Fuck the city of buffalo, treating this meaningless regular season game like they just won the superbowl. Fucking pathetic can't wait for my Chiefs to shatter their hopes and dreams in January again.
It's funny because you fags thought for sure you were going undefeated
>>145722310Dude Allen literally said it's just another game.
>>145722375They would get smashed by 40 the second they played Detroit in the owl
>>145722310My hot wings are especially delicious tonight with your salt on them
buffalo or detroit, the championship IS coming back to the rust belt
>>145722310Seethe cope dilate. You queefs fans were celebrating beating the fucking Raiders of all teams. Have some humility. If it wasn't for BS luck you would be 4-6
>>145722930they are not actually chiefs fans, they are just attention deprived retards. Real Chiefs fans went to bed early tonight
>>145722310I will rub my penis all over T-Swifty's face and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>145722983Kelce would booty blast you with his dick over shoulder while you cry
>>145722406>>145722310it's not a regular game, it's a tiebreaker game. all that has to happen is the choofs lose one more and Buffalo goes undefeated for the next 7 weeks. Then guess who has the number one seed?
>>145722310It was the play of the year.
he's so mad he made a thread