and based
They saw some Joe rogan clips, that's genuinely it, Mike tyson was never that good of a fighter it's literally just Joe rogan and left over hysteria from the 90's.
I'd say it was worth it, yeah. That was some easy money.
>nooooo not the hecking women!!
Who gives a fuck
isn't that like the bare minimum to run for president in your country nowadays?
>one million for each punch that he threw
Someone's daughter
did they really pay her 20 mil to sleep with a nog?
You really think Mike lost because he was paid? Mike lost because he’s an old has been. Well.. that is if you consider being a can crusher an ever was
Bradley Cooper

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